The General Overseer of The Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor W.F Kumuyi warned his church members during their annual National December Convention which held on Saturday Dec 21st, against celebrating Christmas, because according to him it is idolatrous and unscriptural.
Kumuyi said;
“We don’t celebrate Christmas. It actually came from idolatrous background. That is why you don’t hear us sing what they call Christmas carol, Never! We always say it is the December retreat. We are only gathering together because it is the holiday period and love the lord more, and rededicate ourselves more.
Well, let's all try to respect other people's beliefs. Meanwhile, other Christian leaders have replied Kumuyi, saying Christmas is not idolatrous but biblical. Continue..“When you find anybody coming in, or any leader, trying to introduce the idolatry of mystery Babylon, that they call Christmas and you want to bring all the Christmas carol saying that is the day that Jesus was born, and you don’t find that in the Acts of the Apostles or in the early church, then you don’t find that in the church either. If you don’t know that before, now you know.
A Catholic priest, Monsignor Gabriel Osu, said
“I don’t know what he
means by saying the practice of celebrating Christmas is wrong. Is he saying that Christ wasn’t born?
That he didn’t come to die for us? Does he not celebrate his own
birthday? Do Kumuyi’s pastors not celebrate him? It is not everything I
react to; some people just seek attention. If Kumuyi is a Christian,
then he must believe in Christ.
“The celebration of Christmas didn’t
just start today; it is too public an event for anyone to say that they
don’t know what it is about. “If Kumuyi is condemning the
commercialisation of Christmas, I can understand that. Christ came to
redeem us from our lost state; this was actualised through his coming,
his birth; that is why we celebrate Christmas. It is the fulfilment of
God’s promise.”
"Kumuyi is just saying what he feels; he is
not making any doctrinal statement.”
1 – 200 of 317 Newer› Newest»of course its nt biblical!!!! its a pagan tradition anyways... Google it if i think am lying !!!
Errrrmmmm... Dats his opinion tho!
The Catholic priest is damn right.... I can't even imagine pastor Kumuyi saying all dos trash It sounds crazy... Well his reason is best known to him apart from is flimsy excuses! As for me oooo christmas will be celebrated till Eternity! Make he go sidon jare!
I like that part that says 'doesn't he celebrate his birthday? Does his pastors not celebrate him?'
If he says Christ wasn't born on the 25th, I gerrit but a day had to be chosen. #thatsall
It's Deeper Life doctrine not to celebrate Xmas and that doesn't translate that it is idolatry.
hes entitle to his own beleive and opinion..yes! Jesus birth date is not written in the bible..but 25 dec was chosen to celebrate is birthday,cuz his comin gave us all a second chance,if he choose not to celebrate it,he shouldnt celebrat his own birthday n his pastors shudnt too... He was against many things..like watch Tv n so on..now na even big screen dem dey use 4 inside church,watchin Tv doesnt make one bad,u choose wat u wanna watch,so is an individual choice
Na dem sabi
What does d bible say about christmass?
Now I see y he cages his members every Christmas with retreat chai #catholicforever
To be fair there is nowhere in the bible where it says Jesus was born on Christmas and we should celebrate Christmas . If what he means about Christmas being idolatrous is that we forget about the main reason why Christmas exist which is to celebrate the birth of our lord Jesus Christ and we just focus on partying , getting drunk , fornicating and so on then I understand . But also at Christmas time a lot if charity works also happens but to be fair apparently Christmas was actually created by pagans originally so I guess there is truth to what he is saying .
he definitely respects christs dat wz y he said a christian shuldnt only remember christ birth during xmas only but everyday of ones life bearing in mind dat he's d reason y ure saved.......to d catholic priest if u knw d bible well u shuld knw dat it neva give any date as d date of christ birth dat 25 of dec is a guessed work nd if u doubt d idolatorous nature of xmas u can browse on d origin of christmas
I think we should all learn to respect each other's religion, nobody has criticized the deeper life people for not watching t.v. salvation is personal
hmm for him develish mind nah!
Hmmm.. Let's hear from other people..
You should get your fact before jumping into conclusion... This is a big Lie
Different pple wt different beliefs
Well I thank God you don't have a seat on the senate!!!
This pastors sha...I'm tired
don't read NSG super funny blog LMAO
Well I thank God you don't have a seat on the senate!!!
I beg Nigerian Pastors make una go sit down some where !!!! Bloody hypocrites!!! Mtcheew.
Hmmmm,, pls Pastor kumuyi do not tag d remembrance of d birth of CHRIST idolatory cos even wen HE was born, HE was celebrated.
Roman pagans first introduced the holiday of Saturnalia, a week long period of lawlessness celebrated between December 17-25. During this period, Roman courts were closed, and Roman law dictated that no one could be punished for damaging property or injuring people during the weeklong celebration. The festival began when Roman authorities chose “an enemy of the Roman people” to represent the “Lord of Misrule.” Each Roman community selected a victim whom they forced to indulge in food and other physical pleasures throughout the week. At the festival’s conclusion, December 25th, Roman authorities believed they were destroying the forces of darkness by brutally murdering this innocent man or woman.
B. The ancient Greek writer poet and historian Lucian (in his dialogue entitled Saturnalia) describes the festival’s observance in his time. In addition to human sacrifice, he mentions these customs: widespread intoxication; going from house to house while singing naked; rape and other sexual license; and consuming human-shaped biscuits (still produced in some English and most German bakeries during the Christmas season).
C. In the 4th century CE, Christianity imported the Saturnalia festival hoping to take the pagan masses in with it. Christian leaders succeeded in converting to Christianity large numbers of pagans by promising them that they could continue to celebrate the Saturnalia as Christians.[2]
D. The problem was that there was nothing intrinsically Christian about Saturnalia. To remedy this, these Christian leaders named Saturnalia’s concluding day, December 25th, to be Jesus’ birthday.
E. Christians had little success, however, refining the practices of Saturnalia. As Stephen Nissenbaum, professor history at the University of Massachussetts, Amherst, writes, “In return for ensuring massive observance of the anniversary of the Savior’s birth by assigning it to this resonant date, the Church for its part tacitly agreed to allow the holiday to be celebrated more or less the way it had always been.” The earliest Christmas holidays were celebrated by drinking, sexual indulgence, singing naked in the streets (a precursor of modern caroling), etc.
F. The Reverend Increase Mather of Boston observed in 1687 that “the early Christians who first observed the Nativity on December 25 did not do so thinking that Christ was born in that Month, but because the Heathens’ Saturnalia was at that time kept in Rome, and they were willing to have those Pagan Holidays metamorphosed into Christian ones.” Because of its known pagan origin, Christmas was banned by the Puritans and its observance was illegal in Massachusetts between 1659 and 1681.[4] However, Christmas was and still is celebrated by most Christians.
G. Some of the most depraved customs of the Saturnalia carnival were intentionally revived by the Catholic Church in 1466 when Pope Paul II, for the amusement of his Roman citizens, forced Jews to race naked through the streets of the city. An eyewitness account reports, “Before they were to run, the Jews were richly fed, so as to make the race more difficult for them and at the same time more amusing for spectators. They ran… amid Rome’s taunting shrieks and peals of laughter, while the Holy Father stood upon a richly ornamented balcony and laughed heartily.”
Na wa o, 4 dis so called man of God
The Origin of Christmas Tree
Just as early Christians recruited Roman pagans by associating Christmas with the Saturnalia, so too worshippers of the Asheira cult and its offshoots were recruited by the Church sanctioning “Christmas Trees”.[7] Pagans had long worshipped trees in the forest, or brought them into their homes and decorated them, and this observance was adopted and painted with a Christian veneer by the Church.
B. The Origin of Mistletoe
Norse mythology recounts how the god Balder was killed using a mistletoe arrow by his rival god Hoder while fighting for the female Nanna. Druid rituals use mistletoe to poison their human sacrificial victim. The Christian custom of “kissing under the mistletoe” is a later synthesis of the sexual license of Saturnalia with the Druidic sacrificial cult.
C. The Origin of Christmas Presents
In pre-Christian Rome, the emperors compelled their most despised citizens to bring offerings and gifts during the Saturnalia (in December) and Kalends (in January). Later, this ritual expanded to include gift-giving among the general populace. The Catholic Church gave this custom a Christian flavor by re-rooting it in the supposed gift-giving of Saint Nicholas (see below).
Hmmmmmm. Na dem sabi. Linda gm.
#watcing in 3D LED#
Everybody is trying to be recognized/noticed. Ok we've heard.
"Now run along""
he is right ,christmas started during the time of pope constantine , is not biblical , jesus follower never celebrate christmas .
sincerely there is no WORD like Xmas in the bible and it was never a practice recorded in the Acts of The Apostles. So the Man is right to a large extent. and for the fact it is common practice doesn't make it a biblical truth.
The Christmas Challenge
· Christmas has always been a holiday celebrated carelessly. For millennia, pagans, Christians, and even Jews have been swept away in the season’s festivities, and very few people ever pause to consider the celebration’s intrinsic meaning, history, or origins.
· Christmas celebrates the birth of the Christian god who came to rescue mankind from the “curse of the Torah.” It is a 24-hour declaration that Judaism is no longer valid.
· Christmas is a lie. There is no Christian church with a tradition that Jesus was really born on December 25th.
· December 25 is a day on which Jews have been shamed, tortured, and murdered.
· Many of the most popular Christmas customs – including Christmas trees, mistletoe, Christmas presents, and Santa Claus – are modern incarnations of the most depraved pagan rituals ever practiced on earth.
I do not know the problem with all these two penny pastors and their congregations Even if Christmas had an idolatory background,is it not something of joy that the practice was replaced with the birth of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ and therefore,pushed into extinction,the former idolatory aspect of the celebration.The Olympics had it's roots in Greek idolatory ,but it was modified and turned into a four year interval event that has created a lot of world class atheletics.
Everybody is trying to be recognized/noticed. Ok we've heard.
"Now run along""
Christmas is actuali controversial n complicated_google it,make research! 4me d best way2rememba christ is by appreciating d value of his ransom sacrifice n sticking 2d lessons his taught ~edelweiss~
Na true...I've read it somewhere before
Personally I av to agree with him on this,christmas has no biblical/scriptural backing,it ws a ctually a pagan tradition adopted by catholics,but am gonna celebrate it tho.
Different Churches wit different believe. He jst said his own believe so every oda pastors. God alone has d final say
I agree that he's confusing Christmas' commercialization with idolatry. Christ has been struck from Christmas for gifts and trinkets.
Say wat?????
Yes he is so right...I guess some people just have an issue with what he said just because it is coming from Pst Kumuyi.
We can celebrate d birth of jesus by actually repenting of our sins,not by nude xmas cards n clubbing. Btw d actual date of his birth aint in d bible so I wonder who choose 25th dec. On his behalf.
People saying anything they want. Someone dat cannot wait for a year after wife death to start sampling 'delight of the flesh' . Na wah
everyday new principles! :/ Only God knows best :)
Okay o we don hear but I go chop this one chicken first o
Dis church called deeper lif ...I tire o
No one can Stop me from celebrating my saviour's birth.
Am just laughing. Just a day set aside to celebrate Jesus birthday is what is causing all this noise. If you like celebrate, that one no concern me. Dusting my Christmas jeans #Whistling Cleaning my Christmas shoe. Men this Christmas go make sense.
I believe it is high time we understand that we need to check on what we believe, not minding the fact that it has been existence before we were born.
I need a breakdown on calculation how 25th December happens to be the day Christ was born, without mentioning it in the bible. I believe it is better to celebrate what he asked us to do in Luke 22:19 and 1 corinth 11:24 in His remembrance.
KE Cadgon
Na only God knows sha bt I also support the pastor. Who knows when Jesus was born sef? Just believe whatever u want in dis lyf, Dats d key. Beesonova
At least this is not aother open letter. We dey celebrate, sorry, watch from background. Lebete.
I respect kumuyi's point
Jdy last posted...If A Man Tells You Any Of These Lines, Run!
Nice response Monsignor, some people are trying to be faster than their shadow. men playing God,who made him a decider and judge.
I pity his church members that always dress like house helps.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
I believe it is high time we understand that we need to check on what we believe, not minding the fact that it has been existence before we were born.
I need a breakdown on calculation how 25th December happens to be the day Christ was born, without mentioning it in the bible. I believe it is better to celebrate what he asked us to do in Luke 22:19 and 1 corinth 11:24 in His remembrance.
KE Cadgon
What the Pastor said is clear and distinct.
Christmas (Christ-Mass) is not in the Bible!
Every Christian leader is bound to follow and teach biblical Revelation.
Anyone who thinks the Pastor is right or wrong should site biblical authorities and not sentimental feelings and jaundiced opinions.
The Origin of Christmas we all know from history and philosophy, so can we have a more objective and an informed view of Christmas?
What the Pastor said is clear and distinct.
Christmas (Christ-Mass) is not in the Bible!
Every Christian leader is bound to follow and teach biblical Revelation.
Anyone who thinks the Pastor is right or wrong should site biblical authorities and not sentimental feelings and jaundiced opinions.
The Origin of Christmas we all know from history and philosophy, so can we have a more objective and an informed view of Christmas?
What the Pastor said is clear and distinct.
Christmas (Christ-Mass) is not in the Bible!
Every Christian leader is bound to follow and teach biblical Revelation.
Anyone who thinks the Pastor is right or wrong should site biblical authorities and not sentimental feelings and jaundiced opinions.
The Origin of Christmas we all know from history and philosophy, so can we have a more objective and an informed view of Christmas?
Smh for deeper life members.They don't even understand the meaning of christmas.I have started seeing their members with mobile phones and I laugh.they condemed tv in those days but now are enjoying d good of technology.hyprocracy is one of the worst sins.I just pity the members.religion dey make people no dey use brain again oooo,na so so pastor said.hmmmm*
Nawa ooo,so we can't celebrate the birth of jesus again
Linda, perhaps you should research on the origin of christmas. I don't have a problem with choosing a date to celebrate the birth of Christ but I see a huge problem with the misdirection and lack of focus on the real purpose. C'mon, who really is Santa Claus, the reindeer, the snow? What have they got to do with the middle eastern Christ. Yet even in Nigeria, the whole Santa, woollen cloth, elves, red and green colour, erroneously give significance to christmas. And the gifts? where did we get that from? None of these are in the Bible. I am catholic by the way
GBaM!!! Msgr. Osu on point! What exactly is kumuyi against??? The celebration of the birth of Christ or How "people" celebrate it nowadays??? And all those his members who haven't eaten chicken/turkey all tru d year will eat it on Christmas day abi? And buy new cloths abi???? hyp Hyp HYp HYP HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!!!
This kumunyi is high..... All this churches looking for the souls to ruins....mtechwwwwww
Its true I celebrae xmas bt I knw d truth....santa reshuffled is satan....and u can check more on this pagan day that some Christians adopt to celebrate the birth of Christ... we as christians celebrates his birth, death and resurrection everyday.
wow I really dnt knw what to say abt thia, evry one with their own belief
Haba ... baba!! With utmost respect baba u are wrong with this one! I wonder what people who doesnt even believe in Jesus would be thinking now ! its like standing against what other Christians stands for.
Baba make una do am small small o ..the teaching sef iissh *lipsealed*
That is thr cup of tea. As for me and my household we will celebr8 xmas.
Good talk Monsignor. All these pastors of baal preaching what they dont practice. If mere mortal human can be celebrated y say that Christ the saviour of the world shouldnt b celebrated. People should berra dikwa careful they way they condemn other people's beliefs.
We the Christians have the right to celebrate our Lord, Jesus' birthday any day and any time we want. Why? Becos the earth is of the Lord and the fullness thereof including the days. God created them all. Kumuyi shud read Romas 14: 5-8 to know that all days belong to the Lord. If the Babylonians hv done anything on 25th december, I dnt know wat they did nor do I care to kno. They're the imposters not us. We only chose a date of our Lord's created days to celebrate his birthday, and who do we celebrate? Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Is Kumuiyi saying that because a land has been used for fetish program, it can't be taken by a child of God and worship Him there? Or because a building was inhabited by the occult, a child God can live there any more? And these are things made by man let alone days created by God. Kumuyi was the one that told his congregation that they shudnt watch tv, look for properity etc. And he has long relaxed those teachings. Now he has come again, to deprive them.
I TOTALLY agree with Kumuyi...Christmas is a Pagan Practice and before anyone tries to shut Him up...go to Google, type in these words...THE ORIGIN of CHRISTMAS...and read its History by the SIMPLE TO REMEMBER website.
the problem is that Nigerians don't read...read first before you argue blindly...
Na dem sabi
M confused oooo...Wats wrong wiv xmas nd can he prove dat its idolatory.To think dat I used to respect dis man.SMH
But truth b told jesus christ was neva born in december
christmas was introduced by the satan through the catholic church. That is why Pastor chris calls the catholic church the anti-christ church.
Christmas is the birth of jesus and it is one of the most sinful day on earth.wr mark christmas as birth of jesus,not celebrates it.That is when you will see all forms of atrocities commited by male and female folks,even in churches.People will start making resolution that they cannot keep.Christmas is celebrated for the wrong reason.
Good reply... deeper life church normally don't celebrate anytin so 'm not surprised
I tire 4 all ds sef gospelic pastoral version of d season wetin sef dts y Jesus can't cm again he has bin postponin rapture coz of 9ja segregational version of d bible wit differences 4rm all 9ja Pentecostal churches.abi na
All dose useless pastors of nowadays self I don't understand their preaching kumu do u want 2 tell us dat u never one celebrate ur birthday mtcheeeeeeeeeew
Dis deeper life pple sef ........sipin my kunu
Oh lips sealed*divy*
With all due respect pastor kumuyi, I ask; is the birth of Jesus Christ not written in d bible??? How then is it an idolatrous practice? This is a teaching/preaching from d pit of hell. #Endtimetinz *smh
Christmas is the birth of jesus christ.However, it is one of the most sinful day on earth.we mark christmas as birth of jesus,not celebrates it.That is when you will see all forms of atrocities commited by male and female folks,even in churches.People will start making resolution that they cannot keep.Christmas is celebrated for the wrong reason.It is the resolution to remain good which they made last year that they fall back on this year.
Well Kumuyi is right. Where in the bible was a Christmas tree mentioned and how does the tree n decorations and hanging mistletoe etc have anything to do with the birth of Christ. There's no scriptural evidence that supports the birth of Christ as being 25th december but history says december 25th was kept thousand of years before the birth of Christ in honor of Tammuz or Baal-bereth or the lord of the fir tree. People should study the bible and history more n stop being ignorant.
we all celeb our birth, so I tink is gud to honour Jesus birth.
The statement by the Catholic priest, Monsignor Gabriel Osu, is just d rite way to put it. Its free from condemnation or judgement. That is hw all christain leaders re suppose to talk. Christmas go way baq dat it will bi difficult to trace it root but we all knw dat christmas is all about christ. The date of d birth of Jesus christ wasn't written in d bible but dat doesn't mean dere is no record of it somewhere. Even if there is no record of d date of d birth of Jesus christ anywhere, Jesus christ is too important 4 us not to pik a date to celebrate his first presence here on earth cos we ourselves, we celebrate our birthday. My dad for instance does not knw d day n month he was born, but he chose any day of d year as his birthday so we can celebrate him on dat day. So people shud get their fact rite b4 dey talk.
But really , coming to think of it, I'm not that religious but I know I've read my bible quite thoroughly and I can't find that word "christmas" or even d supposed fact that Christ was born on 25th of december. And for whoever is saying that christmas is a public celebration that has been ther for so long, I don't think that is a reason or basis for its infallibility. I think if something is wrong, it is wrong . Time and how long it has been in place does not automatically give it a cloak of rightness.For the catholic priest who posited that the fact that Kumuyi should believe in d birth of Christ or whatever is a ground for him to necessarily believe that this birth was on the 25th of december , that argument from the Priest is just based on sentiments and no hard facts. He should give the basis for the belief in christmas or lay a pointer to the bible. My opinion
Kumuyi idea is wrong. Christians choose 25th of Dec. to mark n celebrate d birth of Christ, dat does nt mean christ wz born on dat day. D real date of his birth wz hidden frm them of old.
True talk. After all we celebrate anniversaries,birthdays n our pastors.
They are both wrong...... D simple meaning of xmas is nt really d day christ was born ( as it was nt recorded anywhere) but d date fixed by christains to remind us abt him (jesus christ) yes its my birthday so I feel blessed to have bin born same day my Lord is celebrated
No mater hw hard yu both argue about this,its obvious yu'll both never come to an agreement.I advise the preist to go back and read the scripture and check if it is ever recorded that jesus celebrated his own birthday nd since yu're following christ,yu should only do what he does.
And for the pastor,if yu and ur members dnt celebrate christ's birthday mybe yu should celebrate his death.that should be important to yu I guess.and yu should also check ur scripture well,if it is written that he wished his death be celebrated.or Perhaps yu should wait till His return,and see if yu both can celebrate with him.
Awwww! Many ppl don dey tok dis tin o! Wetin we go do now????
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Everybody has an opinion. Monsignor nice reply
I'm not a X-tian but I blv in Christ. Yes I do. And I also no dat Dec 25 wasn't d day dat Jesus was born,the Jan-Dec calender didn't even exist then. The Romans used to worship an idol on dat day.Christmas is one of d many modification dat was done to Christianity. Let's face it, dia is an iota of truth in what he said.
Kumuyi is just talking for himself, my deeperlife neighbours don already pack tins finish.they ll go to villa to celebrate xmass, so kumuyi u r on ur own
hmmmmm everybodi wiv him own belief sha
Kumuyi is just seeking attention like the priest rightly said. Ordinary humans celebrate their birth days not to talk of Christ whose birth brought salvation to mankind. Celebrating Christmas is not idolatrous, even though the exact date of His birth wasn't documented, it reminds Christians that Christ was born to salvage us, if Christians have chosen 25th December to mark the birth of Jesus Christ, there is nothing wrong with that, it is to remember that Christ was born and his birth gave us salvation.
Hian oh!!!! all dis deeper shud just rest biko.....
His 100% wright
Oh! okay
i totally agree with him 100%
The pastor made a truth statement, regardless of what we feel doesn't change the truth. It is yet to be confirmed that christ was born on the 25th of December however church history points that day to the celebration of the god of sun which at the conversion of the emperor to Christianity changed that day to the worship of christ. That's the fact. However we could set aside any day to celebrate christ the most important thing is making sure christ is celebrated not a time for reckless commercialization and display of profanity as we see on your blog like maheeeda
Evybody is entitled to their own opinion buh I still LOVE kumuyi.
God gave us a precious Gift dats Jesus so he's worth celebrating all D̶̲̥̅̊ days of our life not just dec 25th alone
dat is d true
For me I don't believe in christmas and I do not celebrate it becos truth be told it is not in d scriptures. I believe Christ was born but it wasn't on d 25th of december. Christ is calling us to a place where we reverence and celebrate him in our lives on a daily basis not on one day out of 365 days. Also, the celebration was really become frivolous and commercialised
It is called "MATTERS OF OPINION". If he actually said that it's purely his opinion and he's entitled to his freedom of speech and he may or may not be right.
As for me, I'll choose any medium to celebrate Christ Bird,Dead and most of all Resurrection.
Ghen! Anty linda which 1 u dey?
Christmas ÈŠ̝̊̅s gud...at list ĪŦ
ÈŠ̝̊̅§ the gud ☀̤̣̈̇Æ’ babylon.
Christmas ÈŠ̝̊̅s gud...at list ĪŦ
ÈŠ̝̊̅§ the gud ☀̤̣̈̇Æ’ babylon.
I'm speechless
Father pls tell him,he shuld know
To each his own, If I hear say I no celebrate christmas....Msheew!!
Lol!!!!!!! Na wa ooooo
Christmas is of pagan origin. Believe it or not,its not bibilical.
Lida I love ur blog quit alright ,
but it wrong when u say the think you ought not to say.
am a depper life member n my pastor did not say its a sin to celebrate Christmas ok
u ought to know was it mean to lie with the name of a man of God.
so I will advice u as a fan to delete this post.
am sure, u know DAT every sin a man commit there are hidden causes behind them.
Hmmmm...help us oh God
Of course, it is a catholic priest that will respond. They 'Christianized' a pagan festival...and yes, it happened centuries ago but that doesn't make it Biblical or right in the sight of God
Yes, Christmas is idolatrous..Christ never ordained the observation of His birth.. So do we as humans know more than God?
If He wanted us to do it, He would've said so...afterall He did institute a feast to remember Him by and expressly stated 'do THIS in remembrance of Him...
Do you think God will accept the excuse that the whole world is doing it?.... Be enlightened, read more about early Christianity, the Church (Not catholicism) and pagan festivals, winter solstice etc..
And No, I am not a deeper life member...but yes, I enjoy d public holidays but do not celebrate the 'christian' festival cos it most certainly is not!
Kumuyi's comment was quoted out of context and will end up misleading people. Linda, where u in d convention?
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion
Let them keep their less than 1% of their opinion...thank u
Christians really have to learn to believe in what they believe in! Men of God like this Kum whatever guy need to stop confusing Christians and preach properly not only is this right but it ishis duty as a man of God! I'm sick and tired of men of God and their dumb ass way of talking and they do it all in the name of God! We are already a nation that need God and revere Him in all that we do so please don't come and capitalise on people's faith and beliefs its pathetic because u don't hear of the Muslims talk about a diff in this or that, they have one Quran and follow that book we too as Christians need to learn to follow our book the Bible and not allow these so called men of God to destroy what it is we already know to be true! People will come at me for saying this I trust to that before u even do this is my ans to all the -ve comments come from the holier than thou Christians 'kiss my big black ass' MERRY CHRISTMAS Y'ALL!!
If we wnt 2 remember Christ,we must remember him as a great n mighty king not as an infant. His death was more significant than his birth. That's why he urged his followers 2 always commemorate his death. He didn't say anything regarding his birth. That's why he himself said that the day of one's death is better than d day of his birth. *haters don't get it twisted*
no comment... diz one heavy for my mouth.
Christmas is a period when ppl perpetrate all sorts of injurious things. And we sumtyms justify their actions by congratulating them.
Why will he b saying dat? Xmas has been 4 ages.
i will advise you xtians to please go and investigate the true meaning & significance of Christmas,who Santa actually is, the Christmas tree e.t.c #SeekKnowledge
I do get confused with all these christian argument @ times.
And where in the scriptures were the colors ted n white synonymous with the birth of Christ and what,about Santa?
There is a lot of bitterness in this church. They suffer themselves just to be different.
Is he ok? Why did he say, we should nt celebrate d birth of christ, he should just retrieve his statement oh
Kumuyi, not celebratin xmas iz part of yur doctrine shey? Bt yur child had a weddin dts against yur doctrine too o.. I wont b surprised if yu celebrate xmas
Say what??!!!...this deeper life people!!...pastor kumuyi had better re-evaluate his statement oooo!!
Dat is his own belief so who r we 2 judge?all I know is christians hav picked 25th dec as d birth of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST n celebrate christ dis day but it depend on how u celebrate d Lord.
Deeper lyf sef...holy holy!!! Nd na dere gals screw pass*OOPS!!! In aba's gals voice* runsaway jor jst lyk linda.......#SHUGA LEE
Cnt wait 2 C comments.... Nawa 4 Nigerian Churches nd dia belief....even Christmas kwa..... Hia!!!!!
Deeper life. Really? Who gives a fuck Abt them
What pastor kumuyi said is right.you might not believe it.though i know it sounds ord but like they say,the truth always tast bitter...
Everyone is entitled to his own belief
Hmmmm... Christianity; hmmmm what a complicated religion *smh*
Somehow pastor kumuyi is right, cos Jesus Christ wasn't born on christmas day. What christmas symbolises is when some group converted to christianity. Jesus Christ was born around september period.
I partly agree wif kumuyi...tho m a muslim, buh in d bible dere is no DEC 25...it was ppl dat caculated d 9months which jesus was born n chose a date, nt dat it was written in d bible dat christ was born dis day,so celebrate his birth...on d oda hand christmas is nt a tin of today...ppl celebrates it all d tym...dey celebrate christ n I dnt fink its idolatrous
We re not celebrating christmas cos we blieve dat christ was born on 25th,rada cos we re remember dat he was born to make us right wif God,if we can celebrate independence,notin can stop me frm celebratin my jesus.am frm rccg nd I do attend deeper life retreat bt u cant stop me frm celebrating christ.did d act of apostle tell kumuyi dat make up or earing, nd neatness is bad.abeg dis pastors shld allow us to follow christ nd stop creating deir our doctrines 4 deir members to follow.I met my bf in deeper life retreat,sir kumuyi no GS can claim to hv holy members cos deeper life is filled wif fornicators I attend deeper life cos ur sermon is always on salvation bt 4 holy members pls 4get it cos I no ur members more dan u no dem.nd I hv gone frm genesis to revelation nd I hv nt sin where it is written "woman thou shall wear rag on ur wedding day,don't carry bounquet,u must look unkept all d days of ur life."Bt u preach dat,pls my fellow christian our God is God nt not a man nd his ways is not our way,his fooliness is beta dan our wiseness let's follow is laid out laws 4 us nd not d docrine of mortal men nd let d world no dat he really send jesus to die 4 us trough d celebration of christ,d white people dat brought christianity dat even know more dan us abt christ is celebrating it.
Jesus was Not born on 25th December...so whoevr chose dat day(Roman Catholic Church) is jus being frivolous...#idolatory things
kumuyi was right. the date has idolatry back ground. Mr Osu, its not right to have condemned him as an attention seeker. He never said he did not recognise everything about Christ. And I truly wana see a pastor that will prove Christ was born 25th.
Men of God , you're God's represnetatives on earth to us Christian , while have different opinion bout some issues know that there are people new in the faith and should not be made to loose concentration and not the other way round
To all christains n d house, I av jx few questions 4 u. 1. In wat verse of d bible is t written dah jesus was born on december 25? 2. When Jesus was earth, did he ever celebrate his own birthday? 3. Even after his death, did his parent or siblings or even any of his disciples celebrate his birth? 4. Did Jesus say after i've left celebrate my birth? Examine dis tins well nd many mre. All dis celebration started after d death of d last disciple of Jesus, even Jesus himself said after d death of his disciple many false teachings wud start. Read d circumstance dah surrounded Jesus birth well again. Or if i may ask do shephards bring der flocks out in december? D long nd short of t all, Christmas is unbiblical nd of pagan origin. Jesus was nt even born in december, do ur research. Jesus told us to REMEMBER HIS DEATH nt his BIRTH, bcos of ts Significance. +D date Jesus was born is nt recorded in d bible. Xum1 chose dat date. Nafin at all makes christmas biblical in any way. As true christains, lets give dis a second tot. Linda pls post, biko. #DahProudJW#.
Hmmmmm.... I LOVE CHRISTMAS Jooooorrrrrrr
Freedom of speech!! Kumuyi can say wateva he wants to say, it is left for people to believe wat dey want. As for me,this Xmas is gonna rock!!!
Dats ma priest talkin..CAtHOliC 4 LiFe..*chillin 4 ma prey*
Isokay we hear.
coming from KUMUYI, I must say am really disappointed. I know however that a lot of Christians have forgotten that Christ is the reason for the season. Its about love and sharing or giving. if our celebs like Maheeda and Beverly know this then I guess they would have a rethink about their xmas cards..
kumuyi was right. the date has idolatry back ground. Mr Osu, its not right to have condemned him as an attention seeker. He never said he did not recognise everything about Christ. And I truly wana see a pastor that will prove Christ was born 25th.
What pastor kumuyi ÈŠ̝̊̅§ saying ÈŠ̝̊̅§ Æ‹̲̣̣̣̥a̶̲̥̅̊Ï„̲̣̣̥, it wasn't stated anywhere in d bible Æ‹̲̣̣̣̥a̶̲̥̅̊Ï„̲̣̣̥ jesus christ was born ☺Й the 25th of dec. Shikena!
after making ur members look like masquerade, u want them to no celebrate xmas.
I guess that's why deeper life doctrine is different from the rest of the churches doctrine in the world. He said that to his members not to the christians so his opinion doesn't count. Am a christian and I know the importance of christmas that's why I celebrate it because without his coming (his birth) I won't have the life I have now. *ThatFunctionGuy*
We re not celebrating christmas cos we blieve dat christ was born on 25th pls bt cos we believe dat he did came to save us,if we can b celebrating independence I can neva quit celebrating ma christ.did d acts of apostle tell us to stop wearing earing nd stop wearing make up,so we must wait fr d bible tell us to brush our mouth b4 we do it?I hv search frm genesis to revelatn I hv nt sin where its written"women thou shall carry no bouquet on ur wedding day nd thou shall look unkept all d days of ur life,so we must nt wait 4 d bible to tell us to celebrate xmas.am frm rccg nd I do attend deeper life retreat nd dere is whre I met ma bf,no GS can claim 2 hv d most holy members cos I no deeper life members more dan kumuyi no dem.pls ma fellow christians let's follow our Gods laid down laws for us nd not laws of mortal men,no bi church doctrine will save us frm hell fire bt d doctrine of our lord jesus christ,dats y I love oyedepo,adeboye nd oyakilohme o,if I no dey 4 bible dey no go preach am nd if dem preach u no won hear dats btw u nd God.white men dat brought christianity to us dat even know abt christ more dan us if celebrate I cum b us we just dey grow.
Oh and no, he doesn't celebrate his own bday. Don't know if that's biblical though. How do you give thanks
Well if I may say Kumuyi is right. Because in Rome right from B.C.E Every december 25th is the celebration of the god of sun in rome. And in babylon too they also celebrate one god there also every december 25th. Beside that when Jesus christ was on earth there is no account in the bible that stated it clear Jesus christ attended any birth day party or encourage anyone. Moreover we are follow Jesus christ step and not of our own step. Yes Celebration of christmas is wrong and it's idolatery because there is no place in the bible that jesus says they should celebrate his birth or his death. Again too the only 2 birthday celebration that was recorded in the bible involves 2 innocent lives and they were celebrated by pagans. 1st was the one joseph prophecies about to the pheroh's cup bearer in prison that pheroh will excuse him on his birthday as part of his birthday celebration. The 2nd one is the one herold beheaded the fore runner of jesus christ which is john the baptist on his birthday. So if I may ask Y'all. Would u indulge yourselves in an ungodly practices???? The choice is left for u all to decide.
«««The Cartel Boss»»»
Speechless,cheaking d bible 4 fact.
Speechless,cheaking d bible 4 fact.
Even if Christ wasn't born on 25 December, the day was specially crafted to celebrate his birth. Why won't they observe it?? It's not worth this whole fuss.
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Wheather Christ was Born on feb 14th or July 4th or Oct 1st or Dec 25th o??? The Main thing is that the Messiah was born and Joy came to the World. So papa Kumuyi if people Dash u sometin this period no collect o. Pass it to the nearest charity.
ok...*returnin ma bag of rice, ororo, xmas cloth nd shoes*
Freedom of speech(opinion) but I dnt tink its satanic!!!how can celebrating jesus birthday be satanic?
Me I just thank GOD not a deeper life member
Christmas remains d most celebrated season in the world. Pls any deeper life member in kaduna u welcome to my house plenty to eat and drink.
when we are talking of christianity and birth of christ, the catholics should just stay out of it, i dont know what they are doing in that place they all gather. CATHOLICS - abeg una own worst - ADULTERY AND FORNICATION NA UNA CARRY AM PASS
Usually, I do not comment on blogs but i feel obliged to do on this. I think this story and the comments that have followed typify the typical hypocritical and grossly dogmatic kinda people we are. If someone poses an opinion that he claims to be a fact, how many persons (including the priest himself) checked the facts themselves? How many persons have researched on it before making comments that are as watery as the product of a diarrhea patient? We just take things and talk without any proofs... Truth be told, though you like it or yes, it had a pagan origin.
In as much as history make us belive dt 25th Is date choosed by pagans dt dosent stop us christains to celebrate d birth of Christ on dt same day,me I celebrate birth of Christ on dt day n also my birthday or will I say bc its date choose by pangans I will 4get my birthday too? Wat of easter celebration we celebrate Christ death n ressurection n d dates varies each dose it mean dt dis year Christ death is March n maybe nxt year is April bt we still celebrate it d way we see it.Hapi bdai to me in advance n merry christmas all
Thank you so much for this accurate and detailed info. I've always asked Nig Christians this question- why wld a pagan celebration day be picked as ur Savior's bday? What does Santa have to do with ur Savior's bday? Christmas is a Commercial/traditional holiday , there's nothing abt it that conforms to Christ or Christianity. Well sha, I know pple like any opportunity to celebrate so, this is a perfect excuse.
Usually, I do not comment on blogs but i feel obliged to do on this. I think this story and the comments that have followed typify the typical hypocritical and grossly dogmatic kinda people we are. If someone poses an opinion that he claims to be a fact, how many persons (including the priest himself) checked the facts themselves? How many persons have researched on it before making comments that are as watery as the product of a diarrhea patient? We just take things and talk without any proofs... Truth be told, though you like it or yes, it had a pagan origin.
“The origin of Christmas, as we know it, could be traced to Roman Emperor, Constantine. Christmas was a day for celebrating the Sun God. However, because Constantine was a Christian, the day was changed to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ" said a supposed Man of God....
Now I know that our Pastors and spiritual leaders are confused, let's rephrase that statement, if Sango or Obatanla is celebrated every 25th December, so because the Head of the fetish society becomes a christian and then he decided to celebrate the birth of Christ on the day, are we going to follow suit?, now ask yourself this question, when did MAN start dictating for GOD ALMIGHTY...Its only fetish people that dictates for their god, because it has eyes but can't see, mouth but can't talk, ears but can't hear, just Satan empowering it...But my God knows what he wants, and when he never asks us to do anything, we shouldn't help him, a lot of humans tried helping God, and they failed bitterly. Let's not forget the young man who tried helping God when the Ark of Covenant wanted to fall, he died instantly, God does not need our help, he only need our obedience to ONLY WHAT HE HAS COMMANDED in his WORD, the BIBLE.
Please permit me to share this quick revelation with you readers, SATAN = SANTA (look very carefully, d close use of Satan in SANTA), same alphabets all changed to confuse humanity, if it was Satan clause(no one will celebrate the day), but hey, its Santa Clause, so we all gullibly and foolishly worship SATAN in disguise. Please if you are reading this, be careful, don't ever choose MAN before GOD, don't ever respect MAN more than GOD, don't ever obey MAN before GOD, if you do and you die in such, you are DOOMED....the bible says, that GOD is a respecter of NO MAN..
I have spoken....share to other unbelivers
U seem to forget that wateva u see or read in google was written by a human being. It's all about gabbage in gabbage out"
brother u are on point!!!!....the truth is gradually manefestin wit pace #TeamJw #TeamResearcher #BibleTruth
Most people siding with the catholic priest do not know the history of xmas....Dec. 25th was always a day of pagan celebration in pagan Rome b4 the Emperor Constantine and the catholic church came together to call it the birthday of Jesus so that the christian that weren't involved in the pagan celebrations can be brought into it under the disguise of celebrating the birth of Jesus. Xmas isn't biblical.... People just need to know more about history.
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “DO NOT BE AFRAID. I BRING YOU GOOD NEWS THAT WILL CAUSE GREAT JOY FOR ALL THE PEOPLE. TODAY IN THE TOWN OF DAVID A SAVIOUR HAS BEEN BORN TO YOU; HE IS THE MESSIAH, THE LORD.
¬ Luke 2:10-11.
Luke 2:14
See how the Heavens celebrated the birth of Christ. His birth brought glory to God, and peace to men on earth.
How can we not celebrate Christmas !!! (not like people know exact dates for things that happened in the past anyway)
Wot w.f kumuyi said is soso right, we shud read our bible so wel n get the spiritual meaning bfr we interprete it. Xmas is nt written inda bible
he told his members he didn't go to d media or cum to ur various churches then y d beef @ haters. u re al making noise do u tink he's hear u. he's not an attention seeker u al knw dat expect u wanna deny d truth. may God 4giv u al. AUNTIE LINDA ABEGI POST MA COMMENT
y d beef haters he said it 2 he's members nt in ur churches neither to d press. u al knw he's a simple man dat doesn't seek 4 attention.AUNTIE LINDA POST MA COMMENT BIKO
All those doing apologetic work for the attention-seeking and members'-joy-depriving pastor should note that the information they are posting to be fact is also bigotted like those who chose not to celebrate Christmas. To Christmas is is of a Pagan origin is like, saying Paganism exited before other religion and so anything that is good and true about paganism is bad and any adaptation into the true religion is falsehood. Christ came to perfect all things. Christ is not against celebration but doing the right thing. Remember Jesus attended weddings and parties... but our people with extreme views of Christianity, especially as they think that when they punish themselves they will be favourable before God. I tell there many people who will go to heaven and not deny themselves of 'legal' pleasures of life. Now for those who do not know what Mass is, google it. On the 25th of December Christians in Pagan Rome decided to celebrate Mass for Christ, there you have it Christmas. Also Vigil were first organised by Catholic Christians mostly on the eve of Christmas and Easter, now every house of prayer now hold vigils, some almost every day. And you hear them saying they are going for 'Night' Vigil. there is nothing as such. Vigils are always at night. Wishing you all a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.
1000 likes,y does it v 2 b d day of d pagan celebration.i remember jesus evryday of ma lyf
I have just questions to get people thinking. That the history of something or a place is bad..does it mean the future of that thing is also bad? The original inhabitants of the promised land worshipped idols that is one of the reasons The Lord expelled them and gave the land to the Israelites. Does that make the land bad because of history? What really do people do on Christmas that is sinful today? Agreed that dec 25th may not be the day Christ was born? Do you know the day the virgin conceived him? But does this mean he wasn't born? Or he didn't die and resurrect? That d bible doesn't record these dates, does it mean these events didn't occur? Scripture says that there are many works which d lord did that is not recorded in the books. For me Christmas is a celebration of good over evil, life over death that The Lord sent his only begotten son to come into the world and live among men to show them the way to salvation and reconcile men to him self that they may be saved from certain death . The bone of contention should really be do we still maintain a focus on the essence of Christmas
this season? I stand to be corrected Christmas really is
a fulfillment of bible prophecy that is the birth of Christ .after all said And done in my personal opinion , the celebration really should be about our acceptance of jesus as our personal lord and savior and that we have been saved
Christains were never urged to celebrate christmas. First century christains never celebrated his birth but rather celebrated only his death(not resurrection) as he commanded! Pple shld learn to read their bible also nd stop depending on jst wat pastors say.
@Anon 11.31 we read and thats why i guess you should also ve read Anon 11.30's comment before putting up your own! We all know 25th dec used to be a pagan festival but christians ve come together and agreed to take over this period to stampout the paganism, who has a problem with this laudable action? you or kumuyi?. Again, we know not the date but how manage the account of birth of Christ in the gospels matches the weather/season in which we celebrate it.
"Ndi omacha ncha" like Kumuyi shld focus on dishing his congregation at each point in time some set of 'difficult-to-onserve rules' in the name of christianity.
"Is it in the bible?" is peharps the most potent tool of enslaving christians that leaders of faith has used for sooo long and a portion of the bible clearly says "all account.cannot be penned down but some were so that pple will believe".
Dont be decieved. Let us focus on being christians and not religious!
Christmas wasn't created by pagans. Y'all just take to Google and read a bunch load of crap. It was put together by Christians. Yes, it's not in the bible but Christians decided to pick a day to celebrate the coming of the Lord(aka his birthday) we do this to celebrate him. we all know some people take their merriment too far but that's their problem. A man of God shouldn't come out and make comments like that.
The fashion whisperer…
Shut up your mouth! Swine. You guys are so quick to put the blame on Catholics. Mstcheew
let's forget about google...let's look at the Bible..
is there a direct command, apostoli example or anything in the Bible that would make us infer that jesus would love or at least, wouldnt mind ourr celebrating his birth?
how about when He gave specific instructions saying "DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME"? couldn't he have simply said so about His birth too, if He wanted us to?
Do we know more than God who has expressly stated in Revelations that we should not add or subtract to His Word?
He also said is Deutronomy - "do not follow the multitude to do wrong'
we cannot force God to accept our ways when we deliberately refuse to lear4n of Him...remember the numerous instructions against idolatry and the appearance of evil!
remember, on the last day, it will be each man to himself...no priest, pastor, father or mother will answer for us..there will be no excuse cos the Bible is available...
please let us speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where it is for He has given us all that pertains to life and godliness...
some commentators are very myopic, kumuyi did not say he did not believe in jesus, but celebration of his birthday on 25 december is anti christian, let some one show us d proof from d bible. what if jesus show today and denial this celebration? think about dat.
Dude keep quiet....
What is wrong in earmarking a day for celebrating the Saviour of mankind???
The celebration of Christmas universally is proof positive that Jesus Chris is LORD of all!!!
Hypocrites and arse!!!!
Doing bad bad bad things, and thinking that by appearing religious, we'll cease to see through their veneer, the lies and duplicitous lifestyle of a bunch of fake people!!!
For me Christmas is a memorial . At the last supper with his disciples The Lord asked them to commune that way in remembrance of him. Christmas should be a certain time even that once in a year for the not so religious and everyone alike to remember the essence of the coming of the messiah which is to be bring salvation to the world. In this context, in my own opinion, it is worth celebrating
Like so many people have said on here..learn to respect odas opinion..u have always been soundin so stupid..maybe u need to upgrade..ur low memory
With all this ur story now, u were there when all this happened abi? You must definitely be a DL mrmber from the look of things. The time you have used to google all this stuff could have been put into smfing else like developing a free spirit. Dont try to look fro the wrong or be an extremist. The fact that we celebrate christ and not a Roman god Is outstanding. Keep ur history and opinion to yourself and dont shove it down our throats.NEXT pls...
d pastor z ryt pple r alwys crazy bout christmas....some dont evn tlk bout easter n its celebration...easter perriod z alwys lookn dull its nt all heatd lk christmas y z it so?
As Christians, we worship God en Jesus Christ is the son of God... yes,it is true that we may not know the exact day Christ was born buh what is bad in picking a particular day en celebrating our LORD JESUS CHRIST yearly as christians?? i don't see anything wrong or any form of paganism in dis because it still relates to CELEBRATING JESUS CHRIST.#okbye
Foolish fool..do u think he married bcos of flesh interest..huh??mumu he did bcos the role of women leader will be empty..en there will be too much of work for him..stupid element..not a member tho just respect the man,t.b joshua en E.a Adeboye
Ur point ÈŠ̝̊̅§ so smart. I agree wif U̶̲̥̅̊ 100%. Pple r just ignorant.
Its true Christmas is not biblical, but its not everything that Christians engage in that's biblical, so I will not stop celebrating it, its origin is traced to pagan worship or paganism, 25th of December doesn't actually mean Christ was born on that exact date, but its a date Christians have picked all over the world to celebrate the birth of Christ, its doesn't mean he was born DAT day! And weda u celebrate xmas or not, that's not a criteria for u to be saved or make heaven, weda u celebrate xmas or not it also doesn't change u in the site of God, God does not judge u based on weda u celebrate xmas or not, Christmas doesn't increase, add or reduce ur value in the site of God,
So keep on sharing, showing love, and let the spirit of xmas which is the spirit of love, flow in u
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