"Kayode Oshin, 21, attempted to assassinate Yassin Zouaiou with a Mac 10 in a feud over drugs and money in Hounslow, west London, after being enticed into a world of gang culture and crime’, a court heard.
Mr Zouaiou survived when the gun jammed - but a single bullet was fired, hitting his brother Mohammed Ali Subhani in the neck. But Oshin then posted a rap video bragging about the shooting on YouTube.The shooting was carried out in an alleyway between North Drive and Kingsley Road, Hounslow, at around 1am on October 6, 2011, the court heard.
Oshin and a second man, Junior Tahir-Akinyele, 19, were arrested the next day in a white Mercedes-Benz they had hired for the attack.
Jailing Oshin for 22 years and Tahir-Akinyele for 14 years, Judge Timothy Pontius said the pair had been ‘enticed into a world of gang culture and crime’.
‘Oshin you are convicted of attempted murder, your clear intention was that Yassin Zouaiou should die,’ he added. ‘That intention would undoubtedly have been realised were it not for the fact that the mechanism on the gun jammed, releasing only one round.'
Oshin was jailed for 22 years for attempted murder; 16 years imprisonment for possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and 14 years for wounding with intent, all to run concurrent.
Tahir-Akinyele was sentenced to 14 years in a Young Offenders’ Institution for possession of firearms with intent to endanger life with 12 years concurrent for wounding with intent.
Culled from Daily Mail UK.
Can u imagin? Good judgment anyway
I bet he thought he was invincible. That will teach him a very long lesson.
na waa o...young boys and gangsterism #SMH
They can't even keep their eyes open!
See as your mind and mouth put you for wahala, I don't just understand why youngstars of this day choose the violent way of living most expecially those residing overseas. Ok! You wan be Shakur2, you can biuld up your talent in jail.
Mean looking faces,well,justice has been served!
Dumb criminal
Haba dis is too much.. The punishment does not fit the crime.. Common.. Almost does not kill a bird ..
Serious Gobe.
Trouble sleep,yanga go wake am.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
I know one Oshin family. This is what happens when you expose young children to the western world early. If he was in Nigeria would he think of gang rubbish culture. Juvenile.
Young boys throwing their whole lives away all for drugs. Maybe they can use their time in jail to improve on their rap. Sad
ndi ofe ose ga araputa mmadu na obodo Eliza
Serves dm right
Rule number 1
What come over this guys to commit this kind of attrocity,
How ignorant can one possibly get?
Then you go and upload a video on Youtube after trying to smoke some dude? Smh!
This internet/social media age has taken away the brains out of a lot of youths and its such a shame.
Gangsters don't live that long;they either get shanked or are caged in prison...third option is they die wretched,alone and on a wheelchair.
Grow up,fellas!
Wft is wrong with Nigerian in London with all this gang shit. Nigerians are so grounded in United States mehn.
so sad.. na wa for him oooo
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Yoruba people and violence .. Naw ooo kip spoiling our bad name
some nigerians abroad nid 2 b tot morals.
No be small tin... Every yoruba boy want 2 do music abeg park well
Wat a pity?anyway,its a lesson 4 others..
Ndi yoruba again, dey cant stop disgracing nigerians every where
Why are Nigerians messing around outside d shores of our country
Good for them,intending gangs be aware.oyibo court no get bribe.
Eeyaa kpele!
Na wa oh Nigerians abroad will never stop embarassing themselves and the country... God help us.
Na wa oooooo....gud 4 them,I fink dat's a fair judgment there
Na wa oh Nigerians abroad will never stop embarassing themselves and the country... God help us.
That is inhuman, wot a wicked world we are into.
This country!
He acted stupidly, bt braggin about it? Smh! I guess he got wat he deserves
Nigerians abroad tho...why have we been in the news a lot lately for rubbish
Hmmm... They are Nigerians when in bad light, But are British citizens in other ways...
Froggy here was obviously woken up from deep sleep for his mug shots
Ochi atogbuo mu o! O bu eziokwu...ha ga arupta mmadu
NIGERIANS and dia barbaric lyfs***Disgusting
Hahahhah guy is dat d best u can say.
Nigerian @ it again,na real wah!bukky says so
Na their second country na,abeg mek dem give dem lesser sentence,they r still kidz and can still change
Lord have mercy,it is well with our youth in Jesus name. Father,help our youths to imbibe the right attitude,help them not to succumb to negativity and peer influence,save our youths oh Lord of mercy
See their harden faces,awon omo ale jatijati,daily mail is always quick to associate them with Nigeria,forgetting that its a society a child grows in that forms a child...
Home grown terrorist. wat was he doing with that kind of ammunition? he shld had gone for a lesser one,maybe the judge would had been able to give him and his accomplice fewer sentencing
Am not been tribalistic here, yorubas in the UK are alwys causin trouble,mayb bcos they are more here,I stay in london and anytime there's news abt a nigerian committin crime,it must b a yoruba person, I love yoruba ppl, bt there are alwys in d news for d wrong reasons in d uk,i am not insulting dem bt its d truth and d truth is bitter
Young lads, train up a child in d way he shd go n wen he's old he shdn't depart frm it, dis is so sad. I pray de change for good.
Omo Yoruba! Make una dey disgrace us
Hahahahaha no b small ndi ofe ose/mmanu
ndi ofe mmanu want to give us bad name in the UK! I use to see them as cowards but these latest events of the one that beheaded a soldier in the UK and these boys now have given me a rethink. No offense intended please
Yoruba....we hail oh! wher r those tribalistic morons sendin igbo kwenu yestrday,hop U̶̲̥̅̊ r bowing Ūя̲̅ heads in shame
Nawa oh...well now U̶̲̥̅̊ see pple cn b good or bad irrespective of wot tribe they belong to
Biko kwusinu ikpo ebe madu si iyi, nke ndi be anyi neme kwanu? Unu achogo ibido. What is bad is bad kam kwue eziokwu.
Lmao!!!!!! No be small tin sef
Lmao!!!!!! No be small tin sef
Gud 4 him buh d stay z 2 much
U dey mad 4 mensioning yoruba.
Sad to see these young lads waste their youth.linda I was completely disappointed that you didn't deem it fit to announce Don jazzy's bday yesterday.
These r people who work hard in the entertainment industry not these fake asses who can only show off iphones and bags with no tangible source of income. You truly disappointed me. IAI
Am speechless. young boys like this with the heart to kill. Hmmmm
Na waoooh linda wetin we go do now? Anyway, I'm on my way to modakeke our oba must hear this
Nigerians just dey misbehave for England. Is it something in the food?
Hehe @ anon 5:53pm,eziokwu nna
=)) Ú°æhahahaha .
_\\_ ,dis is fun!dnt mind d idiots...oya yoruba fools cum out n talk...sha d boy above na igbo?mumu pple.dis is karma
They may bear yoruba name but never orientate as a yoruba so to hell with them both.
Why do you talk like God didn't give you a brain which he actually did. This is not about tribe and ethnicity and who says people from your own tribe don't commit felony. Please if you know you don't have a constructive comment just shut up.
These london kids tho'
The Fashion Engineer
Y is it dat nigerians go outside d country n do nothing but disgrace dia fatherland? Nawa o
Ndi ofe mmanu...always disgracing the nation as usual.
Hahaha...very funny. Dat "obodo Eliza" made me laff.
Hahaha...very funny. Dat "obodo Eliza" made me laff.
Yoruba teens here in UK are hell-bent on painting us black. Shame! Who brags with violence not to talk of doing that on the Youtube? I know my racist co-workers would dare me with this headline...but I will keep my head high, walk with my shoulders thrown back, & with my Nigerian flag up more than ever & swaying. No matter how bad my country is perceived out here..we all are not the same..I'm an example of the good! *Ivy*
The only job of a perant is to perant, a lot of Nigerian perants in the uk deliberately burry their head in the sand and these are the consequencies
I jus pity d boy life....too bad for him. Sucre says so.....
Igbo boy robbered and killed a woman last week in Italy. You are a big fool!
I guess they are not Nigerians too. Can we deny this one too. The same way some folks laboured so hard to deny Micheal Adebolajo.
Des ones will rot in jail. Dis is a long term sentence.
Some fool here will direct every issue to be a tribalistic one. Ask ur ibo brothers what they do in the US. Just common gang sh*t. .
Idle minds obviously, what a waste of youthfulness. It is a lesson to other youths when they decide to choose the dark side, smh.
Hahaha, u dey there bro.
U be fool...ode
Actor and Vandam...... na the laws in that country nor let them folks to scold them at the early stage.. e better make dem go for escortion..
Terrible, don't knw what's wrong with some human beings...but y must we always bring tribe into it. Not neccessary...and b4 any of u think am saying dis cos I'm yoruba, I can assure u dat u r probably more yoruba than I am.
Who gave birth to all these Anglo-Nigerian goons?
Omo ti a ko ba ko ni ile, ita laa ti ko! Ose
I applaud the verdict,tired of all these. This nonsense must stop!
That scar faced guy seem to be high on something
Hausa folks are silently raking up the school degrees while the Igbos and Yorubas are busy killing or robbing people abroad.....
Yoruba tinz sha
Prettiest Tribes in Nigeria:
1) Fulani & Hausas (mixed)
2) Igbos (and Igboid subgroups)
3) Efik/Ibibio
4) Kanuri
5) Edo/Delta
6) Hausa (without Fulani mixture)
7) Ijaw
8) Tiv
10) Yorubas
True Story.
Nwanne lekwa o !Owuru onyeigbo ha emeba nkpotu
Stupid bois...libers pls don't bring tribe ish into ds oh...
Serves him right.
Na God go punish you and your tribalistic mouth
LwKMD@obodo eliza, u too funny. Na ndi ofe mmanu lol.
They haven't started serving their time yet dia face be like this, I wonder how dia faces go be later
Omo ilu mi, I hail oooo...akoraye a gbe wa ooo
O buru kwa obeli ife!
After dem serve dier terms finish nw, na dem go come turn model 2 our youths 4 here as dem go dey build most expensive mansion 4 naija....hmmmmmmm! #lip sealed
M sure they are citizens of that country irrespective of d land der parents are from. That's to tell u the high rate of killing,fraud,scam and all in d state for this young lads to ve such minds already. Wow! This is a big one! This is sad!
That's the more or less reason why they don't want Nigerians in their country....#smh
Nw its nw a yoruba boi wat wld u v 2 say abt ds nw all u igbo haters
Sorry dude
omo yoruba,after you will say ibgo people way of life,come in england and see how these yorubas kids behave,they don't even respect their parents.
Their parents have failed them
The guy on e the left with the drooping eyelids has myasthenia gravies till proven otherwise! He should go for check up
hilary lol, maybe na their sauces n white pepper they disturb some nigerians 4 their. ** GIFT **
Linda, i think you got the years wrong. 22 years seems to be for just ONE of his offences.
People....did I read this correctly? Oshin got a total of 52 years? And akinyele a total of 26 years?
I totally don't agree with what they did so it serves them right to get that punishment.
But glorious nigeria...had they shot and the guy died, if oshin and akinyele have people in high places and the correct amount for bribe, they'd be Scott free roaming the streets of nigeria as though nothing happened.
It is only if dis comment was posted by a yoruba person that it will not be considered as tribalistic
let them face the consequency. Small boys wit big and evil heart.
Hapu ha ka ha nabor onwe ha ike. Ndi iberibe.
Nawa to Nigerians
It was not enough that he committed the crime without been caught; he stll had the gut to go n upload it on Youtube....how stupid!
I only pity the his family
Lmfao!! Must U go cultural on this..
Lmao! ! As in eh!
Seriously dats all u have 2 say: I am igbo and I don't buy dis. Life is all abt choices nt race.
Fuck up,lesson 4 others.
Question...Is it in d drinking water!!!
C facial sutures, dis boiz don go far, suprised non is James" maka na fa e je mi go"
Ochi egbuem o!!obodo Eliza??lmao!
Its called mental health issues......won ti kolo lon jebe (dem don crase finish)......
U should be jailed for 31yrs for being this dumb. This isn't about tribe?! When will y'all stop dancing to the tune of colonisation, segregation and pure ignorance?
See their faces sef?! Horribly looking !
Igbo yoruba fight on this post in 5 4 3 2......
Lolz YORUBA nde ofe mmanu
Ahn ahn wat happen. Young+lads together, abeg speak yoruba if english hard.
Ahn ahn wat happen. Young+lads together, abeg speak yoruba if english hard.
Oloriburuku igbo boy and girl, your people kill everyday for rituals....onye ara !!
Sad though....
Who be this ewu gambia sef
It's one Nigeria, wen will y'all get dat!
SERIOUSLY..... Bunch if hypocrites!
And with all due respect
LINDA u are part of the problems facing this country yes u.... u claim to be screening comments, yet u don't take out tribalistic comments like this. Im highly disappointed in u.
Yet u say the country is not progressing. How can it with bunch of Tribalistic idiots in here. .. #DISGUSTING#
Angry reader from Canada....
yesterday an ibo boy stole from a spanish woman and killed her. There was no story abouh his culture . Why is it the ibk hate yoruba people so much. Yet when u all become useless in ur villiage , you come back and marry a yoruba man. COME to thinm oc it . Whrre was human vflwsh sold as meat-onisha . Where was kidnpping statrted from -ibo land.who dis money ritual -Ezego. Even wher i work IBo people are terrible. The ibo lady my brother marriwd was caught on camera sleeping with another man in her husband house.
Welcome to the diaspora!
"Angry reader from canada"
Owe gi tinye isi na otele okuko, but you can't stop my comment maka na OBAGO!
This your uncooked english is giving me headache. Biko jiri ya nwayo.
Bimbo na English ana eme.
I dnt know wht kind of judge, i would like to becom, but am sure it will be where the punishment fits de crime. Haba e too mucn na, five years jail term wudnt be bad. Eyahhhhhhhhhhhhh, dis shud serve as a lesson for all dos rotten western kids Wey no sabi say shoe get size. Mtchewwwwwwww
Anon 8:30..u re a big FOOL for writing dat comment about d igbo's. Yoruba fool who doesn't knw how 2 speak simple english yet u wanna talk IDIOT...if u open dat mouth again, amadioha will strike it for u
lmaoooo.. yoruba people ofe mmanu u no get mouth...always ranting unnecessarily...now this 1 will shut u up
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah @least out of 10 crimals 9 will be ibos 1 yoruba
Abeg it has nothing to do with NIGERIA this kids wr giving birth and trained there,,watch investigation discovery,itz a normal tin for d whites to behave this way,how many killings are seen like this here am sure if he grew up here he wuda learnt morals,dnt blame it on Nigerians all biko all this SA,ghananians and canada nd evn we Nigerians
Na waa ooooo
Am here again...yoruba fools o.idiots.titi u should be jailed 4 life.idiot.be dere speaking english.yes o its bout tribe.js yesterday yorubas insulted igbos.knwing fully well dat all crimes commited in london are done by yorubas.nw excuse my laughter. =)) Ú°æhahahaha .
_\\_ kill urslves.its bout tribe.u guys made it so.idiots.
Anon 8:30 sharrrrap dere.who is marrying yoruba guy?taaaaaaa disappear.see ur english self...u can't even compose a simple sentense.yea 1 9ja but u yorubas talk 2much n we (igbos)av decided 2 reply.ur broda's wife should be shot.but I believe u r blabbing.
i think a better caption for this article would be 'Nigerian gang member jailed for 22 years for attempted murder of rival gang member'. Tell it as it is, not in a manner devised to whip up sentiment. He wasnt jailed because he posted any video on youtube abeg.
Dilly sub
THe face is the best book anyone can read. Look at their faces? There is hopelessness, lack of conscience and just "NOTHING" etched in their expressions. This is the Nigeria of tomorrow. Look at their eyes? hmmm.
Igbo boys go abroad to learn how to improve themselves, yoruba boys get carried away and want to be like TV thugs.
This are Afro-Americans , Actors in their own world, Never Criticize, None of you can walk a mile in their Shoes ... Watch his Video... Real Talent ... Young Kings !
U are a fool for this comment!!Oloshi jatijati!!
They run to england for greener pastures and look what happens to their kids. God is not a wicked God u cant abuse the welfare system and do fraud in england hence blocking things for people with genuine intentions and think God will not show u something. God forgive me but their parents should cover their faces in shame, now i ask the parents is all that owambe party life worth it now? When ur kid will rot in jail? All that card fraud and things is it worth it? Bring up your child in the way they should grow and when they grow up they will not depart from it! Even if a lot of people miss it while in their teenage years good upbringing is still very important it allows the kids trace their ways back
Stop bleaching cause you still no even fine
Imagine what a human being should boast about! What right has he to take another's life when he cant even mix flour with water to generate puffpuff. Well serves him and his cohorts right. Abeg make nobody plead mercy for them. And r we sure no be d same mama born them? Cos they so look alike.
So until they kill abi, u ddnt read dt a bullet caught someone in d neck abi?the guts to goon d net to encourage gang culture nko? Think before u type!
Lmao!!!! @Chinasa...OBAGO!!!
China as dear, ur story is like dt of ds boys here, u r in even tryn to hide ur identity, to be so tribalistic n proud of it n yet ul melt if Adenugas sun just looks at u one (he cnt look at u twice u look too cheap). U shld be ashamed of yourself. I hope u dnt live in Lagos z stay in ur village where they r all "Saints".
Bros as u don enta prison so make sure.....with all ur strength.....that u DO NOT.....drop the soap! Hahahahahaha!
Igbos are too smart to be associated with dis kind of stupidity. U commited a crime and went bragging abt it in utube. High level of Madness. An Igbo person is too for that
Please anonie 11:59 next time you direct your comment to me please write it in english. Bimbo nokata obulie phone, ona eme comment. Rubbish Ndi-Comment.
See dis smello. All oshin na gangster abi. Oponu
Lol..I like dis chinasa gal oo...sharp gal
Dear all, I read the story in the dailymail, no mention of these british boys been nigerians, these are british boys and not nigerians, have some regard for nigeria no matter how bad it may be at the moment
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