Chocolate City artist DJ Caise reveals hot new photos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 12 December 2013

Chocolate City artist DJ Caise reveals hot new photos

He's such a cutie! See more photos after the cut...


Alloy Chikezie said...

Finest boy he is cute

Anonymous said...

Oh yeaaaaa he's such a cutie, Lindy sweet, do u prefer him to john dumelo of Ghana? Harwie

Unknown said...

Yeah he's cute!

Unknown said...

My kind of man; dark and strong

Swaggs isi said...

Handsome guy I like ur swagg dude noting dos u...

Swaggs isi said...

Handsome guy I like ur swagg dude noting dos u...

Anonymous said...

Nice 1,he's styl plus shifi's doppleganger.just saying!

Anonymous said...

He's cute!

Unknown said...

He's so so likey.


cool,looking dapper.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Dee_deeY said...

Yum, yum! "Hot" may just be the understatement of the year!
In other news, Linda I think you should give the 20k to the student that wants to carry Christmas gifts to the Nise motherless babies home. Christmas is about selflessness, it's giving for a higher cause. God gave His Son so we could be saved. That gift was opened on Christmas Day!
Thank you Lord!

krisjenny said...

Hez cute bt I jst luv fair guyz#gat a thing 4 mixed race guyz#

Jerome Etim said...

DJ caise turn Mayfair club Calabar, upside down last friday.... Oga tuale u too much... got men buyin more bottles

Anonymous said...

Truly he is fine NO HOMO, but the photos have been doctored

Immaculate said...

Such a handsome guy

Anonymous said...

he's so cute,aunty linda am stil nt giving up o 08122227031


He is a fine fine man oh *singing* he is indeed a handsome man

Bonita Bislam said...

Yea he's a posh swanky!

Unknown said...

Looking Good Boss

Gloria said...

i would give him a 6 over ten, why? Because of Photoshop! SEE Hot gist here oh!

Unknown said...

And he's chocolate in complexion. Handsome man, nice pics!... Holla me: 08068454054, I deserve the 20k. I'll use it for my project and house rent, Godbless you sister linda...

Anonymous said...

Linda is tripping for this guy

Unknown said...

Oh!,beautıful Adam!

Anonymous said...

Why Him come resemble Zamani!?

Did you know that The Roman Emperor Caligula made his horse a Senator?

Anonymous said...

Cool pic me like!!iheanacho.f.chigozirim.6171578741fidelity,if only U know!!uncountable ,thanks 07033661573

Anonymous said...

Cool pic me like!!iheanacho.f.chigozirim.6171578741fidelity,if only U know!!uncountable ,thanks 07033661573

Efemena said...

He's really really cute... :)

Olanrewaju said...

To be honest Linda , I know i dont stand a chance to know the questions even though there is no day since since 2012 i have never opened your page but i really need the money ... because as we speak truth be told , I am in need of funds to pay my rent , Whatever i get will be appreciated , i have a proof to this if you want . Thanks

Anonymous said...

Cool pic me like!!iheanacho.f.chigozirim.6171578741fidelity,if only U know!!uncountable ,thanks 07033661573

Unknown said...

Sure he's

Unknown said...

Not bad tho...wait o, I thought choc city signed Pryse?? I've heard none of her songs ni...

Unknown said...

Na d jacket I like

Anonymous said...

Old revelation plssss!

Unknown said...

Awww what a fine guy.I started loving that guy the day I read about him.after all the education he still pick up his God's given tallent.

dhobiz said...

Y is he releasing pix?

ikeoluwa said...

Yea cutie headmaster

Unknown said...

dj exclusive z still d cutest man in 9ja!!!jst tooooo fyn !!!

victoria said...

Yea cutie headmaster

Anonymous said...

My name is victoria(08069101303) ,I just graduated and am owing some outstanding school fees,I shld av gone for service with batch C corpers but am owing mai school 28,500 so I wasn't gvin mai kal up letter,d only hope I have now is to go by febuary but I don't av any money to pay...a frnd just told me about dis blog,pls linda help an orphan

Anonymous said...

I hope ur songs go cute like you?

Anonymous said...

Sori for the digression. I had to do this here cos d main link is not accepting my post.
Lindas blog 5 most commented post;
1. Your 33rd birthday on September 19, 2013. (4,665 comments)
2. TV host Toke Makinwa think I'm a role model. (1,773 comments)
3. Linda Ikeji acquires N8million 2011 infiniti FX 35. (1,679 comments)
4. Your 32nd birthday on September 19, 2012. (1,032 comments)
5.The story about you ignoring people and making them doubt their existence or Was I wrong to apologise to Susan Peters (893 comments).
Seun - 08037806635.

Anonymous said...

so looking cool, but can he look better than this


Handsome d second pix most..

Attah Andrew Attah said...

I hope ur songs go cute like you?

Anonymous said...

Yeah i concur he is such a cutie...Tessykul

Ada ora said...


Unknown said...

He try!

ejiwunmi said...

Chai... This boy fine no be small... I hp my boo doesn't read dis blog . Lol

Pweetyuche said...


CHIDINMA said...

Wooow! So is realy beautiful. Ehen linda, I hope dis counts cos my subscription ended n rechargin naw, I saw over 8thousand comments n my heart fell. Am a student n 20k will realy go a long way. I can use it to contribute to d expenses 4 my family dis xmas and stil secure a bed space in skul considerin d amount of loads on ma parents bak. I hope I qualify.dis my acct no- 0019066333.aniamalu chidinma, diamond phone no 07037483633.tanks a lot n may God bless u as u put smiles on d faces of people.AMEN

Anonymous said...

Linda I don dey trip 4 d guy & tell him be fine babe too.

Unknown said...

Nice!!!!!me likey!!!!!!*winks*

Glammo! said...

Hey beybey! Drooling!

Anonymous said...

HeZ aCtuaLLy a fInE bOi,KinDa LoOkZ LiKe Dj xClusIvE...DaJaX

knorryeh said...

Linda we cant leave anymore comments on the giveaway post so i will leave mine here.

1. The post on how to win the giveaway -8,416 comments

2. The post on 1m giveaway - 5,344 comments

3. Your 2013 birthday4,655 comments

4. Goldie's death - 2,555 comments

5. Your 2012 birthday - 2,167 Comments

Oya my 100k oo! Looool

Nonnie 08032713480

Anonymous said...

He looks like rotimi alakija aka dj xclusive...real man candy

Anonymous said...

Hhhmmmmm...looks cute but no homo...ooooo...
Linda I don't have your email I would have sent you a mail as I wouldn't want/love to discuss my family predicament online ....I still hope and pray I get to share from your cheerfulness.....PMI

burberry said...

Wow wot a cute guy

Anonymous said...

cute.......hello linda,how are you?

Anonymous said...

Now I have seen my xmas cloth. Abi style. «Just me

Unknown said...

Lovely guy...kiss

Anonymous said...

He's not only cute but hot chooiii pikin

Anonymous said...

Rili luks cute!

Anonymous said...

Rili luks cute!

Anonymous said...

fine boy.... nice shots...

Anonymous said...

looking Dapper
Gentleman "SUITS" him.

Unknown said...

he looks Good


harnikky said...

He's really cute! Such a cutie.

OKE... said...

*faint* insanely cute

Unknown said...

hehehehe....Aunty lindodo is trippinq

peperina said...

Sis linda waitin hot here?

shannia said...


Anonymous said...

He is cute but his fashion sense na 0/0 donot he know that this is nijia the leather pant and jacket not cool but the suit is ok

lil miss sunshyn said...

DJ exclusive is cuter

Unknown said...

Wow! All dis pics na advert oooO, any lady with interest should not hesitate to call dis number 0806927575*. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

peperina said...

Sis linda watin hot here? Abeg nxt!

peperina said...

Sis linda waitin hot here?

Unknown said...

Wow, dis is cute.

Igor said...

Nice pics.I hope you read the contents of your contract word for word,line after line,and in the company of your attorney. Choc city has this knack for falling out with their artistes.For the records, I am a lawyer, and I was only giving out an advice that people pay me for free of charge.

Anonymous said...

Cuty indeed

Unknown said...

Na DJ exclusive dey cause dis tin, instead of DJs to do deir work, dey con dey do socialite tinz, guess it's gud 4 business, bt dat DJ Exclusive just land from Yankee con dey do tushed tinz, Btw DJ Caise is cute

Anonymous said...

My bebi e fine pass...tongue out

Mrs E said...

Hot? Maybe I've got the wrong dictionary

Unknown said...

Hv nt heard any of his song b4,i only know dat is in chocolate city.

Anonymous said...

Yes he's cute.. Aunt Linda, I practically live on your blog..My phone had some Issues and dat's y dis is coming late..I really need dis help for my master, Its about 2.8million but any help wud be highly appreciated ma, Or you can assist me with a job, Am a 2.1 grauduate and am tired of staying home doing..Please I know God is about to use u to favour me, please do dis for God...Anything wud be appreciated . And pardon my bringing it here. The top 5 posts are
No5: When you (Linda Ikeji) acquired an N8 million 2011 Infiniti FX 35. Close to 2000 comments.

No4: On your birthday in 2012 (sept 19th) at was over 2000 comments.

No3: Shocking sad news ! Singer Goldie Harvey Dies ... (Feb 14th, 2013) over 2000 comments

No4: Happy B'day to Linda Chopping Life Ikeji. (Sept 19th, 2013) 4,665 comments.

No1:When you posted ' I want to give 10 people N100k each to say thank you'. On the 9th of Dec 2013) 5,334 comments..
But the post about increasing the money from 1m to 1.5m has massively increased to over 8,000 and still counting!

Godbless you with all your heart desires ma'm.. ABIDEMI First bank 3013053971

sallysmart said...

Him fine sha! *winks*

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Luv dis dude much

Anonymous said...

@Linda: Ħ̀ε̅ ÈŠ̝̊̅§ cool but ₪☺Ï„̅ really a cutie. Ħ̀ε̅ ÈŠ̝̊̅§ a dark looking cool guy. Nice pics though

mjay said...

Nice pix

Anonymous said...

Is he, really?

Anonymous said...

Lawddd....d 1st nd last pic. Cutie

Anonymous said...

He is just dere.


Anonymous said...

Dunno him but in an odd way he is Kanyes look-alike ----C21

Anonymous said...

Xclusive z finer dan all of em all of em, actually he's beta dan all of em all of em

Tabitha said...

Yeah he is cute, me likey.

Anonymous said...

Cutie cutie,me like. *Debbie Chelsea*

Unknown said...


love said...

Yeah he is but which one him con dey bone

Unknown said...

cute guy...n good dj bt face too fatty for my liking i like dem lean nd bonny jus like moi

BG said...

Last pix looks like kanye, second ta last pix *stares and coughs* sexy, looks like desmond in d 1st n 2nd pix.

Anonymous said...

He'z sooo cute....the 3rd picture got me drooling.......awwwwww

success igbinoba said...

Anty linda is he married

MhzzPehpple.. said...

He sure is such a cutie.. Linda I'm a 1st time commenter.. Jes wanna let u kno u inspire me n I luv u so much. Keep the good work going and may God continue to bless u richly.

Unknown said...

D guy handsome oooo,linda go 4 it.

MhzzPehpple.. said...

He sure is such a cutie.. Linda I'm a 1st time commenter.. Jes wanna let u kno u inspire me n I luv u so much. Keep the good work going and may God continue to bless u richly.

chiamaka said...

He kinda looks like kanye. He's cute though

Anonymous said...

This guy is Handsome Sha!.. He kinda looks like kanye in the last pix

Anonymous said...

he is realy cute no homo sha


cute cute my ass.

Unknown said...

He is cute!!!pls oo aunty linda am styl on d moni matter I nid to do my seminar/project topic pls help me oo I will b forever grateful to u. Phone numba blessing ekpe. Thanx in anticipation of ur reply!

Anonymous said...

He is cute,linda u go like fine bobo ooo,he looks like Kanye somehow

Pweeti Pam said...

He's so cute...♍Æ” kind of man. Aunty linlin I ll b needin d 20k 2 add up inorder 2 pay ♍Æ” rent in sch oo coz ♍Æ” rentage has expired. Thnx nd Godbless.

Anonymous said...

Yea.. Hez cute *I love his brows

Anonymous said...

he is really cute

Tiana said...

My kind of man

Anonymous said...


One Gud Chick said...

Cute face but his dick looks small, so I'm nt tripped

OMG!WOMAN said...

Hmmmn! He's a a fine man, what else can I say that won't sound so flirtatous

Fammie said...

Cute Dj Caise....

Samsung user who got his Galaxy S4 burnt gets an offer of Lumia from Nokia

Anonymous said...

He's cute tho

vivy said...

Dj Caise is cute bt nothin close to my own Dj Xclusive. He is my hottie at least in my own world#letmilivethatfantasy#

Unknown said...

Lmaooo dis guy just go Zara go buy everything ... Na advert be dis ? Neeeext !!!!!

Anonymous said...

nice pic,nice dress and luks gud.he luks lyk ice prince.anty linda don't forget me nike:08113475751

vivy said...

Dj Caise is cute bt nothin close to my own Dj Xclusive. He is my hottie at least in my own world#letmilivethatfantasy#

Aphrodite said...

My Oh My! A Brown skin brother! Hot Damn! I jux wanta dribble caramel/Honey on dt Gorgeous body nd lick it off slowly! Damn, d Lips Alone, I can kiss dat 4 hours on end! Doze Eyes, dey melt me! If I were to rate dis Brother I'll jux say, he's off da chart, cos he's simply Gorgeous!!!!!! Hey Dj Caise, u jux became my Crush! *Sigh, *DayDreaming* #TurnMeOn!!!

MrsBankyW said...

Nothing special...he's just deir...

chidinma said...

Awww,he is oo...linda I wish u a more handsome dude

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

What's this meant for.......well maybe it will be useful for telecommunication advert...

Pweeti Pam said...

He's cute... ♍Æ” kind of man. Aunty linlin d 20k ll go a long way in ♍Æ” life coz I hv 2 settle ♍Æ” landlord in sch coz ♍Æ” rentage has expired... Thnx 2 d ASUU strike 07012122298

K8tey ojo said...

Am so in luv wit his. Luks

kimiphibia said...

Hs married so I'll pass..:)

Chris said...

1. Goldies’s death with 2,555 comments
2. Your 1million naira give away prize to readers with 5,334 comments
3. Your 500,000 naira addition to the 1million naira give away prize with 8,416 comments.
4. Linda 33rd birthday chopping life with 4, 665 comments.
5. Governor fashola childhood pic of guess who is this with 1000 comments.
Christopher Okocha 08133204762. U have not posted my comments linda. Am posting it on each of your new post thanks.

knorryeh said...

Cute photos...

So Linda seeing as comments have closed on the blog, i'll leave my answers to the N1m question here:

1. The 'how to win the N1m/ N500k' post - 8,416 comments
(as of when I left my comment)

2. The initial announcement of the N1m giveaway - 5,334

3. Your 2013 birthday - 4,665 comments

4.Goldie's death - 2,555 comments

5. 2012 birthday - 2,167 comments

*numbers are as of when I left my post where is my 100k?! Looool!*

Nonnie- 08032713480

Unknown said...

His hndsome..

Alloy Chikezie said...

He is so cute

Igwe 717 said...

1. Goldies’s death with 2,555 comments, 2013.
2. Your 1million naira give away prize to readers with 5,334 comments, 2013
3. Your 500,000 naira addition to the 1million naira give away prize with 8,416 comments, 2013.
4. Linda 33rd birthday chopping life with 4, 665 comments, 2013.
5. Linda Ikeji acquires N8 Million 2011 Infiniti X 35 with 1,680 comments. Febuary 15, 2013
Igwe Blessing 08140209717. U have not posted my comments linda. Am posting it on each of your new post thanks. I can even give you 10 of the most commented

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hmm hmmm.....some brown chocolate dude. me like some bad ass brown chocolatey tasty yum yum....heheeheeee!!! lol

Anonymous said...

Hmm hmmm.....some brown chocolate dude. me like some bad ass brown chocolatey tasty yum yum....heheeheeee!!! lol

BONITO said...

Handsome ♍A̶̲̥̅̊П̥̥̲̣̣̣,

Anonymous said...

Wow dis guy is so cute.......... I want mine dis cute, kai oluwa. Answer. My prayer ooo

beesonova said...

Luvly...I love jackets

switchloe said...

sweet dude pls am available 4 marriage.....Linda biko am not givin up on d 20k,still waitin 4 ur call...07030950360. Tnx

Anonymous said...

So u mean 2 tell moi dat linda didn't post ma comment *wonttalk2uagain#

eje said...

Let her give it to someone who needs it not someone who'l dash it out again #myopinion

Ty said...

please i want

SouthernSoul said...

Nice idea but how do u know he/she will do dat? Naijas get sweet mouth for money n coming out with such a good plan is simple for us....

Oshlan said...

He is fine sha...ladies! He's yours

Anonymous said...

linda marry him

MissBusyBody said...

Scrumptious... He looks like breakfast

Unknown said...

So bitter. I hope you find peace in ur heart soon.

Unknown said...

""Comment undergoing approval via G-Ebony...please wait..."
Nt bad. abeg dose jolly just cum wey just dey post abt #100,000 go to d post na. U r creepin our comments

Unknown said...

aunt linda , sumone called me sayin dat they are callin 4rm ur blog, askin me to send my email address and phone num, and also said i shld write (beggar no 20). is this call truly frm ur blog , pls tell us.

FOA said...

Omg! Drooling My kinda man ,Like a Dark Shiny Stallion,I just need to put cream all over him,so I can lick him up,btw all this fine boys are just for one night stand,not take home to mama,or else you die of heartache,Fantasy of a Married woman!make Oga catch me

Anonymous said...

Ladies man# Gaddamit....whew

Anonymous said...

rude brat..

Beautyfoch said...

Cute sha. But I prefer fair guys. Lol

Rough Diamond said...

Yes, he is!

JOYCHY said...

Kai........MY SPEC. Too cute 2b true
Am tripping..........

Anonymous said...

Such a cutie like you said

Anonymous said...

Yea he's cute! But u never see fine & cute guys.

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