Two other men, Mustapha Fawaz, the owner Amigo Supermarket in Abuja and Abdallah Tahini, who were also charged with possession of illegal weapons, were set free by the court. See photos from the trial after the cut...
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Big ups once for our government.how I wish they can uphold justice like that with our politicians too.
God catch am
Wow, just April 2013 and judgement is delivered already. Who said Naija no co better!
But this is just so damn crazy and funny. And so also this is so intense
bad: port harcourt big girl sends her full na*ked picture to a fake modelling agent
1st 2 comment,! Space booked
Look at him,starin lyk all of this a one huge joke! I'm sure in his mind he'll be amazed dat for once in a zillion years,Nigeria can put aside one's race and fight corruption.
And why were mustapha set free? As in why??? Haaa na wah oo. They deserved to be sentenced too!!
That serves him right, let others know that Nigeria is not a country u can come in an do any how. That is what they will do to us if they catch a Nigerian in such act
And why were mustapha set free? As in why??? Haaa na wah oo. They deserved to be sentenced too!!
Serves him right,but I feel he sacrificed himself instead of all paying the price.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Omo dem go too burst dis one yansh for jail
ghen ghen make him go chop beans were d neva celect d okokoro bastard
But d guy's face looks like,,, nothing dey happen,, I go leave soon!!!!
Why re the other two men freed pls?
Great news!
Long as he is not released behind the scenes through some diplomatic meetings with the Lebanese Embassy.
Meanwhile,that Fawaz dude will not go unpunished...though freed by the court,he's definitely gonna get what is coming to him cos not only did he have a hand in the arsenal of weapons found,he also treats Nigerians like thrash in their own country.
As for his bloody Amigo supermarket,where are arsons when you need them?
Abeg which of them owns wonderland
To think my gate faces his in Bompai. Lord have mercy!
Pls why did dey set the other 2 free. I smell a rat. Are they saying dey weren't a part of it.?
Was d trial at night?
Linda pls bring us d story of Dr fasakin he has being release so people can see the lame excuse given by SSS & some people can kno dat Jonathan has a hand in it. U can get d story from Premium times
This should serve as a warning to all those who use Nigeria as a route to smuggle arms illegally.
Life imprisonment in his country or where? #Godhelpthisnation#
This guys don't look remorse to me. Are you sure this is not a federal arrangement!
Kwakwakwa, I dey laugh where I dey cry for my country
Go move Nigerians..He should face the law..if it were to be a 9ja man in their country,deporting straight up...
I can't understand the smile or smirk on his face though. Is it just bold face, or is he thinking that, as far as Nigerian justice and security system is concerned, this is a big joke and he will bribe his way out sooner than later. I think the justice system should pay particular attention to this one to ensure it isn't ridiculed.m
GREAT!!!!!!!!! I hope they won't release him next year.
No sign of remorse, seems lyk he already has a plan B.
Look at them,them think say them go do anyhow for naija.
Hmmm... Interesting Development...
Dis Lebanese dey smile, maybe he think say na FOX RIVER em dey carry am go.......... I pity am cos after 2 days, he go sabi whr he dey.
Congrats Alh Mustapha......We have really missed you .I knew you were innocent....Now Amigos & wonderland will be reopen .....Thank God
Its quite a pity... Kinda Feel sorry for him,
Congrats Alh Mustapha......We have really missed you .I knew you were innocent....Now Amigos & wonderland will be reopen .....Thank God
Hmmm.mixed feelings,I hope he had a fair hearing
#faints ooooo ROTFL,,,Life inprisonment for a lebanese Man in our own NIGERIA??dis man doesn't jhux look like someone dat has bin passed of such charges abeg,abi na only me dey see the smiles for him face ni?,,,lera now he would be released,,abeg unto the next one*Flip*
Hmmmm just d pity him thou cos Nija prison is hell
#faints ooooo ROTFL,,,Life inprisonment for a lebanese Man in our own NIGERIA??dis man doesn't jhux look like someone dat has bin passed of such charges abeg,abi na only me dey see the smiles for him face ni?,,,lera now he would be released,,abeg unto the next one*Flip*
This man's looking so pleased with himself. Maybe he knows he'll be out soon.
See the arrogant look on his face! He probably knows something we don't. Maybe he won't even serve time afterall. So Amigos will open again be that shebi? Smh
This is a welcomed development.
His going to jail smiling, hmmm, na to become don for jail
Hmmmm amigo has paid his way out....#mofo! He's d mainnn terrorist....but wait o...he'll now reopen d supermarket okwaya? chaii....isorrai
Sentenced nd smiling? Bia linda,wats d title of ds movie make I go buy am
Tins are getin beta. I hav also trashed my dirty yoruba gf for my newly found tall sexy CLEAN ibo babe. #Good riddence to dirty rubbish
Waooo thank God oh, 1st tym am seeing a white face d law in Nigeria.....
Maybe I am really suspicious of the nigerian system,this man n his fellow white friends from d pics seem so relax and assured kinda tht the sentencing is just for the public eyes..he will b freed!
Chai! And niger prison no be like abroad ooo!hear d name! Kiri kiri maximum prison! Chai! God have mercy on him
WAIT oooo
He doesn't look remorseful at all,still makes an attempt in wearing a smile,no worry eyes go soon clear u behind the bars.
d sentence didnt shake him else he wnt b postin 4 pix in a court room, bt y was d oda 2 set free wasnt it d same allegations dey were charged wit? *bribing tyns*
he wil not serve this time. even he knows it
See their black hands!!! Like demons. Lol. The man is even looking chilled sef. Na wa!
Hehehe.....I laugh in Spanish
dt policeman doesnt luk lik he knows his way round d handcuffs. poor guy. he is d scapegoat. cant wait for all these lebanese, asian peeps to leave naija. go back to ur country. u guys dont like/mingle with us so wat ru doin here. leave naija alone
See his face like oyinbo shit. Mtchew
i smell islam.hope am not wrong?.islam is piece not peace and will for ever keep tearing into smaller pieces and will soon come to an end.
Hmmm first in history,but na why dy wear helmet?
For no reason whatsoever, this judgment doesn't seem fair 2 me... Sha, dnt knw wat went down in court. Just wondering hw com d oda dudes were set free.
The guy just had a smirk on his face and looks soo relaxed for someone sentenced to life imprisonment, like he knows hel be out in a couple of weeks after money has exchanged hands..
All na wash!hw can someone sentenced to life term jail be smiling so broadly?dis is all for show.dem go free am later
He knows dey re joking.n d white guys stay in d cool side of prison.
Not sober at all, he's get out soon
Why did they set those 2 free?
Why them come free amigo guy....i being want buy amigo on discount.
See the guy dey pose and smile......hmm he think say nija cell na where dem dey do prison break? He go die for there
Lol! The whole thing is like a joke to the man...frm his countenance # jst saying
Why were the others set free. They were all changed of the same offence. This is bullshit.
So so sad,God help Us.....linda baby post ma coment ooooOo
He's tryna act like a bad ass when he knows he's shaking like a lil puppy inside. Dem go show you pepper for inside skully. Even if you do wayo and get posted to Lebanon to serve, dem go show you pepper before you run.
Chai! D worst Prison he'd ever imagine! They'd fuck his ass out oh!
~D great anonymous!
linda, we must follow this bumper to bumper to be sure the life is really the life imprisonment...u understand?
So dem release d amigos man hmmmmmm
Why is the man smiling?
This is very nice am loving this,but hope some terrorist won't come up,and kidnap some people n demand the release of this man in xchange?
are they boko haram? . Just asking o
are they boko haram? . Just asking o
All this na wash... some one they will still smuggle
Out of Nigeria. See how he is all smily. Pttff
Omgoodness why is he smiling
Can you see the guy's smug look? Because he knows this is all for show! On December 25th go and see if you'll find him inside any prison!
Linda I'm about to ask if you are alright? Who lounges in a court room but a free man? Prison ko life in it ni
The guy dey laugh
All did nah wash... see as d man dey smile... dem go realse am for back. WASH!!!!!!
Hisss, the others were set free, by the way we know this one will be set free from back door, when they present some cash.
Dat sarves him right. 4st 2 comment.
Set them free.for Waatt??.see his unremorseful face.Rot in jaillll...fucking Lebanese.yes I said it.post this plz
I really dnt get dis, y was he sentenced 2 life imprisonment nd d oda 2 men set free? Is dis really justice?
He's sentenced to life and yet he's posing 4 the camera. Why? Because he knows he'll be out on 10days...naija no work #smh
It dos'nt look real....more like acting!...hmmmmm Naija!
There are the ones selling arms to boko abi? Wicked people
Good Riddance to bad rubbish!! Oya let's start deporting others
Na soooo... Mchewww,sebi na 4 dis naija we de? #filmtrick
i know they won't do him anything because its naija….they will surely free him unlike what they do to nigerians abroad
one day this country will crash like a pack of cardz,i only pity the citizens! im neva proud of this entity called Nigeria coz any Tom,dick n Harry can cum here,do trash n get away,fuck nigeria.This contry is God's no1 regret i betU
You can see the man smiling because he knows he won't stay there forever as he would probably get pardon unlike what they do to nigerians outside their country
Good for him if na their country na hanging, no one is above d law
all na wash pessin wey dem go still release buh how come the other two wre set free? msheeeww
But y is he smiling?, hope he hasn't planted a time bomb somewhere or he doesn't have sth else up his sleeve. Y did dey free the other two guys what exonerated them from d crime? and finally how do we know his arrest isn't politically motivated? we shld ask ourselves that.
He doesn't look perturbed, are you sure its a life sentence.
So mr Lebanese Ʊ came to М̣̣̇Ɣ mother land to mess up? Receive your reward. *cagey*
Best news ever, man iv suffered without amigo's sharwarma's, #nigerians can't make shawarma yes I said it
Not a setup?
Hmmmmm..... I really hope he serves his jail terms.I trust 9ja cn smuggle him bck tohis country, nd we all wuld tink he's stil in prison.
But what's the use of arresting them if they are still going to be set free?am sure if its their country they would even kill the terrorist not arresting them
where are all the sickos that are always howling 'first to comment' on this one?? lol! That guys smile says a lot like 'i know i will be out of this prison soon'! God help Naija!
who dese guys vex o?? dey must ve fucked up dats y their activities were exposed? I lik dat judge sha.but dis is 9ja,very soon d guy go escape 4rm prison.
Wicked people
HiaaaaaayEeee! Ina anukwa? Ndi kura kwa? Whitie wanna be! Light skinned aboki comitting such in our own country? U see why we stopped giving dem papers? Almst all of dem here especially in abj r here illegally hiding n stuffs......good 4 him! Dis will be a lesson to ndi hausa ibe ya!
A pity naija prison no be like yaki wey u dey form boss go dia....... Guy just take hard a new life just began
Can u imagine? Thank God he was caught! Dis people are dealier dan fulanis wit dagger.....
A pity naija prison no be like yaki wey u dey form boss go dia....... Guy just take hard a new life just began
See his face like nutin de happen!!!!!! He shud rot there wit hard labour!
Ehya!! Pele hun. Baba Jay
Lol, see as d guy dey smile 4 d first pic
Why is he smiling. Its all a joke to him. Because he knows that the sentencing is just formalities, and that he ll be ouT after a couple of months. I mean..... Check that out!! SMH
Has Nigeria become a free for all?
Hmmmmmm naija. please those other men with Amunition ,why where they set free?? Just curious
Good 4 dem...RIP
Why would they set those two other guys free. So Amingo go soon open again,o ga o
Why would they set those two other guys free. So Amigo go soon open again,o ga o
Look @how d man is smiling like as if he's sure he's gonna get out soon,and am pretty sure he wld,day all,always come 2 nigerain and do illegal tins @d end of d day day go scort free,y did day let d oda 2 guys go,wen we go 2 dere country day treat us bably like as if we thievies or somtin*smh...we need 2 delelop real well men
I actually tot am the only one seein his countenance..he is nt feeling remorse @all n probably knws wat we dnt.who gets sentenced for life n looks this relaxed?Nigerian judicial system is f**ked!!
Justice served!At least,our citizens suffer abroad too..
Let's hope the others don't come back to retaliate!
looool he should keep smiling there! mumu
Thumbs up to the Judicial system in Nigeria.. Is high time we started treating this guys the way they treat Nigerians in Diaspora.. They always take laws into their hands.. Go to India, Malaysia, Indonesia and somany parts of Asia, Africans spend money in their country to boost their business and also their economy..Still we are not appreciated and we are treated like Slaves..
Ur igbo prostitute u mean?
This exactly what will need in naija, una don wake up
That's a frustrated smirk on his face..he's goin to jail for real
And the animal gorilla iBo idiot has spoken,may all your family members die of auto accident before the year ends
All iBo ppl will die mysteriously cos they all have aids
Justice served like hot jollof rice...Nigeria will get better.
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I am happy with the way this case was handled, I sincerely hope the other two really deserved to be set free too(Smh for these people)...
By the way ...would they now open Amigos? Or wonderland? #just asking#
I did miss that supermarket.
You are a wise child...na the same thing them do, so why did they free them
And they should give us a reason or else I would not leave stellas blog 2day...
Sharap bcos he doesn't ve sm1 2 fight 4 him. Dats no justice
the guy be like noting dey happen na money e go chop..private jet dey wait me for airport to fly me go back my country Linda dey snap me dey go cos na d last tym wey u go see me b dis.
Abeg make una forget the guys face, rev king was smiling like that too until the realities dawned on him and he started sweating. The smile go soon clear from his face
Anon 9:06 that girl body amazing die but a fool is a fool u. Can't change a fool
Yu try. A man dey wld soon allow escape thru d back door. See d way d man is even relaxed sef shows dat some big cash wld xchnange hands & he wld b on d nxt flight 2 lebanon 2 start a new life or even conitnue with d terror. Y is he d only one getting sentenced wat happened 2 d other 2. Mayb he was assigned 2 take d fall. Hmmmmm! Dis country na wa.
@margaret udo I knw u are a pagan so I am nt supprised at ur comment cos na ur forefathers killed Jesus christ and very soon Almighty God will wipe u out of d earth surface very very soon BASTARD
Dats he was smilling does nt mean he did nt feel sad inside him he was jst trying to feel cool
For d idiot that said he left DIRTY Yoruba gf for his ILLITERATE igbo girl that will say liver for river he is a big FOOL
For d idiot that said he left DIRTY Yoruba gf for his ILLITERATE igbo girl that will say liver for river he is a big FOOL
Very smart of u.
Haba! C bad belle and enemies of progress. D young man said he has upgraded his life by leaving his dirty and fetish gf to a tall sexy clean babe and u guys r not happy for him. Na wa ooo
Bros, u r not d one wearing d shoe, d girl is not just dirty, she's fetish, cannot cook and even with her B.Sc has heavy 'H' factor lyk saying 'hexcuse me', 'hopen d door', 'habroad' etc. She's only good in bed.
Anony 6:57 drop dead this minute!!!!! May trailer crush and grind u like beans on 24th december idiot!!!! Who r u to make suchj comment? Did he ask u to reply to his comment? Ekwensu! That's how u pple use ur mouth creatting prob and death 4 urselves and family! Yoruba na una way always cursing so I said u shud die!!!!!!!
Fellow Biafrans this time we all speak with one voice regarding what we want.
We want our independent sovereign nation.
we want Biafra
this is our natural right
this is our social political right
we are going to actualise Biafra by using the self determination principles of the un resolution a/61/295 of september 2007 on self determination of Ethnic Nation
We do not want nigeria or one Nigeria, we do not want federation with Nigeria, we do not want confederation with Nigeria, we do not want autonomy in with nigeria. we do not want or need resource control with /in Nigeria.
we do not want creation of more states in/of Nigeria we do not want the presidency of Nigeria.
the only thing we want is Biafra, sovereign Nation state. Biafra
who are we ? we are Biafrans
we are a hard working and achieving people who understand the value of an Environment of equity, justice, security and stability for Success.
We are the practitioners of government by the popular mandate of the free people free to choose
We are not Nigeria we are not lazy parasites
we are not colonisers
we are not usurpers
we are not feudalists
We are not culture of killers and society of murderers and genocidists.
we are Biafrans
we are Entrepreneuring people
We are the people of Biafra
What do we get ?
we will have our sovereign and independent state of Biafra using self determination principles
Fellow Biafrans thats our one voice .
thats our one focus
thats our path
Self determination process leading to sovereign independent Biafra
We continue to insist that the rest of our Biafra people who are still being held by nigeria must be released forthwith from Nigerias dungeons
Biafra Alive because its God who makes it so, Chukwu Ahbiama.
Na Wash joor!!
This guy's smile says it all. He knows he will be out soon. May God help us in this country of ours. E go better one day shaa
all is to say that they sentenced him please find out if the man is going to be in prison next year......
This man looks too happy o, he may be in Lebanon right now. In 9ja anytin can happen
I luv ur comment,indeed u're rite cos it al seems well arranged..
Ahhh fall guy. Took it for d team smh
Nigerians .pls tell all the median houses to check on this man every 3month .and tell us whether the man is in prison or not
Where re d remaning 2? O nigeria lawyers nd georges y do u free d rest 2? Y y y hmmm na waooo naija.
Your comment stinks of jealousy and anger. Go and burn the supermarket down naa. Let's see if u will nt share the same cell with the oda guy. Please in future speak with sense
Just like your entire lineage
Lol e dey pain you?
look at the smiles on his face..
lol our government want to fools us again ooo
this one is going back to his country with big money ... all na arrangiieeee
All is life in prison is a format... Naija knw gt mind 2 put foreigner 4 life in prison jaree! Na 4 dis our corrupt govt n politician, abi na dis our yeeye judiciary... U knw c say d guy dey laff, my pple mak we knw put mind say our country n corrupt leaders don change ooo!
Mumu go use am collect money for bank.
Y is he smiling...he's just been sentenced to life imprisonment! I smell a big stinking decaying rat...d pictures says it all...naija I hail thee..
Y is he smiling...he's just been sentenced to life imprisonment! I smell a big stinking decaying rat...d pictures says it all...naija I hail thee..
Why was Amigos set free. I was in Abuja when the story broke and he was named the main culprit. This is NO justice lebanon will call Jonathan threaten him and knowing how ball-less our president is he'll release him to his government who would set him free.
Pictures indeed tell a thousand words! Smh
is it not Nigeria?, its only when he was jailed that u guys will all see, u wont know when he will be release.............. True talk.
why did they release his collegues?
I am not too satisfied wit d decision of d court. Y will de release d owner of amino stores n d oda 1. Even after d cooler of explosives found stored underground in his house?
I am not too satisfied wit d decision of d court. Y will de release d owner of amino stores n d oda 1. Even after d cooler of explosives found stored underground in his house?
Omg i seek the release of this Lebanese if there is still a room for sec chance..
its so obvious this guy knows he'll be out soon. this is just a decoy...smh
this just looks funny. the guy dsnt look bothered at all. he's just chilling. he knows he can bribe his way out. See all of una dey do like say u no know which country we dey.
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