Principal officers of the house including the Speaker of the House Mr Rasaq Atunwa, his deputy, Prof Yisa Mohammed were part of those that defected. The lawmakers said they decided to move to the APC due to the factions in the PDP.
Kwara State governor Abdulfatah Ahmed already defected to APC.
It shall never be well with pdp, ndi oshi, wonders shall never end.
Same old same old.
PDP and APC are the same water boiling in different pots.
Their disunity our unity.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Dat doesn't mean we gonna vote 4 APC in 2015 cos dey all d same to logically speaking,
PDP is in serious trouble
Hmmm, and the drama keeps unfolding as the Nigerian populace watch...
Linda they will still come back.If Atiku who has been party Ashawo can come back,believe you me there's hope for this lost souls.All of this confusion is part of politricks and in it there are no permanent enemies!
PDP don carry last
APC the new PDP!!!
Nothing is changing, but I believe in our future
#That happy sister!
Gawwwwd! . Hv mercy on dis country oh Lord
Kai! APC's Mr Kola Belgore will be pissed. Dr Saraki and Alhaji Ahmed have now joined APC and will ride roughshod over him and his faction.
E don happen and it keeps happening, is PDP goin to survive this?
APC don win 2015 ooo!!! Fashola for presido!
So in retrospect, APC is just PDP with another name. Hilary Obiorah
E don happen and it keeps happening, is PDP going to survive
And that is politics for you, as for me, I don't belong to any party but God's party.
Same old political fools defecting to APC to corrupt the party
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E don happen.....
Habatically!! I really wana see how PDP will make head way come 2015...
Nigerian politicians do not defect because they have your intrest at heart,they defect due to political relevance,and to be in the good books of their state governors and political godfathers.
Dis APC is jst anoda Boko Haram group! "I HATE" islamic Group.God hlp us in dis country O
What do you expect like father like son, all road to Apc.
Hmmm, 2015. This ll give someone high blood pressure. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Going 2 anoder party is nt d solution, cos is d same pp dat r moving 2 a diff party but same mind set.
Linda am xori but I don't care. U been too political this days
PDP in trouble.
What is happening in Nigeria? I love politics
Rubish!! APC is nw PDP. Let them b deceiving themselves and nt us
Nawaho....God please if it is ur will that president Goodluck should rule this country again let ur will be done oh...because they are just trying to furstrate this man but it won't work.
Na laugh I dey laugh oh but anyways it is not strange to us anymore let dem keep migrating same politicians same criminals in other party
I know PDP is loosing grounds but presidency is sure coming from them.. I hate politics but I sincerely believe its dirty game will play come 2015. #Mr Lucky
They should all detect they will all regret later not now
They should all be defecting to APC, our politicians are not intelligent, their defection will not strengthen APC, it will only weekend dem, cos they will go there and start draggin positions wit the existin members. What does that tell u abt the party? We are watchin, they should kip joinin the band wagon...
As if it wud change anitin...same thieves in d other party...abeg...make APC jxt try bring Fashola out for Presidency joorh...he's wat 9ja nids
But wait o,wot is happening to PDP members?I think God has finally send de holy ghost fire to dem.bcos enough is enough for de devil
Hmmmmm pdp haaaa
All nah politics, soon they will come back to PDP, mark my words
Nigerian entertainment news
Oh Nigeria I weep for you no worry eh he go beta. GHANAGIRL
Up PDP!!! hehehehehehe!
I can bet they are still gonna defect back to PDP. Their action is just due to d crisis. They can change theor party but can dey change theor character?, they are just there to swallow.
Its ok. Their decision.
APC the new PDP smh #mankind
A̶̲̥̅ll these politicians Dε̲γ̲ do like pple wen †̥hε̲̅M̶̲̥̅ deey use remote on. Why A̶̲̥̅ll these decamping nd recamping. ???
sorry I meant "Fidi Fi"
Moving from one party to another will not solve Nigeria Problem, the best thing for all this politicians to do is to study and educate them selves in the act of leadership.
Still baffles M̶̲̥̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ dat These man act like babies. They just so shameless.
Problem dey ooo
R u kidding me?.... Pdp is finished.
One day they're criticizing one another's policies and reforms, the next day they become allies and migrate to same parties just because of their selfishness! Its like they are not even aware of the reality of a suffering nation in dire need of help and rescue... God help us!
2015 do and come o! I can't wait to embrace ya.
Linda deirs no big deal here,wot do u expect wen deir gov has already moved to apc n Bukola is also in apc so stop makin dis a big deal .Giv us beta news dis is nt news n it don't suprise us.
My dear, same criminals in a different attire. Nigerians be wise, vote 4 credible individuals no matter d party dey belong not party.
That's not a surprise to me, cos kwara state is private company of Saraki's family, they ditacte what happen there, whic cannot happen to some state.
What's the difference between half a dozen and 6?
Lindaway, Hope say u know de buy 1000 naira cloth O hahaha. U know say i love u so much...And u know de like approve my post. :(
Saraki owns Kwara state,he dictate everything that happen there.so is not a big deal,but watch out for some gun dwell come 2015 as main former ACN members will never allow saraki to hijack their structures..
Nice one
My question is,who would be the Gubernatorial aspirant for kwara state come 2015.Is it Dele Belgore or Fatai Ahmed?Nigeria politics is becoming sometin else.
PDP don suffer! Laff won tear my boxer
PDP is bad. ACN is worst. The devil u know is better than the angle u just met. Bunch of nuisance!
Stupid state. Loyal to a family since creation but forgetting that there is division even among the Sarakis. Ahmed can't even assert his own authority. He is joining APC I hope he learns from Ngige.
Beta comment! U just finished it.
I just de laugh! Political prostitution. No idealogy.pls can someone help me solve this simultaneous equation: what's the diff btw 6 and half a dozen?pls a correct ansa will get a prize.
That is not surprising to any any nigerian at all. We all know that there is no democracy, no political parties in Kwara. All that kwara ever had and still has is saraki. From Shagari eral, kwara has only voted as instructed by Saraki. Olusola saraki brain washed very well before he died, so kwara people don’t think, don’t reason, don’t think about their action, they only obey saraki and goes any where saraki ask them go. So this defection – mass defection is the latest saraki instruction to them. Shameless and conscienceless stupid men. Shame on kwara people – sarakis slaves.
APC or pdp I no wan no. I go still vote for GEJ .
The exodus of politician from pdp into apc is no longer news. Everyone is defecting. I hope I will not wake up one morning and hear that President Goodluck Jonathan has joined apc
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