Bimbo Thomas says she regrets sending nude photos to ex-lover | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 2 November 2013

Bimbo Thomas says she regrets sending nude photos to ex-lover

Actress Bimbo Thomas granted an interview recently to The Nollywood Reporter, where she admitted sending nude photos to a married ex-lover. Bimbo says it's one the big mistakes of her life.
"Yes, I have been in love before and I have been involved in relationships I thought was love but wasn’t.. There was this relationship I thought would lead to the altar. I was committed to it and the guy was committed too but it still didn’t work out. We are still friends though. When I came out of that relationship, I didn’t want to date again. I just wanted to be left alone but you know women and love; I found another guy, he was the kind of guy one will call a gentleman. I fell in love with him; I could do anything for him. I even made a mistake that still tugs at my conscience till date; I sent him my nude photos. 
Looking back now, it was one mistake too many especially when I realized the guy was deceiving me as he was married with children. I cried and cried! I almost gave up on everything thing but God kept me.”
On asking why she made such a stupid mistake, she replied, “Yes, it is a stupid mistake but you know celebrities are humans too.  We hurt, we laugh, we cry, we love, we grief and do everything every other human being does. We fall in love and make mistakes. Though we fall down like the Bible would say, but we can’t stay down, we get up and keep forging ahead. Many guys that approach femalecelebrities have evil intentions.

Responding to questions on if she will gladly date again, the Omo Ghetto star said she will but will approach the subject cautiously. “Dating is now something I dread. I don’t think I will give up on love but the next guy might pay for the sins of others.” She said amidst laughter laced with vengeance. We can’t help but pray God helps the next guy.

Bimbo Thomas, a graduate of creative art from the University of Lagos, came into the industry a few years ago and after a series of small roles, became a household name, thanks to “Omo Ghetto”, a Yoruba movie produced by popular Actress cum Producer, FunkeAkindele.


Unknown said...

hmnnn...i hear u..

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Story story!!!!! Once upon a time
Time time

Unknown said...

Story story!!!!! Once upon a time
Time time

pweetys protege said...

STFU Biatch! U lie too much. She used to be my toilet cleaner back then in Unilag until she wanted to steal my boyfriend from me! I beat her up and left a scar on her in inner thigh. U can chek,it's an hideous scar. Now,she's begging me to accept her back as a cook but I say no,my boyfriend Lynxxx,will not like an actress as any maid in my beautiful mansion becos they are nudists!

Apple said...

This so called "celebrities' are even more STUPID than we all think, they sleep around ( most of them ) so guys don't take them seriously, all the men want to do is just hit and run.

Anonymous said...

Who is she please?

BLOGLORD (MVBM) said... need Crying over spilled milk.
Get up, Dust yourself and move on!
That's life!
Everybody make mistakes.

Anonymous said...

I blame upbringing. The fake and pretentious copycat life style that most Nigerians creat to decide themselves that they are exposed. Both parents go to work and leave the mostly abused maid to bring up the children. Unsupervised internet assess for kids. That is why a full grown misguided african woman would decide to send naked photos of herself to a man. The funny thing is that many are doing it . So the typical response of throw the first stone will ensue. Girls please go and undo your bad upbringing you are not western you don't look western , you are essentially african. Respect yourselves . I just wonder what type of parents these type will make.

Anonymous said...

Yes we all make mistakes. But most importantly pick the lesson and move on.

Anonymous said...

some times i wonder some of this ofe-mmanu actresses, why must it be married men and some of we young single guys go dey eye una and una go dey fall our hand

Anonymous said...

But the picture never surfaced online so why the freaking regret pele o. Olodo. But i love dat

tragic- lady and lover dies after having too much sex see Graphic pic

Anonymous said...

love you bimbo. go all the way.

Petro... T said...

Sorrry dear, everybody must have history of life and leasons thought by life...... Itz better you listen and learn

Anonymous said...

It happens sometimes,ur man is on d way just stay positive

Anonymous said...

come date me na lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AyAvoseh said...

No amount of love will make me send nude pics to my husband nt to talk of boy frd.....Ladies be wise.

ary said...

I don't understand this recent need for lovers to take nude pictures of themselves, especially in this digital age when anything and everything seems to find its way to the net.

Unknown said...

hmm good for her,next time in your next relationship,you send your nude pic with your vagina wide open Okay? can't make Any responsible girl to do that,you know what you are and stop blaming love for your ungodly act! i guess you were just a desperate b**ch(⊙o⊙)

Mihearty said...

Why regret sending ur nude pix. Ar u clothed nw? Ode! Abeg keke stop me....

Anonymous said...

We no be your boyfriend push those boobs of yours into your clothe or better still wear something more decent. If this picture is recent then you're just talking trash cos u'll do it over and over again. A girl who can leave 3/4 of her boobs for the world to see, why won't she send nude pictures to her 'lover'. Mtcheeeeew

Unknown said...

Desperate whore thats whot you are and putting it all on love. GROSS
Poor you, thats a wack thing to do.

Anonymous said...

my dear you have made the mistake and has admit to it,just be careful and conscious,men are always like that but i pray God will give the right person to heal your wound.don't pay back, we all make silly mistakes too one time in life.But i beg you to be more moral in dealing with me.God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Pls can I see d swollen viginar!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wat is dere to hide again,even half her breast are bared in ds pic,so its d stuff she is made of,ow can u snd a nude pic of ursef,its not as if it was taken wthout ur consent.abeg dnt regret,bear d consequences

Anonymous said...

Yu r just a fool,yu culd see her say she regrets it yes love can mke 1 yu do nyfin if yu fink yu sure of yur patner,nd yu r d bitch pretender oshii

Anonymous said...

Hmmm Lol na so en been do her reach?? Any guy dat wants a nude pix will hv to send his own first o..some females re so stupid,,I hardly see a guys nude pix o,all this celeb guys but d females always flaunting wat dy got #didi

wyclue said...

Bimbo abi bamboo. Pack well jawe!! Were u suffering from amnesia when u did it? Abi were ur eyes covered? Carry ur cross alone biko.

Anonymous said...

Abeg where the nude picture? Asap!

Anonymous said...

Tanx 4 d advise

Unknown said...

What a mature and repentant soul! I salute your courage for admitting and for speaking out as well.

Unknown said...

What a mature and repentant soul! I salute your courage in confessing and speaking out. You must have learnt your lesson now.

Anonymous said...

You mean in 2013 people still send their nudes to their lovers??? Really???#beatsMe# eerrrm aunty bimbo u had better go for thanksgiving the pix didn't circulate if not u won't even have any guy looking ur way again talk more of having a guy who will pay 4 the sins of the others....

Anonymous said...

Dats rilly crazy anyways God help u 2 repent no kill d nxt one oh abi na lip service u dy do if u lyk send ur mums nude pics just bear in mind dat u need jesus. Mary says so

'lade said...

Fake people... He was her boyfrnd, dey had seen each oda naked, she sent pictures bcos she trusted him and wanted to spice up d relatnship... He's married, so it was a mistake.. Abeg, let d girl be, she's just human afterall. Y'all know wat u send to even ur one night stands...

symbyhat said...

Infact only ONE person is making sense here and dat is anon 10:50.really this celebs r human as well abi,u no kuku hear her news anywhere say she send nude pics to lover na she open her mouth talk it wrong to xpress feelings as a celeb.u all do worst abeg.if bloggers start ignoring comments without pics and names then,pple will thnk well b4 passin comments.u will see faces of liars n pretenders.our own dey our body we dey judge others.if u wan advise beta do n not abuse.sincerely I don't really pass comment on blogs but I hate pple sayin rubbish to fellows.

Anonymous said...

Sugar coated Fornication art

Anonymous said...

I don't blame her bcos u can do stupid tins wen u are inlve or will I say infatuated. Wat she is saying happened to me & regreted evry bit of it even though am still wit the guy, I still feel bad abt it.

Anonymous said...

Tony young or wat do u call urself?u must be very stupid 4 ur comment.I guess u r all dis wizkid guys cuz a mature guy can't ever comment in dis manner.IDIOT

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmm!!!!!! I remember be being so horny and my boo asked me 2 send nude pics to him. We had phone sex and I sent the pic to him outta "love" nw we hv broken up and he blackmails me with it. Ladies be wise and learn abeg

Anonymous said...

And I like d way ds lady dey act oooo,bt for her to ave sent nude pics to her bf no gud at all,for ds pics gan nawa.MG help her

Bonita Bislam said...

Hmmmmm d most important tin is dat u realizd it ws wrong.Nt many wil av d balls 2admit their mistks,not evn d haters here slayin u.

Anonymous said...

Ihe emetalu na-oyi na eso oyi ana.If na man he wil be advised to endeavour d money,hehehehehe

Anonymous said...

What are u doing here? You don leave Emem blog come here abi? I will have to inform pweety that you are trying to steal her identity OLEBURUKU

Anonymous said...

It is only a desperate idiot with no self respect that will send a naked picture of her self to ANYONE. If you have any notion of AMBITION you will not be lead by the moment and make trash decisions. And for you idiots saying you do it and other people are fake let me tell you this. You are FREAKS and in the minority. NFA no future ambition lead by sex. May all your naked shots be seen on the internet. Ignorant, stupid, backward fools. You think you are modern you don't no how backward you are. It is not religion it is Common sense OLODO.

Anonymous said...

You regret shit! Are u any better now? Mtcheeew

Anonymous said...

U are dillusioned

Onome said...

Naked pictures indeed. Agbaya grade one.

Rough Diamond said...

All dis stupid men asking for nude pix? Abeg, r u guys starved of sex?
I have dis guy on my bbm list, for d past 2weeks dis guy has been pleading i send him my nude pix, his words were 'trust my confidentiality'
Jeez! I even deleted him off my list cos when i didnt send to him he stopped replying my pings.
Girls. Becareful! Stop sending him a nude pix of urself, he might use it against u!
Fuck trust! It's over rated!

One Gud Chick said...

And you are a fool, imbecile

Anonymous said...

Bush ibotic girl, see ur ugly picture with the local background. Idiot

Anonymous said...

All of u insulting her don't have sense at all...u people re worse, must we judge?. God help u all sha

Aurora said...

Dnt mind her!!U knw u can never b lyk pweety.Get ur own identity or better a life!!!

Anonymous said...

You are lucky that boyfriend did not sell your ashawo pics to linda blog. Old mama! How old are you again.

Anonymous said...

Look this one. She never learn her lesson see all the booby outside. . How can you do that. Why!. That is not love oh! It is lust. There is a difference. Which kind local, retardation level she dey. If you respect yourself people will respect you. Which kind sexual revolution of taking picture of your private part and sending it to a man. Fucking you for free, plus giving him souvenir. Tufiakwa .. Ashawo kobo kobo. DONT DO IT AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

These guys of these days are really enjoying oh. See all the free things these girls are offering . Una dey spoil these men oh!. Women hold on to your men. There are many girls out there willing to give it up for notting. Be warned

Anonymous said...

its spelt vagina.odet

Anonymous said...

thank u.ds is d only meaniful comment.

Anonymous said...

Pweetys protege are you sure you are not in need of psychiatric help?

Anya said...

My dear you are a priceless african lady. You don't have to send naked shots of yourself to any man to prove love. Any man that asks for that doesn't love you. Am 13 and I no that.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, na so my guy wanted to deceive me to send my nudes, i asked him to send his 1st so i undstnd wht he meant but he refused. We a no longer tgeda, imagine if i did! Pple do say love is blind but mine get satellite LMAO!

Unknown said...

I hv never met sm1 who has never regretted taking nude pics, so this dosent surprise me

visit for fashion updates

Lady Fola said...

Sorry ooo

Lady Fola said...

Sorry oo

Anonymous said...

The difference between the wise and the foolish is wisdom.# my word#

Anonymous said...

@anon11:47, u really made sense. I swear down most of dese bitches blaming her do even worse things no one could ever imagine. Buh when dey are here, dey play dis holy mary. U never know who u fall in love with and once u are not in someone's shoe, don't even judge cos if u were in dat situation, u'd fall d first step. She owes no one any explanation. D fact dat she did dis actually shows how humble she is. Don't u know d pressure we put on these peoples's lives? They've got no life of der own, we trail dem every single way of der lives. We see der mistakes, we just wanna criticise dem as if dey are angels. Let's give dem breathing space. Even u linda, posting nude photo, let's not pay unnecessary attention to all these craziness dey come up with. D media is always on der neck, d blogers too. When wouldn't dey go mad? Free DEM

Anonymous said...

@ Rough diamond and d moral of ur story is? #confused bbm smiley

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ashewo na ashewo anyday.

Anonymous said...

Linda, be on the lookout. This girl is about to release some naked pics which she will blame on a non-existent boyfriend as d culprit. Whenever she drops those pics make sure we see every datails. Thanks

Anonymous said...

She is giving us a warning as what to expect in d future. Some graphic pics are coming.

Sheriff said...

Many Annonymous Dummies and some shitty pple with their names comment shit about people because you got free access to internet. Low life assholeS. YGNL baby do your thang I bet a whole lot of people here castigating are worse than you are.. GO ALL THE WAY.

Rough Diamond said...

Tank u!

Anonymous said...

"Back then in Unilag!" and today, you are still talking of boyfriend. You no go go marry?

Anonymous said...

Abeg, she no ugly. Open her pic and u go see fine babe with lips like person wey sabi suck dick.

Anonymous said...

Ahhahn why shouldn't she regret? It's only a foolish lady that would send nudes to a guy who hasn't payed brideprice. My boyfriend has never even seen my cleavage so what the heck are you talking?

Anonymous said...

Shit dey Smell hear. You sent Nude pictures to one married man = stupid Mistake. You are sending empty breasts to millions of married and unmarried men right now = ?

Rough Diamond said...

@wande read my comment again maybe u will understand!

Anonymous said...

English is Hard shaa! It's "spoilt" not spoiled_smh4u

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:10_if ur bf has never seen ur cleavage, trust me its either he's outside the country or he's gay, he can't be with u in dis country and he aint seen it yet_stop d showing off b**ch!

Anonymous said...

Lmao_i tot I was d only one who saw how naked she dressed...naija girls dis days detest modesty and charisma in dressing..a big pity! Tufiakwa..

Anonymous said...

GBAM !!!

Anonymous said...

Lmao_i tot I was d only one who saw how naked she dressed...naija girls dis days detest modesty and charisma in dressing..a big pity! Tufiakwa..

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:10_if ur bf has never seen ur cleavage, trust me its either he's outside the country or he's gay, he can't be with u in dis country and he aint seen it yet_stop d showing off b**ch!

Anonymous said...

English is Hard shaa! It's "spoilt" not spoiled_smh4u

Anonymous said...

So him no de fuck u na.

Anonymous said...

Choi! I can imagine those naked shots. Abeg, wey my vaseline ooh!

Anonymous said...

I have this feeling that the guy is trying to blackmail her, that is why she is leaking it all out.

Anonymous said...

The pix will soon be all over the media. U lowlife superstar.

Anonymous said...

Binbo,u a disappointment. U keep doin dat. U are a failed actress already. Go pitch ur tent wt d Alberto's who deserve u

Anonymous said...

Binbo,u a disappointment. U keep doin dat. U are a failed actress already. Go pitch ur tent wt d Alberto's who deserve u

Anonymous said...

Binbo,u a disappointment. U keep doin dat. U are a failed actress already. Go pitch ur tent wt d Alberto's who deserve u

Anonymous said...

Pix of her breast is all over,with her cross tattoo showing. Shameless girl. She keeps sleeping wt guys who av no iota of regard for her. They always deny her saying even if she's the last girl on earth.

Anonymous said...

Pix of her breast is all over,with her cross tattoo showing. Shameless girl. She keeps sleeping wt guys who av no iota of regard for her. They always deny her saying even if she's the last girl on earth.

Anonymous said...

Mehn Bimbo or Bamboo u must be seriously and mentally disturbed @ ur age u still dey send pictures...Am so angry becos u still ave the effontry to cum outside here and say this mehn u are a bastard and a whore.....asshole and here is my pin 2aa4cd12 send me ur pussy asshole.

Unknown said...

Whats a pity....lovely mistake made out of love...ana ekwuyeri...make

Anonymous said...

Abi O! Hw many years person wan take do boyfriend n gilfriend. Marriage is not a bed of roses but saves one some kain wahala!

Anonymous said...

Bimbo is disillusioned. The pix will be all over the media soon

Anonymous said...

Sending nude pictures to a man(boyfriend or fling) is an indication that u re desperate and sends the wrong signal to the man. It shouldn't be done if u want something good out of the relationship no matter hw tempted u get.

Anonymous said...

She is just a stupid home wrecking slut. Just saw her nude pix,ds girl is gone insane totally. She should quit acting

Anonymous said...

She is so irresponsible. Baddest bitch everliveth

Anonymous said...

She is so irresponsible. Baddest bitch everliveth

Anonymous said...

Did u just call ur self a celebrity. Abel go sleep again.cos u played NIkky u call ur self a celebrity. U wish. Keep dreaming.

Anonymous said...

Abeg,abeg,abeg. Bimbo which level. A whole graduate like yourself. Am sorry to say, but it is girls like you who give a bad name to Lagos girls. Listen to yourself, the next guy will pay, For What? .Sex, your body are sacred. Your body is a temple. Your mama no teach you. You don't need church to know that. Your body is holy, a temple, the place were your children will come from. Don't allow any body to desecrate it. It is a gift.

Unknown said...

Don't mind ds girl cryin wolf. I can remember sometime back, her boyfriend(an agbero) stripped her nude all cos she packed out all the furniture and electronics the guy bought for her claiming she was robbed. She was really humiliated inside Ltv 8 premises. Those of us present really wept for her.She is unrepentant and the only reason she is saying this is in case any of her numerous diggers exposes her picture. She is unrepentant and just one of the tools the devil is using to break homes.

Anonymous said...

Bimbo! se won fi poro se e ni. Abi afise ni? U keep embarrassing ur family. I really pity the guys who dig their stuff in ur cursed ...... U should be totally ashamed of ursef. Alaini itiju. Wondering which man will marry u after seeing ur nude pictures all over

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm. What goes around comes around. Just about 2weeks ago, we were brain storming about choosing an ambassador for a brand as requested by a client , at the mention of her name virtually all present shouted no. That she is too wayward to be an ambassador. Someone practically talked about how she was seen at Ltv Being stripped by her boyfriend. I often wonder why these girls behave ds way. Truly karma is a bitch. She ended up losing a contract worth millions which I am sure she has never seen.

Anonymous said...

Abet, who is she

Anonymous said...

Some stupid person somewhere will be telling she is getting popular with this. Better get a life and turn born again. Be popular for the right reasons

Anonymous said...

Eni awi fun Oba Je ogbo. Bimbo, did I not want u about this miserable low lifer u were following. Did I not tell u to desist. The guy is a failure himself. See ur life. U beta go and marry him, Sebi him don get 2 children, u should go and be taking care of dem . Two failures fucking each Other .mtchews, Iranu pelebe. If he was good, his baby mama will still be with him. He keeps using dumb girls like you. Oshisko

Anonymous said...

I know of a guy who recently fucked her,still she gave him souvenirs,her nude pix. Omo ale nollywood. Naa afiise

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm. See bobi

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised dats her trademark

Anonymous said...

And she can so carry sexually transmitted diseases. Guys beware,bad market is here.

Anonymous said...

I hate askin girls for nude pics coz its of no use Jeez!

Anonymous said...

Oshi pelebe, ds girl again. Not her first. Saw all her nude pix on my fiances FONE. She is cursed. May be a dog ate her placenta.

Anonymous said...

Oshi pelebe, ds girl again. Not her first. Saw all her nude pix on my fiances FONE. She is cursed. May be a dog ate her placenta.

Anonymous said...

Oshi pelebe, ds girl again. Not her first. Saw all her nude pix on my fiances FONE. She is cursed. May be a dog ate her placenta.

Anonymous said...

Oshi pelebe, ds girl again. Not her first. Saw all her nude pix on my fiances FONE. She is cursed. May be a dog ate her placenta.

Anonymous said...

naa on you? Abeg go settled ur ancestors. u av no career, u av no brain. U keep humiliating your family up and down. Now, talk about God. If u knew about God u wont be sleeping wt men in serious relationships not to talk of sending your saggy body pix. omo ale ashewo

Anonymous said...

pls is be dis girl. her hair is tacky

Anonymous said...

Old boy u get eye. No mind these hypocrites. If u rub vaseline between those boobs, carry ya Odogwu put there, na heaven you dey straight.

Anonymous said...

Why did most guy luv asking 4 nudes pix of which if ask dem 2 do such dey refused. Anyway 2 my own only love frek would listen 2 dem but as 4 me I can't cox guyz love there self more than anything

Anonymous said...

Most of d ladys cause d stupid answering of nudes pix from guyz! We let them take us for granted. Anyway feel so sorry 4 actress like u cox I believe ur action on screen talks about ur reality

Anonymous said...

You mean you'll die in the process and go to heaven? You'll rather go to hell instead. Ode!

Anonymous said...

and dat is how she wrecked her life.

Anonymous said...

always this girl. if she is not snatching boyfriend, she giving sexually transmitted disease. now it is nude picture. u av totally destroyed your ownlife. naa so prick sweet you. small, big, long, thin only for you. your escapades for Unilag never do u. yu ar a total disgrace to womanhood

Anonymous said...

So another Bimbo throws you off guard and you go confessing at the risk of your Career, Bimbo Thomas????

Anonymous said...

big time off guard. she has done dis severally, now she has bitten more than she can chew. Dirty dumb ass bimbo.

Anonymous said...

@bimbolaotubu, @iammodef, @missylike...... You all should get your dirty acts together and stop washing your already dirty linen in public. To think that Bimbo Otubu could shake you to confessing is heartbreaking for me!

Anonymous said...

lol.....even my husband that i have been married to for 8 years i will not send naked pictures to are not worth the drama.....he can come and look at the punani live and even live there if he wants but putting my punani on internet dat na high risk......thnk Gos u have learnt ur lesson, girls be wise.....

ANABOLIO said...

No way! :)

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