Regular ticket was N4k, V.I.P 10k, Table - N300/N500k and it was mostly the regular seats that were taken....others nearly empty. But like Wizkid tweeted a few hours ago, he ain't worried about it!
News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
None of his biz..he still got payd
ℓ☺ℓ! , sorry ooh.....try elsewhere oh smally
People dey think better thing sha, no be every time to go show dey move person body na...
On your paths to success, there will always be highs and lows, that's the spirit Wizkid, go on and don't let that hold you back!
~D great anonymous!
On your path to success, there will always be highs and lows, that's the spirit Wizkid, go on and don't let that hold you back!
I planned to go 4 dat show oh, it totally skipped my memory! Damn! anyway would hv occupied regular seats, y will I pay 10k 4 Wizkid?! Abeg ASUU do sharp sharp make man pikin comot 4 house
most Uni Abuja students have returned to base since the ASUU strike and besides, Abuja peeps are worried of their safety (Bombing of crowded areas). So I wouldn't blame them for not attending.
The earlier event organisers realize that Abuja peeps aren't really big on such shows,the better it would be for their purses.
Funny town where nearly everyone is a celebrity in his/her own way.
Can't jst believe dis can happen to wizzy,all d abj babes don go on strike niyen ooo
Aaahn linda u won make gboko haram go blow em abi wizkid sef get mind oooooo
Y hin go worry wen dem don pay him.....omo kokanaye.......
Lmaooo! The 'invasion' was real!! I guess its only lagosians dat know how to party n hav a gud time! Like they say..."Money is made in PH, shared in ABJ, and spent in LAG!!
Lol! Heeeheee
boys aint around... town so dry,dis show shld ave been in aqua or grotto
u hv every reason to worry...
Lawv ur swagg.no tink am tew much
He should bear it,things can't always be goin smoothly....@iamdeeolah
Of course he wunt b worried!! D organisers pay artists b4 dey perform! 9jirians are bcumin wise!!y will sum1 pay 500k 2 watch a mediocre lip-synch!wack dancers!and jumpin on stage like a frog! Na ASUU spoil show 4 am sha! Am sure if uniabuja girls were in sch dat place 4 full !!*ONYX GODWIN*
heheheheh bad market.....#smh#
I wont have gone sha especially when dere is no comedy by the side....
Yes now, so far asuu dey on strike. For dis 9ja o everybody lov wizzyyyyy
Ofcus it is assu now...if every1 were in school they would have used their pocket money na, but as every1 dey broke toh
Y did they even make a seat for 300k just to see wizkid...mtchew when he isn't jayZ
Yes Asuu follow! U no notice say Seriously speaking, since d Asuu strike girls status like PH loading, ABJ on point, Calaba had mad fun, Lagos calling, miss my flight, bin on d road all day, club tins! Etc sha na papa house is sup now! So guys fit rest save money! And 2ndly maybe broke ass fans (like wizkid said) are saving money naw
Wizzy broke people don't like watching Billionaires like thou....*dancing Bracket's mama africa*
Na the fear of Boko Boys.
WIZKID gaan sleep please. Didnt they tell you you're not yet ripe for a show at the conference center, Abuja??? This is not Lagos please. Talk to the organizers, they just messed you up even tho u claim the money entered, its downgrading to perform in an empty hall, moreso see that guy yawning there and people pinging, one was even sleeping in the hall.
We abuja peeps have better things to do!
Duh! the show wasn't given much publicity.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
He his paid is d Real deal
I really pity d organizers of this show..I guess dey jez believe it was wiz so dey did nt put much effort in making the show a success...wiz all dey mehn
wizkid is a learna wit his childish lyrics: "iyeyeye... "so m nt surprise!
U shuld b worried o wizdad cos d main truth is dah without ur fans ur nothin mehn!
Awww!!! Dats kind of shocking n sad. But like he said dat aint stopping his money 4rm coming in!!!
Lol,dis one na shame sha,Awon frosh,he no be smellos...LOOL..Stephy says so!
Lmao... People are getting tired of their dry concerts..
We don't party like that in Abuja, go back Lagos plz
Choi!!my poor wizzy baby,I nor even hear of d concert!hehehehe
ehhh we knw e no dey worry u......lieing any hw..mtchewww
♈̷̴̩ε̲̣̣α̲̅н'right....consolation to thyself...bt anyway sha,if u dnt console Ūя̲̅self by urself who will...
Linda, those peep in the hall sef enter cos Wizkid gave free ticket @d gate, we just decided to help him so it won't be a total empty hall he perform for.( lol)
End time things for wiz kid...
When they will not stop charging exorbitant fees, how will people turn up? Anyway, aboveall, Abuja is a boring city on its on with a big inequality in distribution of wealth. Very few people are rich in Abuja, and they ar Hausa Fulani who would ordinarily not care about Wizkid
Yimu, he still sounded pained
As an abuja resident I can highlight d reasons for this been lack of awareness(I didn't hear of the show), insecurity(fear of bh attack) and d key factor been that abuja people are always at d receiving end of serious rip off. Most times these show organisers announce that a line up of artists are coming and at the end of d day we'll be lucky to have 3 of them show up. These has been the norm for sometime now ( the worst bn iyanya's album launch) and am really not surprised at this turnout. They shd see to these things to avoid future reoccurences
if u truly aint worried abt it, u aint gonna tweet abt it. So shut de fuck up, grow up, den mayb u gonna get a hall filled wt ppl de nxt tym u hold a concert!
It is well even in the well.
Guess abuja people got sick of his yeyeyeye
Eya with this ASUU strike no pocket money to use and pay for show oo!! It is well sha
Shit happens, Ʊ cant tins all rosy all the time.
No money in town dt u get it linda,Guyz eye dey red. I knw u won't post my comment as usuall but I won't 4gve u untill u tell me wat u want 4rm me ok.
How do u expect us to attend ur show when u already call us broke... So we don't av cash to attend ur Goddamn show
n davido sold out few weeks ago in London now we have to check their source of income.
4 dis kain hardtimes?make dem go rest abeg!we go buy d CD 4 idumota.
Small pikin, small sense!
They should have let the regulars move to the front seats now, whats the need of leaving them empty? Is it just for wickedness sake or what? The picture just looks so awkward.
#Sorry Wiz, We abuja pple no get time, I personally heard about the concert but was too busy joor. No vex, its not like we dont love u, we do but no time.
He called his fans broke......dis is the beginning of ur downfall.
Who ever taught the likes of zulezoo,olu maintain could fade away.until u learn to be humble,u will perform in a completely empty hall.small witch wizky
Yh it was mostly the regular seats dat were taken, b4 d show ended the tables were taken 2, it was just d VIP seats dat remained empty till d end...
Gud he aint worried... Love Wizzy tho' ♥♥
Lol Linda ur questin got me crackin! Wizkid though....I pray its nt wat am tin kin
No be only ASUU Strike,I think people are getting tired of all these noises and drama.
#low profile things#
Can't stop laughing
His fall is beginning to set in, his too proud and naughty. Who cares tho, he's only washing himself abeg. I heard he dey beg people to come to the front seat like its Bible Study *ThatFunctionGuy*
Who is SMELLOS now? LMAO.... Fool, you better grow up and stop feeling like you are what you are not wizkid.
i think he is worried ooo
Law of diminishing return...
Hun...the front seats were really empty...maybe due to some reasons but wizzy gat no worries.
the people he calld broke?issoright!
Hehehehe wiz kid not welcomed in Abuja spoilt brat
Abuja people are working class people.we don't hang out on a sunday night.other artists,take note.
Mehn.. Aiit nO wORries then!
That's sad
LMAO hahaha, the thing dey pain Wizkid he no wan talk.
But abuja people wicked sha (•ِ̑•̅)
See what Wizkid Fans did to him at the Club. Check it Out!
I cant laugh....if it continues this way,he will be worried!
What!!! That was not cool at all
Its only in Lag that these so called celebs have mouth, them no send Una for Abj!
Hope he gets the vibes sha....
No time for childs play
Lol dint even know abt d show..wiz kpele o
Sorry Wizkid next time u ask questions b4 u bring small pikins like u to come n stage a show in Abuja....Ask Terry G n he will tell n 4 ur Advice next time add D banj,2face,Naeto C,M.I,Jay Z,Kanye west n b4 u come...small pikin
maan 500k no be beans o..hahaha..who set the prices..bad market research
He called us poor people. Oya come and drag money komot for my pocket naw. no b only concert naw concerti.. you neva see anything. i don't even stop selling your record for my shop and i go encourage others too.
I totally forgot, had it in mind to attend
kai wizkid!!u no more take ur fans along now!!sha try again some other time!!
Lolzzz..... But thatz not encouraging
Hahahahha I luv abuja ppl... We don't jus spend money anyhow on anyhow ppl too....4k to watch Wizkid?, not evn dbanj,2face n d likes.....haba d ppl dat went even tried...Plus the show was poorly publicised,I jus saw some bcs on bbm about it..... Imagine 500000 for one table dat I'll seat for 3hrs on a sunday!! Na d "last supper"?.....Next tym dey shud make d fees moderate n Publicise more!
U should be worried my guy.. Pride goes before a fall. All the best tho.
E neva start! Hehehe!
Na hungry don dey start small small oh cos when small pikin won do wetin pass am na under table them dey end up...
If I hear.
shay you want them to come so that he will throw money again and cause stampede. Abuja people are loaded and don't want stampede that is why they din't turn out
Best tech blog in town
Na so
Sorry bro! Dats abj live 4 u.....is nt like lagos
Bad market. .hehehe
Hahahaha u ain't got nothing on Abuja peeps, no tym for all dz shows, they ain't celeb freak, I'm not surprised tho
Yes nah,
people don taya to see all una show off. I pay 20k for VIP ticket and next thing they are showing off new cribs and Bentleys abi na which motor de reign for them now...
Henceforth all my 'show' money de go orphanage..
The fear of Boko Haram...
he should be worried o because forget about strike or not. he claims to be a super star, a celeb and see the population for his show. he should be worried o except he has other means of making money
Na d broke people..wey him talk say dier opinion no count,na dem dey hustle 2 kum him show...idiotic fool,hu haz d last laugh..u said u aint worried,but u are worried deep down..get out!
Nigerian celebrities are just dunces! Do they not have agents and event planners? You plan your shows to in with the country's social calendar. How students go dey strike and he go do concert for who? Him family? He ain't worried? He should be!
If I hear
If I hear.
If I hear
Oga wizkid,better check urself o,lollllzzzzz!!!!!
He shouldn't be...such Ȋ̝̊̅§ life...igba kan o lo bi orere.
Wizkid, we ain't expecting u to act pained but ur tweet shows dat ur hurt inside...sorry hun, everyday is no xmas!
Meaning hin time don dey go be dt....they for allow BADOO Koduroke stage yen mehnnn
Lmao how broke ppl will go for his show
We are broke n we can't effort de money
LinLin this is a stale news Ω̴̩̩̩̥aa abi
Na d fear of book haram ohhh
Mayb he will be paid with or without people showing.
You aint worried ke? Lol,Wizkid talk true o
If u ask mi,na who I go ask?
Thank God people are getting their senses back. People will pay for shows if you are ready to be real on stage. I'm tired of paying for shows only for musicians to lip-sync. If it were to be a comedy show, the organisers will have a crowd problem.
Dis is just d begining,watch awt 4 Part 2 "wizkid goes back to school"
Were u xpectin him 2say he was?
Abuja people ain't got time for celebrities
Like he said to a fan, "broke" so broke pips didn't come na!!! Dead guy!! Nice music!!!
Bad publicity! Probs
I even got a free regular ticket while I went shopping @exclusive stores. ppppfffffffffff! Who cares abt wizkid in abj? I certainly don't. #jstpassing#
Was he not getting report about the ticket sales, was he fnkn he will sell tickets at the venue?..poor management
nawaooh asu strike plz release us!
Lol, times are hard o
Lmfao...ma hear say he iz Ϟoτ̅ worried..abeg talk τ̅ nyash,oh yes τ̅ the nyash...learn τ̅ respect U̶̲̥̅̊я̩̥̊ fans,pride goes b4 α̲̅ fall Ϟ only α̲̅ mata of tym b4 urs
Dis just d begining, watch awt 4 part 2 "wizkid goes back to school"
Y wud he b worried when he got paid.
Dem for pack goats go occupy the seats na....
I dey feel dis g die! D guy geh levels die., I swear I must follow am yarn....if na davido na so e go tell dem make dem postpone d show...onto level say odinary show #teamstarboy
God rises those who lower them selves and lower those who rises them selves, am kinda sorry bro, learn how to be humble next time, poor folks made you richer. I belief mc tina say so..
Wizkid..#painment o d tn don pain am! Humility pays...
wizkid career is diminishing.
God rises those who lower them selves and lower those who rises them selves, am kinda sorry bro, learn how to be humble next time, poor folks made you richer. mc tina say so.. I belief
Those peep dere sef entered cos Wizkid gave free ticket@d gate, we just help his ministry.
I pray say u kno dey concern ooo. U av nt seen anytin yet. U go drink garri come back come beg does wey u call broke niggaz. Asshole
Sunday nite show...ow pple go kom
Abuja people aint really into shows unlike Lagosians!
He should be worried Ohhh...Na So Hunger Dey Start...Pride comes befall a Fall! The Next Thing...He would be begging Nigerians to donate N200 for Him Heart Operation #Jokes Ooooo
A Word is too much for the Wise!
Lol!!! but, why would I wanna pay 300/500k for table to see wizkid? or any of dem 9ja artists? they don't have wat it takes yet. would save my money for the international acts Biko. atleast, it will be worth it. the ones that can actually sing, dance and really entertain! Our own dem, Neva reach to ask for such price!
Pls help me tell them...
Lmao @iyeyeye
Lol he is acting like he doesnt care!! He sounded pained nd embarrased in his tweet!! Wizzy baby, even though ua rude, i still love you!! Hehehe
Its not ASUU oo, 1st of the publicity was bad!!!!,I didn't hear about it until people start talking about how dry the show is on twitter,
I follow wizkid on twitter n he didn't talk about it or didn't talk abt it much, Yankee entertainment need 2 stop doing advert on AIT alone, young folk don't watch AIT like dt in Abj, dey need 2 stop doing shows sunday nights, people gast go work. Dey need to do publicity in lugbe,yanya,kubwa,mpape n all dem outskirts too.
Nigerian celebs need to stop miming their song on stage,its not entertaining, no money in town so whatever I want to spend my money on I must get value 4 it.
Boko haram and finally wheezy is wheezing away gradually, if U̶̲̥̅̊ re worth it people will come out.
Pheeew!!!!! Nigerian artist shld pay me 4 dis lol.
Xoxo yun
ThankGod for u_abeg more for the orphanages!!!
Am sure u can't "effort" good english too_smh for U Oo
Buhahahahahaah! Lmaooo!
Lmfao@ iyeyeye eeeh... same thing noni everytime
Like ur attendance would have changed anything!......notice me!!!!!
Hehehe...shatap sexy ugonna
Its the organizer that should feel pained not wizzy, he has already been paid BUT not good for his promotion if he keeps performing to empty seats
Bestest comment ever
If he is not worried because he got paid already, the organizers may not want to take such a risk again. Any artiste should be concerned and asking questions as to why poor sales.
Na so e dey take start small small, proud boy! U Neva see anything, people dey watch u now, u go dey talk anyhow to fans wey make u, u go learn learn. You, I no say u no go post my yarn........I no care too
Na so e dey take start small small, proud boy! U Neva see anything, people dey watch u now, u go dey talk anyhow to fans wey make u, u go learn learn. You, I no say u no go post my yarn........I no care too
Linda.. WTF? Pls get rid of this black coke bottle crap as cursor pointer on your blog.. Its annoying abeg!
Abuja peeps like their point n kill or grilled croaker fish with drinks to was it down. Check any park that sells these and you'll know. If he wts 2perform @ any of the parks whilst peeps r eating, na him sabi
I feel pitty 4 him
a star is a luminous heavenly body no matter how darkness tries it can only shade ur light temporary but not forever,wiZkid is a STAR ,2day u went 4 a show in a half empty hall due to certain unforeseen issues but believe me pipo will alway talk no matter wat ,ur lights has not faded yet u will always outshine negativity dtz wat makes u a STAR.....BRAVO STAR BOY(@ENENDUC
how them go go dat arrogant kid...。。。。。i tot e was tweeting dat poor pple gat opinion na dat opinion no mak dem show if e no pain am y e tweet am onpe
Your post is so on point! How would they have a show on Sunday night? And yes they should publicize more on the outskirts of Abuja. It's embarrassing but as the young man got paid, am sure he really doesn't give a hoot!
U mean 360 and Azuri right? lol... peeps r hustling for cash....aint nobody got time for spending the lean one u get on sm1 who has more than u do...only time u do that is for comic relief...
I read through mostly all the comment and I cannot sense reasonable one which force me to comment, subject to Wizkid show been empty... Lemme clear the air that the organiser are the main cause of the empty show... This re d reasons which anybody living in abuja will understd and go with...1. People Don't go to shows on sunday is monday is not public holiday in abuja cause is a working class city.
2. Don't fix a show during a festive period in abuja cause almost 60% of people in abuja will travel dis period and u can easily count the number of people and cars in abuja at this time..there is different btw a public holiday and festive holiday.
3. No enough publicity by the organisers.. What of people living at the sub in abuja dat makes up the 70% of the city...Kubwa,Dutse, gwawalada, Mararaba-iyanyan, mpape, lugbe and the rest...
This re my take...
But i think this is not the end of the world..he will get money somewhere else..so no need 4 getting worried for only a day thing
Bruh..Abuja only goes out for AY live. U should have known that . Lmfao, real hot tears!
The question is why will I pay 4k to see Wizkid ?? Remind me, who is he again ? En been dey think sey en be Dbanj ?
d truth is abj peps dnt go for shows except AY or any other comedy show
Two reasons for the low turn-out; insufficient publicity (Never heard of the show) and over priced.
First the timing of the show on a Sunday was wrong, everyone has to go to work on Monday, Friday would hv been a better day to help people unwind from a long week.
Secondly, even though I'm a major wizkid fan, I didn't hear about the concert, maybe he should hv advertised on DStv, since thats what the average Abuja family watches most of the time.
Thirdly, I once went for a dbanj concert here in Abuja that was almost empty too, and Dbanj is still going strong, so It's not really a reflection on Wizkid, he'll be fine.
Finally, I would advise him to do a free show for Unilag
students, just to clear the bad blood that haters hv tried to brew there.
Keep smiling Wizkid, we all love ur music.
He said "broke,foolish,stupid,idiot,nonentity,asshole,dumbass fans tink dey hav opinion".....I think almost all d fans fall into one category(either broke,foolish etc).....SO!!...P has bin pressed,not boko,not ASUU....#yungleckzy
Wizzy Bobo, awon frosh wey be ur padi no com ur show ni? we wey be smellos are broke and wud rather eat popcorn @ de mall. warra pirry. #PrideGoesBeforeAFall
Its to show that every star has to be conscionable. The dude told a girl who wanted to take a picture with him before the show, "Fuck that Shit B***h. He's really got to take it easy else he'd crash.
a no 4 me!!! u c y u shld listen 2 J.Mths's advice "u dnt bit d finger tat feed u" mtcheeees.......broke ass fans (like wizkid said) are saving money nah, Ref:ASUU strike (dnt play with student) coz they feed u with their pocket money....RUBBISH!!!!
Yeah Yeah broke ass niggaz are trying to save money now everyone wonna be rich btw there is always a bad market it's a sign for the wise ones
Lessons for wizkid.
1. Abuja ain't like Lagos socially.
2. you have to have organisers that are familiar with Abuja social scene in order for them to publicise your event for you cos they know their clique!.
3. I did not even know about it your organisers are horrible.
4. Timing is bad. student's are not around.
5. VIP seats..hmnn even if you give VIP people free seats they will not come cos they are celebrities in their own eyes.These VIP can pay you to come perform in their Asokoro and Maitiama Mansions.
OMG!!!! Seriously dis 1 N̶̲̥̅̊A̷̷̴̐͠ђ better bad market ☺º°˚˚˚°º☺☺ ..... All d same y he still perform?
ALATISHE say so.
True talk bro, Yankee is wack, a thief and crook for tht matter, check all his shows from Iyayan, to mayD to wizkid and others, he can't sell again in this abj. Rude fool.
people in abuja er scared of crowd, try lagos
Stupid Wizkid..what is sad about that..my friend screamed her ribs out when she saw him..only 4 him to Diss her when she wanted a pix with him..saying fuck shit..why will dey show up...on to the next 1...
If you have lived in abj this shouldn't be a surprise, abj peeps don't give a F*** about celebrity and are not into music shows, if you want to see abj at its best make it a music and comedy show. Sorry wizzy WELCOME TO ABUJA
na those abj uni children for cm watch now but strike don take dem go house bk, nd u knw expect abj bigger boys to cm sitdon dey watch u for waitn now.
Not a good look for his CV..on the bright side, he got paid still.
The kid need to go back to school. People are tired sex sex songs.
You sure???? You sure say he ain't worried about it? Na prayer e dey.
its a lie, the worst thing for a musician is to get an empty concert. he will be paid sha, but it doesnt make sense, i think wizkid need to chill with his music abit. too much of it now, and everyone is getting feedup.
Until u get it into ur skull that without ur FANS u are nothing...this is just the beginning, still expect more.
Abuja peeps b living fake lives they all broke,if their parents don't steal from govt nothing for them
lols eyaaaa
na wa ooo, if u ask me na who i go ask, d matter way u dey c so e a'v 2 talk
pride d say comes before a fall.
he knows d cause of it,...
was it not suppose to be fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, but dis one na fear of Bokoboys beginning of long life, or there's no enoff publicity 4 d show, or the organizer might have disappointed dem b4, all this could be a criteria for pple not to show up. wizzy already dancing alanta to d bank.
Dey no know who is wizkid dat why dey wasn't der
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