Mina tells Encomium what happened
"My first cousin and my ex betrayed me. The whole story is complicated. She dated my boyfriend and married him. I had no idea what was going on until they were about to get married because she was pregnant for him. I did not introduce him to her. She knew him. He was my Uncle's best man and we were in the bridal train. He met us together and went after me. We had a relationship for some years, two years at a stretch, then it became off and on and all those times she knew. She was even engaged to someone else at the time. Unknown to me she 'worked' her NYSC down to Lagos to have my boyfriend. She was living with him and it didn't make any sense to me. Until later on, I found out they were getting married. What pained me most and the worst part of it was when I got to hear about it and confronted him, he said he can never do anything with my sister.and there you are getting her pregnant and marrying her. It got all messed up. This happened in September 2012. I haven't forgiven them. I don't think I ever will"
1 – 200 of 232 Newer› Newest»Even the mosquitoes that Adam named in the garden of Eden still bit him, the moral of that is that be wary of those you trust!
sharp guy! I'm sure he has another ex-beauty queen somewhere. Take heart mina, i can take away ur sorrow :*
All dis bf snatchers story eh!!!e tire m.it can b very hurtful bt if its nt meant to be,its nt meant to b.
Linda e don vexzz oh! She dey try make up for her *falling hand* last weekend. Plus relevant and irrelevant gists, she dey post dem. Softly softly my dear, we still love you Linda!
My dear that alien is not your husband.you should thank your God that you didnt get marry to him if not, he would hav done worst than that.
eiyaaa! mtchwwwww u think say dem get ur tym...no go find anoda, they hold grudge
Oh honey, I'm sorry...my cousin tried to kill me out of jealousy....be careful of cousins....and even sisters...
My sister forgive them jare and move on with your life..shitt happns all the time. Sucks to be you tho.
Linda!! Did she say all these or u dey put ur own jara?
Onye wu beauty queen?hian
awwww :(,i feel 4 u...dats big tym betrayal bt evrytin happns 4 a reason tho, rememba dah + u cn only move on wen u 4give dem,try 2
Wow..!!!!crazy shit...glas of nowadays rly dnt gv a hoot anymore,dev trown morals 2 d dogs....as 4. We guys wev alwz bin
he-goats,if she is gud in bed...dats it....sorry dear,d guy wasn't meant 4 u,wat is urs neva leaves....its ur boy xavier
Sorry girl just try and forgive ok
Take heart Lovely. Those scumbags deserve each other and not u. Pls stop hurting and move on with ur precious life where a better and prosperous future with a man that truly deserve u awaits. Believe it or not they will never no peace for this betrayal bcos their conscience will forever PRICK them.
Pls forgive as your heavenly Father forgives you tooo
My dear sry abt dat. Days d world Fr u. He ws nevr ur man. God LL bring ur own man Fr u if wht u v Js sd is try. Sry
Not sure I would forgive either....
May be the fault is yours for not being able to keep a man.
It is better for you to forgive.
Learn how to keep a man, so that you won't be repeating the same mistakes.
There are so many nice men out there(if you can identify them), so why are you crying over one? After all , you had your chance but blew it by doing "on-and-off" relationship.
Betrayal is a scar invisible to others but continually seen and felt by the betrayed. I pray God mend ur broken heart. #Sepico
Karma z a bitch!wat goes around cums bac around!jst try nt 2 gt bitter*ONYX GODWIN*
My dear, pls try and look @ d bigger picture. Forgiveness is one bold step to acceptance.
Thatz ur problem! So u would be happier if he got married to ur enemy?
I remember when Mina used to love me... Now she trending on the internet! #Life
Liar liars everywhere!
Thunder fire all d osu emi of dis world!
And to all d stupid anonymous in d house i say waka!!! @uknowurselves
@galore u madt gan!
Find a way in ur heart to forgive them or whoever,dat is the only way guaranteed for a way forward in ur life.unforgiveness is one of the tools Stan uses to draw somebody down in life ........heaven frowns@it also
Cheiya kpele just move on...
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Yea u cn 4giv easily in such situations buh jst try dear try n let it go,he doesn't deserve u
That's life lesson....u av jus have to 4giv dem n move on,u can't kip holdn on to it,I understnd u pain,buh u can't kip bin unda dah shell of unforgiveness
Lol. That's STUPID mehn to allowed ur Cousin wedd ur ßoyfrwnd. What were u doing then, maybe u were busy enjoyed life with sugar papa, n called ur ßoyfrwnd Youngßoy.
U never see anything. Continue chopping Life ur ttym never reach. Mkpok Ette.......
Obviously, u don't know what you get until its gone. Pls dear move on, what goes arand comz arand.
Got no tym for bull shit like this
God strikes the bad apples from our lives in mysterious ways. A real man ends his failing relationship before entering his next relationship. A real cousin rejects the advances of her cousin's bf. Nuff said. Move on.
Mina u just have to forgive dem though u can't forget cos tins like dis do happen. Move on with your life and be happy cos der conscience will 4ever prick dem.
If Y̶̲̥̅̊☺ΰ don't forgive then u don't deserve forgiveness and if u don't forgive then u have betrayed God!!! Who died for Y̶̲̥̅̊☺ΰ to give Y̶̲̥̅̊☺ΰ eternal life. Pls forgive so that †ђε̲̣̣̣̥ pain can go away.
Well such is lyf..Ʊ need to forgive dem and move on wiv ur life..he is not d perfect man for Ʊ, Ʊ better give Thanks to God say Ʊ never get belle also..better guyz ar out dere waiting for Ʊ dear
becareful because the next thing she will do is to want ur head, watch out God is working out a better plan 4 u
hey Linda why is this headline so off?is the error from you or from the girl telling her story??pls fix it it sounds like a 2 year old kid talking.
Aaaaaw....dats bad
Sowie Mina
hey Linda why is this headline so off?is the error from you or from the girl telling her story??pls fix it it sounds like a 2 year old kid talking.
Dats ur luck,maybe u were forming and hyping ur self while ur cuz is loyal and attending to his needs,u cannot work at GTB collect salary at PHCN
I know how u feel dear , my older sister & my ex bf did d same 2 me some years ago & it hurt me so bad cause our relationship was so sweet and my older sis was my bestie .. God I felt so betrayed & now they are both engaged and she's pregnant 4 him but my parents are not in support but they are not aware of d evil that was carried out against me but God knows best & have moved on and forgiven dem cause of d lord & I feel u should do same , dis happens a lot , u can't do anything bout it but just leave judgement to the lord
chai dem no try sha
well if you like your man, buy him a christmas gift on my website echristmasgiftsformen.com. There are good men out there. appreciate your own :)
Pele o after looking so dapper you could be dumped mehn you need prayers like seriously)
dbanj pictured performing sexual acts on stage too badt
U putting this nonsense out to the public proves why he made his decision. Very stupid!
End time tinz...... Smh, forgive him and move on honey,what goes around comes back around,jus leave dem 2God...
Hmm•◦˚◦°°˚◦• Stories that touch. We all do av our stories too my dear. What we do is get up, dust our backs, try again nd never look back.
My dear mina, pls u hav to find a place in ur heart to forgive dem and note one ting dat ur guy is nt ur man k. Watch dat marriage and u will hav every reason to tnk God. Ur blessed.
Pele, u were off and on with him, that's bad though but not enuf reason for him to marry ur cousin. They really both betrayed you but you need to forgive them and move forward. God will give you a better man.
A dagger in your heart...
He wasn't yours...
And never will....
Get over it...
Free your wounded heart for real healing...
Forgive and forget..... Such is life. You u end up been very single and bitter. Move on
its painful sowie dear, u just av 2 4give dem mayb she was meant 4 him and u 4 anoda person forgive and forget and stop telling evribody cos dey might end up laughing @u. U ll find ur true love. #hugs. IZZZ
Nawa o...akuko kariri. But anyway, don't say you ve never forgiving them though the pains must be there but remember you are carrying the burden of unforgiving spirit...the pains will be there but you must let go if you want to enjoy a happy life...this is spiritual and a mystery...let go./>
For spiritual confusion that you need to be cleared: http://nonsonnoli.blogspot.com/
"The relationship became off & on..." I'm not trying 2 justify wat ur cousin & boy friend did, but pls, he was never engaged 2U ! Even thou u r bitter, u should pick up ur d remains of ur disappointments & move on..! He was never meant 4U. It's high time u accepted dat truth! If u do not forgive, HELL is d destination ! -GT
Kpele my dear... such is life. pls move on n hook someone else b4 all dis nigerians dat believe marriage is d peak of a woman's life will start to call u aunty
Hello dear, you have to forgive them and move on. Who are we not to forgive? What if GOD doesn't forgive our sins? Please you have to move on....
Plsssss forgive and let go. In btw d man in d middle of all this is so olddd.
Hmmm, so this things happen??!! That is deep! Humans are wicked!
So what is the moral lesson of this story?
Awwww that's like So mean!all women are bitches but some are more bitchy than others!..my supposedly "best"friend boned my bf behind my back while we were having issues,and all those times I was crying on her shoulders didn't know she was busy fcuking my man!and not just shaging him but trashing me to him breaking the girl code and all!!....you just can't trust them!terrible people..
U will forgive him when God blesses u with a better man.
Sorry beb, but u were sleeping on bike. Berra forgive dem n move on.
You just have to forgive them,u don't knw Gods plan over u,
Your Ex had moved on with life by marrying your cousin,so pray to God for a better man for u.
it has happened to me once but I moved on.life is short girl.its hard but forgive and move on with life u will be happy u did.hmmm,getting some old memories back
Horrible people, God will bless you with someone speacial, forget them.
I pray u find someone who Will appreciate u
The deed ȋ̝̊̅ƨ̣̇ done,that means he wsnt meant for you. You better forgive so you can be sure of heaven,let go of the past.
Okay first,what do you act? Lol! Now seriously this would hurt anyone,betrayals can be so painful,but you can't afford not to forgive them for the rest of your life,its been over a year Babes,Let it go so you'll be free too. Grudges are too heavy to carry around,its like allowing someone to stay in your house(heart) without paying rent....Forgive them and pray to God for your own man#All the best
Linda, how has this story changed d price of a bag of rice in d market? Next!!!!!!@
She was a beauty queen?! Hmmm. On the matter: that's just wrong! It's wrong on all kinds of level! How do people who do this type of thing live with themselves.
Dis kain ugly face wit dis fyn body. Issorai.
Eiyya pele its well
Baby girl..please forgive ok but use it and be better person.. We learn all d time and experience s d best teacher..
One luv
Such is life, take heart, forgive them and move on, cos if Ʊ don't forgive dem its a sin, and such sin as unforgiveness will hinder ur prayers. So ♍γ̲̣̣̥ dear forgive and forget.
Omalicha nwa dunt wori ur tym wil cum buh u v 2learn 2 4giv.ya trust me
I understand darling......a friend did that to me, but don't know if they are still having sex or sexting ...... I don't know if I can forgive them
We'll....shiit. Happens...just try and forgive...ts not easy,but it happens. One of my closest pals took my babe those days in d University...lol. I forgave them kos Chrst forgave us even b4 we knew hm!.
Mina pls forgive them?maybe u guys were never met for each other.God knows everything.
Such is life. Just see it that "every disappointment is a blessing and he wasn't meant for you". The right one will come along
Such is life. Just see it that "every disappointment is a blessing and he wasn't meant for you". The right one will come along
Such is life. Just see it that "every disappointment is a blessing and he wasn't meant for you". The right one will come along
Linda your English is very bad try adult education
Linda your English is very bad try adult education
Whoa! So so wrong
Linlin, as a first timer here, you'd post my comments ryte?
That's pathetic.....leme not talk b4 sm ppl will ask me to shut ma mouf...#lips sealed
But u said dat he was ur ex not ur current or future ,or are u thinking of going back to hi?
Take heart ok
That is why I never flaunt whoever I am dating till they put the ring on it and take me to the altar. I am not saying you were flaunting but for ,e no cousin of mine will ever know who I am dating till we meet in church on wedding day.
Move on wit ur life dear dat is life for u, ur man ll come cheers
So wt has d story taught us? *Confused look* *lost*
Is a said thing...but eventually you will have to forgive them
Babe. It hurts like crazy but move on. They both wld have an edge over u if u don't 4give n move on. Plus u wld be killing ur self over it but they won't remember you. So don't give them d chance. PS. Make ur self better n work to be greater. So they emvy u from afar. If not, u wld be a joke for them each night b4 they sleep n when they wake. Move on girl u r better.
¤just 4give them oo nd continue with ur life may b the guy waz not meant for u¤
¤my cousin wedding by boyfriend¤every 1 iz bond 2 make mistakez¤
wow. . . worst betrayal ever. .. this is crazy!
Linda, for me i dont believe her stories, this is all cheap popularity. Let her have a good behaviour and settle down respecting men.
Please forgive dem fast, fast so dt God Almighty will give u anoda man 100 times better than him else u will keep on delayn urself. I don talk my own ohh
Maybe is destiny. Pls take it easy on them. He dosnt deserve you, you will surely find true love and hapiness. Above all, FORGIVE!
this man is evil for dating two relatives despite being friends with their uncle, I pity the girl that married him.
Try an forgive them darling. They are not worth the attention. Because if you don't they have this power over you not to move on.
Do urself a favor & let it go, then Ull be able to move on with ur life & even find a better man. Imelda.
get over it and move on dear, find more on Find more on Fenzzy
lolz thats my aunt tho yay my aunt is on lib whoop whoop #turnup
I don't understand this interview abeg.are u saying the cousin was helen prest Ajayi and she married the supposed bf sept 2012? Cos to the best of my knowledge,helen has been married to dr tosin Ajayi before then...#confused#
The cousin and Ex boyfriend are gonna get what's coming to me. Its karma, what goes around, comes around
Forgive and forget my dear and move on with ur life.
The cousin and Ex boyfriend are gonna get what's coming to them. Its karma, what goes around, comes around. Just becos they are married doesn't mean they are gonna get a happily ever after. Morons.
Mina dear, don't give up, ur own man is on the way. As far as I'm concerned, that man is not ur man. Watch & see what is going to happen in that marriage. Move on with ur life there are good men out there, after all you're a Beauty Queen. That is my advice to u. Amaka
You don't think you ever will forgive them? So Madam Mina, you've not sinned ONE sin against God since then? Remember, the Bible says 'if you do not forgive men their sins, God will not forgive you your own sins too'.
In conclusion, if you continmue like this, you are on your way to hell, for the sin of unforgiveness. Please 'release' them from your heart, it's even for your own good, as difficult as it may sound. And thank God God saved you from a man that is a cheat and would have cheated on you if you had married him. Wait for your cousin to 'testify' about it...biko, forgive them and move on! I hope you are able to read this
Hmmmmmm check yourself maybe u missed it somewhere! Just 4get and 4give ur still charming real love will come.
come and marry me
Wowwwwwwwww! My dear pls forgive him and allow God bless u! Bt b4 u do get down on ur kness and pray 4 thhem that God will pay them back in their own coin. Shikena!!!! U r 2 beautiful 2 allow some idiotts make ur hrt black with unforgiveness,
Lin lin abeg who be all these nollywood actors and actresses wey na for only ya blog we dey meet dem we no dey ever see dem for film.abeg bfor u post any tin abt any actor or actress start by listing d numerous movies they've acted make we know biko.I don tire to dey try figure faces
Forgiveness is of the lord, Mina u have to forgive them and leave vengeance for God who knows the best. wish them well, your broken heart will be healed in due time.
Sometimes situations like dis happens so you can open your eyes to real love,you should be happy,wat if you were married to him and he got your cousin pregnant?he didnt even respect you and your feelings,he didnt even cheat on you with another girl,but of all people your cousin.that guy is a dog,and forget him and forgiveness.
You should know what you are worth,and you deserve the best guy ever.
As for your cousin,forgive her she is your blood and you cant change it,dont forget about nemesis.
Move on with your life and be more prayerful,God will give you his own kind of man for you.
i love you girl and cant wait to meet you. will love to invite you for a date at any of the exotic places on the island.
Kpele o. Such is life
I kw it will b hard 4 u but u hv 2 let it go u dnt kw wat God has done 4 u by moving him out of ur way.
Hmmm.....if really it appened as explained den dey both really betrayed u n dats nt gud. Well, such is life dear, d best u can do 4 urself is to give dem....so dat God ill 4give u of ur sins n so u can move on.......
Poor you, I feel your pain cud be really hurtful, but when u r ready to forgive, forgive completely, they are not worth it.
Babe life continues let dem be.dem fit well well.cheaters like dem
If u don't forgve dem God will not forgve u ooo
Geeeez.a speechless.www.africaintels.com
xo devastatn........, sory dear!
My dear u hav 2 4giv dem, it do happen at times. I hav been betrayed by my friend, jst know dat is nt ur husband. Move on wit ur life and God will give u some1 dat will be far better dan him
Wake up dear from your slumber. He's not meant for you. If you don't forgive, God might not bring that right man that is meant for you.
Wake up dear from your slumber. He's not meant for you. If you don't forgive, God might not bring that right man that is meant for you.
Such is life my dear...get over it
too bad
Mumu, he is your ex. Stop whining and move on
so sad but u have to move on and forgive them, because he was not married to u he was only a boyfriend to u not husband. OMALICHA HAS SPOKEN!
Mumu, he is your ex. Stop whining and move on. Hehe
Wat a painful world
What girls would do for good dick.....too bad
Just find it in ur heart to forgive them, else, moving on from dat hurtful past wud be very difficult for u! One thing u mustn't forget is that varying degrees of Shit can happen to anyone, by anyone, at anytime! So Pls Mina my namesake, move the hell on!
This kind of issue makes me ponder a lot about relationships.... Why didn't she do sth to make it(relationship) stable? If the guy left, why is she making a fuss about the marriage between her cousin and the guy.....
You are sounding too bitter girl! Forgive them and move on. Betrayals and liars don't deserve you, wish them well and see how God will make things turn out for you
You are sounding too bitter girl! Forgive them and move on. Betrayals and liars don't deserve you, wish them well and see how God will make things turn out for you
why re pple like dis... i was betrayed by a frnd too. i cnt just get over d whole mess till now. woman we re our own enemy.....
Mina, things happen for a purpose. Maybe it was for the best. However, you must learn to forgive. Not for their own sake, but for your own mental and spiritual well-being. I pray you will meet your own man whose world will revolve around you and who will treat you as a queen that you are. Please keep on keeping on.
why re pple dis cruel... i had a similar experience... ladies we re our own problem.
So so ungodly#Eiyaa..just move on wid ya life my dear.but learn to trust no one......shit happens#
Wat de did is unspeakeable n veri annoying,dat doesn't min u can't 4give dem.if jesus christ can 4give u of ur sins,who are u not 2 4give odas
U better forgive them and move on. For me , u deserve some thing better and the man is not yours. If he is , marriage would have worked out for both of u. No man is worth crying over worthstill a man that cheats. God has saved u from the future trauma. God will give u someone better and u will live to appreciate HIM.
Sometimes I just wonder the criteria for picking out beauty Queens in Nigeria... O! *BBM I dunno smiley* :]Y
Pls 4get him u will get some1 better
Pls forgive them,not for them but for u,cos nt forgiving dem will hinder u nd affect u nd can even stop u frm seeing d. Right man for u.so forgive dem n believe me karma is a bitch.just tell urself wat goes around comes around nd trust me girl it always comes around.
I can imagine how sad that must have been for this babe. Betrayal stings worse than a scorpion.
One lesson: Trust no one
Action Point: Move on!!! Life's too short to hold grudges for ever.
Of course it is devestating bt they r not worth it they hv move on n u hv to move to don't let them hold u bck u don't even kn wat u r saved frm plz move on life is wider than ur feelings
Get a grip girl,shit like this happens everyday.
By the way,how is Sotonye? Hope she's cool?
Some people r so wicked, infact I dnt knw if dey were rily created by God. U c ur loved 1ns betraying u in front of u n dey will still lie abt it. Am so sorry for wat happened 2 u. Infact, I also experienced sometin like dis. I just pray dat God help us all.
That is very bad of them. I think u should forgive dem in ur heart and move on wit ur life.
So sad.! First to comment
U better move on wv ur life. U r deprivin urslf from God's forgivness if u dnt forgive.. its painful yh but den God cwn heal d pain.
Its a pity,aunty linda please post my comments nau!
U jst hv 2 4giv dem.they'v moved on n so shd u.4givness is d key 2 internal peace.
heyaa,just take heart,forgive and forget,this guy is not meant for you,u had ur opportunity but u blew it.u ave the beauty just move on and God will bring ur own man to you.life is too short enjoy it when u can
Aww I feel your pain.. sowi
Hmm. Ife neme, ebenebe
You better because who you do? People wen don marry born naim u say u no go forgive? Just go find ur own make u no dey jealous anoda man own! Girls!!! They act like they're done with a guy n when they see him with someone else better than them, they feel like killing themselves! Sponicobabani
The grudges shuld go to ur cousin sis nt ur ex,its natural fr a man to flirt n double date,men r poygamous in Nature.I blame ur shameless cousin sis who opend her legs fr him.its just lik whn a guy asked mi out,I refused bcos I ve sn him severally wt my elda sis.weda he n my elda sista,am nt too sure buh fr d fact dt I do see dem togeda,I rjectd his offer.ur cousin sis is nt worth living wit,she can do worst tins.pls just go on wt ur life
awww dats soo sad.
Its really painful, i feel u sister. But leave forgiveness for God and move on. But babes sha! Rek1
So how does this change the price of garri in the market...abeg yarn us abt asuu
As messed up as it is you have to move on.
Your cousin will be the insecure one looking over her shoulder all through her marriage when it comes to you. He married her because she got pregnant. Thats all.
Forget them and go on to meeting the perfect man and having a beautiful life. You still have options. Your cousin don't. She's fucked.
her cousin? in nigeria is is bad na
Boy, 14, Rapes Nine-year-old Girl to Death HERE
OH well mina uv got to forgive them whether u like it or not its painful yeah,bt let go and move on and get married too.
Forgive the back stabbers, free your spirit Ά̲̣̣̣̥и̲̮̣̥̅̊đ move on
Wow it hurts though people are wicked! Mina he was never yours forget about them someone better will make u proud.
Dat guy is nt ur man just face d future and make progress.
My dear forgive d bastards and move on_everything happens for a reason even if u don't just know y. What if he married u n made ur life terrible? Do u know how d marriage btw d two bastards is going? Do u knw if ur cousin is suffering in d hands of d man buh can't tell anyone cos of d circumstance in which dey got married?
I don't get some people sometimes, she knew they were once an item. Why didn't she just jog on to another man, it's not like her cousin was dead and even if her cousin was dead it's just wrong. Gosh!
Oouch, it must have hurt like hell.
Not to worry babe, it could be that your cousin is better than u. Relax ur own time will come.
Pls do find it in ur heart to forgive them.....it shows u re stronger
It really hurt n i undersand d pain shes passing through,love related issues are had 2 let go...
Everything probably happened because her relationship with her ex was, as it were, off and on. Please, try and forgive...
♍γ̲̣̣̥ D̲̅ε̲̣̣̣ǎ̜̣̍® I knw its difficullt bt J̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊t̲̥̅̊ try α̲̅ŋϑ forgive him cos Ɣ☺ΰ ppl were nt really meant Ƒ̐δя̣̣ each oda
My dear u just av to forgive dem and try to move on...hes not destined for u...ur man will come to u.more worst things than this had happened,ur case is not d first...its all abt forgiveness
My dear u just av to forgive dem and try to move on...hes not destined for u...ur man will come to u.more worst things than this had happened,ur case is not d first...its all abt forgiveness
I can imagine how the blow must have hit you but,all the same,let it go.it would have been much more complcatedif he got your cousin pregnane after marrying you.break all ties and connection with that line of your family.the guy obviously will still cross pollinate with another close family member.their likes are all over the town.you'll be alright dear.just take heart
Awwwwwh i can feel yhur pain... Take heart dear,GOD is in control
Why are u crying over spilled milk, shebi na ur ex u call am,pls try and forgive them for ur own sake,cos unforgiveness is like poison to the soul. it destroys and the body and brings various diseases and setback to the one who refuses to forgive
Forgive them though not easy. May the Lord give you a good man
I urge you to find a place in ur heart to forgive them, however difficult it is. If u die right now with that bitterness, its straight to hell. It won't be ur portion o
U berra move on gal...
forgiv them
so dat ur sins wil b forgiven leave
dem for God
what I sad story, but should know the word never say never when he said he can never have anything with your sister and watch closely.my dear you just have to forgive and leave the judgment for God.
Men!!!!they are betrayals
I think this story is dumb, how can you have a boyfriend and you are not aware your cousin was living with him. I think you are the one that betrayed your cousin by sleeping with her fiancé not the other way out.
Who is this girl anyway ? I believe she is just looking for cheap publicity. Never heard of her name but I don't believe her story.
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