Monalisa, who has been silent on the issue recently granted City People magazine an interview where she cleared the air on what really happened. What she said below...
The case was a very sad one. Kelvin as a matter of fact was a mistake. He is boy we tried to help even though we knew deep down he wasn't well qualified but we needed to get someone who has expreience because other staff are fresh graduates. So we just told him to come on board and when he came, he had his CV doctored, his address doctored and he said he was the assistant editor in that publication but he wasnt. He lied about so many things that we didn't feel was necessary for him to have lied about.
He was good at writing and so we said as long as you are good at writing, its not a problem because we need a very good person who can head the editorial department. His disposition was very laid back but we said come on board, we need people to be groomed. Well he came on board but started having an affair in the office. We didn't realize he was having an affair with the same lady in the other publication house where they came from. He came down here and started off from where he left off. I didn't know and there was so much commotion going on. He couldn't head his department nor meet his targets, and in the midst of all that, there was another girl working with them who they also frustrated. So we told him to go away for a while, we didn't even lay him off and the next was that he went on crazy on the internet, He started publishing company intellectual property. So we had to change a whole lot of thing. We had to change the title of the magazine, some text and lots more. To our utter disappointment, he has a brother who is a lawyer so he came and we had a meeting with them and he was totally disappointed. He said this was just a disgruntled brother who feels he wasn't treated well. I said how because we were always talking on the phone and i kept asking him what the problem was. It was much later after we laid him off we realized this affair he was having was affecting him. That was just what happened".
When asked if he was owed any salary as Kelvin alleged, Monalisa said
"We have documents to prove there is nothing like that. all the while he was meant to meet up his target but he was concentrating on his job and we asked him to go away for two weeks. Perhaps its the two weeks pay he is asking of and that is not done anywhere, you cant go and release company property just like that, its not done. I pray wherever he is right now, may God forgive him".
Ok, Heard
*sigh* too bad @funkiedipsy
We don hear! Look at what steve Jobs said
May God forgive him if all you said is realy what happend.
aww..things women put up with,Linda pls i need dat moni..and God bless u for ur thotfulness,ur an angel
only God knows the truth though. but why did it take this long to reply, its been a long time since the guy blasted Mona. i suspect fowl play jor.
Finally I go post my comment,linda linda oooo,dis giv away ehennn kia,make e reach us wey dey north o abeg,lols,n david encouraged himself in d lord,I knw say my own go com,its still ROSY 08168787059.Bless u
TMI, doesn't she risk a lawsuit by trashing her former employee in the media?
All linda's post on the 100k are full. Let me put mine here.. 1. I want to give 10 ppl 10k 5334 comments. 2. Happy birthday to Linda ' chopping life' ikeji- moi 4665. Comments 3. Shocking sad news, singer Goldie Harvey dies 2555 comments 4. It's my birthday 2012 2167 comments 5. 1m giveaway, it's now 1.5m, dis one is still in the counting of thousands, if this is not part of it, then this post toke makinwa doesn't think I am a good role model 1,773 post. Linda I realy nid dis mony ooo, plus you don't like posting my comment. I stil remain anonymous, but this is my number 08036479918
may God forgive you monalisa
I love Monaliza. Women are career ruiner lol. Power of p****
Dis lady is beautiful!!!! Lindodo pls I need d money ooooo (20k)....thanx. *Debbie Chelsea*
He has apologize, they should, forgive him, because Mandela has a Man is about forgiveness, linda pls help me register for Waec pls, I don't want to spend another year at home, pls, I really need it, I don't care about christmas or new year, because there are more in the future, for now help me please for my WAEC REGISTRATION, abeg, pls anything is useful.....thanks
Osamudiamwen omoregie
Sigh......Monalisa is really Troubled indeed...!
So monalisa cannot even narrate?? Gosh and you are an actress? what is "he said they said"? really? the same thing with Doris Simeone! I am dissapointed with these so called actresses and their command of english!
Hmmnnnnnn.... But I think everyone needs a second chance!!!
*Still watching*
May God forgive him. Yes, but whom shall we trust/believe?
First he lied to get the Job.... second ......................... No comment.
Story story............
I trust what monalisa just said sheet happens, d guy should just focus on what to do next.
Y releasing the company's properties now.....if this is true then he deserve to be laid off.
Wow! Bt we ren't supposed 2 mix business n pleasure. #*karlishah*
1)I want to give 10people N100k to say thank you (5,334 comments).2)Happy 33rd birthday to Linda'Chopping life'Ikeji...moi(4,665 comments).3)Shocking sad news,singer Goldie Harvey dies...(2,555 comments).4)Linda Ikeji acquires N8million 2011 infiniti fx35(1,680 comments).5)Dear LIB readers,a letter from me,Linda,to you(1,542 comments).Chelsea E,08102856326.a
Beautiful woman!aunty linda pls include me in ur 20k giveaway prize,am a student nd my dad his job in january 2012 since den tinz hv been very difficult for us,I believe soo much dat d 20k wil go a long way for us tnks nd God bless!my no 08035936123
Looking at dis guy he is not serious with life. I really don't knw wat happened but if wat monalisa is saying is true d guy didn't do well at all he just want to tanish monalisa image. But his plan won't work
good for her
Only God knws the truth and it will soon prevail. Linda God bless u 4 the wonderful job u doing. With an humble beginning, see where u'r now.2014 is ur year, ur wedding is perfect IJN.
Wonders will never end.only God knows who is sayin the truth.
Brazilian,Peruvian,Malaysian hair for sale at fantastic and unbelievable price.contact me on 08075593182.
Hmmmmm.it is well
Dear linda Ikeji i want you to know that i go to your blog like every minute but i must tell you i dont really leave comments.Am a student and i know twenty thousand would go a long way.your question is what will you do with 20k this Christmas .well i will use part of it to buy some food items for the family and the other will be saved in my account so i can use it in school when asuu calls off the strike.With God all things are possible,my name is awele ijeli and my number is 07035071892.i will just seat and when for your call but if i dont receive your call i will just accept it in good faith and still beleive God will do something.thanks..
Boys will always be boys. Sounds plausible but i dnt know if i believed it.
I must Rule my Destiny weda them like am or not maka JESUS ebuliwo mu Elu higher higher higher oooo! Singing in flavour's voice
The girl sef looks like mami water.. next pls... hehe
Hmmm. See gobe
Good afternoon Miss ikeji, Am Master Okoli. A student of Nnamdi Azikiwe University,Awka (Unizik) and about the twenty thousand you want to give out to students; Here is how I intend spending it if it gets into my care. 'I was once a homeless kid at Nise motherless babies home A.K.A Young christian motherless babies home,Nise,Anambra state of Nigeria and I can tell the tales and conditions of the children over there as a result of lack of support.Most times,I try to make out time to visit,share,stay and spend quality times with them.These are the only natural siblings of mine I know. I have been dreaming of spending this christmas with them but totally lack what it takes to achieve it;which is the finance. With your N20,000, I can get them a bag of rice, a gallon of oil,2 dozen packs of viju milk, apples,stick sweets(lolipop),toiletries and christmas clothes atleast the cheapers one to get to many of them as possible. Not a must I can get it all for them but will try as much as possible to get as many as it can and also from the little my purse can offer. All I want for this christmas is happiness for these young kids. I want them to experience the kind of life other kids from homes experience. I guarantee you their prayers and good wishes in all you do. Matthew 19:14 says Let the children come to. Don't stop them for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children. Thanks Miss linda and May God continue to bless ur handwork. Amen! If am lucky to put this dream of mine into reality, These are my contacts. 08030743899 or 08065218747. Ezigbo mmadu. Daalu rinne!
Try http://walkping.com out if you're a student. Connect with other students, share your thoughts and live life to the fullest online.
*crying* I'm a student buh d post on the give away is overflowing with comments alrdy. Hope dis one counts. 20k will help me start my project in January. That's the most importatnt thn to me right now. 07031833354 Agbogidi Kelie
I wonder who is lying here.Btw dis pix does justice 2 monalisa's biuty.She glows
Dear kelvin according to ur madam monalisa u r a“mistake”lol pls go look for a better job n stop fooling around.
Well can't say much on this issue for now, till we hear from the other party.
God knows the truth. All I knw is that what so ever that is worth doing is worth doing best.
your Loyal fan FAITHYBLUEZ
Ok we've heard , thank u! Now gerout!
Other staff are fresh graduate datz d problem wit pple dey belive in 5yrs experience, some1 wit experience is alwys beta now c.
Linda Ikeji acquires N8 million 2011 Infiniti FX 35. 1,680 comments.
Yep! Its my B'day today ! Go Linda, its your B'day. (Sept 19th, 2012) 2167 comments.
Shocking sad news ! Singer Goldie Harvey Dies ... (Feb 14th, 2013) 2555 comments
Happy B'day to Linda Chopping Life Ikeji. (Sept 19th, 2013) 4665 comments.
I want to give 10 people N100k each to say thank you. (Dec 9th, 2013) 5334 comments
08133859753 Thanks Linda.
cwiosly i dint trust d@ kelvin guy cos to me, e is just an attention seeker.....apari oshi.
Na dem sabi jare
we go soon hear part 2
Lies mona
This do not make any sense to me. Is it just me or what?
This sounds like a big lie monalisa
we go soon.see part 2
Kip up in ur gd work chinde,God wil surly c u tru....aunty lindodo...Next pls
Naw I dunno who 2 believe. Buh I tend 2buy lisa's story more dan kelvin's.
Dude should move on wıth hıs lıfe'
Chi "O" mas divas make-over Xmas prmo:Pls call 4 ur bridal make-ups,office looks,model looks,diff stylish gele,4 ur skincare&facials. 08162687585: or bb:330a76ac.tnx
will she ever work with anyone...she was in london for a show sometimes ago and..and you should see the way she spoke with well know london MUA who was working with her, she even fought with the photographer...she thinks she can control everybody. OGABNJE...
PS: LoL..Every one is now leaving comment with their names...
Chi "O" mas divas make-over Xmas prmo:Pls call 4 ur bridal make-ups,office looks,model looks,diff stylish gele,4 ur skincare&facials. 08162687585: or
Am telling u, d english no gel at all. All scattered, she cudnt put it togethere! I wonder why cus d mona dat i know speaks fluently .....
its obvious she and her boyfriend are at fault,she dosent really seem to have anything to talk about except his affairs which is none of her buisiness.I'm really disappointed in you Monalisa.
Never judge until you know the fulll story. Now we do but sad thing is u still can't judge.. Nobody's perfect----C21
sorry that am commenting here but if I do so on the money give away side you wont see it, I need the 20k to give to my girlfriend, she has been good all yr . thnx for undastanding
Amen if its the truth dou. Linda pls am still pleadin wth u to consider me biko. Thanks a million n God bless you Amen 07030950360
1)I want to give 10people N100k to say thank you.2)Happy 33rd birthday to Linda'Chopping life'Ikeji...moi.3)Shocking sad news,singer Goldie Harvey dies....4)Linda Ikeji acquires N8million 2011 infiniti fx35.5)about the one million naira giveaway,its now one point five million naira,here is how u can win.chisom 08034493553
Na wa for wire road!
OK oh!
Hmmm, Only God knows wat we don't know. but we should always remember 2moro, not 2moro's Friday oooO. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Is it an offence 2 hv affair with each other in the company regulations? If yes den d sack is ok, bt if no den sumtin is wrong
Is it an offence 2 hv affair with each other in the company regulations? If yes den d sack is ok, bt if no den sumtin is wrong
I'll only take u seriously wen u suspect turkey play
Monalisa fyn gal..lovely pix
Come who wrote this story sef na hunger dey catch am? Which kind yeye English be this?
I'm a student, will be in my finals next year january. I lost my mum in 2011 and It hasn't been easy for me, I've been paying my school fees and others by myself cuz I'm d first, my dad is only a petty trader who's basically concentrating on feeding us at least..please you could help me with any amount, I have project and house rent to pay for, I've been able to save up for my sch fees cuz I worked a bit. Linda I'm nt asking for much,jst help a sister I beg u..I need to finish up and start helping my younger ones. Thanks and God bless you! 08096158825. Amaka Okonkwo..I still believe in God
Oluku,thief.You don dey do copy and paste.
Help wetin,you guys wanted to cut corners.
hmmm some pple re jst ingrate 08122227031
dear linda....i was unable to comment on your update concerning the one million naira your giving away due to the fact that it has reached it maximum number of comment. pls linda i will need the 20,000 naira just to invest it in my dad's business. i dont need it for Christmas,i really need it to put a smile on his face...i'm a yr 2 student of uniuyo....08160074187 priscilla. i will glady appreciate it if you consider my reason. thanks.
K heard
Idleness! Choi! Lwkmd! Rough diamond don kolo oh. D muni abi? Chai u need am. Lin abeg find am evn if na recharged card.
She's looking very pretty
1. 100k give away money for Lib readers. 2. Your Birthday 2013 and general updates of Linda Ikeji. 3. When you bought your Car IX35. 4 Post on how you featured in magazine dressed in a newspaper attire. 5. Goldie Harvey's Death. Thanks in Advance. May God Continually bless you and grant your heart desires. Stella Phasua. 08028485607 or 07085148974. Stellasmiles@live.com. Linda I'm trOuble posting on the 1.5m give away so I'm posting here
Hi guys,
Hot great fashion stuffs on www.webmallng.com/mypearlharbour..you will trip...chaiiii.
Good afternoon Miss ikeji, Am Master Okoli. A student of Nnamdi Azikiwe University,Awka (Unizik) and about
the twenty thousand you want to give out to students; Here is how I intend spending it if it gets into my care.
'I was once a homeless kid at Nise motherless babies home A.K.A Young christian motherless babies home,Nise,Anambra state of Nigeria and I can tell the tales and conditions of the children over there as a result of lack of support.Most times,I try to make out time to visit,share,stay and spend quality times with them.These are the only natural siblings of mine I know. I have been dreaming of spending this christmas with them but totally lack what it takes to achieve it;which is the finance. With your N20,000, I can get them a bag of rice, a gallon of oil,2 dozen packs of viju milk, apples,stick sweet(lolipop),toiletries and christmas clothes atleast the cheapers one to get to many of them as possible. Not a must I can get it all for them but will try as much as possible to get as many as it can and also from the little my purse can offer. All I want for this christmas is happiness for these young kids. I want them to experience the kind of life other kids from homes experience. I guarantee you their prayers and good wishes in all you do. Matthew 19:14 says Let the children come to. Don't stop them for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children. Thanks Miss linda and May God continue to bless ur handwork. Amen! If am lucky to put this dream of mine into reality, These are my contacts. 08030743899 or 08065218747. Ezigbo mmadu. Daalu rinne!
As a 2nd year student and a first born of four children i would be glad to receive the 20 k so that i can buy my siblings new clothes for x-mass since my parents said they can not get them any x-mass clothes and this broke their heart so bad.. I would be glad to if i will be able to make their x-mass wonderful especially as a big sister since i cannot do that for now since i am a university student.. Tell no: +255788531029 email:rexyreen@yahoo.com
As a 2nd year student and a first born of four children i would be glad to receive the 20 k so that i can buy my siblings new clothes for x-mass since my parents said they can not get them any x-mass clothes and this broke their heart so bad.. I would be glad to if i will be able to make their x-mass wonderful especially as a big sister since i cannot do that for now since i am a university student.. Tell no: +255788531029 email:rexyreen@yahoo.com
Ping 21AC1B31, if you want to be an Advert agent or a Campus Rep for Torch Magazine.
Ok may God 4give u monalisa if it's trough.
Ok ....next #ntn consine me#
Ok may God 4give him if it's true i mean.
Ok may God 4give him if it's true i mean.
Dat man should be telling d truth,Lisa don't try covering up ur ass nd try 2 own up 2 ur faults.Dat guy is very qualified,he served with CRBC nd I grew up knowing him.
Mona Lisa!!! Just respect yourself there even you dey say person no qualify? Just allow sleeping dogs to lie o! If not breeze go blow fowl yansh go open... I don talk my own #i just dey waka pass
Linda biko post d winners of ur quiz oo so we'll know our fate!
WHERE IS BONARIO in this comment, 100k e have sure 4 him as linda hav talk. He is d star of LIB. Buh really, linda is sure a smart ibo gal. This is d best strategy to shut those haters criticizing regular commentors on her blog as being jobless and attempting to scare them away. The haters have sure left anonymous 2 post with their names 2 become permanent commentors so as to win linda's 100k. B4 u kill an igbo persons business, they already strategize a way 2 execute u. Linda is da SMARTEST GIRL EVER LIVETH. I trip
anuty linda, is me again i stil need dat work even if u can gv me d grace of workn 4 u i wil be happest girl on earth,any work abeg...08136790504 or email:marychukuka@yahoo.com
if what mona said is true then the guy deserve what he got
MonaLisa d ever beautiful lady..no one can spoil ur name, just live right! ..
Na wa oo... A lot of posts 2day have been Hijacked by money plea msgs! Linda pls use discretion share am sha..!!
anuty linda, is me again i stil need dat work even if u can gv me d grace of workn 4 u i wil be happest girl on earth,any work abeg...08136790504 or email:marychukuka@yahoo.com
Linda pls I think u cn hlp me tru ds xmas give away 2 enable me do my project research work, pls my mates r almost done wit dia projects. Tanx 08032584051
Monalisa this your story isn't straight o! I don't know how office romance has become your issue when that is what you and Lanre are into. Anyway, I don't know you but the Lanre Nzeribe I know is up to it, that guy is a bag of shit abeg.
anuty linda, is me again i stil need dat work even if u can gv me d grace of workn 4 u i wil be happest girl on earth,any work abeg...08136790504 or email:marychukuka@yahoo.com
anuty linda, is me again i stil need dat work even if u can gv me d grace of workn 4 u i wil be happest girl on earth,any work abeg...08136790504 or email:marychukuka@yahoo.com
why does it take u this long to reply? why will u engage the service of an unqualified personel for your first project? (dt's absolute lie), when u suspended him, did u let him knw d reason why u suspend him was based on office romance? dont think so. well if only u can ans dis few question den i can decide if to comment or not. i rest my case.
1. I want to give 10people N100k to say thank you (5,334 comments). 2)Happy 33rd birthday to Linda'Chopping life'Ikeji...moi(4,665 comments). 3)Shocking sad news,singer Goldie Harvey dies...(2,555 comments). 4)Linda Ikeji acquires N8million 2011 infiniti fx35(1,680 comments). 5)Dear LIB readers,a letter from me,Linda,to you(1,542 comments). Linda, I know say u no dey like post my comment, abeg post this one. I remain your number 1 Anonymous Sylvia E. 08039517314
anuty linda, is me again i stil need dat work even if u can gv me d grace of workn 4 u i wil be happest girl on earth,any work abeg...08136790504 or email:marychukuka@yahoo.com
Dear monalisa, we ave heard ur own part of d story too..and I in person believe wat u ave said, so sad he left way but as u said may God Forgive him.........# Aunty Linda is nw I really knw dat u hard me so much I commented on ur post dis morning telling u I was interested on d 20k too but u refuse to accept my comment u couldn't even post it. ..
Wow.Na them sabi.
U are not a student,for you not to know d strike has bin called off!wetin dis linda money go cause#smh#
Aunty Linda,good evening ma.Help a soul.I just need 9k for my school hostel accomodation.Pls,help me make this christmas my best yet.God bless you plenty, ma.Chioma 07030869699
""Comment undergoing approval via G-Ebony...please wait..."
comment reserved
i cant seem to understand what monalisa is saying....and so what if he is having an affair in the office? what has that got to do with you guys paying him his money? now i believe him thoroughly. your explanation madam actress does not make any professional sense.
you said "you whr just trying to help him", whats the meaning of that statment? is your magazine a charity business? are you not publishing it to make money? so how the hell can you say you whr just trying to help him? and trust me in this case he was the one trying to help you, because that his article would fit perfectly into TIME magazine as a beautifully editted and analised story.
my advice to you, please try you best to get this guy back because even if hes screwing both the men and women in your office, hes a good editor just with his story i read. he nailed you guys with very accurate and precise analogy.
Monalisa...let me see if I understand you...he came in with lies written everywhere from his personality to his cv and you gave him the job??you are not serious!!who does that??people not every case that appears charitable is!!!now its time for superstory...you dug your grave so deal with it
Lol. Where those the BEST LIES your boyfriend, Lanre could teach you. Big LOL. U &ur savagely unscrupulous bully boyfriend are still clutching at straws to discredit thorough professional colleague I personal know? Keep ur fingers crossed cos the whole world is yet to know the grievous federal crimes u &ur boyfriend committed, fabricating lies, doctoring documents to feed ur lies, bribing d police to harass him. It's coming &it's gonna be big. Get ready. Lanre wil finally be humbled &this might be d end of ur reputation as we know it. Stench-filled FAKE LIFERS tagging themselves 'Celebrities' & 'role models.'
A)Linda ikeji acquires 8m 2011 infiniti fx 35
B)Shocking news singer goldie harvey dies
C)Dear LIB I want to give 10ple 100k to say thank u
D)its my bday today
E)happy bday linda chopping life ikeji-4685 comments
Aunty Linda, the comment box for the giveaway is full so forgive me if I post the answer here.. The top 5 posts are
No5: Linda Ikeji acquires N8 million 2011 Infiniti FX 35. 1,680 comments.
No4: Yep! Its my B'day today ! Go Linda, its your B'day. (Sept 19th, 2012) 2167 comments.
No3: Shocking sad news ! Singer Goldie Harvey Dies ... (Feb 14th, 2013) 2555 comments
No2: Happy B'day to Linda Chopping Life Ikeji. (Sept 19th, 2013) 4665 comments.
No1: I want to give 10 people N100k each to say thank you. (Dec 9th, 2013) 5334 comments.. The second post about increasing the money is still the post with the highest comments.. It has up to 8,000 comments and counting!
Linda we hav heard monalisa.......wait 4 d reply frm kelvin
MONALIAR! ...and you are just a dumb liar.
My goodness…what a poorly narrated story. I thought Monalisa was a university graduate, she can't even articulate herself, "they said", "i don't know"….and you are supposed to be the publisher of the magazine? sad.
A)Linda ikeji acquires 8m 2011 infiniti fx 35
B)dear LIB I want to give10ple 100k to say thank you
C)its my birthday today
D)shocking news singer goldie harvey dies
E)happy birthday linda chopping life ikeji-4685
Linda plz I have toomuch responsibilties to take care of
Please help me...my predicament isn't something I can say heer..linda please help *SAD*thank you
Linda pls am a corper jst came out of camp and was posted to a remote villa wifout lite and gud water,bn tryin to wrk it bk to de town and de hv bn callin moni.de moni I even came out of camp is finished and I dnt hv moni to go bk or finish de workin of de posting.pls even if is 10k it wil go a long way.08184864647.chigozie skye bank 1053676270.pls bcus of God linda post ma comment
if what mona said is true then the guy deserve what he got..
Aunty Linda,good day ma.I'm Chioma,with no 07030869699.Pls i need your help with 9000 for my school hostel accomodation.I've only gotten.Pls, help me.This is more important than a christmas gift and i'll never forget.No amount is small.God bless you plenty
Mona fyn sha lyk me....hehehehehe
All liars shall go to hell
This woman is obviosuly lying. I mean just to save face you said all of these? Lets see the proof of your claims and if u say he was having an affair with a staff, i wonder what example you r showing as both herself and the the Lanre as bosses aren't good role models afterall
Rough diamond begi begi. He's on every post. I pray u don't get that moola. Bastard!
But seriously,people should know that getting intimate wid someone in a place of work is unethical and unprofessional.
It wl always create problems.Problems;of familiarity,unproductivity,relating wid other staff esp females,problems btwn 2 of u and all sorts.
Even when u feel u are in lov with smone in ur office,class(same dept),church and street or area,one person shld leave for d other.
.....Miss Chinda seems to be smone considerate & soft cos this guy went too far.
See mr kelvin head self... #1.5=8,500 comments. #Bbm Eyes rolliing#
Nob smal o. I tink Linda does not nid any suggestions. By now she already knws her regular readers lik bonario, rough diamond, prince charming, prince jobless, & odas. I tink dy deserve d dough bcos al along dy spend time to comment out of love 4 ur blog. Yes if u only read without taking out time to comment den ur not qualified. Linda, u already knw those qualified so giv it to them not al ds ones dt started commenting now bcos dia is reward.
First He wasnt qualified, he doctored his CV, address.
Then he was having an affair with a mystery lady.
Then he had issues with a girl in the company...
Then he was asked to go...bla bla bla
Story is just full of mud slinging.
I have never like monalisa for once, but I believe her sha
Mona linda is giving away free money?
I dont see anything wrong if an employee is having affair with his co-worker as long he/she is not harrassing him/her sexually.Monalisa cannot deny that she has not dated her nollywood colleage before
All this employer that makes workers to work more and earn peanut.
Shash d pained goat, pele o!!!!!
I'm a regular commentator, and I feel quite grieved that I didn't get a chance to write d top 5 u asked for. So I'm going to do it here anyway, It's already late I know, but here goes.
1. Oga at the top story
2. Farouk Rilwan versus Otedola bribery scandal
3. Fani Kayode versus Bianca story
4. linda Ikeji's 33rd birthday
5. "Occupy Nigeria" fuel increase saga early last year.
Didi 08029991009
Monalisa doesn't sound very convincing. She should hv just remained silent. D whole thing sounds one kind.
1.About the N1m giveaway, it's now N1.5m and here's how you can win (8416)
2.Dear LIBers: I want to give 10 people N100k each to say thank you (5334)
3.Happy 33rd birthday to Linda 'Chopping Life' Ikeji...moi! :-) (4665)
4.Shocking sad news! Singer Goldie Harvey dies... (2555)
5.Yep, it's my birthday today! Go Linda, It's your birthday!!! :-) (2167)
Na wa oo so who shld we believe. Linda as per ur birthday mate I shld. something get even if na 20k
1.About the 1m giveaway,its now 1.5m (8416 comments)
2. I want to give 10people N100k to say thank you (5,334 comments). 3)Happy 33rd birthday to Linda'Chopping life'Ikeji...moi(4,665 comments). 4)Shocking sad news,singer Goldie Harvey dies...(2,555 comments). 5)Its my birthday (2167 comments)
We hear ooooh tnk u
Hmmm, we can't be too sure of this angle cos what she is saying is quite different from all what the guy said sha.
Sorry Mona u lied.you cannot even put ur lies together.try next time.
1. The 1m give away
2. You birthday this year
3. Story of your life
4goldie's death
5. My oga at the top
How much is it
Too many long stories like this one breeds lies,Linda biko its not intresting.
Too many long stories like this one breeds lies,Linda biko its not intresting.
Monalisa is just a thief... Wicked woman her slimy story doesn't even add up.
Her answers are very dodgy and vague and she aimed to demean the ec-editor while his recounting of events were more structured and sounded more believable to me.
1.The N1m giveaway...(8416)
2.I want to give 10 people N100k to ...(5334)
3.Happy 33rd birthday to Linda 'Chopping Life'...(4665)
4.Singer Goldie Harvey dies... (2555)
5.Your birthday...(2167)
Ibeh --- 08088619144
Point of correction, Kelvin Keshi graduated form Federal Polytechnic Auchi, Edo State in 2002. He was one of the best writers in Mass Communication Department and has worked in some reputable organisations. I challenge her to produce the CV she claimed was doctored. Kelvin is a very decent person and those of us in the media know his reputation. Its just unfortunate our law agencies only support the rich. That is just the basic truth or else this should be a good court case.
My lecturer once said :"The Wages of Sin is Publicity". Ã’nly time will tell, the truth will be revealed soon
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