Lamar Odom reportedly demands $10m to end his marriage to Khloe | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Lamar Odom reportedly demands $10m to end his marriage to Khloe

This report is from National Enquirer so maybe y'all should take it with a pinch of salt..:-). They are  claiming Lamar is demanding $10million in hush money from Khloe plus he wants his ring back..

From The National Enquirer
Lamar Odom is demanding $10m to end his 4-year marriage to Khloe Kardashian!
Sources say the troubled NBA star has also taken a page out of his fellow hoopster Kris Humphries’ playbook by demanding Khloe’s $875,000 engagement ring back before he’ll agree to zip his lips about the K-clan’s secrets. Humphries got Kim Kardashian to return her $2 million engagement ring as part of their divorce agreement following their 72- day marriage in 2011. Odom, 34, laid out his conditions after “momager” Kris Jenner ordered Khloe, 29, to sit down with their attorneys and hammer out a divorce deal, an insider says.
“Kris and Khloe are very worried about Lamar. He’s a loose cannon, and he has a lot of dirt on the family and nothing to lose,” a source told The ENQUIRER. “He knows all about their extreme surgery procedures – when, how often and how much – and the pressure put on the younger girls to follow suit.”
“Lamar is also prepared to destroy Khloe’s reputation by discussing their sex tape, and how she targeted him and tore his family apart.”
Meanwhile, with statistics showing the Kardashian family’s popularity is plummeting, matriarch Kris apparently wants the divorce deal done ASAP. “Kris is insisting on a confidentiality agreement to ensure Lamar can never discuss his life with the Kardashians either in print or verbally,” noted the source. “He’s not signing anything until they cough up the dough.”


Her Majesty said...

This is how u know if der was EVER Love! That things dint work out dont mean u throw ur partner under the Bus! They told u things in confidence bcoz dey trusted u and LOVED u! Stupidity and Foolishness at its peak!

Unknown said...

This isn't funny.

Blackberry said...

Money hungry lamar....

Anonymous said...

Uhmmmm passing by

Anonymous said...

Lida the marriage is 7 years not 4years.(2007 -2013).

Mrs E said...

Na pure Lie. Whose should be giving the other money? Lamar can't be motivated by money. He has a lot from his MBA career than he can ever speng. Besides, the ENQUIRER have been pledged with false stories in the past

ary said...

So the Kardashians are that rich? Oya bleed them dry nigga, them do you b4!

Anonymous said...

Awh these 2 pple were so pretty together. I will hate to see them apart. So heart breaking. Everythn will b all ryt *CHIZZY*

Unknown said...

CHOI!!! First to comment ...... Yaaaaaayyyy.

Anonymous said...

I refuse to believe it, their love is pure and will always be here...I love khlomar :)

Anonymous said...

Linda abeg give us beta gist sucre says so......

Anonymous said...

Nd to think I used to admire them! Gosh! I hate to see marriage break up...rele gives me cold feet.

Pray to hv an everlasting marriage filled wiv love bd happiness, AMEN!!!!







Anonymous said...

Still on de mata oya naw we re watching de Steadyman Say So...

Anonymous said...

This is a serious matter!

MO said...

Even if we were to believe the rag mag,is this the type of men that we have around that demand alimony.khloe didn't tear his family apart.lamar wasn't even talking to his dad till khloe intervened.what if they had surgery.even average Americans do so(watch that reality show with Dr Ryan or whatever) and those are regular people.and even Nigerians are catching big deal,he should blab.cheapskates all this men.khloe should pay him off.he'll probably use it on women and drugs and finally OD.

ary said...

So the Kardashians are that rich? Oya bleed them dry nigga, them do you b4

ary said...

So the Kardashians are that rich? Oya bleed them dry n*gga, them do you b4

Anonymous said...

GOBE! This guy don hold this family for blockos. Oya madam Kris gather money pay the guy ASAP.
Smart move Lamar.

donnyperry said...

Mschewww....dat Kardashian family is cursed.Rubbish *spits*

Anonymous said...

oh my God not this i love them..well so sure its a deep deep rumour

Anonymous said...

oh my God not this i love them..well so sure its a deep deep rumor

Ameriestyle said...

This is not turning out well..

Anonymous said...

Omg... I hate to see the best Kardashian go true this... I love khole alot...I wish I could marry her...

Anonymous said...

Yimu,odom luvs her too much to demand such but again this americans can be crazy .it might be true

Mab said...

Wow too much drama, sad its happening to Khloe tho, Lamar abeg na

Lady Stelusy said...

Linda, abeg enough of this peoples story joor, it is really none of my business.

Anonymous said...

The head too strong for den... Lol

Anonymous said...

ok they have made their money and wish to return to divorce and media. so earn a little yourself too. here is a link

Anonymous said...

Pls lamar spill it out,4get abt d money

Anonymous said...

Nawa wat is rong wit lamar?khloe is a sweet lady

Igor said...

Lamar,don't even blink one bit.Hit them where it pains the most.The divorce settlement should be in your favour.Afterall they made the world believe that you were a drunk and a drug addict.

Anonymous said...

Ds guy s a BASTARD!darrissall

Anonymous said...

Mscheeeeewwww , Awon were

Anonymous said...

Wonder what kind of mother kris is. She will end up destroying d lives of her children just for fame. I think Lamar should get more than that.

Anonymous said...

i think the kardashians should stop listening to their mother. you cheat on your wife in america, publicly boast about it then you want 10million dollars from your wife so that you do not leak the secret of her family, and your mother tells you to take the offer.!!!!! since when did money become first base to respecting your 4 year marriage to your wife, when every family has its secrets. you are even threatening to expose the sex tape of you and your wife?? am just weak right now. lamar you will be the second man in history to share photos of his wife's nudity, even people don't share pics of their ex-wives, dummy!!! you can't break a heart, rob her, then imprison her, forget the little boy and let him share what he wants to the world, honestly khloe has handled this lamar issue with so much maturity am honestly impressed. but right now i don't know who is more stupid, their mum or lamar.

Anonymous said...

Lamar dry blood gon... The nigga needs some bread. lol

wemimo said...

Y don't I believe ds...

samuel nosa said...

Sharp Guy..if its true...Leumas

Unknown said...

Na lie abegi! Dem don come again

Ginger said...

O yea! way to go Lamar.they think they can destroy your life and have their own intact?it is all about entertainment so let them pay you your daam money for taking part in the show business called kardashian clan.please don't forget to milk them dry.

Nicki said...

Na wah for these kardashians sef...!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe every thing I read, but I also understand that in every rumour, there is an atom of truth.

Dee said...

Anytime I see ds guy all I fink is ' He must b huge down there' O_o :D . . . Now I see y Kardashians are into Black guyz . Khloe go miss am die! #JstSayin#OkBye

Anonymous said...

i love this couple wish they would stay together, lamar shd get his act together

Anonymous said...


owen said...

Linda, are u really serious that Lamar did this? If he did I mean someone need to take a deep look at the K's family secrets. They hurt him!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Chai! Kris Evil leading all her daughters to d path of perdition! Lamar is a loose cannon....Lmao. I will love to see the details of d surgery mehnnnn! Damnn, I knew it! Dr 90210 are involved in their fake butts n all!

First to comment!

Lindalindalin! If u like, no post my comment o!

A don yarn ma own!

Unknown said...

Wooohhhhh,wat a shame,they shuld give him wat his demandin in other 2 avold disgrace if @ all d care......

Anonymous said...

Eni †Ī¦ BA kole ito, iri lo maa woo!

Unknown said...

Don't tell me dis is true

Anonymous said...

Finally some man with balls standing up to this family. Khloe was busy playing the wounded victim whiles tarnishing Lamar's reputation.i hope he drains them b4 they drain him

Anonymous said...

this is just a stupid rumor.

Anonymous said...

and yes, first to comment

Anonymous said...

Kris jenner is a very stupid woman....what's r business if dey divorce or not...well its her children dt are allowing her control her!!stupid foolish woman!!!such a control freak!!yes lammy dey shud pay u!

Anonymous said...

Mehn!!! And i used to think these two here were so madly in Love# Shit just hit the fan real bad this time...I feel so bad for Khloe and Lamar,i really was a huge fan of them and thought they were amazing together :(


Anonymous said...

Nawa o for this Karsdashians ,always one divorce story or the other.nonsense

Unknown said...

we don hear....

deczy said...

Marriage is good business abroad mehn..

Unknown said...

Kardashians and their troubles.

Blossoms by nsture said...

Heyy na wa o!! Ist she cudnt hv a child..nw its a divorce...I love khloe..more dan any1 in da kardashian it easy dear.dt dre mom ehhh..

Anonymous said...

Ghan Ghan! Is lamar an ibo man? Lol abeg take ur ring back,dz ppl won't kill me with laughter,na lamar fit them hez evn demanding more money hehehe


Anonymous said...

Awwwwww,lamar luv...u n khloe wia supa cute 2geda seriously..buh shit happens..n I still luuuuuuuv u

Anonymous said...

Nothing is wrong with d kardashians,the guy lamar is just a fool....never liked him,he was married earlier and dump his wife and kids for khloe,karma will def catch up with him, useless ,untrained goat!!

Anonymous said...

Lamar is just being foolish I think d kardashians should allow him open his big mouth and say d crab he wants to say after all nobody is a saint.

Anonymous said...

Lamar is just being foolish I think d kardashians should allow him open his big mouth and say d crab he wants to say after all nobody is a saint. Lamar will only end up fooling himsef.

Anonymous said...

Good for her, nah so her mama self take get money mtchew, Dem go dey divorce dey carry person properties, she don teach her pikin lol

Anonymous said...

Nah there mama dey kuku teach dey, nah so she dey get all her money and properties, smh dem kardashian, dey won scatter d guy, him self use hin sense lol

Post am oh Linda


Anonymous said...

Typical of this generation men.

Xamira said...

Ow foolish can u b? Wat will u gain 2 see de down fall of sm1? I pray it happens 2 u,den u will learn 2 wish pple well.. oloshsi

Anonymous said...


Ash baby said...

Big Lie oooooooooo,nofin of such

Anonymous said...

They made the world believe????which planet are you on.the guy is a fucking addict and trying to go clean.olodo

Anonymous said...

Just shut up! Do u know how much he is making? Aproko..forming tmz

Anonymous said...

Is it your blog? Why are u now commenting if it's not your business?

Anonymous said...

I don't wonna believe dis story, I so love dis couple,wonda how whites derive so mach joy in divorcing.....was der ever love if dis saga is true?

chizzzy baby said...

I don't know wat realy transpire btw both family,but if u ask me allow him to make fool of himself nobody is a saint thanks.

Rough Diamond said...

Is dis chioma okpara?

Anonymous said...

Only in Nigeria you will believe the grocery store magazine, the National Enquirer

OJAI said...

Na wa oo

Anonymous said...

Be khlomarising urself knock knock!! Who is there?...the real world

Chichi Taichi Okere said...

@8:41pm,For a mouth as big as Lamar's,it can't be crab...lobster maybe?

Anonymous said...

Good for her

Anonymous said...

National Enquirer are liars!!. Wait for TMZ to confirm it..

Anonymous said...

linda u ve slark havn't u had dat OJ SIMPSON is a biological fada of klohe & dats y she is diff frm all her sibblings #lmao#

Dr David Chux.O. said...

I have said it before and I repeat for emphasis, Kanye Waste is next to be destroyed by the Kardashians. These are a bunch of fake people who thrive by luring popular people to hype their importance. Lamar should leave the money and go all out to expose them. Look at how they have turned Kanye waste to a first class idiot. His bussiness is in tatters and all he cares about is being Kim's publicist. Somebody has got to spill the beans. The Kardashians are men killers!

Anonymous said...

Keeping up with the oloshians good for them,look at how they treated Kris humphries.oya Lamar bleed them dry don't allow this to go down easy for them. Imagine Kris Jenner alleging that her ex husband I mean the Jenner guy is a secret transversite,idiot let the pay through their nose mr odom

Asamkpotoko said...

#word# but dis girl tried hard 2 make dis marriage work. She even tried,by kipping her ctrl freak mum out of sm marital decisions unlike mumu Kim. Its well wit dem!

Asamkpotoko said...

Honestly,d girl is such a sweetheart. From d 1st day I had abt dis divorce drama,my heart aches. Dis s d girl dat gave her all 2 make her man happy and her marriage work! Always exploring new tins to color her marriage,I remember Kourtney calling her sneaky sis bc she picked her call but refused 2 disclose wat she was up2 wit Lamar. Now u c d reason Kourt s having babies and refused 2 wed Scot?(not justified though) I love dis girl and her ability 2 hand stress and pressure unlike my dearest Kim wey her mama don turn her brain upside down but Kanye s trying. 2 turn it bak but I pray it lasts!

Anonymous said...

khole and her mum leaked that Lamar and his friend video to make him look bad. Pay back is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Dis is unbelivable......lamar dis is not ryt

Anonymous said...

NBA not MBA. Thank me later.

JOYCHY said...

Has d love gone so cold already.
Dat wld be very Childish of Lamar 2 do dat, Bsides wasn't he in2 drugs and all...
He just free d Kardashians abeg & stop being a Pest.....

Anonymous said...

@ Her Majesty, Love ur comment, it's real FACT

Anonymous said...

U go school at all???2007-2013 is it not 6 yrs..u n linda who worse..lool

Anonymous said...

Duh..its 4 years tho. They got married in 2009. Get ur facts right before u start correcting linda

Anonymous said...

Lmao..Abi o..*spits too*

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