Find their review of the album, Once Upon A Time, below...
'Once Upon A Time opens with a Disney inspired fairy tale account of Tiwa Savage’s relationship with her manager Tunji ‘TBillz’ Balogun. Wanted, potent and upbeat reggae track, works as a great opener. Her lower register mode of singing works on Ileke, – a roll call for females to shake their booty – but fails miserably on others like Ejim Afia and Baby Mo.
Too much auto-tune and too much Don Jazzy? Wow! I was at the listening party and I was blown away by a lot of the songs I heard. As far as I'm concerned, Once Upon A Time is a good album!Tiwa Svaage is the first and foremost an RnB artiste and she doesn’t hide her natural comfort zone on quite a number of tracks as Olorun Mi, Middle Passage and Get Low. Her foray in pop music isn’t a total disaster, her Kele Kele and Love me x3 are exquisitely crafted pieces but the subtle Folarin fails to blow the mind. With 21 songs, one has to dig deep to find the real substance with too many fillers, too much autotune and too much Don Jazzy. However for a debut album, it’s a commendable effort’.
Her problem! 2nd to comment? Dancing skelewu
I love Tiwa's music. Scwer those editors! What do they know?!
Linda are you being unbiased or you are just supporting your own?
Lol. Nooo they didn't! That was a rude article.
Beautiful woman!!!
I feel her anger!pls Tiwa is a good singer and very gorgeous!haterz go to hell!
Abeg Linda chill abeg, u know its d truth, I can just pick 5 tracks 4rm dat album dat was real, great voice + delivery. D rest 2 much autotune and Donjazzy abeg. Una like 2 dey cover tins up. She's stil an amazing singer
She tried small but she can do better
Well reviewed. This Tiwa of a Savage is so over hyped. Watched her performance once and asked myself why she is so talked about. Tiwa, I know u are reading this, u can go ahead and rant all u want. That won't make u a good singer.
I completely agree with this review. She is not all that. "Too much auto tune"
Tiwa Savage go and hit ur head on a wall, u are over rated.
"With 21 songs, one has to dig deep to find the real substance with too many fillers, too much autotune and too much Don Jazzy"..........nice quote
Now I see why Tiwa went mad, how can they say such hogwash! What kind of flack is that! They deserve all the harsh words they can get from Tiwa for such a swipe! Tiwa you are diva, a rare talent! Just take such drivel from such folks as "sniggers of the ignorant!"
Find the idiot that wrote that thing and fire them!!!!!
Some people just balance for arm chair and criticize when the cannot even sing one line talkless of an album
Tiwa z still the best tho.....!!!!! -_____-
Boring gist!
Linda tell Tiwa the truth jare. Wht kinda famzing is this? "Blown away" indeed. If u like dnt post this comment @ least u read it. *TongueOut*
I love her album,my regular driving Jamz,and folarin is my fav track..luvly tiwa..
"Too much Don Jazzy"?????? Wtf are they tryna insinuate??? Mtchheeww!!!! Haters oshi!! Awon smellos!! Tiwa dear, you're a frosh girl & your music is frosh too!! Dont let anyone pour sand in your garri!! See you at the wedding! ***Linda, biko ppst my comment***
too much don jazzy uh huh
Stale woman
Who writes like this? These people are retarded! I wonder who even dey take their money buy mags these days when blogs full everywhere. Nonsense.
Linda don't support foolishness. Yes you may like the album but we don't all like it. The reviewers were speaking from their opinion. Being a cover girl does not mean they must endorse everything about her music. That's naivety. Lets see how well the album sells. People are not liking it as much as you. You wont post this comment because you want everyone to be a comment positively on Tiwa's behalf. We are not stooges & Tiwa is not the greatest musician. She was paid to be on that cover. If not she did it to advertise her music. That fact cannot be substituted. If anything she must be motivated to do better next time. Let me go jump in my jacuzzi with a glass of bubbly. I do private business because I don't want to be reviewed. Tiwa & people like you Linda will be reviewed because you chose to be in the lime light.
blown away indeed...amebo what do u know about song? The review was right all sentiment apart.
I'm sure whoever did d reveiw knows nothing about music. Oh,u used as cover page just to insult her? Haba!
"As far as I'm concerned, Once Upon A Time is a fantastic album!"
people mustn't sing your praise everytime,and when they criticize plz don't take it to heart.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Linda, d faxt that u were there doesn't make the album great. I bought d cd and discovered its jist an average album. A handful of nice songs.
ah ahn!!dese people are mad o!useless senseless criticism,wat is too much don jazzy?d writer is an idiot!!
Linda, d faxt that u were there doesn't make the album great. I bought d cd and discovered its jist an average album. A handful of nice songs.
I luv dat
Linda,I have the album and I'd say the review was actually spot on.so I don't know where 'fantastic' fits in there,oh,I forgot,you're an ass kisser.
The editors deserved all they got and more, insensitive bunch!
Afterall its called a review.it should be just so.
Heiya poor. Tiwa
badbelle pipu..anyways u cant blame them,,they have to eat
Too much auto tune and too much Don jazzy! Chai
Heiya poor. Tiwa
Hard work gone down d drain by two words :low key
LOL. So this was what got Tiwa Savage angry?
Tiwa Savage u reali dissapointed me mehn. Don't u know Criticsm n Commendations are things that make u a better artiste. U gotta work on ur pride gurl!!.
Linda Ikeji since the very time u said MI was d best rapper, I knew u were an awful judge in Music. If am to rate Tiwa Savage Album its gotta be 6/10. TW magazine were also on point by saying too much Don Jazzy. Nothing spectacular about Tiwa's Album.
Its ma Opininon ooooooooo
Rubbish review, how can you do that to someone on your cover?
Hmmmm that was a bit unprofessional of them. If they wanted to give a candid review of her album, then they shouldn't have used her as their cover girl for the same edition
The Criticism is on point....
Nigerians like good review but if you look at New York times and other high standing papers, you see thorough sometimes scathing criticism, of all these novels, music albums and movies.Sometimes they applaud, sometimes they criticise.The fun is, no musician or actor or director is safe. Ask Peter Jackson what happened after he released 'The Hobbits', Ask Johnny Depp what happened to him on lone ranger movie?
The critics tore him apart.It is not hating.
These Critics make musicians better.
It is when we embrace this and inculcate it into our film and music industry that it will grow.
Not everything is hating, please.
She's just doing her work.
No album is ever perfect. Tiwa, accept the balanced praise and constructive criticism to improve your craft.
Haba! "Too much autotune and too much Don jazzy" dem suuppose flog dem sef. Anyways Tiwa all d way jare leave dose 2amebors make dem dey hate dem no even knw wen dem carry dier hatred publish for. Magazine.
Dey didn't have anything to write so dey opted for nonsense!
Wow! Talk bou low opinions of someone! While trying to write sumfin conroversial is gud 4 a magazine, the editors obviously are biased! Writing is bou keeping an open mind... Anyways Tiwa is talented as well as beautiful, they are lucky we dey naija wif our half baked judicial system. U dnt go writing stuff based on personal hating, an unbiased writer will make it anytime anYday, gudluck getting more interviews sha
Did u study music Linda Ikeji?...Stop being subjective whenever you report...its nauseating...mtsheeeeewwww
The review is not all bad na! As an artiste you gotta have a heart to take criticisms as it comes if not you won't survive a day. Haven't listened to whole album yet but I sure did like Folarin. Like they say, 'to each his own'
I've not listened to any of the songs yet
Linda baby, let's talk one on one, why don't you like posting comments? This is between you and i now.
Looool...tiwa is actually over-rated & she does use too much auto tune. Wats helpn her in dis industry is she is seen as the sexy diva, that is her only selling point. She should just accept d criticism and try harder next time. But dis ppl r means sha...dey r suppose to pamper their cover girl na..hahaa
NB: yes tiwa you do have a low register voice. D times you try to hit the high notes, auto tune backs you up -_-
Well I'm Jay Emmanuel and in my honest opinion Tiwa Savage should take lessons from the reviews rather than take offense. Cos her album fell totally below expectations, especially expectations raised by her first two singles.. It was technically a flop. Baby Month sounded like a track that failed to make Flavor's album. And truly auto-tune played a lot on her tracks. Tho not a crime, but for a singer with her voice and level of proffessionallism, her engineers shot her in the foot. The magazine editors saying Low note or lower register or whatever they called it, can be excused, and Tiwa needs not expect proffessionalism and objectivity to be sacrificed on d alter of sentiment. Humility is what Tiwa Needs to make a bettr effort next time.
tiwa is my gal abeg make una live her jejely 4 me abeg
So, every album review needs to be GREAT, abeg take a sit right there in the corner. Lots of get artist have had bad album reviews, its their opinion.
I am sure that the album is auto-tuned out.
All I read in tht article is beef, pure undiluted beef
Hehe. Tiwa get used to it already. If u're good at what u do, haters are inevitable darling. They jst wanna bring u down in d name of criticsm.Ur an an exceptionally talented singer with an amazing voice. The best Nigeria has got. So don't pay attention to these TW cockroaches. They just got their 15 minss of fame. And off they dissappear
Na wa o, did she offend dem? See beef o; awon werey * hisses
Now this is so unprofessional, reviews should be objective. Is it me or the writings are as bad as the review.
And what do they know about music??? Btw, d write-up is damn too lazy, watery grammar, so unintresting, too poor, gosh!
Linda! Linda!! U dey fear make tiwa no lash u too abi?
Hanhan!linda,totally agree wt u!lyk she said,they shld go study music 1st.sm crics think jst bcos they can hold a pen,theyv got d right 2 write anytn.4 sm1 on ur cova,TW,dst ws too bad a review.n I love her album,beautiful songs,no 'too much donjazzy.'
Thank God it's 'as far as you are concerned'
Armchair critic. Tiwa was even polite in her Twitter response.
Linda, you will not know a good album if it slapped you in the face.
That album has way too much autotune. That is the honest tune. There is nothing to blow anyone away in that album. Very average debut.
Linda no be u? Celeb. If u like use my comment drink garri. The album is Crap. I like Tiwa as a brand but is she that good? NO!
Too much Don jazzy ke?na wa o
your name dey the album, why u no go support am
I don't knw much abt music but I believ tiwa is d best nigerian female artist so far,she gives in her best,is nt fair dt her hardwork b rewarded wit offensive comments,as far as am concern tiwa's album is d bomb..
That's mean they shouldn't have said that @ all....Tiwa good lashing babe.
lol Linda turn Politician ba? its because you are cool with Tiwa thats why ur picking sides! PDP TINS lol
This is immature of her ,that's why they are there, to filter music afterall nothing is perfect she wan cry cuz of this dudes ,pray lisa bryan or the guy from new york post doesn't get hold of her work ....imagine someone giving more than a dozen reasons(I. Wouldn't ve pointed out) why a song as good as tinie tempah's "written in the star" isn't the ideal song
God bless you this Sunday evening.
Linda how many kinda you wan use, and mind you we were colonized by the British so you ought to use kind off and not kinda *na correction o* Dont take it personal.
Atleast am entitle to my opinion which is to go with what the editors reviewed. If Don Jazzy dint produce that album peoples opinion would have been differerent. Don Jazzy likes to choke his artists. Too much of him indeed!
Can't stand this chick
I get that you're jealous and you will possibly never have the kind of talent tiwa has but pls try to keep ur spite under wraps. Tiwa is not overhyped, she is the hype.
Tell me what you have ever achieved in ur life. Stop hating Bitch, it dosent suit you.
Tiwa shaa!
Hey pea brain! D gal can sing, but she aint all dat.
Ouch!!! Dats really mean!! Dey painted d album bad!n I love folarin n wanted! Tw go die abeg! *ONYX GODWIN*
Anon 2:49 PM. You should be the one hitting your head against the wall. Bitter soul!
If they wanted to do a review they shouldnt have asked her to be on their cover they should have done what other mags do and post their review ab out her album. Cause the impression they gave tiwa wasn't what she got when she finally saw the cover and article. So all you blasting tiwa saying her album was average, she is still making money, she still has fans, like me! And she will do her whether you say A or B. So yall take a back seat. She didn't go to Berkeley in vain and the result is paying off. Love you tiwa keep your head up and you album is fantastic boo. Love you! Your biggest fan
Seriously! Where do you get off judging other people? Are you by chance a music person? So what if she uses autoturns ,this is the 21st century dume ass and vertually every album is made with auto tunes, so pls get with the programme.
Tiwa is a barbie singer. Maybe she's ahead of her time living in Nigeria. She could back to settle in the USofA, since MJB acknowledged her publicly during her last visit to Naija.
Linda I have the album and trust me its just there. That is just the truth. You guys over hyped the album. Sincerely I realised emmanyra and sheyi shay are better artist than Tiwa savage. Just give them time they will blow. Tw mag sed the truth shez only vexn cz she was on the cover page of their mag and expext them to support her. Linda if u like dont post o cz you support tiwa
Let's call a spade a spade, its not just Tiwa dat does so much auto tune, almost every nigerian musician does dat, u can only get a few pple dat can do dia song on stage witout a dj playing dia song @d background, wen I'm talkin abt few, I mean Chidinma Ekile nd praiz!! D rest na babadash wen it comes 2real music, dey just mk noise
There's no need for name calling assface, no body is kissing anybodys ass in this, everyone has their own opinions and linda aired hers. Tiwa savage is still one of the best female vocalists in nigeria.
Tiwa savage's album sold dan any female album dis year in naija.. Go nd do ur research well.. Personally I tink tiwa iz good @ wat she does nd if u actually saw her project fame performance with olawale u will know she can sing &perform well too much energy.. Nd to d Tw crew u pipu are too dumb if u are going 2criticize her song u shudnt do it wen u av her as ur album cover for d month doesn't make sense..
Tiwa u fall my hand, y r u acting like an educated iliterate??Don't xpect praise everytime,and when they criticize plz don't take it to heart. #Criticism helps u to grow# ... Still d best tho *winks* lindilicious if u like no post my comment #flipsmyhair#....teni
R beg tiwa shut up for dere.
This lady is overrated ar beg.
Plus she is fast approving razzness when she started hanging out with that whore of a friend lately.
Better focus on improving your music and ya marriage
Hahahahaa,, I didn't know 'Don Jazzy' has become a button the keyboard
Nigerians don't like constructive criticism especially when they think they have 'arrived'. Even the best musicians around the world still get bad reviews. Typically a handful of songs in an album have positive reviews others don't make the cut. If you can't handle the heat leave the kitchen
You guys should shut up. Bullies! Linda have EVERY right to state her opinion, and it's her blog. Even newspapers have editorials where they state their opinion on issues.
Tiwa, your music is C-O-O-L.
Shussssh! which best female Nigerian musician? maybe thelikes of omawumi and waje are Russians
TW, Don't review an acts' album/single in the same edition as that artiste is on the cover. You may have done it for the sake of integrity but it wasn't necessary. The album did fall below par given some of the singles earlier released but I wasn't really surprised given such songs as OMA GA. Coming from Tiwa, that was a big blow but it's OK for other kinda acts. The expectations were also high because of her hype: Grammy-nominee for writing... Really, the review was harsh but a lot of it was true. I love Tiwa o but please pick a point or two from those piercing and seemingly strong words from the TW people. They probably felt they had to say the truth but better tact may have worked it better.
Some people are just dumb,the reviewer are spot on #beeni ke...I bought d album and only #kele kele love,#love me,#eminado,#shout out and #thank you made it out of 21 songs.....and seriously too much of don jazzy bt u try sha #4/10 abi wat ar u expecting? 5 out of 21,below average.
Some people are just dumb,the reviewer are spot on #beeni ke...I bought d album and only #kele kele love,#love me,#eminado,#shout out and #thank you made it out of 21 songs.....and seriously too much of don jazzy bt u try sha #4/10 abi wat ar u expecting? 5 out of 21,below average.
she is an artist and she should learn to take criticism everyone is entitled to their opinion
We shld not lie,AUTO-TUNE pa tiwa! They didnt lie in d review!and BONARIO,I want to kiss u 4 this ur comment. Sisi tiwa,dem no lie,gerrout jor!over-hyped singer.LatinoPINKY.
Some people are just dumb,the reviewer are spot on #beeni ke...I bought d album and only #kele kele love,#love me,#eminado,#shout out and #thank you made it out of 21 songs.....and seriously too much of don jazzy bt u try sha #4/10 abi wat ar u expecting? 5 out of 21,below average.
Firstly,as far as Nigeria is concerned to me Tiwa is the best female vocalist and for a good music,u need a food vocalist. Moreover,y such criticism while she's the cover girl for the month or whatever? That's totally unprofessional!!! Y say 'too much donjazzy' that's rude! They should be fired for such beef word. I wonder Wth is TW mag! Bunch of dum slags! #annytooch
Bad market tbvh; dint buy d album so can't say mch. Love Tiwa tho bt she sholdnt av taken d criticism to heart. Wanna mke sme free cool cash; wat u waitn for; visit nd register; all u need is ur mobile phone; cheers: http://tinyurl.com/earn-for/?id=Papee
Tiwa can sing but the review I'd def on point....too much auto tune and you can tell she just writes the songs to fit the Nigerian beat which is a total shame.....everything should not be all about making money.....just do your thing and do what you are gifted at one day you will be famous......some of her lyrics sound agberoish......
Tiwa didn't lash them enough. This review is crap. Fact is Tiwa didn't drop an album you listen to a few time and get tired of. The more you listen to her songs, the more you love 'em. good lyrics, beautiful voice, nice beats and sweet tunes, what else is needed for good music?
the album is classic, there is not a song in it a lover of good music wouldn't love.
I think I just gave my review of "ONCE UPON A TIME" :)
I do not like her and her album. I prefer waje and omawumi sha. Don jazzy dey help her career. She's too overrated
This is what reviews are all about.beyonce did not scream when her 4 album was criticised badly. Too much auto tune on d album for a fact. Linda is kissing ass simple.
As far as I'm concerned, the editors POLITELY insulted her album. How rude!
The album was terrible for somebody of Tiwa's caliber and trust me that's an understatement. I thought the review was fair, professional and I didn't sense any malicious intent. Nigerian artist should learn to take criticism if they intend to break boundaries, the standards are too low in the music industry. That being said there's a lot of quality music out there but an overwhelming amount of garbage. We need to start holding our artist accountable for the quality of work they put out. Tiwa is lashing out because she feels a sense of privilege of being a member of an 'elite' group immune to criticism and we have caused this.
The album was terrible for somebody of Tiwa's caliber and trust me that's an understatement. I thought the review was fair, professional and I didn't sense any malicious intent. Nigerian artist should learn to take criticism if they intend to break boundaries, the standards are too low in the music industry. That being said there's a lot of quality music out there but an overwhelming amount of garbage. We need to start holding our artist accountable for the quality of work they put out. Tiwa is lashing out because she feels a sense of privilege of being a member of an 'elite' group immune to criticism and we have caused this.
i'm sure this primadona attitude is what made her run away from the U.S back home to DOMINATE naija music...well too bad for Tiwa...
I really like her and i can also write a review of this album...but then again...most importantly, a review IS JUST SOMEONE'S OPINION of your product...our celebrities need to learn how to take critism...
People should learn to appriciate critism!
Lwtmb@ Tiwa of a Savage. Ur bad mouth nor be here oooo. #stilllaughing.
I see u ooo. Omo.
I am forced to comment... People are just myopic who can't even see beyond their nose. Tiwa is a great talent and will always be great. She is very focus and hardworking. I have met her severally on stage and she is genius. One luv Tiwa!
Actually, it is a bad review, but honestly, while I'm of the agreement that the magazine has a right to review Tiwa's album in whatever "truthful" way they can, the thing is, you don't put someone on your magazine cover and blast them. It makes no sense, unless of course you're putting them on your cover for the purpose of blasting them.
Why won't Linda Ikeji support Tiwa Savage??? Didn't Tiwa mention Linda's name in one of those songs.
who died and made dem music critics!..surprising as dey made her their cover girl
It wasn't a good album at all. I got it from Konga, listened to it and gave it out. Nothing dey dia
This review is just spot on! I dnt knw abt d too mch don jazzy bt i knw only abt 5songs made sense,3 of which being singles released prior to once upon a time. She even made flavour sound stupid in thr collabo. That intro is the dumbest thing i ever heard. Dont evn get me strtd on the pepsi song.
Shut up Tiwa and take correction....
Lindiwe, stop saying "kinda" please. You're not a bored American teenager trying to sound cool. Thx
Tiwa u just opened a can of worms with ur tweet. See reviewers! *dont wanna be u now*
Tiwa. Is goood infact she is fabulous u dnt knw the reason behind the songs in her album so y critize her work!!!! Don jaZzy signed her into mavins record so wats bad if there's too much of him!!! Tiwa forget so far uve never had any scandal and I wish u well ur good nice and wonderful do ur tin my dearest sister
This is why we don't have music critic...and most blogs just post videos and/or tracks with no story as a back filler. In the US in the movie world there was Siskel and Ebert...and they were two true raw critics.
Even a lot of times people didnt agree with them but if you were true to your craft you never gave a rant back.... But the Internet social media has been the life and death of people worldwide.
That album is my album of the year, bought it twice already...its quite unfortunate the auditors and tiwa are not having it cool over that publication, but then, to all listeners the songs sound so touching and entertaining. as a music analyst, u may see some faults in the production( I couldn't discover anyone anyway) but I think the fact that she was able to deliver should override every other faults they may think they noticed. Tiwa savage is fantastic in all aspects, beauty, talent, calmness... but as a celebrity, there is always some aspects of criticisms, it's their way of life so they have to live with it and not hurt their fans in the process. its well...
Linda... i love you for the fact that u know who not to offend... at least for your business to go on... however, let's not cover things up... that album isn't great at all but you know... rubbish DEY sell... since she is playing the business of music well... Tiwa is still relevant but the last album..damn na rubbish. I SKIP A LOT OF THE TRACKS.
Those two beefwarts should go read Tiwa's history. She has always been up there both home and abroad. She aint a newcomer.
I can agree just about 5 of the songs did it for me, but too much Don Jazzy? He'll No! Two of my best tracks are so because Don Jazzy was on them.
She's a damn good singer. 'Might need some help with so g writing sometimes though.,She's so good, my family prefers "See Beneath Your Beautiful" with her than the original singers.
True. Me too.
Well, it took me a second listen to appreciate the album. Also her more recent stuff is not as strong as the Kele kele Love, Love me 3x - both production and vocals where much better then. Even her look sef.
The editors are soo right. Why would you put over 20 songs on the album&yes auto tune tipoju. Until we get an act that can sing with energy and beat cohesion with stage delivery that is when I will respect naija music. Wizkid is doing great, Omawunmi too. People should learn from American renowed artist.
To be honest, the first time I listened to the CD, I hated most of the songs. I actually felt I had just thrown my money away. But funny enough, after listening to it a couple of times, it grew on me and it's now my regular companion while driving.
My kids always ask me to play it on our way to church on Sundays. We love most of the songs now.
Truth be told, I bought the album and I do skip a lot of the tracks or repeat some particular ones. I really love some of the songs but the truth is the album was below ny expectation #dts ma opinion. Nevertheless, I still love Tiwa
Im glad they picked up on the autotune...she just over uses it...im sorry but i dont rate her as a singer at all... she cant stand next to real singers with voices.
@ Prince Charmimg.... do you know what the term "diva" means? ode!
Love the review... fair and honest... unlike this sold out Linda Ikeji.
Yep! i agree with the review, she needs to know...people are more interested in her gist as gossip than as a singer...who buys her albums sef???
Tiwa should go back to the US and try and release such a shit album and call her self a singer and see how far she gets.... the critics there will make her comitt suicide!!! Learn to take honest criticism not fake ones from the likes of Linda aka "anything for money and fame"
She should keep quiet and take singing lessons
Could NOT have said it any better. A review is exactly that. Its an opinion, not a promotion or appraisal. People need to learn the difference. And Tiwa should've been a lady about this, you say "thank you" and keep it moving. If you can't take criticism, then you can't get better. Ass kissers are a person's downfall, but an honest opinion, taken the right way, will make you better!
*sigh* sadly, people are sooo misguided. An opinion/review doesn't ALWAYS have to be positive. Its not a "promotion". And a review is given by a LISTENER! No one has to go study music before buying it, listening to it or forming an opinion on it. Tiwa knows that in her career, she won't please everyone. She should've handled this sooo differently. Said "Thank you" and carried on with her day, taken it in her stride and taken notes. You don't put people on blast for having an opinion. Or else she should reconsider her career because not everyone will ass kiss. She should know. I LOOOVE Tiwa, but I'm dissapointed in her
Lol Linda you're trying to get invited to the wedding abi? LOL! Joker
I work for a magazine coy and I know one truth. If you are not a gossip magazine, you shouldn't slander your cover personalities. C'mon! They left their busy schedule to come for your photo shoot and heck! their being on cover would bring in money for your business.
Talent is a gift and when utilized, will bring forth more to the table. Tiwa might not be talented in making music but with a beautiful voice the fact is, she spent sleepless nights working on that album which many of you call trash. I think you'll understand it when after reading hard for an examination, you end up with a bad result (that's how it feels sometimes) these artists work hard to entertain us and also provide for themselves. It's because of them that Nigeria despite its corrupt practices is known abroad, let's stop chastising them but encourage them. This review would have shattered Tiwa and I feel sorry for her. As for TW magazine, please apologize or shut down your magazine completely, anyways you guys disfigured Toolz in one of your editions and after that she became an icon of mockery. A magazine that's interested in putting food on the table for staff will never ever write ill about a celebrity or any person because believe me, this world is so small and one day, they will need the celebrity and won't get her. What of her fellow celebs in the industry or even the Marvin crew...and to think that they said stuff about Don Jazzy too? This is the height of it! Their magazine house needs to be shut down!
why re we so bias in dis country, we crucify those that speak the truth, well true is alwys bitter, she's good but she was over hyped, she can do better, i notice too much auto tune in most of d track. Luv ur song though
@Anonymous 10:46 AM. Why must she go to the USA? Do Americans release their albums in Nigeria? She is a Nigerian, doing her music business in Nigeria. You are suffering from severe inferiority complex.
I agree with the publisher. Too much auto tune and don jazzy in dat album. although there are great songs in the album, but Tiwa is better than all this autotunes shes using. for example listen to chris browns songs, hw has auto tune in some but uses his real voice for quite a nyumber of tracks.
even micheal jackson and akon used auto tune in "take my hand" but who would say they dont have great voices if you listen to their original voices? so Tiwa learn from reviews and dont be hitting back at anybody wether ur their cover girl or not. period!
Lmao,me luv dis comment,shut up tiwa and take corrections...Rily Tiwa is amazing,buh u cant always get it right.When ur in d limelight expect such criticism,dey jst make u grow darling,no offence.
As a direct result of this I hv decided never to read or buy another copy of TW again. Not just because they criticised Tiwa unfairly, but because they were spiteful about it, and put her on their cover on the same issue to mock.
Despite the hype, these artists work really hard, and deserve some consideration. The question we should ask is ' if she was so mediocre, then why did they beg her to grace their cover? Seems like they had an ulterior movie all along.
P.s. Loved the album. Brilliant work
Bur, what is there to be pissed about tiwa savage? All they said was the "gospel truth", her album is not what someone should spend a kobo on, because, trust me, U won't get the value of ur money, and as for the auto-tune aspect, that is sooooo true, her performance at the last project fame showed us what she really sounded like. So, tiwa, stop lashing them, and get down to work, reviews are to created so you could know wr to improve on.
lol this people get bad mouth ooo, anyway the album is cool
the editors do not know the meaning of constructive criticism..it was rude of them to have said that, very rude..i absolutely adore eminado btw
I like her music.Its so cool.U are great going..do best.All the best for your next album.
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I very rarely see such kind of interesting and informative post about new videos..Thanks indeed for sharing I was searching similar type of information.Its quite informative and i have learn so many new things her
Album Reviews
I very rarely see such kind of interesting and informative post about new videos..Thanks indeed for sharing I was searching similar type of information.Its quite informative and i have learn so many new things her
Album Reviews
Amazing and so inspirational. Tears are in my eyes thinking of these true heroes.Thank you, for sharing your experience in making this amazing series.
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