INEC releases 2015 elections time table: Presidential election to hold Feb 14th | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 25 January 2014

INEC releases 2015 elections time table: Presidential election to hold Feb 14th

The Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, has announced February 14 2015 as the date for Nigeria's presidential election as well as those for the members of the National Assembly.

Governorship and State House of Assembly elections are scheduled for February 28, 2015.

This was contained in statement released last night & signed by the Commission's secretary, Augusta Ogakwu. The commission also announced that the Ekiti State governorship election will hold on June 21, 2014 while that of Osun State will hold on August 9, 2014. Continue...

Since the inception of democratic government in Nigeria, Presidential and Governorship elections usually hold in April which would then be followed by the inauguration of the winners on  May 29th which is Democracy Day.


koksi said...

First to comment...yay

Unknown said...

Pple will be busy with their vals oohh! They won't turn up. Lolz.

Anonymous said...

Na dem sabi

Lakan said...

till then,,,,

read more interesting stories

Unknown said...

Ok oooooo. Praying For Violent Free Election... 2015 will be really Hot..

Alloy Chikezie said...

So that means money will start flowing

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Unknown said...

hmmm..wellFixed calendar..feb14-2015 wuld b splufic...#TecnoN3#ICS

Anonymous said...

Nice1 Atahiru Jega... U dey try

Zenki brown said...

Why feb nd nt †ђξ usual April??? Feb 14th for dat mata? Plx dnt spoil dat season inec jor.

Bonita Bislam said...

Nxt year's val won't be so appealing.Many dinners,shoppings and outings won't take place.I pray the luv that goes with the day spreads to even the most evil of hearts.

Mrs E said...

Ok oh! Time to start packing and heading to my villa. Lol

Josh said...

Arrangy government.... God help us all

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Dem try

His eminence said...

Jonathan till 2019 or all man should go home,the game should be make jona enter first and a week after screen out all the noise maker party (apc) association of past/present criminals.

Austin said...

They prolly want we all to vote with luv..and kick against violence

AnnMarie said...

Hmmmm, 2015 is gonna be hot. I have a feeling uncle Jona will remain president

Soul said...

Hope it doesn't turn out to be a bloody valentine ooooo?! *lips sealed* May God guide and bless the day.

Anonymous said...

Linda u heard late jor..was waiting for u to update since morning buh gud thing its up nw. If u ask me, I dnt see Feb 14th as a special day ooh esp cuz of d expectancies & "2 much Crowd" involved.
Love is supposed to expressed nd showed everyday.
Have a blessed weekend Lindodo!!!


yoshbaby said...

HA why feb14th? Dis people don start

bbm pin 23491053 said...

Inec my neck. So you don't want the youths to vote that 14th abi. How lovers wan take come vote, when they will be busy with each other, maybe exchanging gifts or exchanging sex. Well I want to be married by then so I can vote with a wife by my side. Shekina. Cheers. Engr E.


yawns!!! we really care...who dey vote?..when love will be in the air?


This eelection time table is what I call "if I go down,you go down with me"
So the Governors must work hard to return GEJ if they are to be returned.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Unknown said...

Φkγ̲̣̣̥ oh

ary said...

That completely sucks the life outta val's day! Or is it a strategy to get the younger electorates not to vote, as they will be busy frolicking?

Mich said...

et the rat race begin.

PAVOUR said...

Lol we need love in naija. Correct date and good time for lovers to relax at home. Nonsense date hehehe

Unknown said...

Abeg febuary 14 is for me and my love ones alone oh don't have time for their election wey I no go benefit anything.

Anonymous said...

The Evil that men do......comes after them....!


I love inec for d 1st time. They've reduced 2015 val expenses for dem boiz. Dats all I see

Unknown said...

Is there any sense in what you did ? What message has your comment pass across to the public ?
To the issue on ground this blue print is not going to implement itself rather the proper implementation by Attairu Jega and respect of the wishes of millions of Nigerians is voting for the candidate of their choice. INEC should and must be unbias umpire in this election.

Unknown said...

I hope it wont be valentine day massacre

Anonymous said...

Why not April like it has always been? Is Jona so much in a hurry to secure a 2nd tenure that he can't wait even 2mths longer??? Hhhhhhhmmmmm am watching though

Unknown said...

Hmmnnn... So Val celebration is not gonna take place... Nice one!

Anonymous said...

Strategic date. Voting in the spirit of love, peace & fair play. The road map to 2015 has started. Now its time for GEJ to tell us in plain language if he's contesting or not.

Anonymous said...


Adebimpe said...

Jona & entourage trying to exploit our emotions again...Nigerians beware!!!

Unknown said...

I'm so sure there is a political reason behind having the presidential election before the others. May God protect the innocents during these periods..

Anonymous said...

Why 14 feb now,anyway I pray let God well be done in our country IJNA.

Anonymous said...

Next year?

Anonymous said...

Well it's good to prepare early. And for the VALS DAY? I know guyz are

Walata said...

Oga jona so eager to cum back in 2015 so he pushed inec n and was forced to bring the dat closer smh and why d val day tho WTF

Cheapest insurance said...

Why you no post linda since as at...?

Anonymous said...

Very good dis will reduce d nonsense youths do on dat day. ID says so

Anonymous said...

For a free and fair elections in Nigeria, I advocate for an OPEN BALLOT SYSTEM where voters que behind candidates or party they prefer and be counted. Let out votes count,they dnt count here in Nigeria

MAMA TEA said...


Anonymous said...

If only Nihgerians could key into d season of love and vote without violence especially our northern brothers.

Anonymous said...

August 9 Osun state governor ogbeni rauf aregbesola..u r going..with ur fradulent act u r playin wuth d state includin ur mission..start preparin 4 d judgment day

Pregnant woman and her lover caught in hotel by her husband

Girls Caught Kissing Each Other Openly & Passionately In The Club

Drunk girl and guy caught doing it in the bathroom

Checkout What these Pretty Drunk Girls are Doing to Themselves in the street of SA.

Anonymous said...

I just pray it come and go in peace #Mankind

Unknown said...

Nice...... Still on still i no go vote....

Unknown said...

Voting for one human being later if them misbehave them go say na we vote them......

Unknown said...

My advice is pray and fast make yu no do mistake go vote for one wrong human being... And i go advice make yu start the prayer and fasting nw....

glorious14 said...

It means I will carry my val over to d next day cos I must visit d motherless babies home and d old people's homes I don't vote cos my vote is my power. Am keeping my power to myself till I see d true leader. Period.

Anonymous said...

Uncle jona go nd settle ASUP if u want poly students 2 vote 4 u o

Larry baby said...

I pray the lovers day won't be bloody, , normally vals day pple tend to do stupid things, now election join again,, am very sure so many youths won't come out to vote....maybe inec chairman didn't evn knw wat dat date symbolise, tthey might still change d date I think. issorai

Anonymous said...

Omagbe pikin

june raphael said...

Hmmmm! Me and my babe nw have our location for nxtyr val fixed. "Polling boot" lol

june raphael said...

Hmmmm! Me and my babe nw ve our location for nxtyr val fixed " pollin boot" lol

Anonymous said...

Are dey mad?on my bday *sad*

Anonymous said...

On valentine's day...well there goes my date night.

jbankzE said...

Na dem sabi oooo,so coz of election wan dem don rig finish I no go do Val?dem lie wela

Mrs M said...

Hum,d shuldnt spoil ma show ,goin dining at presidential with ma boo dat day .using dat day to plan for ma third baby . Winks

sundayotuns said...

Anytime there is election it will look as if nigeria is fighting a civil war.That is when assassination and blackmail will begin.Is this a democracy or crazy-demonstration?

jerome said...

Election on vals day? Na condom I go come put for d box,yeye pple..

Chiisunshine(carolips) said...

Don tire for all these votes. Wat ve dey don for us se? I ll just go to villa

Tonye said...

Are they mad?? So instead of spending time with my woman on valentines day, I should be voting for one idiot that will still fumble at the end... Rubbish....

Anonymous said...

Vote with luv

Unknown said...

Ok na.. Till den.

dhobiz said...

14? Hmmmm the devil is a liar

Anonymous said...

Good to hear it means many husbands will spend 2015 Val with their wives not with their mistresses.....kudos to INEC!!!

obafemi said...

naija nd dynamism,y nt d usual april,abi dere iz a motive bhind diz,make God save d commoners on dat day ooo

Anonymous said...

Errrrrmm! Okay


Topebrass said...

Yeeeepa INEC don spoil something for lovers Oº°˚˚˚°ºO. Why feb 14th

JIRO said...

I think the date is to give ample time for the tribunals to work on expected petitions b4 d inauguration proper so we don't have to unsit anybody after swearing in..... Good!

Unknown said...

GEJ for president please vote for him, cos he is the man for the job.


Say yes to democracy..,
Say yes to DIALOGUE, to Constitutional Conference...
Say yes to GEJ for presidency in 2015...
Say no to Boko Haram...
Say no to violence...
Say no to religious intolerance...
Say no to usurpers...
Say no to desperadoes...
Say no to the NAZIS...
Say no to Buhari...
Say no to el rufai
Say no to Fani Kayode...
Say no to traitors parading fake names like Amaechi...
SAY NO TO APC!!!!!!!

NicoleO said...

I'm guessing PDP will take APC out on date, then...

Amarachukwu said...

Till then!

few said...

election on vals day???? Dey should have conduct d election on 25 of december sef....#eyesclosed#
Few say so *via B.A.G*

Anonymous said...

They've organized schedule one year in advance. On the actual day now the equipment will still not be ready

Unknown said...

Vote for love 2015

Anonymous said...

Val's day is shifted 4 we nigs hehehe!most impt is to pray for a hitch free election with no violence no bloodshed by God's Grace!Amen!

Unknown said...

Abi oooo my sister.

Unknown said...

Abi ooooo my sister.

Unknown said...

Bona bona,i dey feel u jare

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