The school management shared the bulletin above announcing the indefinite closure, and asked all students to vacate the school premises until further notice. Exams have also been put off until further notice.
Trouble started at the University yesterday after the VC Prof. John Obafunwa refused to re-open the registration portal for over 1200 students left to register for examinations. (See the story here)
May God Help us o, The Saga is going Gaga.
Dat dude must die or resigns.yes I said so
Another indefinite strike for them. violence is never the answer to such problems.
Lol 9ja uni's re just messed up.
Hmmm,,,,another wahala..
Hehehe Nigeria is turning to sumthing else oooo....shey dose students dnt want to graduate on tyme ni.....dy don spoil der skool nw...abeg na where dy won cum receive lecture wen d matter don settle....dy suppose dy tink b4 acting anyhow
Teacher caught in the act with student in school premises
Teenager Caught Having Sex In The Bush With A Married Man
Lady Uses Fuel Pump To Satisfy Herself From orgasm
Woman goes to a Public Funeral without Under Wear, see what happened Next…
Mmmsssheeww, Lasu n there retard vc's... Hussein do him own comot, dis one too dey show himslf...
♓☺w can students pay 250k as fees nd VC go stil ge̲̅t̲̅ mind takee close portal. These authorities just take students for granted. Wish †̥hε̲̅M̶̲̥̅ well, cos closure is so nt good rite nw. Afta 6months @ hme.
They fought their rights...
Fashola won't say anytin in dis matta now,how would dey expect studnts 2 pay 250k were will dey get d money from.wat a wicked gvt we hv
Saw that coming,the spirit of Aluta doesn't go without consequences
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Wahala dey. U go fear 1 yr strike na
Phase 2 strike courtesy LASU student, lasting. For another 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days, 6hrs, 6mins, 6secs
None of my business. ..next pls
The students just displayed themselves as touts around ikeja, spittin and raining curses on cars that did not paveway for them in dia aluta coaster bus. And I tot to myself 'are these students'? They just simply have nothing in dia thick sculls to write for exam
How I wish we can even burn our vcs office cars and house...d stupid arubayi of delta state university abraka has refused to re open the portal for us to register our courses...arubayi see enh ur generation wil suffer education misfortune as u think say u wicked. .. painful death on u if u lemmi come back for another year...tueh spits on u...linda u beta post this cus I dey para
This is getting out of hand...cheCk this out guys http://tasknjob.com/?share=117951
Choii! Aftr ASUU strike!
Too bad this happened after d long asuu strike. Guess they will be behind schedule because of their madness.
We are the leaders of tomorrow.. what happend to dat saying?
Na wa o. Where re we headed?
Fuck Public School.... I rep private Uni in developed nation like Syria.
Dis sch has just refused to let my friends graduate, my friends enrolled for part time since 2006/2007 session. They were happy they r writin their final exam n dis happens. I pity them. Almost 8yrs in sch,which shd only hv been 5yrs.
Afta how many month strike!!! Na wa oooooo
Obafunwa + fashola re bastards aswear, bunch of bastards dey re, am supose 2 graduate nxtwik oooooo chai em suppose break him head n nt his car alone
Naija when will all these rubbish stop?
Hmmmmm! Saw dat cumin.
Abegi, let d truth b told, do u kno wot it takes to bring 250k for skool fees? Wen is not a private university? D increasment is just too outrageous ,after payin 250k, he stil hav d gut to shut down d portal and u expert d student to happy? Although am not in support wit d fight, but d govt shuld do sometin, dis is gettin too much
After staying 6months at home,only God knws hw long dis is goin to take..hw can d portal for payment of school fee be opened and the one for course registration get closed. And then d VC is nw saying the 1 thousand plus student shud av extra year,after paying such amount....dis must stop,we will fyt till d end
House never tire this ones... Shut down indefinitely# Lol I read that1 well!!! When una resume, una go still pay 4 those properties wey una destroy. Time n money! 2zero be that na.
It could have been avoided but the authorities will not listen as always the case. To me the protest is justified. Aluta continua! Victoria acerta!
I begi,LASU na school,days to exams una still just won register,that 1 make sense?make them come try am for Ife...unserious students
May God help nigerian university #bright bravo#
If the closure can make the VC to reconsider his stand about the registration dateline,then I think its a good step in the right direction
Na wa o
Dey are all theives,God will punish all of Dem o...... 250k Na beans
Omg! These students went too far o...see indefinite strike sha
A wise Jonathan would look into this matter with Lagos state govt. and put pressure on the school to drop school fees to 50 thousand and be reopened in two weeks to meet up with the rest of the nation's academic calendar.
My dear not all 9ja schools..as far as 9ja is concern dere's only One University!!!! And yes it's in Lagos *shines teeth*
#That happy sister!
Mtsheeew aluta is part of Lasu nw... Lazy student, d skool mst ave given dem a deadline.. Abi why dem no register b4 dem close d portal. God know's u can't try dat in UNILAG..
Like I said violence never solves anything! A peaceful negotiation or march would have sufficed. But in Nigeria, everybody is looking for how to vent pent up anger, hence the inherent violence in the society. Hilary Obiorah
No matter what,Aluta continua, victoria acertia.
How can skl fees be 250k, its not fair naa. What abt d poor peeps among dem?is skl not meant 4 dem. Haba dey are fighting for justice n justice u guys shall get.
And as @ yesterday ppl payed dier sch fee...d portal 4 sch fees wasn't closed oo...buh dat of registration was,its seriously not fair dey begged n pleaded.
tommorow came and went yet the leaders of yesterday are still there.
Sometimes some vital issues are best solved the hard way. When dialogue fail to work what else do u expect from these poor students? They 've gone through alot already. I'm a living witness of both intellectual and physical struggle back @oau and we survived. Permit me to end by the saying, "If u fight u may win but if u don't u ve lost already" #aluta ascertia
Saw it cuming too.buh doesn't make sense staying at home indefinately again.buh dey gat no choice.and fashola won't do anytin.d fee is much.well na market strategy,if u can't buy wat am sellin,go else wher.
Na waa ooo, afta 6month of strike hhhhmmmm na waa make unaa do go marry ooo lasu student
Dats gud de have join asup
I'm sure they will be happy now.
Fuck all those fucking students... May be they've tired of studying... So lecturers go rest and money continue... Student education stop anyway... So you got no worries.. Lect's
Dunno wat education system is turning into. They sha want to ruin this country with corruption. My God will neva give them the grace to do so IJN amen.
Hope dis will make them do the right thing i.e reduce tuition fee
Aluta Continua,Victoria Acerta!!!!!!
I so love Nigerian Student.
Linda I'm a laSuite ooo,n I swear LASU is the biggest regret in my Life...God plz let diz cup pass me by. btw bin following ur blog cinz 2006 but diz my 1st comnt sofar #ObeHi#
Yawa don cast !
Fuck all those fucking students... May be they've tired of studying... So lecturers go rest and money continue... Student education stop anyway... So you got no worries.. Lect's!!!!!
Fuck all those fucking students... May be they've tired of studying... So lecturers go rest and money continue... Student education stop anyway... So you got no worries.. Lect's!!!!!
God,pls help us.kemi F
Hmmmmm Wα̲̅†̥ a govt wehv. Hw I wish I could turn d hand of clock aniway neva too late sha
I saw that coming,another five months strike for them.
I am speechless, and saddened by this news because am an APC supporter and Fashola admirer..... 250k for a state University is Outrageous
U sound daft. Idiot!!!
Apart frm indefinite strike they shld get ready to pay for every damage caused either by them or nature...they shld ask Adeyemi College Ondo Students ow long they waited @home and damage fees...Violence is neva d answer! They shld take a cue from OAU students. Happy Holidays lasuites! Smh
Find out wah we are fighting for first b4 u start commenting and saying rubbish u calling us TOUTS I tink u are sick I paid 250K n u telling mi I shldnt protest after paying and couldn't register....u fit pay 250K for skool fees ni? U dey der dey yarn dust
Violent can never be the solution...!!!
Two bars there,bruh.lol
@annoy 9:06 u hv said it all...gaining an admission in LASU has become my greatest nightmere! Even in my dream i say myself going 2 LASU gate i will wake up 4rm my sleep sharp sharp.*Tessykul*
Short of words,
Yea, just like u and dts y u spelt skull 'sculls' mumu of life
Violence is neva d answer. For all d damage done they shld get ready to pay weneva they call them back. Lessons frm Adeyemi College of Education ondo student violence.
Lasu is a regret to lasuites,both full time and part-time,school fees is expensive,lecturers are not regular as if dats not enough,every VC wants to be know for sumtin noth worthwhile at the detriment of the students.Fuck Lasu Directors and Management.
U're such an ARSE!
From frying pan 2 fire. If only the school had extended the exams 4 just a week, everybody would have paid and all this lost of properties and vandalism wudnt have happened. Pls is it now a crime 2 obtain certificate in Nigeria? When will this country learn 2 love its own citizen abi till someone have beard like a Taliban before he/she is gonna be awarded with a univ certificate. The vc should resign honorably that will be the right thing 2 do and that indefinate strike should better find a way 2 be definate so as 2 allow students graduate and fulfill their destiny.
Greatest lasuite. Am so happy dis happend coz if he was frm a wretched ome and his parent ad to suffer b4 payin his skool fee he wldnt open dat his stupid mouth to sai all dose words and to all dose sayin rubbish abt lasu student. Mind ur words if nt. Sango will clear u off
u guys shud reason b4 u talk, students are nt fightin over d 250k fees is abt after payin dis nd nt been able to register, automatic extra year den pay anoda 250k again, pls u wnt take it easy if u a victim here , d vc is jst one stubborn motherfuker like if he open d portal it wnt take notin from him he jst wanna act stubborn nd wicked , he dos nt care abt d student imagine tear gas all over d skwel meanin we can all I die he dosnt care .
Yes Lasuites are razz but closing up the school INDEFINITELY isn't the solution to the spilled milk..That VC sef no get children?
The truth is this students are jst dump! Dere r beta ways to do dis. After returning from 6 months strike all dey can do is to start fighting! Aren't dey thinking of their future! Sometimes violence is nt the best answer they could have plead than for them to do this. Maybe they need to be reminded there's age limit in getting a job nw! So fight well and get ready to sit in your fathers house. Some tymes I wonder if we are actually Graduating students or touts!!!!!
You r mad! Its cos u av nothing in ur thick "SCULL" dats y u spelt "Skull" as "SCULL"....Olodo Oshi!....did u find out d cause of d issue! Rubbish!
Na wao
May God intervene in all this things, education is gradually getting out of the rich of the poor. Meanwhile all these people got it for free, or paid next to nothing. May God judge them all.
There's a tide in the affairs of men...when taken at the flood....leads on to great FORTUNE!....Buchi
Thank God I chose DELSU ova dis crazy LASU, if not I wud av still been an under-graduate...LASU agberos(as I wud luv to refer to their students) are too violent and don't knw hw best to approach situations of life with common sense. May God help them sha as they av bagged themselves additional sit at home...as if assu strike and d dec break was nt enough for them. #SMH#
This 1 fit reach 1yr sef
All these VC in LASU ar very wicked imagaain we were to pay 5k again dat d account we pay to could not be trace. Project fee. Anthony campus.
How can u expect students to pay such amount.what for.till i left ife in 2004,accomodation and schl fees was 2590.expect for students who try to sell dia space.wen it is not a private schl dis isnt fair.
na so our honourable house of reps and senators take start before they become fuji house of commotion
Easy there.... its DUMB...
Trace ur words first... every other thing shall be added onto thee
My question is why must student pay 250k even after lecturers(VC) went on strike, and demanded billions of naira frm FG?
The problem with many of you that have commented is ignorance. You know nothing of what happened, yet you make crude remarks. The VC had been begged everyday since the 17th of Dec to re-open the portal for students who had to struggle to find the means to pay the 250K to register their courses... Pleas and peaceful protests were made up until a day to the examz! But to no avail...Ofcourse y'all didn't hear bout all that ... He then decleared they will all have an extra year and still pay yet another 250K ! Pls, use ur heads, no matter the school you attend, no one will take this lightly. - Brayz
Shut to those who are saying dey wen too far, if you have 250k to pay do other, have the money. Some people go just dey talk any how. Hisssssssssss. Post dis Linda so dat dem go think well.
I tink ders a lil tin here I don't tink. Pple understnd if u read wts on dat bulleting d sch is sayin d riot is abt d closin of d sch portal, while if. U notice d new and d comments of student dey. Are tokin abt d sch nt gv dem time 2pay up deir tuition fee as d amount is heavy n more difficult 2raise. Well in ma own opinion vc shld be change! Cuz I tink dt man has been into educational system 4 2long he has lost d zeal 2serve. Hw cn u call student who has nt paid an outragoues amount of abt. 250k in a govt uni insignificant? Dts totally unfair his lucky dey dint roast him or chew him raw. I hope lagos state assemb ly wuld review d tuition fee n change d vc for peace 2reign. Well u look 4 trouble dts wat d out comes is. Am nt in support of violent but it seems lik in dis part of d world dats d language certain pple understnd u gotta spk it 2dem.
And u claimed you went to great ife with this terrible english. Obviously the school didn't impact on you. One thing is clear,the glory of a school you attended is not directly proportional to your ability or personal development.
#That happy sister!
Linda we been asked 2 evacu8 d hostel we were forced out of d school hostel dis morning b4 6am,dey actually came last9t nd we pleaded. so we left dis morning,v.c wud av been dead by now if he adnt escaped in police uniform.No V.C comes out alive is eida u resign or u die. Sabi he said he only deals wif dead bodies we ll show him dat we r walking corpse.
Linda we ve been asked 2 evacu8 d hostel we were forced out of d school hostel dis morning b4 6am,dey actually came last9t nd we pleaded. so we left dis morning,v.c wud av been dead by now if he adnt escaped in police uniform.No V.C comes out alive is eida u resign or u die. Sabi he said he only deals wif dead bodies we ll show him dat we r walking corpse.
I am a lasuite n am proud to be from the prestigious faculty of law........every year lasu produces 1st class student 4rm lawskul we'v had an outstanding performance,M nt a dull student n lasu has bin d best choice eva. Anonymous 906 guess u as dumb as ur comment I dnt blame u mayb if read ur buks n get gud grades it wnt b ur grtest regret. In other news lindodo post my comment.
Am an ex lasuite#yes lasu is a razz skool buh da students aint shy to speak out and be proactive.if only we had dat more in dis country,we won't be taken for a ride by our politicians.And am so hapi I went to lasu,I became a bold and confident dude neva shy to speak out when necessary.TEAM LASU#i rather be razz(though to a certain level) and not intimidated dan to be a law abiding fool in madonna or covenant.
Thet wudnt hav gone dis far, dy shud ask UNN students hw it ws in dia tym nd hw much dy paid for reparation fee.I jst feel for d final year students.
Thet wudnt hav gone dis far, dy shud ask UNN students hw it ws in dia tym nd hw much dy paid for reparation fee.I jst feel for d final year students.
People just open dier filthy mouth to talk....when dey knew dey couldn't afford d 250k,y did dey venture it? I stayed @ home for 4 good years b4 I gained admission all bcuz my parents couldn't afford A private uni 4 me..... I can categorically tell u d portal was opened during strike but because of d negligence of students n d way dey take things with levity made dem think dey ll register even a week to d exam 'sebi lasu ni'......this is an academic institution 4 crying out loud not some sort of club house u can do whatever u like based on ur bar....we should effect d change in dis country from grassroots...#no hard feeling....
The school fees is just too exorbitant.
#Covenent university students ar abiding fools#....u dey craze oo,u vewii sily 4 dat statement,am sure u vewii jealous of dhe schl,yh am a covenant uni student,nd we aint fools,we just ''mentally stable'' students,unlike u.... Mcteew!
Fool like u....re u paying 250k in unilag? Mumu..I am damn sure u can't afford dat...we re nt talking abt 15k here so jst keep ur fingers off d phone
Wow!!!u spoke or rather,'wrote' in good English!!!amazing!!!!!u really dnt deserve to be in lasu...may God take u to ur better place..
N I salute u too!u guys need to rid ur school of a those who claim to be in uni but spoken n written English is a great struggle for them...n yes,I'd rather be a lasuite dan be an alumnus of convenant,caritas or madonna or any silly private uni..
Oooooh purleeezze!just shut up u mr or miss 'I cudnt pass jamb n my money miss road parens decided to send me to a private uni' goat!u shudnt even talk!d fact dat ure 'law abiding'comes from fear..u can't speak ur mind n u'll do whatever ure told cos u lack d confidence to otherwise.as far as I'm concerned u guys are all cowardly caged babies who have been fed with milk n are terrified of d real world n I'll never ever wish to be u!!#Unique Uniport dat where I'm from!!
@ missy... to start wif u sound like sumone,hu sat 4 jamb 12 times.. i dnt blame u,u'r nt in d schl so u dnt knw wat goes down,yh we might nt av d freedom 2 go nite clubbing 4 a whole week,like u do,buh we sure..''raising a generation of leaders'',nd just 2 kip u updated,if u dnt pass jamb,u aint cumin to CU,so get ur facts straight b4 u blab!!!... i rep CU,4 life!
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