after the teacher and the minor started a tutoring session in her home. During her trial last year, the boy, now 14, told the court that she started by kissing him and progressed to giving him oral sex.
"I felt like she was a girlfriend, I loved her and she said that I was her boyfriend and she loved me. She would rub on my legs, kiss on my ears, neck and stuff like that. We would tongue kiss. I lost my virginity to her. I told her to stop but she said she wanted me bad"The boy's angry mother told the former 'teacher of the year', who worked as a language arts teacher at Mango Elementary School, in Florida, that she took her boy's innocence.
'Anger and hatred don't even begin to explain how I feel about what you took from my son. His innocence is lost forever.' She said in a statement read at the sentencingNow there are people, especially blacks in America, who feel 38 years is too much to spend in prison for having sex with a minor...especially after a teacher, Laura Whitehurst (who is white) was sentenced to prison for 1 year and released after only 6 months for sleeping with three of her students and giving birth to a child fathered by one of them. Watch the people you leave you children with.
1 – 200 of 235 Newer› Newest»That's too much. Spending longer time in jail doesn't change you. . Only worsten the case
38yrs?? Sigh# don't even knw wah to say!
It is called GENDER equality. Let them treat her the same way they would treat a male suspect. It doesn't make it less a crime because it was committed by a woman.
Having said that, I advocate for 100 year with hard labour.
Haba..dats too much
Haba its 2much naaa I'm sure d boy enjoyed it more than she did, so why d punishment???
Woah d little boy was nlove lol
No its way toomuch,its quite ridiculous.
I doubt if same could be applicable if it were a white lady.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
This is just sad, one rili have to be careful. I only use to watch out for d men around my daughter but there are also women too who do this stuff. But 35years is a lot, mayb she didn't have a good attorney.
38 years is rather too much
Woah d little boy was nlove lol
I think it's too much though what she did was terrible.
omg am first to comment.....@WittyDarhny
38 years is really too muCh if u ask me. At least 10 or Even 3 years sinCe She did not take a life. But her crime is really anonying.
I have no problem with the length of sentence seeing that if it were a man, most people won't be complaining however, the length of time needs to be universal. It's unfair to give someone 1 year and another over 30 years.
She is too pretty for stuff like dis #bright bravo#
abeg since its a boy who was abused 38 years is too much abeg..........as a kid our maid abused me many times but I enjoyed it..the woman should be sacked and taken to rehab but not arrested jor
Mba oooo this is racist d woman is wrong she shld b punished but the sentence is too much in comparison with that of the white lady 38 years nd a year pls dats down right racist nd d white girl had more than one count. What she needs more than anything is a shrink
Hmm eiya bt 4 a lady 2 spend 38 years in prison is 2 much nw
This woman is Insane... How can u sleep with ur 12yrs old student??? That's crazy!
Lol I bet his parents have cooked d story to make it sound like he didn't want it. Isn't he MALE??? That's not to say d teacher was right though given his age, but d parents should have taken a chill pill on this one
Haba....dis is too much. It shld not be more then 1yr.
I think it is appropriate. just imagine if a man had slept with a 12 years old girl. I'm sure some people will want him to rot in prison
While I hate the crime I have to say the jail term was way too excessive haba!!! Whereas women like Mary Kay (forgot her surname) got only 6 yrs and even had two kids with the child and also is even married to him now.
And male offenders don't get this much jail time.
On both sex,...Be mindful of that good Anuty or Uncle that your children are found of. God help us
Its a horrible thing she did Linda...but I don't think their should be double standards in serving justice. What's good for the geese should also be good for the gander...
Recial discreamination......the punishment is too heavy for the offence
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God hv mercy N̶̲̥̅̊Ơ̴̴͡ evil eyes ill c M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ kids ijn amen end time Йą wa oo°°oo°•o
She should have known better....she's black.
Bt 12year old boy is 2 smon nw hmm I tot is only nig all dose tins happen wen men rap women so women also rap men over there hmm nawaoo
Days y we r black. Always get d worst punishment, but I don't pity her. She should v tot of her own children. If sum1 did to dem ow will she feel. It's bad.
When they are lots of handsome young men in America why the young little boy. She deserve it.
Haba....dis is too much. It shld not be more then 1yr.
Sad to even think she was married!
Looking at it from a man to girl perspective it is. But comparing it with the teacher who got a year sentence it is a harsh sentence.
38yrs is too mch.Racism at its peak!!!
Its a bit harsh considering the victim is a male... however if the same ruling goes for female victims, it is only right to be fair.
Well if it was in Africa i bet we will be hailing at the child as per big boy tinzzzz!
Male children also can be sexually abuse!
What she did was bad,but there is a bit of racism attached to this. 38yrs is rather too much for having a sex with a minor!! Racism at its peak
#Mr pen
mehn 38yrs is fuckng too much after all d boy said he took her as her gf make dem free d woman abeg THAT AKWA IBOM BOY
this is not fair,just for sex, she will be given a reduce setance away from the camera is USA we are taking about
Abeg 38 yrs is too much biko,even 5yrs is too much
Jeez! That's too damn much na. I wonder wah she saw in a lil boy that her hubby doesn't ve have...women and sex gaan! Ehen "mango elementry skuul" that's kinda funnny.
End Time Love
What d woman did is demonic no doubt but if that 1yr jail thingy is true then its not fair,they shld show her a lil mercy
ahn an 38yrs is too much joor, i knw wat she did is unforgivable but this is racism jare.
God help us
She looks just like chinyere udoma.
This one na Racism at its climax
Haba! What she did was wrong but 38 years In prison is too much. By the time she is out of prison she go don turn old mama
The teacher f up i agree but 38 yrs is much, why didn't they give the white lady that even got pregnant for one something Equivalent
Racism.......38 years is on the high side. The jury is being partial here.
Mango Elementary School? Ukwu mango things on point.
In one word: Racism
bad egg
In as much as child abuse is totally wrong, i think 38years is too much. why didn't they give the "white woman" life sentence? racism in action.
I swear, we gotta be careful who we leave kids wit. Gone are the days of "uncle" and "aunty". Weneva I see my lil ones wit some stranger, or evn a relative who ain't their dad, mom, grand dad or granny, I flip out. Child abuse is on a major rampage and it has to be stopped period.
And I heard sme1 say racism is a thing if the past
Would u av asked dat same xtion if it were to be a man who did wat she did??
Dis one pass me , even, linda self no get ans to this. Bt sha lesson dey der.
that's awful of her to do a think like that to an innocent boy ahhh if na me be the pekin mama I no go gree ooo!
Yea She did wrong buh 38 years!!!!!! *sighs*
I feel for this woman.
But guess what, she ought to know that she is in a country of racists.
Evil bible carrying racists plenty in America, most especially in the south.
If you are in America and you are dinning with Americans, you use a long fork and spoon. That is the way to go.
Don't go and do stupid things and expect them to show you mercy. Showing You mercy is not in their dictionary if you don't look like them.
Wht she dd w̶̲̥̅̊α̲̅Ƨ̣̣̇̇ wrong buh she doesnt deserve such a harsh judgement,haba 38yrz z too much nau.mbok she shud ask ƒσя a plea.i pray thy temper justice wv mercy
Wat she did is wrong, real wrong buh 38 yrs is too much of a sentence especially cos others who had done worst in minor abuse cases got lesser time(u didn't say if d kid was white or black)
Na so the thing dey scratch the woman.....which person no hear or see for dis wicked world. smh
Its appropriate..cos this is statutory rape! The law should however apply to all
She has messed up that kid's life! She is even lucky she got 38yrs. If she stays good, she might be released after serving half her full term.
The judge is very wicked 38 yrs is too much oooo... omg. What she did was bad but 38yrs wow
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Too much tume!!..The jail sentence should be reconsidered..
Very good. Paedophile. Let this be a deterrent to others.
That bad
Very good. Paedophile. Let this be a deterrent to others.
Very good. Paedophile. Let this be a deterrent to others.
Ojoro...I doubt if racism can be eliminated or erased in Europe...whites always feeling they r better than blacks...mtchewwwww...sisi Linds pls post my comment jooo ø
Abi d mother shld even b thankful to d teacher dqt her son won't turn out gay anymore.
I wish I had a teacher who'd av sex wit ma @ age 12, I for give her belle.
If I were d father I'd drop all charges
38 years??? She is on her own oooo....Bhet whyyyyyy...
Its too much buh she did sumtin rilli Bad
What are Black people still doing in America? What are non-hausas still doing in the North?!
Dis fine teacher
I'd av 1 dat I might b sharing wit ma son
What she did was all types wrong, but 38 years is too much especially if you take into account the outcome of other cases. Hilary Obiorah.
The person that sentenced her should be jailed as well
38yrs? For what? Simply RACISM! PERIOD....
That's racist and unfair.
~D great anonymous!
Mehn...wat was she thinking.?!d fact she even has a child and also married...? Devil definitely at work..
Nonsense!! 38years cos of wetin? Abi she kill persin?!
Just tired of all these holier-than-thou peeps.."She took my child's innocence @ 12"..so??!!!..will he run mad as a result???!!
Ah just taya mehn!
It is oo...haba!!diz is indiscrimation.a white woman got a year n anoda is gettin 38yrs 4d same offence..she shd av gotten 8-10yrz#jos sayin
Every State is different. I personally know of a guy in Ohio that got a life sentence for sleeping with his student. They were high school students, about 3 or 4 of them. Its considered as rape, thats how serious the offense is to sleep with a minor. Her punishment is not over, when she gets out, she will never be allowed anywhere near a minor or school or playground and she will have to register as a sex offender, which will trail her for the rest of her life. Everywhere she moves to, everyone in the neighborhood will know a registered sex offender lives in the neighborhood. I think she may have gotten a lesser time and perhaps 10-20 yrs probabation tho, not just 38 yrs imprisonment. I think its a bit harsh but like I said, every state is different. .
Na wa o, Lord have meacy on your children.
Life sentence is better
Na wo ooh, with real men every where looking for free ride nd u go looking for toothpick? U r crazy ooh it serves u right shey u hv a child, jst watch out karma is a bad thing.
Racial discrimination will never end. Can u imagine the difference. I don't like this oyinbo thing abeg. They so hate us. God is watching. $£.
This is weird, a 31yr old married woman sleeping with a 12yr old boy, her student for that matter, wonder shall never end.
Hmmmmnnn. She will be like 68yrs when leaves prison, that is if she will still be alive.
Linda to be honest, I dont have an atom of pity for her. shikena!
Haba!!38yrs is too much nau..not a fair trail at all.
Where is justice in this judgement?
SHe has destroyed dat boys life !!!God!!
Damn too much
Y did she engaged her sef in such act 4d first instance? Dats her penance!
Something similar happened in one of adam sandler's movie tho. The teacher got life in prison. 38years is too harsh sha
that boy na mumu o, see better wire. him go regret am.
Ok u have a hubby wit a real thing nd u still went ahead to molest a baby pls remind me again d size of 12yr olds penis. Good for u, now u won't even get any in prison madam psycho.
I'm tempted to say the sentence is too long but then if it was a guy we would be advocating life imprisonment so.... In that light, it's not too long.
I think she also has some psychological problems too.
Na wo ooh, with real men every where looking for free ride nd u go looking for toothpick? U r crazy ooh it serves u right shey u hv a child, jst watch out karma is a bad thing.
Gosh! and she's so cute *crying* wondering what led her to it....her kid will probably never forgive her for this dent. i pray u receive forgiveness from those who loved u....yes, 38 yrs is too much....i smell racism. ok so a white gets a away after 6 months in prison for the same offence and even worse (3 kids), ahan....its so glaring. They should temper justice with mercy biko. rilly wanna know what led her to doing such in the first place sef *smh*
LYNTROY SAYS,its really not fair that able adults who can get any kind or type of men they want can stoop low to dis evil acts,may God help our kids in Jesus name
What a disgusting act, are there no men again?
What a world,what wuld she enjoy in such a small child.
Ohun to se ko dara to sugbon iya yen ti po ju. E jowo e din ku die.
It has happened to me before...I was 8 years old and my lesson(auntie)teacher had sex severally with me. We did it almost everywhere in my house; bathtub,kitchen, my daddy's room,on the couch, on the floor and in her car. I never told anyone until now...what do you guys think? should I tell my parents now? I'm 16 years now. She did it with me for 2 years before she was transferred to Lagos(I'm in Port Harcourt) please respond as i'm touched by this story. Thank you
Very absurd act an unwelcomed behaviour of sexuality why didn't she go for an older man as bad as it is.. the jail term is indeed too long a period of time for the offence committed
Dis woman is c ra yo us ly evil
This is just too much, they should just send her to Life in prison than this 38yrs in prison...Thats not fair so so so unfair.
Yes it is too much.America and their unfair justice system.
Like sewiosly???31 and 12???jeeez its only d devil dat can direct n incure such
Yes it is too much.America and their unfair justice system.
Abeg its too much, I was going to
Say good for her but looking
At laura whitehaust case! this is
Sooo irrational..it speaks hate..
Dats lik spending d rest of her life
In jail..
Like sewiosly???31 and 12???jeeez its only d devil dat can direct n incure such
Awwww! She's such a pretty woman, if I was ever abused by this kinda woman, I wldnt tell ma mama. Don't even think my friends will get to knw about it, gonna be a secret
Habatically!!she kill person?bt konji na bastard oooo*wink*
Wat she did is bad, very bad but c'mon 38 yrs? Oh no!
Dis beautiful. Lady just disgrace herself
Is it Scarcity of older men or evil but 38 is much though.
If all sexually assaulted boys/men report their ordeal to the authorities, the prisons will be flooded with so many girls/women.lol! But, seriously this is unfair. I think her sentence should be reduced. This is racism which on its own is a crime.
38 years??? Too Mean. 1 or 2 yrs is probably fair enough.
38 is way too much, how many years do they give men who rape babies? Men who kill? I will never understand the law.
chai! 38 yrs 2 much nah. dat means she will die b4 her freedom. these oyibo self n dia judgement. but dis woman really disgrace herself n family. notin lust of d flesh no go cause 4 dis world. Abeg make dem reduce d yrs..
Hmmm, 38years in prison no be moimoi o, d@z too much o
I feel 38 years is too small cos I don't even want to picture this being done to my son, and if the penalty is so weak like that of laura, more pple will commit this hidous act
I think its a rather harsh sentence. granted, she did something stupid bt 38 yrs is rather steep.
First time I will comment but tipe tipe reader.....wettb her crime sef?
Nna mehn!!see as ma dick just dey here dey stand for notin!dis woman u no see pson like me?nawa for u!u don fuck up!
What is becoming of dis world? Weird tinz happening!! Dis is end tym ooo. Wat did d teacher enjoy from dis? Defiling an innocent child! Chineke kpoo ya oku.
Linda, God help blacks!!!, haba 38yrs....too much!!!!
She did a verry bad thing, but its too much
She actually stole the young boy's innocence but there should be a standard punishment for such offences it should not be a question of debate
38 years is too much nah. Linda did u say she is married? shameless woman
Racism on the core
As pretty as you are.....
38yrs is too much
of course they are racist bastard if it was a white felon they will give minimal sentence but being colored they had to implement the law all the way
38 years is crap even in rape cases the offender does not get such harsh sentence the boys mother should shut the hell up she should be happy that her son did it with a woman and not with a man the boy enjoyed it so wat the hell are they bitching about
conji na bastard,so of all the men in the US is a twelve years old lad that she prefers,damn this is really bad.Sandy Berry.
She should be jailed for life. She lacks motherly love for kids. Hmmmmmmm end time things sha.
No amount of years is too much for a child abuser, cos d effects of what they do to their victims are in most cases for life, the scars on their minds is difficult to erase. But justice should be equal too, wts good for the goose should also be good for the gander. Irrespective of gender and race of the abuser, the punishment should be d same and not partial or selective.
Hmmmm na waaa ooo. Married mother of one? This is just unbelievable. May GOD have mercy on her sha.
Wht she did is terrible bt 38yrs whn its nt murder is harsh. Wht happened 2 10yrs.
Bcos she is black she is gvin 38yrs,I hv red of a white teacher who got jst 4yr bt anyways...nd yeah watch d pple who call demsef teachers..
Na wa o..she has taken his innocence away 4 life
I am not saying she did good thing, I mean 38 yrs its inhuman what of the white woman that did the same thing and had baby for one of the students but because she is white they sentenced her just for one year is not encouraging biko make I hear say dem no do any thing about the cause just because she's a black.
this is rape pure and simple, she should be sentenced to life imprisonment or death by lethal injection. She is a very wicked woman.
Please, be careful when it comes to cases that have to do with race. White folks read your blog too.
The other white woman pleaded guilty which means a lot in American law and court proceedings. While the black woman was found guilty. And her sentence is not the end for her. She still has right to appeal.
The white woman committed the said crime in California while the black woman committed a similar crime in Florida. The essence of this is to point out that state laws matter a lot in America. Thank you.
na so men scarce?
na so men scarce?
My dear even 50 years is good for her because frm the story the boy was forces so is rape or is it because is not a 12 years old girl?that lady is sick.
38 yrs!!!! Kilode?? Not that am supporting what she did...but will locking er up for 38 yrs undo wat has been done and btw if a white woman was given just 1 year after sleeping with 3 students and having a baby for one of them...then I would label this injustice, racism..name it..
not just the Laura woman, I think there are more, all white young women who got off with a slap on the wrist. I watched an E! new investigates on the issue. they practically got away scot free. now a black woman who does the same thing and gets 38 years?! I don't condone what anyone of them did, I think they are all sick but the difference in the punishment makes one wonder
38 years is definitely too much. Am not trying to excuse her offence but I think the lady needs urgent help rather than being locked away.
I think 38 years is too much after all its not a case of rape. D boy said he loves her, she didn't force him. Just because she's black and d boy is white that is why she got dat harsh sentence.
let us not dabble into things we know little or nothing about, they know how their juducial system work
Actually if this law is implemented we will have more jobless people around, which has more negative effect to the country at large ( if u know what I mean) and usually some of this private business can't afford to pay 18k min wage, they r also managing to survive (putting a lot of factors into consideration)
Lol ofcourse, hypocrite!...I wonder what 12yrl is that innocent in 2014.
That's a very good punishment.
If you dont know what to say,shut up
Dts too much..pple commit worse crime n dnt get ds kind of long prison term
Tht sentence will serve as a serious warning to all the molesters over there.
Dts too much nw..pple commit worse crime n dnt get long prison term
Haba ! It's to much now ......racism
Dts too much..pple commit worse crime n dnt get ds kind of long prison term
Am I the only one picking up what Linda just put down? How come a white woman gets a 1 year sentence for the same offence perpetrated by a black woman? This is just plain RACISM! Or her attorneys are bad as fuck!!
38 years maybe too much though....but people should maintain some level of morality, i mean ,what she did is very hurting
Na colour den tk judge ne abi,if den fit give white a year y give black 38yrs.dat's rubbish.
38 yrs maybe too much...but pple should exhibit some level of morality, i mean this is very hurting
38 yrs maybe too much...but pple should exhibit some level of morality, i mean this is very hurting
For Watin na. Abi na murder. 6 months is ok
Omo but finially its too much abeg, afterall e sweet d boy as e sweet d gal na. wat she did is bad but 38 years???? COMMON!!!! she kill person ni?
She did wrong,bt dats way too much,I sense racism
Haba! Habatically!! It's too much na. If to say na man sleep with 12 yrs old girl na different parole be dat because the man fit spoil something but this one no small much na. Abeg make una give her just one or two yrs.
-Blunt Ibo boy-
Naah!! Way too much! In other news; that kid's one lucky bastard. (BJ @12? #Dope)
-Person Pikin( sue me if ur papa get d moni)
38years for wetin?did she kill the boy or no be odinary fuck?that jugde must be a recist or frustrated.that was inhiuman jugdement for christ sake.i know what she did was absolute wrong and deserve punishment but not 38 years jail sentence.that is just ridiculous and pripostrious.nonsence
Not too much joor,
The "white teacher" got a lesser sentence (even though she slept with 3 of her students and even gave birth to a child for one of them).
While i am not saying what the teacher here did is right, there should however be equality before the law. i just hope this is not a case of racism...cos 38yrs is damn too much when compared to the offence.
leave mata .dt one don pass Minor oo since he can evn arrange d story lines
Institutional racism, America's stock in trade
No it's called racism.... Did you not read where the white woman who was sleeping with 3 minors only served 6 months??? Florida is horrrrrible
He enjoyed it abi? It will hapn too you don't wori..u will enjoy it too
Hahaha *evil* Linda hafa with my comments na
You a fool for that 'isn't he male'? Question. So because he is male, it's ohkay for him to be abused. This why I don't have any sympathy for you, when you'all get raped. May you be raped someday so you know what it feels like to be raped. Mumu oshi!
Ignorance *smh*
You are a fool for that 'isn't he male'? rhetoric. So because he is male, it's ohkay for him to be abused. This why I don't have any sympathy for you, when you'all get raped. May you be raped someday so you know what it feels like to be raped. Mumu oshi!
I don't like posting comments on blogs but i will on this occasion.
I am a guy and i was abused at a tender age as well. I alone can tell you what that caused me before God delivered me. I was freaking addicted to sex for along time because of this incident. I personally don't believe 38 years is too much.
So BONARIO don show finally. As for 38years Kokan aye men!!!
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