New Video: Sean Tizzle - Komole | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 11 December 2013

New Video: Sean Tizzle - Komole

The much anticipated video for Komole is finally here shot in an 80's styled beginning. The comic video tells a tale of Sean Tizzle's musical career. It reflects the rough and early times of the star act and further transits to this present day of stardom and affluence. Shot in locations in the south-west region of Nigeria, the video was directed by Aje Film Works. Enjoy...


Anonymous said...

Firstest first. Miss L

Anonymous said...

another very funny and interesting post from Naija single girl dedicated to all men with a penis LMFAOOOOOOO

♚KVNG ZINNY♚ said...

Not watched it yet but am sure its gonna be #dope. AJE filmworks neva disappoint

Unknown said...

Finally out, love the concept tho.
From ZICO aka the guy that needs the 100k

Oshlan said...

Not bad actually.. simple neat and
nice...sure know's d typical Ibadan when i see it..#Rooftops

omenah said...

I can't watch d video!dunno why

Unknown said...

#Noted!..ı cant afford 2 exhaust my data plan sha,ah'll jes waıt 4 soundcıty!

Rough Diamond said...

Nice concept! I like d video! But wait o! Sean tizzle no dey sing song wey get meaning apart from waist, yansh, sex?

Unknown said...

Bin waiting for dis video... And finally its here!

Unknown said...

Cool concept.

italknaija said...

Nice Video

italknaija said...

Sean Tizzle,you tried

Tricia said...

0043453928 Access bank. God pls use Linda to bless me dis xmas

italknaija said...

Ff @italknaija for your latest News

Arije_Baba said...

The video is dope....meanwhile I still dey find ma blackberry charger ooo


Unknown said...


Atobatele said...

Really love the video concept. Thumbs up Tizzle

Unknown said...

Linda! Dis is old news na

UGLY BOY said...

Lol,youtube here I come#dis one consine me o#

"神爱我" said...

Good one.....7/10.......

creamy chic said...

Sho lee.........More jams expected

Anonymous said...

inspired. Good!! Linda i hope u consider me from the roots of my heart i need the money. 0137589785 gtbank.. Ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnn!

Anonymous said...

Nice video says tbassy via nokia1800

Anonymous said...


Ebere said...

80s tins hmmmmm

Unknown said...

Nice video,e did a great job there,a lot different from his peers,but his hair/head tho,reminds me of smigle in lord of the rings

Anonymous said...

Love the video... So happy & proud of Sean Tizzle!

ABEL said...

I'm not a big fan of Sean Tizzle, but this video is cool, like better than Sho Le :D

Anonymous said...

cute video! lovely costume!

Swaggs isimemen said...

Sean tizle I like ur music.... but remove dose piercing u did on ur face is irritating me nd I hate it seriously can't? U see MI. 2face or olamide do they pierce their face? mtcheeeeew

Toronto Finest said...


Unknown said...

Linda wer is d video naa....I hope it made sense sha.

Swaggs isimemen said...

Sean tizzle I like ur music.... but remove dose piercing u did on ur face is irritating me nd I hate it seriously can't? U see MI. 2face or olamide do they pierce their face? mtcheeeeew

Swaggs isimemen said...

Sean tizle I like ur music.... but remove dose piercing u did on ur face is irritating me nd I hate it seriously can't? U see MI. 2face or olamide do they pierce their face? mtcheeeeew

Swaggs isimemen said...

Sean tizle I like ur music.... but remove dose piercing u did on ur face is irritating me nd I hate it seriously can't? U see MI. 2face or olamide do they pierce their face? mtcheeeeew

Swaggs isimemen said...

Sean tizzle I like ur music.... but remove dose piercing u did on ur face is irritating me nd I hate it seriously can't? U see MI. 2face or olamide do they pierce their face? mtcheeeeew

Swaggs isimemen said...

Sean tizzle I like ur music.... but remove dose piercing u did on ur face is irritating me nd I hate it seriously can't? U see MI. 2face or olamide do they pierce their face? mtcheeeeew

Anonymous said...

Sean tizzle is really making hits now, keep it up bro, nice video

Swaggs isimemen said...

Sean tizzle I like ur music.... but remove dose piercing u did on ur face is irritating me nd I hate it seriously can't? U see MI. 2face or olamide do they pierce their face? mtcheeeeew

Tiana said...

I love d compitition going on in d industry, @least dey now take dia tym to produce quality and colour4l videos......

Goldberry Blaq said...

Issokay...... Next pls!!! (Mzz Blaq)

Anonymous said...

Nice track tizzle baba

check out hot sexy gist here

quyndyl said...


Anonymous said...

Very wonderful video. keep it up Sean...



Unknown said...

Sean Tizzle still has a long way to go in stamping his stay in Nigeria Music industry. I wish him de best tho


Drunken Dubai Babe said...

Awwwww really nice. One of the best videos I've seen lately. Makes me love the song even more.

Would be jamming this in a lot of Yoruba parties this December.

Anonymous said...

Nice video I love Sean is talented...buh Clarence shud stop usin same girls for every artist not gud we need new faces..or popular faces like veezee,honey w and beverly not dis ones mtcheew.goodbye linda

Firm, Flatten and Correct your Posture in a snap click here

Anonymous said...

Lovely one.....more grease to dat elbow of yours Sean!

Anonymous said...

Nice concept... i like it

Adaorah said...

Loving the eyebrows LMAO!

switchloe said...

dats a gr8 storyline 4 a video aldou i cant watch it i feel its a nice video. Keep it up sean tizzle. Am bk again oo wth my beg beg, nwanne m biko grant me dis 100k or evn less, it'll relieve me of lots pls

lexical said...

Nw every 9ja artist is acting in all dem videos,sometin iz tellin me de video nogo make

Anonymous said...

Tecno f7 cannot watch this video. Linda do something about it.

IkwerreBoy said...


@lilivetcaring said...

Nice concept. double thumbs up Sun Tissue

Unknown said...

My 3310 was unable 2 view d video.

Longlegs said...


Blazyraymond said...

Its ok shaaaa

CU said...

Love, love, love it!!!

oge said...

Can't watch d video,pls linda my sister. I'm stil beggin for d money cos it wil do me lots of good.

Anonymous said...

Lmao 3310 of course your not going to be able to watch it loooooooooool

Sexy pampam said...

I love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hâters pls back off kk?!

Anonymous said...

Very funny video. Nice work, but is don't think the song has a storyline. It's just "roll ur waist ", that's all I heard

Anonymous said...

Very funny video. Nice work, but is don't think the song has a storyline. It's just "roll ur waist ", that's all I heard

Tillwilly said...

nice video with luv concept.shot in ib.i feel our artists shld always bring us home.

Tillwilly said...

nice video with luv concept.shot in ib.i feel our artists shld always bring us home.

Anonymous said...

Nice song reminds, me when I was a little boy.

Anonymous said...

Lovely video mhen!! Something different!! The old skool attire hahahaha real nice!!

Anonymous said...

4 real! I apologize for all those that have come before me to say the video is nice. I hate it from beginning to the end even though I loovve the song. I can't c any story in the video and i feel it's all over the place. The only thing is that the video is clean which has become a common occurrence in the industry.#mythoughts

Highly-Favoured said...

Nice concept.

Anonymous said...

congrats barb

Anonymous said...

congrats barb

Anonymous said...

congrats barb

Anonymous said...

congrats brb Linda still dat Kufre pls am in deeply in need of de moni God bless you acc number 3065593935 first bank

Anonymous said...

congrats brb Linda still dat Kufre pls am in deeply in need of de moni God bless you acc number 3065593935 first bank as I said even if you libs also if u can help u can also contribute

Anonymous said...

God bless you, epic video, attention to details, the Guinness bottles, the story line. Videos are an investment and you will definitely reap a thousand over .

chioma said...

ril nice sean tizzle

Unknown said...

Sun tissul!!! Loool. Nice video.

Anonymous said...

Fine video....
Follow the link and learn how to make money online

Anonymous said...

The best video have seen this year....absolutely sensational ,brilliant concept.


movingsteph said...

can actually be put to bed listening to this song.......nice tune

Unknown said...

""Comment undergoing approval via G-Ebony...please wait..."
U try small. Though e no easy to sing

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