According to the Kansas City Star, only 4,500 fans bought tickets to watch his show at 19,000 seat Sprint Centre Arena in Kansas on Tuesday December 3rd.
KCS reports that during his set, Kanye said 'I don't always say the right things at the right time. I'm better at saying the wrong things at the wrong time.'
Kansas City Star wrote:
"Kanye almost certainly could have filled the Sprint Center 5 years ago. Tuesday’s poor attendance indicates how his scandalous love life, frequent impolite pronouncements and his gradual shift away from conventional hip-hop have alienated many of his fans.'His Yeezus tour is not doing well at all. Not only are people not turning like they used to, he's also been forced to cancel quite a few shows due to technical difficulties.
Lindodo wats ur own wit kanya west sef?or is he payin u 4 all dis?mtcheew..
De guy hs lost it! Courtesy de power of p***y n plastic surgery.
Thats what happens when ur left by your fans to keepup with the Kadarshians.
And his unguided utterances compounded the situation more.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
he shuld just quit music and b a full time actor in KEEPING UP WITH THE KADASHIANS. MR KANYE KADASHIAN!!
This is the beginning of his down fall. Mumu
Its high time he gets back to d drawin board nd repackage himself. Past events are noting short of embarrasing.
Mr dave
Lol,this is just the begining,cause no one can mock God.
I am not a kardaShian fan anymore, lol. But I won't blame this on his relationship with Kim....it's the way Kanye wags his mouth!
Eya....since kim came into his life:( wah a pity, I fink d remaining seats wil be full of spirits wtching him perform since his cumin dwn.. Mtcheeww *cynzi**
Telemundo feel d passion
Woman tweets accident not knowing her husband was the victim! Click to read about it and other news..
People like me too will not buy his ticket because am not a fan at all and this is all happening because of Kim K
Woman tweets accident not knowing her husband was the victim! Click to read about it and other news..
The most impactful indeed! Btw, Penguins have wings!
You can't mock God Kanye
Seems dis end of year is a bad one for kanye,but if he really loves kim,I believe he will stick with her
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End time tinz
Kim k z known for ruining her lovers' career ! Its Kanye's turn.
He has stepped on too many wrong toes
Pls share your endometriosis stories @ endochallenges.wordpress.com. Let's beat endo together !
Kanye sulks
Dbanj see ur papa Kanye west don fall..that's what pride does..Dbanj thank God u decided to use your sense if not u could have been a broke ass..some idiots would come and say he can feed my Generation,, becox ur broke doesn't mean we all are broke...Goggle Eyeshadow and see how powerful I am
Linda i was trying to understand u as a blogger that ur giving us news, but now it's clear u don't like Kanye, this is too much now, ur trying to make all blv he is finished.
Do u have anything against Him? It's too much not funny any more.
Don't use my comment to buy garri as u always too.
I understand ur a gossip blogger but ur doing it extra to Kanye though am not his fan but i can feel how his fans might feel.
Looks Like This Linda Has A Personal Vendetta Against Kanye
These people are just making hills out of nothing. Every person in life has ups & downs especially in the entertainment business. Kanye is probably not selling arenas as much as he used to ssimply because his last album "yeezus " is terrible not because of anything else. There's no need politicizing ish. These Hollywood media can just blow things out of proportion & wreck one out.
Its d kardashian badluck. Same tin happened to lamar. They ruin everything
Mumu musician,he should keep following Kim and making foolish statement all around town with his foolish album title,,i pity his career!
Pride is d bginin of a man's dwnfall.Too bad kanye is still blind 2c he has reached his waterloo
how will he be wen he is indulge in santism kind of hip-hop
how will he be wen he is indulge in santism kind of hip-hop
Eyeshadow ngwam,how Dbanj mata take join kanye own,mind U̶̲̥̅̊r word ma bruv...na God catch Kanye too
why will people come to his show, when he rant like a fake pussy
why will people come to his show, when he rant like a fake pussy>>>>>
Really? I'm googling it already to find out
What a pity, sorry Kanye, dats what the d power of tongue can do, it can make and it can mar. #pride
So sad dat his downfall came on too early and his bad mouth is not even helping matters..dey aint married yet nd he is going down like dis wonder wat happens wen dey re finally married....
When you mess with DIVINITY, you're messed up INFINITELY!!!
Das wot happens to a Guy dat decides to Keep Up with a Kardarsian *smiles*
linda i can see clearly that u don't like the kardashians! abeg free them joor
As it is now, KANYE WEST is a huge JOKE! He went on radio to tell listeners not to patronise LOUIS VUTTION designs anymore but that same week the label experienced highest sales in America. He thinks or equates himself to GOD and deludes himself that people would just like remote controls be tossed here and there by him. PRIDE GOES BEFORE A FALL and I in no way sympathise with the POMPOUS CLOWN who thinks he's probably the BEST THING to happen to the world music Industry since MICHAEL JACKSON. This is just the beginning for him and if he doesn't learn from these experiences, then he might just end up a broke ass in no time if people keep shunning his brand. As NICK CANNON counseled him days back, "EVEN GENIUSES DON'T PROCLAIM THEMSELVES THAT THEY ARE ONE". A grown up man who rants like a kindergarten pupil needs some GROWING UP TO DO! A word is enough for the wise! Nuff said!
That is what happen's to the men in Kadarshian family. He has fucked his luck out on Kim. Buahahahahahahahaha..
Pride goes before the fall...indeed u say d wrong things at the wrong time...u nvr start...this is jst d begining for U kanye....my advice: just shut up already, cancel interviews (because u don't know how to talk) and focus on ur Music #Period
What doeS end time got to do with this?
*Now singing* hmmmmmmmm hmmmm, hmmmmm. We donttttttttttttt carrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee*pls, put it on auto-tune. Done? thank u. So, now *still singing o* fuckkkkkkkkkkkk what they sayaaaaaaa. Fuck, them. Fuck them.. fuck what they say.. . Like, we don't care at all. Leppppp. Keep motherfucking bitching. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu huuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu,. Just as we don't fucking care about selling a million records, we don't motherfuckin care about seatssssssssssss. Oh weeeee dontttttttttttti. I mean, we don't at alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll *Stii singing* we don't give a rat ass fuck if Linda fucking stunting and don't post this shit on her fucking blog.. Linda is the most powerful Nigerian online today, period.. I mean very powerful, so who caressssss? She followed her dreams..*Kanye* stops singing. Kanye is the most impactful and influential rapper. Linda ikeji, how many fucking times, or when last did you make a post about obbbbbbbbamaaaa, o, o, o, o, obamaaaaaaa. Hey... We don't, don't don't , we don't care. Hater wants to kill dreamers. Y'all forget about your dreams. This nigga is fulfilling dreams, accomplishing things.. Linda you are a fucking media disgruntled human being.. Adidas recently signed him, and you didn't put that shit up.. Pls, y'all dreamers, stand for your dreams. Fight for your ideas. Believe that you can do any thing your mind can fathom. believe you can do anything. Believe nothing is impossible. Center your mind on creativity and let you dreams run wide. Be brutal to it, sef. Yes, u can. Don't let them box your dreams and your ideas.. Believe you can redesign school systems, Health care, national security.. Believe you are a world leader and walk toward your dreams. The only difference between haters and dreamers is, haters forget their dreams.. Kanye brought something of assimilation and moved rap culture to the next level.. They said, cos he's a producer, he can't rap.. Here is him 21 Grammys.. Obama said, Yes we can, And he did it. Do you know how many people said No to him? Are you gonna wait cos they way u can't do it? Common you don't need a NO to KNOW..
Well spoken....the power of Kim's pussy
Bonario! I just love you. This just goes to show how your choices can affect your life. In his case, choice of words and choice of lover. I hope it doesn't get to the point where Kim becomes breadwinner o cos hmmm... Her mum will re-strategise the relationship and hook her up with a brand new money bag.
Oh poor kanye...I never liked. Him thou
Awwwww my Kanye... I've loved him since Jesus walks, Gold digger and Blood diamond. Why now? KANYE is really talented he's one of the few rap artists I love especially as I think he is quite similar to the legendary pac. Kanye, please wake up o! U and kim arr better off being just friends!!!
This is bad, this is really bad..
Shit happens.. he's going to bounce back come 2014..
Like they say pride goes before a fall so Kanye u ve warned
He hasn't lost it @ all.... Life isn't always a bed of roses! And why should Linda carry only negative news about Kanye? I guess she didn't see the press release from Adidas concerning their partnership with Kanye cos that's a plus for him..... I'm not a fan of Kimye but I sincerely think ppl should let them be!.... We don't choose whom to fall in love with!
I don't think it's his relationship with d Kardashians dat's affecting him... Might jst be he's sick attitude.
Eyeshdow or Eyepencil better shut that gutter u call a mouth, what has D banj got to do with this? Ode
This Guy is finished! He will keep praising Kim Kardashian to High heavens until the walls cave in on him.
The only solution? Cut of from Kim Kardashian now and flee before it is too late. That family is bad news for guys.
Good for him , you can't rack shoulders with the lamb of God , dis is just d beginning .
Madam, are you mocking him or reporting a news???
first it was wizkid at abuja and nw its Kanye West. hmmmmm. make dey go check dem self.
That's the way the cookie crumbles now. He will rise again if he ever puts his music ahead of his private life again.
If only he can stop blasphemy ...i don't think his relationship with kim is the reason for his downfall
when u get to a level of greatness and u mock ur creators only begotten son u go down d drain a fallen angel....dis is jst d beginning u wnt to b GOD...IMPOSSICANT.
Kanye should get his ass back to Jigga,Jigga will sort everything out he is he Don
Thank u AGB.rightly said.people shld let this guy be.he's made mistakes but he's human u knw and we all make mistakes.am a big fan of his,I also ♥ kimye
Am with u Melvina.Linda doesn't like kanye.Personally,I fink he's a better rapper than Jay Z.Hovo is just overrated.kanye's album is way better than Jay Z's.#TeamYeezy
Hmmmnnnn sowie oooo Kanye... I never liked his music dou...
Your point exactly?
Dear Melvina, actually u do CHOOSE who u fall in love with.
standard! the dude is a prat!.. lets watch he get broke and learn to shut up..
My brother, d album is terrible, no be say u talk am.. Yuck!
I have a feeling anon 1:00 is Kanye himself
Y do u pipul tink its all bcoz of kim, gosh dat guy is rude and dose nt hv respect 4 God he is 4gtn dat he is and hand work of God, and kip mockin God by bringin Jesus alike on stage and to say dat he sold himself to d devil and he brag a lot even bible talks abt pride all am sayin is he should go look 4 where his problems re coming frm. He dat fiinds a wife finds a gud tin so we should liv kim out of dis his is wot is killin him, as a christian and a fans of one musician will u still b a fan will come on stage and mock ur God by bringin Jesus alike?
Most sensible response so far.... i sometimes feel linda wants a mention on kanye's twitter handle... den she will b cool.
D dude just signed a contract with adidas for $10million... u didnt deem it fit to mention. GET A LIFE... HATERS DONT LAST
Who would watch the absurd Bound 2 and go for his shows!
Bounce back to what? Hehehe
His end came when he called himself Yeezus!
Pride b4 fall
Linda Kanye just dey start. Trying to be like Jesus on stage? Making a mockery of Jesus? Well i rest my case for now.
Soon he will change from a husband to a hasbeing. He should go and look for a job as a talk show host since he loves to talk.
Honestly anon, u got it! Kanye is dancing down the isle of his downfall. The dude knows Nada(nothing) and will understand wat it means to date a Kardashian lady. When Kim starts paying almost all the bills and Mama Kada comes to take away her daughter,he will undastand beta. Let's take several sits and watch the KIMYE REALITY SHOW *sips kunu*
Bonario naso u jobless reach...every update u must comment...nawa 4 u o...abeg hw much linda dey share with u...at the end u go come write BONARIO SAYS SO VIA 3310...u b mumu o
He can't fill the stadium cause yeezus was such a wack album. The end!
TRUTH- These are all lies, the guy brings the whole hollywood to his concerts & the only reason the venue might not be full its because they are VERY VERY expensive!
Really? Kansas? Linda I know you don't like him but try harder. 4500 people are probably all the black people in Kansas and I know cos I live here. Don't come for him like that.
Ooooh so the Illuminati is now weak abi? When he was riding high on success all of you were forming it's cos of cult, but now that he's not, it's cos of Kim. So her power pass their own? Dodomu!
God bless u Melvina, I wonder y Linda hates d guy so badly, he doesnt kukuma know you.
Awwww, sad ooo
Oluwadamilola sorry bt he can't bounce back, its the kardashian curse. Everybody warned him bt he wldnt listen. How many kardashian husbands have you seen bouncing back? Yeah, none...
Whatever rocks his boat
LOL I am usually not the kind of person that jumps to conclusions based on spiritual things, but have you noticed that all this weird stuff started happening after the "Black Jesus" incident? Failing equipment, cancelled concerts, cray cray rants, downright dumbass videos...
He should watch it, he may feel he doesn't care now but it's all going to come back and hunt him..
Bluetooth 4.1 to connect directly to the internet
Thank u melvin owoh.i dont just get y people hate kimye.Whats controversial about his love life. They should let them be
Pls don't be bias, Linda did not hate anyone. Ʈђε̲̣̣̣̥ news is everywhere. â„“̊ guess ÈŠ̝̊̅t̶̲̥̅̊'s only here U̶̲̥̅̊ read online news.
The kardashian curse as always. Kanye just repent
kim's toto don wreck ur carrer. lobatan
Kim is innocent pls stop calling her name.
Why performing to few people in America u beta change ur calling and start performing in Africa countries my dear you go make money especially naija #advice
Its a shame dat noone can really see wats goin on..D Fact is wen u try to Rub shoulders with God..u end up like d titanic
No mortal mocks God and gets away with it.
Most of u blame this on his relationship with kim which is wrong. even though Im nt interested in kim's show,I stil dnt fink anybody's luvlife shld b questioned. we all knw kanye is always tryin 2 put his name ontop of the shelf where he cannot reach, hence shld b left alone 2 suffer d consequences when he falls. i dnt see a point for any "blame game".
y'all wil come on lindaikeji and comment and inuslt kim and kanye..when you might never be half the person they are..or never even smell half of their success..stop worrying. About his supposed downfall cause he is with a kardashian..and worry about getting to half his level of success or mayb baby nory's level..I still don't understand why pple hate kim k..I will always love her kz KUWTK is a fun show to watch and they all very funny and their family bound is awesome..yes he is not doin well now buh he is KANYE WEST..even if he doesn't make a song for 20years he will never be as broke ass some of your families...and linda ikeji..stop the kimye hate ..I'm sure you have other things to blog about..stop spreadn the negativity
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