According to reports, Luda and Tameka Fuller (pictured left), were class mates at Benjamin Banneker High School in Atlanta. They dated briefly back then and kept in touch over the years. Ludacris and Tameka welcomed a daughter, Cai Bella Bridges, on December 9th. Eudoxie is still with him.
Congrats to them
Luuda Baba!!Naffin do you! Carry go!U are born to produce!!!
Atleast he wsnt outta d radar.old flames hv a history of bin gud bby mamas.Their biz as usual abeg
I swear d baby mama luks lyk Jada Smith. As 4 d pregnancy ish, well it's simply okarfor's law of congodynamics- i.e once a Congo has bin shined once, it can always b shined again as far as it z shined well d first tym.
All dis women dat stay with men dat cheat, I jst don't get it.
all i can say is that i love that snake skin gown....moving along
Apparently having Baby mama is the in thing.
Need to go get me mine asap
- Jesse aka Naija Madiba
yeah...a very OLD friend indeed..shugs!
Okafor's law
Na wa oh
Gd 4 them......babymama.
Old flame never die....#whoknwmannaemdekillman
Na wa for men. They will never be a different man on earth.
#nxt please#
Confused man, if u ask me.
Linda, no post my comments ooo. Your usual manner.
Awon alabasha!
I pray is just this woman.....Having children outside wedlock seems to be the in thing.....God help your pple
Baby mama is invoke oooo
Same way DWade's baby mama is an old friend and old girlfriend.
Luddah!!! That's what it is when ladies (the wife) slacks. :)
Old flame=baby mama things! Its good his fiancee is still with him.
Lol witty talk !
okay I'll join the group and let u all know the truth
The baby mama looks like Jada Pinkett.
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Smh for ludacris
Its hurts! Baby mamas for ur hubby or boy friends, sometimes they even ve guts to call you and say rubbish.
Not a suprise
Looool...okafors law.nice one.
Eudoxie is handling dis very maturedly...the Kardashians shud learn from her.
Norrin do u Luda! U hol the cash...why she no go still dey wit u?? Materialistic women! Fake ass bitches!
All this old time friends and sex is so sweet mehn, i no go blame luda. me still dey reason knack one of my old fling again, she too make sense mehn.
Ok seen....Nexttt!!!!!!!
Lol sharp confused luda!!
Na really Congodynamics...lol
So how will he leave with the two of em...luda!!!! u too much..
Na spirit dem dey invoke ooo. You mean in vogue!
black men are the worst!! bloody germ bags! so he is having sex bare back with more than one woman?!! this is why HIV/AIDS is REALLLL!! Remember HIV/AID Victims look NORMAL bcoz medication is advanced they live a normal life n look healthy. therefore HIV/AIDS has NO face. and all these senseless men want to be having sex recklessly.
'In Vogue' not invoke
Old friend indeed!!!! Hmm
Luda no carry last abeg"
she is after child support money.
Men can be sooooooooooooo foolish just compare d babymama and d fiancee oldwitch
Omo! See hungry! Luda, congrats. Lindodo, nxt pls
@ Anony 5:52. Olodo! Mr knackson. U want knack ur old flings abi. She be nail? She too make sense yet u no marry her. AIDS is real o. Ewu cane beer
Eudoxie, my beautiful African princess, go back to Med school and forget this Akata wahala. Get your own money
Tamika,Shaniqua...typical baby mama names..hian!
Onye ISI anonymous
lools. Cnt stop laughin @ okafors law
JƱڪτ̲̅ shut up
Congrat to them.
Big Congrat to them.
Lmao oh!!!!!!nor be only invoke,na exvoke
May God help you
Babe u be proper warri girl.
Lauren thomas, don't be silly. Stop talking razz....its nt fitting for a lady.
Luda says they're not engaged. Eudoxie gave up medical school and was unenterprising: She didn't stash the money he gave her to do for self: no blog, no boutique, nothing. She banked on being the girlfriend and lost. DWade is trying to wife Gabby. Luda's giving interviews saying he's not engaged and never has been. As ride or die chick, Eudoxie just renewed for another five years as lead girlfriend.
Omoh dis Eudoxie gal make Sense die #Iswear
@Lauren thomas I cnt help but laugh ur soo funny
Congrats to them.
@ bumshasha it makes me weak I MEAN WEAK.
after my husband will say there is nothing wrong with him keeping in touch with his exes. smh!
#gbagaun *its in vogue not invoke
Big congrat 2 dem
Na wa for this new trend. Engage to someone, and get another pregnant.
It is well
Hmmm is luda! when i was 13......
Lol.... U cracked me up with this. And what's wrong with Anon 7:44? Please loosen up. I'm sure you are so stuck up you act like you don't poop whereas you'll bring the roof down with your stink. Lauren, carry go jare! Life is short.
Congrats? To whom Luda or the babymama? You dey surprise me anyway. probably you don't know the meaning of babymama
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And when u move to the next man he will still cheat.... so its better u stay with d one u already have.
well she as always been der even b4 he got famous..xo let dem both have sumfin to share about..and for d engage lady..lol..ur own no sure..una fit seperate even 2morow..just born n get ur own share
I don't get it,y not engage d "one" u re straffing?? Engage one then get anoda pregnant,its crazy,then d one that got engaged will still stay,see now that useless baby mama has d nerves 2 call out gabby,them just dey start,na world war 5 wan happen so,smh
What is wrong with all these useless men?
It is better to be a living baby mama than a mama that kills and aborts all the babies in her womb yet come out here pretending to be holy ! Abortion queens u know ur selves here !
He z sharing d luv, no crime in dat.
When have u ever heard of a faithful black man xcept my future husband *wink* but seriously girls sell themselves a little 2 short cs believe it or nt there are good men out there----C21
Lauren thomas, u just cracked me wt ur real fact. A congo once shined can always b shined. NG ONYE UWA say so
One thing that baffles me is this shameless ladies coming out to get cheap publicity over these stars! B4 we accuse this stars, we should ask ourselves "why did they open there legs wide for them knowing full well these stars are engaged"? That means them thereselves are not responsible & should never act las if there the ones being cheated on!
Nothing is hidden unda d sun.
@jesseDaPhynominon......Its not by having a baby mama. Its by ur cash @ hand and cash in d bank. So no go comitt adultery. Stay wit ur wife or zip up.
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