Too cute: Twin girls marry twin boys same day (wedding photos) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Too cute: Twin girls marry twin boys same day (wedding photos)

Twin brothers Chinonso Akinade Okueze and Chibuzor Adelakin Okowenze from Asaba Delta State married twin sisters, Folawemi Taiwo Okuniyi and Febisola Kehinde Okuniyi from Ondo state on 30th Nov at Foursquare Gospel Church Omole, Ikeja. Their wedding reception held at 10 degrees Center Oregun. See more photos after the cut...


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loudmouthed said...

Nothing cute about those boys faces -_-

olivvy said...

This is beautiful..Beautiful couple..

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Awww... Even though I dont like twins, I think they look adorable...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lool,won't dey mistake themselves sometimes?

PAVOUR said...

Nawah. .looks good. Wish same happened to P2.

Unknown said...

Nice couples

Unknown said...

Wow nice & cute. So now all that's left is to give birth to twins on the same day

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Next is first to born

Anonymous said...

There would be un necessary competition

Rough Diamond said...

Dis my pple is beautiful!!!
I love!
Happy married life to them!

Sir Alpachino said...

Fresh die and dey even save cost for wedding. Linda marry me na I don dey beg you since. Sir Alpachino 28A8A848. Sent via Nokia3310

Anonymous said...

Wow Lovely
And that's how they bcome celebrities
Wishing u guys all d best of happiness

Anonymous said...

â„“̊ D☹и̲̮̣̥̅̊'†̥ like it jor...even d wedding gowns re d same...

Anonymous said...

Ooh... This is beautiful. M God Bless dia homes.

Iloanya Obianuju said...


Anonymous said... their kids will be cousins and their aunties and uncles? Na wa

Anonymous said...

loving this, congrats to them, hope their union lasts till their last breaths.

Anonymous said...

Lovely & charming!!!.......... Brothers and Sisters make una careful o! make confusion nor break bone o!! Congrats!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, this is so nice.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love this.... Beautiful

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow..wSh dis cud hapn in myn,cos am a twin tOo...wshn dem hapi marid lyf

BE said...

Is that not abomination in some places? Cos they just married their brother inlaw & sister inlaw..... I wish them happy married life sha.

Anonymous said...

Wait dis proper?????*just askn* (ROI)

Unknown said...

This is cute, love it

Anonymous said...

Funny! I bet they'll make plans to conceive at same time on the same day. Lol! People sha.

Anonymous said...

Woah!! Lovely ....I want twins!!!

Anonymous said...

Really Cute! But the down part of those dresses look like snow....*straight face*

Anonymous said...

Their parents must be extremely proud, xo cute

BE said...

That is like getting married to your brother & sister inlaw. Is that not an abomination in some tribes? I wish the happy married life through.

Unknown said...

Wow.... Me likey! May God bless dere union!

Anonymous said...

AwWww,so a twin too n I so wish 4 dis buh we r not even identical. :(

Anonymous said...

So romantic

Anonymous said...

wow amazing

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Wow! Dis is beautiful. Apy married life

Anonymous said...

Dis is seriouz wish dem all d Best!!! But wait oooo wil dey liv in same house 2geda


wowwww!!!!! this is just amazing!!!

both set of twins look identical. hope they don't mistake their partners while carrying out matrimonial duties....u get ma drift??
#wink + shines teeth

hml to both couple.

Unknown said...

Awwww....its sooooo adorable

Anonymous said...

I like




Anonymous said...

my mum and dad are twin and my mum twinnee got married to a tweeeniee also

Anonymous said...

my mum and dad are twin and my mum twinnee got married to a tweeeniee also

Anonymous said...

CUTE !!!

Anonymous said...

Dey luk identical hop dey wuldnt share each oda in Bed 2!

Anonymous said...

Oh dis is so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa.... Dis is beautiful!!!!!! Wishin dem d very best

Anonymous said...

It looks like that app the doubles your image 😛

Anonymous said...

Dis is really cute, nt seen it in a while. Wish dem happi married life, dey should try make twin kids same day too so dey could make it into guiness book of record.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful. God bless their Union IJN..........Amen.

Anonymous said...

Very cheesy and Gross!!!!!!!! they are inlaws...


awwwww! lovely.
congrats to them.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Okonweze... Thank me later

Anonymous said...

Dey'd b inter-sleepn wt eachoda if not 4some self!
~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

This is dangerous o.Chai! They are identical. Wives and Husbands. O God! I hope they don't live under the same roof.

Anonymous said...

God is great

Zinybenson said...

I love

Anonymous said...

Really sweet.. Congrats to them.. Wishing them double portion of God's blessings..

Anonymous said...

They are not d first 2 do it in Nigeria. #Anwuli#

Unknown said...

Aww so cute

Anonymous said...

Nawa to dem om, dem 1 born winch?

@Fammie8 said...

So how did they make the connection?, Did one of the guys meet one of the twin girls and recommended the other twin girl to his brother? Obviously. Will love to read their love stories....Nice.

Scientists show proof-of-concept malware that communicates via sound waves

Oluwadamilola said...


Anonymous said...

Many congrats to them,this simply reminds me of the Mamuzee twins that did same thg some times back. To me,I think and believe its incest sha #myopinionthough#. #runsawayfromthesewitchesandwizardabullet#

Anonymous said...

Nice less expenses

Anonymous said...

Xoxo loving dis concept! Nice twins couples!!!! Am d1st 2 comment by ojiugo1 of Anambra state.

Anonymous said...

So lovely mY God anyway HML dearie congratulations

Sewa said...

Have met chibuzor before,,Congrats and Happy married lives..

Anonymous said...

Hmmm nice......will de also be doing it together in bed? Its possible oh, twins de craze sumtimes.....

Anonymous said...

How cute! they both would have sets of twins, even triplets. Congrats so beautiful

Anonymous said...

Ha. Dey'l surely hav identical kids too.

Anonymous said...

I see the future when a man will sleep with the wife's sister and vise versa

Anonymous said...

Awwwww...very cute. Wish them Happy Married life

Anonymous said...

They r so cute....its easy to differentiate d grooms coz they r nt identical...

Anonymous said...

HML 2 y'al

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I love dis .

NiKi Posh said...

Lovely couples...HML

inspireify272B3120 said...

Nice 1. Congrats guys

Anonymous said...

Ds is luvly!

Anonymous said...

Cute set of twinz + der weddn combo z awesome God bless der union!!!

Anonymous said...

One fit frm back go fuck em sis husband posing as d wife.....disadvantage! It happened last 2yrs b d actual wife caught her twin sis in bed wit d husband while she was away....funny though buh true. Make una give dem mark oh!

Anonymous said...

dis is really great,wish dem hapi homes.

hanny said...

This is rare case, is so unique, wish them HML

Seun Ajet said...

Not so common,wow!

Unknown said...

Very lovely, I so love twins and looking forward to having them when I get pregnant.

Anonymous said...

WOW, these guyz were born on d same day, married on d same day, i won't b surprised if dey got twins on d same day, CONGRATS 2 d couples.

Anonymous said...

wow!.....i luv dis,its so so cute..... Linda!, y dnt u like postin my comment (*vexing*) post dis one oo

Anonymous said...

Wow! Wonderful! Hope dey will not change dere wives or husbands mistakingly oooo,cos dey are so identical!!! Lol *Debbie Chelsea*

prince d preacher said...


Anonymous said...

So cute!! God bless their union.

Anonymous said...

Marriage to an Ondo Woman is like being in heaven. They are beautiful, homely and above all so natural. Not to forget their intelligence. I'm from Bayelsa state hoping one day I will find an Ondo girl of my dream. LIB wish me luck. Congratulations to the couples.

Unknown said...

Oh my God this is so cute

BeautifulMe said...

Dat sooo sweet....*lovestruck*. Simply beautiful.

ary said...

Hmm hope they don't get a case of mistaken identity! Would make for a wicked telenovella. Cute couples though.

Anonymous said...

Gud 4 them

Unknown said...

Oh my God, this is so cute

peaceful peaches said...

Wow! This is fab.... I pray they live happily ever after ijn.. And for those who is lookin for husband/wife 2014 will never pass you the pictures of they...God! I need ejima biko!

Sir Deejay said...

Cute couples...May God bless the union...meanwhile loudmouthted go get a life for hating on em' twins capeesh....I know u may wanna react but nigga am so far go and I can't be reached

Anonymous said...

They should av worn diff styles of wedding gowns na

Anonymous said...

Dis is wondafullllll. I like it. May God bless dia union. Amen

Anonymous said...

what a blessed mariage.. Pls dnt mis take ur wife for anoda nd screw the oda! Lol... Who go 1st born?

Anonymous said...

As long as they don't live in the same house, they should be alrite. I think (scratch head)

bitchplis said...

i bet they'l be switching partners

Anonymous said...

Wow! Stories that touches d heart, #notinterested

Anonymous said...

This is just weird!

Anonymous said...

Bad bell.

Anonymous said...

Exactly what I tot? Are u allowed to marry ur broda or sis in law? And in a church sef? Confused for days.

PETITO said...

This is lovely and unique, I'm so loving it coz I'm a twin, its a dream of every twin to get married to a twin, coz its only a twin that can understand the unbreakable connection that is between twins.

Anonymous said...

Very funny and no sense in it.
Who met who? And who fell in love with who?
I am a twin and all these twin companionship and rivalries make me sick.
Would they be together forever?
Looks like incest and it is an abomination in Yorubaland, Linda, you can ask.

Anonymous said...

Linda whr my comment na#sad#

Anonymous said...

I so much love twins bt nothing really cute abt dis pic joor...dnt like d idea of everything bin shared bcuz am a twin..abeg!
Soon it wil be to share husband.... * runs away*


Emmanuel said...

Mumu, show ya face.

Anonymous said...

And I've been askin my sister out since but she keeps refusin me. I hope she learn from this.

Anonymous said...

It seems u pple are stupid with stupid thinking. Are the girls not yorubas. Is it proper for two bros or sis to marry in d same house again not to talk of twins. Very soon brodas ll start m$arrying sisters n u pple ll be happy. Linda can u marry fron ur sisters husband house I mean ur sistrs husband blood broda. Rubbish. Their children ll start marrying themselves too. Nonsence

SLIMZEEY said...

Hmm, it really make sense, buh there will be unnecessary competition SLIMZEEY MUSIC BLOG want you good fans of linda to visit my site too

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. Nice one. I wish them a blissful married life.

Anonymous said...

If u like don't publish it after all u ve never been publishing my comment.

Anonymous said...

This is sooo cooooool!

Anonymous said...

It seems u pple are stupid with stupid thinking. Are the girls not yorubas. Is it proper for two bros or sis to marry in d same house again not to talk of twins. Very soon brodas ll start m$arrying sisters n u pple ll be happy. Linda can u marry fron ur sisters husband house I mean ur sistrs husband blood broda. Rubbish. Their children ll start marrying themselves too. Nonsence

Anonymous said...

I love that.

Anonymous said...

Do u have any sense atall?

Anonymous said...

D ladies r my cousins nd d wedding was superb bt quite strange bt also amazing. ...HML

Unknown said...

Nice but weird. What happened to being unique?

Unknown said...

Nice but weird. What happened to being unique?

success igbinoba said...

Awwwww so beautiful

Anonymous said...

Chai my friend didn't invite me ooooo.... Congrats padi mi... Guess he forgot lol

Anonymous said...

oh is it ok for brother to marry wife sister? wat rubbish is this

Anonymous said...

oh is it ok for brother to marry wife sister? wat rubbish is this

Unknown said...

Exactly! Like you took the words outta ma mouth. Azin I no gbadun the psckage *buh wats my own?*It sounds/looks weird,tho they all look cute

Anonymous said...

LOL how are they gonna be able to tell their kids apart!?

Anonymous said...

WoOoooo nice

Anonymous said...

Must u comment pls if your brain is far from your fingers when you r typing u can as well put it 2 beta use,ur brain must be overheatin from spending 2 much time under the dryer ode oshi

Anonymous said...

Me too I want! Buh of course we can't marry same day coz me nd mytwin re of dff sex

ECKONETT said...

Oh! Novelty couples 2 behold.

Anonymous said...

U idiot loud mouth...I bet u would look just like Oshiomole fool...

One Gud Chick said...

I thought I was d only one that don't like twins

One Gud Chick said...

Lol e don sure say u go born twin

Naynah said...

Wait, aren't they marrying family??...since one twin is dating one twiN dat makes d other boy marrying his sister-in-law sister *faints* confusion

mzjenjulius said...

hopefully their kids will look alike

Unknown said...

Pretyy nice,HML to the couples. Dear lord,I so desirte dis for those who looking up to u for theirs.

Anonymous said...

incest no? married bro inlaw and sis inlaw ?!?!?

Dont'Hate said...


Anonymous said...

Mirror Image sturvz. Nice!

Anonymous said...

I know dem. The guy r both nurses babcock graduate. I am so happy for u guy. Great babcock, great BUSA.

Unknown said...

Pretyy nice,HML to the couples. Dear lord,I so desirte dis for those who looking up to u for theirs.

chocolate said...

Eeeeewwww..almost cute bt m don't all..

rita luv said...

So cute... Wishing to have twins some day.

Anonymous said...

Hope they are all in love and not just in love with the idea of twins marrying twins...

Anonymous said...

Exactly what I'm thinking...llol

Anonymous said...

Scientifically speaking when they both have kids genetically those kids will all be brothers and sisters because they will all have the same genes as they came from the same gene pool. Would have drawn the diagram to explain but this is really interesting both couple will give birth to children who will all be siblings

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww!! I'm loving dis n so I tab into it........Apinex

silveR(331F243A) said...

Shoutout to dem cos Am a twin too..Buh am a guY while Ma twin is a Babe(lol).looking up gettin married to a Twin Babe while Ma Twin Sis get married to a twin GuY..(Wink)...
Call me silveR(331F243A) while Ma sis(silverline)...heR pin?- u will grow

Anonymous said...

Iinda u forgot to mention dt dey made d guinness buk of records!! Poor journalism!!

Unknown said...

Both guys cannot have the same sized dick, so that mistake (trick) will not work.

Unknown said...

Nice but weird. What happened to individuality?

Anonymous said...

Lmao. This comment is so funny.

Kabar Makkah said...

hoho.. is so fanny..

Anonymous said...

The guys look real handsome! I wonder if this would increase the odds of having twins as well.

Anonymous said...

brother getting married to wife's sister.

brother in-law marrying sister in law. that's kinda weird but ok

Anonymous said...

brother getting married to wife's sister.

brother in-law marrying sister in law. that's kinda weird but ok

Anonymous said...

Duuuh. What were dey supposed to be? Siblings?

Anonymous said...

Linda your picture quality no be am at all.

Anonymous said...

Such ugly couples..I can bet they have orgys and shit

Anonymous said...

U definitely an idiot. Oshisko, Apoda. Hater iranu.

Anonymous said...

na them o!! oshey twins

Anonymous said...

Are they even in love,I hope they didn't marry bcuz d idea luks too awesome n romantic 2 dem,cuz I tink dats rare twins hooks twins

Anonymous said...

LWKMD.see question ooo

Anonymous said...

Some cultures won't accept this anyway!! Hml all d same.

Anonymous said...

This is creepy on a new level this boys are fugly

Anonymous said...

so that means their babies would like alike naaah!!!! hehehehe

Anonymous said...

And they give birth to twins of the same day......

Anonymous said...

Wow...luvly,wish dem well

Anonymous said...

Totally senseless. I'm a twin but I don't believe in all these twin bullshits. Besides, both couples' tribes forbid marrying in-laws.

Aminat said...

Wow beautiful. ...reminds me of cheaper by the dozen movie

beautifulll said...

Wsh same 4 my twin brothers too HML to dem

Anonymous said...

Hmmm! Even u? Happy 4 dem? Eeh? @rough diamond. Na em be say 2014 go good oh! Kipirup n stop d hate!

Anonymous said...

Nothing is wrong wit brother inlaw getting married to sister inlaw. My twin Cousins wedded the same day some time in September, not to twin though. HML.

Anonymous said...

Who asked for ur family genealogy? As for committing incest,dey don't have any blood relationship. Nice one though. Congrats to dem, wherever u are, God bless ur union.

Anonymous said...

Love twins. How nice congratulations y'all

Anonymous said...

This is strange!but wish them happiness in all their ways

Anonymous said...

U are so so right.its jst natural.

Anonymous said...

this is nice, but those bois are not that cute

celeb said...

What a beautiful union

Anonymous said...

Bad belle, show ur own cowface make we see... And besdes Linda said cute wedding dumbhead

Anonymous said...

...Cost effective LOL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Super cute! My twin and I are fraternal :(

Anonymous said...

No dear it isn't

Unknown said...

Wow dis is so cute

Anonymous said...

Just Passing...**Pointman**

Ela said...

Is nat my dear...

Anonymous said...

Wow so sweet, congrat to them

Anonymous said...

That Mumu dat said the guys ain't cute must be high on cheap drugs...Those guys are very cute ehn,na dos babe's be apology....Their faces be like gravel...I know them personally...This comment is based on what anon 10.39 said...I expect to see stuffs like,you be hater,go and hug transformer and so know care though,just saying what I know...btwn!congrats twinne's,the good lord bless ur union..Amen!

love me said...

Its lovely. God keep u guys together

Anonymous said...

@Loudmouthed see ur mouth who knws wat u look like....mtcheeeew.....HATER

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