The shocking images show emaciated corpses with strangulation marks, cuts, bruising and signs of electrocution – evidence of extreme torture, claim investigators. Some victims had no eyes.
The 55,000 photos will ratchet up the pressure on President Bashar Al Assad who the US and its Western allies – including the UK – say has committed war crimes against his own people. Assad denies the claims, insisting he is fighting terrorists.
The 31-page report - released by The Guardian and CNN - was commissioned by Carter-Ruck solicitors in London on behalf of Qatar, a supporter of the Syrian uprising. Continue...but warning *Very Graphic Content*
Shocking: This picture is one of 55,000 taken by a Syrian military police defector showing emaciated corpses which investigators say are evidence of extreme torture by Assad's regime.
The dossier is being made available to the United Nations, governments and human rights groups just as peace talks are due to begin in Switzerland tomorrow to try to end the three-year conflict. The defector’s evidence records deaths of those in custody from March 2011 until August 2013. The photos were smuggled out along with files detailing the victims on memory sticks.
According to the report, he said his job was to take pictures of killed detainees, though he did not claim to have witnessed executions or torture.
Allegations: The photographs allowed a death
certificate to be produced without requiring families to view bodies,
and also confirmed that execution orders had been carried out, the
report claimed
The photographs allowed a death certificate to be produced without requiring families to view bodies, and also confirmed that execution orders had been carried out, he claimed.
The inquiry team said it was satisfied there was ‘clear evidence, capable of being believed by a tribunal of fact in a court of law, of systematic torture and killing of detained persons by the agents of the Syrian government’.

Caesar's path to defection began in September 2011, around seven months after the conflict broke out, when he was contacted by a relative who had fled the country.
The man - known as 'Caesar's contact' - was working for 'international human rights groups', according to the report.
Caesar began sending him thousands of images, but soon became concerned for his safety, so the Syrian opposition arranged for him and his family to be smuggled out of the country.
Their location has not been revealed, with the lawyers only saying they conducted their investigation in the Middle East.
It is also not clear how the Qatari regime came to be involved in the publication of the report.
Qatar has carved an influential role in Syria by being quick to help the rebels and, later, by helping set up the Coalition a year ago with the aim of creating a credible alternative to Assad.

Defector: Caesar began sending him thousands of
images, but soon became concerned for his safety, so the Syrian
opposition arranged for him and his family to be smuggled out of the
Evidence of strangulation: A picture which appears to show a ligature mark on a corpse's neck
Qatar and Saudi Arabia are close allies in many respects. As Sunni Muslims, they share an interest in thwarting Shi'ite, non-Arab Iran and its Arab allies - Shi'ites in Iraq and Lebanon and Assad's Syrian Alawites.
Last year, however, Qatar found itself under pressure from Saudi Arabia and from the United States over the way the war was going, and notably over the rising influence on the frontlines of Islamists hostile to the West and to its allies in the Middle East - like the Saudi royal house.
An expansion of the Coalition to 120 seats diluted Qatari control and handed leadership to the Saudi-backed Jarba. On the ground, however, Qatar is still a force, through groups like al-Tawhid, part of a new Islamic Front that controls large areas and coordinates with the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front.
A Gulf source with knowledge of Qatari policy said the new emir, in power since June, wanted a lower profile than his father who had strongly backed the Arab revolts.
The new emir was also more open to Western requests to stop supporting militants, though Qatar still believed that arming rebels was needed to force Assad to compromise, however, the source said.
The report's authors are Sir Desmond de Silva, former chief prosecutor of the special court for Sierra Leone, Sir Geoffrey Nice, the former lead prosecutor of former Yugoslavian president Slobodan Milosevic, and Professor David Crane, who indicted President Charles Taylor of Liberia at the Sierra Leone court.
The Syrian regime has also funded and co-operated with al-Qaeda in a complex double game - even as the terrorists fight Damascus, it was claimed last night.
Rebels and defectors said the regime also deliberately released militant prisoners to strengthen jihadist ranks at the expense of moderate rebel forces.
The aim was to persuade the West that the uprising was sponsored by Islamist militants including al-Qaeda as a way of stopping Western support for it, the intelligence report claims.
Doubt remains over whether Assad will attend tomorrow's Geneva II conference in the Swiss resort of Montreux which is aimed at negotiating his exit from power.
But in an interview released yesterday, Assad said there was a 'significant' chance he will seek a new term.
He also ruled out any power-sharing deal with the opposition which he dismissed as having been 'created' by foreign backers.
And he called for the peace talks to focus on what he termed his 'war against terrorism'.
Meanwhile, Russia's foreign minister says that the U.N. decision to rescind the invitation to Iran to join the peace talks was a mistake but not a catastrophe.
Sergey Lavrov said Tuesday that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's decision to withdraw his last-minute offer to Iran to attend the conference would have a negative impact on the United Nations image.
Culled from Daily Mail UK
OMG. syria is such a dead zone right now, thank God i'm not there
Jesus! How can people be so wicked?
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Dog will eat that Mr bashar al assad, God will punish him
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That their President is a BEAST!!!
Horrible. But Linda similar attrocities happens in police stations across the length and breath of Nigeria everyday.
Hehehe dis life s turning 2 sumthin else
Teacher caught in the act with student in school premises
Teenager Caught Hving Sex In The Bush With A Married Man
Lady Uses Fuel Pump To Satisfy Herself From orgasm
Woman goes to a Public Funeral without Under Wear, see what happened Next…
Blood of Jesus! There is only one word for this act and it is "wickedness". God please have mercy on us.
Islam and blood shed, God please have mercy upon Syria, safe the people like you safe the Isreal from Pharaoh
Cruel treatments meted out on humans by their kind.
Still don't know why countries like China,Russia and Iran choose to play politics with an important issue like this.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Thanks for the warning. Can't look at graphic images.
All is fair in love and war! But I don't see how this is! This is a gross undermining of the fundamental human right to live! This is just too bad and for a President to cover it up! Man, that is something!! And US is giving us grief for anti-gay right? What about this? Hilary Obiorah
Saw dis on aljazeera today! Its just so sickening! Humans av no respect for fellow humans anymore.
Humans re now more brutal than the devil.
Things they happen. Choi
Na wa ooooooo. Baba God na ur hand we dey ooooo
God hv mercy (JESUS)
Chai chineke some people are wicked
Miss teddybear
linda are u sure bout this, kinda scary
Is this how the whole world gonna look and see this devil killing his own people because "they don't have petroleum"?
See naija hot babes hot photos at Nigerian entertainment news
Hmmmmmm short of words. May God help diz people who are power drunk @ d expense of its citzen!
Inhuman,may Allah forgive dem oo
Chaai,,,,dis president is a monster,,,
NA wa o
Omg!!!human beings bn treated like non living things....gosh!!!God pls judge the people who did this....
No way this body of evidence would have come out if not for the brave deed of the military defector that has been code-named "Caesar".
Its evident that Assad would go any length to hold onto power in Syria,not only has his regime perpetrated crimes against humanity,it has also implored the use of chemical weapons as seen in the evidences that surfaced last year.
The bigger problem however is the rebel fighters who seem to be divided amongst themselves and have also been accused of doing worse to civilians whom they captured because they were accused of being loyal to President Assad.
Funny how Syria is the only country whose leader has not been toppled since the Arab Spring started years ago.
So sad.
If d guy in suit is also an evidence of torture! *grabs bag off 2 syrian! Wen d west controls d media, evrythng seems ryt wen its nt!
This is sickening. Like father,like son. These people do not have respect for human life at all.# so sad, shaking my head
And he claims to be a medical doctor with a foreign degree. This is war against humanity.
Linda sometime u summarise these write up, nt jst copy nd paste.
I don't know why Western media always use the phrase "against its own people" people who share boarders don't often view their neighbours as their fellow brothers and sisters. If one looks closely to analyse the histories, kinship and current realities of various groups, one realises that nationhood is a farce. I would much rather they focus on our collective humanity. Rather than saying "against its own people" they should say "against humanity" period. How one human being can do this to another is our collective shame.
Terminator President
God have mercy.
I have the feeling that these pictures were doctored (I wish I could be prooved wrong)Truth be told,Assad has the support of Christians and other muslim minorities in Syria.The Islamists wanting to overthrow him engage in similar atrocities,and they also fight each other for supremacy.
Eya whr hv u been.i hv "milxed" u
let them also show us how detainees in Guantanamo Bay look like so I can analyse.
Humans nd d devil are competing in terms of wickedness*shrugs*
If u call this wicked remember voilent men stay up all the night for people like us to sleep
God have mercy. So mny tins God ll judge
God hve mercy,so mny tins dt God ll judge
This is bringing deep sadness to my heary, RIP to everyone that died trying to make it through the pain.
It's things like this that makes one wish the world should just end... wickedness on earth is at its extreme... Everybody is beginning to live in fear of death... ve tired
There re report dat d senator shot in Cross river faked it. Linda u published a news but failed 2 punlished d climax of it. I av no reason 2 dought u an ACH faithful. Back 2 d issue @ hand. I'll comment wen I av smtin 2 say, for nw am out
Happy for you. Just pray to those who are there
Stunning Jack appiah photos
Hmm, syria shaa. When will this war stop in that country?
shocking hot hot news at Nigerian entertainment news
Nigeria still get hope! Bizarre hapenings in syria,Lord have mercy!
Huh horrible,we dnt knw τ̣̣ђё full story so drez no need τ̅☺ use harsh words or pass judgement on him(Asad).whtevr ΐτ̅ is,i hope thy sort ΐτ̅ out,Ǎ̜̣̍Ϟd put an end 2 ΐτ̅ b4 ΐτ̅ gets outta hand.
Terifying shit goin on there
Horrible pics gosh.
Horrible. .. crying
Horrible. .. crying
May God save us all
Horrifying. We need to fight sub humans so that humans can survive in this world cos those who did these are not humans and they belong to this planet....
If only people understand that one can sleep and never wake up maybe things would be a bit diff
i'M not in Syria,but knowing how these foolish western governments operate, I won't be surprised to find out all this is propaganda again as they always give free to the gullible majority of today's world. I know for certain tho, that there's quite a reasonable population of Syria that loves Bashar al-Assad & want him to continue to be president as opposed to the jjnk of lies the media spew.
Eya, where have you been biko and how is your blog doing?
Western Propaganda .. Why would Assad want foto documentation of torture in the 21st century.. Believe this and you would believe anything .. Nigerians are too gullible to be exposed to such foolish propaganda set up and shot in a CIA foto studio
First comment I'm putting on here and I'm not even going to further on this. People are so gullible thats how Iraq got invaded for invisible WMD, next was The Honourable Gaddadfi (Who openly at an African Conference live condemned his fellow muslim countries for letting Iraq be invaded, with secretly because he was making a new legal tender, "actual GOLD CURRENCY" for Africa to use in trade and the dollar would plummet....
It may not make sense, so short, you can call it a snippet. Do your research
Terrible...World powers should do something to stop this shits...
O.M.D!!! Anonymous 4:43PM I think u should also ask God 2 av mercy on u and save u...ur english is enough "blood shed"
O.M.D!!! Anonymous 4:43PM I think u should also ask God 2 av mercy on u and save u...ur english is enough "blood shed"
kant even finish reading the headline
This is Bizarre... gosh! why do this to fellow human... am scared of life right now...the world is coming to an end....really... Nigeria sef get boko haram...
Mary help...such a wicked country
I can't even view cos it's an eyesore omg dis Syrian govt nawah oh una dey kill innocent ppl just like dat it's not good
Blood of so speechless...may God help us all..may their souls rest in peace
he (ASAD) will die like Saddam Hussein
How can a human being be this heartless? Everybody get him day sha cos when God starts to take action, dem go know what's up.
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