Five months after giving birth to baby North, Kim Kardashian looks hotter than ever. But while Kim says that she's shed the 70 pounds of pregnancy weight by doing the Atkins Diet and exercising, Life & Style can exclusively reveal that the reality star has also been sneaking off to get secret cutting-edge cosmetic procedures to get her body back.
A source says the new mom has been seeing Dr. Simon Ourian, a Beverly Hills cosmetic plastic surgeon based at the discreet and upscale Epione clinic. She’s been getting work done, including fillers, stretch-mark treatments and a fat-reducing ultrasound procedure on her stomach that costs up to $5,000 a session.Kim K took to Twitter a few hours ago to deny the report. See what she wrote after the cut...
Life & Style continues...
Kim, who most recently visited Dr. Ourian on Nov. 13, gets the Coolaser treatment, which chills the skin and then uses light pulses to vaporize skin cells — removing wrinkles, scars, saggy skin and stretch marks.
“It’s popular with celebrities post-baby to reduce stretch marks and sagging in the tummy and breast areas,” an insider tells Life & Style. The Epione clinic can also use ultrasound to melt a layer of fat just beneath the skin.
While Kim's rep denies she’s being treated by Dr. Ourian, insiders tell the mag that she's going to great lengths to keep her visits a secret.
A source from the clinic shares that “Kim and other high-profile clients can sneak in through a back door” to keep from run-ins with the paparazzi. And during one trip to a laser hair-removal clinic — another of Kim’s secret weapons — she pretended to be visiting the Pilates studio next door. “She even wore workout clothes to throw off the photographers and begged them to make it look like she was going inside to work out, not to get laser treatments,” an insider spills to Life & Style.Kim's response...
Kim kim i trust her,anything to get a shape back
Oh my God! What the fucking hell on earth am i seeing mehn dis is too bad
Wtf?? see what this naughty nigerian lady uploaded on twitter+18.
Wahever,so far she's got her great body back either tru surgery or work out
Kim Kardashian with her baby weight is still much attractive than some fat thick-minded celebrity lunatics from Nigeria. Ride on, Kim!
If u call a liar a liar will she/ he admit it .......ofcourse she is going to deny it. Linda enough with this talentless porn star
My dear leave dem alone....cos people must talk...u are so beautiful !!!!!
I give the mag 50% chance that the news could be true. She seems desperate to lose those post baby fat like her life depend on it.
Wetin concern us with this one. Linda please give us real gists.
hummm sounds like wat Kim will do.i no doubt them sha cos she too dey lie.
Whether Kim went natural or not is not my biz, just wish I was afforded the opportunity of this treatment, I'll be very happy. Nothing to be ashamed of
hehehe shey she had been doing b4? Y is it news naw n y is she frustrated?
Am dodgıng d wash!*ın suspects voıce!..nhad ma bız dou,oll ı knw z shez lookın good evn afta dah bırth n ol!,surgery or no surgery...moreova,surgery aınt a new trend 2 dese whytıes,so wat ıf she dıd! Mz_NenyeH
Awww stories that touch the heart!
U seem to have a lot of problems using leave n live....... Back to ur dictionary!
Whether she did it or not, it's no one's business...why can't people just leave dis babe alone. Today Kim did dis, 2moro Kim did dat. Abeg, abeg r dey not tired...d koko is dat she lost d weight simple..evn if she did d surgery, it was her money not theirs. abeg dey should go and sleep jare..Too many haters.
jeez did she say "discipline" bet she doesnt know that word.
useless ape!
And so wat? live ur life gurl...linda if u like make u bone my comment
u aint frustrated yet, this is just the beginning! media monger
Kim u dont nid 2 b frustrated,its d haters n jealousies dat nid 2 b.if u r out of shape pple wud critize,now u r normal wit or witout surgery.i wish i cud afford dis surgery sef i wud mostly do it in my breast n tummy region n cut out every unnessary sagging jhoooor.Kim u sexy die.
dayuuuum.... she rocks any day. much love Kim.
I can bet you she is happy about this news!! New publicity for her and her show! Then am sure they would include this in the script of the next episodes...khloe and kim would now go to the doctors to "confirm" she didn't have surgery..smh..all na packaging!
I bilive she worked hard nd ate rite 4 dat body...u rock honey!
@d most disciplined person you will ever meet....
Even if she did surgery wats anyone's bizness........if I had money like her,I'd do surgery too! Na her mony dey talk!
You are drinking panadol on top what Kim doesn't evn see as a headache. She craves attention n publicity whether good or bad. In her words, "no publicity is bad" don't tell d media 2 leave her alone if not she'll just die
They shukd leave kim alone dats how they said she wasn't pregnant wen she was as she became bloated with full breasts. They r jst hating in her
LMAO@Melvina,you couldn't have said it any better,my exact thoughts#Teamrudegirl,L0L
Ps: Don't be mad Kim,this is what happens when you tell too many Lies and Live a very fake Life..Now no one can tell for sure when you're really saying the truth
I can just imagine What chisom n. Is saying to this.
Nawa oh bad belle ppl. Btw pls I need just 5k dollz fr jst 1 treatment to dt Dr cn change ma life. Thanks. Poplady
Oh well, we all know how Kim can be very obsessive about her looks. I won't put it past her but it's possible she lost it through Diet and Exercise cos even while she was pregnant, she was a regular at d gym.
Fake is the new trend and everyone is cool with it.. Well she's not the first neither will she be the last..
Surgery or no surgery...she stil luks gud so it doesn't really mata
True or Not... its not my business.
Its a normal thing, wish Nigeria had gud plastic surgery clinics b'cos I must do plastic surgery
Really who cares!!! NEXT! Linda abg make u no post ma comment o,comment selector.#sighs#
U guys shuld let her b jare,surgery or no surgery,is none of ur bizness,u all knowns wat d aar capable of doin,@least her man kanye is nt complainin.#Takeitinside#
The procedure I can see is around her LIPS, that one is no denial, and as much as it's non of my business, it's made her look a lot less pretty....but trust kim, always lying...keep up with ur face and u 'll look like Joan Rivers soon...
kim you are a fucking liar. worked out ko ni? if it takes you nine months to put on the weight everyone one knows it is going to take you at least nine months to loose it , there is no working around that and no magic. Diet won't make you loose 70pounds in 5months. And still be toned out. It is not humanly possible. Not like you had a six pack b4 baby. You are only just promoting the diet program cos they are probably paid you millions for it. So shut ur hole trap, everybody doesn't have fish brainl like you to believe your lies. It is a normal thing in hollywood n you are no exception, Just be real for once so people can love you for you. N the more you lie about things like this, the more you make good hardworking women who are trying everyday to loose baby weights thru exercises and diet feel unaccomplished.
Dey should just free dis babe nah....haba, Cant she live a normal life.
kini big deal if she had a surgery! Wld do d same if I ve d cash...sexyprettykim k
Fallen Boobs..*jumps inside swim pool*
Agreed.... HONORABLE LILY if na you be kim, u go gree say u do surgery? Abeg make dem free am biko cause wether surgery or no surgery, kim rocks.
Kim k is always cool anytime anyday.
U must be d ugliest in nigeria....its ur type dat gives Rough Diamond some hope
Which ever way she choose to loose the weight is her biz. All these busy body journalist shld go and yansh down.
Why won't people just allow Kim to live her life. Is it until she commits suicide before they will rest? Haba surgery or no surgery its her biz
Karen igho that asint gone through childbirth but she already knows all the cheap low profile cosmetic surgeons nko abeg aunty linda talk her own abeg
Who kias? If she lik let her evn use acid 2burn off d fat....Na her body nw
Exactly!me too
What ever u do pple will always talk, so do what so ever dat pleases u!
And so kim of all people claims to be the most decent person, I wish
Ur generation is d most useless of all ... Baboons
God bless you.
Who is this rat? She doesn't know u exist. She's definately more beautiful and successful than you. Get a life pls!!!
This ppl are humans and the get hurt too, so if she feels fustrated that isn't strange.
They are not saying the truth... I had a baby 2months after she did and while pregnant I gained 30kg,now I have lost 24kg and my baby is 3months old... I am not even doing half the exercise this Yankee celebrities do,just my 40mins daily workout..... So if she has lost all her own,I believe her totally...
Haters sha, i gave birth sometime this year and got my body back including flat tommy within 3 months so its absolutely possible for her to do it witout surgery.So many women are not disciplined and determined thats why they go about with over bloated tommy and hate on any one who is able to achieve what they could not.
please these people should leave kim k alöne, even if she did surgery, what about it? Abeg rock ur new bod and shun haters
I lost all my baby weigth before my boy turned 3months,I wish I could post my pictures, I am way hotter than Kim, and I am not even doing exercise just watching my food, baby weight only stays if you want it to. My boy just turned 1, and all I hear is are you sure you are the mother? I look and feel great. There is no big deal.
@Fummi D, I agree with u, one of my fears about pregnancy was the aftermath:fat and big tummy. May be becos I had this fear it kept me grounded. 2months after giving birth am back to my pre pregnancy weight with my flat tummy which I am going to tone up at the gym soon.
Women you can do it, don't let the harm be done becos it will be too late except u wanna do surgery.
Pls be disciplined, I see some women with big bottles of beer with pepper soup and I shake my head. Don't let naija men infect you with the lifestyle of potbellies cos that's what they are known for. Be health consious
This woman is just so endowed, very shapy and ever her b**bs are still firm from those transparent stuff she is putting. Why I gbadun her very well is that not only shape, come to facial beauty, she is there too, unlike Nicky Minaj that is that that beautiful and over robust endowment
See the new Toshiba laptop that last for 22hrs after a single charge
At anonymous 1:20, u're d fuckin liar..I ave gained ova 40 pounds ova d last 2years..wit excersicin nd eatin rite, I ave lost 22 pounds in two months nd 2 weeks ..so honey it is humanly possible
I think she may have got a little help but that is not to say she didn't work out or diet, Kim and Kourtney seem dedicated to being fit and healthy.
I also think this magazine may just be lying to sell cos they said she tried to dodge into a laser hair removal clinic, and Kim has always been upfront about the fact that she does laser hair removal. One episode of KUWTK showed the sisters going for laser hair removal, at some interview she also commented on how she considered laser hair removal compulsory for her due to the fact that she was of Armenian heritage and quite hairy...
Even so, na her body and her money, if she wan cut her nyansh sew put for her head, e no concern anybody.!!
Ping 21AC1B31, if u can work with Torch Magazines, limited spaces available!
Me three
linda you are obsess with kim
When ever Kim issue is raised u sound so pained. Ur envy radiates more than the halogen light. Media monger oo, porn star o or what ever u choose to call her. She is worth more than all ur 10th generation to come. So better take some ice pack place on ur chest befor there will be a volcano eruption in ur heart
Exactly wot I wanted 2say naw..lmao..
Wealth b like,I must comment..#Odiegwu#
Look who is calling kim ape..lmao
D earlier u stop hating d successful bitch,d bera 4u..you nid 2get a life tho.
such a thing should not make one upset!
Having no means to feed your family
Having no means to educate your child should,
being unable to find employment should...
Kim you are beautiful and I believe you have not done surgery but there are worse problems out there
Abeg! U peepz shu free kim,na her money kee am
I love you KIM!
What weight loss. Her body's still huge.
I don't trust Kim k jor...even before d baby she does all sort on her body...now that d baby is here she is telling us its all exercise...yeah right!
Go to school, osi mba. Sigh. Odinma
Hummmmm, na wa oh. No be fight abeg, she won't even read this your comment in the first place.
Gosh! I so luv u for ds comment! Million LIKES!!!
Congrats dear
Chai! Hating on some1 dt doesn't even know u exist. Smh!
First its kim carrying fake pregnancy now its post pregnancy surgery.At what point will they leave this lady alone biko.......she has emotions na
If na Genevieve now, una go say na Olympus has fallen 2. Can't y'all see this IS the original Olympus?
LIts not even bad if she did a surgery or got laser treatments...if its an affordable thing, most women will do it. And now she says she worked out hard to get her shape back why cant we all agree. Kim k is beautiful I love her... And I believe all these is just in a bid to get her to be unhappy.. Its beef and hatred... Get a life
U never seem to see anything good in people,u call Kim an Ape?and unfortunately ur picture shows u are probably a student in a horrible village school...Linda pls u need to start screening people making comments on this blog.This particular APE definitely needs psychiatric attention(if u like tae my comment chop egusi soup)
Dere z notin 2 b frustrated abt.evn if she did surgery en so abeg jorh na ur moni kill am
The point when setting out on another fitness program, numerous individuals do it only when they get time. This is not the ideal way to approach it. It gets to be too easy to let other things in your life turn into the priority. Attempt to schedule your exercise schedule the same time every week. For instance, scheduling your jogging at 6:30 pm daily helps you to make a habit which is easier to follow and gives you enough motivation for weight loss.
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