From Fox59.com
Police were alerted to Obih’s death after she missed work Monday and Tuesday without notifying anyone. Concerned coworkers contacted her apartment complex to ask about her. Police also contacted the property manager to request a welfare check, according to the arrest affidavit.
A maintenance worked went to check on the woman and said, “It’s not good, there is blood everywhere” after going to Obih’s apartment.
A neighbor said he noticed that the door to Obih’s garage spot was open and had been open for at least 24 hours. Klug, who police described as Obih’s roommate, parked his vehicle there.The maintenance worker told police there were no signs of forced entry at the apartment and that only two people would’ve had keys: Obih and Klug. The maintenance worker told police he found Obih with a “large amount of blood around her head” and said it appeared clear that she was dead.
Police talked to Obih’s boyfriend, who revealed that he’d texted and called her multiple times but never heard back. The last message he received from her was at 12:17 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 17. When she failed to respond, he went to her apartment, saw her car in the parking lot and knocked on the door. Obih didn’t answer.
A neighbor who lives in the apartment below Obih’s said it sounded like someone was moving furniture during Sunday afternoon. “It went on for more than three minutes,” the neighbor said, adding that it happened shortly before tornado warnings went off for Sunday’s storms.
Police said Klug had texted a pastor asking him to call. When the pastor did so, Klug answered and said he couldn’t talk at the time.
Further investigation found that Obih had been stabbed multiple times and her throat cut. A blood trail went from the woman’s bedroom to Klug’s, and police said it appeared “the assailant attempted to clean up in the bathroom area belonging to Mr. Klug.” They also found a bloody towel in Klug’s sink. Police located a plastic bag containing a bloody sock and other clothes stained with blood, including blue jeans, boxers and a shirt. Police said the “amount of blood on these items was significant.”
Police found a trail of small blood drops leading from the apartment to the garage where Klug parked his vehicle. His 2008 silver Subaru Legacy was not parked in the garage.
Klug works for the Indiana Department of Transportation, and police contacted his supervisor, who told them Klug’s behavior had been “off” lately. He sent a text message Sunday saying, “sick tomorrow, then vacation next two weeks.” His supervisor said the message was out of character and also violated the department’s vacation time policy. Klug did not return texts or phone calls, his supervisor said. He didn’t show up at work Monday or Tuesday.
Klug’s stepmother and father said they hadn’t heard from him for several days.
His brother told police he’d spoken with Klug about two weeks ago. Klug wanted to get back with a girl he’d dated. The relationship ended about a year ago. His brother told Klug to call her; he said Klug discovered she was dating someone else and told him, “I’m losing control.”
May her soul rest in peace. I pray all this unnecessary death stops.
Whoever did this deserve to rot in hell..*Sad*
so so touching.....wicked things men do jas to get back at someone....R.I.P
Very sad news.
May her soul rest in peace.
Bless God facts r gotten,ı hope for more facts!..cant waıt 4 the murderer captured! Mz_NenyeH
Kindda confused right now,my heart goes out to the family.jesus christ
look at this pretty darK girl fa! choi!na wa oooooo. RIP
Its either the guy was asking her out and she refused or they had dated and wanted her back. Sad life. How can you lose your sanity cos of a woman+ you lose your job and still rot in hell, whenever that is. May her soul rest in peace.
I love americans standard of investigation,I hope we would start that in nigeria sha
now im very angry
Awwww God pls save us from dese crazies here..may er soul rest in perfect peace...omolomo...hmmmm
Na wa o... how come they are room mates or am I not getting this hist correctly. RIP pretty one
RIP to her..
What Α̲̅ waste of beauty,rest in peace!! May U̶̲̥̅̊ rot in hell klug,gosh!!! Linda chris brown was ordered †̥☺ spend 90days in rehab..
This is a case of miscommunication. Don't understand how a white man and a black woman can stay in the same room as "roommates". This is one of the weirdest things I've ever come across.
God help us all pls.
I hope this Klug dude is found.....#angry
Hmmm. This seems to be complicated i am gonna be speechless
See Top Gospel Singer caught with Doing it with Her Director SHAME!![photos]
why was he her room mate? SMH...
May her soul rest in peace, but my question here is why in the world would she be living with another man as a room mate when she has a boyfriend? It is dangerous to have a white man as a room mate, and would not recommend it to anyone. So so sad, I hope he gets caught, and given a death sentence becuase this is just a horrible way for someone like this lady to die.
Gosh....see pretty babe!!! God have mercy..is quite un becoming of these indian killing of Nigerians. Why must all these be happening to Nigerians? Where as we are loving and hospitable to foreigners in these west African country. Is too bad! Govt. Should wake up to their responsibilities of protecting lives.
Heartless people everywhere.#sad
God have mercy! May her soul rest in peace. Sooooo sad!
Its official!!!!! White people are psycos
All these whites and their unstable pysche. Gosh! May her soul RIP
This is sad.
Whoever did this, deserves same measure.
Oh dear this is just extremely sad news.My heart grieves with Ada's family... such a beautiful girl...
I have been thinking about getting a roommate to reduce my living expenses but the truth is this sort of situation attests to why I'm yet to actually get a roomy. People.are.crazy!!! People are on the edge of a mental breakdown and I don't want to become a statistic all because of someone's mental state or anger at the world.
Adaobi, omalicha nwa... only by God's grace can any soul find peace after passing on through such violence means. Adamma, Chukwu gozie gi.May your soul rest in peace in the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Adieu.
So sad. May her soul rip. Linda plsssss na beg I dey beg post my comment
i alys advice girls never to have a guy as room/flatmate.dis is one of d disadvantages.may her soul rip.
I trust oyibo! " mental instability due heartbreak" may God save his finished life ....
Chai! Rest in peace....
Apparently,Klug murdered her...RIP beautiful One#so sad
So so sad, how can a man takE the life of a fellow human....Klug you're a Devil....and I pray you die a painful death like you did to her.
dis is sad. .
Na waooo Ebi ass eget ohh!
Na waooo Ebi ass eget ohh!
may her soul rest in peace.amen
So painful. Ada, Regina Mundi, Iwo 2004 set. So so painful
may her soul rest in peace.amen.
Now if not madness why will a man and a woman not married share an apartment, this is the civilisation we encounrage and thiS it the result of it.
Truly sad! May her gentle soul rest in peace. Lord please give grace & strength to her family and friends to bear this painful tragedy.
Whatever must have happened only God knows.I hope d killer will be caught
So many questions. What african girl rooms with a WHITE MAN, And what african man dating an african girl allows or see to this. One bedroom Apartments in indiana must be very expensive. This is why I have never and will never have a roomate, just cos of some mere $250 savings, I would rather go hungry and pay my $700 per month here in my gated community apartment in atlanta, besides I have ocd and a neat freak, I cant live with anyone except my future neat husband
Omg! This is super sad. As in white folks r crazy as hell.. I used to room with one n boy was that the craziest 1 yr of my life.. a point came when I completely stop sleeping in the house.. I was so afraid. Dis peeps kill for no reason.. unlike blk folks dat kill for a reason probably drug related or money related.. Ada RIP. You didn't deserve this kinda death..
Shebi u see urself?There's no biggie in an unmarried man and woman sharing an apartment.it's common and usual practice abroad,to save costs.Ada was just unfortunate.May God deliver us from evil at all times.RIP Dobi.
Can't still blv this beauty's gone just like that...so painful...may the Good Lord grant her gentle soul eternal rest...R.I.P ADA...@rexo6
Uhhmm in response to your question, people share apartments if they cannot afford to pay the rent alone. It is not sharing a room, but different rooms with a common living/lounge area. Unlike Nigeria where u live in your parents house until you're 35-40yrs, people here work for a living and do not depend on parents or relatives to take care of them...
Evil men do... may her soul rest in peace.
This is sad......I feel the pain the family is going through. RIP Adaobi
why is CNN not reporting this? if it was the other way around, CNN would have been quick to say a Nigerian Girl Murdered someone.
Mind who you share apartment with.
You sound like a dumb racist, what has colour got to do with rooming with some1 ?? Ode !!! There is ntn weird about black people being room mates with white people , you stpid cunt !!!!! RIP Adaobi
Another Dumb racist !!!
RIP Ada! This is so sad. But I still can't understand why she's sharing a room or apartment with another man and she's got a boyfriend. God understands best.
Azin you just read my mind. Its completely unheard of. Not to talk of a nigerian black girl. Why couldn't she stay with her bf ? How could her bf allow her room mate to be a guy. Everything is just confusing. Things are not adding up at all. Rip to her though. It is well
Cunt, that's what you are .. Y'all dumb fucks going all racist about it because one white man is suspected to have killed a black woman?? What tribe in africa are you from??
Room mate in America is flat mate. It doesn't mean they were sharing the same room. Different rooms in the same flat. May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace. May her killer have no peace ... May justice prevail
The Growing Number of sick people in this world clearly shows there are not enough psychiatrists!!!
I kinda agree. The stabbing/throat slit seems like a crime of passion. In a brief moment of insanity a young woman's life is cut short. Too sad. Rest in Peace Ada.
"A blood trail went from the woman’s bedroom to Klug’s..."
They were not roommates! They shared a flat...
It is still hard to believe. She works with my husband. The first time i met her was at her apt when she hosted her friend's bridal shower and she was full of life.Then she organized a surprise baby shower for me. She was a very nice and outspoken person.My husband still can't get over her death,he watches the video of the baby shower every night still in disbelieve that she's gone. May soul rest in peace and may God give her parents the fortitude to bear this loss. It's not easy living in white neighborhood, some r nice while some r just racist. May God protect us in this community and may we never witness such again.
flat mate is called room mate here in USA and it doesnt mean one room sharing please. students use that to get cheaper accomodation. She was a student too. May her soul rest in peace.
A vibrant life cut short, a beautiful person taken away. RIP Adaobi!!!
how can a Ph.D student and transport worker end up being roommates though? this doesn't smell right
green card arrangement gone wrong i suspect.
Being Roomates doesn't mean they share the same room, its house/flat mates but each to his own room...they do that a lot in UK and Yankee. May her soul RIP
I agree. Something seems a bit off. Adaobi was a student so im surprised she didn't opt to live with other students/her age mates or even her boyfriend. She's just a few years older than me and I could NEVER live with an older man...a white man at that! If you are a white man above 30 in America and you still can't afford to live on your own then YOU clearly have problems. Afterall, the system is designed to help then succeed at all costs smh. They have the most "privilege" as social rhetoric would say...
RIP Ada :( such a pretty lady with a bright future, gone just like that. Sigh
A roommate is a flatmate or housemate here in the states. It does not mean they shared the same room for people who are getting all these things twisted....
Shut up! If u live or study abroad its bound to happen to save cost!
This is why I'm extra careful in the States. I'm done with college but I'm always covering my nephews and nieces with the blood of Jesus. There are crazies everywhere but in the States, people can just flip.
Ada May your soul rest in peace and I pray that may The Lord grant your family the grace to bear this loss.
Meanwhile Linda, I applaud you for changing the write up on that black/white love.
Na God go judge am......
Rip Ada
My dear you have said! Im just like you. How much can those apts out there really be? Def not more than what we pay here in California. I would be so uncomfortable coming home to an older white man each day. White or not, boy or girl, anyone can kill which is why roommates need to be checked out/investigated thoroughly. Like you, I just can't deal with other people and their craziness. God go help me when it's my own time to marry sha
You should see a therapist.
Prince Jobless, I've had white roommates. It is not uncommon when you live in a country where the majority of people is white. And All of my roommates were males. They are nicer, more respectful and less catty than their female counterpart. Indiana is as white country as it gets. Not many black folks there for you to be seeking for Africans... and African sometimes lose their minds too.
She was a student for goodness sake that means she needed to save as much as she could. A lot of Africans studying here are on F1 Status and unless you have wealthy parents, that is anywhere from $30k to $80K in average invested in just tuition not even talking about living costs. So yes maybe she needed the extra savings.
So all these people talking about "what was she doing with a white roommate" Most of you probably live in europe or canada where you get help from school or government. In the US you get Zlitch and most students have to do what they can to save something.
RIP Adaobi.
Hey Omotayo, good u asked. In Yanky here when we say 'roommates' , it is a colloquial term for saying 'the person I share an apartment with and not necessarily a roommate'. Thus the Nigerian meaning is not the same as the Yanky meaning but Linda my Ibo sister erred by not clarifying that.. But we learn everyday or prob. She did not know
Prince Jobless if you have traveled around a bit and had an American friend who leases out rooms, you wld find out how twisted you just got it and disrespected a dead woman. Roommate in Yanky means flat mate as u wld say where u come from
Because they were not in the same room... Gosh Nigerians... And when Oyibo insult us, we get upset ... Roommate means apt mate here
You are funny... Here in Harlem a studio apt is $1700... No shakes
Could she've been the ex that was now dating someone else d psycho told his brother about?
From what we all know now, the boyfriend of this lady is partly responsible for the death of this lady.
Even if he was not a white man, he is still a man.
Why allowed a MAN as a room mate to a woman you claim you love.
God, one can't even start to imagine how death would have been for this lady.
As a boyfriend, you are NOT only supposed to be eating pussy but to be a PROTECTOR and a good ADVISER ALL THE TIME. YOU SHOULD HAVE PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN AGAINST YOUR WOMAN HAVING A MAN AS A ROOM MATE. If she Refused, you should have alerted her parents in Nigeria.
If you are the boyfriend and you are reading this blog, I want you to know that YOU FAILED MISERABLY AS A BOYFRIEND.
Not only did you failed this lady, you failed the members of her family too. You can shed all the crocodile tears all you want, BUT you were partly responsible for her death.
I wish your next girlfriend good luck.
What eva,sharing an apartment with maybe a strange dude is not ideal.it can't happn here in Niaja,even her boyfriend wuldnt let her.Too sad that her life was terminated in a such manner.I trust their cops coz soon the stupid man will be caught.
Its either. You can be roomy's with your bf or gf bc it is affordable. Having someone to split rent and bills with can be helpful so you're not inundated with the amount of bills you have to pay every month. You can't run to your uncles or in laws to borrow money easily, so its best to have a roommate. She may have thought having a male roommate is safe, especially with rape being so rampant. Ill do that 10x over than to be raped by some jerk bc im a woman and I live alone.
Get off the blog troll. You make comments to incite anger and backlash!
No need for racist comments. There are good white men too. This one just have some screws loose in the head.
Why wont she live with another man when she has a boyfriend? Maybe she doesnt want to get serious wiyh her boyfriend yet and it is safe to have a male roommate bc of the neighborhood or maybe it is cheaper to have a roommate.
sad news
Ping 21AC1B31, if u can work with Torch Magazines, limited spaces available!
@Vivian, thank u very much!That they were roommates doesn't mean they were sharing the same room ooo,they were flatmates/apartment mates which we also call roommates here. You can see clearly from d story 'A blood trail went from d woman's bedroom(ie Adaobi's bedroom)to Klug's.How on earth will her boyfriend be comfortable with her sharing d same room with another man? People shd stop confusing d two.Thank me later, RIP pretty angel!
@Vivian, thank u very much!That they were roommates doesn't mean they were sharing the same room ooo,they were flatmates/apartment mates which we also call roommates here. You can see clearly from d story 'A blood trail went from d woman's bedroom(ie Adaobi's bedroom)to Klug's.How on earth will her boyfriend be comfortable with her sharing d same room with another man? People shd stop confusing d two.Thank me later, RIP pretty angel!
Its obvious you still live in a bush or you're very rich. It is cheaper to have a roommate. Someone to split the monthly bills with. If your apt cost $1200/mth, thats $600 per individual. This does not include electricity, water, food and other necesities. Also, if she lives in a bad neighborhood, yes, there are bad neighborhood in the USA, and the houses or apartments there run cheap, she may have thought it best to have a amale roommate. That way, she is not targeted by some guys or make her a rape victim.
Let me educate u: in this part of the world, western world, pple share flats with other pple. That is 3 pple can be living together in a 3-bedroom apartment, each will have his/her own room but they share common places like kitchen, living room, laundry and sometimes washrooms. Though they are referred to as Roommates, they are more like flatmates..
And yes, cus u live in a predominantly Caucasian Country, chances are u will have one or more as flatmates
Vivian, na lie o. Roommate here means a person sharing an apartment. Not an apartment complex neighbor. That would just be a Neighbor.
This is so sad.. RIP Adaobi..
I couldn't sleep all night thinking of this poor girl's fate. Such an intelligent attractive young woman. Her parents must have been so proud of her accomplishments so far. Just too sad. We live in a wicked world i tell ya
Don't mind them
Dis story sounds like sumtin I'll watch on investigation discovery..so sad..rest in peace adaobi
Same as 'flatmates'. Room mates in the US.
Am greatly pained.RIP Sister,ur tears shall be heard like Abel n d murderer shall be rewarded like Cain.sleep on dear 1
In America, flat mates are generally called roomie or roommates. It doesn't mean they share thesame room may be thesame apartment.
Hmmmmnnnnnn.... Death is inevitable! May her soul RIP....
FLATMATE is the same thing as ROOMMATE. Pls get it right ugh!
RIP Ada! Nobody knows what transpired between u too.lesson number one "do not date ur room mate it is quite dangerous"
SMH people! They were not sharing the same room, they each had their own rooms and bathrooms, but it is commonly referred to as "roommates". And this is normal in these countries. And unbelievably, unlike in Naija, it is possible for a man and woman to live in the same house without any romantic interests. A lot of time, they just mind their business.
Ada so sad our assistant AsP back in Regina mundi.may ur soul rest in peace.....
Bros, no be say na Indians full Indiana o!
Room mate??? Hmm, R.I.P
Anon 4:00 pm u r an idiot, why r u attacking pple here. U fool, animal and u r also stupid. Who wants to stay in d same room wit a white fool. They r all dumb and crazy as hell. KulprinzAnthony.
Will you marry me please? Your potential future neat husband.
Sad Indeed! Rip
So whr does dis news leav us? Has d suspect bin apprehended? Coz I cnt bear d tot of a serial killer(ofcos he shd b) bin at large.
Duh they were probably house mates and not necessarily in the same room
Anonymous 2:43, let me clear the air for you and others that are asking the same question. Room mate does not indicate that they share a room; it simply means they are sharing an apartment or a house.#Thank me later
Very uncalled for anonymous 3:59
A male and a female living together under a platonic relationship,is a common feature in the West.
O please don't make it about his being white before you all have heard the full story. All the people saying racism, who confirmed that he was racist? If it was a white girl killed by a black guy and white people started shouting racism immediately would that make sense? Please use your brains that God went to the trouble of giving you. Besides, in this Nigeria where roommates pour acid, oil and hot soup on each other over men please stop pretending that this is just an American thing. Thank God they have a better justice system than the pathetic excuse we have. May she rest in peace
Dear i am in your shoes, paying rent alone is not easy especially if your are a student here but its situations like this that scares the hell outta someone. RIP dear, may God grant your family the fortitude to bear the loss.
They call them room mates here but is not room mates in d context..when u share an apartment with somone..u re termed roomies...though u av separate bedrooms but share oda rooms like kitchen n bathroom..shikena
Hi, she was my set n dat's 2002..tnx
Grow up...we re aware u have got money. Tnx for d info...n trust me her bf is a very matured n unusual man to have seen that n had his ways...think from oda directions: maybe she just started dating d guy after she moved in...depe!! If u I insult her memory u would rot in hell
Hi Linda, Tnx for honouring her even in death. God bless.
@d humans: don't allow face-me-I-face you apartment to ruin your mentality. Out here pple share apartments n d likes. All I plead with u all is not to just type nonsense n put up just to attract replies. Rather stand for what is right. She is our own...if u killed a foreigner in Naija..God help u d person na whitey..ur life wud even be made miserable by the naija local police let alone the country esp USA. A life of a citizen is equal to dat of 10-100 persons...so is our own is =?.... At age 26, look at where she is..does she deserve death? Nigerians...u complain of apartheid done against us bt we have limited our thinking too
Mr jobless, aka didirin. Roommates don't mean sharing the same room. Pple in shared flats are called roomies...not same room like ur place in ajegunle.
Rest In Peace pretty lady.
Rot in hell krug
Thank you!!! Some of these folks need correction or just help them understand how the USA really operates. Maybe it will reduce some of these ignorant questions/comments.
Guess you've never heard of "craigslist", apartmentsdotcom, maybe even posters at apartment complex with people looking for roommates. Not to say that was the case with this young poor lady, but there are tons of ways for people of different background to meet. Nothing is wrong with the picture. What the question really is and im sure the detective is asking is, if these two were ever in a relationship? Killings such as these are typically "crimes of passion", when you stab someone and then excessively go out of your way to mutilate or do an over kill, such as slitting the throat. Either way, its a sad situation and a waste of such great talent.
The fact still remain fact that she's gone. RIP Ada
The fact still remain fact that she's gone. Ada RIP
Err I'm wondering why her boyfriend didn't try breaking in or something since the "sunday" he went to her apartment to check on her after futile attempts and....... Story ain't complete
Hmmmm room mates??thankGod fo Nigeria #didi
For those asking why they were roommates...flatmates in Nigeria are simply referred to as roommates in the U.S. So, her bedroom and bath were different than the accused's
Wow! od protect us all . Amen
Rip ada so sad I just found out that is the daughter of my vice principal back in secondary
Lol..kaii half baked graduate in niaja..because its columbus indiana means dey r indians..my dear indiana dey usa ooh..use Google next time if u ain't sure k..rip ada maranma
all you people judging and saying why did she choose to live with a man? SHUTUP biko and respect the dead. or do you think it is impossible for a woman to kill another woman. shutup abeg with that nonsense. she did not die because he was a man abeg. and t's a lil too late for ur judgement. pissing me off this afternoon.
even when someone is dead, naija people must judge. abeg stfu
So sad! May her soul rest is peace
Very well spotted,Nigerian media like every other sector's lazy and too busy chasing envelopes.Had this happened here to an American citizen,the guy's history'd be all over CNN with family members/neighbours/church members/nursery school mates pics to boot.
This makes me want to go out and kill an innocent white man just because...
Dear Ada,may your soul find blissful rest with the Lord after your spirit must have haunted down your killer.#VeryAngry
Sad Sad...didn't Linda or Toke put up something about why Men and Women can never be friends.
From my experience of living abroad..unless you share with students or in numbers..you should never as a woman share an apartment with a man talk less a stranger..the costs are way too high what you think you saving you might pay for later on...
Some of the best comments..came from @olu atlanta..about the boyfriend tho...should have interjected much much earlier..
Also someone mentioned you shouldn't be sharing an apartment with any man over 30 years..damn right!!...r.i.p..a lesson for other young ladies...quite a sad exit..
May your business die a premature death,you son of a crack whore!
Idiotic fellow! Why are u so dumb?
Senseless He-goat! Fucking racist!
May ur soul rest in da blossom of God Almighty,buh as d white pig dat murdered u,heaven,earth,even d dead ones will neva allow him to go Scot free,he will b punish more Dan double of Wat he does.just rest in peace my dear pretty one cos a lot are already fighting 4 u...
Breaking in? Into an apartment she shares with someone? Sense?! No!
Flatmates, roommates, cuddle buddies or not, I STILL don't get why she was sharing an apt with this older man?? I've lived in America all my life so I understand the financial burden associated with the cost of living. However, weren't there classmates, family friends, or even her bf that she could live with?? This guy isn't her age mate so I don't understand how this arrangement even initiated. It's really such a sad story. RIP to this beautiful girl.
Such a beautiful lady.....R.I.P
Must u always blame the govt???
Your comment Shows she was a very nice girl. May her soul RIP
Dis should sound as a big lesson to u girls, maybe d man has been footin her bills all along now dat she's found another guy she refuses him of his rights, dats y he went 4 d kills. Sorry my ibo sis rip.
Lord have mercy, so may ignorant people on this blog. It is quite common to have a male roommate in the US especially if you are a student. All the people saying they live abroad and have never heard of it yada yada did not go through the college experience. And you Linda, you do the young girl and her family a huge disservice by not explaining things better for your ignoramus readers
Anon 12:30, you are a big mistake that should be deleted from this world. Bloody rapist!!
I find it weird when some idiots are commenting that why she is living with a man when she has a bf...so it's okay to do if she didn't? What's really d big deal?..from the report you can read that they were not sharing d same bathroom..
White or black...man or woman...kini big deal? It doesn't mean a devil comes in white male..
My heart goes out to her..Rip
Some pple just dont get it.Having a flatmate does not mean u're dating.She innocently accommodated the wrong guy.May her gentle soul rest in peace and may God comfort her family.
Some pple just dont get it.Having a flatmate does not mean u're dating.She innocently accommodated the wrong guy.May her gentle soul rest in peace and may God comfort her family.
Some pple just dont get it.Having a flatmate does not mean u're dating.She innocently accommodated the wrong guy.May her gentle soul rest in peace and may God comfort her family.
She was a college friend to my bestie, i remember having a conversation with her on facebook last month. So painful this cruel act happened to her. RIP ADAOBI..... GOD keep us. gotta be conscious with my environment
EVERYONE THAT HAS BLASPHEMED AND INSULTED ADAOBI OR HER FRIENDS, I PRAY FOR FORGIVENESS FOR YOUR COMMENTS. THIS IS ONE INDIVIDUALS FAULT, RYAN KLUG, not her boyfriend, or herself, or a racism thing, or the good actions of a kind hearted Ada trying to save costs.
Anon 3:38pm OCD is also a psychological problem so u need to get to the rehab as well or down play d disorder...I fear people wt OCDs.
Try to do something about it and stop saying it like its a virtue!
Somtyms I wonder how people wud jst com out nd commentt without readin to undastand. Its terrible cos apparently most of dem jst want to tuk' I must comment'...mtseww..ma point:read,undastand,digest and ponder on d information be4 u start tuking trash..it cud hav bin anyone!so unfortunate
I think this is fishy.It might not be klug that killed her. It might be some one neutral. His boss said he sent a txt that was fishy.And he called his pastor that he can't talk. I won't be surprised if the guy is dead .If the same person that killed the girl killed him.
Wwell God bless those who have sounded a note of caution and warning. I am very matured and AGED! single female and I watch my back incessantly just this night I ran off from a car full of fruit picking human cockroaches known as emmm gringos they saw me filling up at gas station and hollered out in passing while jollyfering me too I waved and jeered mockingly and gave meself a wonderful hiss when done. Why did they U turn back when I was already driving off? Anyway I ja'd. My point is heed the words of caution above as someone rightly said we are highly educated generally well presented and this HIGHLY disturbs the lowly peasants and even intellectual comrades you may come across. They can like to hate your guts while giving you the chin ups.
They absolutely abhor niggers with more sense money wealth class than them, biko play your cards close to chest always. Even black guys have threatened killing me in different ways and explained how they will escape. The devil is roaming ferociously pls be very prayerful and spiritually vigilant my ex I was content to marry began discussing taking me to hell, sacrifice and coming to a dark side of life that God does not exist and this is NOT a Nigerian.
As I dey single kampe like 1 dollar bill my happiness is almost unrivalled as I am pained when I hear my female coworkers getting emotional abuse in their homes and another just escaped a shooting where two have previously died in her dutypost. COVER YOURSELVES WITH THE BLOOD OF JESUS. Its not only from your village idols have to be satisfied it is worldwide the unpure are looking for the ripe to annihilate and I am serious as cancer.
At anon 4.03 did you just say 'one'? Pls come off it. They kill ppl here for no apparent reason like fish den dey end up killing demselves and you sit there and say one. It happens every day here in America. In school o, at the mall, in theatres everywhere and every time
Shut the hell up. His right.She had no buisness living with that guy.
many people in america are just mentally ill
And who said the deceased chose to live with an older white man? Dont forget that landlords often bring in their own tenants and current residents of an apartment have little or no say over who moves in? the landlord will tell you that if you object to a man staying with you, then you should provide him with another tenant who will come and rent the room. its all abt the money for them.This may have been the case for Ada. Rest in peace precious girl!
The truth is nigeria ladies always date d wrong men wen dey found dem self in foreign land,they fail to understand dat d game of love is played by environmental influence in d sense dat what is obtainable in 9ja is not what is obtainable in Columbus.she played d game wrongly,lesson to oda 9ja ladies in foreign land. RIP
what a wicked world to behold,may her soul rest in peace but mind you the murderer "no peace for the wicked"
Linda thanks for ur good work,but pls comment on dis topic again and clarify d room mate issue so d innocent girl and her family ll not be given a bad name just as some re already saying " how come she is sharing a room with a man"
And there goes another myopic dumb comment. It is now clear that u r not in that Atlanta #NaWash. If not you'd know how pple live hia in d States. Olodo claiming abroad
@10:37, thank you. Breaking in? Yeah, he can break in If he's trying to go to jail or get shot in the face with an AK. If she was living there by herself, understandable, but even that becomes risky as it makes him a bigger suspect. It could be termed as forced entry and he committed the murder. So, the best thing was what was done. Call the cops and let the apartment owners open the door. No contaminating of the crime scene and the homicide is solved painlessly.
My take is that he'll probably kill himself so he won't be taken alive. "Innocent until proven guilty". If someone else capped the pair, then, thats on another level completely, like maybe he is involved with the wrong group of people.
Dear Linda
I appreciate your interest in this case. Thank you for the publicity. However I would like to clear the air. Adaobi Michaella Obih was the greatest soul I ever knew. She wasn't a student. She was a full time test engineer at Cummins Inc. She only began to pursue her Ph.d of recent. Ada leased the apartment on her own and Klug was her tenant who paid rent to her. This is an unfortunate incident as Ada interviewed a large number of people before deciding to lease a room to Klug. A responsible person of age who has a constant job and can foot his bills. I kindly indulge that you consult to get facts before releasing information. No one contacted her family or got approval before this story was released however, I appreciate you trying to inform the public about this gruesome incident.
Alexius obih
(Adaobi's Sister)
Are you serious? Did you really just typed this out? She lives in Indiana not your bush village. No landlord will force another tenant on you in the USA. You sign a contract when you move into an apartment. If someone tries to force a tenant into your apartment without your OK, tell him to meet you in court and he can battle it out with the judge while he pays you for harassment and breach of contract. You must have missed the part where it said she lives in the US.
Errrmmm thank you ndi "overseas".
We too here refer to our flatmates as roomie or room mates.
I don't know why you guys have been explaining and explaining.
Ozugo Biko nu. We don hear.
Tank you.
Na bed mates.
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