‘Izzy would come home and sob in my arms" Her mother Gabbi said "They called her “ugly”, “freak”, “frigid”. If she put her hands up in class, she’d be labelled a “swot” and they’d snigger at her, or make crude comments. They’d exclude her from events, tell her to go home, she wasn’t wanted. They’d turn their backs on her, literally. When she did come home, it didn’t stop, because it doesn’t, these days. They name-called her by text, then online. She’d log onto Facebook and get abuse. Then onto that awful site Ask.fm and be subjected to filth."
14 yr old Izzy committed suicide on September 17th. Her mother explained what happened that night
"When she came home from school that night, she seemed tired and a bit cranky. We had words because I wanted to watch The Great British Bake Off and she didn’t. But there was nothing to suggest she was going to do what she did. I remember she painted her nails - she was so meticulous about how she looked - then went up to her room and did her homework, had a shower, got her bag ready for school, laid out her uniform. I popped in and we had another chat about how the bullying was getting on top of her. It was nothing we hadn’t done 100 times before, and I’d always give her the talk about how she was stronger than the bullies.
‘Then I went downstairs while she got ready for bed. I had a cup of tea and a cigarette — she hates me smoking so I did it outside. I was gone 15 minutes, tops. In that 15 minutes my life was destroyed.’When she came back inside, Gabbi went back upstairs to see if Izzy was getting into bed, but the bedroom door did not swing back as usual.
‘Something was blocking it, and it was Izzy,’ she says, and breaks down completely.
Her description of the hours that followed is too awful to relate in detail, but she managed to get her daughter’s body down and dial 999, then ran hysterically into the street. Neighbours tried to revive Izzy while she ‘just took off’.
Not long before her suicide, Izzy wrote a heartbreaking poem about her ordeal. She called it I Give Up. See it below
You can read the full story HERE
1 – 200 of 274 Newer› Newest»Seriously,sorry 2 say dis but the white are weak...dese are things that an average nigerian child faces in school everyday amidst poverty and hunger sef,and you don't see us commiting suicide...I think dey shud try 2 be less dramatic.may she r.I.p though.wat a waste for something that would not last forever
dats rili sad, poor girl, may ar soul rest in pp.......
What a heartbreaking ordeal!
Wow,anoda sad story,anoda young life lost. Wen will bullying eva end.
How sad.....
Omg! Dis is so touching! Brot tears to my eyes mhenn, poor girl, may her soul rest in peace
This suicide thing is becoming a trend among teenagers. It isn't the last option really. That is a phase every one goes through. Buh they don't understand, quick to harsh actions. Pretty sad, RIP
Ahn! Ahn! This white people sef, if na naija, ha!....bully me, I bully u! Talk anything u lyk, na u sabi...if ur stupid remarks no go stop me from taking my dinner, u can go on as long as u wish.
Rough Diamond need to dis to her silly self tho
Hope her bullies are happy now?
Dis are some of the things people do and fustrate others.you are previledge to have what u ve dnt luk down on others
commiting suicide is never a solution to any problem
#Crying# I will neva in my life look down on any 1 again if I ve done so b4, Lord pls 4giv me
Nawa for all these yankee kids oo! small thing u don kill urself...Are u the first person whose been bullied before? Many have even had it far worse than her but have still managed to rise above it...this is jst sad
So sad she gave up when she had them. she would have posted this on ask.fm and fb and stay alive. She has talent in writing.
Blog readers who sabi criticize una don c wetin una bad mouth fit do?
So she had to kill herself.... That's sick! I've bin bullied before, that wasn't the best option, what a young and promising life wasted!
Say NO to bullying. It is the worst feeling ever being bullied.
awwwwww! I'm sure they're are being jealous of her ingenuity and brilliance.
Bullies no u are better than them and they can't stand anyone being exceptional,they want everyone to be on the average.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Eyaaa...bullies r evrywia....as for me I usually pick a fight with them...bully me I bully u...that way I labelled a rebel by peers..bullies avoid u wen u go tough on dem...dey abuse u, u abuse dem back...
So sad,may her soul RIP.
I don't know about suicide. But may she find rest. I'm just short of words.
Back then, I went to a boarding school in kaduna and in that school, I faced all types of abuse; physical, spiritual, etc. It was hell. Many times I wished I would just die. It reduced me to nothing. I had issues with my self for years after leaving that school. So, even if my bullying was not online, I can say I understand how she felt.
Parents should listen to their children
Heart breaking, Linda I just heard a rumour dat tuface is dead, na true?
Doesn't she look in the mirror? She is beautiful!! White kids should be taught how to deal with being bullied and how to be a little sensitive to other people's feelings. They are just taking their liberal nature to the extreme!!! I was bullied as a kid in primary and secondary school, I grew a thick skin to get through it. What a total waste of a beautiful soul. She should never have given up, she should have waded the storm, proven herself and left her bullies in a cloud of dust. Instead the sickos would now move on to another victim having successfully ruining a beautiful mind.
It was allover CNN. Its really sad tho. Nd she was mainly bullied on facebook not her sch.well,I ope hell will b A̶̲̥̅ beta place 4 her?becos we D̶̲̥̅̊Ơ̴̴͡n't hv A̶̲̥̅ right to tk wat we cnt give(LIFE)nd lastly d ppl dt bullied her lied to her,coz shez A̶̲̥̅ really pretty gurl.
Wat a touching story..may her soul rest in peace.
They seem to be strong enough to commit suicide but not strong enough to fight.. Are they too soft? Or are we too hard? Its always the whites! Blacks seem to have a higher tolerance for bullying. Its sad!
OMG! This is soooo sad. A law should be passed against the culprits of this bullying that is becoming rampart in schools. It is becoming rather unsafe for kids especially teenagers. May her soul find acceptance and happiness with the angels where backs will not be turned on her.
You were pretty darling...Awwww I wish u knew.RIP pretty
Though painful but not a enough reason to take ur own life... May God console d parents
So pathetic!! I blame her mum for not changing the grls school.any child who doesn't feel welcomed in a skul he/she attends,should be changed to another skul.
Too terrible...a sweet soul lost...Wish she didn't kill herself tho...Whites are too emotional...Trust 9ja!
Very beautiful girl....
So sad...may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
So touching...
What a pity... Poor kid, this does happen every where but I trust naija child dm ИƠ̴̴͡ D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣γ̲̣ give up quick. Sad story
OMG y did she, it doesnt get any better by taking ur life. Sometimes human beings r senseless and inconsiderate in their actions ,sometimes absolutely brutal bt uv got to find dt thing within dt makes u find happiness ...if na Fb close d acct, or change school ...so sad
So sad I feel for her
so touchin...too bad dt she took her life, i feel her pains...sobbin
Rip but she was stupid α̲̅πϑ selfish for killing herself!...we were all bullied I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ skool...α̲̅πϑ we didn't kill ourselves....we grew out of ℓ̊τ̅...If u dnt like what they send †Φ you on fb, delete or block them...if u dnt like ask.watever, go †Φ a more friendly site...dis Ȋ̝̊̅§ a lousy excuse!...haven't you read of people who had more issues †Φ face α̲̅πϑ they didn't have †Φ kill themselves cos of ℓ̊τ̅!...mtsheeeeewwww!....explain yourself †Φ God!...α̲̅πϑ this woman should stop making excuses...cos as much as she would L♥√ us †Φ believe, she's still her mother α̲̅πϑ should know better!....a clarion call †Φ our parents!...the world Ȋ̝̊̅§ changing...so must your technic of child training....may God forgive α̲̅πϑ may she rest I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ peace!
feel lik letin a tear drop ./SKALER/:
I didn't think she was even ugly... I blame the society of today, everyone is so keen on being plastic and emulating the wrong role models.. SMH!!!
Omg!!! Wat a sad tin.......am so unhappy.wat a poor girl
U r v silly !
What a stupid response. Have u ever been bullied? Do you know what it feels like and how it affected her? Everybody is different. Don't judge a set if people due to your ignorance. Rip sweet lil girl. You are now at peace.
Very dis heartening....Pls,we Shld all mind the way we treat pple cos not everyone can stand harsh words.....Stop killing pple with you mouth,instead correct in love and impact lives...RIP gurl!
i went to a boarding school and had my share,but it made me stronger,wiser,tougher.but i guess pple are wired differently.i refused to let anybody tell me who they think i am,i rose above all the negativity said about me.and by Gods grace am doing alrit. I could not have done that with out giving my life to christ he made all the difference.now am not living to prove a point am enjoying my relationship with him and the point is been made.
But she looks pwety in that pics up there na...na wah na him some naija celebs still the flex for street.
Sha RIP all soul day.
I remember how oreoluwa bullied me in secondary school. That girl was evil. Everybody was scared of her. Till today I don't no what I did to her. If she doesn't. Talk to me, the whole school wouldn't. That period still hunts me! She fucked up my secondary school days. Had very very low self esteem and failed woefully coupled wiv the fact that my physics teacher and principal wanted to fuck me! One of which is a reverend! Tsheeeeeeeeew.
Rest in peace
Obama shuld pass a Bill dat sayz,if u Bully any kid u wil b sentence 2 life in prison wif parol den al diz white madnx wil stop
So sad! Such a pretty girl. May her soul rest in peace. Its time govt do sth about bullies. And parent should help encourage their kids.
May God grant you the wisdom to reason better.
May her young soul find trouble-free rest in the bossom of our Lord.
Nne I tire o
N she was soo beautiful *sigh* dats y I always smack my lil sisters rili hard wen they want 2 start forming sad, n they get over it, toughens dem up, lol. her mum shudv stopped talking 2 much n smacked her more often. Ppl will always b mean
Her bad...how dare she take her own life. Ts a pity aw d whites see taking their life as chopping vegetables..aw dare she. #rubbish
Stupid ass white bitch.
This girl didn't see half of what I saw in school, its not the bullying that's the problem, its the orientation of the victim. She didn't learn to be self dependent, she didn't learn that she came to this world alone, she didn't learn that kids will always be kids and will continue to make harsh comments if they see its getting to you. So sad she fell to childish remarks. If you have kids, pls raise them well.
Too bad she cdnt liv 2b d poet dat she ws meant 2b! I luv her poem.so biutiful! @anon 12:17,u must be a joker,jst bcoz we get 2hear d whyt kids commit suicide dsnt mean d blacks dnt.we'r jst not gud at publicizing evrytin.so kip quiet there n say ur RIP or kip shut joor!mtcheew
It saddens the heart , dont listen to what people tell you ,be who you are . R.I.P beautiful
R.I.P bt d mom shld hav changed environment for her nw
So saddening......... but I stl believe many a child has gone thru more dan ds nd stil survived amidst it all. I still maintain my stand, suicide is 4 weaklings. We shd raise our children 2 alws believe in themselves evn wen others do not, we shd show dem d beauties they possess inside n outside, particularly we shd introduce d word of GOD 2 dem early in life, so dat evn wen we r gone nd d chips r down, dey cn weather evry storm dat comes their way.
Na lie
I was a victim myself. Ul never know how it feels except it has happened to u. I was isolated, called names, called fat, shy, stunted growth, al sort of names, I always wondered why nobody wanted to be my friend, or why I was always the only one siiting on a canteen table, no1 wanted to talk to me, while d ones that did always wanted to confirm if I was a freak. Even the guys rarely asked me out, I didint undastand it cus I was brilliant nd beautiful. Yes I am a nigerian nd a very lovable person but I was constantly being bullied. I hav contemplated suicide on many occassions, I've even come close to putting a knife on my stomach but I just couldn't do it. It stil hurts rily bad but I will survive.
Its so sd but sorry to say. the girl is in HELLFIRE already, u do not have any excuse to take your. so sad
That's the just the truth a nigerian child face worse but stll struggle 2 mak it quite a pity wish she was strong atleast 4 her mum. RIP Izzy
How can u be so callous and say she is weak...whofaces this everyday...when I was younger in the 80s and 90s ppl did not bully rrelentlessly like this.... children have become so evil...im a school counselor and this is my calling to put an end to bullying...it is insidious, traumatic, leads to abject rejection and a sense of worthlessness. ?.this is just way too sad for words
Whites find it easy to take their lives!they should learn to live on and face their haters.Suicide is a coward's way out.Life is too beautiful for that.
The rate at which teenagers take their own life these days is very alarming. I pray to God for me to train mine right and strong.
I r'ber when I was a teenager in sec.schl and I was bullied. Me and my posse will wait till classes are over treat the fxck up at an open field. Suicide na long thing when u can hash it out.
Wow dis is so sad! Dis only happens with the whites tho, wen I read stories like dis wish I could fight 4 dem, slap the shit outta those bullies torture dem so Dy'll back the fuck up! If u can't beat dem arrange 4 dem 2 be beaten
And so wat??w she b d first to be hated and criticized by ppl?Even jesus christ was criticized whil he was alive,so wat are w sayin!!Abeg,Its a wasted life,rest in peace
@Anon 12:17,you have spoken correctly. You don't see us committing suicide. Take for instance,the story of the chinese kid who jumped from a 30storey building simply because his teacher asked him to, that sort of thing can NEVER happen here. Infact,its the pupil who'll push the teacher off the building. We are very strong,that's why we can go anywhere in the world and survive the harsh conditions.
Lindaaaaaa,post my comment o.
But you are beautiful, why?????
Sigh.its saddenn.
seriously! this girl is beautiful.i believe everyone is unique and we have all had our shares of the you-dont-look-too-perfect ridicule, but taking our lifes never solves anything it only causes more heartbreaks to those left behind...ouch!another beauty gone
Dis is rily sad...didnt fink she shld hav taken her life though. May her soul R.I.P
Hmmmmmm I'm rili short of words,,,white kids can be dramatic somtimes though buh I dnt rili knw wats d cause 4 d hate....RIP lil angel...
Seriously,and I don't think she is ugly well maybe life tair her
What re u talkin about...Naija no bully at all reach all those white people o abeg...so don't mention anyfin about bein weak here
Dis is wot she wuld hav endured for 4 yrs or less,graduate n neva see the ugly faces of her bullies,worse is dat most of dose bullies hate dmselves n wish they were sum1 else,in future she wuld hav had more achievements dn most of dm(her write up shows hw gifted she is wit words) who'd end up being junkies n havin drug problms...it always get better,peeps shuld always knw ds,rise above dat depression cos its jus 4 awhile,its jus a trick frm d enemy cos he knws Ūя̲̅ future is bright
Tyra banks,cameron diaz n whole lot of em were al bullied in high skool...buh look where they r n wot they hav nw,bet most of their bullies n kids wuld die 2 get an autograph frm dm,her mom wsnt evn wise +she ws a smoker...smh
Shut up idiot. A normal person would comment about bullying but not you. Imbecile
May her soul rest in perfect peace.
she was beautiful.....rip,hmmm...
Ooooo dis is sooo sad, 4get it iv seen matured nigerians comit suicide. Its not d best thou no mata d situation cos ul surely go to hell. Pele to ha mum n as 4 ha rip. Ebiere Saty
Dis is so terrible,I watch all dis kind of tins in movies didn't tink it actually exist in real life,one tin I no is 1ce u are bin bullied try applying their tactics back on them nd den u will realise they can't stand half of wat u can,wc will make dem backoff,sad story RIP
@anon 12.17pm. We wer all made in dift wayz.. I may nt b able 2 bear d pains u do n sum nigerians av commited suicide cos of bullyn... Just b tankful 4 ur lyf.. May her soul rest in peace
She doesn't have any right still to take her own life, whites ar fond of this. Come to naija and see bullying. RIP shaa
May her soul rip. I remember when i was in secondary school, a teacher of mine called me ugly on a daily basis"you have a beautiful name but very ugly" she hated wit a passion and i never knew why. It killed my esteem but the thought of taking my life neva occured. Other pupils looked down on me but it only made me stronger. 2day d so called teacher is dead and where i have gotten in life, few of my mates bac then can only wish it.
Rip young one, you shouldnt have made them have the last laugh
bt seriously, this goes a long way to show that our actions and the way we talk could make or mar someone. Y are harsh words so easy to say and Compliments so difficult to give? You could make someone happy today by simply complimenting rather than bully.
Sorry to sound mean buh she aint serious at all. Every1 gets called names at some point or anoda, its not enuf reason to take ur life. Her suicide helped how?? She only confirmed dat she was indeed a "freak" she cant RIP cos datz a serious sin she committed
That's so true anon... Such a waste. RIP
Bullying can get to anyone wether black or white
I was bullied in school and I am Nigerian . You need to experience being called MIss Outcast or being a reject ....not being invited to any party, rejected on all fronts and being made to seem abnormal especially in your formative years when all you crave is peer acceptance.
Till you ve experienced it you have no right to pass comment on the lady so back the fuck up!!!!.
Because an average nigerian child faces it everyday does not make it right. Been bullied can be an emotional wreck on an individual. The issue to be addressed is what is being done to those who bully others?
Should they be allowed to get away with it?
Sad story ....
Rip. But,y would one commit sucide bcos one is not being appreciated by sum pple dat can create you. Are dey God?so painfull. You can hardly hear stories like dis in Nigeria.
Soooo painful
hmmm...dis reminds me of dis Philipine movie-MARA and CLARA.Dis Oyibo people n dia mentality about poor and augly people self.u dnt needto blame her for d act if doz people insult u erm hmm i bet u u may nt take it likely.and dis her case is dt almost evrybody @ skul stay away frm her.If u watch mara n clara u wil understand
May her soul rest in peace, but she will receive d purnishment 4 taking her own life
Rip. But,why would one commit sucide bcos you are not appreciated by just human being like you are for crying out loud. They ar not God and can't creat lifes. What a waste of life.
hmmm...dis reminds me of dis Philipine movie-MARA and CLARA.Dis Oyibo people n dia mentality about poor and augly people self.u dnt needto blame her for d act if doz people insult u erm hmm i bet u u may nt take it likely.and dis her case is dt almost evrybody @ skul stay away frm her.If u watch mara n clara u wil understand
i dnt n0 wats wr0ng wif white pple....der ar s0 s0ft! Der take litu tins 2 street. I w0nda Y her m0m didnt take her 2 an0da sch00l.... Bc0s n0w dt she has killed hersef ar haters ar der watching d wh0le drama. Dis is a defeated life, its nt w0rth emulating. I h0pe d0s bullies c wat dia acti0ns c0std a 0nce happy family. I n0 a Nigerian child cant d0 dis!!!
Rip. But,y would one commit sucide bcos one is not being appreciated by sum pple dat can create you. Are dey God?so painfull. You can hardly hear stories like dis in Nigeria.
Dats sad......poor lil gal...... May ur soul RIP
Awww..may her soul rest in peace....the rate of bullying in d states is high..thought the government promised to do something about it
Now being weak has got absolutely nothing to do with race. We all react to situations differently. Do u know how many Nigerians have done the same cos they couldn't put up with struggling anymore? Let's just pray our situations don't over power us while izzy finds eternal peace. Sad!
The anonymous commenting that the whites are weak must be very ignorant. If you have actually experienced bullying you will not be saying this. You think it only happens to whites? Bullying is a mental torture and no child should have to experience it. I guess you never heard about a black kid that jumped off the window because of bullying.?Poverty and hunger has nothing to do with bullying.
Am a fat boy with bowlegs,even though am taunted countless times about my size and how i walk i'll never consider that as an option
they called her ugly
am told i will never get married,so which is more painful
May her soul rest in peace such a beutiful gurl......rilli saaaaaaaaad
my God! What a poem, what a loss of Knowledge! What a loss to planet earth, as i read her poem, my fingers trembled and my soul reached out to her, but i guess it's too late.
How i wish i was there for her, how i wish she was a Nigerian, where only bully is not rampant.
How i wish i could protect her from those bullying her, how i wish i could have saved her from giving up.
My sincere condolence to her Mum and all who love her, she's a beauty, and the world just lost a crystal.
My her soul rest in peace as Jesus welcome her to a place where there's no bullying. A place where everyone is accepted as 1.
once again, Rest in Peace, Izzy, you'll never get bullied again.
Isaiah Joseph from Dailyschoolnews: Nigeria educational portal
First of all,R.I.P
I av always thought wat dis white children who kill dem selves just cos' dey are weak to face bullies tell God wen dey meet him?,I was bullied so much dat I had to become friends wit ma bullies and I didn't contemplate suicide....fuck dis white people,black is blessed
Aww that's bad, she is not even ugly to me. Rip dear.
Aww! That's very bad, she is not ugly to me o, may she rip
U said it all!
Weak pple!
You are very silly, this doesn't happen in Nigeria, I don't know the school you attended.
Very touching,RIP
Gush...! What a world .... I blame his mother for this , she gave her not enough courage to face the world, BYE lyzzz
Her mum should have relocated her to Nigeria. She would have been called beautiful, everyone in her school would have wanted to be her friend and she would have had so many fans
she didnt hv 2 go dat far, is sumtin dat most pupil face everyday. May her gentle soul r.i.p
killing herself is not worth it all. Rip sha. *Nafisat*
Poor girl ,GOD rest her soul
May her soul rest & I wish her haters wil repent 4rm dis act
My dear is not easy all fingers are not equal, is easier said dan done .Bullying / Rejection is really a big disease dat needs to be taken seriously in d world. If possible it should b made a punishable offence.
RIP young one
R.I.P. But that really wasnt neccessary, she only had to endure for few more years, and it would av all been over.......
Anon:12:17 pm, I'm really tempted to cuss u out properly, bt I choose nt to. That's an insensitive remark to make abt a 14yr old kid. Different ppl have different personas n strength levels, also their society is nothing like ours, so PLS, SHUT YOUR TRAP!!!
I think everyone go through this at a point or the other in life. Too bad u focused more on the negative part of life nd not d positive... U broke your mother's heart. I have a son nd Its so important for me to fight this part of his life with him. Not with what I went through in high school, nd I dare not mention to my parent cos they have nothing to do about it, they just want u to read your books. My son nd I have a huge battle to fight against #bully cos he is a soft boy nd I see people taking advantage of that... Parent should learn to give more supporting hands to the kids, especially Nigeria parent, there is more to life than just sending us to school, we need our self esteem. U were a beautiful girl. R.I.P
God she is so pwetty,is it just me or am I in the wrong world?rip darling, linda make I no find dis comment ooh
Did you just call her weak? Did u nt read d poem? She was bullied for chrissakes!! Called names. There is a limit to what someone can take, not to mention she's just 14. That's just emotional torture. I pray her beautiful face haunts them all till they hurt. May God strengthen her mom.
Make i here say niaja girl go fit do like this. rip
You know before...I was naive to think that what these kids went through was way better than what the average nigerian child went through in school..but with time, I realised that I was wrong...At least we are lucky enough to only get the physical pain and even at that, we still tend to still have friends but it's the emotional and psychological pain that is way worse because they don't even stop there, they make others see you as an outcast and they make those that want to hang around you feel like outcasts. I feel terrible that this young lady killed herself. It is really sad. bullying has to stop
So sad. May her soul rest in peace. That is what happens if u continue giving a f**k what poeple say about you.
Bullying is bad, I knw I was bullied too then in pri/scec sch. I wish I could av stood up nd say sometn then,but I tell u its kills 1 morale. Well am ova it, no 1 can do tht to me, and am training my kids in2 being themselves. Funny enuf this pple tht bully are low self esteem pple,they cover up by tormenting odas. RIP girl
It's like committing suicide is one of these white people hobby. abi 4 wat now?
Feel like cRying mehn.....why dem treat her fuck up like dat na
I dnt really knw what to say about this I knw some kids are stronger than others so I cnt really blame d poor girl for taking her own life, bulling is very bad it takes a strong kid to overcome it. I remember all d aweful things my grand mother said to me whn I was growing up it really hurt people bt I was strong and I overcame it. And I hv make it a duty to tell my kids how beautifula, intelligent and specially they are. So if anyone bully them outside they fight back or simplly tell them they jealoousy of them. Parents needs to help their kids at home show them love and tell them how important they so that whn someone tell them otherwise outside they wouldn't take it to heart. RIP littel one.
If there is anything I love about African parents is their coaching on how to handle bullies for their kids. If your bully is older than u they advise u to ignore them,report them to the authority and if the worst come, they themselves stand up to go and bully the bully. But if u cry home that u were being bullied by ur peer, they will beat u and tell u to go back and fight such bully. This is not teaching children violence. It is teaching them how to face their fear and worst enemy. Most time reassuring talk to the children work but actions taken by them to face bullies matter. Bcos believe me bullies are all around us #ASOGE#
People always say the whites are weak that's why this happens a lot in the western world and not in the black world. But to me that assumption is false, its just two different worlds and two different perspectives its not about weakness and strength.
Bullying in any form and in any world is wrong and can lead to such a sad end. Its not about being white or black.
Rest in peace sweet one.
Anon XYZ
Nd sshez even beautiful,oda ppl opinion shldnt count.RIP gurl
Just shut your mouth Mrs strength! It's bullies like you she was talking about! And for those that go on blogs to cuss people out for no reason, so don't come here with your righteous indignation and hypocrisy! Just read the poem addressed to you...
Its really sad,but if someone like me can survive child abuse from home,then I think abuse n bulling from the outside is not enough for anyone to commit sucide.may her soul rest in peace!
Sooo heartbreaking..
My dear, that is just their life. And I sure know how it feels. Too bad she had to take her precious life for what is not worth it. May her young soul rest in perfect peace today that is "All Souls". Eternal rest to her Oh Lord...............
If to say tonto Dike committed suicide by now na she 4 welcome dis pretty young gurl in land of τ̲̅ђe suicide commiters. Thank God tonto No later commit suicide and rest in peace to τ̲̅ђe young gurl.
Make she die na, jus ordinally abuses? Wen
This is nt cool...its nt rili easy having no one talk to u and all n especially nt being wanted... M so sorry for ha mom...may her soul rip
Dis babe no ugly at all.... Make they come kenya com c wetin b ugly. Mtchewwwww. Those her classmate shd b happy she killed her xlf cos oof dem. God ll judge n punish all of dem.*crying*
May her soul RIP buh am soo sad imagine sum wicked plp made her to take hia own life,God ll surely judge them,
wow...so sad.
So sad...RIP my friend......¤blue-rain¤
I feel for ha though...u de talk of nigerian?we nogo fit commit suicide hence we nono wia we de go,weda hia beta pass self we nono so y u go commit suicide?
I have heard of two cases of suicide as a result of bullying in Nigeria. Yes some people are not able to withstand it much of which is no fault of theirs. Most bullies come from homes which lack respect for human feelings, homes which one would rather call dysfunctional. They take out their horrid behaviour on the perceived weak ones among their peers or juniors. Bullying can be extremely traumatic. MAY her soul rest in peace
Poor gurl*tears*
The whites Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣ prone to suicide,I don't knw if its the colour of their skin or the kind of food they eat but under any slight pressure the resort to suicide as if the solution lies there,Fela said we Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣ suffering n smilling in naija.May her soul rest in peace.f
Ogbanje! Ogbanje! Abiku! Abiku!
Eayah.... rest in peace.
Only if she knew that bullies wish they were her.
mumu girl
what pains me is that she has added to the population of hell. All these white people are annoyingly very weak, i guess it is as a result of their new found life of fantasies. it wasn't like this before. how can somebody take his/her own life cos his/her mates talk to her in a way he/she doesn't like? the girl is even English, and it was the English who said that'silence is the best answer given to a fool' or better still talk back at them. mcheew!!
I just got in from the burial of a friend who was cut down at his prime by illness..then I come on here and read that heart wrenching poem, tears blur my vision, as much as I want to strangle the stupid teenagers who dared shun such a beautiful girl, I ask..why the f*** would you take your own life, I stood at the side of my friend's grave this afternoon and felt the heat of the sun, my sweat could fill 10 buckets but I thought to myself I wish the eversmiling guy I knew could still sweat but he was forever cold...with tears in my eyes I ask this pretty young girl "who dare you take your life?"
Am so sorry for the girl..buh this are d types of challenges we are suppose to face everyday
Dis gal is a very talented writer ... Y did she waste her life over this little thiing.. Damn wat a waste of talent .. R.I.p
Feel for her. Rest in peace
Dis is really sad. Shez such a pretty gal. She went 2 far dou. Jst lyk back den in sec skul wen u get bullied everyday.it wasn't a big deal. De whites n deir fragile hrt. RIP cutie
She for join Black-Bra for school or White Angels. R.I.P PRETTY.
Wat a waste! Committing Suicide was a far bigger job dan stayin strong! Wen I 1st saw her pictures wat came to ma mind was Wow dis gurl is vry pretty for her age! Jst b4 I had a full look @ d headlines! RIP... Bossladydi
I accept to it that white people are weak, bt jst cause u dnt hear d stories everyday ur nt suppose to conclude that it doesn't happen in Nigeria. I was a victim of these when I was in Secondary school. It destroyed my life, d only reason I didn't commit suicide was cause I talked to God about. Up until now I feel like am never Good enof..
Wait..she killed herself cos of dat???y do pple even think of suicide??9ja kids get bullied too..even d adults..nd nt only by friends,even by parents...sum pple are struggling to live nd all u can do is die??don't u have a heart??anyway...may her soul rest in peace
I just feel sad even though I never knew her, I know exactly how she must have felt! Being called ugly is something that can make sum1 think of suicide,,,pple just don't knw how far their words can go!!!
Mr. Anonymous,dat's just the comment I'd expect from a nigerian,u ppl mock the misfortunes of others & wonder why you get unfair treatment from the world,ur leaders & urselves. God isn't mocked,perhaps we all deserve 2 be treated the way we are.
Oh & these days nigerians tend 2 die a lot & get no justice!!! #justsaying.
Mr. Anonymous,dat's just the comment I'd expect from a nigerian,u ppl mock the misfortunes of others & wonder why you get unfair treatment from the world,ur leaders & urselves. God isn't mocked,perhaps we all deserve 2 be treated the way we are.
Oh & these days nigerians tend 2 die a lot & get no justice!!! #justsaying.
Whites are weak?? I don't like when ppl say this. Did u see her age wriiten above? Of course everyone is weak at that stage. You just don't know what it feels like to be isolated....no man was created to be alone and that's how they kept her. Her mum shuda changed her school or sort a councellor. I hope westerners take drastic steps in curbing this bullying thing. Tee
Mr. Anonymous,dat's just the comment I'd expect from a nigerian,u ppl mock the misfortunes of others & wonder why you get unfair treatment from the world,ur leaders & urselves. God isn't mocked,perhaps we all deserve 2 be treated the way we are.
Oh & these days nigerians tend 2 die a lot & get no justice!!! #justsaying.
Sad story... RIP
Linda obama wife don reply kanye,she gave it to him hot hot abeg find dat gist bring am here sharps s
Sad story... RIP
So so sad!..I feel so much pain 4 d mother..ds white people n dr mentality sha!..sucide is always d next option 4 dem..we all shld also learn 4rm all ds esp LIBERs who are so alwyz quick 2 judge n cast aspersions on oda peoplez character so easily..words r reii powerful!..#Alwyz awlyzput ur brains in2 gear b4 u put ur mouth in2 action#..may her soul R.I.P..
Sad story... RIP
So so sad...she wuld hav stayed strong!!
Is she d owner of d life she took? All dis oyibo people sef. No b person b bance?
Awww dis is so so sad, may her soul R.I. P
Bullying is just so terrible. It does something to the victim. Makes u loose confidence and It's just so sad. I got bullied A Lot in secondary school so I know a lot about what I'm saying. Mine was even force cz I had a terrible dentition and it still affects me till today so I know exactly what poor izzy was going through. U Didn't want to kill myself tho just all of those stupid girls. Rip beautiful
Nawaa! God pls accept her.....
Smh...... Takes her own life because she was bullied on line and in school, I hope she makes heaven.
Dis is really sad,buh y didn't d mum complain 2d teachers at skool?tot dey ve dis guidiance and counsellor thingy over der,its mre effective dan ours I guess.A young brain gone,dis is heart achening.
We rily nid 2 mind wat we tell pple...u neva can tell hw they'll ƒ̲̅ε̲ε̲ƪ or wat they'll do therefta. I faced sumtin similar wen I was younger n I at times wished death shld take me away, buh later wit d hlp of my loved ones, I ovacame those feelings.nw I've grown 2 b vry pretty. Dat I made it doesn't min odas will. After all there was a nigerian teenage boy who commited suicide afta his mom spoke 2 him abusively 4 his poor performance as shown in his report card. It's nt abt races or tribes! Bullying n abusive speeches r wrong. Simple!
Thats what i keep telling all you heartless judgemental people who come on blogs to take out ur frustration misery and bitterness on others,stop bullying celebs, with ur cruel wicked comments its wrong,when goldie was alive a lot of you said so many mean hurtful things about her,noting she did was ever good enough for you demons,i remembered one witch among you who said she will never be able to break into the american music market,when she was pictured with ciara,that she will only end up washing dishes for her,i mean who says a things like that,i hope her ghost hunts whoever that dirty whore is(i mean how do you guys sleep at night)and when she died,you idiots brought ur evil selfs here and started saying good things about her,bunch of hypo's,if annie was not a strong woman all ur mean and evil comments are enough to make her take her life,and the worst part is that when the person gets mad, you idiots will ask him/her to grow a thick skin as if the person is made of wood(but you pigs will not hold words back if a co commenter insults you or call you names)for as many of you that have come here to say one hurtful thing or another about people you dont know personally,and made them cry themselves to sleep every night,may the almighty punish you abundantly may he make ur enemies greater than you and may he also make you work and sweat for your age mates,you all would rot in hell for all the tears people have shed cos of you,i hate coming on this blog and that of ladun's,cos i feel its a breeding ground for evil hearted people,cos every time i come to this two blogs my heart is always burning with anger from the comments i read, and sometimes i cant believe they where actually written by human being,no wonder the bible says when God saw how wicked the heart of man was,he regretted creating man.
sincerely a very pissed blog visitor
ps you all can rant ur rubbish all you want am not coming back to read anything written by demons so eat my dust.
White girl problems! Msteew!
Hmmmm......I dnt see anything ugly bout dis girl.she's a beautiful young girl, so sad she left dis way....may her soul ripp,amen!!
Whites re crazy bullies!#FREAKY#
Well, i would not put on the usual blame that the whites generate psychological problems for themselves because their physiological needs have been met.
The truth is this happens everywhere. Certain children develop charateristics that may not be socially commonly attractive to their peers. This differentiates them negatively.
Different kids have different responses to this, depending on their psychological make up and socialization process. Some go into depression, some struggle to fit in, some are not even bothered and some develop hateful tendencies which will be manifested in the form of violence when they have the opportunity.
It is left for parents to teach their kids what is important in life. Suicide is never a solution.
I grew up finding myself different from my peers and hence i had few friends. Matters became worse when i gained admission into the university. Dating was a big problem as i was a social misfit. I seemed externally ok, but inside of me was a boiling rage to pay the society back. Luckily, my payment was not a violent one. I graduated, made lots of money and had to opportunity to fill up any hole in my line of sight. The anger to conquer and dehumanize women was my anthem. i counted scores in huge amounts. After some time, i noticed that these fellows were actually not bad people - and i stopped.
This brings to mind a reflection on the fact that we are on earth doing what we are not supposed to do. When you read the bible, you will realise that everything not Godly, is filled with emptiness.
I was bullied alot in primary and secondary school. And till this day, I have lost my voice and identity. Sometimes I wonder if I have any self esteem left.times. I literally detach myself from everyone and I am constantly wondering what people think about me. I have vowed to KILL any one who attempts anything similar to my children, when I have them. Bullying destroys kids!! I'm alive but I'm not living!! And yes I'm no ajebutter!! I went to a regular school in Africa, very similar to Nigeria.
how could she do that to her mom, dis child is wicked... i pity her mom sha..
Yea u'r right, the white are too weak. An average nigerian can't do this and beside if we look @ it the other way, it Is satanic! Bullying is what the devil has afflicted in the hearts of teenagers so as to destroy them its was so unfortunate that the mother was not able to guide her emotion rather she was busy watching TV and smoking, I can imagin what the poor gurl has passes through so painful and moreover the white should do something about BULLY cos its becoming a pressing problem for the teenagers
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