For using profane language on other people or pelting them with insults or abusive words on social networking sites, Internet users in Nigeria risk a jail term that ranges between 12 months and five years.
Section 18 sub-section 1 of the Cyber-Crime Bill 2013, which is pending before the House of Representatives, expressly states that anybody who “insults publicly, through a computer system or network” commits an offence and will be liable on conviction to imprisonment “for a term of not less than five years or to a fine of not less than N10m or to both fine and imprisonment.” Continue...it gets more interesting
Also, the bill prescribes a jail term of
five years for anyone who circulates or makes any racist and xenophobic
material available online.
Cyber-criminals, who hide under the
anonymity of the Internet to bully, harass other users of online
platforms also risk jail terms when the law comes into full force. .
Section 15 of the bill, which deals with
issues of cyber-stalking, prescribes a jail term of 12 months for anyone
found guilty of posting messages deemed “grossly offensive, indecent,
obscene” or messages aimed at “causing annoyance, inconvenience or
needless anxiety” to another online user.
Besides, anyone who bullies, threatens or harasses another person, through “information and communication technologies” or posts messages online that contains “threats to kidnap or injure” another person will be jailed five years or pay a fine of N15m or both.
According to the bill, Internet service
providers will be required to keep all traffic data and subscriber
information for the purpose of prosecuting those suspected of committing
The service providers are expected to
provide necessary assistance towards the identification, apprehension
and prosecution of offenders, failure of which makes them liable to
fines and or jail terms.
Part V, Section four of the bill
prescribes the Office of the National Security Adviser as the
co-coordinating body for all security and enforcement agencies when the
bill becomes law.
One of the high points of the law is the
prescription of death sentence for anyone who commits an offence against
what it calls “critical national information infrastructure” which
results in death.
1 – 200 of 325 Newer› Newest»Jona is loosing it I swear
Its not making the law that's most important, its implementation of the law, in 9ja laws are made but are not implemented
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They ought to av learnt from Arab spring by now.
They should take our patience for cowardice and they should desist from pushing us to the elastic limit.
Lemme comment my reserve till then.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Let there be death penalty for all those politicians stealing all our money!
Lmao.. see clowns
dey shud focus on more important tinz dat wud benefit d citizens.
Does it exist? No be Naija u dey! Them don use that chop money. Yeye pple. God pass them sha!
Jonah has gone mad again
these ppl, tryin 2 twist d laws 2 suit their selfish interest. isorai God is watching... i didnt insult any 1 o lol
Wahala don wear rain boot for our country...everybody should be careful,insurance no cover anybody again
Post a Comment
Self minded people. because of election, they are doing all this.. anyway God will surely call most of them before the election time. and linda, we need gift ideas for wives and baby daughters. contacts of delivery people and stuffs like that.
Rubbish of d highest order!!!!!!
Country of fools ruled by even bigger fools. Oya sentence me to death. Olodo GEJ, your citizens are hungry and you are busy signing gay bill and cyber crime bill. What about a bill that will send govt officials to jail for 5 years for poor service?
Abi..so who is going 2 be responsible 4 catching th cyber criminals cos th last tym I checked Naija don't have govt organisation like NSA dat have surveilance infrastructure on its citezenry.
Bunch of useless idiots! I don't have light in my house n this is what u guys came up with? Smh
Nigerian Lawmakers are fools! Indeed they are stupid. Bunch of ndi ara!! Mtchewwww.(Let me quickly insult well b4 they pass d bill & sign it into law, lolz)
Hehehe ghem ghem.
When they passed the anti-gay bill that trampled on the fundamental human right of freedom of association, y'all was quick to praise. Now you lament because of the proposed Cyber Bill, Please Please take a sit and wait your own.
Nice move to stop over night millionaires like some of my close pals. Yahoo yahoo bois. Cheers. Engr E
Hahahahaha. Instead of these stupid law makers to talk of important things. Whatever happened to freedom of speech. Nonsense people. I have talked and am under anonymous come and arrest me. Mumu lawmakers.
How about jail term for politicians stealing our money? Foreigners disrespecting us in our own country? Marrying an underaged girl? Shame on the Nigerian government, thats what happens when we have a bunch of illiterates governing us. Such hypocrites, you jail the gays but i bet half of the people in the government are on the down low. When will they stop making Nigeria a laughing stock.
It is welcome, so far I remain anonymous, I can still abuse, swear and curse any1 in power.
Na me Orobo talk am.
Bfore it is impleted let me use al d profanity in my vocabulary FUCK PUSSY ASS TOTO PHANNY CUNT VJAYJAYhmmmm add 2 d list linda
Linda make u ro raa ooo.....hehehe! I no money to bail u oo
I don't blame the president, Nigeria as a country have gotten a bad name for this internationally, as soon as some one mentions nigerian they think 1stly of Internet scammers.. its has to be stopped some how, does Jona want to be the center for jokes within international political meetings NO
Wahala, so if someone post a comment I don't like here on LIB I nor fit blast the person be dat, 9ja......... Let's focus on better things to move our country foward.
SNOWYTE SAY S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡
Linda Baby,u dey fear?na lie dem lie,dem no fit close ur "work chop",
Even if others fold up urs go survive,
Now na to go back to writing letter thru post office!
I am happy in some way tho,the "Yahoo Boys" go learn by force,
Misplaced priorities!!ds administration is d most useless n inefficient administratn in d world.d devils dat killed aluu 4 in broad daylight still roam d streets free and there is no law against dat up till now but inconsequential issues lyk gays n cyber bullies r more important!! D ineptitude is so heartbreaking.kai God! wat did we ever do wrong 2 deserve a president dat lyk ds??
dis is rubbish...dey better think of smthg else.
If d so-called president signs dis.......den he's more useless dan ever........I wonder who wuld even vote him during nxt election
Linda lets wait and see what comes out of this. They themselves know Nigerians would not accept that from them. That is why my love for Senator Kaka representing Ogun central has diminished, he is the one behind the barbaric bill. I wonder if these people think with their foots instead of their brains.
Lol. I need to change for beTter. No more insults. But some libers can get on ur nerves for real like Alloy*winks* Ajanaku
I hope this will not affect your blog, as we all love this blog because of reading the comments section, if no one can express themselves then it shall become boring, OH NOOooooo
this our politicians are jokers, imagine
Stupid bill, idiotic xpressions, dilapidated house, unfortunate reps..all happenin in one country called Nigeria.
They re mad. let me start the insult now. bullshit!!!!
Linda I wanted to say something but I think I should start training myself from now on
Linda lets wait and see what comes out of this. They themselves know Nigerians would not accept that from them. That is why my love for Senator Kaka representing Ogun central has diminished, he is the one behind the barbaric bill. I wonder if these people think with their foots instead of their brains.
Talk about misplaced priority.... They should deal with foreigners treating Nigerians like slaves in 2014, electricity, good road, provide jobs etc.... sincerely don't understand why Nigerians Vote when the government are only interested in stuff that matters to them alone..... Jonathan is only trying to shut Nigerians up simple as end off..
What is Jonathan's problem self? freedom ☀f speech is allowed bt freedom afta speech is not guaranteed??? God help Nig.
Na to dey insult dem under anonymous na
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Oga Jona don dey crazy, he beta built prison wen big pass nigeria, coz am sure we will all end up in jail.
Very soon now we won't be allow to talk anymore for fear of jail term
Well i dont have much to say on this till somebody is arrested for there openions on Blogs, Facebook etc..
I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
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They must be mad and stupid. Stupid set of idiotic leaders. Oya make them come carry me go jail. Awon oloshi jati jati. Thunder destroy them.
Linda post my comment,my body dey hot
This people are very stupid . It won't change anything there are still ways to go about it . Jonathan is phatetic
Yes Cyber bullies should be dealt with
Very good! When the persecution of gays started, majority of Nigerians clapped their hands because gay people are a minority. I hope the clapping will continue now that the persecution has spread even to the majority! Injustice to one should be injustice to all but no, not in Nigeria, we are too backward.
Some of you here were screaming... Kill them! 14yrs is too small! Stone them to death! Give them life imprisonment!
I seriously hope you guys will enjoy the dish exactly as you have served it!
I support
Well noted
This jonathan admistration is d most stupid n worthless eva. Does dis guy even think at all. Is he trying to make such law to stop people from criticizing his govt. If somethin like dis is passed in2 law, it will bi d height of wickedness. God, I need to jand. Wat kind of nonsense is dis na. So we go kon dey fear 4 our haus again. Dis president is withdrawing our fundamental rite small small o. He started with gays n we all aplauded him and nw he is coming 4 us. God pls let animal rule us dis coming election dan dis meniac.
Only in naija . No freedom
2015 ...
Mr presido get ready oooo, coz I will make sure I insult u murin, aftanun and nite. Useless old fool.
LIB ers will be the first to go to jail. lol
Well dat means we will all go to prison nah. Bcoz I trust naija pple, na now d insult go start sef. GEJ you are a mad man.
GEJ is a mad man.
4 der pocket.EBY
4 der pocket.EBY
Hiannnn so we shld all sit down and watch them without saying a word??its alright,God dey
Can u see that this government has nothing else to offer I just laugh out loud.
Obviously , these people are jokers . When they're many more improtant things to face in this country , this is what they're wasting their time and energy on ? Are you kidding me ?
I think it's annoying that the idiot people in power have to pass these stupid bills when there are other pressing issues other than trash like this
These lawmakers are not representing us.So we should be praising them for looting our money ba?This is the kind of bills they will pass within seconds.other good bills can carry dust till eternity.
Passing useless laws.
It is well. If it's part of the cyber law . So be it. Let there be sanity in this Nija small...hehehehe! It's going to help some like me who calls a mumu , mumu then I will stop typing mufu or mumu. I think mufu is a name Yipiee better. But, for real sometimes I get disgusted when I get here Linda and see these swearing and cursing ..It's not nice at all...
So not real.
This turtle poop of a bill is as hilarious as it is preposterous.
I knew they were gonna come up with more irrational,demented and idiotic bills cos they got so much appraisal for that pre-historic lifestyle anti-gay bill they hastily and stupidly into law.
You have hospitals that look like something that was hit by a boko haram bomb,public office holders that squander public funds and have their wards buy Bugattis and what not,rapists on the loose who even make videos of their dastardaly act and post them online,child trafficking,paedophiles in power,schools where students still sit on bloody bare floors,kidnappers and dare-devil robbers that kill at the slightest provocation and out of all these ills,its some dumb ass bill about "cyber crimes" that they choose to debate upon?
What now? Are we competing with North Korea?
Its official,I give up on Nigeria.
They are very stupid and senseless*i hate dis country
It can't still stop ME from saying the truth in any manner of speech.
R.I.P Internet in Nigeria. U were fun while u lasted. Thank God I'm not in Nigeria, so I can abuse anybody I like...even the president :p cos I know that is why they are implementing this law, so dt u ppl can stop abusing ur mumu president...loolz
Jesus! Linda I saw it on the other post that omawumi's child is for the governor of delta state. Please find out about it. I will contact u privately.thanks.
Lol. They'll pass it, after all dey approves all bills brought to dem. Jona is tired of d insults. But b4 it passed lemme insult his sori ass. All time dumbest president
Height of STUPIDITY....See how they call d fine like its just #10...hw much do they pay a civil servant dat ll even make them or an ordinary nigerian to be able to afford such fine???.....Tell me is it not what they ve afflicted on us dat we re pouring back to them???...c'mon u leaders wake up from ur beds n do d needful for society instead of bringing funny laws like u got no more important n pressing issues on ground.
Height of STUPIDITY....See how they call d fine like its just #10...hw much do they pay a civil servant dat ll even make them or an ordinary nigerian to be able to afford such fine???.....Tell me is it not what they ve afflicted on us dat we re pouring back to them???...c'mon u leaders wake up from ur beds n do d needful for society instead of bringing funny laws like u got no more important n pressing issues on ground.
Lol..na so JONA!!
This idiots are wary of criticism, and that's only because they don't want the truth right in their faces.Are Nigerians going to be left with any Human Rights?. If the bill eventually gets passed, let's see if they can efficiently track everyone and even if they do, we'll see what they do to people living outside the country. BUNCH OF LOW LIFE OPPORTUNIST WITH NO PASSION FOR THE BETTER-NESS OF NIGERIA. MAY GOD PUNISH YOU ALL.
This unbelievable, the president may hv asked someone to propose this.This Jonathan is worst than a dictator in likes of Gadaffi etc. He is masking like a good man.Where then is democracy? Rather than dealing with issues like any Nigerian abroad or back home that damages the reputation of Nigeria through involving in any fraud such as 419 etc would not have a Nigerian passport ever.Second, the person must face a jail term up to 20 years. They are busy being stupid.
Fani-Kayode, they are coming for you lol.
What no mention of homophobic comments?
Nonsense & Ingredient
*speechless* *smh*
Gej shud beta respect himself, wch kind monkey play b ds 1? He's in. Love wf irrelevant fins. He sure nids to c a doctor or berra still he nids rehab. Oya Come nd arrest me 4 sayn u shud c a doctor online.
This is funny.when the issues of boko haram is there and also corruption in the corridor of powers are also there.I wonder what this country is turning into
They must be crazy&am saying it again something is wron with their brain! When i write what i like or insult someone that annoys ♍ƺ let them come&say rubbish to ♍ƺ! Corruption them •̸№ seee ä♍, lite them blind&so many things they are suppose to face they dint! Stupid useless unfortunate govt!
They just don't care about the masses...No light...No road...poor education...poor infrastructures...no jobs and now they want to deprive us of speech?.... God dey!!!
First time poster..linda i want to bang u,,now am a criminal..lol
inshort, leme be the first person to break this 'law'... and ahm directing my insult at all the lawmakers involved in this rubbish they call a bill.. and Jonathan if you sign this bill, this insult is directed at you too. YOU ALL ARE FOOLS...#datsall
WTF? Who is the pig that sponsored this bill? What has happened to freedom of expression? I'll just deactivate my fb and twitter account if the bill is passed. Pass a bill that will scare corrupt people outta their skin not this trash.
Ah ahhhhh???
Jonathan Goodluck is a failure Nigerians.
Ghen Ghen!!! The film just start.
Check this space. I told y'all the bill is targeted to keep us from freely expressing our disappointment at this brainless guy! Thought we are in a democracy, we wont stop talking o....Mr. Presido. Wait for part 2. Jonathan the dictator...
Funi enuf, linda ds may mak u lose customers to ur blog as ppl will b scared of bn arrested nd blogging ll b very boring cos I'll miss many comments. Ds bill must not stand.
Linda so cyber-bullying doesn't seem lyk an important tin 2 u? shame! Darl5
Diz GEJ juz neva seems to amaze me,when we have better things begging to be attended to,he's busy with minor things,I still haven't regret not voting for him,I knew it wud com to diz.
Ok nau. At least post office still dey work. U can still use letter writing. Whether open or in secret. Nonsense. They won't deliberate on important matters like unemployment rate. Is not their fault.
linda i cant believe u havent given us d kcee and harrysong been thrown out of nikki office 4 constituting nusance cos she rejected d collabo lol wat was he smokin when he thot of dat collabo in ur biggest dream even wit ur yahoo yahoo moni u never reach if na tuface or p square she 4 do or even d banj who r u a nobody 2 her
First to comment ... What kinda nonsence bill is this ? Me wey like to insult people wella . Abeg oh the bill had better not be passed *nkey*
FUK GEJ #CHAPITAL LETTER....tel him 2 Beat it #OBJ voice
Hehehehe! Like some of us dat sometimes comment under anonymous we will be jaild too, so how dem go take find me now, hmm don't be suprise even if bannin slipprs is nxt. Mtscheeew!
This government is a joke
Linda no food for u be dat lol.
when these politicians were campaigning for elective post is this one of their manifestoes?I have never seen them pass good bills that will improve our lives.They really want to hold nigerians hostage.
Disgusting !!!
Linda ƹ don be for û nd all ur people
Linda ƹ don be for û nd all ur people
Pure joblessness. Chasing wat is not chasing u. Oshi!
They better take me to jail now! Cos I will insult all insultables! Nitwits
Lol jokers.
Nigeria should fovus on more important things that will take the country to a greater height than focusing on things that re not important to the growth of the country
Hahaha. Wan se se bere!!!
This is cray!
am sure meheeda won't like this
Some of it makes sense but I get this feeling that this will also be used against anybody who critics the government or people in public office. Just a question which Jail will they be putting them in. The already over crowded ones we have? They should make it a civil offence ( punishment in terms of compensation) not a criminal offence ( jail term)
Ok what about those who get paid millions for JUST saying "yes ' and 'nay'for collecting constituency allowee n nt using it,for having swiss accts while others cannot buy a cup of garri,for stealing pension fund,for inflating contract,for buying eleven planes,for...........need l go on? Let them try.One good thing is that they will surely vacant the seat n then behave like el-rufai,OBJ,Atiku,Tinubu.
O!.I.forget all animals equal but some...let them jst try it bunch of educated illitrates!METCHUUUU......
Yes lindiway is death penalty n child pornography and yahoo yahoo na 15millon bails haha jona jona dey vex dis dayz
Story story story.
"According to the bill, Internet service providers will be required to keep all traffic data and subscriber information for the purpose of prosecuting those suspected of committing cyber-crimes"
How is this different from NSA spying?
Well,I support it in a way.eg I don't undastnd why som1 will insult anoda fellow for posting a coment here.too many curses on this blog.we r entitled to our opinions,drop ur comment and go,I drop mine and go. Pple who insult others shldnt b allowed here.kiks
What happened to civil rights?
What if you insult the person to their face.
This is too ambiguous....
Pls..... GEJ I take God beg u. Focus on the right things.
I haven't heard anything about Power for the people. Since 1960, no light.
or reforms in Oil sector, policies in agriculture, health care, Education (so that we almost NEVER go on strike again).
What of corruption? Why is the aviation minister still a minister?
1st twas child not bride, then Homosexuality now Internet freedom.
Have you seen how we are just wasting time... Digressing
Awon oloshiii,what of corrupt pulic officers...God go punish una !!!
I think they are Mad, useless Government without priorities. bastard..till today we dont know what happened to the 200million aviation miniter spent on cars...bastards
So wat dey r tryn to tell me is dats no freedom of speech again?jail jail all d time make una jail everybody make we rest haba wat is it self
Enough is enough.....
We the youths have to be informed we need to make a change....
Who's with me? This will take a lot of work.... but we(you & I) have to sit down, go through our constitution and policies meticulously, look for loopholes and start talking to the right people thru the right channels.
It's simple, our leaders are jobless, them no see better thing to do, i own a tech blog and make i catch any of there spy 4 there, i go hack the person and he device join...
My fellow nigerians, my tech blog Here joor...
For internet there is freedom to do anything u want, i mean anything...
Peace Out! #Dump Liber soonest
jobless idiots!
wah dey r tryn to say nw is dah we dont have freedom of speech...as a citizen we can xpress our feelnz...besides is dat part of d 2014 agenda??? If it is den gej is totally confused, no road,light nd unemployment everywhre nd ol dey do is to face want doesnt benefit we nigerians in anyway...
Few say so *via B.A.G*
Like, are they for real! Are they fed with stupid pills or something every time they sit for a bill? WTF!!!
Wonders shall never cease!
Wow! This is jst crazy! So if I send a nude pic to my bf dats a crime?...na wa oh! How does it affect anybody nau?...very soon they'll prescribe a death penalty for anyone who watches porn..guys watch out!
Jona, why na? I am totally against cybber bullying and the likes cos it can be destructive to the psyche of the one being bullied. But pls, this proposed bill is a joke iAI.
Anonymous insulting the president without respect..insulting others..they have blood flowing in their veins...the bill should be passed,bloggers will be responsible for anonymous comments or you post comments of people with registered identities..i support the motion...
Dats gud! They need to sign this bill!
Oshisko, Na God go punish dem. Instead of to focus on jailing corrupt leaders, provide constant electricity, and other basic amenities, they are busy fooling around. Oya come catch me now. Catch me if Ʊ can in jaywon' s Voice.
Naija ma country...i d hail
this is just bullshit,what really happened to freedom of speech, the crimes they are supposed to arrest people for that one they will not see, is it that we have enough space in jail that they want to throw everyone there? this country is fucked
Seen and noted.
NSA and Edward Snowden, the last paragraph details. They want to start spying on us and they don't trust their ability to secure documents because Yahoo boys and others will just break into their insecure panels.Well, for all I know, this may be my last opportunity to insult GEJ before the bill is passed. The man nor get sen....make I sorry for Linda make I nor complete the word. Linda, anything you post will be a xenophobic probability. Well, some people will so route and route the thing on the Internet that the IP address may seem to be a UK one. Na USA Saharareporters dey o, Oga GEJ. Investigative journalism will be considered xenophobic and capable of causing anything
See gbege, I no fit shout okay nau we don hear
BYE BYE TO THE INTERNET IN NAIJA! Goodbye to all the blogs cos all of una got get una own special wing in Kuje prison. Does that qualify as an insult.........make i come join una in internet prison wing, kuje
Smh.... there are more pressing issues than this Abeg
I ll stop commenting on blogs then...but wat happened to the democracy constitution which also state dat'freedom of speech for the citizens?
Linda, I nor go comment here again o. Fear dey!
..so before it becomes illegal, let me quickly say this. President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is not just the most gormless president in the history of the word 'president', but he is also the daftest.
People are hungry, people are dying, no power, no road, no employment, lack of proper education, highest level of corruption in the history of Nigeria, insecurity, just to name a few - I'm actualy pressed for time, wanna post (hopin Linda wuld do same) before it becomes illegal.
Nigeria is not working, we are being led by a dolt. This is what he spends tax payers money to compose? After feeding with one billion naira annually? God help us.
Jonathan is running mental.
the constitution is no more the grandnurm. Father save this country.. This is total joblessnes. Yea I just said that. Now let the law start with me..walksaway#
Linda, Ain't your President clueless?? Pardon me, he's the dumbest President ever on Earth and I hope he sees this.
“critical national information infrastructure” aka hacking
Well bfore it becomes law I want to take dis tym out to tell dem der r so stupid for nt doing important tins,like making. Sure we constant electricity,useless government.
dentention camps go full that naija soon ..lol fuckery in the highest order, i stand for revolution now!!!
I am in complete support!the fact that this bothers you Linda is a clear fact that u affirm ure blog as the topmost avenue for cyber bullying,insults and all. And that's how u make ure money abi? Always seeing the negative in ppl n not hesitating to mk it public just for ure benefit. Your time is coming .
RUBBISH...The bill to stop discrimination against people living with HIV during employment is yet to be signed into law and Jonathan is wasting time signing irrelevant bill.In the UK everyone including medical practitioners living with the virus can still work .Jonathan please wake up, so experienced hands can move back home without any restrictions biko.
Lidiway u hv to be careful o,I don't want u to fall a victim
Hmmmm, mouth sealed o.
I now believe this president is mad....this is what you get when undeserving people are put in office.
Hmmm.. No comment oooo #NewsBlist
Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas using one's body and property to anyone who is willing to receive them. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, as with libel, slander, obscenity, sedition (including, for example inciting ethnic hatred), copyright violation, revelation of information that is classified or otherwise. So the house of rep can kiss my big black hairy butt!
They are not serious,like seriously 4 real? Is this really happening! Instead of looking forward to make Nigerian power supply stable,they are there looking for who to collect 5m from,no be who them catch go pay the 5m ni?mtcheew *strolls away*
I go curse dem papa make dem cm catch mi
Them dey mad o! Make I dey insult dem first bfor dem start d bill... Mean while check My photography blog www.marshimagery.blogspot.com
Tunder go visit them
Not a more serious "Anti-Corruption" law... but a cyber bullying bill. Round of applause. For the sake of creating or sustaining democracy, "virtually"-speaking, the bill is "commendable" (Punch) but don't we think the government is engaging in a series of misplaced priorities?
I'm sensing there is a 'selfish undertone' to this. This is not about 'yahoo-boys' at all. The internet is the fastest and most effective medium which most critics use nowadays to check the activities of the public office holders. Once this is passed, its like you're shutting them up. Now the common man will be left with virtually nothing cos this bill may take away his last tools/weapons - his voice and dignity. I'm not even sure whether there is democracy again in this nation!!!(Sobs) All the same, I believe they can't shut up the sovereign Lord and He'll fight and intervene on behalf of Nigerians....
this Jonathan regime is become childish and stupid. all they just do is sit at the comfort of their homes and think of what to do to silent average Nigerians so that they can steal freely. I am waiting for the day we all youths will stand and make the heads of these bastards roll on d floor. maybe this is the time. incompetent foolz.
what bill have they passed about corrupt politicians caught stealing or embezzling public fund? www.jointarena.com
Frustrated government, so many important task. I call it incompetence
This is just the beginning... una dey rejoice when they passed an inhumane law against gays, now some of u are barking cuz one of the laws doesnt favor una lmaooo. This law is insane like our politicians and a lot of Naija ppl but it wont hurt if they pass a law that prevents cyber bullying and cyber thugging. If anybody wants to yan ukpata and attack others tirelessly, make the person rent liver and say that ish to the target's face. If fear dey grip u then keep quiet till u overcome ur fear. Cyber thugging too much but if ish talking ppl pay few thousands for attacking others senselessly and without merit, their senses go correct shap shap.
It is well....
Nigeria is finished! make I just dey my ilu oyinbo jejely.
Ara ndi ocha apugo this morafokaz
Ana emenu,instead of focusing on issues that will take this country to a beta place,it will ds tin...Mtcheeewww
Wot of d bil on dos looting our treasury,when wl dt com up?
Dis z stupid
Y av dey decided 2 shut deir eyes n minds against mre important ish???
All dis pple sef ehn!
I wee even start ma insults nw maa see weytin go apen
Ok, oya LIBers, since they have not passed the bill, lets use this opportunity to yab and insult anyone we wanna insult, becos if they pass this bill? Hmmmmm sorry go be ur name if they catch u as offender.
Mshewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..... Stupid foolish old morafuckers?!
Oya, cme & arrest me, ode oshi, mshewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
To me i believe it is important.
Ndi ara.
I laugh in spanish lol, na naija we dey abeg. All these no even work in yankee with all their internet and IT guru and witches. Na naija he go come work? Nonsense bill, dey beta not waste their time to seat on this bill cuz na bin the whole shit GEJ is planning will end last.
He is MAD!! His son will fall victim. He shulda kuku said we should not use internet again. Joker
stupid...thats all...no light and they are there debating on some shit....why not talk about anyone who embezzle naija money should go 15 years jail term
I'm in full support of this. Cyber crime is a serious case in some parts of the world but here in Nigeria, we treat it with a pinch of salt. I expected more from you Ms linda
they just want a case were they can do anything with impunity and not get scolded by the public. ok nah, we are waiting
stupid...thats all...no light and they are there debating on some shit....why not talk about anyone who embezzle naija money should go 15 years jail term
He will arrest plenty pple ooo. Dencia's should be happy now
Its not yet passed into law so permit me Linda to say: dem dey CRAZE. .as for me when I see say demand steal our money a go call them their surname online which is THIEF
Dem dey craze
Just when I thought have seen and heard it all from our government , here comes another bombshell . What do they take us for ? Slaves ? This country needs an intervention ASAP. I can't anymore.
My country is A̶̲̥̅ joke, hahahaha..... --N.I.C.E
I hate nigerian leaders, thieves, women beaters, stupid pple what do except when you have a dumb ass as a president mcheeew
Na lie jor! This1 no fit work... where dem wan put all the prisoners? wey kirikiri don full pass anytin...abegy jor...
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