2013!! Slowly coming to an end. A year of many joys and enlightenment. If one had told me on the 31st of December 2012 when I lit fireworks and screamed "Happy New Year!" that I would be married and expecting a miracle; my mini-me, I would have doubted. If someone had told me I would be a dual citizen of Nigeria and Germany, I would have wondered how. I was terribly hurt in 2012 but in just one year my life changed forever. Some have said, "Can she ever settle down?", "Who will marry this feminist?" "Which man go put this one for house?". Well, my God has answered those questions. :-) I have grown mentally, spiritually and emotionally. I have learnt not to be selfish and more tolerant. It wasn't all roses in 2013...I lost my job that I put so much into but gratefully other doors are opening. I was sick beyond comprehension and thought I would die but God was with me.
I fought with some family members but it brought us closer. I gained better relationships with my loved ones and I acquired a brand new family (The Nnolis) and in the process of making my own. As the last days of December 2013 comes, keep believing, keep fighting and stay strong. Miracles do happen. You heart desires will be granted. Your pain will be removed and your joy established. But remember, always keep a clean heart and wish others no evil and I guaranty you, it will be well with you shortly. Lord, I thank you for 2013...It is a year I will always remember. Keep us all to enjoy the blessing of 2014.
Matse am happy u r happy n i wish u well!
Go n make up with ur dad sha, datz my own!
Wow! Very nyc one... Tanx 4 sharing dear, was rlly inspiring *kisses* am b'livn God 4 mine too.
So touching. Amen!
I am inspired
Inspiring indeed... I tap into ur testimony. I shall testify.
awwww soo sweet 2014 will definitely be me and my family's year of testimony... Ijn!! Amen
Inspiring indeed... I tap into ur testimony. I shall testify.
Awwwwwwww very uplifting
Happy for you....Happy new month Linda n Libers..God bless you all
Aww! So sweet
She looks like dr sid fiancee
Happy for u Matse...2014 is going to be my year of great testimonies and divine turn around, pple will rejoice with me too soonest Amen.
You can not be a dual citizen of Germany and Nigeria. Germany does not allow it, if Germany gives you citizenship then you have to renounce any other citizenship you have or the will strip you of it. If she is having both, she just exposed herself now. I know this because i lived and worked in Germany for 4 years.
I tap into ur testimony......2014 My Year of settlement .I shall testify! AMEN!
Amen!,wen tz tym 4 mıı dou!.C 'em sıngle ladıes wıshın deır hubbıes wııh b german 2.Lol!.congratz matse!
I reserved my comment on this lady and her drama personified.
I love you mrs Nnolis!flourish&prosper in all your endeavour....enjoy your marriage too ma'm.LatinoPINKY
Happy for you girl! May your joy last forever!! Peace!!!
Quite inspiring!!Truth be told,the guy fine pass her oh,dere is something bout her lips as well,seems lyk itz baggy.Choi!!Buh at dis point,Matse cares less bout dat.
2014 shall a turn around for me and my family
I have refused to read this...looks boring.must be talking bout love n shii...
righteous jealous one
hmm!Na real wah!fine men&ugly girls sef.
As ugly as matse is,see the fine jandon bobo she catch.Me wey fine pass mami h20 dey roast 4 hell,na so so ugly bobo's to dey disturb me.matse I use u as a point of contact oh.fada lord,1 yr too long sef,since i no ugly like matse!and all u ugly bobos,i say fayaaaaaaaa,ijn,amin!
I am inspired.... After a breakup ... U sit and think whr do u start from ... Thinking the past failed relationship u had was probably the best and thinking of how to start a new one. But little do you know the greater one God has got in plan for u..... Am so touched and inspired.....
My year of Double portion.......Next levels blessings still a reality!
People no dey sleep sha!
wow so interesting.i pray 2014 is my year IJN amen
Amen to that linda!we d singles wl get married nxt year in JESUS name!anypower holding our marrisge must somersault and DIE
Rough diamond ibu ezigbo nwanyi onyeara! Ur type go de fight 4 market sef....what's ur own? Are u her father? Otu nsi!
I tap into the Grace... I wil share my own testimony... hopeful 2014... Amen.
2014 is my year and that of my familys' . Amen
matse! Am so so hapi 4 u. Wish u d best married life got to offer. Kiss
That is how people tap into testimony and have rubbish marriage matse make we hear word Abeg you are just trying to stay relevant make Una ask matse which work the husband dey do all these accidental and wanna be celebreties can lie abeggi
Park well....inner light....before u start to talk about marriage! U r still in the excitement phase!...#mr okoro#
I am Happy for her and I say a big AMEN for you too LINDA, remember to send my IV then :)
@Rough Diamond are you not a sick individual? what has her dad got to do with anything atm? Useless talk dey ur mouth, if thr is nythng btw dem wiv time they wil settle it, which 1 come be ur own? Mschewww! Iguana.
Linda or anyone please what is OAP??
So lovely and inspiring words! Is she the one that was sacked for being sick by her employers sometime this year? This God is too much. So happy being a christian. With Christianity souls are touched and miracles do happen!
@diamond, na u b d only bad belle 4 here o. Did u not hear her say she has had issues wif family members but dey r evn closer now. I'm happy 4 her jare. Lindi, post my comment o
God pls do 4 me wat u ve done 4 others,2014 wil never pass me by. Amen
Yes ooooooo I tap into the blessing, may God bless ur union ijn Amen
Similar thing happened to me. January 2012 I was left heart broken but by August,God added colour to my life....happily married now,all thanks to God.
Amen, God is ever faithful
Matse, I believe in miracles as well. God blessed me as well with our bundle of joy and so many unspeakable favour and blessings. As for your job, when the door closes, our good Lord opens the garage door. Our good Lord is ever faithful. He has promised us He will never share HIs glory with anyone. I could go on and on.
Happy new month all
Rough diamond,u knw too much, enlighten us pls. Btw, so apy for u matse, and more of GOD's blessns. I tap too. Amen
Yea, U're right Matse! Let me share my own inspiring story too. Begining of 2013 till the end of May, Yeaa, May 2013, if someone had told me I will settle down this year, I wouldn't have believe it, 2012 was a very turbulent year for me in my past relationship, I have been with this guy for over 7yrs, got pregnant mid last year and d guy denied paternity( can u imagine), he insisted I terminate d Baby, I was 31yrs old then.
I was adamant on having the baby, afterall I have a very comfortable Job, a flat and a car! But alas, I lost the baby duue to too much stress d guy and his family gave me! It was a very traumatice experience for me, I lost all hope of ever settling down and thought God has forgotten me. Was single again for almost a year, until this Angel wwalked into my life, he didn't ask for a relationship but marriage, I was shocked, I told him everything hv been thru in d past, including d baby I lost last year, but this guy stuck around and we'll be getting married on the 7th of Dec! I can't thank God enough for remembering me this year, he blessed me with a very loving Man, his Family are so nice and kind, they treat like one of them already....... Single Ladies out there, God is still in d acts of doing miracles( he did mine) just believe him and be urself and the rest wwill be fine. I am praying for all of you, especially You LINDA cos u make people smile through your blog, u all will have a reason to smilt Maritally come Dec 1st 2014, believe.....2014 is ur YEAR IJN......
Of a truth, God is God. If only we can trust Him completely. Yes He did mine too. Got married and have two lovely boys all in two years. Before these, i thot God has forgotten me. For everyone believin nd hopin in God, 2014 will take u closer to ur dreams iJN. Happy nu month. Omobee.
I tap into ur testimony,GOD all I ask for now is Marital Settlement.Hopin on you 4 a miracle AMEN.
I tap in2 ur blessing,cum 2014 my God will do it 4me n bless me wit a husband
Very touching and inspiring.
Matse, I love this part:
"But remember, always keep a CLEAN HEART and WISH OTHERS NO EVIL and I guaranty you, it will be well with you shortly."
Thank you Matse, we shall all get there in Jesus Name. Amen. I tap into this.
God bless you, he will upold your home, am also believing God for this type of miracle, do not pass me by lord, waoooooo my mockers before this year runs out lord!
Lol @ "which man go put dis one 4 house" Matse congrats I tap into it in Jesus Name.
i love this God 2014 is ur own use it as u wish amen.
Awww......this's so sweet.....God ll do same we all......IJN......Amen
I knw dat God dat did hers will def do mine evn b4 d end of dec,am thankg him in advance
Amen o.. I claim it.. May 2014 no pass me by too o
I tap into ur blessing IJN it is my turn next for testimony IJN december is nt too small for God ma own husband to locate me,tank u for dis message it came wen I most needed it from deola.
I tap in dis testimony too. 2014 shall be our year of testimonies and laughter(amen)
i am glad she is happy. she lost 2 of her brothers sometime ago.cant imagine the pain she went through.God keep you Matse.Bless u
Great is really uplifting. You may also like to read PATIENCE OZOKWOR ADVICE
I really need top hear this. 2014 will surly be my year. God in his infinite mercy will hear my cry.
Very inspiring
Am well pleased nd believe in God dat my own testimony ill be d next may God bless ur home wit many blessings
they show ur husband all d time
U ds woman,,how many times i don draw ur ears?
Lagos girls are nt smiling oo
I don talk my own
I will testify in Jesus name
GOD keep your home.
The bible says rejoice wit those that rejoice, for u did jst now, may ur Partner locate u nw by Gods grace and may u av a testimony to share come 2014 IJN
Amen IJN
I tap into it also IJN
Congrats,I'm next in line.please does anyone know how I clear downgrade to bbm7,the new version 8is slowing down my phone.
So sweet my dear am happy for you God has blessed u even more dan u expected,dis last days of 2013 and nxt year 2014 is my season of unending testmonies in JESUS NAME AMEN mine is on the way too
Am inspired.hpy new month.
God Bless You Dear
Awwww my matse... Believe u me wen I say she jx summarised it here... Matse has bin tru a lot... From family dwn to frnds and colleagues... Am rili grateful to God on her behave... Its ur time my dear...
God bless u Matse for this inspiring message. it will touch a lot hearts cos it did mine. May the Lord bless your home and give you a cause to smile everyday..
i key into your testimoney, next year is mine, IJN, amen.
Thank U matse for the encouraging words.i woke up sad and unhappy but ur words have lifted my soul.Lookin towards 2014 wit hope,ih go better.congrats once again sis
Tnx dear for u have.added more strenght to me cos going through heart wrack right now. N linda tnx for sharing.
Nice story. Will she tell how she became a "citizen" of Germany in 1 year? Funny how many mistake a resident to naturalised citizen. Citizenship in one year? Impossible I must say!
Linda,d fast n furious guy paul walker has died!!!!!We nid full gist.
YEah 2013 is really a yr of testimoies i am one of those God bless wit a new family
So touchin an sweet.hml dearie
So inspiring
Olodo!! She didnt say her life was perfect...she's simply expressing gratitude to God for blessings received.Your comment reminds me of satan, the accuser of the brethren.Pls pack ur cynical self somewhere and take several seats joor!!!pscheeeeeeeeew!
Awwww. I tap into your testimony and claim that I'll not remain single by the end of 2014 in Jesus Name, Amen!!
Matse luv.....I tap into your miracle and I pray that God favours me with Mr right...I wish you all round fruitfullness in your life and marriage! God bless you
I tap into ur testimony 2014 is ma year of resident favour frm God
Dear Linda, you shouldn't have put the "lol", cos it makes it sound like u don't believe what you prayed! Wake up every Morning believing God for a miracle... 2014 shall be great, Amen. I am a living testimony.
Thank God for Matse
Yea,,,,,never give up on urself
My story will change to glory by 2014 as God has change ur story..amen
Bless her so touching.
Very nice.but i dont understand why pple flaunt their marriages.thats why wen there r issues pple r quick to know and tongues start wagging.yes u r happy but learn to keep ur family life private.its worked for me.tho im no celebrity so no one cares abt my life.today is my 6th wedding anniversary.btw linda never posts my comment,u know me from somewia? Lol
LOL, she actually called herself a feminist? Does she even know what that means? If she did she wouldn't be writing a "testimony" that she got married.
I tap into this! 2014 is my year! Amen!
Awwwwww! Am so happy for you Matse,God who brought you two together will continue to keep you together forever in Love and Peace. Linda i claim it o,2014 must not pass you,it must not pass me,and all those who are looking for Life partners(male/female) and who truelly believe in God..I tap into this blessing IJN,Amen
I tap into dis cos 2014 is a year of marital blessings for me in Jesus name... Amen
I cried while reading this, yes I believe that 2014 shall be our year, me linda ikeji, my frnds and all liber reader that is single in jesus name AMEN!
Matse am so hapi 4 u.and its also gud u ar appreciatin God 4 his gud works.I appreciate God evrydai too cos 2013 is also a year I wil alwais remember.I asked 4 a double portion but he gave me mor dan I asked.tnks be to God cos he's able!
Awwww...so inspiring,there is nothing he cannot do..God please surprise me this 2014..Happy for U Matse
Am using you as a point of contact to my sister! Me sef don ask dis morning "who go marry dis one?"
inspiring indeed
I say Amen 2 dat, b4 I lev dis year I must hv my ring
Linda if you marry..,, your blog is finished! Some sweetness about being single:D
Sweet Daddy in Heaven, may the Bone of my Bone, locate me, before the end of 2014, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen ! BLESSED BE GOD !
Congrats girl! Keep learning, you just started the journey. May GOd keep you.
On-Air (radio) personality.
You are welcome.
I forgive u two anonymous!
Wat u dont know, u will never know!
Sometimes anonymous before u insult or conclude on someone, read, understand b4 u open ur mouth or type.
May God have mercy on u pple!
Happy sunday!
Abt d citizen thing, she is lying!
Trust me, i know!
AMEN!!! God bless ur home
Y r u so quick to judge? How i take be bad belle? God have mercy on u!
Am in a good mood abeg, dont spoil it!
Dundi i know wat am talking abt!
I JUST shed tears i know God wlll bring my own angel too thank u all
Tank u o!
Matse na d bread winner for her married life!
All dis ignorant ones here quick to tap into something they know nothing abt!
I must marry by force!
All d same i still wish her happiness cos it matters in life!
If you have German-Nigerian citizenship it is only by mouth oh not paper Germany does not allow it you have to renounce your Naija pali oh Matse if you do have a German passport and Naija passport then that is illegal unless you meant to say dual German and Nigerian residency that one is allowed
Matse can lie for Africa!
Who no know, no know untill u know!
Bless you my sister....this shiloh 2013..exceeding grace shall speak for us in every areas of our life
Why the cry madam? The truth is that most of u av one way or the oda seen ur ur partner bhu the problems is either ur hard to get games or ur laid down tastes. Fine we all want gud tnz in lyf bhu why nt be part of a manz suces? Y nt try and endure some moment wit him? Why not b the woman she'll luk @ and say tanx I made it cos u were dre for me. Most of u gals remain single cos of ur pride and lookin for a man of ur standard, ready made man. Lemme tell u, start frm here....DROP UR PRIDE.
Story dat touches d heart!
Going tru comments, i jst dey laugh! Pple stop tapping into wat u dont really know abt!
Pray for ur own to come!
U use her as a point of contact yet u no know as e dey go underneath, na wetin she talk out publicly u dey tap into.
Some of u might call me a hater or watever, i dont care! E no remove one hair from my bodi!
God is good n he answereth All!
Matse me (Rough Diamond) no dey beef u o! I tell u dis in person cos i no dey fear anybody cos u dont feed me!
I wish u everything u wish urself!
Stay bless!
On Air Personality
From 2014 my dazzling testimonies begin. My life will turn around positively. God bless you Matse
Awww touching...BiG AMEN
And ds story is so inspiring. I tap into it. God bless us aLl.
You are single, you are praying for a husband and you come here and insult others, making rude comments, you fill your heart with hate, jealousy and spite. And you want God to answer your prayers
'Have a clean heart and wish others no evil'. That's the most important point.
That is the link. http://www.berryreview.com/2013/03/11/blackberry-messenger-7-0-1-now-available-with-bbm-voice-for-os-5-0/
Happy for you...God's tym is always the best
On Air Personality
On Air Personality
Happy for you Matse.
I tap into this. IJN
@anonymous 1:03 AM u just expose your own ignorance not her. YES some states in Germany give dual for example BREMEN some other states in Germany do not give dual for example (Niedersachsen Region) also Hamburg and now Berlin. Although Berlin used to give dual before it was stopped. The dual citizenship is state by state law not federal law. U worked for 4years in Germany, that is not enough for you to know the system and process.
On Air Personality (all peeps wey dey yarn for radio dem...eg;.cool fm,love fm,beatfm,wazobia fm,etc)
@anonymous 1:03 AM u just expose your own ignorance not her. YES some states in Germany give dual for example BREMEN some other states in Germany do not give dual for example (Niedersachsen Region) also Hamburg and now Berlin. Although Berlin used to give dual before it was stopped. The dual citizenship is state by state law not federal law. U worked for 4years in Germany, that is not enough for you to know the system and process.
This is a testimony to God's faithfulness and i tap into it... All the best girl
Then u didn't have to write anything. Abi u don't know what it means to reserve your comment?
Then why arer you commenting if you didn't read it. You just like to talk abi?
Your prayer nor get head. Besides, you may be beautiful physically but ugly at heart so examine yourself.
God forgive you sha. Someone cannot give her testimony again abi!
Then why arer you commenting if you didn't read it. You just like to talk abi?
Then u didn't have to write anything. Abi u don't know what it means to reserve your comment?
am happy for and I pray God will remember f rest of us
See me see talk o, so? Make she no come marry again?
Anon 1:37 so u know say na hell u dey roast inside? Good!
Anon 1:39am
So.hapi for matse..i tap into this blessing..2014 is my year in Jesus name..amen..
I tap into ur blessing believing that God can still do it for me dis year but by dis tym next year I shall have my own home in Jesus name Amen!!. Matse may God continue to bless ur home
On-air-personality a.k.a radio presenter
Me & Linda tap into dis brackthrough IJN!!
Shut up my sis is married to a german she has dual citizenship nd uses both passport. U prolly went there by sea so u wnt know. Ppl lik u da dnt ve papers #uknowwatimean
Congrats to her....very inspiring write up .@anon 1.39....are you just realizing that very handsome men rarely marry beautiful women?????
Those women who aren't too fine treat thier men like Kings...........Azin treatment they don't get from others.........Also some men don't look too much @ the outside..they look for inner beauty.
Me sha go marry striking beauty plus d character..(Ugly women magic ain't catching this bruvva) Loll...i want it all!!! .......
Reading this with tears in my eyes
Since August 2007, Germany has accepted dual citizenship. Get ur facts right before talking. Thank me later.
On Air Personality.Thank me later.
Ahahahah! Nice 1..
On Air Personality....e.g radio and Tv presenters.Thank me later...hehehe
@8:31, feminism has no connection to marital status. It gave women the freedom to live their lives as they see fit, to marry or remain single, to have a career or stay at home, to choose their lifestyle without someone forcing one on them. It's the classic Omotola vs Genevieve debate, with both of them declared winners.
Nd ow is dat ur bizness?#hater oshi#
On air personality
keeping a a clean mind INCLUDES stop dating married men and scattering families so that you will get your own miracle.
German cannot hold DUAL CITIZENSHIP .... there is talks to implement it but as at today , Nothing like Dual citizenship
Non-EU- and non-Swiss citizens must usually renounce their old citizenship if they want to become German citizens.
Good for her.
Am even planning to marry linda next year.
Awwww Touching story, I'm believing GOD for same, i know GOD has heard n in 2014 i will also gove my own testimony. i am sooo happy for you. May GOD Bless Ur Union. Stay Blessed.
Thank God for you matse! God has Also blessed me this year.. January I was without a job, broke no husband, but this is December and God has blessed me with a good Job posted to my heart desired location, and a wonderful man and we wld be getting married by Easter next year and also with a car! Praiiiiiiiiiseeeee God! He indeed answers prayers. I am so happy .
2014 is my year!!!!!!!!!
Amen! With my sisters & i inclusive. #faithfulGod
well done my dear, God is the answer to all
God is indeed wonderful and faithful. I no that he has finished what he started in my life. Oh God! My fiance, working with oil company! I've have really waited 10yrs I can't believe I waited. But here iam eating the fruit of my labor. Praise thy Lord
Rough Diamond, Pls Shush already. She's not perfect. She's entitled to her imperfections n private life. She already wrote abt rift with family members. Learn to make ur business cheap enough 4 u to mind. Whether lies or true. She sha has work authorization in Germany. Shotan?
This RD is a mega asshole now I see why dt ejike boy usually insults her and I used to dislike him for that but now I know better. Very uncouth gutter girl no sense at all. Bitch! You know her lifesyle who knows it's and d evil I do. Bloody tuat!
This rough diamond u are truly a Bitch! So you have never lied before why are you so pained? Idiot!
Testimony that what na Abeg make I hear word,why can't people learn to say the truth even when they know it will eventually surface why lie mbok u can't lie all the time it's a dirty habit
First week of next year, i'd be in MFM camp oh! something must happen. Gbam!!
That's why he is God!he works in ways we cannot see.may God bless your home.
True talk!pls ladies let's drop our pride.forget about the expensive lifestyle.things cannot be the same.start from d scratch with a man that genuiely love you.I bet you,you will be glad you did.talking from experience
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