The daughter, Gigi Chao, 34, who is already married to her partner Sean Eav & resides in France has written an open letter to her father asking for him to come to terms with the fact that she is a lesbian.
The letter was published today in Chinese newspaper, South China Morning Post. Find it after the cut

Dear Daddy,
I thought the timing was right for us to have a candid conversation.
You are one of the most mentally astute, energetic yet well mannered and hard-working people this humble earth has ever known.
Your confidence, quick wit, and charisma brightens any room you enter.
I love you very much, and I think I can speak for my brothers also, that we have the utmost respect for you as a father and role model in business.
I am sorry that people have been saying insensitive things about you lately. The truth is, they don’t understand that I will always forgive you for thinking the way you do, because I know you think you are acting in my best interests. And we both don’t care if anybody else understands.
As your daughter, I would want nothing more than to make you happy. But in terms of relationships, your expectations of me and the reality of who I am, are not coherent.
I am responsible for some of this misplaced expectation, because I must have misled you to hope there were other options for me. You know I’ve had male lovers in the past, and I’ve had happy, albeit short-lived, relationships. I found myself temporarily happy, buoyed by the freshness, the attention, the interest, of someone physically stronger than myself.
But it was always short-lived, as I quickly lost patience, and felt an indescribable discomfort in their presence. It usually made me frustrated, and I would yearn for my freedom again. I’ve broken a few hearts, hearts of good, honest and loving men, and I’m sorry that it had to be so.
But with Sean, a woman, somehow it was different. I am comfortable and satisfied with my life and completely at ease with her. I know it’s difficult for you to understand how I could feel romantically attracted to a woman; I suppose I can’t really explain it either. It just happens, peacefully and gently, and after so many years, we still love each other very much.
My regret is that you have no idea how happy I am with my life, and there are aspects of my life that you don’t share. I suppose we don’t need each other’s approval for our romantic relationships, and I am sure your relationships are really fantastic too.
However, I do love my partner Sean, who does a good job of looking after me, ensuring I am fed, bathed and warm enough every day, and generally cheering me up to be a happy, jolly girl. She is a large part of my life, and I am a better person because of her.
Now, I’m not asking you to be best of friends; however, it would mean the world to me if you could just not be so terrified of her, and treat her like a normal, dignified human being.
I understand it is difficult for you to understand, let alone accept this truth.
I’ve spent a lot of time figuring out who I am, what is important in my life, who I love and how best to live life, as an expression of all these questions. I am proud of my life, and I would not choose to live it any other way (except also figuring out how to be gentler on the planet).
I’m sorry to mislead you to think I was only in a lesbian relationship because there was a shortage of good, suitable men in Hong Kong.
There are plenty of good men, they are just not for me.
Wishing you happiness.
Patiently yours,
Your daughter, Gigi.
At least she can write a matured letter
I comment my reserve.This one pass me. Is she the man's only child.
Open letter syndrome sef don reach hong kong
This crayfish can not be bend again except d intervention of God
Is her life let her live it any how she wants.
Such a rich but dumb man,,,,sexual preferences is not a choice,,,,leave the poor girl alone.....#SeunLondon
I refused to be swayed by the emotionally laden letter,instead from the letter I deduced a lady who is so obsessed with pleasure than norm,at least she never denied being happy with the male lovers she had in the past.
But her quest for another level of pleasure and satisfaction led her to loving her kind. So unfortunate.
#playing Beyonce feat Jayz Drunk in love
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
This evil spirit of same sex is all over the earth,Delivarance ministers where una dey?
Awww so touching! Her father shld Jst come to terms wit the fact that his daughter is happy being a lesbo,
This is what marriage should be and making someone a better person should be the no1 priority in every marriage.
Hmmmmmm, food for thought, Dad! As for me, I'm still not digging same sex anything; freaks me out.
Chaaaaaai! She really loves d dad..gigi U dad wants grandchildren not a letter! Tell ur husband to make U pregnant! Since U re Cool with it..its only a matter of time U will start regretting
Well,she's happy in her life and I'm happy for her. Your insults can't move a grain of sand in her life, she's happy and fulfilled, and her papa get money in na U sabi.
Spoil brat what does she know about life and relationships? Soon old age would set in and we shall see who looks after each other then.
Your Dad has your best interest at heart and that is why he is fighting like a good DAD so you can give life to someone else. Get that into your thick skull Idiot!
My dear it is a sorry story,the wolrd as a whoile is full of evil i wont blame you.because you are not in your right frame of mind.may the almight God deliver you from the powers tht you are posses with in jesus name
That girl is wicked, she don't want me to win the money, she don't want me to get the price money up for grab for winning her heart and getting her to marry me. #sobbing
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I could understand what daughter is trying to say,is not easy for the father as is easy for the daughter and according to her,she has found happiness. I think maybe the dad should just let her be for now and pray for time to change everything in his(father)favour,as they say time is bigger than everyone.
Dear nigerians,life isn't about having children. Some people have kids and can't even raise them properly and they end up being serial killers and thugs.
Love is love.
The world is buzzing, gay or not gay. Everybody has an opinion in the matter, the conservatives are spitting fire, the indifferent cannot be bothered and the gay community is fighting tooth and nail, probably to be one day remembered as “the labor of hero’s past” I sigh. All the assumptions however, is based solely on fear, for change, for culture, for the unborn, for our sexual orientation. Personally, I have just little to speak on the matter.
First is, I am a bible believing born again Christian, therefore I am of the opinion that it is downright wrong, not for any other reason but for the fact that it is a sin as is lying, adultery, slothfulness, gluttony, theft and so on. Sodomy as it is biblically refereed to, is a sin like every other. If a gay is going to hell, the liar is right behind him, the adulterer is somewhere down the line, the thief would open the gates and oh the glutton, he sure would have a special place there too amongst others.
Secondly, I just don’t think it is natural. Why? Sometime during my primary education, my teacher defined a family. She said “a family is the smallest social unit of the society made up of the father, the mother and children” then we went on to define social unit and society. The thing is, I am old school like that, I was born into a heterosexual family as was the case with my friends and acquaintances. I do not think a lady ending up with a lady or vice versa is the natural order of things.
That being said, to Christians I say, How dare you judge, how dare you point accusing fingers, how dare you condemn, if you feel you are the most righteous, go to the cross and die for sinners. Even Jesus Christ our model showed mercy to the adulterous woman, he did not approve of what she did but he did not cast her away either. If we must change this people, love is the only way. We often forget that we were once sinners, as a matter of fact still striving towards perfection, and came out not by our power but by grace, mercy and love. It is ironical that we Christians that preach the most about love are so incapable of actually showing the love. So oga pastor, bishop, arch bishop, deacon, prayer warrior, saint, the next time you see a gay, do what Jesus did, he disapproved (not openly) but never cast away. in love bringing them to the place God wants them to be, because belief it or not that little lie you told last night is no smaller a sin to sodomy in the eyes of God.
“…………for love comes more naturally to the human heart”
And to the general public, don’t use this law as a license to unleash your barbaric act on innocent citizens. Don’t base your facts on assumptions before matching someone to the police station after brutally torturing the life out of the person. You that is a mistress of spreading false rumors, watch your tongue because for every innocent that dies as a result of you carelessness you will account for.
“The music sound sweet when the drummer drums on another head”
Ineba Isokariari (
My aspiration in life is to be happy She's happy thank God for her happiness and lady who is giving it to her.
The devil is truly a bastard.
hmmm... Na wa oo.
This should just forget about it
Tufiakwa! God'll help U̶̲̥̅̊.
d girl has spoken ha mind ,so the father should respect her wishes...shikenan
Very touching letter, her father should just let her be. Her case is spiritual and not physical. Only God can heal her.
Her partner looks like a man!
Very touching letter, her father should just let her be. Her case is spiritual and not physical. Only God can heal her.
Her partner looks like a man!
Oro pesije, no comment.
Lesson to Billionaires who cart their children to schools abroad. They will always come back with a totally different ideology. Like it or not, this is who she has become as a result. No amount of money can change it.
Pls wats dis world turning 2
Dis 1 na real wa!! short of words
God ooo bring this gorl for TB joshua now, and lets collect the 80m jare.
There goes 'responsible Gigi'...Not a supporter but i like the respect she has for her dad!
Sometimes its a big problem not to any problem because that is when problem such as these will crop up. Can't imagine this kind of issue surfacing inside a typical Nigerian home!
Eyaa... Hmm it must b difficult 4dem both. Buh Giqi fink abt it. How did u come in2 existence? If ur dad married a man u 4 no dey dey talk wetin u dey talk naw. May d liqht of salvation locate u IJN amen
And she just broke daddy's heart even more... **kween**
One pussy lost
Nkan nbe
Let her be if she's happy let her dad leave her alone.....period
Sad I pity d dad pls bring this gal to TB Joshua
This daughter of jezebel has a pact wit her father; d devil. I pity her
May God have mercy on her
Lol.....the heavens are glorious.........ehnnnn na correct english...all of una wey no get job than to dey correct person try me dis evening ....I'm not nice.....btw.....Aristotle preached "Ultimate Happiness" she says she's happy....plsz free her....u pple like disturbing urselves over anoda person's life....even God no dey disturb himself like una....GET A LIFE.
She really is a guy...hmm, things are happening. Everybody seems gay nowadays, hope my boyfriend isn't gay¤¤¤Excel
Sad there's no amount of preaching that can change her except God her mind is made up I feel so sorry for the dad :(
Obasanjo n em daughter Iyabo una dey see am.see as reasonable ppl write to der family.see how d lady is partronizin her father even when she knows she wnt do as her father wants.dat is wat we call true blood.its thicker dan water.not ppl like iyabo obasanjo who feels she can abuse her father in public.
Ok so he has other children? Thank Jehovah!they will give him g/cdren.pray for n leave d rest to God.
I guess some of us will never understand why some people turned out d way they are. I guess she can't help it but she can still av kids through artificial insemination of sperm, if only to make her father happy.
It takes a rational human being to really understand her...hope her dad understands her too...
What is really wrong with us as humans? Even dogs go after the opposite sex and not the other way round.Physics too agrees with the fact that like charges repel and unlike charges attract! What the heck is wrong with mankind? I still can't undastand the reason behind gayism
There are plenty of good men, dey are 4 you
Actress Yvonne Jegede
Shows Off Her *GIGANTIC B00bs.
Wonders shall never end!mtchew....
Ok good luck.
Dis is serious. . Dis gal go give d dad heart attack.. nd shes sooo sure shes happy
All she needs now is prayer, i will advise her Daddy to come to Nigeria and meet my pastor to conduct deliverance for her... my submission.....
lip sealed
You go gurl! U rock!
This gal needs a touch from tb joshua
You dislike guys and you end up with a woman that looks like a man... I just don't gerrit!
chinco u go fear na lmoa @ u dn't understnd hw romantic i feel to b atractd to my felow woman oga u need prayer to loose her & let her go
Case closed...daddy plz leave her alone to live her life oo.
Awwww, guess she penned this letter to have people stop calling her daddy names! The letter has some much soul! And she really doesn't have any ill will against her old man. But I bet the old man isn't about to bend anytime soon!
#playing Percy sledge - when a man loves a woman
Duke says......
She could still be re-converted cos dildoe can never be like dick. $130K no be beans oh. Mk guys hustle
They are stealing from your pocket, raping your kids, seducing your wives and husbands. Sorry, they have no time to be looking for the speck in other people's eyes, because of the plank in theirs.
Better you live life than go around looking for deliverance, you may not be here tomorrow, so mind your business and let others mind theirs.
Hehehe, see business. Make I call my friend Chinedu, we must enter Hong Kong because of dis. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
I'll just be here sipping my kunu!
@bonario u are useless. She is happy can't you see. That is what matters.happiness is not about sexual pleasure,she has peace of mind,and life isn't about having kids.some people want them some people don't,its a choice.
I don't support gay marraige of any sort but the way this girl expressed her innermost mind 2 her dad is so emotional and honest,am almost moved 2 tears right now. She is a good orator but I wish she could start dating guys again plssss
so sad dat people re seeing evil deeds as normal these days. Biko I want to ask her o, if her dad ws gay, would she even be here writing dis useless letter dat he should accept her d way she is? Enough of dis abeg, happy bday to ME!
It is well in Jesus name! May d Lord deliver her! Toyin Kakulu
TB Joshua please help this billionaire daughter
Bonario's comment is always on point, 100k is really wrking, I'll advice u dnt limit ursef to only LIB, try other blogs, so ur reward will be much by year end
lET me comments b4 its too late.
Hmmmm, toh papa accept ur fate! Dis gal don conclude on wetin she want ooo
Shut up u ignorant Nigerian
God Is Love!
Love Is Love!
*listening to Macklemore's Same Love*
@ bona u don't even mk any sense. Pleasure over norm? Pleasure for so many years? With one patner? Don't make clueless assumptions n just admit ur hatred same sex couples. Fyi pleasure is something u can get from many places n multiple patners. And for a girl in her sure she could do better if pleasure was what she was gunning for. She's been with men, all of whom she left after a brief courtship! Bisexuals exist too u know. She chose love over norm. most nigerians marry according to our so called 'norm' and most nigerian are miserable. We really need to understand that love can exist between any two people. And that shouldn't bother anyone as there's someone out there for u too. Live n let's live. The world is big enough for all of us.
She is in it. 4 plesure, she was nt like dt from day one so d only thing is take away her. Hapness & her world will collaps,& she will come bk to her senses. Let d man try to do away with her lover either by setting her up to b lurdout by a guyor another woman Infact let him use all means to seprate them.caus it seems she is d one in lv wt d other.
Hmmm, but she wouldnt have had a father if her mum was a lesbian
I wonder how dis gay girls love hands more dan d original magic stick
Has her father not heard of T.B joshua, it time for him 2 pay nigeria a visit.
Biblical GOD created Adam and Eve so y we their decendant will change GODs plan dat was at d begin GOD is watching!
True talk. I think love isthe only way forward for this gay issue to be curtailed.
So ur own surname is London! Okay oh.
As for ur commment,sorry!
I don't get it... Why do they look for partners that look exactly like the opposite sex?? The partner looks like a man, why can't she just stick with a REAL man?!
What a touching letter ...i wish Sean was a Guy...#tears rolling down#.....xoxo flynnrules
Ur msg too long most pple won't read it!
Google it
Trust me,its only God that can save this one,she won't regret anything.
Jesu c hw ha husband(lesbian partna)b lyk man!worwor jam worwor nonsense
Darling,u obviously don't know Chinese people!
Ignorance will cost u!
Its ur english that won't make u win the mmoney
Mscheeewww (long African woman type teeth-kissing)
Did u comprehend ger english?
Compare am with ur own!
Your sense and sensibilities towards important things makes me wanna weep for your illiterate brain. What do you even know about being gay other than it is a sin? Please go and get wisdom knowledge and understanding. My people suffer and suffer others for lack of information.
Lol at gigi. If what u doing is normal, procreate and lets see. Even though some men can be useless. Being a lesbian aint an option.
Homosexuality is not evil. The evil is in your own heart, because you have failed to get knowledge on why people turn out gay in a world where it is not the norm or standard. Go get knowledge, how many research or question have u asked God about gay people???
That's just like starving to death cos people die everyday.
Mscheeewww (long African woman type teeth-kissing)
Hmmmm kk ooooO we wsh u wat u wsh ursef
That's why u should go get informed, read and be educated, why are u afraid of what u know little or notting about?
Make d man kom father me na. Will him 100 grand children
Not everyone wants children or will have children, The world is already over populated. Motherless babies homes are available and their are alternatives or modern methods of getting pregnant.
Matured Enough.........buh still a Lesbian tho'
Na by force???? Some people would rather die than be who they are. She is following her arrow, let her. She is sincere.
No, u really need help. Have you eaten today?
My God!! Too long o.
Can you finish it???
Nice,open mminded opinion!
Leave them,na them sabi,if u like be gay,na God go judge
Sorry dad. May I not experience happiness that will bring my dad somuch sorrow. Now we can't say may her children give her greater sorrow since no child is expected from the relationship. God is the best of judges.
Billionare father while u pray and wait for God to touch her tell her to bring her egg look for a suitable sperm donor and a gestational carrier and u shall hav ur grandchild!
That's just like starving to death cos people die everyday.
Mscheeewww (long African woman type teeth-kissing)
I can't change even if I tried, even if I wanted to, my love my love my love, she keeps me warm. SAME LOVE. Its love, not sex
Same love, all I see is love.
If u attended Open university or have a friend dia, u are free to write Open letter.
Lol her dad has her best interest @ heart by putting a love bounty on her??? Well who cares, if only u were relevant enough for her to read ur comment!
jamb question.
this girl has no point. No one was born gay, lesbian or wrong gender. it's just one kind of c[e]ivilization God will deliver you
read more interesting stories
She'll maintain this facade as long as her father lives,just so as not to've him say 'I told you so'...they're obviously both very stubborn.
Summary: she's more bisexual than lesbian.
Lol her dad has her best interest @ heart by putting a love bounty on her??? Well who cares, if only u were relevant enough for her to read ur comment!
let face it the problem of same sex marriage came the day the world legalized it.i belive if we legal stealing some people will see stealing has the as simple as that. NO SAME SEX MARRIGE IN NIGERIA...IF THEY LIKE MAKE DEM KEEP DERE LOANS AND FUND.......
funny girl mor gist here
What can we say in this matter? Mmmm speechless.
nonsense! If we read the girls's letter finish,make we con read your essay.mtcheeeew.
That's just like starving to death cos people die everyday.
Mscheeewww (long African woman type teeth-kissing)
Its funny how shallow some of us think...while others don't even mk an effort to think at all. When u hate something, u phsyche will equip layers of defence mechanisms that will help u justify ur hatred by shooting down any iota of reasoning. This is comon in circumstances we don't don't understand . Eg same sex relationship. We forget that no one can claim to fully understand the world as it is. Becuase we all see it from a different point of view. We have several religions that claim to worship the same God yet condemn other ppls form of worship.this is comon within the christian faith. Some islamic ppl turn towards violence and justify their actions as an act of God whereas, other islamic believers condemn these violence. Point is, the world will not be as complicated if humans didn't make so many rules for themselves, many of which we cannot even follow! Eg How men r suppose to dress vs hw women were supposed to dress etc. Who makes the rules??? Ppl should dress how they feel. So long as they fully understand the occasion. Most of our 'norm' n traditions' came from uncivilized ppl and everyday we discover some thing inhumane about these 'norms' slavery, killing of twins etc. We can't sit in our little bubble of 'faith' and condemn who someone loves. Love is real...religion is a mystery but we take our chances by giving it life. We often forget that the bible was written by people although is said to be inspired by God. Violence is also carried out by the same people and has also been claimed to be inspired by God. No intentions to judge anyones faith but we should leave faith where it ur heart. And let's work together to give reality a shot. if God really does exist n hate homos like some of u claim, well ur salvation isn't mine...hence my fuck up is my cross #custom-made. Either way its a win win. We should also consider that there r so many sins in the same leviticus to go around, and we all 'fall short' every day. Guess that brings us to sorting ur own shit before sorting out mine! The trick is, it takes a lifetime for someone to be perfect enough to tell the other that he/she's is a sinner. Most of us die imperfect. A golden reason jesus kept it simple by telling us that no one has the right to judge. We are all diffrerent,yet we are all people!
Bonario, last year u were making sense in ur posts, but this year ( after eating Linda's 100k for Xmas) u become so sarcastic and always try to be Holier than Thou.
LIBers, this happened in my street today. I am sharing this for people to be careful the way they act towards others especially when it has to do with this gay stuff.
I have a friend who is a core homophobia. He was so happy about the new anti-gay bill. Many times we discussed about it, he would vow to deal with any fool that would come to ask him for gay relationship, in fact, he said that 14 years stipulated for offenders was too small, say for him, death penalty should have been the best option. Today, the unimaginable happend in our street. A friend of this same my friend went to their house to see him, unfortunately he was not at home. The only person at home was his 16 year old younger brother. The friend who came decided to stay and wait for him as his number was not going through, along the line the friend fell asleep on the cushion in the parlor, could u believe that the 16 year old boy went to where he was sleeping and started to unzip his jean, when the guy woke up, the 16 year of boy started begging him for was terrible, then the guy started to beat him, immediately we came in, ie I and my friend and we asked what was happening, then the guy told us everything. My friend was embarrassed and felt like burying himself in shame. He asked the brother when he started such and who taught him, the brother told him that it's been long and that no one taught him that.
Finally I left their house, then my friend caled me and begged me to keep the whole thing a top secret. I jokingly told him that I would suggest that he brought out his brother to be sent to 14 years or be stoned to death. I advised him to mind how he mock others as what he finds irritating about others may still be existing under his nose.
This gay of a thing, the way I see it, it's as natural as been straight.
Eleribu akosibero..see ao ugly d partner is self..devil is a liar
He should let the lady live her wherever she is comfortable with. That's where she finds true love and peace. He shld let go jor.
You this over-the-counter drug dealer! Why are u luking for me? I just have to delete my google act cos of people who are here lukin for people to abuse. Thanks for caring anyways even if Linda didn't at least I found sm1 who did. Ajanaku
He should let the lady live her wherever she is comfortable with. That's where she finds true love and peace. He shld let go jor.
Nd I wonder why ur parents had u.
the truth is dat the girl did not understand the fact of life and that is why she is seeing the world from a different angle forgetting that the joy of our father's is to see us settle down and give them GRANDCHILDREN
Nigeriansn,so concerned about another persons life but won't help you when u need them!gay cannot be explained so LEAVE THEM ALONE!
Gosh! So many hypocrites in nigeria......if she was nigerian, y'all would curse her to the grave.....buh she got fair skin and long hair....u guyz can actually talk straight without hate. Hian!
Marriage is STILL AND WILL ALWAYS BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN, ANYTHING other than that is whatever u choose to call it but certainly not marriage. The whole world is participating LGBT does not make IT right!!! he who has ears let him hear.
Is a pity.
I can bet all the people sending comments supporting this act are obviously Lesbos and Gabriels...........Did your parents have you through such union...........? The end is near !!!
Anonymous 7:20pm. Why don't you show your face for once. You keep being a VOLTRON to all gay topics discussed on this blog. If dem born you wella try show face here or write ur name, make u see wetin go happen to u dat day. Gay oshi
eewoo this one too much for me.abeg the man should let her be and let her live her life the way she wants.he sha know he tried his best,i will put them in my prayers, anyways i like her letter though very mature and concise,beautiful!!i pray this does not turn out to be my lot in life oo.God abeg ooo.Have mercy on us.
Its her life, let her live it and if she is happy thats all that matters. Who are we to judge?
Like seriously, it high tym he pays naija a visit.. chai..he needs my papas help like yesterday..
in love with ur comment anonymous 7.19
pls can he come and dash me that money...
Gbemi you took the words outta my mind. I wish we all even try a little to understand or get information before we put down what we don't know. All I see is love.
Na you create am?? Can you create a fly? Always cursing and yet u claim holiness
You are not serious,they should go and get a child produced by a man and woman.why are people so selfish
What is with yo attacker since I need not to ask if u are gay 'cos its all over your commet. God help u.
na wa to this man and hin pikin o!..
Homosexuality is not evil?your very stupid and senseless. Bloody atheist
What is with yo attacker since I need not to ask if u are gay 'cos its all over your commet. God help u.
Dude u r a mafian, negotiate wit her-doesnt work, then kidnap her get a grand child(ren) n call a truce. Simple.
Story teller
Okikola nice movie tail,wen did u watch d movie u jst narrated
She's happy. That's all that matters.
If you don't like gays, don't be gay.
As much as i don't agree with her lifestyle and gay relationship, i must commend her for the due respect she has accorded her father in public. Compare this to the open letter Iyabo Obasanjo wrote to her father some weeks ago, it shows that she has some sense and still respect her her father despite the fact that they don't see eye to eye on some issues. So well done girl.
I so love her letter, nice one gigi bt bikonu adopt pikin naa so dad will rest... @baba gigi pls accept the fact that ur daughter is soo in love with the p***y let her live her life
Somehow, the world just continues to talk about gay life. If only we can talk about Jesus, His love and His goodness. Can we stop this gay talk already. They know the truth, if they choose to ignore it, let God be the judge. Life is not about's about Jesus and His Word.
Look at dis stupid gayish anonymous 7:19,posting a comment and praising yourself,hell is awaiting your arrival...
ROFL! The "husband's" name is Sean, someone who is trying so hard to look like a man. Homosexuality is a mental illness.
And those that have never set foot outside of Nigeria that are gay? Or those who are 'exposed' that oppose it? Soy either your generalisation!
Hmmmm!! Fulfillment of d scriptures. END TIME THING. God help me to right with u Amen those who have chosen otherwise, help them too
Gays be hiding and commenting,show your selves and receive your 14 years.....
It beats my imagination how such a devilish act should be something someone would be proud of,sleeping with ur fellow gender,calling him or her your soulmate,what happiness is derived from this act?How come God didnt make two Adams or two Eves as the ribs of her or his ribs?How come Jesus first miracle was a wedding between a man and a woman?How come Sodom and Gomorrah was destroy because of this act?What is love?So many questions that these gays are not asking themselves.Please,His will is not for us to perish,but that does not mean that anyone that sin would not get a befitting reward.
Anon 8:12, the bible warned us against the likes of you who would rise up in the end times and make abnormalities seem normal. A sin is a sin even if the pattern of the world legalizes it. Quit ur ignorance and draw nearer to God, you will understand better that God will not drop his standards for any of your distorted ideologies. Smh such an odd world. Olorun kuu suuru
Crap crap crap we are tired of all u gays n lesbians ranting on the net wtf who cares
Trust me, that part beats me as well. Confused lot
Moved to tears kwa? Ah ah gboranmideleru U berra calm down.
That's exactly the part that confuses me in this whole issue. In the so-called gay relationship, one person has to pretend like the opposite sex, den what's the point bikonu? May the lord give us understanding oh. Very pathetic disorder.
Blah blah blah Anonymous 8:24.
It is a choice. Besides it could be depravity, fashion, demons or perversion pushing homosexuality.
Don't be deceived
Daft girl, Dafter letter... if what she is standing with is a woman she needs help. All these women claiming to be lesbians but going to use dildo's to have sex haven't tasted good .... yet. rubbish abeg go siddon spoilt girl.
The man should leave his daughter alone. He has children of his own, I am sure his sons will provide the grand children he craves and the girl sef can do the same thing, it just wouldn't be with a man. And if she decides she doesn't want children, it's her body and her life. This is the problem with people who have had money for a long time, they think they can buy anything or anyone. Imagine offering $130 million to someone to pretty much make his daughter what she doesn't wish to be: a straight woman. Only an idiot would take on that proposition.
Having said all that, dis na my question: Why do some of these lesbians end up with women that look like men? If man no good, if blokos no good, why do you date a woman that looks like a man and why do you use fake penis during sex? The things that make you go AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH na una and una God sabi. Carry on!
hmmmm wahalla what a life for her orphanage has hope cos the will b the children of gay and lesbians
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