From TMZ
Paul did not die from the impact of the crash alone. He burned to death after the Porsche GT crashed into a tree and a pole and exploded into flames.
The man who was driving the Porsche GT, Roger Rodas, died from multiple traumatic injuries suffered upon impact. Burning was not listed as a factor in his death.
Sources in the coroner's office say both men were positively ID'd by using dental records.See the first photos of Paul's longtime girlfriend since the accident.
This is the first time Paul's longtime girlfriend 23-year-old Jasmine Pilchard- Gosnell has been photographed since he died in a car accident. Paul and Jasmine began dating in 2006. She broke down as she arrived at his home in Santa Barbara

sad loss! terrible! RIP Walker
Ehya....... P̲̣̣̣̥ℓ̲̣̣̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥a̶̲̥̅§̲̣̣̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ accept ma condolence @ paul's gf
Ehya....... So bad,RIP paul n Roger, P̲̣̣̣̥ℓ̲̣̣̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥a̶̲̥̅§̲̣̣̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ accept ma condolence @ paul's gf.
Ofcourse he burnt to death because the car went up in flames..RIP Walker..
BlackBerry interim CEO ready to go all the way
This is sooo sad I can imagine how hurt nd shocked she is. I'm sure she dosnt knw dAt she is barefoot. What a painful death.
He is dead he is dead....all these can't revive him....and whether he died by burning or by injury, he is dead, they are only hurting the bereaved family the more...let them allow the poor guy to rest in peace abeg. all will die someday, and who knows how, when and where? God I beg o....
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Is she is 23, it means he started dating her when she was 16??Is that even legal??
Ofcourse he burnt to death because the car went up in flames..RIP Walker..
BlackBerry interim CEO ready to go all the way
Terrible way to go. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Sad.
reading all this makes me feel he should not have happened.
Eyaaa. Sad sad sad. Take hrt dear
Can't even imagine d trauma...D strength nd grace of God is all she needs ryt naw
Awww...she is even bare feet...God wil give u d heart to endure..can't even imagine d trauma
This is painful!
Linda enuf abt dis paul walker's death na!!!
Wow death by fire dat the worst way to die º°˚ ˚°ºoo! Abeg God na you dey save person ooo. Rip walker. And may God console ur gf.
I'm watching fast and furious 6 now.... This is sooooo sad! This just shouldn't be true!! Gosh!
Take heart dear
What a horrible way to die. Dear Lord, please give me an easy death, let me die in my sleep when I'm old
what a pity so painful!
How Devastating! Indeed a painful demise!
Call me a hater if it makes you less of one, but does it matter how he died? He died, so he's dead. And let's not get sentimental about the girlfriend pictures, because really, it's no strings attached.
PS:Can someone tell me if the death of some nigerian actor would affect the american nation? O.o face it.
hmmmmm it is well..RIP paul & Friend.
No offense to the dead but going by this report, it means he was 33 when he started seeing a 16yr old. Is that even legal?
Hey ya! The babe couldn't even wear footwear. No time. RIP Mr. Walker...
Am so so sorry.
Linda naa waa with your english oo they say?
Eh yah shez nt evn wearing any footwear... May his soul RIP
Cha so sad. What a painful death. RIP Paul
Anyway, he died. RIP Paul.
Burnt alive hum wat a veri harsh way 2 die. Mhen I wonder hw his gf ll face dis shock!!! Dey should pls monitor her movement b4 she dos smtin stupid!!! God pls help her 2 bear dis great lost. 7yrs in a relationship no b beans.
Anyway, he died. RIP Paul.
Awww so sad! Can't imagine a more awful way to die! Man!
Chai so sad......she no send slippers again.....i mean who would? Take heart my dear, i feel ur pain.
Feeln so srr 4 er mehn, cn imagine ao she's feeln..... *so sad*
so sad,R.I.P
1000 ways to die... Life is All Vanity! RIP to the dead.. He Is @ peace that dies..
May GOD have mercy on him. The death looks fishy.90kmph and the car exploded and burnt like that??. Anyways my advise is for young men and women not to engage in any kind of association, order or club as they call it these, all in the name of getting rich quick or being famous. It comes with a price most times but they won't tell you. If you are spiritual, you will understand spiritual things.
1000 ways to die... Life is All Vanity! RIP to the dead.. He Is @ peace that dies..
1000 ways to die... Life is All Vanity! RIP to the dead.. He Is @ peace that dies..
He started dating the girl at 16.
Is that even proper and he was in his thirties.
Na dem way sha.
RIP PAUL.. We loves yhu ooo,
How can she be 23 and paul is 40. 6 yrs ago will make her like 16 yrs right, then paul go be like 34.... Yeah right. Its either tmz dnt hv their facts right or that paul aint right.
Kip quiet mumu bornfool@anonymous11:03
Dunno why people still drive any Porsche at all. An absurdly expensive toy that's fond of driving up trees from time immemorial, for apparently no reason at all. It's the grim reapers company vehicle.
Yea d more de write abt his death d more de hurt dem.....evn linda sef is hurting me evrytime she posts anytin abt his death!
rip 2 him
Oh shut up! Ur such a fool. Lil mind. Why wud it affect d whole nation? De aint known nation wide....hollywood actor are world wide and have die hard fans cus wen u watch dem on set u feel its real. So shut up already! What u dnt know, dnt say. Mugu! Bet ur so pained cus u dnt know him. Anyways keep watching asian and mexican movies. Idiota!
I felt pity for her ooh, i know how it feel to lost somebody u luv so much.
Ur statement is too pointless. This is not hating but stupidity in its raw form. The least u can write is rip or better still run along. if u were a reasonable thinking human u wud want to know bcos there are many things DAT can kill a person in an accident and if Nigerian movies were as celebrated as d us movies den it wud affect them..
Rip....but Linda it's not burned but burnt.....correct ur Englsh.
See English!!! God abegOooo(is she is 23)lozz
Too sad
is he 40 fucking a 23?
Just because he died by fire doesn't mean he was conscious. He was likely knocked out by the crash or by inhaling the smoke prior to the fire.
So he started dating her when she was only 16 and he was 33??????
What a Senator Yerima he was.
So he started dating her when she was only 16 and he was 33??????
What a Senator Yerima he was.
So he started dating her when she was only 16 and he was 33??????
What a Senator Yerima he was.
Dnt be a fool if u hv nothing important to say just zip it. Must u comment?? Next time shut d hell up!!!
Uhmmmmm!!!driving at 90mph in a 15mph zone...mayb if thy wrnt movin dt fast,jst mayb ds mit nt av hapnd...its alwyz gd 2 take 2 instructions and not break jst mit save ur own life jst dt once...R.I.P still..
So he was 33 yrs and she was 16yrd when they started dating? Oh wow, RIP Paul Walker.
Shuo. Is that why she is not wearing shoes?
Linda biko, Stop this Paul ish... U breaking ma hrt a million times over....#crying#
This anonymous animal on top of me is just trying to be cool and different shut the f**k up somebody side that's the point regardless of where he is from you should pay your bloody respect and just shut up and stop tryna be different because its not even working for you
Maybe Genevieve or Omotola
For those of you saying "Of course he burned to death, the car caught fire", you're obviously not getting it, are you? If he died on impact, he wouldn't have felt the unimaginable pain of burning to death in the last minute of his life. Can you imagine, your last minute alive, and you're spending it, mortally wounded, trying to escape a burning car, while you're literally burning to death? JESUS!
For those of you saying "Of course he burned to death, the car caught fire", you're obviously not getting it, are you? If he died on impact, he wouldn't have felt the unimaginable pain of burning to death in the last minute of his life. Can you imagine, your last minute alive, and you're spending it, mortally wounded, trying to escape a burning car, while you're literally burning to death? JESUS!
I am always close 2tears wen I read bou dis guy's death......tis painful wen young pple wiv potentials die lik dis it reminds me of a friend,he wus a pilot,he died in a car accident too early dis year he got married jus two months b4. God knws best....RIP paul walker,Roger Rodas,T.S Ngada.
RIP nd may God grant his gf d grace to carry on
And one day u will die and no one will remember u. Since that's what u cherish. U better let pple express their grief.
Jasmine Pilchard- Gosnell ;(23-6)=17
Paul Walker's daughter Meadow; (15-6)=9
Paul Walker himself; (40-6)=34
some 6 yrs ago, a 34 yr old man with a 9 yr old daughter dated a 16+ yr old teen :D
#Just Saying............
#RIP Walker :( ........So so Sad!!!
God Bless the Dead
Yes of course ur a hater and u know it. Be there talking senseless things.
Though i missed him too ,rest in peace paul walker
Though i missed him too ,rest in peace paul walker
Wat a pity?take hrt gf.
So sad...RIP
Awwww..may d Lord b wif his child n gf,m sure she doesn't knw she isn't puttin on shoes
Wat a terrible way 2die! Awww I feel 4d biutiful gf too
RIP. walker the man
Omg so fast 7 might nt b released so sad. By paul walker(brian)
The consequence of over speeding can't be over emphasized! Its well. RIP Walker
Paul was 33 when they started dating! And the girl was just 16! Wow he sure likes smallies. *yuckalica* rip paul.
srry,ma next tym drive carefuly bcus we re nt in movie.
burnt to death just like d end of d asian dude in fast and furious 6...we'l miss u walker
So sad.RIP paul walker
Therefore we shud not mourn him becus Americans won't mourn a Nigerian actor? Anu!
Pls is it a wise tin to date ur uncle's classmate am in love with him n I belive he loves more but d peoblem now is my uncle he hates d guy n I cnt stand n watch him say all stupid tinz abt him pls shuld I live dis guy r shuld I ignore ma uncle #any advise anty Linda publish dis I beg u biko
Well dts how dey do it, dey blv der shud be an explanation for every occurence, maybe dts why dey r more advanced in many noone is sayin he ddnt die, but the clearer the better....
I thnk pple relate to his work more than dey do to his place of origin, so its nt bcz he's American or watever dt pple are grieving, its bcz he was a good actor, n a human being lyk u, who died a terrible plz stop being shallow :)
Dat 1 NA ur own tut oh my dear. Sum pple dey go church evryday praying 4 worst fins 2 happen dere enemies even wen Jesus prayed 4 his enemies n urged us 2 do de same.
Rip walker! Linda pls create a bbm channel!
I thot I was d only 1 hu made dat observation...
I thot i was only 1 hu noticed d age thingy
mheen.....! So sad that my man's dead.RIP,man
Paul's gf wiLl definitely read ur msg on Linda's blog@ Kate.
Linda Linda how many times did I Call u? Can u see how Tmz inscribed d name on d Photo? No be ur type wey be like quarrel! Well Really Sad #RIP PW
You're very stupid yo have made this statement. Whether he's American or African, he's still a human being and burning to death is a horrible way to die.. And no strings attached to his girlfriend?? Really? I pray you never loose your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband. Goat!
OOOPS terrible! RIP Walker
OMG"sad face" Pls do take heart dear, it is well wiv u, wat a loss.
I just feel for her so sad
Its so clear some pple don't even have respect for d dead.some of u jst make comments without even finkin.if linda post somethin and u don't wanna read it then u get off d blog its very simple rather than make silly comments.pls does of u that make comments without finkin pls fink wisely b4 u comment.
Na wa ooo God rest der souls n peace
Rip paul and roger....
RIP! Mmm... he started dating her at 16? child abuse *wink*
Yea, it isn't legal. Oya sue him now. Oshisco
RIP Walker
Wow she is sooo turned apart with grief. Who wldnt abeg!? 7yrs no be beans o. May God comfort her abeg. I wonder how his daughter n Roger's family too wld be
RIP bro we love u
Its funny how most of you are calling him names cos he dated a 16 year old girl when he was 33...FYI its nothing...guys dont u run after secondary school girls or girls dont u date men old enough to be ur dad or grandpa sef. Please change your way of thinking
RIP.. its so sad but life moves on, It's unfortunate to say, but Roger is better off in heaven than on earth living with regret and physical and emotional pain RIP both of you- PEOPLE KEEP SAFE this festive season and always
Linda, I think your "headline" is rather insensitive...
RIP Sad.. but if she is 23 and they been dating since 2006. that means she was 15 and he was 32 years old. thats paedophilic!!! yuk
RIP to Paul Walker oh... but how can his gf be 23 and he's been dating her since 2006?? please let's get our facts right oo
I love fast cars very much but my advice right now should be to our own artist who also love fast cars and party at night. Please reduce your speed from Valid RIP Walker
Linda get your facts right. Its 45mph not 15mph. You cant only drive 15mph at a school zone.
Some people go just feel say na dem get road..why on earth will dat friend of his be driving 90mph in a 15mph unfortunate
RIP Paul Walker
what your business dumbass
you fool and idiot..........@
anonymous december 4 10:36pm
Please let's respect and let d dead rest in peace. He has d right to who ever he choose to love.@least it's just dating and he he didn't get her pregnant like our Nigerian men would. I do respect him n I feel so much pain loosing him.RIP walker.
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