Some people in ASUU have been distributing flyers with abusive messages against Dr Okonjo-Iweala and now the ministry is issuing a statement about it, saying the minister is not the problem. I'd rather read about when ASUU is calling off this strike to be honest. Find the press statement below
Contrary to some recent media reports, the Federal government has not adopted a take-it-or-leave-it approach in its negotiations with ASUU. Rather, the approach is focused on positive engagement and achieving sustainable solutions to the challenges facing higher education in the country. That is why President Goodluck Jonathan recently appealed to ASUU to respond to government’s positive steps by calling off its strike in the interest of suffering students and parents.
this, for several days now, some elements in ASUU have been distributing
pamphlets and flyers with abusive and inflammatory messages against the
Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance, Dr Ngozi
Okonjo-Iweala in mosques and other places. This is taking academic unionism to
a new low and infusing it with unnecessary politics. I am sure majority of ASUU
members are not in support of this.
messages are directed at using falsehood to demonize the Minister as callous
and unsympathetic to the plight of students and parents. The major lie being
peddled in the pamphlets and flyers is that Dr Okonjo-Iweala has insisted on a
“take-it-or-leave-it approach” in the negotiations with ASUU. Nothing could be
further from the truth.
Okonjo-Iweala is the daughter of two retired professors and her father is
presently a member of ASUU’s Board of Trustees and has been one for a long
time. She speaks with her father everyday on the issue so how can be
insensitive to issues concerning the sad state of tertiary education in the
country? She understands and sympathizes with the plight of both students and
lecturers. She wants our children back in school as soon as possible. Remember
she is a mother and two of her young relatives are sitting at home due to the
This is
why government is working hard, under the leadership of the President, to seek
practical and sustainable solutions to the challenges facing higher education
in Nigeria. The President has made available N100 billion a year in the first
instance to repair hostels, laboratories and classrooms and other facilities.
An offer has also been made to ASUU of N30 billion towards their earned
allowances. In fact, negotiations have even gone further than this. This is the
first time, in years of negotiating with government, that significant sums of
money have been put on the table for ASUU and universities on this particular
set of issues. The Coordinating Minister is fully part of this.
this background, ASUU elements who want the strike to continue should have a
heart and rethink their current take-it-or-leave-it approach to negotiation.
Government has demonstrated its commitment to improving the university system.
And it is even ready to do much more going forward. ASUU should listen to the
voice of reason and the yearnings of Nigerians on this issue.
Paul C
Adviser to the Coordinating Minister and Minister of Finance
Rubbish, two of her relatives, not her children, Huhh??
I know students are tired of the strike action and wouldn't wanna see reason to it but its the federal government that's at fault here, they signed MOU's that they have refused to honour, that's not the way things are done. And I don't think ASUU would wanna call off a strike of close to 4 months when their demands are not met yet, what then would be the justification of the strike, so I think the federal government just has to one way or the other give them their demands so students can get back to class.
God please inter seed in this issue!!! Am tired of staying @ home doing nothing
Finally.... Abeg all this one they are saying is rubbish what I want to hear Is that strike has been called off....
Like seriously? What nonsense!what kind of stupid press statement is this,students are out of skool 4 months and all u care about is your slf image,this alone speaks Moore than the flyers rubbish
I really can't waste my time reading this, all I want to know is when the strike will be over that's all.
I support ASUU 100%. An Agreement was made in 2009 that Govt. should Fund the University Education in established terms and conditions! It should be noted that Goodluck Jonathan...was the Vice President of the nation at that time and was representing the govt in that agreement. He represented the Late Umaru Yaradua and reported to Him. Government decided to sign such agreement!!!
Now, in 2013...He doesn't want to respect the agreement He signed! What Baffles me is GEJ Himself...Claiming he has a PhD from Uniport and a former member of ASUU...
For all that matters, Respect the Agreement you made to ASUU in 2009 and Stop Playing Politics. Agreement is Agreement and must Always be respected!!! Nigerians Know they can never trust Government!!! Never!!! For the first time, I think the Govt. has seen their match...Carry-On ASUU!!!
Pls they should cut all this crap and let the poor student go back to school.
Everything is spiraling out of control and we are in a state of anarchy.. Soon the country will be grounded to a halt as issues upon issues become unbearable for those affected and they go to extreme measures to show their discontent.
Jonathan is the wrong president at the wrong time. Him and the people in his cabinet do not have the courage to take on some of these issues in the best way possible. And the issue is the size bought in expenditure and revenue generation of the center. All the money goes there, and then the people there have put so many appendages to suck the money dry.
How can ASUU settle for 130billion, when 1 person used 255million to buy one car?
How can ASUU settle for 130billion when billions are paid to Tompolo and Asari Dokubo monthly so that the "right" people can still steal billions of Naira worth of crude oil on a daily basis??
How can ASUU settle for 130billion, when Asari Dokubo (a tout just a couple of years back) opened a university that will rival the universities built by churches that collect "huge" offerings and tithes from millions of Nigerians weekly??
There is too much going round about so many things that are going wrong for anyone to settle for anything but anarchy.
What the righteous can only do is to pray
Why are they refering to ppl who are part of what they are today as "element" abi that's d right adjective? ASUU elements choi!
Na nxt year tinz my pepoo..my mama don tel me as e dey go..al dis 1 wey dem dey yarn 4 here na d wash wey we gada plan!.
Bokoharam should be permitted 2 deal wit these asuu scumbags! Greed is a big vice! God help us
ASUU Bunch of Vagabonds! Walking about wit over-inflated sense of selfworth! I can't deal
ASUU better accept and call off the strike! Except there is something else they are not telling us.
Bokoharam should be permitted 2 deal wit these asuu scumbags! Greed is a big vice! God help us
Why don't I believe this... This is just pure nonsense though I'm still enjoying the strike sha.. Linda first. To comment pls post my comment pls pls pls
Wait Linda.......That special adviser has not done hiss work Ooº°˚ ˚°Âºoo to convince at all... He is just beating abt †Ñ’ξ bush....this strike will be off feb 2014....una go say I talk am plus First to comment
All I wan hear nah "asuu strike called off"
Pls assu listen n soften ur hearts biko,we d students r suffering.we wnt 2 go bck...
So ₪A̶̲̥̅̊h only her two relatives, no be children sef or cousins ....₪A̶̲̥̅̊h her villagers....buh Asuu is nt being fair aswear
Asuu abeg na... Am tired! Any how any how abeg let man graduate, na beg I dey beg o
ASUU is just full of crap
I guess the ASUU members are just insensitive .drastic decision should be taken to safe the country educational system.
I guess students of the so called "glorified secondary schools" are laughing now while federal university students sleep at home.
Anyway trust me, if ASUU insists on a take it or leave it approach, then students should get ready to sleep at home for at least one year because I believe Federal Government would not provide all the money they are asking for.
It is the students I pity most...NYSC delayed, graduation delayed, learning delayed, whole term scattered..very disheartning.
Pls i plead with the govt nt 2 relent in its effort or comittment but 2 keep pressin on in this course.I believe its almst d finishin line even though there re bad blood amongst the Assu body.They need 2 b fished out first, only then can students return 2 d classrooms. I Believe God has already intervend and very soon we wl all smile bck 2 skul.
they are playing politics, but i dn't knw if the student understand it
Trash!!! An agreement is an agreement!d Govt can aford wateva amount ASUU wants!same govt dat eats 1bilion yearly?hav fleets of private air jets?legislators are highest paid wit unreasonable allowances?wana spend 1bill 4 a house 4 d 1st lady?? I mean,who are we deceivin here!okonjo-iweala's kids graduated from harvard!she dnt care bout us!if she realy did,she wud hav cut all d unnecessary spendin!!! Always spewing trash!! No retreat!no surrender*ONYX GODWIN*
When you all finish gambling with our future let us know. Mcheeeeeew stupid talk!
To be candid I think ASUU is being unreasonable. Wallahi, haba now,why can't they be realistic. Uncle Jona don try wit d money wey he put down now or much world bank be robbed bcos of u pple?. Abeg joor,ASUU chairman waka pass,ole lik u. Aunty Ngo and Uncle Jona mai una no mind them. Meanwhile,2 all d students @ home, Una ndoo.
My own is that they should settle Asuu let the students and lecturers go back to class.
If I was in naija doing my master Kai baba God I thank you sha....
Wtf mo gbe govt has 4gotten us. Foolish pipu
C d way they r treating future leaders
Well, it up's to ASUU
This press release is nonsense as far as I am concern, this is not the first time govt will promise and they will not keep to it,this was an agreement reached some years back, pls return the two armored car of miss stella and add it to asuu money they may agree.there is no money for asuu but there is money for armored car, tell that to the birds
A pitiable situation. Proffessor have turned to politician. Nobody cares. Send all the money u have and they will share it with their godfather senators and house of reps members and the students are d worst for it. Judging from the utilization of funds sent for step B projects in d universities,asuu has no moral justification to keep students out of classroom. We need to actually ask who owns the universities- asuu or fgn? Our judiciary is in comatose that is why nigerians have suffered greatly. Ofujeme
2 of her relatives are at home affected by d strike ,not her own children who r studying abroad .poor nigerian youths I weep for u guys. I pray when ASUU finally gets d money ,they use it & don't chop it too
Talking like she cares... stop this preaching n do d right thing...
long story puliz....#rollingeyez
I now understand the government's position. What's ASUU's?
And they wonder why nigerians r runing 2 study abroad Read About This .The country looses money, they knw ths, thats why false rumor start up about these universities not being accredited Read About False Rumors About Houdegbe North American University. So sad
Mosques and other places!!! Lol . Very provocative press statement. It shows how insensitive some people are. She has to release a press statement on N225million 2 armoured cars too
I like her point...
jimi solanke story land...... open university una begin talk story....smh
Hmmm! Non of dis pple is affected by d strike, der kids are abroad with stolen money from d masses. But God ll punish dem all accordingly for many generations.
Hmmmmmm! Just strolling!!!!! #sighs#
''Distributin pamplets in mosques'' ok I get where this headin to but the minister and her spokesman shuld tell us which mosques where these pamplets r being distributed ? And we also nid samples of these pamplets its obvious that this woman is an enemy of the nigerian pple bloody world bank agent
All lies...... Don't believe them, till they do the right thing
I duno what exactly is wrong with these people, we can't continue this way, we youth have to fight for our right...
Signed by Orobo
From my point of view, ASSU itself is the probelm not the FG.. They always claim they re fighting for the students and lectures yet in the end we see no improvement in our school.. ASSU is filled with people who are just fighting for their selfish interest..
hmmmm, i read somthn lyk her two relation is @ home. I was expecting to hear somthn lyk her two children is @ home. Rubbishhhhh
Very funny!
~D great anonymous!
Liar Liar pants on fire. Wch two stupid relatives. Anyway they said relatives and not children. Co is know her kids r not schooling in d country. Its a shame tho this ASUU thing.
2 of her relatives are at home due to the strike. What about her children??
Two of my young Relatives are sitting at home due to strike. Idiat,.. Two of your young children nko?? Are they not in the university. Oloshi
Ofcourse Politics has rendered ASUU useless as far as am concerned .....Mosque ke.....oooo....Tunda will Fire all ASSU executives....may ur salaries go on strike for 1year ...amen
absolute baldadash... Evrybody z avoiding d blame yet no one wnts 2 mk tins beta...
Na wa oooo. O dikwa risky. Keke pls ahia udele junction.
leave story get online daily/ monthly job here http://t.co/Lb0RfokL15
Laff wan kill my being. "Two of her cousins are @ home? Wetin concern us? Where are her children. Dis woman funny pass akkpos!
her daughter grad from harvard,its only her relatives dat schools here....and ASUU it was an agreement not a convenant
Dey should call off d strike and stp giving us stupid story
If its stil dat same 100 billion on d table for past 2 months means its a 'take it or leave it' approach na. Divide d 100billion by the marked down 100 universities n dats 1b each for repair of classrooms/labs n upgrade of infrastructure which is excatly same amount Aso Rock budgets for feeding only every year!
Make no mistake...
ASUU is as much the problem as the Federal Government...
The rot in Nigeria's educational system is decades-old...
It wasn't inflicted on us by President GEJ's administration only...
It is a condensate or fossilized state of being, I mean!
But it appears ASUU wants to solve all the issues with one strike action under GEJ's presidency!
Why aren't they thinking of spreading them out over a period and win the concessions in gradual and progressive installments if indeed their cause is not purely driven by selfishness and cynicism...
I dare say that I'm not convinced that the ASUU guys are genuinely concerned with the general improvement of the fortunes of university education in Nigeria beyond themselves or as much as they are concerned with deploying this strike to muscle government to pay them as much money as politicians earn...
And that is bad faith enough!
Besides, I have never seen a body more confused as ASUU.
These guys are negotiating with only the FG as if it is the FG that pays the salaries of all teachers in public universities, federal and states.
Is it the FG that pays the salaries of lecturers in LASU, OOU, AAU, IMSU, ESUT, ABSU, etc?
Curiously, each concession they win from the FG is inflicted on the state govt with whom they had no negotiations.
And so the states, which are barely liquid compared to the FG, are forced to pay so much despite not being part of the so-called agreements...
When billions of naira are given the state universities, they end up as salaries for teachers only; and hence could hardly add up for infrastructural renewal or improvement of the state universities...
As part of the unfortunate upshot, students are left to pay terribly high fees in the decrepitude called state universities!
If you want to see hellholes in sights and sounds, go to the state universities!
You'll be lucky to come away with your sanity, and that is if you survive puking all your intestines away from the putrefaction!
ASUU should be more creative please...
They should be more sincere, too...
They should be less selfish...
They should advance beyond just being glorified students...
Negotiations can hardly be a zero-sum thing...
ASUU should think in terms of win-win with the FG so that none will lose face and everyone will go home happy...
Indeed ASUU deserves representation at the proposed National Conference, as their territory, the universities, constitute one of the most troubled spots in NAIJA!
I sincerely think ASUU should soft-pedal a little. This same problem has been lingering right from time immemorial. I think it's high time they put a permanent stop to it.
One thing with we Nigerians. Give you a step,u take a mile.
ASUU has to have a rethink. And besides we're are the internally generated revenues of these so called universities? And what r states universities doing with ASUU?
ASUU, pls am pleading. U hav tried and the FG has tried too. Accept the offer and go back to work. I know if it was a demand by law makers in high places, it would hav been long aproved.
U pple r dia kallin money as if dey pluck it down 4m a tree nearby!!!ur children r all abroad dats y u guys aint possible....plz plz ad plz kal of dz strike so we can knw wat our future holds 4 us!
U pple r dia kallin money as if dey pluck it down 4m a tree nearby!!!ur children r all abroad dats y u guys aint possible....plz plz ad plz kal of dz strike so we can knw wat our future holds 4 us!
I cannot read any silly comment from government officials.
As painful as this ASUU strike is, federal government must take responsibility. How can you not honor an agreement you made and then you try to renegotiate same agreement??
Do these people know the value of trust in relationships??
Student should brave it and let this madness be resolved once and for all!
Looks like someone bitch slapped this bitch with 2 billion naira. See her cheeks.
ASUU and government should reach a truce on this issue. Though I am not in support of the govt's position so far, but truth be told, ASUU has greedy leaders. The students think they are fighting for them, but ASUU Is fighting for its pocket and 70yrs retirement age not for the plight of students. My dad is a lecturer (professor)so I know what's up.
Even though am not happy about the strike,my 1st question to d writer is that did okonja children n herself schooled here,so drop that eye-shadow of pity,2ndly,it is very easy for patience to celebrate her come back frm d dead and PDP women campaign with billions of naira with big artist but they don't have money available for upgrading of d educational system,the repairing of the turmoil in PDP is so important to them than reviving education,if ngozi is actually with us she would have advise GEJ to sell 1/2 of the 10 jets to augment the issue.special adviser I understand ur plight,if I were in ur shoes I will do d same but the truth is bitter,our Education sector has reached its peak of drowning,an immediate life jacket is necessary or else 2015 will not go well.
Slumdog. Millionaire
Ok we've heard,I want 2 see it materialise.let our youths go back 2 school abeg.
Akuko n' egwu****kwuu on
Hey Paul C Nwabuikwu
Special Adviser to the Coordinating Minister and Minister of Finance
AGREEMENT is AGREEMENT. You people should warn yourselves Ooooooo.
In fact bring to public the agreement you willful signed. Let's even know who to believe!
Can they like call of this strike, people are getting old staying at home, and when we are done with the whole degree thing, it is these same companies in Nigeria that will be looking for young graduates as if they don't know the major cause of late age graduation btw where are the jobs? *sighs*. May God help us all.
If I open my mouth and swear for these pple,they'll stop telling me non sense and inform me when I'm returning to school!
Asuu is α bunch of grumpy old mofos who doesn't know u donst get rich by working in α govt establishment. They should all go get α life. We're sick of their impunity. Pls NEXT.. FG should sack them all.. We don't care.. Greedy baffuns
Abegi make them leave me alone,how can the minister be sensitive when all her kids school abroad and the government over there in the UK makes sure the universities are funded adequately.............whoever issued that statement should show me his child who is schooling in a Nigerian university?
abegi make them leave me alone,how can the minister be sensitive when all her kids schooled abroad where the government makes sure the universities are properly funded.whoever issued that statement should put me his or her child that is schooling in a Nigerian university......if it all it will be a private university so they don bear the brunt at all.what the government should do is increase entry level age from 26 to 40 because by the time most people graduate they should be over 30years because of incessant strikes caused by poor govt funding
@linda pls say what is good to my hearing .. This woman is holding us here at home.. And dont forget what u told us abt her schooling and her parent and 4 children.. The all graduate from Havard University London.. If others ain't worried,i AM..pls post my comment,nt only PC is own is meant to see.
Yoruba pple talk say ant wey dey chop vegetable na de vegetable body he dey leave.
ASUU kip fighting. Our govt lies and yet one minister may have that amount being asked for in an account. The price? Students staying at home but it is for a greater good. This will teach the govt to stop making promises and later going back on it.
The govt is working hard but we r not seeing d result of the hard work but therez money to buy a minister a bullet proof car but no money to pay ASUU.
This is the first time I'm commenting on a blog. Being a university undergraduate,I wonder if this isn't just propaganda by the govt bcos if truly all these have been done,the ongoing strike would have been called off. But if this statement is true and not just one of federal govt antics,I'd like to appeal to the ASUU to please look into the plight of students,parents and the govt and call off this strike.
Asuu people are thieves..they should get a life and stop over demanding and going on strike
Mtchewwww nd I was hia tinkn d monkey womam was go say sumfn meaningful #long hiss. Mk I hia say ha relatives dy haus,y she no say ha children dey haus? Bcuz m sure dy r abroad studyin...d lord z our muscle sha,God pass dem!
2 of her young relatives? Why not 2 of her young children? This ppl sef. A̶̲̥̅̊♏ seriously praying for naija
Plz make dis snappy oooooo,am tried of stayin at home.#cryin
Oh please!!!!!you are just now deeming it fit to release a statement, because u think the minsters name/character is being defamed!!!please give the lecturers what they want!!!all you politicians do is amass wealth! You can't blame them for wanting their due portion! If the minister or presidents children were schooling in nigeira!!!!u will do more than release a press statement! #doyourjob#
Lili help me tell dem o.....I don't understand asuu n dia shakara, half bread is beta dan none.....
Linda, Plz dnt let dem full us no more, how will you Set l a deal since 09" n not implement. Say no money is even the worst with all we are seeing, FG shld watch themselves. ASUU are academicians, you can't continue to play them no more. They have killed our primary and sec. Sch education system. The fiant of Africa can not even compete in Africa, not to talk of War. Yet they drive in expensive car, live large like Death dnt exist. God bless Nigeria
They just want to draw this strike to Jan,we've given up!!!#Notinterestedface
ASUU temper justice wit patriotism.Call off d damn strike n let NLC wade in2 d matter.Am sure d mother of all strikes by NLC wil convince Jonathan dat u ppl aren't jokin!
Mbok less talk n more action! 9ja too talk Jor!
What the special adviser said is ⌣┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥·̵̭̌✽̤̥̈̊☺ķªª¥.̤̥̈̊·̵̭̌»̶̥-̶̯͡┈̥⌣, if truly it W̶̲̥̅̊iâ„“â„“ be abided to, sincerely, the govt is not truly concerned about the educational sector. Remember, ile latin ko eso losode! Charity begins at home!
Minister has not actually acted as appropriate otherwise this issue should be dead by now. She is in best position to advice government knowing fully well the financial capacity of the government. Two of her young relatives but not her biological children, in other words she is not feeling the pains and that is why she has failed to act. Enough of this vindication, they should answer them. We want University of Ibadan to be like Harvard University where her children attend.
Babe abeg unto the next one.. make we hear word...
It's obvious that ASUU has join a poltical party as opposition.they av not had it this good yet they don't want to return.Let them stay soon Nigerian will know the real truth.
"ASUU have been
distributing pamphlets and flyers with abusive and inflammatory messages against the Coordinating Minister for the Economy and
Minister of Finance, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala in *mosques* and other places."
Why do we as people like to stir up hatred, this piece of writing is a well crafted but subtle blackmail. The way we play with words in order to appeal to sentiments is pathetic. The writer is trying to plant subliminal thoughts in the minds of the readers. Why mention mosque and other places why not say churches and other places or Malls and other places etc. It should be noted that the flyers were meant to draw the attention of the public to the issues being raised.The idea of demonising ASUU because the National President is a northerner and there is this perceived opposition to Pres GEJ coming from the north, so the strike is political. I want us to knw that ASUU is not a one man-show, the National Pres derives his powers from the NEC and which in turn is empowered by the local chapters. Lets discuss issues and not stir up sentiments.
they wont spend the money where is neccessary,when it comes to the education sector is always no money while their children re oversees.its well. abeg asuu officials pity us nd accept the peanut they re offering,i want to be useful with my life abeg
ASSU collect dat one and call off dis strike before u will regret it oooooooooooooo:/
D long write up won't do us any gd. We just need d strike to be called off least it lingers till next year.
Whatever dey r doing should be done on time,lives are at stake here!
So ASUU 2 go on strike B4 d govt will meet up their demands! The minister is lyin.
Seriously can this govt be trusted?How often has it reneged on previous agreements? Need i ask,where are the Minister's children schooling?Has the minister made any effort to take a tour of at least a university in Nigeria to see the state of rot in our ivory towers?
I know the students are suffering right now,but they would be the better for it,if for once we tell this govt that it wont be business as usual.T hey can't continue to buy N225M cars for themselves, when this same amount could provide 70 Toyota coaster buses for our universities that lack decent shuttle buses for its campuses.The time for change is now!
90% of lecturers don't lecture, 95% take bribe and blocking, 70% of the male lecturers f**k their femela student. ASUU should f**k off. Fools.
All I want 2 see is d caption"ASUU STRIKE CALLED OFF"! Make dem save al dese long talk!
pheew! I dnt even know wah 2 say again sef...__Ruby__
It is well with our country, thats all i can say. Wunmi
Honestly, a 100 billion 4 all universities in nigr?? Dats more like childs play!! I'm not supporting d strike but dats a grain of sand considering d amnt of wrk to do for d universities!! Y shuld d so called legislators be earning as much as dey earn wen dey don't add any value to d country n d lecturers who make d impact of the nation thru their student have to go on actions before dey can rcv support 4rm d govt!! What's the way forward Naija????
Yes your parents are retd Prof.was it under the present university conditions that they earned their degrees.and didn't they complete it outside the Nigerian system?you said two of your relatives.but not your own children who we have read schooled outside the country despite their mom earning her income from Nigeria.the govt jeeps saying they are ready to pay xxx amount but can you say what you are actually owing.guess what,the lecturers can't afford the private universities nor go abroad so they have to agitate to fix where they can afford to go.people ate going to cotonou and Ghana and their degree certificates are now more acceptable than Nigerian certificates.imagine that!and please all if you should stop this nonsense of claiming everything is politicized.we are tired of this excuse from all you politicians.
Asuu should cut off this strike of a tin. Students are getting tired. Parents are getting tired. Cheers. Engr Emy.
It's interesting that 30bn has been offered towards "earned allowances" and 100bn towards school development/upgrade. The big question is: How many politicians have their "earned allowances" unpaid by government? Travelling, discusions and negotiations are part of a politician's job responsibility.....why pay them sitting and travelling allowances plus their salaries? A lecturer is mandated to supervise 5 students but in reality, some supervise 100. Lecturers are overworked, yet fresh graduates with PhDs can't get jobs to help them. Solution: reduce recurrent costs...reduce allowances of politicians and you will have enough money to pay lecturers, employ more and industrialize Naija
So govt is trying to shift focus frm dem to ASUU,nicely done....actually i don't blame ASUU,they've been fooled by fed govt one too many times. U ppl shd give ASUU their demand n they'll return gbam...I think its time we let govt knw dat they're not d boss of us but d oda way round,if they can spend somuch on themselves y hold back frm us?iweala shd go n sleep,her "relatives" not even her kids,so it doesn't directly affect her...infact I'af talk too much
130 billion...and they are still at home?
Those circulating the posters and flyers are making it the picture clearer now. Hmmm... I see.
They are being sponsored by the opposition -G7 governors, whose kids are probably overseas or in private Universities
Absolute trash! This press release is full on nonsense
I fink asuu is been to greedy...dis is not just okay...how can u demand for 500billion naira...do they want to create airports in each higher institutions?? Nd dt asuu chairman wat is dt his name again fagge abi faggot shud stop lying dt students re behind him..FYi .we re not behind u sir we want to go to school so better take wat Fg has given u nd call of the damn strike
pleeeeaaassee!!!! end d strike na. we need to go to skool.
Mtshw... Llke u said all i wnt to hear n read is dt d strike has bn called off so i fit grad n go for service nxt year *gbam #irestmybrain
Which her children dey home, abi Havard dey on strike???
.........yinmu# iya oloriburuku ole jatijati agba iya
mtcheeeew mumu talk,,,,shez simply heartless.
It may be true but unfortunately someone has to be a scape goat and who better to take the fall than Mrs. Iweala especially as she has shown how porous the FGs' purse seeing that her fellow thieving colleague Stella Oduah could splurge 255million dollars on 2 exotic aromoured vehicles and is still sitting pretty in office. Shame on Iweala jonathan and the federal government.
God help us o, we are tired of sitting @ home.
Asuu pls ooooo. D entire 9ja iz beggin. Dy are nt fightn4any Just cause.jst bein selfish!!!
Our prayer is Asuu should fear God and go back 2 work
Pitty d young Nigeria generations
This is lugubrious!!!
asuu plz calloff na
FULL OF TRASH.............
Abeg swerve! This is all a propanganda to put her in good light. Just 2 of her relatives abi? Where are her kids? Her other young relatives? Points raised in this press release aint really focused on the real matter:ASUU STRIKE. Asuu is fighting for what it believe is right and I hope we sleeping, suffering and smiling nigerians will take a cue from this, wake up and start demanding for our rights too. Enough of these shitty governments. God help us all.
We keep hearing different stories everyday,if funding is the crux of the dispute let the Fed.Government release the funds and set up a committee to ensure that it is utilized adequately. From the legal angle to industral actions the mechinary for dispute resolution is neglected,I hereby say that this isn't an industral action but a battle for supremacy between Fg and Asuu..God will visit the evil doers in no distant time because the church is praying and I am too
Asuu ‖̳̿§ just fighting 4 dere selfish interest, meanwhile students r d ones suffering. God help us in dis country....Meanwhile, È‹̝̊̅̄ D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ luk 4 job ooo incase U̶̲̥̅̊ help Mε̲̣̣̣̥ see just halla at Mε̲̣̣̣̥ on 290283B1. Thanx! Long Live Nigerian Students!!! RHEUBHEN
We have a government that dont put people's interest in mind..asuu should not lay low cos its for our best interest
ASUU pls jst call off ds strike n federal govt shld meet deir demands...its no longer funny sitting @ home..we wnt 2 go 2 skul #shoutn#
See money..*130 bilan* JESU!mogbe
What do they want again?abeg,distribute reach my side oh.So Jonathan is paying for d evil of past rulers,Doctors strike,ASUP strike,Boko haram,Niger Delta boys,Nurses strike,Fuel subsidy strike...smal time nw,nursery schls(jèlesimi) go strike.Abv all,though presido is nt dat effective bt he has bn strong and resilient
its so bad dat ASUU and government are ignorantly and selfishly sacrificin today for d future..
mehn i hate all of them, theyr just keeping us at home for nothing
Seriously, linda, u r a blogger n not a polical pawn.......this is rubbish!!! This is the future of our children n grand children that we are talking about ere......majority dnt av d money to send their children out of d country so our educational system MUST b fixed to protect us from thieving politicians n liars, we deserve that much as a people n as a nation.......ASUU #must not back down for our sake.............#a student who knows what is at stake.......
na god go punish una. okonjo and jonathan. wht will it take you ppl to jst give asuu wat they hav long yearned for, over 7yrs now? is education not a more noble cause for government expenditure dan peasant politics? 25% of d whole nations revenue goes to these national asembly, governors n pasts presidents, then the military and so on. still not even up to 5% can go into education or into health? bcos u ppl fly abroad 2go n treat headache n malaria, u send ur children 2school abroad, thus these sectors shd suffer ryt? you have a big question 2 answer wif god!
Gudtin u are on strike cos u don't seem 2 ave learnt anytin in skool.. Inter seed indeed.. Olodo Rabata
Ikpu dora
bullshit, stop toying with the education of our children and do the right thing.
Abeg for your Quail eggs and incubators call 08056446401
I always read your comments, and your shallow mindedness amaze me. You don't even go in depths to read about some posts before commenting rubbish. The government should give asuu their demands for what reason? Asuu should make their demands public first of all then, the public should decide if they are fighting a just cause or just keeping students at home unjustly.
The country is rich enough to fund corruption,so we should also be rich enough to fund our educational system.As for that FAKE,HEARTLESS AND INSENSITIVE WOMAN OKONJI IWEALA,posterity will always judge her for the hardship she is imposing on Nigerians,we haven't forgotten the part she played in hiking the fuel price in 2012.BLOODY PROPAGANDIST
Asuu shuldn't shift ground abeg...jst imagine! Personally, I see no point here...this write up is as empty as "good morning"
I even thought this woman is reasonable such that many ave held her in high regard....y'all has failed woefly, and we ask again...what happened to money meant for education in nigeria...? This woman is crayyyy...abeg d strike shuld continue sef, I'll save some money...my babe no go dey disturb me for money ishh anytime now
Chai, stove as Bunsen burner, we must survive. Even my Old secondary school science Lab is even more equip than this even though things might have change because is government own too. Unity things. My fellow Nigerians, no matter or whatever they say about ASUU whether it is propaganda or not, i stand with them. Facilities at our universities are decaying and some are not existing again. Some of them use to express their pity at us while lecturing because when lecturing and there is nothing to demonstrate in practice. That's not how they were being taught during their era. A lot of them pass through the Nigeria higher institution as well. It not only affect the half-baked student who honestly know within themselves that they are not well equip with right knowledge and tools, but the Lecturers too, it affects them. Because without these facilities, a lot of topics are left untreated or shabbily done and research as well. They need to take the education more serious just like their allowances that they don't joke with.
Wt hapnd to ur big big grammar? A full essay lik dis wif none of ur stupid grammars? Dis goes to show dt dose times yu use em ur only showing off.quit tryn 2 please pple in ur life n for once be urslf lik yu re now. Fake ass niccur
Its actually "intercede" thank me l8r
What has private uni got to do with this? you are jst hating. We are all praying that the strike should end.
Criously, jst two if her relatives??? Mtswwww. Who happens to her kids? Am sure dey didn't go or are nt in any Nigerian uni. Even her grand kids won't go to a Nigerian uni. Am a student too, Bt let's remain home until all d demands r met. Nigerian govt has neglected education so much in dis country. D money is there, let d release it. They want to pack everything n put in foreign accts for dem selves. These our leaders, a special place awaits dem in hell if dey don't stop their corrupt practices
My dear remember that its yaraduas administration that signed the agreement and not goodluck, whichever way, student are tired of staying out home, so they shlg get dia misereable self together nd call of the strike mtcheeeew!
U r funny, @first I supported the Asuu, but this is now too much, why am saying is that d dead has been done! Nomata what! Students hv been at home for long, don't they have concience!! I doubt if they are really teachers how do they feel, I knw govt is wrong but what of students? Yaradua is dead nd gone, y wnt they agree to a new agreemen? Why? This is just like proving that sm1 is inocent wen the person have been killed, what differenc does it make? Weda dey got what dey bargained for or not, the students must have suffered enough. *sorry if I made a mistake, was very fast nd might type incorectly.
I know for a fact that all her kids went to Harvard University...
Her parent went to Harvard,she went to havard and so does her children.so y would she b bothered.D so called relatives ar nt her responsibilities.
Lwkmd!...#coughs n continue Lol# inter-seed ko Milan-fruit ni...rubbish!
This fool thks he is intellegient,get a life
I am angry because our major problem has always been ignorance and our lacadesical attitude towards things that concern us. it is also a huge pity that after four months, some people are still asking for ASUU demands to be made public. shameful.there was a time this four months strike action was just two weeks old. when ASUU president appeared on national tv to appeal to govt. they were nonchalant and thinking it was just as usual. after ceasing their salary and four months they are now appealing to conscience. that is a demonic govt. you get to a point where it is all or nothing.don't forget, a list of top 1000 universities in the world was published and no nigerian university made that list. the ministers children are all harvard graduate and in the labour market you cannot compete with them. our certificates are becoming usless in our own country and you think this strike is not justified? blame them when you say they got salary increase on the same agreement and forgot the rest but for change to take place, some people will have to pay. that press release is political and directed to cause more anarchy. look at our schools, labs, project are not organs, you leave school and you feel so betrayed by the institution. I'm a final year student and I am affected but this has to be done or we are a lost nation plus we know there is money to arrest the situation. coordinating minister. weytin be that .I'm also in constant communication with my father. nonsense
Oh puuleeease!!!, FG spare us ur trash talks, u jst savin d moni to use 4ur 2015 election. Yes I'm tired of stayin at home considerin I jst had 2weeks more 2graduate b4 d strike began, buh finali I tink I get it nw. Goodluck hs 64billion to reconstruct abj city gate buh cnt gv ASUU wt d wnt n u are here formin concernd abt naija students. Mtcheeeew
Idiot. Ω̴ÇŽ y U̶̲̥̅̊ no sabi book be dat
Amadioha, who loves the truth, will bless you for this truth. Those calling ASUU names don't mean good for Nigeria. It is true that students now are at home but I would prefer to sit at home now but let my kids in future go to classic nigerian universities. To get something good, a group has to suffer so that all in future will benefit! Bravissimo ASUU
Yea,,,dis Okonjo-Iweala is a serious problem in dis country,,,,all dis epistle written on her behalf is just trash........ever since she's been Minister of finance,,,all she knows how to say is there's no money,,,how will she feel the heat when she and her kids are household names of harvard university???? Use our money to do something reasonable instead of spending on un-necessary things...
Bad blood,it starts from ur president,pls fish him out then we are on the right path
Godwin ur right
Read about corruption in the presidency bs open ur mouth,then u will u.stand y ASUU is behaving like this.
This is the sort of fight most Nigerians are scared to undertake to force our politicians and government to start doing the right thing. I see alot of people say ASUU will use the money for salaries, but i would say let the government fulfil its own responsibility and then let ASUU fail, at that point we can take them on, but we need to fight this government in all sectors with same resilience ASUU is showing. If only NLC were half as committed and gullible to bribe, alot of areas would be corrected. The strongest force in any country or society, is the Labour force, not the politicians, not the legislators, not the civil servants, the LABOUR FORCE. if we can for once forget our individual selfishness and fight for a collective purpose using our Unions, we will win. Free ASUU they are fighting the fight and without violence. How many of you have the courage to.....
Im so pissed at all those who are asking ASUU to call of the strike. All of the minister's kids are Harvard graduates. Our own Nigerian companies will employ someone who schools overseas over someone who schooled in Nigeria. Remember a time when you would dream of schooling in OAU, UI, Unilag, UNN, and be proud. This government does not take the youths seriously, they are out to destroy our future, with corruption and insensitivity. let me ask, if these government official's children were in our Federal schools, do you think the strike will go on this long. Wake up Nigerians. Let us start to sacrifice now, feel the pain now, and reap the benefit in the future. FYI, i left school, 9 years ago, ASUU went on strike for 5 months will i was still in school, 9 years on, ASUU is still fighting for the same thing...that should tell you alot about our government.
Shut up fool, u ain't got no clue abt sh*t on this issue. Nigeria made 16trillion naira last year, spent 4.5trillion on 2012 budget. A selected few shared 11.5trillion among themselves + used it to buy bullet proof rides + to pay Asari Dokubo n sh*t, and your stupid ass is calling ASUU(by extention ur fada too) greedy ppl.
ASUU should get their lazy, greedy messed up arses back to work.....with all the rubbish they do to students in the university they are coming to make noise like monies so far given to universities have been utilized judiciously....they should first stop all their sadistic behaviors, clean up their acts then they can make noise....they have no pity for the students they claim to represent...most of their demands are for themselves and I can bet my royal arse that the university will still be as rotten as ever even if their demands are met.....my dad was a former non academic staff in a federal university so no idiot should tell me I don't know what am saying....
e ma gbawa ke. ejoo oo, i don tire, no b beans nah, 4months for house.its rili not fear. dere are oda ways of solving issues wif the government oda than strike.its absurb to hear that student are @ om bcos asuu and govt are fighting.
yea, the whole strike thin is in our favour according to asuu, buh dey will also embezzle the money.dese guys need to b considerate, dey dont trust each oda. the country only decrease in value day by day. no improvement
nigeria ranked the 8th most corrupt country in the world, wat an achievement. iyen o tie raa mi, all i want to hear by d end of the month is strike called off. or else.....hmmm
Left for me,asuu can only get my support and that of plenty other nigerian students if they agree to the fact that their different member schools would have to reduce tuition fee in state and federal schools to 10,000 per session,if not they should accept the 100 billion...if not,they should go and die!
U guys r just being irreasonable here govt has issued 240billion now and asuu still has not shifted dia ground. Hw can asuu claim dey r fighting 4 d gud of d students wen its d same lecturers dat extort and molest students. Even if world infrastructure is provided to schs unemployable graduates will still b produced wen our lecturers r headless bunch of shameless bull dogs. Meanwhile d rot of d sch starts frm d lecturers. I tink dey shuld check dia activities and any lecturer found wanting shuld b given a jail term b4 we can start checking govt. Cuz some of our leaders were produced by dez same lecturers.
Totally agree!
Make una no kill am abeg. He is free to air out his view however way PRINCE deems fit. Anyway, the Minister herself is one who knows what her job is all about. She has good reasons for not adding another penny. ASUU can kiss my a...
All of you haters shld free Prince jare!! Stupid, hating, crazy, jealous jerks!! See how its pinching u asinine idiots that someone is playing with the English language as much as he can, which is something u peeps cannot evn dream of doing. More grease to ur elbows, Prince. And to you haters, GET A LIFE! Mtsschewwwwwww
@Anon 12:18pm, please read ur comment again. Now do u see who is d unintelligent one btw u two? Oh, i forgot, u cant even understand that. U are too damn daft.
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