Confirming the split, Princess Dammy told Thenet,ng
"Yes my marriage has ended due to irreoncilable differences. We have been having issues since the wedding but we still remained together hoping that we would be able to work it out. But apparently, we couldn’t work it out, hence the reason for our separation. We actually ended it several months ago, but we didn’t want to make it public. I’m sure God knows best’Eya, sad to hear this...
1 – 200 of 361 Newer› Newest»OMG..... This can't be true..
Ah! Ah!, what happened... Why can't celebrities last in marriage, what is the cause....I keep asking, why, why, why. Na real wa
So fast y didn't they find out bf getting married.
If its a joke pls let it halt.It breaks my heart to see celebs that are supposed to be role models make marital blunder,that is where imperfection comes to the fore. its not just being learned bt being tolerant.I believe they"ll resolve it.Good grief!!!!
Dis pple n dere marital issues make marriage scary 2 me.
Aww how quick! So Linda culdnt get any pic of her loool. Btw 1st 2 comment..................BELTz
OMG. why go into it in the first place then end it immediately after. Did u guys go for counselling? did u get to know each other properly. marriage is now a joke
Haaaaaaa! Who go marry her again?! ℓ̊ was soo ЂąppƔ foя̩ her then when ℓ̊ heard she don marry. Na wa oo, all these 2wks, 2months, a year marriage don break, love don finish, hatred don start, hmmmm! They aяε not encouraging 'we the upcoming' at all.
One will surely experience crises in marriage if dr is no understanding. Dt y it is gud to knw yr spouse love languages
There are happy marriages out there..she's just unlucky in hers...they should ask couples who hav been together for more than 30yrs the secret.
Can u Imagine??? Just 7Months??... Na wa ooo... Maybe that's the best option for them!
Haba 7mnths, marriage is now a huge joke. Abi once a mrs is now an achievement?
No be small Eya
Am nt surprised @ all, its a normal tin dese days.
Wat is wrong wit all dis celebrities sef!!! Haba!!! Dey hardly last! Do dey even date? Abi dey just handpick and marry? Afta weddin wahala go start.
He couldn't "do" shikena
Oh no....
see wat societal pressure cause !!!!!sooo stupid!!! marriage! marriage! like it wil gv u free access to heaven!! most single gals suffer frm depression cos of d stigma attacted to ladies in dier 3os n single... linda,genny,rita,toolz,gbemi,toke,waje,omawuni abeg dnt fal 4d pressure!! marriage aint as rosy as it seems.... at least genny,waje n omawumi hav kids...
Is it d princess we know, fat princess
Na wa o! Day no just break dis couple @ all. Anyhow sha, my advice is look well b4*.*.*i don't see divorce as an option after tying d knot
Sad hoe marriages end so fast, wat happen to the days wen couples work extra hard on.there problems.
i guess the word till GOd do ua part has lose its value.
Na wa o. Linda abeg look before you leap o. Me I done tire to dey hear dis kind story o.
Single ones re strugglin 2get married y d married ones re optin out of marage .so pathetic!
Tooooo bad!!!
marriage isn't for everybody.
A sad news for the xmas.
'Irreconcilable dfferences' be breaking peoples marriages. I'm tired.
~~Success Has No Limitations~~
Hmmmm, 6mnths old marriage has ended? Haba, Were de forced in2 it ni? Divorce invogue nw, its nt ma portion IJN, Amen.
#Sign of end tyme
OMG..... dis is pretty sad #Not again
Na wa oooo,she don break record. Why will u marry some1 u re having problem wit b4 marriage. How were u smiling and dancing on d day of ur marriage?.
I feel soo sad!!! Its a pity
Sad much
What a shame!!!!
Nawa o....marriages of nowadays, only God can help us o. am scared for my friends
very funny............ marriages of our time is really getting interesting by the day.
Lol abeg make them come make I borrow them quality super glue to mend and glue the broken marriage! Lol
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Yey what kind of problem could warrant this. I was so happy when this lady was getting married.
God will provide succor and guide you.
Next time look deeper pls.
eya!Sorry o princess.God help us we that are single.God please help me to get my missing rib.
U left me for him, but now how U Deh feel Princess!!!
I hate breakup,why now?two weeks was too early to start having problem.its well
It is well....Just now now ! Ka chineke mezie okwu !
Ehe ehe ? Nawa oo
Eeya,bt why nw? Just few month after marriage,dis is d result of most marriages dis day"I want to become mrs somebody"
Looks like it was rushed! Oh well life goes on
Marriage is not for everybody. So many ppl prefer been in a relationship to marriage. Ve kids n live peacefully. So many married couples who act all perfect in public, but in reality they re not happy in their marriage. In a relationship. Can easily walk out wt no 1 questioning u. Women re always d ones who suffer in marriage, de ll clean, cook, get pregnant and take care of d kids while d men just chill cheat n still complain. As a man, I don't think I will get married, I will look for a woman that will understand me, we will live together, have kids and b happy. A time will come pips will not b gettn married.
The guy go don f**k.
Linlin I totally unstdn why riri,genny and you are scared of marriage.... Ur phobia is totally rational,most young guys can't keep a lasting home lyk dia fathers!!! Wishin u quick recovery princess
Na wa o.. Celebritties and their many fake LOVE.. Jst 7 months, wht wher they hiding frm ech other wen they were dating, if they ever dated...C.E.O.
na wa o,
this na reaL super story
we re notin buh penciLs in the hands of the creator
Na wa ooo
Wow!!Dis is sooo sad!Gosh nobody wishes for this at all. #Shocked# IPHIE
Hian! Just like that? It is well o.
God knows no best here cos no be him ordain the marriage. When you rush in, you probably rush out
I just pity this woman, she is too forward ( o maa n be). Instead of her to humble herself and try all her possible best to make d marriage work; The fact is no single Guy will deliberately choose to wife this Lady considering her Size and her Saucy attitude. Peace!!!
All dis pple shaaa,,,,,,,,,,court no far frm deir house,,,,,nawa
Hum!!!!!Speechless!!!!IB strong Madame
Ibuo ada v
Y won't u guys split up wen u married ur son...Kmt Next!!!
Jus 7mnths! Nawaoo God help us,,her hair styl tho jus wandering hmmm
Pitiable smh. These celebs sha #walksaway#
So it took dis young man a whole 7months 2 realise he married a fat, old lady??
His mum's age mate!!
He must need his head thoroughly examined!!
She has prolly passed her sell-by date...
Its either he was in a coma 4 7months or d juju she used finally expired!!
Billie jean
gone yea first. to coment
Whoa,jes seven months,dis is so sad,nt gud @all
Naija celebs and their short lived marriages. They were obviously not compatible.
Wonder shld never again.na wa o,so y una marry at d first plc
better abeg dis men 're dogs.
O lord pls gimme a peaceful marriage wen d time comes... Like wise u anti lilin
Wat happened to "Marriage is an institution where U go in nd U N̶̲̅ε̲ve̶̲̅r graduate? Till death do us part?. Now Pple Ju̶̲̥̅̊§t̶̲̥̅ go in nd graduate within A̶̲̅ few years, like its a diploma program Dε̲γ̲ went to run, now its in months like pre degree. God av Mercy. @ Zenki brown
Wonder shld never again.na wa o,so y una marry at d first plc
Hmmmmm,God ve mercy..
Hmmm not again anoder single girl join the ones wey remain b4,buh seriously wats going on,the rate of seperation after marriage dey make the tin tire who neva marry.wetin dey happen 4 naija.what has happened to 4 better 4 worst.na waoooo.lord hv mercy.
Its really pathetic how we play with something as serious as marriage these days
Awwwwh, awwwwh,, were has d value for marriage gone too,,,,, smh# marriage to some pple is nw lyk a bf gf relationship, wre one n go in n come out anytime.....God help us
Horrible news,did they ever love each other?
Na wah for all these celebrities failed marriages,I don tire.
One would think this marriage should work since Husband = Director, Wife = Comedienne.
It's either the husband did not 'direct' his home front well or the wife refused to provide the much needed comic relief.
Too bad!
Well princess as usual go marry again.
Yawn and farted!!!
Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!! It is well o
what?????????????????? So sad wish her the best
Its really important for people to date at least 1yr before marriage.
This is really sad. She was sooooo happy during the wedding. Chai
Life is doing princess...aye n shey princess...tcheeew
Oooh princess why nw, no marriage is (PERFECT)Sobs... was so happy for u wen u got married. God knows best. Ms joi
Lol I saw dis comin celeb ha!! Dey are never ok wit 1 untill she gets four others na wa O all d same best of luck. Dats celebs for u so fake lol
Like wtf!!!!!!.....una tink sey marraige na rice n stew??? Eeya is really d world
Hmmmm ...LƪfƐ of a celeb
NA wa o o o. Comedy don chase u out Princess
Ohhh Jesus wow hmmm God really knows the best my heart goes out to u God kip u
Nawao...See gobe!
Oga o..d oda of d day... If som1 look @ dis kinda marriages gan...u'll change ur mind abouh having a spouse...God!
Mad people everywhere
Divorc on point,just answer mr or mrs nd file yur divorc later chikena!
Too bad..
Y ddnt she just remain single??+shes lookin way too old for d guy *rme*
well I can't judge but d basic is princess herself is lousy type, even at guilder ultimate search 4 celebrities she really shown fore her true color... she can't manage her home due 2 her character...
All d bst believin she'll change, cuz am sure d fault is 4rm her...
LinLin may urz not be like this when u finally get married! soRry 4 pRincess though!!
Hmmmmm....all ds Celeb's$Break up's..Next..*Sucks breast*
Na waoo, some pple are unserious shaa. Y marry wen you know you won't be able to tolerat each other? Marriage is not for the shallow minds and dir is more to marriage than i love you. God will help us all. As you ve said, God knows best.
But d husband doesn't look happy in d pishure na.. Be like dem force am.. Sorry o Princess...
Why na....wot is happening 2 d only institutn God ordained (marriage).abeg tel us d real trurth of wot happened 2 ur marroage princess#justcurious.
Oh wao this is so sad.. I still believe that every pot has its cover so keep ya head up girl!!!
Differences indeed,bt seriously hw i go com take marry comediene,my life no b comedy abeg joke apart.
Heyaa Pele ojo a jina Si ra won
Seven months ke? Naawaa ooo! So marriage na like boyfriend and girlfriend matter now ?
another celebrity divoce. hian! na dis new naija way na im i no like oooo......naija sabi copy nonsense ehn. even princess. well i pray make u wise up and make a gud choice next time.......(cekzzy1)
This is so sad*crying*
A pray she finds a better man.
Dem never ready! which marriage is smooth? there must be quarels and fights!God's grace, patience, love and understanding are the greatest keys to a successful marriage. who no want make e no marry! I am married and experienced!
What on earth is happening to this world?A few months ago we celebrated thier union and now what?
God please help us especially the single ones to make the right decisions in life partners.
na wa oo. whats happening to our celebs... abeg aunty linda stay single for us. until i come propose to u
When you were not ready for marriage why did you go ahead? Moreover you coarse the boy to marry you cos he look younger than you o. Sebi u Don answer Mrs & may be Don donate one picking for your womb. Ngwanu go now go do single mother. The boy will go and marry him age mate.
seven months,,,,dats quite a longg tym
Please leave me alone!!!
I'm not responsible for your marriage crash. Why must celebrities always want to link me with the demise of
their marriage?
Soo sad α̲̅ŋϑ soon..nawao..
Aw can???
Too bed
Mehn, nawa oh. All these broken marriages just makes a sister SCARED of getting married. What's the world turning into? The end is near for real
Sad. So sad.
Am sure they re both sick!! Haha so disappointed
This is very bad!
Dis is higly disheartening. D rate @ wc marriage collapse dese days is far way too appalling. There is a clear-cut btw wedding and marriage
Bhorlarh says so
I swear marriage as an institution has no value again... Better for some people to remain single than bringing God ordained institution into worthless thing. What is the meaning of irreconsiliable differences... Abeg o...
Dis marriage tin is realy getting ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ afraiding ooooo....
The perfect excuse''irreoncilable differences''Smh....
Wow!!!!!! Dts too soon
Celebrity with marital problem
Wa na oooooo but wetin happen nau??but y is dis celebrity's wedding no dey last set!!?? Hmmmmmm, y shld dey be getting married to each?dey won't respect each other b'cos dey are both proud of who dey are. God plssssss dey need ur help, before is too late
Ehya so sad,wen I saw their wedding pics ,I said it that the guy doesn't look happy.may both of them find everlasting love again
Haba!the rate of divorce this days is alarming..well,I still think pple dnt take time to date n study their spouse b4 gettin married.everybody is jes in a rush.na wao!
1sr comment eva...lol...lol..
Some can't keep relationship but can only come to depend on others who have succeeded in building theirs
the way and the of suit,NO i mean coat is enough to cause the seperation.........wat a pity !!!!!!!!!!!!'''''
Nawa o, so soon?
7months??? Wtf..marriage f dis days self na wa sha
Una no dey fit stay with man? Abi na men no dey fit stay with una? What the point of been a star without a man by ur side. I tire ooo.
Sad indeed.
Na wa o.. Didn't dey court at all. So sad to hear ds
Stupid Yoruba people
Pls did you enter your marriage with comedy?
So soon,na wa oooooo
Na wa ooo, Odi egwu.
Princess MFM is the last bus stop please before time flies completely! Chai this is so sad ohh,poor girl *sad much*
Lindodo I don't want to search for this post biko!
Its better to take ur time b4 marriage and nt rush into it than to rush into it and rush out. Better to be late than....
That's too bad! They aint even encouraging the youth out there to settle down! God'll help them settle it º°˚˚°ºoo! E •̸№ concern ♍ƺ cos ♍ƺ just finish eating dinner!!
my marriagd is 6yrs i dont have wat dey have god wil hlep dem.what dis live is tune to
Na by force to marry?
you can imagine, mtchew..and she's evn bold oh...hw long wil it take u again 2 marry? Ur getin olda if u dnt knw oh, kip joinin nd separatin it wil do u gud.. Good examples 4u to folo..nonsense
ahn ahn nau... Dis naija celebs ah now copying americans oo. Ehyee nau
Chai! Marriage of nowadays self... Abeg Linda choose wisely oo.lol
Linda Y u no dey like put up my comment ? Na wa to u O. Anyway whts wit dis celeb ? She is feelin like kim K in Nija. Lol na laff I dey laff
Hehehehe....Anoda story 4m a Celeb...all ds dea breakup jist s no jist again jawe.Linda pls "Next"....#Leg crossed#
Kim and humphrey kris part2,wat a shame....wat is 9ja turnin2.God plz save my marriage I can't join d bangwagon IJN Amen.
All these people are just discouraging Linda :D
Nigerian celebrities have all gone Hollywood! What next a marriage that lasts just 24hrs?!
What's marriage turnining into? May God have mercy
o boi dis na our own kim wedding o.... Dat y u ned to know who u are gettin marriaged to..
Marriage na wa.Linda wat do u want in a man.cos its ability not desirability that keeps a marriage. This I have in abundance
I wish them well even as they go their separate ways. Somethings are just not meant to be I guess.
Too bad, even her humor couldn't salvage union. But, did they cout or just woke one morning & wedded?
Lols!! All I see is pride, y cnt people put pride away n enjoy dere relationships? Damn
Wow! Why now? So sad and shocking...
Wht do u xpect? One of those stories.
WHAT??? Sad sad sad
The guy sef no look happy
OMG!!nat Princess this time,I was actually happy for her when she got married and now the marriage can barely last a year.I really don't know what must av warranted the split,but whichever be d case I just wish her d best and luck in her next pursuit of true love.
smh nowadays marriages r nt 4 beta 4 worse anymore its now 4 better 4 divorce ...
Saw ha @ the NMVA she looked lik d old Princess who wasn't marrried.......na she n d dude sabi don't judge cus I don't av an idea of what happened buh wteva,,,,,,,really hope they are happy wit this choice
From their looks in this photos on their wedding day one could tell they weren't happy from day one. All in the name of marriage. Sad.
What is happening in this country???? E don too much o, God help us..Smh
Why them marry at the first place? I wonder what Naija is turni into with this high rate of divorce,here and there. No post my comment Lily
Nna eh all these people should be careful b4 rushing to do wedding
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...i no fit close my mouth.
My dear no die for the mata, if e no deey work e no deey work
It's really sad cause nobody pray's for such in life.
2 bad, takkhrt, ur perfect match wil surelly come
God really knows d best,marriage no easy ooooo.
Not good Not good... On a second thought better split than bond unhappy.. I wonder y they got married in the first place
Sad but am I allowed to laugh? With that ugly atyore from head to toe, what do you expect. Damilola was a buly in lag, and this man looks like a gold digger. All the best to both of them.
Guess everything is a joke for her!
I wonder wot will make 2 Ppl agree 2 get married witout being crazily in love wit each oda cos if a couple is crazy in luv,it will b difficult 2 break dem... Pretty Anonymous
D guy looked sad! But honestly and seriously I think there is a marital curse esp amoungst n women n d entertainment industry.
I wonder wot will make 2 Ppl agree 2 get married witout being crazily in love wit each oda cos if a couple is crazy in luv,it will b difficult 2 break dem... Pretty Anonymous
Na lie joor! Dnt believe
Divorceeeeeee, I had the evil spirit called DIVORCE. God help us, always look before you leap nah advice oh
"I'm sure God knws best"#dumb.Dnt bring God in2 an institution u swore 2kip n cdnt do such.
One word,I tink its a curse....am nt surprise.....mtcheeeeeeeeeew.
Eyah!! She makes others happy...I pray God makes u happy again deary!!...but babe no wear that kind dress next time oo :D
Yeparipa,when our soo called celebrities copy everytin from the oyinbo. Including dirvoces ,look welll before u enter marriage pray and be contempted ,don't be a wife who want to wear the trousers.I pray God save you
No be small tin ooh
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