Baby Face tells Oprah,
"The reality is that there was a connection that wasn’t really there. We loved each other but we weren’t really in love with each other. It was more the idea of it falling apart and me holding onto the image of what I thought we were.
"I don’t feel like we were supposed to be together forever. I’m okay with it because I think she’s okay."The two met in1990, when Tracey auditioned for a music video. They married in 1992 and have two sons. Thirteen years later, in 2005, Tracey filed for divorce citing irreconcilable differences. 13 years and they were never in love? Guess not every marriage is built upon 'love.
Na wa. The reasons people get married...#smb
That's y arrangy marriage go work 4 me
No wahala, ppl marry for diffrent reasons all the time, isn't she Eddie murphys present wife??
life of a celebrity is very terrible, imagine the rubbish he is saying
Photos: Check Out Mo Abudu, Her Daughter, Comedian Princess & Denrele's Looks To Tiwa savage's wedding
Dis oprah huh...she wil make u say evry damn tin jez as she did 2 armstrong
Linda, how many marriages in Nigeria are built on love? Even ur parents, do u think it was love? I hope u are not that naive to think every person getting married is in love with their spouse. Ask Lola Okoye #runs away#
It's his ego talking,she cheated on him with Eddie Murphy and he's trying 2 save face
Yes ooo. God will help us
Another ATL handsome dude heavily on the down low!
Abegi... These people ar just soo confused! They just knw how to make marriage look like thrash
Sure.... Not every couples are in love with each oda!
Before nko
Gud for him... Queen
Sometyms life doesn't give U wat u expect frm it.Guess they wanted more.so sad
I think she finally realized that he's GAY!!! Just like Luther vandross and teddy Pendergrass!!
Wired!!! They have been together and not in love for 13 years???? What!! They get mind o! M-kat.
Welcome to show-biz baby!
"The reality is that there was a connection that wasn't really there" What the Hell does that mean??? How can a connection be there and not be there???
So who has he been singing all these love songs for???. Common Mr edmonds.
Yes Linda! Loveless marriage do exist. Ask our parents or even most marriages today. What? U are claiming naivety. Spare me joor! That's the life I live today. I am holding unto a marriage of...... I don't even want to say what it is. But yeah sometimes u fall in-love and then when u get married u grow apart. U kinda both want diff things. If I may quote one of Celine Dions lyrics "some people may search their whole life' looking for somebody whose just right; sometimes they settle for less... And when they wake up one day, realise there's nothing to say' they fight and fight. That's the reality. These days most of our celeb trends, get married and divorce d next day citing the new phrase 'irreconcilable diffrences'. Well d reality of it all is that some spouses choose not to be selfish. For the sake of the kids (who by d way are innocent) the two just have to suck it up and feign a relationship. So yes, if truly people (co commenters can bring themselves to telling the truth, yeah a loveless marriage can thrive for as long as ever, as far as d name of d game remains " FAKE IT TILL U MAKE IT". She did it for the kids. I can assure u. When there were old enough to understand, oh yeah "baby took a walk". And now this psyco is talking trash. Shake my head in digust (Men will always be Men). So take note linda in this worlD of vanity nothing last for ever, not even Romeo and juliets ultimate true love as it never stood the tset of times. End
Linda, it is not how many years you've been married dat matters. It is the quality of your marriage. That is what Nigerians don't understand. It is commonplace in Nigeria that the man/woman is not in love with their spouse. The status and money is more important to them than the real essence of the marriage.
Some of our fathers in Africa did not court our mothers that long (two years) while some barely knew their spouses before marriage.However,these marriages withstood the test of time and are stll waxing stronger.I also know of cases where the spouses tolerated each other just for the sake of their kids.The truth is that the West has demystified the sanctity of marriage,all in the name of civilisation.
Babyface my man I pray u find happiness n true love.
No, not every marriage is built upon love. Most women only get married for personal benefits.
Marriage and its many pitfalls.
Babyface used to make very good music,dude is aging gracefully.
Na so.
We go soon hear say e be gay, mschew
Well, not every marriage is buit on love, sometimes compatibility bears a significant percentage of a marriage union than love. This is typically seen with older people getting married after several years of being single or widowed. At 50 or 60 years old, when you get married, its not because of love, its because your comfortable and compatible with that person. In "baby face" case, it could fall under the "compatible" phase and not love. There are significant number of marriages that falls under this and sometimes, the couples dont wven know it.
What really is love? Some people won't recognise it if it slaps them in the face.
i see.i dont know when u americans will start respect vows u take in the presence of God.marriage isn't a child's play.hope u find the love u didnt find in her as u've claimed?.mtcheew...BAD MARKETs.
Waoh! Dats serious but its kinda true... So many married couple fell out of love even before dey got married. Most times d love is just onesided and d other party will keep playing along for a reason( age, money)etc.
Happens in many first marriages. People wed bc of age, the biological clock and family pressures. Love counts last. Not enough love between the parties to last a lifetime.
Mid-life crisis?maybe he is gay? With celebs,u can never tell.
My hubby n i r NOT in love atall. The irony is dat i dont lust after anyone. So am not distracted.
Linda Eze go and get a job u blog prostitute always yarning like a demented fellow on blogs
I think he should have married toni braxton, they have this chemistry that I thinks goes beyond music. Even their new album together 'love, marriage and divorce' is yet to be released but Listen to the duets hurt you. Well we they enjoy their music, God help direct their affairs .
Lol Linda, did u just realise that not every marriage is built on love?
A pity and a shame. I guess dey needed d break.
Babyface is Bastard. Signed: DJ humilty first and only wifey
I understand with you Kenneth. Itz way more dan words. "I Love u" is not enuf
this is absolute rubbish
There's no more Linda...
Yes not all marriage s built upon luv.
I call that 1st class madness @ babyface
I pray this nation will follow God's order; He provides what it is everlasting. Have your status and money but your last days may be filled with sadness. Wisdom in older age will prove the materials mean nothing!
Realy???...after 13yrs
He loved her but was not inlove with her.
At least they were honest about it. Not all marriages are built on love, but whatever you it on make sure you keep watering it, cos when it dies, so does your marriage. So best to build it on something that will last.
Me personally I don't like wat y'all are saying.don't u ppl knw dt some teenage gal sumwer is reading all dix.wt do u fink she will have in mind as she grows older in life "there's no marriage dt is built on love"pls guyz ur marriage or ur so called celebrity's marital life didn't work does not mean the other person's won't work.so bcos some ppls marriage didt last u den wanna conclude,wen u don't pray n u expect miracle to happen.if u don't bliv inlov it won't work for u.trust in God n be positive in ur life u see tins fall in place you.marriage is fun, sweet n roughy sometimes buh in all remember God do not be carried away.cheers
most ladies are trickish
when they see that a guy is financially secure they will want to have unprotected sex with him so that they will get pregnant for him to marry them.Not all guys fall for this trick sha.me inclusive.
Eddie Murphy left her too,she no get luck for love o!
Bia, na because of 1 loveless marriage u downloaded all this tory?? Na wa oo
Love and marriage are two different things. I am sure they both loved each other at some point in their marriage but some times Love is never enough and as time goes on u drift apart. Their is never the 50 50 love in life one person always loves more than the other hence why he said I guess we were never meant to be together forever. It's just a realisation you have and one holding on while the other has mentally moved on and woman are probably one of the most complex to understand
Ur prof pic s highly inappropriate. Mtchheew
Oh dear u said it all......what i saw in my parents marriage was worse....made me scared of gettin married o.bt i have 2 do it.my mum said she stayed 4 d kids ,dats us..jst dat pple dis days just can't endure like the old folks our parents
Yes Linda its true. I've been married for 13 years but not in love with my husband bcos he keeps misbehaving. And right now I hate him like trash but just hanging on bcos of the way we see divorse here in Nigeria but I tell u, its d worst that can happen to any one. Single ladies shine your eyes before you jump into a man's house.
Luther vandross is gay?pls,tell me its a lie...I love that man and his music! On d topic,oga ,u pple fell out of love,better put. Which 1 is there was a chemistry that was not really there abi how u put am sef?LatinoPINKY
Its come on.
Linda Ikeji, there is a difference between being in love with someone and loving someone. He said he loved her but was not in love with her. And the sad thing is, many marriages are not built on 'being in love' but on some other reason or another.
I think Babayface always loved Toni Braxton. But Toni was also struggling and did not have much.BabyFace's wife comes from a rich family.Connection tinz. Who wants to suffer indefinitely? Babyface at the time he met his wife was a struggling entertainer trying to make it. I think the wife even married against her parents wishes.Now that he has all the money and fame... I pity their two boys though. Reading everywhere that their father did not love their mother.
Yes Linda, loveless relationships/marriages are more common than u think. Do not mind all the public display of affection by these entertainers. In fact, the more the display, the more something is fishy. True love has nothing to prove to others. Instead u protect it fiercely from prying jealous eyes, not display it every where like a trophy cos not everyone out there is happy for u.
Linda, marriage and relationships are now like business deals and contracts: Just like in business, love and sentiments come last. It's now about connections, increasing level of exposure, for credibility reasons like maybe a party has gay rumors behind him and he wants to wipe that. Or even for better rotation of wealth.
Linda you can be so funny. Go and ask so many "happy" couples out there.You will be baffled at the different answers.
People marry for different reasons. A lot of women are married because of their husbands financial position. Some many loveless marriage. Some marry because they are desperate to have children. The other day, ladies here were screaming that they want a man with a good bank account more than anything else. That is just the ways it goes, everyone have their reason for going into marriage.
Those professing christians who preach about sanctity, many are in loveless marriages. Yes it's true. It's because they hide it very well. Why do think there are so many sex scandals now? Loveless marriage!!! They just stick there because they are afraid of what pple will say...and after judging so severley those who opt for divorce.Image protection but the love is not there.
The singers with the greatest wahala are those who sing the best love songs. Notice that very well.
The singers with the greatest wahala are those who sing the best love songs. Notice that very well.
Linda, do you think Will and Jada are in love? You do think two people who practise open marriage are in love? Their long lasting "happy" marriage is their brand and they advertise it to make a lot of cash. So if the marriage "collapses", no more money. Americans treat everything like a business deal, even marriage.
Do u understand now, Linda?
O boy u get time o. C long lecture
He is saying that because they are not together any more.
shit happens, we gotta keep moving on
If u listen 2 Baby Face and Toni braxton's 'Hurt You" you would know they are both meant to be. I beg go n marry my lovely Toni Braxton ( preachers daughter) with great Family Value
They were never meant 2b 2geder anyway.#movement#
Dis guy is sick upstairs.
People marry 4 different reasons indeed....
Gigga: Most married people don't even know themselves!! We,if not most of us married for the wrong reasons,when the duo now live together, the whole truth would now come through, o sad gan!!!How i wish!!!!!!!!!!
People some times do things that will make you lose your love for them.
Too much talk about love, people should learn to stay together.
You re doomed for life nd if U check ur life,its messed up.May u die 10x for using such profile pic.
@Jude,a pity and a shame cld be shortened to a pitiful shame so u don't take up so much space in future
Great family values...really??
I meant to say 'so many'.
Yea right, many marriages cud b based on pretence. Ask the many gay men who r married wit kids n r still into same sex relationships. Honestly we all need prayers. 'Sergio'
Gbam!! That first pic says it all. ATL always plays with my heart :(
Olodo. Is there any shame that isn't pitiful?? Omo Shakespeare mschew
Bullshit they do not know true love.......infatuation which is what a lot of people call love these days is what they had......when you love according the true definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13 then nothing like divorce....
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