OMG! Is that real or an illusion? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 10 December 2013

OMG! Is that real or an illusion?

Can you guys see the scary image in the pic? The person who sent it to me said it appeared at the Redeemed Christian Church of God Church in Ebute Meta, Lagos. Supposedly an apparition of an angel. What do you guys think?


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Unknown said...

I believe my angel is nt as scary as dis, no need 2 comment cus Linda no go post my comment...abi nah me no sabi post am #rolling eyes#

dee said...

I have d pics on my phone too!we were shown @ church on Sunday!we are still trying to figure out what it is!God help us

Donshabazy said...

I must tell you Linda this is absolutely a background lighting effect casting an image or possibly a projector, projecting the image. Do not be deceived. Abeg #ontothenextgistabeg

BONITO said...

Ȋ̝̊̅§ possible shaa,cos we are I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ ε̲̣̣̣̥П̥̥̲̣̣̣D̶̲̥̅ time

skyes said...

it could be real oo
End time finzzza!

Unknown said...

It might be a manmaid oh. I cud remember some few yrs back wen I attended a praise programme there,I came outside the auditorium to easy mysef,while I was on the process of bringing out ma....I then saw ahead of me a manmaid.I try to clear my view wen it quickly entered back into the water.I told my friends as @ then anyway.maybe it because the church is jes beside third mainland bridge ni.

Anonymous said...

It looks scary 2 me ooo. Doesnt luk lik one though.

Anonymous said...

Wow....i think its real....lovely sight i think!!!

Anonymous said...

Fotoshop tinz, if it was real,no1 wld b able 2stand n watch talkless of snapping... with which hand now? (Jokefad)

Anonymous said...

if truly say na angel, dat meanz oluwa is involved!!!

cherie coco said...

Ma gosh!! So scary. Even if it's jus a reflection of d light, it's so surreal..... Nightmarish!!!

Unknown said...


ForexPro said...

Angels do not appear in FEMININE form. This has to be an illusion or something else.

emelda said...

Lol,abeg ooo,diz tin lukz lk a ghost

Anonymous said...

Well dats scary but God knows best.

One Gud Chick said...

I think its a lie. Rubbish

jenny said...

Hmmmmmmmm, lips are sealed

Unknown said...

The people in d picture don't seem scared or looks like a stage effect 2me ..

el' said...

don't even knw what to just looks scary

Jason268 said...

abegi! that thing na horrow movie. make dat check him camera well well or make dem check d pastor.

Angel no d resemble woman wey dey kill people for horrow film.

emelda said...

Plz letz stop desevin our selfZ..*advanced technology*

Anonymous said...

Holy Christ!..SmH for some peeps dt still dnt believe there is God.

Unknown said...

Notin we no go c 4 dis lyf,God help us


wateva rocks dia boat......

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmn,Father Lord hav mercy

Anonymous said...

that obviously a Mobile Application. Stop kidding on your blog. Foolish girl. hehehe. just kidding

Anonymous said...

just passing by "De J.M.C"

emelda said...

Lol,abeg ooo,diz tin lukz lk a ghost

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

D̶̲̥̅α̲̅†̥ doesnt look L♈̲̣̣̥k Α̲̅n angel Ơ̴̴̴̴͡ ȋ̝̊̅†̥§ simply Α̲̅ ghost frm Α̲̅ scary movie

Anonymous said...

Its possible! But don't say its scary again! The main auditorium, is under renovation now, its possible the angels are on visitation for supervision, This is "Overflow" Blessings Linda, pls be a partaker, Mama B!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm! Libers repent oh! 4 d kingdom of God is @ hand! All dese curses u lay on pple in d name of commenting na sin oooh! Mgbe opi ike ga ada.....okay ooooh.... Meanwhile still on d matter".as I was saying "bonario, chinasa ukaegbu, cute G, onynxx, lauren thomas, jennyking, great anonymous, PC if u can find him and bonita....guess u saw my last post. Share it wisely lin. Insult me any hater I dnt care....una no go still smell d muni!

Anonymous said...

Projector image...

Abimbola said...

Omo this won scary oooo.......anybody wey just wake up frm sleep wey see am go faint instantly, aunt Linda that doesn't look like an angel at all, inside Redeemed church. 'Sighs' It is well

Anonymous said...

dis doznt luk lyk an angel..its is sure 'somtin else'..nt an angel of God..its definitly an angel bt nt Gods'..damn scary!

Anonymous said...

Projector image!

Anonymous said...

Uwa mmebi.....biko Jesus gbaghara na ihe ojoo nine nna eme....emehiewom nke ukwu....pls God!

Anonymous said...

Once the H/S is present in a church u can't see but u can only feel cos of the ouction.....

Anonymous said...'s a phone camera mode. Read this article on bella Fear Post
The writer shared a similar ghost picture story...don't get carried away

Unknown said...

its just an illusion Linda, nothing moree

Anonymous said...

If it's redeemed, I believe it's real. #Jesusislord

Anonymous said...

Hmmm,i saw that picture thought it was photo shop, na wa. #Endtimetins# @ lyndalicious say so

oshlan said...

Since its an angel,then i doubt not...#Halleluyah....father! 10k tithe coming ur way courtesy of Linda #biggrin

Anonymous said...

Sooo which message did she give?

Unknown said...

Wow!!! Rili?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Old pic linda d congregation did nt notice it t'was afta d event dt d camera guy noticed it lol buh all d same should b a good thing

Unknown said...

Not real joor...

oby said...


Anonymous said...

and I'm booboo the fool. I honestly believe in angels but this is the picture definition of a tall freaking story. I call bullshit.

Anonymous said...

That doesnt look like an angel..

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless, I don't even understand. How long was he there for d person to have snapped it?. And was there any message from him or did he just appear n didn't say anything?. These are d kinda things I will love to could be real who knows...

Anonymous said...

That doesnt look like an angel

juliet said...

I highly doubt

Anonymous said...

Omo dis is strange..

Anonymous said...


bravest hrt said...


neyo said...

Na holy Church

Anonymous said...

End time things! Jesus save us from damnation.

bravest hrt said...


Anonymous said...

One word, Wow!

Fammie said...

Wow! It looks very real

Anonymous said...

Hmm God have mercy on us oooo

Anonymous said...

Angel Oshi abi looks like illuminati...or do angels do heavy make up as well?? those eyes r too dark to b angels..well, dark angels dey... **1st to comment?**

tiwasblog said...

linda this is unbelievable i looks like a manmaid

Millie said...

it kinda sent cold chills to my that real?

Rx Mams said...

Looks more like a ghost than an angel.....illusion

Unknown said...

Hmmm...hope its not wat am finking

maureen said...

Linda seriously I didn't see anything. Or is it dat small image there. Pls we need a clearer picture

mizz GG said...

That's Ϟoτ̅ an angel,that looks lɪ̣̝̇ke̶̲̥̅̊ bloody mary

Realkeni said...

wtf don't be deceive its a projector or foto shop

Anonymous said...

Menh... Scary

Anonymous said...

its an effect on android phones Camera360

Anonymous said...

Its a female profile,but it sure looks scary to me!!!

bluecupid said...


success igbinoba said...

OMG it sure looks like an angle

Janelicious said...

Angel on guard.

Anonymous said...

Linda....u don come don't Mk tins up and mk ppl blow tins out of u dey see evry dey reason evry....i no dey o


dat might be d presence of the spirit. I was there i saw it.

Swaggs isimemen said...

It may be.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, good it is appearing in other churches b4 de sey na only catholics de see and get apparitions. Ie whatever this is or means.


Swaggs isimemen said...

It may be

Anonymous said...

The truth is that nobody for sure knows how an angel or any heavenly body looks like. But if you ask me, i'd rather say it looks more like an unhappy ghost than an angel. Just my candid 2cent......

Luskii! said...

End time tinz Lin!....God help us!

Anonymous said...

Having goosebumps looking at that image

Anonymous said...

it wud definitely b.....takin a pic of an angel on a phone? def an illusion

Anonymous said...

Angels aint scary madam Linda ooo. Don't tell us two things in one.

Swaggs isimemen said...

It may be a angel.

Swaggs isimemen said...

It may be an angel.

Swaggs isimemen said...

It may be an angel.

Swaggs isimemen said...

It may be an angel.

Olufemi said...

def an illusion....tkin a pix of an 'angel' on a fone or def an illusion

Thelma Thinks... said...

Spooky. Doesn't look like an angel to me. More like a member of The Adams family.

chioma said...

It must be an angel ooo, I felt goose pimple all over my body when I saw this. Lord have mercy!

Swaggs isimemen said...

It may be an angel.

Anonymous said...

OMG! This is scary!
But again, I wonder if an Angel would let any1 take a photo of it

Anonymous said...

Linda I just confirmed dt it isn't true...apparently there is an application dt does dt

Anonymous said...

Hmmm scary thou ..looks real sha

dreallaide said...

an angel looking like a demon,linda pack well jor...
post my comment o en that's why you don't recognize me on your blog site.

Anonymous said...

My God is everywhere.

Nolly O said...

Omg! It made my heart skip a beat. If it truly is then its amazing...

its'justtynna said...

Its definately an illusion.... I actually have an application dat does that on my phone... (Linda post my comment pls #sad face#)

Anonymous said...

End time tinz....
Lord hav mercy


Unknown said...

Jesus is Lord

Anonymous said...

End time tinz....
Lord hav mercy


Unknown said...

Iro oooo...are angels meant to look like that???
scary and ghost-like??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Seriusly dis looks real and scary ,its looks more like a ghost not an angel at all cuz it scared d hell out of me .

Unknown said...

OMG! Lol

emjay said...

only God knos.......aunty linda, plis i nid d 100k to giv to my dad bcos his business has nt bin doin wel lately...0124828866 gtbank.tnx

oge said...

Scary tho

Anonymous said...

Angels sure exist, but this luks photoshop.... Frm Queen

Anonymous said...

I think is real.. God is truly with Adeboye.. ppl mk una repent.

Anonymous said...

that's camera 360 on play store my bro has a pix like this too so the person that sent it to u is a big liar.

its'justtynna said...

Sure Its an illusion!!! Got an application for that on my phone. (Linda pls post ma comment naaa)

Laura said...


ella said...

Jesus christ..pls anty linda am scared

Anonymous said...

That tin look like one of them thingys from horror movies Oo.. Na winch be that Ooo

Ikechukwu Ginika said...

You do not need me to tell you that it's just a superimposition of a picture. This should not be an issue with Photoshop.

oge said...

Scary tho .

Unknown said...

lol.. not real. to me.
Got an effect like that on Camera 360. so to me, i dont think its real.

iamseyoo said...

awesome God

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Photoshop !

I can make a more scary one if it's need be

iamseyoo said...

awesome God

Anonymous said...

Don't think it's real

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

R u serious! OMG

Anonymous said...

Nna eh! I hope its light n shadow playing tricks on our eyes
lindodo, quick quick u don call am angel...abi u gt 6th sense
in d last days,signs n wonders shall abound. D only authentic being is Jesus, keep ur eyes on him only....spooky

Anonymous said...

I wonder wat kind of angel will have such dark eyes...hmmmm its scary.

Anonymous said...

"If you are too stupid to understand science, try religion"- Anonymous

whitney arsenal said...

Are u sure its an angel or demon.angels are not scary

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm Wonders will never cease..Illuminati has come to church!

AIDA said...

It does look scary if its actually an angel

Anonymous said...

Na photoshop no mind them God no tell us say face go appear for church I no believe.

Anonymous said...

PHOTOSHOP!!! Which kain angel be dat sef???

Anonymous said...

Which kain angel be dat sef? Omo na PHOTOSHOP!!!

Anonymous said...

oh puhleez, photoshopped. Now a bunch of guillable nigerians will now start saying "end of times" and writing bible scriptures. God will come as a thief in the night. SO THIS IS FAKE!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I disagree jhoor

Anonymous said...

The image doesn't look shopped o. + it looks very fearful.

Unknown said...

If its reli true linda d imagine won't appear in d pic,cuz ghosts don't appear in pics pls

krisjenny said...

Wooow..this could be real ooo

Anonymous said...

It's an illusion. It's a photo filter. You can get it on camera 360(on androids)

The fashion whisperer…

Noniwheezy said...

Na wa o! Endtym tinz

Anonymous said...

Goose pimples

ericabrandy blog said...

End time things

Unknown said...

Hmm... Pls I need good food first before I make the real comment

Anonymous said...

Lmao...that one be like evil spirit oh...that can never be holy mary. Don't gt me wrong it ma look like her to some peeps.

Unknown said...

If its reli true linda d imagine won't appear in d pic,cuz ghosts don't appear in pics pls

Unknown said...

Appari what and the members are still there singing, smh

OYE said...

Dts d work of a projector

veni vidi vici said...

Wish dta s real, but if its real, d angel won't allow a camera to capture him. #justsaying

Igor said...

One does not need a soothsayer to know that the picture was photoshopped.Even the choristers looked unpertubed.

Anonymous said...

Mε̲̣̣̣̥ ℓ̊ won't enter dat church again..ℓ̊ go find anoda branch go...nooo. #charming kay

Unknown said...

I'd say ghost altho ion blive in dose. So ill go with the effect of the lighting and other factors. Def not the look of an angel

its'justtynna said...

#Sobbing#.....dnt knw why I dnt see my comments here!!! The pic is an illusion! I have an application on my phone that can do that!!!

Treasure said...

Maybe its just an illusion

Anonymous said...

Ave Maria....

Anonymous said...

OMG...wat is dat???????

Anonymous said...

Don't look that real. But if it is GOD I THANK u.

Anonymous said...


Daniel Sochima said...

Na dem sabi

love said...

I can see a beautiful images...sign of End time.

Anonymous said...

She looks kinda sad.....ells

kennycoded said...

Its Gods doing, anything is possible

Unknown said...

God is God he never change

Unknown said...

God is God he neva change

Anonymous said...

We catholics beliv a lot in apparition,its possibly true!

Unknown said...

what!?!? Is dis angel from GOD or satan? Wetin e come use tie e head??? God have mercy on ur children ooo ** GIFT**

its'justtynna said...

Aarrrgghh, dats sooo scary!!! Its an illusion I guess cos I have an application on ma fone dat can do dat!! ( Still can't see my comments #sobbing#)

Unknown said...

There is something called photoshop. Look at the picture closely...the streams of light are not passing through the so called apparition proving that it is indeed false.

Anonymous said... which of d angels be dis, Micheal, Gabriel, Fatai, or Sule? #americanscarymovies *picksrace*

Unknown said...

There is something called photoshop. Look at the picture closely...the streams of light are not passing through the so called apparition proving that it is indeed false.

Anonymous said...

Looks real to me!!! Yaay...1st to comment

Rabiya said...

Hmm....God helps us all..

Anonymous said...

Miss indomie says so,na wa oh,end time is near ,angel appearing doesn't tell well 4 me

Anonymous said...

That's the presence of most high God...

Anonymous said...

wow das awesome,end tym tins on point.

Anonymous said...

Not scary sis linda says tbassy via nokia1800

Tee Gold said...

JESUS!telling us end time is near

Yud said...

Na wa o. So this is supposedly how an angel should look eh? Demonic powers dats all I can denote. Another strategy of satan and his cohorts to achieve idolatry. Before you know it ppl will turn the place into another mecca or jerusalem and start pilgrimaging to worship the wall where the supposed angel appeared. My friends on LIB will say "end time things" I beg to concur

Unknown said...

Angel?dat looks lyk sumfin frm a horror movie

Anonymous said...

Na photoshop no mind them God no tell us say face go appear for church I no believe.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! *cagey*

Unknown said...

God knows beta!
If ıts a wash,ı dodge et.

Unknown said...

I do believe in the power of God. But I don't no about this

Anonymous said...


Akeem Rotimi said...

One girl told me, her HTC andriod can do same tin in d pic o, she even sent me the 1 she did, she said she put d phone on ghost mode and then wen she takes pic, a ghost wil

miss dejavu said...

Probably projector malfunctioning or witchcrat.dat wan no fit b angel

maryam said...

well anything can happens u know its Christmas season

Unknown said...

Hmmm! Wonders they say shall never end. God dey

Anonymous said...

This is really scary cnt it be an angel of God or wat

Seraphic said...

Hmmmmm lyk seriously dats scary

Anonymous said...

Def not real. Computer tricks. I could do better.

Omar said...

Hw abt a ghost? Ghost mood #runsaway#

ify said...

It isnt real, cos no one can snap a supernatural being, it isnt possible

Lucy said...

I don't really know what to say to this person because it seems he/she is the only one seeing it. God's kingdom is at hand, let's draw closer to him. Fear God.

super DJ shine said...

Heheeheh I think its a warning for that church! Their own don too much haba!

Anonymous said...

Na lie, that is a reflection of one girl that has bleached her skin and is wearing indian weave. The holy spirit appear in Rhythm ke. Heheheheheheheheh

super DJ shine said...

Heheeheh I think its a warning for that church! Their own don too much haba!

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