Beckham, who opened up about the incident in a documentary titled The Class of ’92, said the incident happened when he was just 16 years old. He said he was forced to stare at a calendar photo of eighties Reds soccer player Clayton Blackmore (pictured right) and pleasure himself, while his teammate watched, as part of an embarrassing hazing ritual.
“Everyone had an initiation that you had to go through on the youth team, that was one of the most uncomfortable ones. The fact that I had to look at Clayton Blackmore’s calendar and do certain things. I was embarrassed when I was saying it on camera let alone talking about it more. But it’s something that we all had to go through. It was definitely something I wouldn’t like to go through again!' Beckham saidThe Class of ’92, is a documentary about the generation of Manchester United stars who came of age two decades ago.
Always knew soccer players were a bunch of "fruit cakes"!
ewwwwwwwwwwww! I could imagine how embarrassed he must have felt.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Lol...d great becks, bt nw u gt vicki
hmm that's disgusting,what type of useless initiation is that one?
hmm too bad
Dat one na small tin na...na to just de look de calender com carry one naked woman pic put for ur mind de do de tin...make dem bring am make I do am....
Eewwwwwww that's gross & embarrassing
Nawa ooo!!!pls don't tell me am not first to comment*dream come true*praise him da lord*
Hmmmmm,initiation into football..
Hmm dis is way beyond me,dunno wah to say
╔══╦╗────╔╗╔═╗─╔╗─╔══╗ ║══╣╚╦═╦╦╣╚╣║╠╦╣╚╗╚╗╔╬═╗ ╠══║║║╬║║║╔╣║║║║╔╣─║║║╬║ ╚══╩╩╩═╩═╩═╩═╩═╩═╝─╚╝╚═╝ my adorable sis;
Iwumune 'suavy' chizoba...wu †ђξ best of wah u wish ursef n llnp.
Why didn't u say it then, it is now u r saying it when u hv retired ,enjoy d moni n fem..n stil enjoying it,tell dat to d ants(meemee).
Lol now we know for sure this footballers sex their selfs in the locker rooms b4 matches
This is funny. But sorry for you though. But where is the video prove?
pastor’s wife runs mad after drinking ‘monkey tail’ indian hemp and alcohol see pics
That's funny sha!!!
Imagine that he must look like a fool then, Governor Oshiomhole Apologises
Over Comments To A Widow
Do what you have to do to gain what you want,fulfilment of that proverb eh latest gist Governor Oshiomhole Apologises
Over Comments To A Widow
Bet he didn't say masturbate na; he said 'certain things' #sigh
Absurd Crancks!
Bonario, you again!!! You must be highly jobless! Do you have a job apart from going through LIB every second?....I usually don't visit this site often but when I do, you are here like a virus, always making comments even when they don't make any sense. Sometimes silence and moving on is better than foolish utterances. Get a life!!!
Whatever, initiations are supposed to be embarrassing. That's the point.
@anon 9:23am u can never b d 1st 2 comment here *tongueout*
Ewu gambia come carry ur xmas gift
The Red Devils, ndi ncha lol
Gross!..z dah 'sposed toh b an ınıtıatıon or wat?..ıssoaraı!
Occultic things.time to open up na I can see were they are getting their fame from man u. red devils if u cuss back to you if u nor publish na ur blog buh me I don yan my mind
Dts a sin against d holy spirit.sweet LINDA,hw far my proposal?***#i still luv u
Okaaaaay, that's just sick!
pls wake up okay
Anonymous 9:23AM yes I'm tellin u fool dat ur not d 1st to comment. So ur dream in life is to be d 1st to comment here, I pity ur life and d people looking up to u.
Ode,die plz bitch!
Eya not nice.. Please libers I need advice on what to use on my face & body to achieve this shiny bridal look.. My wedding is coming up. Abeg help a Sister with glowing secrets!drop names of good cream, soap for body & face.. My face is very oily & I breakout a lot.. Thanks worried lady..
That wasn't too bad since since every member of the team also did the samething, and are all guilty of the initiation.
Too bad! Hey BONARIO d bona boy I like ur sense of humor
Eya not nice.. Please libers I need advice on what to use on my face & body to achieve this shiny bridal look.. My wedding is coming up. Abeg help a Sister with glowing secrets!drop names of good cream, soap for body & face.. My face is very oily & I breakout a lot.. Linda pls post asap.. Thanks worried lady..
Space booked
Hmmm na wa ooo
Try harder next time
Dats how it is,I was made 2suck a girls pussy in front of my coach and club officials b4 I played for Alvaton atletics in Norway.
Wtf?...This is disgusting and inhumane..Thank God it no longer happens..Lady caught stealing weavon beaten, disgraced and stripped naked..watch here
Annon 9:23 u r not d first to comment so go hit ya head on d world,Useme nte afo
I hope they've stopped the useless ritual. Gross
But u enjoyed it sha?
$ soo! Make we hate Man U! Abeg joor take a stroll 2 lagoon!
Lmao...you are jonzing!
Anon 10:25 u will b the one to die, why tell ur fellow human being to go and die
Use lemon juice to wash your face.
Happy married life
How much are u earning, do u drive range rover sport, do u have ur own masion in banana republic, infact I will still get back to you but u really need to have all this before my baby (linda) will accept u! I don't want her to smell poverty in her entire life.
Abegii oh na joke I dey oh
Ur name should enter d guiness book of records for the dumber fool alive
Shut up you cunt.
I've really missed this blog. I've missed Bonario, bloglord n prince charming n of course U Linda.
Anony 10 26 go τ̅☺ homeandskincandeez.blogspot.uk Fø̲̣̣я̅ tips on how τ̅☺ look G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ on Ūя̲̅ special day.hml. Mine is nxt sat
Anonymous, why don't u mind ur business and stop insulting that guy, him steal ur gf. Haba, u keep saying get a life. He is alive he wouldn't be needing a life, idiot u get a life, since u need a spare.
Well every club has their way of welcoming newbies, as bizzare as it may sound....
You anon 9:44 are so stupid because you're worse than a bacteria... Wetin concern u if bona dey comment? Na your phone e dey use abi he comment so u go read am? Jobless fools like u that chase people out of blogs! Just like u peeps chased PC out, u wnt to chase bona ba? E no go work! Since u no dey comment why not read and move on and if u don't like his comment vex inside ur belle. Imagine ur stupid life judging someone else! Get a life and get out of LIB... Dey for blog police... Bastard #sponicobabani
anonymous! stop hating! u stink of envy.
@Anonymous November 30, 2013 at 9:27 AM, Beckham na 7 e dey play o.. Why e go fem ?
sounds unbelievable. the maximum height of embarassment. i dont its true...lolzzzz!!!
U this fool of bobaraba son of a dog. U want to die the your stupid father died abi. As you already know you father is in hell for the hatred you have for igbos. Brainless fool.
Bona u r a jobless mofo...u dey find hubby 4 ur mgbeke sista init?annoying lil twat
Ashawo bastard
Which proposal, Atilofwu dancer like you....mtcheeew go meet sikira wey dey sell pepper beside ur street..m.yeeeeeees! That one, go propose to am...ewu calabar!
This is not right I hope that will not repeat its self again.
Masturbation is very sweet, I can tell you that, its one of the sweetest thing I know, but def not doing it in the presence of other people, I can imagine how embarrasing that could be.
What an initiation...
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This is the sexiest thing i've read in a long time and i'm a babe! Nothing better than watching a guy getting it off with himself. What more in the presence of other guys. What more a straight man to the picture of another man. The internal riot he must've bn going thru... yet his body was responding otherwise. oh my! I dare say I have my "getting my groove on" image 4 the 2014! Thanks Linda! Kisses David. Hehe
Guys get a grip of your selves. If you watch high school or college movies, you should know this is a regular thing. Not that I am in support but this white kids would make you do something crazy before they make you going their team or gang like I watched one where the guys were stripped naked under the snow and peed on.
Hello dear Worried Lady,I know every bride loves to glow on her wedding day,I totally understand you but I like to advice brides against quick actions,most times the bride 2 be ends up hurting her skin and giving her makeup artist more covering up to do at the end of the day...but if your skin is as in urgent need of help as your making it seem,you may want 2 try these...drinks lots of clean water esp 1st thing in d morning. Take less junk and more of foods,more veggies and fruits. My darling u'll be shocked at how much glow ur skin will have even without creams n all. Spa!!..yes,go have some facials and whole body massages done (even u no go believe d outcome of a good body pampering). I don't know how far b4 ur wedding,but try this. As 4 d oily skin,a good cleansing n scrubbing with agents meant 4 oily skin can hlp close d pores abit *wink*
Finally darling,a visit 2 a good dermatologist 2 make professional recommendations will not be a bad idea. If u r in abj,there is 1 very close 2 jevnik (opposite rita lori)
Hey Anon 9.44am what's your issh with Bona do you have to show your discomfort so easily to the LIBs? what is this site meant for?its for read and comment. What are you doing here at that time?how do we know youn don't come here always cause there are so many ANONS here so for you to be commenting that early shows your are an addent LIB reader and commentator please its a free world let the dude be for pete's sake if you don't like his comment stay away,
Shocking and disgusting.
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ha! what we do for fame. hehehe.. wonder how Vicki felt when she heard this
Anon 9.44 u strike me like a mentally derailed person. Obviously you have a brain condition. Can't u just make your comment and leave? Must you curse? That's the Aftermath of bad upbringing
Ehnn! No wonda most Man U fans use soap as their babe! Ogbo ncha 1! Linda I wan see ma coment I no say u be Man u fan!
Please is Bonario and Bona Boy ...the same person?
Hmmm dat means dat sombody lik mikel must hav pass true dis,God help us all
Gosh! i just love this beckham of a guy. So hot, sexy and rich!! Not like most lame naija guys who spend hours lifting weight with no money In their pocket. Would cheat on my bf to fuck this guy a hundred times over. i don't even mind bringing two of my crazy friends along for a nice foursome. #TeamBecks
This is pure ritual just they way cult groups act, but its quite unfortunate that it is happened in the sporting arena
MTN browsing with VPN blocked, Airtel BIS still blazing, find out
Nawa o! Life is much more full of surprises than I thought!
Lind start to dey post my coment o base on who I be "llol
lili no gist 4 us 2day?
That just crazy and disgusting
Crazy and disgusting mtcheww
Of course his team mates would love that. Why do you think they hug and kiss after each goal?
Will your sister understand what you just wrote? What is 'wah' and 'ursef'? You must have just entered school before this strike started. Pele
Mix the water from a cashew seed with the seed of a blended fresh pepper. Apply on your face as a paste for 30 mins then rinse with Hot water. You'll have a glowing skin like that of a new born baby. I just tried it & it worked.
Bona! Jobless idiot, one wonder why u had been using 3310 for more than 10yrs
is it jst mi or are my eyes not functioning again???... Did Prince Charming quit LIB? Its really been awhile i saw his comments..
Oh noooooo, my childhood ruined *sad face*
E dey hapun nah! Sure tin...hehhe Do Not Click Here If You Are Not Bold
Go fuck urself!
Lol the comments are always more fun to read than the stories. Go guys u all rock :))) thanks to Linda though
Mumu, you for masturbate for inside church na. Fool.
Wait o,itz masturbation a sin ni? Evn priest nd pastors masturbate,I mean how else will u offload?
Idiot of England...........,Sorry.
Really embarrasing can imagine how it feels...doo
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Hmm he's a man and we're discussing football which is seen as a man's game. I notice there is some criticism but the reactions here haven't been too condemning of him. If it were a woman being "initiated" into modelling or even women's football how will Nigerians have reacted?
Use therapy spa virgin vie..its a skin treatment oil. Will help ur skin glow..you can also get original dr.miracles cream and soap or clear nature body milk..av used all and they are very good products esp that therapy spa body oil
Wats about dis first to comment sef way we no go hear sontin? Linda de dash house?? Is wa!!!!
Anon. 9.44am thank you very much...banario naggs is jobless..must u comment? I wonder if u hv time for ur so called gf..
Even if u r first..gini mekwa? Will it reduce d price of crayfish in the market? People cn Jones sha
If u don't have anything to say,sit ur ass down an go get a life,weiting be ur own wit bona shuuu.
Bad sha May God forgive you all as you repent
Ur J̲̣̣̣U̶̲̥̅̊§τ̲̅ a moron.. Nuh necc abeg!
Thank God!!!!
Babe you bad ooh.
Gosh wat is with u guys and bonario
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i jst d pass here
Anon 2:34pm, y evils? Poster,pls don't answer d anon o.... He /she is just a witch.
@TemiFawks u foool.....fuck u nd look if u dnt hve wat 2 comment beta fuck off nd stop commentin nonsnce.......foool
The gods are wise
Walk ashiner
Awww!! Dear! Have we met before? Why you so serious? Sound like you're washed up. We live In a world of 'options' and 'choices', so please leave or live with it.
@anony 8:57: U rock deary!
Disgusting gay tinz!!!!
Na so e dey begin!!!!!!!!
How dare he come and expose such secrets???
For d fact dah we live in a world of options and choices doesn't mean you should come up here and post adultreous and dirty comments u dumb useless bitch@temifawks.. Have some respect idiot!!! Beckham z got a wife,kids and a happy family u silly distructcted bitch...
daht wot futbal is up to?
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