Kay Switch and girlfriend celebrate 1 year together with a smooch | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 23 January 2014

Kay Switch and girlfriend celebrate 1 year together with a smooch

DB Records artist and D'banj's younger brother Kay Switch has been in a sizzling romance with Meenakshi Monica Subramani, Miss Liberia 2011. They celebrated their 1year anniversary today and the ex-beauty queen shared a romantic pic on her instagram page (photo on the left). Guess she wants other chicks to know she's the main one...good for her! Hehe...


AnnMarie said...

Hmmm, love can be sweet at times. wishing them the best

Anonymous said...

I love this kind of kissing where the boy holds the girl's head with both hands #JustFantansizing# can somone ever find true love

Unknown said...

Nyc1. ... I nid a boo badly.... col** happy for them

Unknown said...

Must they snap to show the Universe? Can't people respect what is called "Privacy".They can also do some Quickie shots and videos and upload asap so we can clap for them........

Anonymous said...

A year and still counting.....

#That happy sister!

Anonymous said...

Had my first orgasm today
*evil grin*

Igor said...

Congrats,but you look like a pun in his game of chess.

Anonymous said...

Linda... ur comment is very bitter. What do u mean by 'she wants other chics to know she is d main one' what makes u feel there r othee chics? And even if there are.... how do u kno thats d reason she posted it? U need to chill

Igor said...

Congrats,but you look like a pun in his game of chess.

Anonymous said...

Its because she is a celebrity else if it were any close door neigbour trust me he won't do that..abeg aunt linda post my comment..next news please

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't know ooo,maybe its my eyes...dis girl too wogly or maybe its d pic sha,anyway congratulation


And he endedup washing his tongue inside her mouth,with dat his lips dats as big as PDP umbrella.
btw congrats to them.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Na Una sabi, razz gee.

Peejay said...

In Michael Jackson's voice..."Liberian Girl..."

Anonymous said...

I no fit laff...LmaO...jst 1yr? Dere mate dey celebrate 15yrs dem dey here dey do 1yr....gat a long way to go bro

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well congrat 2 dem

Anonymous said...

Good for them.

Unknown said...

1 year only and no proposal and she's feeling cool with her self instead of going for serious prayer. Tor! Keep celebrating yrs without a ring on your finger oooo baby girl mis Liberia. Till u grow grey hair before u will realize what u ve done to ur self. Congratulations anyway. *poppingchampeign*.

Anonymous said...

Bona! Bona! Bonario! How many tyms I call u? No go carry ant infested wood o

success igbinoba said...

So I should cry or start jumping hissssss

Nairaland said...

Haba, you too they insult person ooo. hmm, if i'm catch you

More hoot news @ news from nigeria nollywood

Amarachukwu said...

Good for them.lol

Anonymous said...

What happened to our naija ladies that our celeb guys always look outside for girlfriend/spouse... Nawa oh. Anyway congrats to them.

dhobiz said...

Is it my eyes or is she really not fine well.......his business though

Anonymous said...

How did K-switch snag a gal like that?! Hilary Obiorah

Phoenix said...

Nice one Bonario....u got me laughing sooo hard

Anonymous said...

Linda wot have I done to u dat u don't lyk posting my comments? Like seriously are we dating thesame man? We can't date same man,obviousely u lyk big dick and I don't, u love whit men and I love black men. I'm not taking anything away from you,the only thing we share is the name.. Pls I beg u be posting my comments. Thank you and happy thursday

Ginger said...

Lmao @Bonario, his lips as big as PDP umbrella
Bad mouth

Anonymous said...

Lmbo, Bonario, I guess this is how you make out. Loads of saliva with foamy slouches to seal it up. This just made me gag.

Anonymous said...

Ppl dey celebrate legal smooch then they celebrate illegal smooch

bravest hrt said...

Ok seen

Debbie Chelsea said...

Ok! Nice

Unknown said...

..Αηδ was he forcing d girl to kiss him?.K-Switch has got NO talent/swag as per being a good musician but thank ǤÕ̳͡D̶̲̥̅̊ for his bro (D'banj) sha! â„“̊ bet this girl is gonna have a baby bump soon!

Anonymous said...

At Bona, hw PDP umbrella b? Wot an exaggeration

Unknown said...

His nt even d one flaunting it #long hissssssssssss#

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I pray he doesn't break ya heart soon...#celeb life style#....general

sWIT G said...

lmao.bonario IF HE DOES THAT WITH A GUY NOW.. Una gO D COMPLAIN.. Nawa oh

Unknown said...

Lolz@bonario u jealous

Unknown said...

Gud for them

Bonita Bislam said...

Lol @pdp umbrella.Bonario u'r a case lol

Anonymous said...

Ride ‎On Ejanla jr. AbimbolaP

Anonymous said...

Hmm mm mm kehinde! So d other lagos babes like me are wot? Side chicks and flings abi? Hmmmm watching u wit 10D!!

Anygma said...

It had better be "still going strong" if your relationship just clocked a year. I'll extend commendation when they hit the 5 years mark.

wemimo said...

Awww cute..

Anonymous said...

Miss Liberia ! These guy is so cheap. I doubt he loves the gehl. She is obviously very cost effective to date. Plus she is a local champion. Not to say however, that she might not be beautiful should that be the motive. Our average naija babes beat this Liberian queen hands down! But hey, na love!!

LINDA said...


Anonymous said...

Ehn kwa Linda Nne'm.....so two people frolicking in d open now makes news?!!! Chei! Civilization or decadence?????

*******CAMILA ACAFA*******

Anonymous said...

In the sight if God almighty is this right,somebody that is not yet your wife u are publicly romancing her and celebrating one year ani.ogaaa oh...,,,,,uhmmmm.patossy

Unknown said...

Gud 4her

Edo finest said...

Na wao!dis girl is jes ugly,which kind beauty queen.liberian girls are very razz sef.

Unknown said...

Congrats to u guys, really nice

hayjay said...

So what is d gal feeling like? Mtcheew.

Anonymous said...

Biko she's 2wowo btw congrat 2dem

ARCHIE said...

And she thinks kay switch is really in love?nice 1 kay keep riding under ur bro influence

Unknown said...

Is gud 2 be in Luv

Anonymous said...

hahhhhaahhaahhaha kayswitch u don dey jembe abi.....happy for you but y u no see any fine nigerian ehn

Anonymous said...

Linda U̶̲̥̅̊ dey jealous ni?..

Anonymous said...

Dis grls ugly,well na dem sabi.congrats

Unknown said...

They haff tried. Its not easy.

Zenki brown said...

Linda like U said, Good for them.

Unknown said...

So He finally quite been Gay. Congratulations. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

Anonymous said...

LMAO....PDP umbrella? Hahahahahaha I just can't.

runty said...

And is dat news? "One year and stil strong" as if na 4yrs...wait til una marry before u start sayin sumtin like 10yrs and stil strong ok....Lindodo abeg next

Anonymous said...

U got me rolling on d floor with ur comment. Crazy dude u r.

Anonymous said...

Na woo,dis. Gurl dey cause trouble 4 dis guy.na chicks go make en album go sell oooo

Unknown said...

Wish dem luck.

Anonymous said...

Gud 4 her

@BOBO_EDO said...

Hehehehehehehehee.. @pdp umbrella.. Mumu boy... Lemme gaan block u on twitter b4 u retaliate


Unknown said...

This babe doesn't have taste at all. Warridis? And u're still postin dis and braggin?oh no

beckz said...

It will always be forever naaaa wen deres plenty money involve. See d gal wowo face

Anonymous said...

Yh,gud 4 dem...and more yrz 2geda..#hopefully....lol,bonario PDP umbrella#......#VINNY

Anonymous said...

D questn is *who took d pix? Awon ode meji public stunt.. werin concern us.. dat kiss waznt romantic sef, see as hin hold d gal head

wumy said...


Unknown said...

The way this libarian gal they holla kswitch name on her own birthday, make me they think say na kswitch dey celebrate the birthday.....

Unknown said...

Kswitch never say anything, aunty don already dey show case wey them they kiss.... On a birthday nobi cake and drinks person suppose show case...

Anonymous said...

now dedicating Michael Jackson's -Liberian girl....happy anniversary


♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Na dem sabi abeg

Unknown said...

Seriously, if na me babe dey show case like this, wahala go dey o.... Atlist Her family members celebrating with her is not bad for a start... Rather, na were person dey dash yu kiss yu dey show case.....

Unknown said...

If fear they catch yu say kswitch go leave yu for a nigerian beauty..... Na some of this actions go result to am o.... Take correction and amend ur mistake.....

Anonymous said...

Ya ya ya ya ya show off !! I give u 2month u will cum back nd announce it urself , u re nt even sure ' IF ' he will settle down with u .

Mystic Falls said...

Hmm K switch looks very happy. Love is the sweetest thing in the world. They both look happy and that is what matters. Good luck 2 u lovebirds...

Moi said...

Ha! What is wrong with posting a pic of her kissing her boyfriend. People sha get wahala..

Anonymous said...

Linda is it all stories you must post any ways good for them #bright bravo#

Lady K said...

Congrats to them. Meanwhile I am sending my own anniversary smooching pics and you gast to post oh. Cos me sef be celebrity for our yard. #flipyakkiweave

Nota said...

Lili n aproko,na kswitch tell U̶̲̥̅̊ say sidechicks D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥???

Anonymous said...

I can't believe kswitch is cheating on mi! We hv been dating 4 over 5yrs now.. Men r all d same..

BEN said...

Wait! If this lady is as the same height with kay switch, how den did she win miss liberia? Cos dat guy's very short o! Seen him b4.

Anonymous said...

linda when you go share ur own nahh... Or re u nt dating?? M' suspectin something o!#Ebenezer

Anonymous said...

1 year anniversary of dating! Kids are funny.

Anonymous said...

Lmaooooo, 1yr, n u jubilating?? Oshisco...*justpassin

Anonymous said...

U never see anything yet,wait for anode 1year u go know hw far. U r already jubilating 1year,u r so bush and local in fact u r still a babe bein in relationship and jubilating 1year! Bush babe! #booooooo! U go soon learn,wait! Lol!

Anonymous said...

Respec whose privacy exactly, Yours? Ehn, don't look at them if you don't want to see their privacy now. Na by force?

Anonymous said...

Bonario always trying too hard to be funny. *yawns

splendourdudie said...

All ds artiste be dating foreign girls and half casts! Wetin do Titi, bola, bisi, yetunde, nkechi, amina, tega? Abeg!

Walata said...

I'm happy for them or for her rather she shud pray it will last cos dis celebs r/ships dnt last its rare ms liberian gurl

Anonymous said...

na 1 yr u take dey hppy ni, mo sorry fun e . na ur eyes he go hppen.

Unknown said...

Linda... how u know say other chicks dey? aproko, no koba d guy o.

Anonymous said...

@ least she's taller than ur grammar

Anonymous said...

@ least she's taller than ur grammar

Anonymous said...

Bonario, you can be very disgusting and you know your fan base.

Anonymous said...

Have they disrespected your privacy?? They are adults and are free to either be private or not!

Anonymous said...

It's called PDA. If you are proud if ur girl, you hold her n kiss her anywhere. Bush boy.

whizzev said...


Unknown said...

Nice,let dem enjoy d moment now

Anonymous said...


MissBusyBody said...

One whole year with no proposal...? You are both learners....

jaybeyblu said...

Haha @ "the main one" linda what are you implying???

Unknown said...

So na him make ham won swallow d babe head al in d name of kiss? Linda mind ursef oooo. Abeg mk dem park well jooor

ebonyz... said...

That's nice!

Anonymous said...

Ode! Tnk God u said 1yr or dey shd v married d firstbday dey met?

Unknown said...

Good for them!

Anonymous said...

One year of committing fornication

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I get what Linda is saying because she definitely is his main girl - they've proclaimed their 'love' on social media so it is what it is :)
However I'm sure Linda knows there are MANY side chicks (one of which he wanted me to be but I refused to pretend as if I don't know these men have wives and gfs). I could tell you many stories about half the men I see on this blog who have a partner!!

Unknown said...


Dee Tee said...

Enough jor, make una go marry ooo | #NewsBlist

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