Has Yvonne Nelson found love again? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Has Yvonne Nelson found love again?

Ms Nelson!!! Lol


Loudmouthed said...

Proper attention seeking disorder (ASD)

Anonymous said...

Yvonne N am tired of u in 2013 ah ah

Anonymous said...

Yippee! First to comment.
Love you babe! Always on point.

Unknown said...

If its real.. den m so happy 4 u YN

Unknown said...

Same thought runnıng tru ma mynd'..ıf so,am glad!..evry1 deserves 2 b loved n happy!.

Anonymous said...

maybe its her poodle

Anonymous said...

Nah she knw nah

Bonita Bislam said...

She probably is in luv wit twitter lol....buh criously,she's in luv.most girls aren't gud in hiding their feelings esp dey ova use words

Anonymous said...

I love yvonne sooo michh...yvonne baby I knw u miss me,coming om soon baby

ricky said...

Did she find love before? Lool or is it iyanya that was two timing

Alicia says... said...

Is she still with Ice Prince? If not...... Hmmmmm. These Ghanaian actresses sha (at least the unmarried ones)

Anonymous said...

Female celebs sleep around more dan normal folks hiding undr d canopy of 'I found luv' and breakups. U musnt let evry 1 knw how many guys u ve dated cos u r a celeb. I c dat as prostituting and of course sm of us don't count it d way dey count d relatnshps, I count how many guys dey hv sex with nt hw many dey hv dated. I luv iyvonne, she's a beauty.

Anonymous said...

Which naija musician has an acronym thts o.a??:/

Anonymous said...

Its iyanya!

Unknown said...

Wow.. Congrats to her if its true!

Thatigbobabe said...

Drama queen..stunt

Woomie said...

Attention seeker of life! Dis is how they start bringing their biz on social media. Later on, they will ask "Y is everyone in my bizness?" Yvonne Nelson attention whore.
BTW Linda, dis ur laff sounds like you know who she's talking talking about. Abeg spill.

Anonymous said...

iyanya's head will be boiling now...with his midget ass lmao

Anonymous said...

Mtchew!even me! Im in luv.she jus dey seek attention.if she was really in luv,she wud protect nd seal r lips til it leads to marriage.ti ishu eyan bata,oman fowo bo je ni.

Anonymous said...

Good for her, but sounds like a desperate attention seeking move. Child plzzzzz, grow up. We all have been in love and want to jump on Oprahs couch as Tom cruise did while declaring his love for now ex-wife Katie homes n how did that end up?
I get it, the media has ignored u. These things happen when u re over exposed. And u no longer become a mystery and then what next? U figure out a cheap way of seeking attention. Well stand at the pinnacle of Eiffle tower to declare and proclaim ur love to a guy that by now the media is digging to expose the douch bag that u are dating. Don't mean to hate, but until u grow up, live a loy key lifestlye and appear approachable(I.e. Loosing the designer items and diva attitude), then I am sorry that's all u ll get. Men that pretend to care but in reality u are a ladder to their next meal ticket. Just ask Inyaya. So if this is real, keep it on d low-low, we don't wanna know and its for ur own mental state of mind. Aren't u tired of the heartbreaks, or maybe u (Yvonne) are not as naïve as u appear to be and this is all part of d strategy to get us(d fans) buzzing. Oh well..... U almost convienced me and on that note then I rest my case. Taraaaaaaaaaaa!!! Poodle doodle

Anonymous said...

@ Hope Emeghara I love ur comment u've said d truth May heaven provide som1 dat will luv us like our parents.

Anonymous said...

Lol! Linda your own specialty na to yarn people own, your own nkor? Your love life you hide am pass cat shit Lol...Anyway, I just wanna see you married next year,say AMEN :)


Anike said...


9jagirl007 said...

He has no identity, ladies always play this game, I wonder why?

PurelyP said...

Anon 8:41, ure funny sha@ poodle. Well, she is human and needs to be loved too.

Akeem Rotimi said...

I love her so much *crying* I wish I can make her my.... My.... Anyways..

Anonymous said...

Why do yvonne wants to b brighter than her future

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. ..everyone deserves 2 be loved

Anonymous said...

Go nelson go nelson go

Anonymous said...

maybe she missed her pet, she can't be in love. why this?

Chukwudi said...

It could be her brother, her father, her nephew.

Anonymous said...

Yes oooo. And I know the guys name. He's a nollywood director. Fair, of average height and not so bad in the looks department.

Unknown said...

This girl is just a noise maker...mtchewww

Anonymous said...

She has come again..mtcheeew..abeg she should stay one place biko!

Anonymous said...

Choi amebo Linda,nw nw nw u don carry am cum post. Tori no dey eva pass u? Lol. Ur aproko no get part 2 i swear.

Anonymous said...

Wow happi 4 U..... Every deserves 2 b loved..... I really can't 4 him 2 cumbck. Actually she is waitin 4 ma uncle!! Did I jst say dat..OOOppps

Anonymous said...

Girly....u need it abeg?We all need love!

freeman said...

The Oxford Dictionary defines ASUU.

1) ASUU: A Union.
2) ASUUOLOGY: The study of ASUU.
3) ASUUCRAT: A member of ASUU.
4) ASUUCRACY: Government of ASUU
plus Federal Government minus the students.
5) ASUUFEVA: Effects
of ASUU on students.
6) ASUUNISTIC: The act of behaving in ASUU way.
7) ASUUDITE: A person who doesn’t believe in ASUU.
ASUUING: demanding and negotiating in
ASUU's manner.
9) ASUUNDER: Consequences of ASUU strike.
10) ASUUSTRIKER: A person who
demostrates for ASUU.
11) ASUULATOR: The war between ASUU and the senators.
12) ASUUMANIAC: Someone who loves
13) ASUUPHOBIA: The fear
of ASUU.
14) ASUUCIDE: Act of
killing an Asucrat by accident.
15) ASUUTIAN: A victim of ASUU's
16) ASUUFÈCTO: a baby born by a student during ASUU.
17) ASUUGENERIAN: A student who spends 7 years in sch instead of 4 years due to ASUU strike.
18) ASUUIST: A lecturer or a group of lecturer who does not support ASUU but hopes to benefit from the union.

Unknown said...

Her business!

Anonymous said...

Who's dis newbie hope emeghara

Unknown said...

Dem go still break d damn hart again...gals no wise aii...same old bullsh*t

Esterish esther said...

Lol, seems she's in love

Unknown said...

Lmao!! Linda Ikeji,u ehn... I saw the posts on twitter some mins ago and i thought so too..but then,u shd knw Yvonne Nelson. Those posts are quite typical of her,so let's not attach too much meaning to them.

The Stoic said...

Yσυ Gυεssε∂ яιgнт! I'м нεя ηεω ∂υ∂ε!!

Nodic said...

Is that photo that of Yvonne Nelson? Looks to me to be more like that of Rita Dominic.

Unknown said...

Shes said dat bout all d guy shes been wit...love hav bin unfair 2her n meee *driez tears* it wil b fyn nelson,a biger dick wil mke u cum *ONYXGODWIN *

Anonymous said...

She is very pretty!!! *Debbie Chelsea*




Abusie said...

Am happy for her ...................XoXo

Apple said...

She will never learn she keep's falling in and out of love.

uniquizzy said...

S nicez to b loved

Anonymous said...

She s too skinny now I don't like

Anonymous said...

Yvonne dear, u r so immature shut up already!!!!

Unknown said...

So happy 4 her if its tru...come linda...if u don't want me to change it 4 you...from now on if I dnt see my comments on ur post...u no go lik am!

Anonymous said...

God will make it urs forever

Anonymous said...

God will make it urs forever

Anonymous said...

Yvonne nelson I have your medicine !


Anonymous said...

God luck and Gods speed, ur pretty is getting old and since it's the only talent you got, you really need to seal the deal on a rich mr available. Pretty get expiry date oh. Na perishable goods. Invest wisely.

Anonymous said...

If its so den gud 4 her

Anonymous said...

Mumu, u really hate dis babe o, na cus of her u wrote all dis ten pages of new paper??? Na wa o, ODE

ary said...

Why is she telling us? Abi she wants us to know she had fallen gotten over Iyanya? Abegi kam nu ife!!!

Unknown said...

Gd 4 her,she just av 2 b carful.....wishin. U eminado 4 ur new found luv.

Anonymous said...

I guess u ar bored miss nelson. It has become a trend with u. Always seeking attention when u have nothing productive doing

Anonymous said...

Ode linda . shouldn't you try and decode the initials...I taya for u.

Anonymous said...

Madam Nelson is MISSING DA DICK! lol

Anonymous said...

Nice one gal

Unknown said...

Aunty,were dey eva 2geda??? So,a lady can't have a male friend again,ryt? Nawa! Dey are friends and neva said they were dating, get ur facts right b4 ur legs break as a result of u jumping into conclusions,k?

Anonymous said...

Na lie joor ....she jst wnt attention. I guess she's already grateful τ̅o u linda 4 givin her dt.

Anonymous said...

Well I think I really have to comment on all diz comments am seeing here...well if u do not like her life style,who gives a fuck?no one ma dear..if u aint happy wit d way she'z livin den maybe u shuld go be a celeb and see how worse u gonna become.u come here post shit and den u hide ur identity,ah plz don't do dat na if dem born una well..beeferz,leave her to leave her life,it's herz not urz..she can fall in luv 1million times,non of ur biz

Anonymous said...

And wat does ur story teach us?

Anonymous said...

Am happy for u Yvonne

Anonymous said...

Thank u for ds reply!I don't diss pple,but yvonne is such an attention seeker!kai!she is jst a drama queen!kip it to urself!we dnt ve to know!

Anonymous said...

This girl likes prick too much. Everytime she gets a D in her, she's in love. Mscheeeew!

۵Phemmie۵ said...

Maybe She's Just Fronting!!! + even if its true, dem go still break her hrt b4 December ends so Kinibigdeal, abegi

Anonymous said...

Just as akon said it about men"women have main bf and magas.Their main bf is the one you see with them regularly.But you cannot see the magas.They meet in secret location.e.g hotels and guest house in far areas.It is like genny who is denying atiku while she say db is her main bf.

Anonymous said...

Nooo! Was just planning a happily-ever-after marriage with her (.... in my head).

Anonymous said...

Yvonne, wont you ever learn to keep it quiet till it materialises into marriage? Haba! Grow up joor!

Anonymous said...

Why are you ridiculing her, Linda? Is it not possible for her to have a boyfriend? Has she been cursed? Or, is it not the trend now for people to tell all in public via social media? Or, if she's seeking attention, is it not enough for her to do so when we all laughed her to scorn when she broke-up with Iyanya and was heartbroken? The other day Genevieve said she has not been in a relationship for ...yrs; that 'OAP' said his wife is 'finer' than his ex-girlfriends. You see, they all do rubbish.

Anonymous said...

Am soooooooooooo happy for her

Unknown said...

Love her to bits!! She is so beautiful

Anonymous said...

Don't mind her
Yeye dey smell


They want ur waste again?

Anonymous said...

Weda beta gist or no gist
I lave hair (I love her) *In_Ghana_tongue*

trey said...

Ds bbe luvs PUBLICITY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why won't oda celebs learn to live humble and low keyed life!OMG!look at Asa,d girl is a big big celebrity across Europe yet we dnt knw abt it,she lives in a badass house in VGC bt has neva posted pics of it,she has signed so many endorsement deals in naija here yet we don't knw abt it,she's verified by twitter but hardly on twitter,gosh I cudnt be more humbled wen I met her,all I could see was humility,simplicity and diligence.She's one of a kind rare among her peers!well,any celeb who wants their privacy to be respected should as well stop casting their businesses on twitter

Anonymous said...

Olamide adedeji

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:11pm ur such a fool! So she shoudnt say her mind? Cus what? U? If she likes make she write 100pages, nono ur damn biz! Fool! Yvonne nelson gaan hide! Na today?

Anonymous said...

Or even one houseboy wey de fuck her well...yea! We find love in a hopeless place, also in a whole wosrt place... Rihanna said it. So it can happen to yvonne nelson.

Unknown said...

Hahhahahhaha.....Officially tired!

Anonymous said...

diz yvonne nelson sef....alwyz falling in luv....with her foundation filled face ....does she eva come out without foundation..tufiakwa...feelin like shes fine..lmao

Unknown said...

Hahahahhahahahah! Officially tired?

Anonymous said...

U sure get time sef.

Anonymous said...

this babe is obviously sick....

Unknown said...

Love Nwa nti nti *juspassing*

Ash baby said...

Gud for her

Anonymous said...

she is just acting like a kiddo

Anonymous said...

Abeg na for her twitter she write am,no be Linda page..we all write abt how we feel so y can't her??For the fools mentioning Genevieve's name,all of una na Ode for life..Linda post my comment ooo

Anonymous said...

I dun understand y she's always acting like a child that was abandoned. I'm yet to see a celeb that craves for attention as much as this bonga fish Yvonne kmt ABeg Linda no de tell me her matter I don vex

toni said...

Must she post everything about her personal life on social media.

Anonymous said...

her thirst for attention is sickening....she needs to take several seats abeg!!

Lisa said...

She needs to either grow up or learn the art of discretion. All these two bit actresses trying to copy American artistes. Be you for crying out loud and as for boyfriend, who cares!!

Anonymous said...

@ debby... She dint say she was dating iyanya too until he used her waist n dump it...so there...never trust dem. N YN too lyk attention soon she go dey cry say dey break up wit her....or dey wan kee her...I don taya biko!

Anonymous said...

She should b vry careful,she should nt gv ha bodi at least until 8months frm cos d guy mit b here just to taste wot iyanya hv tasted.Bt I lv Iyonne so much iyanya loosed by letting ha go.d nxt girl afta ha mit b dere just 4 moni nd fame

Alicia says... said...

When did Genevieve ever say she is dating anybody? Liar oshi

Anonymous said...

if she do dis,she go annouce, if she do dat,she go broadcast.pls help me ask am,she no dey shut up?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lmao @catshit o...So tru u neva get to see a cat's poo

Anonymous said...

U r a fool, like d way ur dad's driver defiled u

Anonymous said...

Usu raa kwa gi

Anonymous said...

YN ooo ..continue shaa

Anonymous said...

Usu raa kwa gi

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