The jury heard how a day after attacking her friend with acid that disfigured her for life, Mary Konye pretended to give her a shoulder to cry on, sending Naomi a text that read "OMG, I can't believe it."
The pair, who had been friends since secondary school, fell out in April 2011 after Naomi allegedly accused Konye of texting her boyfriend and called her an "ugly monster".
Konye later claimed in court that Naomi set up the attack and asked her (Mary) to 'play the stalker' and throw the acid on her face, which was all part of an elaborate plan to be rich and famous. But the jury of eight men and four women didn't buy her story and found her guilty.
Mary Konye will be sentenced March 7th.
Nawa o....nkan be @baybie_minaj
Justice atlast.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Dts a life's stigma...Choi! what jealousy can cause...ladies settle ur grudges amicably and stop quarreling over a dude oooh. Wonder if d guy wil stil be her boyfriend naw??? #question of d day...
Wonderful News!
wow it's just crazy! females n jealousy...
friends can't be trusted.
Nice one. She has 2 face it.
send her to jail!! life imprisonement
Yes!! Finally!!
Jealous idiot!!
Father separate me from every evil friend in Jesus name!! Amin!!
Chia, wat jealousy can cause, plz ladies learn to control ur temper, if u av issues wit ur gf, jst say it
Thank GoD at last
@~BONARIO u too dey fast die.
before i type u don comment na wa o.
Justice atlast
God please reveal my jealous friends to me so I can separate from them before they harm me.
The evil that men do live after them. God will judge her!
How many years? Pls give her d amount of years she deserves.... Stupid jealous moron
Dey shld first bath her wit acid b4 dey sentence her. Devil daughter
The evil that men do live after them. God will judge her! Christy
Will the Nigerian judiciary system ever be this fair and thorough?
Justice @ last. God av mercy on us all nd keep our path nd dat ☀f jealous frnds far apart.
Lord seperate me from unfriendly friends mke them to be blind and their ways to be slippery in jesus name! Choooooi cos of a useless man ! Envy , jelousy wickedness, jesus! Hv mercy and deliver us from devuorers
Finally. .. wt a selfish friend
Her fake lies did not help her again. Go to jail ugly monster
Thank God for justice at last..hope naija justice re learning cos if it was nigeria,na something else we go hear..
Life imprisoment should'nt pass her by.....
Bestfrnds will never be my thing..... We can be frnds but not best frnds....
Thank God her friend has been exposed to be behind the evil act.this is how people perpetrate their deadly act all in the name of islam.
Justice! All those whitewashed story didn't save her neck
Girls!! Some are a direct descendants of Jezebel. That cannibal friend should be sentenced 2 a cell with no lights.
Looking at this innocent gals face, she is disfigured for life..... As in no man will find her attractive again.....
@least if she lyk mke she go dey pour pple acid 4 jail dem go 2 beat her
Baby oni, come down naija u hear, make i carry yu go one baba make yu swear for that idiot....
Thank u LORD.
chai God forbid!see what jealousy can cause..beware of evil friends..me these days I'm afraid of people oh..you dont know who to trust again..those two words ency and jealousy are very dangerous!!
I heard somebody say justice at last',its never justice well served in the long run. You will be surprised at what the court judge will pass as deserving sentence.The most she will get is 5 years,and i assure you she will be let loose into the community on probation after 2 years. The ultimate sentence is duly God's,not UK judges. I feel sorry for the lady,bcs thats a permanent scar. Its a fucked up system,i just wish no one will get into problems with the system .This goes to people intending to come live in the UK. Play safe,dont entertain friends you dont know too well,and just stay out of trouble. I hope this goes well with intending visitors or students in the UK
One has got to be really careful. How can a friend pour acid on another friend. Jealousy is really the root of hatred
Dis one na ode...are u d one dey threw acid on??? Hiss
May God give her a repentant heart so as to b sorry 4 her sin.
Attempted murder should be the charge, therefore Mary should be expecting a minimum of 15yrs in jail! justice served.
Justice has been done. #jealousy can kill, beware
news from nigeria nollywood
The heart of a man is desperately wicked.she should enjoy her term in prison joor.
Imagine d damage done bcos of ª petty jealousy,wat ª devilish act, u don't ave to fly @ nites to be ª witch,she's one,I pray she's sentenced to life imprisonment,Amen
Gosh!how a human be this wicked? They should sentence her 4life...SMH.
She deserves it let stay in jail 4 life
Unfortunately,this is d uk n she might only get a few months
Dis is so crazy.....GOD.....
Father seperate me 4rm evildoers IJN.
Sentence her 2 life imprison,den send her 2 Nigeria 2 come and serve her prison terms. Mr _melvin-say so
How can someone ask you to disfigure her for life bcos of fame? She should be given life imprisonment.
Thank God she's found guilty but nomata the kind of sentencing they give to the friend it cannot bring back mary konye beautiful face again...wish it never happened at all.
Mehhhn! I like oyibo people, swift justice. Dem no dey waste time @ all. Unlike in naija here, Aluu 4 murderers n other evil perpertrators r still enjoying their own miserable lives. #vexing
Thank God for the jury.
Need to put a face to this monster Mary konye..
Gals and envy. That's so fucked up.
Justice at last
Hmmmmm.......enemy within is the worst ever! Pls Lily don't fail †Î¦ update us with Ʈђε̲̣̣̣̥ judgement, â„“̊ can't wait. #welldone#
Why on earth should girls fight over a man??at the end of the day,he might end up with neither of u.father,pls separate me from such friends
She gave Naomi a stigma to carry for life...life imprisonment will do for her
Finally! Praise GOD!! justice at last!
Too bad
Shonibare,Shonibarin( Watch your friend,Watch your Company)!!!
I know say na dat winch do am b4! Hian!
Shonibarin,Shonibare( Watch your Company,Watch your Friend)
I thank God they found her attacker. I tell you females na God go save us from jealousy oh....like seriously why can't babes hash out their problems and move on....
I pray the Bitch gets LIFE with hard labor idiot like her...
That's why sometimes i rather have male friends cos some females have close relation with the devil....lol but seriously
Thank God for the truth has prevails. May God almighty continue to deal wit those dt want to stain Al-Islam
My dear,jealousy isn't jst a thing for ladies in this age and time.Men and women have unleashed terror on their fellow humans out of jealousy.I knew this she devil was nothing but innocent.What pains is that no matter the punishment given to her,she has cheated her friend big time!
what a horrendous and a diabolical act! there are other ways of dealing with insults…seriously the issue between the two was so trivial but has now left a lifetime impact on both of their lives.
Few months? This is GBH o
Justice at last. I hope she gets a life sentence. Beware of jealous friends! We all have them.
Hope she burns! Hilary Obiorah
I pray she is sentenced to death by drinking acid
Women always think with their pussy.
20yrs imprisonment I pray for her
Too bad of her. Poor pretty gal.
That's a very good news so so for Naomi.
Chika Ike's PA, u no sabi read abi. Konye bathed Oni with acid cos Oni called her ugly.
I pray u'll neva see guy jealous act o. They can kill bcos of their gf talkless of their wife.
She will be released some day and it doesn't bring back her friends disfigured acid face
Tank God justice at last
Finally she'll get the punishment she deserves
Friends since secondary school? ! And she did this over a petty fight? God I have to stay away from friends o.
She truly deserve ÈŠ̝̊̅t̶̲̥̅̊.kemi F
E be like say e dey get alert for him fone wen new jist hit d wall...........Triple A to da M.
A fellow woman is a woman's greatest enemy. Whether the woman is known to you or not . If we pray God reveals our friend-enemy, our unknown enemy nko or our enemy-enemy???!
Which kinda yeye story b dat....mehn dz mary no sabi lie even d deaf won't blive such fake full of lies story.bfore d sentence her ,an acid shuld b poured on her to make her rich nd famous.FOOL
Which kinda yeye story b dat....mehn dz mary no sabi lie even d deaf won't blive such fake full of lies story.bfore d sentence her ,an acid shuld b poured on her to make her rich nd famous.FOOL
Father lord separate me from evil friend
Just so sad, and all because of a man you are not even married to...? Lord have mercy
The Konye girl is stupid, claiming it was a plan, even if so, why would she agree to be the one to pour acid! Meaning she can kill if asked.
WOMEN! We are our own WORST enemy
I pray 2 almighty ALLAH 2 separate me nd my family frm evil doers.Amin
She deserves to rot in Jail...
Family can't be trusted either
@bonita, yea she rele has cheated her bigtym...no surgery can give her back dt luk! I just pray d grace and mercy of God to see her tru dis turmoil..
@badoo, lol 20 yrs too small sef. Such a wicked heart!!! Stil may d mercy of God prevail..
D girl deserves a death sentence. For the victim, I assure you of getting your face back don't worry.A nice surgery section would transform you,you would even come out looking more beautiful than you were, its fixable.
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