Christmas comes early sales | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Christmas comes early sales will be running a Xmas Comes Early sale event for one day only on Thursday the 12th on some key brands with 40% OFF the retail price! It's only available to users who are registered and the discount code will be sent at exactly 12 midnight on Thursday 12th for use on the day only! Continue...
With official representation for over 60 international brands BrandNubians definitely promise you AUTHENTIC DESIGNER Products @ value prices, GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE and GUARANTEED NEXT DAY DELIVERY. 

You can also visit their state of art STOREFRONT in Silverbird Galleria VI, Lagos.

Check out the amazing offer at Register NOW and start saving 40% off top authentic brands!

Brandnubians wishes you a great Christmas season!


Atobatele said...


Oshlan said...

Not bad... me likey...Nothing else

John said...


Unknown said...

Cul deo....GolD

Amy Nwa Nma said...

Happy christmas 2 Brandnubians too! Oya ladies let's go there!!!!

Anonymous said...

No anonymous here again. Linda's 100k at work. Naija I hail una

Unknown said...

Eya, I'll still be in ph on d 12th, wud av loved to be a partaker

Unknown said...

nice one. ''ekeresimesi things''

"神爱我" said...


mr kelly texas said...

ok all my ladys start rushing oo

Ify said...

Wow, datz very gud of them.

Anonymous said...

Linda honestly speaking every promo you have posted through out this year that i might have thought would be of advantage to me i have tried it. My sole concern is to advance my study, with all the hope in my heart 013758985 gtbank. Amen

Unknown said...

Nice.all for christmas.

Tiana said...

Ol! So many promos. Actually dis is d best tym to do ur advarts oh cos u will get over 500readers (#100k @ work)

Anonymous said...

Lovely!! *cagey*

diamondblinqZ said...


Ify said...

They are very expensive ooo. wherr d discount?

Pearls said...

Anyway Na girls shoes sha... I go buy 1 via 2700

Ify said...

Where is d discount cos they are very expensive.

Unknown said...

Oh nyc

Cherish Nelson said...

your comment section has reached the limit for your million naira gift here goes... dear Linda, this is just to say thank you for an amazing year. For all your love, your support, for refreshing this page many times a day, for taking the time to drop comments, for choosing me as your number one source for information, but most importantly for changing my story and making my life much better. I'm truly grateful.:-)




Unknown said...

I will purchase wen Linda gives me my 100k

Unknown said...

Its lagos agaın!

dee said...

okay...merry Christmas too

switchloe said...

dats gr8 but 4 me dat cant afford it, i'll rada wait 4 the 100k or evn 50k 4rm linda...dnt need shoes wth it buh more important tins,pls lili consider me

Unknown said...

Everybody wanna make mast sells Dis xmas.

Swaggs isimemen said...

4 dose bab dat like hi hill, like d one I saw put on hi hill on sun. She was working like who want 2 cry I start laughing @ her

PAVOUR said...

Can they deliver to phc

Swaggs isimemen said...

4 dose bab dat like hi hill, like d one I saw put on hi hill on sun. She was working like who want 2 cry I start laughing @ her

Swaggs isimemen said...

4 dose bab dat like hi hill, like d one I saw put on hi hill on sun. She was working like who want 2 cry I start laughing @ her

Swaggs isimemen said...

4 dose bab dat like hi hill, like d one I saw put on hi hill on sun. She was working like who want 2 cry I start laughing @ her

Swaggs isimemen said...

4 dose bab dat like hi hill, like d one I saw put on hi hill on sun. She was working like who want 2 cry I start laughing @ her

Unknown said...

These kind of courses are very important to the society that we live in if these kind of courses were start before the situation was much batter

Social media
Advertise your business

PAVOUR said...

Can they deliver to phc

Anonymous said...

Okay .......we shall go there and buy.....Hello my pretty foreheaded Linda Ikeji!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Nxt pls

Anonymous said...

nigerians are just stupid they shouldn't take pictures ..must they wear a sad face ..people should learn to mind their fucking business ..they are normal human like us ...and taking pictures is not a bad thing and the fool that took this pic is a fool

Anonymous said...

nigerians are just stupid they shouldn't take pictures ..must they wear a sad face ..people should learn to mind their fucking business ..they are normal human like us ...and taking pictures is not a bad thing and the fool that took this pic is a fool

Unknown said...

Sales sales sales gud oooo

Anonymous said...

I knew it,dat d #1m reward was 2 get traffic on dis blog so as 2 promote all dis advert.Linda ur strategy is xo xo on point.D 3 wise men are truly 4rm d east.

Anonymous said...

linda i think u should give the money to the throat guy and bonario which means i am among the 8 remaining hopefully

Anonymous said...

linda pls help that mr thraot so we go rest for this blog abeg rubish beggers

NMA said...

Dats cool,ve already signed up

Hetty said...

There things are do expensive.. let's wait for the sales and see.

Anonymous said...

where is Linda o... sup wiv our comments? *rme*

Unknown said...

Na waa oh!! Must every thing be in lagos??

Unknown said...

i was hoping twud last,like a week joor

Anonymous said...

Noted. I know u won't post this madam Linda.

Anonymous said...

Stupid prices, who will buy at those exorbitant prices

Unknown said...

Expensive jare...#nextdoor#

Unknown said...

Next pls!

Oshlan said...

I hear comments o Linda....would try to sign up.

Unknown said...

Next pls!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Swaggs Iseme dry comment. *all for 100k*

Anonymous said...

Bia linda, respect kwa onwe gi.

#54,000 for one bag.

Anonymous said...

Switchloe, u have money for internet subscription, u have hands, u have eyes. Will u go and find something to do with ur life instead of ridiculing urself dis way. Mtcheew

Anonymous said...

Swaggs Iseme dry comment. *all for 100k*

Francex said...


Anonymous said...

Next pls, â„“̊ neva. Pay my skul fees finish..too xpensive..#all â„“̊ want 4 christmas is a full tuition scholarship abroad..#charming Kay

Unknown said...


BrandNubians said...

Hi Estelle, you can still take part. We deliver across Nigeria. If you're in PH, you'd get your order the Next business day.

BrandNubians said...

Hi Pavour, yes we can deliver to Port Harcourt. You'd get your order the Next business day.

BrandNubians said...

Hi Olisah, you don't have to be in Lagos to take part. We deliver all over Nigeria

BrandNubians said...

Hi Temma, this is just one of the many sales offer we have. All you have to do is sign up on our website and you won't miss out on any of the amazing offers we have for you.

Customer Care said...

@ Estelle, Hope & Pavour and all others enquiring about sales outside Lagos - BN's store is online @ and we deliver next business day to most cities in Nigeria including PH!
Guaranteed delivery in 2 business days to any where within Nigeria at all!

chioma said...

when u see d price kor discount nii


pls remove d swagg from ur name cos dis ur english dey swaggless ooo.....afi hi hill

Anonymous said...

@anonym 5.45 lool!!leave d gurl nau

Unknown said...

""Comment undergoing approval via G-Ebony...please wait..."

precious said...


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