The University’s Department of Women’s and Gender Studies will be exploring the social & cultural significance of the songstress’s music and image.
The course will allow fans to explore Beyonce's alter ego Sasha Fierce, and debate the extent of control she has over her own image. They will also debate whether her red hot persona is an outlet of female sexual empowerment or merely complying with western gender stereotypes.
"This isn’t a course about Beyonce’s political engagement or how many times she performed during President Obama’s inauguration weekend. She certainly pushes boundaries. While other artists are simply releasing music, she’s creating a grand narrative around her life, her career, and her persona.’ Kevin Allred, the person in charge of the course at Rutgers University said
Lol funny oyinbo he
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Wow!!!this is ridiculous....why will i wanna study somebody???Anyway Goodluck to her...xoxo flynnrules
Lol, I would rather be studying bill gate
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Ok! NExt pls............
SNOWYTE SAY S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡
Smh okay so gurls prepare to study how she dance naked on stage Roflmao
O chi .....Nigerian universities pls we want to study genevive's uniqueness courses. Ndi ala
Errrr....I believe there was another Beyoncé course offered at Rutgers about 2 years ago....
very funny. Studying beyonce 4 me wld b d highest level of joblessness. 4 wat na. Wen i vnt finished studyin Jesus Christ my Lord n personal saviour, Lord v mercy!
Wonders will neva end#TecnoN3#ics
Ok women pls prepare to study how to dance and also get naked on stage ooohhh lmao
Wa sere omotoshun
Wow some people are really born to be living legend.Bey is one.Fame+Beauty+wealth=Beyonce 101
Hehehehe So Funny!! Beyonce 101.. Will It Be a Composery Course??
Looolz sounds funny
But would be interesting coupled with her wardrobe malfunction at Grammy
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
That's d spirit. Ride on quees bey
Another demonic 'mind control'strategy!..God have mercy on those who will study the so called 'course'!!
Dats xo good, sm1 opens her squeezed polani in public and she ends up been studied. God pls forgive dem, even if dey know wht dey doing.
Non sense.. Next plss..Hissss abeg shey na ivy blu b dat?dem don go plastic her face she looks diff
and how would that impact our lives?
congrats. good one for her.
this makes now makes good pay online. See how she does it. click here.
The takeover! The Carter's!
Hw ah go study persn 4 uni na wa o
Very interesting. **kween**
Mtscheeew! Lack of something serious .
Oh really?????hmmm,nice....
So na d baby face be dis? She be like doll. Bt theses Americans are MAD sha
Hian ???? Americans ehn !!!!jst imagin telling Nigerian parents u wana study "beyonce" in uni....
Y ah go study persn as course 4 sch..if I round up iz she goin to pay me
Hmmmmmmmm......na wa o
What won't I hear, ridiculous.
I just love B.
Study queen BEe nke?they get tym.
Nawa ooo!
As As Ђδω Ω̴α ? Which kind study be dat? Plxxxxxxxx
The day dey'd study Lindz @unn sha...
~D great anonymous!
mtshhheeeewwwwww........... course for fish brains!!
Breaking new grounds and making history every step of the way! That's what great people do...... Interesting!
Madness I tell you! This is absolute madness! It is one thing to study her genre of music, but to study her is just insane! Imagine having to study Modenine or Eedris in Nigeria! American educational system is going loco
Hnmm!!!!! Oh chi! Beyonce as a course?.......it'll be interesting though
I laff in Spanish! Better pikin
Later they will say they can't find jobs
Very soon we wil b studying lind..smetin lyk linda201
@ a time no time,dis one be say matter dey for mathias,even me no go wan pass carnal reach canada,dats d last tin I ll do(xsexie Blingz)
This just shows that not all university education is relevant.
Brainwashing and carnalism at its peak.
Any courses on Billy Graham or Kenneth Hagin? or even Theresa of Calcutta???
There is your answer!
Heheheheheheh...joke of the day!
Wetin u dey study? Beyonce..imagine that...y I no kuku study my villa, oyinbo and their rubbish taaaa
They should rather study Boko Haramism or Al Quedamania.....sounds more reasonable and tasking too
Lol, when I heard Sasha fierce, I remember what she said, that Sasha fierce possessed her, and she was dancing like never before..
Even if the course if FREE, I swear down, I will take it neither refer it to my enemies..
I like beyonce, but this one cannot work for me...
*Rides bicycle away*
Oyinbo peaple den no think much b4 dey ll bring out something reasonable. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Yes o
Oyinbo people den no think much b4 dey ll bring out something reasonable. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Why waste money studying ANOTHER HUMAN BEING instead of going to gain skills or better yet STUDY GOD. When you finish who will employ your weak minded ass obsessing over someone elses life- make your own legacy
Her baby looks Chinese.....
If I'll have to study someone then i rather go for Ben Carson.
RIDICULOUS#in harry potter's voice#Jay Noni.
If i hear?
There's nothing legendary about studying beyonce, it's stupidity in the highest order
Butch of rubbish
Linda, please kindly assist. I have an ex-colleague who is more to than a sister who has been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. It will cost the family 8.1m for a kidney transplant. Pls I'm just trying to advocate for as much publicity as possible so as to save a life. Please kindly text either ur email addy or ur phone no to 08029507050 so I can send u her pictures and details. Her story was in The Nation newspaper for either yesterday or today. Her name is Lolade Aina. Please help us. Thank you. Lamide
We want 2study Maheeda in Nigerian universities
*Claps hands* what am I going to study exactly? Chineke Nna! This people practically worship their fellow human beings, and expect us that worship God to be gays? And do unreasonable things like them.. Ngwanu, one day we go study Maheeda..I wake up daily, full of thanks that God created me an african! .. SOMY
So finally. ......this is our blue ivy's face. She luks like bey. Cute lil ivy. Kisses
lol this na old gist...next
Very soon you study tuface on how to impregnate a lady lol #bright bravo#
Sorry Alloy. Wad u do 4 living? I guess u r fucking bored.
Yo! Why are some of you pained ? Your approval is not needed anyways#Queen Bey reigns :P
Kk congrats 2 her she try
U are all confam mumus.The course will be about studying the artiste 'beyonce' and her impact on d US society,economy & d world in general thesame thing can be done for 'linda ikeji blog' and its impact on the Nigerian society,its celeb culture & d youths.These Americans are on a whole different level than we Nigerians so u all shld keep quiet
Good question zee zee, it beats me! *wears thinking cap*
Good question zee zee, it beats me! *wears thinking cap*
Hehehehehe...hohohoho...lwkmd...dz is great...nw dz is gettin out of hand....d nxt person d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ re gonna study is rihanna....lol...awon werey
I will also love to study Genny. She is soo unique as far as nollywood n African celebs are cocern. Studying miss nnaji will b my best course in school.
Progress....that's hw they get ahead of us. They study everything and that's y dey re beta than us
If Aristotle and Adam smith were never studied as courses despite the legacies they left behind then, I really don't see why celebrities should be studied as a course for any reason what so ever. I like Queen Bey, but to study her as a course is way out of line.
hieght of joblessness!
This is pretty interesting. So much can be learnt on intersectional politics through a Beyonce lens.
Worthless ideas, tym wasting news. *Cagey*
Some European University also study Fela.
Ass off.
Hard work pays...@backstage
Ewu Gambia! Is the article about Blue? U see her name anywhere for d article? Was Beyonce never a child? Olodo
Say what?? E be like say they don smoke weed!! Y wil I study Beyonce as a course, I neva study ma bible finish, na Beyonce. *Eyes rolling*
That's not the first time,she invented the word 'bootilicious' which was later approved by oxford and added to the dictionary. Beyonce is truly living like a godess and the public is blindly following.....
Hi Boario, are u a student?
Bonario: yes
What's ur discipline
Bonario: Beyonce
Liber: why not study Linda
Bonario : Studying Linda is too expensive
Liber: hi Bonario, are u a student?
Bonario : Yes
Liber: what's ur discipline?
Bonario: Beyonce.
Liber : why not study Linda?
Bonario: Linday dey too difficult to study, that's why she never get any scandal..
Dis lady is so over hyped ... Even if dey must study a celeb why not oprah or michael jsckson? Study someone who promotes nothing but prostitution dat can not impact something in human lives.. I hate over hyping she's not dat great
LOL funny story they should study Kokolet here in nigeria #Mankind
#studyin Beyonce 105 DND...
Werin I no go hear 4 dis world..... *Jhorke*
anything is possible in the western world. even people study accounting, engineering in Nigeria, he's still unemployed.
read interesting gist and entertainment
Abeg, when then go start selling application forms. Oyinbo no dey find jobs na, that's why. Stipends dey
read interesting gist and entertainment
Maybe it a good tho lol! Dat mean we can study Goodluck madness and craziness in our university
congrats beyonce
software seo swift viewers
The devil uses every means to propagate his gospel. He gives them fame then use them to deceive millions of fans that see them as role models. They go nude, their fans go nude, they act gaga, their fans act gaga, they sing nonesense, their fans sing along and buy them aswell. Their fans worship them as gods then have less or no time to worship GOD.some pple are so carnally minded that they can't see beyond their physical eyes. Pple pls give ur life to christ there is no time left. See beyond the physical pls.
This doesn't make sense
And her alter ego is Sasha Fierce... I laugh
Dear God please shower your grace and blessings on me that one day I will be so significant that other people will appreciate me enough to study me. Amen
Hmmm pls wat are the subjects requirements for the course and wen u finish studying the subject "beyonce" in school u come out to become what? BEYONCIOLOGIST mtewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I need New friends. 332A8C21, pls iono want em rude. Tankus
Completely ridiculous...and highly unreasonable!!!!
Atimes i wonder if sodom and gomoroah were as bad as the world of today hmmm illuminati tinz
Why would I go to school to study Beyonce? I don't have anything better to do abi? Oyibo ppl sef. Imagine telling your parents you want to study Beyonce. Na wa Ooooo
B.sc beyonce abi diploma in beyonce. Hunger go wire ur generations if u study dis joke called course!
Is alright lol, B.Sc/B.A Beyonce
Bsc beyonce abi diploma in beyonce. Hunger go wire ur generations if u study dis joke called course!
This is pure madness...wtf
Nonsense kmt!!! Why not study Steve Biko, Nelson Mandela, Bill Gates or even Oprah Winfrey? Illuminati world domination has begun, next they would be studying Chris Brown, what a sad indictment of the American educational system. #enjoying my hagen daz ice cream!
I want to believe its a play on words you're using here.... Please o... let it be that you are just smart like that.
You really need to substitute your iPad with a dictionary. Wtf is composery? Oh dear! Smh it's COMPULSORY son...
No thanks! I'd rather study BILL GATES, CARLOS SLIM, AMANCIO ORTEGA, WARREN BUFFET e.t.c... Trust Oyinbo to start rushing to study BEYONCE Hmmm all is well
Like for this comment,you got me at Kenneth Hagin
Orisirisi nkan... I laughed in Spanish... I would rather study Bill Gate!
Na waooo. How can i go to a university and study BEYONCE. Absurd. Anyways anyfin happens. #NewsBlist:
These people are just senseless
waste of money, and u will see some rubbish people study it.
The issue with this oyibo people is that dey are jobless,if tehy have husband to take care of and kids to train,they would not be studying somebody that her greatesst achievement is songs.rubbish!!!!
Oh pleeeze! Smh.
u r on point
Stupid libers! Quick to say rubbish. All in a bid to drop comments. They're creating a 'beyonce course' because they want to find out what makes her tick, that extra thing that makes her stand out and become so succesful. How she does it and stuffs like dat. Love her or hate her, she is stiill symbol of success and inspiration. Especially to d black race. big ups to mich. Fuck u bonnario with your stupid comments. You hardly ever make any sense!
Shut upm any small tn una go cll devil, wetin concern devil fo this matter and Who are To judge them?
Blog queen, Aristotle, Plato, Adams smith, Socrates, etc are widely studied in all universities especially if you are in faculty of social sciences. In philosophy department, you end up studying people, their work and thoughts.
And my dear, you study her each time you read about her and you also contribute to her studies each time you comment. With all these comments, it could pass as Beyonce 101. You guys are already studying her as you know much about her.
Study beyonce ke! Hmmmm kini won ri study lara kini yi bayi? Esu ma lagbara o. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I would rather study ffk.....rubbish
Studyin a lost soul dat nids salvatn n God's help?jst bcos she's famous n wealthy?n witout God is vanity.jst lyk studyin satan whose judgement has bin set.lol.God hav mercy. N now,they want to mess up pples minds?change deir mindset?dis is blindness of d heart. She nids help.fame n wealth witout God is a wasted lyf.
Ur comments are always retarded.biggest fool
Ewu gambia. Economy oshi.. Idiot
Ur comments are always retarded.biggest fool
If 2pac and biggie are been studied in American universites GSTs I see no reason why Queen bey and Oprah shouldn't be studied. Alter Ego dats a word most bloggers here need 2 google maybe then people will realize how unique Bey is.
I prefer to study Bill Gate
Nonsense,pls Linda next news joor.
Wah bagus informasinya kak. Sangat bermanfaat buat saya. Thanks ya atas share nya :)
Let just call that beyoncology.
And some docile beings will go and study these in America, then work in high govt offices.
Whr can I work wit Bey certificate. Arrant nonsense
this is a 100% evidence that the USA is indeed an Anti-christ nation...how on earth can you introduce such individuals to be studied in higher institutions? people whose music and life styles depict satanism...no wonder men bending over for men to thrust is your number one priority...look over your shoulders USA you are the weakest link before the entire world...you are irrelevant unlike years past...God cannot be mocked. every man reaps what he/she sows...righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to the peaople...how this verse so fulfilled itself in you America...
I like her ambitious nature but this is anti christ. Its like telling people to study the devil in schools. Doesn't make sense na. Thank God for Nigeria. You won't see this kinda nonsense. But I also hope these nollywood stars don't follow suit as is their manner these days...
Na wa oh! Oyinbo no go kill person...Okay oh, happy for her
Somebody dt did not see the walls of university is now a course,such is life,some people were makin mockery of her being an illiterate,now she s now a study for people to learn,n they wil read hard n pass the exam,gettin certificate of her study to use n look for job,such is really life,education my foot!
Well said. Abeg tell dem.
Me like it oo, Kudos Bey
but why?
Na wa o.
but why?
Madness I tell you! This is absolute madness! It is one thing to study her genre of music, but to study her is just insane! Imagine having to study Modenine or Eedris in Nigeria! American educational system is going loco
Studying beyonce...Dats odd buh kindof think it will b intresting +if u don't buy d idea n u think its stupid then its fine,ders no need 4 2much insults
I studied her a long time ago and have come to the conclusion that she is not all that. Neither is she a good representative for women.
Whr is dis honor coming from?GOD or devil, let God be d judge, GOD designs every destinies and devil re designs as well,hmmm only God knows. Congrat
Soon people would say...
question: what did you score ?
Ans: I got a B in Beyonce
this is absolutely ridiculous!
This will just be an act of joblessness or run out of schedule of semester work....
O wa ga bayi ooooooo! Ha hannn??
Anonymous 6;12 dat's d point...u hit it @d head
Highest form of nonesense... God knows how much she must have paid for dis to happen... If u are in d hollywood u wud knw she is a scam
Wonderful Design Blogs, Such a great list. Thanks for sharing all these blogs all are very useful to every one..
Voip System
Lol...wonder shall neva seize
Why does this blog always shade kanye west? I mean its wrong! This should be a blog for the public! Not a private hate factory! There are also studies on Kanye West! You just refused to put it out! But when its time for negativity you're number one? Bravo!!!
linda pls why does ur news comes in dark form on my phone, cant read anything nah, nd im not happy
Absolute nonsense
Absolute nonsense
Waste of time!!!
One tin wil make me study it as course...
total thrash in d highest order...Sol Sylva was here.
i think that lol funny post. ahahah
wah keren gan...
keren gan, bagus postnya
Thanks for the useful post. thanks you once again
terima kasih informasinya
Begitu ya?
yes studied in university is very important to us
cablaak gan :D
keren begete :D
beyonce is beautiful singer and good in education..
beyonce is beautiful singer and good in education..
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