Jeta met Mbong when she was only 16 years old in Calabar in 2001 during a movie audition. He waited for her to mature and they started dating when she turned 18 two years later. In 2008, they welcomed a daughter, that same year, Jeta married Mbong. They later moved from their base in Abuja to Los Angeles so Jeta could work on his movie projects.
Continue to read why they broke heartbreaking for such a young couple and maybe there's a lesson to be learnt here...
Here's what I heard happened between them. Mbong met Jeta when she was so young, married him and became a mother in her early twenties. She is a former beauty queen (Miss Akwa Ibom 2003) and her dream was to be an actress. Jeta didn't mind his wife being an actress but he didn't want her featuring in Nollywood movies, so he restricted her. Mbong, some of you may have noticed, only featured in Jeta's movies. And because she met Jeta so young, Mbong didn't get a chance to date other men, never partied and until they separated, never earned a living on her own. She relied on Jeta for everything.
When they moved to the US, it became a little worse for Mbong. She became lonely and instead of being the star actress she's always dreamed of, she became a housewife, caring for Jeta and their five year old daughter. Mbong became resentful and left Jeta in 2011 and returned to Nigeria. Jeta went after her and they reconciled after Jeta promised to give her a bit more space to pursue her dreams.
Jeta tried to live up to his promise, but as an African man, just couldn't compromise much and so last year Mbong wanted out of the marriage and Jeta let her go. Mbong and Jeta have been living separately in Los Angeles for about a year now. When I asked if there was any hope for reconciliation, my source told me 'it's only a matter of time before they file for divorce. They have moved on and the love is no longer there. Mbong is very happy now that she can do whatever she wants without a husband to stop her or tell her what she can or can't do"
I've known Jeta Amata for a long time, since the 90's in fact and so before writing this I reached out to him to get his own side of the story, and because we are friends, Jeta opened up to me.
He confirmed that they have indeed separated & partly blamed himself for the break up. He told me;
"Mbong is an amazing mother, an incredible wife...all the time we were together she would never let any other person cook my food...she was faithful and good to me and gave me the best gift in the world, our beautiful daughter. If I didn't cage her so much maybe we would still be together. I stole her youth and didn't let her live her dream so it was better to let her go and find new adventures. She's happy and so am I. Despite the fact that we are no longer together, we are still good friends. She even lives close to me here in LA. Things are great between us and I'm happy to see her happy."Since the separation Mbong has featured in two Nollywood movies, one of them is Forgetting June produced by Emem Isong, which she came back to Nigeria to shoot. She also revealed her sexy bikini body some months back. Y'all didn't know she was a single woman then...pic below...
As for Jeta, I heard he now has a new girlfriend. Jeta is dating Australian actress Viva Bianca, best known for her role as Ilithyia in Spartacus (Pic below)

And that my friends, is the end of the story. Wishing Jeta and Mbong Amata the very best.
1 – 200 of 312 Newer› Newest»Heart breaking indeed!! Buh still wish dem d best
Sad. Been a hsewife is so disempowering and being with a husband who wouldn't give u space is worse. I just pity their lil kid
How sad!
A 4 year old asked me what marriage is like. So I gave him a piece of chocolate and told him not to eat it.
Marriage is all about patience and compromise! Sad to see this lovely couple go apart.
End time things.
Longstory Immediately I saw Ilithyia,I found the reason for the breakup.
And as for the wife looking for new adventures,a brother is always available to help a sis.*wink*
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Lin, I got married at 20 n had my baby at 21. I'm 30 now And I feel I lost out on my youth. I want to go to parties,I want to feel anoda prick,I want to groove. Yeahyeah,I feel Mbong cos I feel caged too,tho I don't want a divorce.
Abeg which youth did he steal? To date other men and sleep around? Well thats what most of them think sha BUT if only I could turn back the hands of time I will be a virgin cos no need to explore its not worth it but she will realize dat by the time she joins the badwagon of actresses sleeping ard with politicians. I understand she was just abroad and then seeing her mates get really popular and den stories of dis one acquired dat one and so on so she Probably feels if not for my husband I shld hv bn dis or dat Butttt my dear things are not as dey appear ohh cos in life u think u are missing out on somethings but u are missing nothing ohhh.....Be wise
This is deep n mature...very mature
Hmmm All 4 Happiness. At least the guy didn't try 2 deny anytin. Wishing them d very best.
Linda u can sha stalk people!!! Bt dats ur job anyways.
Sad but like he agreed they are happier apart which is all that matters!!
She has a fab body tho!
The Amata family shaaaaaa! This is exactly the story between me and my ex.Jeta is even man enough to admit his mistakes but mine resulted to beating and batting me with words.Thank God am back on my feet again living my dream.God delivered me from that man and early grave.
Hmmm, aunty Linda, I hail thee...
The Amata family shaaaaaa! This is exactly the story between me and my ex.Jeta is even man enough to admit his mistakes but mine resulted to beating and batting me with words.Thank God am back on my feet again living my dream.God delivered me from that man and early grave.
Hmmm. Linda Very interesting story. Wished d story would have continued. Was so engrossed. And Mbong is very beautiful by the way.
Hmmmmm,insecurity,dats the word,she is beautiful and he is scared she will be snatched away,but didn't he eventually let her go.I hope both of them find love again
May God grant our women wisdom. U were not forced into the marriage and moreover its not easy in the outside world. Once u are in try to make ur marriage work. May God help us all. I really wish they get back together cos they look so perfect and no scandal since they got married.
1st to comment. All I no is that wat will be will be if they r still meant to be 2gether they will. God kowns best. I wish dem all d very
Okey ooooooo!All the best.linda if u like dnt post my comment as usual.
Linda ikeji of life... I 2 gbadun u, u were destined 2 be an amebo, as for 4 d 2 love birds such is life .
1st to comment Pls post it. All I no is dt wat will be will be if dey r still meant to be 2gether dey will. God knows everything. I wish dem all d very best in life
Okey o,wish. Dem all d best!lindodo if u like no post my comment
Okey ooooooo!All the best.linda if u like dnt post my comment as usual.
Mbong,Family is prority. And that spatacus woman looks funny sha.mbok where did jeta dig her from?
Can't be a caged dog to nobody!
It's good she's living her dreams now!
Guys try not to be too protective n in some case dream killer!
Good luck to d both of them!
Catch them young tinz, she don wise up now so she needed dat freedom more dan anytin. All d best to her. There is this finding that most literate/successful Nigerian women do not like men to control them, they don't like to
Signed by Orobo.
@ Ebony, to cut the long story short, you want to cheat (taste another penis) abi. Ok oooo
Am glad Mbong is getting her groove bck
Linda has learnt englisg from pc 'profilic' well done. Btw I hate it when men think dey should b in charge of his gf/wife life. Like seriously R u God. Pls allow ur gf to live her dreams dis is one tin d white take pass us. Am kind of high dis nite. Bt ope say I make sense be real jist madam! Well done.
Ebony, you want to cheat abi
Am sooooooooooooo heart broken. I love this couple, especially pretty ubong.
I wish them nothing but the best.
Ebonylicious ur jus a big fool and idiot.if u like don't stay at home and look afta ur stupid
Lol this is y it is not good to marry a virgin imagine the top 3 comments.... I always advice against it. Make ur wife to b play life small so she go no say notin deh dere so wen unna finally marry she go chill. All this one dick pussy always think they missed out... There is something they didn't do but in reality they are Gold but do not know it.
Tank God u reached out 2 him b4 writin dis,,she's a gorgeous woman!who had her youth n dreams stolen,dis is 2 show money aint eVrytin!I mean she was livin evry woman's dream life,a rich husband,houses in america,well connected.. But she wanted more -her DREAMS!! He did d right tin by lettin her go,let her experienx life!! And as 4 viva datin jeta?well-iv always known she's loved good fuc*kin!not shocked cos jeta got a bad black mamba!hehe *ONYX GODWIN*
Can't give up my youthful age for anytin....but dat Jeta sha, so he wants to tell me dat he will control dat Spartacus actress...he can't even try it...her eye don tear well well....his not okay for controlling mbong...well prolly d way she laid her marriage bed
Hmmmnn one of the reasons I am not even thinking of marriage. Most of these girls now only think of the "ring and wedding party" forgetting its a life time project you av to think of properly. Once u miss ur youth it's hard to get back. That's y I love all charley boy's articles "wedding is a one day event throw yourself parties for a week instead of rushing into marriage"
Eehya really feel for a divorce cant solve the ish,better for them to ve tot abt d future than dwelling on the past.she married early n gave in her youth,she has to deal wit it cuz come wat may,she may never become a renowned actress in nigeria like omotola and co....and he is going to continue living his life
chai! this sexy chick will make some randy pot bellied politician or oil boss a very happy man! She is sexy as fuck
Lols. I thought you are gonna need a divorce
You want to feel another PRICK? come & take banana in ds kind of situation too o, God help me cos I feel caged already....if I hadn't a baby,I would have run away a long timme ago.....maryam
getting married young works for some but for the most part, there will end up being some type of infidelity.
It is well
Where r the advocates of early marriages again???
Wise idea! They should try and make it work plsssssss. I love them both
U women are funny where u forced to marry? So which one is dey took your yourh from, u feel like fucking another prick# isssshhhh c fins differently @ times i kno u will end fuckin another if not dat u ve been doin it 4 jeta i respect 4 living her, dem done teach her dat marriage is a cage# stupid mindset
Good for them joor
As with all matters of the heart love and marriage should not be forced...Marriages and deteriorating values...
All d best Jeta N Mbong
First, Am happy for her. Secondly, I am proud of her.. She had the courage to pursue her dreams, not a lot of women have such courage. Kudos to Jeta for handling the situation rightly. I now know its better to seperate or divorce than to cheat.
Plsss when u see MBOK its My best of knowledge. U obviously think its an exclaimation cos dis ur mbok is nt necessary.
Lol at feel another prick.
So jeta is dating that chik from spartacus. Bad boy
Wow, much to learn , but I would like to marry mbong whenever she is ready , really a cute chic after a child
Its not rily easy being wt a man 4rm youth,and same tym not pursuing ur dreams,if d man doesn't encourage it,it mostly leads 2 resentment but on d other hand,sometyms we ask 4 more than we can handle,dis story is a replica of Tyler Perry's temptation,I'm in d same position in my r/ship nw tho,I feel trapped nd my bf doesn't help cos he's vry jealous nd overprotective but I'm jst putting it in prayers,remember d devil u knw is always better,I think she should put it in prayers b4 it becomes a case of Had I known...Stephy says so!!
Well this nigger dates ten over ten women...ah will give him that
Linda's tripper
Aww.i can totally glad how mature they cld handle this.but this life sha na wa.u marry late wahala,u marry early wahala yet.i hope my classmate ugochi ifeanyi in abj is reading this since all she does is make noise abt early marriage n how to keep ur man since she married early.nne read this n shut up o.its barely 3yrs plus dont brag too much as u do.u never know life!
Thank God he admitted, Men pls don't b a dream killer biko.
I feel mbong pains bt jeta fucked up he didn't want anybody to share in his property bt he woud av still be takin her clubbin @least twice in a month so dat she can't feel free and I believe wit dat she won't even tink abt her acting passion becos she is having fun wit d clubbin
My best of knowledge? Don't you mean 'to the best of my knowledge'?
A lot of people still dnt understand what marriage is all about! My advice 2 ladies is dat if u havnt gotten a grasp on wat marriage entails,DON'T get married! We have a lot of children going tru challenges cos dey were raised by single parents,dnt add 2 dat population!
I hate reading stuffs like this. Marriages shouldn't end in divorce. Especially when it involves young couples
He couldn't marry an african woman, now he is romancing an Australian woman for that matter. She may make a different anyway. But if he is that jealous then he shouldn't near an oyibo woman. Unless he has prepared to go bankrupt.prepare your mind for the worst bro Jeta cos u re going from frying pan to fire.
Oh dear! Oh dear am so sad to read this.gush it's horrible! But it is well I wish mbong all the very best! Such a pretttyyyy lady she would surely find happiness again.
sad story..
Very sad..i feel if love is mutual nobody will feel caged in a marriage..Wish them the very best. Surprised he's dating the lady from spartacus tho.
When u are married for so long, u feel caged but u have to remember that someone somewhere wishes they are in ur shoes. When things get boring, spice it up.
Hmmm Lydia in Spartacus...this guy get big eye gan #didi
quite an interesrting story, linda will there be a part2.matters of the heart,*smh*one cant predict when it will reach its elastic limit.i wish them all the best ahead.
waoh..i really loved these two together! so sad.i'm more scared than i was about marriage before i read this man wants to 'dominate' every aspect of my life,no breathing space.i already feel choked and its just weeks to the wedding..God help me! Ladies,forget about the rock,at times like this,the rock means nothing,Mbong and Jeta,may you find the true love God has destined for u two.
The freedom she is looking for is SEX from other men. Thats the summary of it all. Sometimes i'm scared of marriage bcos if u marry a matured lady, she would have slept with at least 9 men in d past. If u marry a young girl like mbong, she will still get tired of her husband prick and look for sex adventure outside. Women tho
He even started dating another woman b4 her...if it was d other way round , we won't hear d end of it..... Na wah o
If you are a happily married man and want to stay married, don't move to America. Better yet, don't move to Los Angeles county. That is the worst place to stay married. There are lots of temptations for both men and women. You always feel that you can do better. There is a lot of money and flashiness there. People dispose off their spouses like old rags in LA.
Mbong thinks her youth was stolen from her. I wish her luck because it is a jungle out there. She should know that a lot of heartbreaks come with being single. The grass always seem to be greener where you're not.
These days most ladies sweep their future/career/ goal under the carpet and chase marriage. Lol most of y'll ladies don't secure ur future anymore. Leaving ur primary assignment to "university own" and end up failing. Now this one wants her youth back after almost ten yrs of marriage #shameful and pathetic
Na wa o
Wao fear catch me now, dis story can make a script oh! So real nd mile, I neva wanted d story to end sha
Thumbs up Linda for the story...
Beautifully written...
African men must learn to stop treating women as personal possession...
Fathers, husbands, boyfriends please let women be!
They are human beings and not things!
Stop policing them...
Stop circumscribing them...
Leave them to be themselves and pursue their predilections...
Perhaps the moral in Jeta and Mbong's story...
Pls linda,am very coonfusd,pls can som1 define allowin her live her dreams,am in a relationship and tinkin of marryin ma gal,but d comments I read is tearin ma heart,what r d limits 2 which I can express ma love,when shouldn't I be jealous,should I condone anything ma woman does in the name of lettin her liv her dream,pls linda I need answers
Isn't it better 2 just hav kids instead of gettin married, hmmmmmmm
Hmmmm! Well said evry1 buh den wasap wiv d Amatas'? Y all of dem dey get 1 marriage ish or anoda? Anyways I really wish dem to get geda bak, Jeta all u̶̲̥̅̊ shld pray nd ask for is undastanding nd wisdom to deal wiv difficult situations like dis. So help u̶̲̥̅̊ God
Temptation: the true confession of a marriage counsellor part 2!
Linda baby chia I like as u take compose this story errrr like movie,,,, anyway too sad to say young marriage break too sad
Hehe so feel sorry 4u,I feel u pains dear,perhaps ur hubby aint givin u natural to feel dat way
mtchwww...some men cud b so annoyingly over-protective
Nawa ooo, Marriage and the ups and downs. It's just unfortunate that this lovely couple finally separate. Well life goes on. Thanks Linda for sharing
Hmmmm... Life is just.........some av partied nd are tire already.. Praying to God to pls just give dem a Man to call their own. Some av a home buh they tired of it, they want to go explore!
Some are willing to give anything to stay unda a Man's roof, yle some are ready to risk anyfin to be alone!. Different strokes for diff folks.
Pple are just creating unconducive enviroment for innocent kids. So many kids from broken homes evriwia....(Nt dia fault tho).
May God av mercy.
It is important for a woman to pursue her own dreams. Glad they are handling it in. a mature way and remaining civil.
Is Jeta the brother to Fred Amata? *confused*
Jeta is dating Australian actress Viva Bianca (Ilithyia in Spartacus) chai...mehnn jeta u get mind jor!dat babe matter nor b here o..!#wish u guys well sha..!#doctorbobby
Btw is jeta amata fred amata's brother?
Maryam!! Hang in there cos you will have the Last laugh. Be there for your baby & you will be glad you did.
Phd. Amebo, more grease to your elbow
Ur "miss ur youth" here does it include partying nd sleeping wif different men b4 marriage?? Mtcheww. Dats no LIFE!! Many av done all dese nd they wish they could turn back d jands of time buh impossible. Sleeping wif more dan one man is no good life.
@EBONYLICIOUS, please CUM to me. I am that PRICK you want to feel, I will fuck the hell out of you and you will be happy.
This is indeed extremely sad, for I know both Jeta and Mbong and they are both the nicest people you could ever meet. Living together in the same apartment building in Lagos, they gave me a sense of family and as a singleton having just moved to Nigeria theirs was a love (relationship) which made me live in hope. I wish them both God's strength during this difficult time. And, I wish their daughter the understanding that mummy and daddy can love each other and her even though they aren't all under the same roof.
This Mentality of the devil you Know has killed a lot of People. If you are not happy in this your relationship the earlier you find your way the better afterall a BROKEN RELATIONSHIP IS BETTER THAN A BROKEN MARRIAGE!
@Anonymous 11:33 PM. You took the words right out of my mouth. Mbong, you are a BEAUTIFUL African woman, I WISH YOU LOVE!
Naija men, please give your wives a little bit of space. Mbong, may God be with you, always seek His voice and it will be well with you.
What stupid groove is that? Wearing bikini, partying and stuffs. Well partying is still acceptable but exposing her body and stuff. What would she gain in all that? I guess she's being influenced by Tontolet and Ruky Sanda.
There is a spirit in America that scatters marriages, it takes the grace of God to remain married when you live there...seriously!!!
More than stupid
MBOK is please in akwa ibom.
Muaw for dis comment!
Is this not the girl from the movie 'Wheel of Change'??
I wonder o. Such an ass with her stupid dreams. Does she not hav parents who will talk sense into her head? Imagine a woman that is not being abused wanting out for one stupid freedom, at what age.
Mumu, come and take cucumber. Moreover, there are many sex toys in the market, go and buy some and satisfy your stupid wants. You don't even sound matured enough to be married, let alone have a child. Get busy with your life!
And she will surely dump ur ass too
Me too. Hate separation or divorce stories.
@Stephy says so or wat do u call ursef biko?ve u got a brain at all?hope u aint d runs gal I know o! Cos ur own dey ur body! Na anything wey get money u dey run after even when those malo dudes dey give u shegeh chow! Mumu gal!
Dear Teen Contemplating getting married young, u can see d outcome? Pls groove well *wit sense tho* sample pricks if u want to, live ur dream, be bold, do dt thing u want to do, neva let a man tie u down! Dnt get married at 18 nd start feeling sorry 4 ursef cos u didn't get to av enuf fun! Av dt Fun NOW, cos after marriage, u are Caged! I'm 24 nw, nd I really believe dt I've seen, touched nd sampled, I'm nt a novice to anything *for my church mind* I'm doing wt I luv to do, nd God bless my man 4 nt trying to clip my wings, nw I can boldly say, I'm ready 4 marriage! Men allow dis gehs mk dem ripe well well b4 plucking em na, Bikonu!
May God be wit dia child tho, a broken home is soooo nt cool!
Don't think there was love in the first place. Met my wife when she was 19, we loved each other like crazy, more than 10 years now with kids and it still feels like we just met yesterday. Although, there had been misunderstandings but that real love just keeps getting stronger n stronger.
What do u mean by policing women? So she could b influenced by runs babes right? There is nothing that makes a man happy than people praising his wife as a decent and responsible woman. No man wants his wife wearing bikinis and partying all the time.
Most of all these stupid negative comments supporting her are from frustrated ladies who are not married or separated. They are only consoling themselves and happy someone just joined their league. Just love ur woman and make sure she loves u too, encourage each other in ur careers and leave the rest to God. Meanwhile hope ur woman ain't goin into acting though cos only 2 out of 10 actresses stay married.
@anon 12:41 na u saka!
U r not better dan those names u mentioned, copy dat!
His girlfriend is a main character in a very popular hit TV series. If he accepts his gf's success, why couldn't he support his wife's career? Double standard for wife from fatherland vis a vis new girlfriend in adopted homeland? #justasking
No she's not but d both of u r jst plain foolish i swear!
Is it ur bizness?
@bb pls tell me u'r a saint if not shut d fuck up!
U be her God?
Are U̶̲̥̅̊ chika ike
@maryam stop decieving urself!
Ur eyes don already dey outside for u to make dis comment.
Women can never be satisfied. I will love my husband to cage me. I am not outgoing anyway. I just want a husband I can be going out with to different events. Just me and my baby. And I don't understand the youth she's accusing him of stealing. She should have said no when the guy proposed to her. I bet she just want to flirt around. Smh. Hope she regrets her decision someday.
@anon 12:27 hope she listens to d word of widom u jst told her!
Charlie man, u really talk am,
I must marry by force by fire, 2moro u go dey cry inside d marriage or divorce go be d nxt altrnative!
Pple abeg make una use una brain!
You see Linda, my annoyance now is he's with a white lady, which he won't do a tiny bit of caging with her , infact he can't tell her how to live her life. For God's sake why do Nigerian men think we black African women deserve less., treat us like a piece of furniture and then say oh I didn't treat her right. Treat us right from the beginning, don't make her give up all she loves doing for marriage, let her have some breathing space cos that's wat drove that lady out not adventure nd sex like some of you masochists think
My piece of mind
No be club matter be dis!
We talking abt someone's dream, carrie n u'r talking nonsense!
Get sense for once abeg!
lin lin f you like go marry urhobo no matter how 'exposed' they are. serious o.y.o for u as an independent lady
and no, she was a virgin so isnt looking for 'dicks' she was in the marriage and know wetin dey ground for her to know want to be self reliant.I hope the poor lady was able to get formal education. I wish her the best and pls lets support her work. she was in the marriage and know wetin dey ground for her to now want to be self reliant and married to urhobo for that matter. URHOBO MAN MUSTO ALWAYS BE KNUCKLEDRAGGINGCAVEMAN, HE IS HAPPY TO HOP FROM GF TO GF, SHE MUST NEVER QUESTION HIM ELSE HUNGER GO BEAT AM. YES NA AS HIS WIFE MUST ASK HIM FOR MONEY FOR PAD EVEN PANT AND GET ON HER KNEES IN GRATITUDE WHEN HE GIVES. SHE MUST SERVE HIM COOKED FRESH MEAL DAILY (WATCH MR AND MRS THATS HOW ALL URHOBOMEN EXPECT THEIR SLAVES (SORRY WIFE ) TO BEHAVE.) AND NA OYIBO U COME FOLLOW? ? YOU GO COOK FOR THIS OYIBO AND DO TINZ U WILL NEVA DO FOR YOUR WIFE. YOU GO HEAR AM!YOU CANT EAT YOUR CAKE AND HAVE IT. Linda stop being biased and post this comment
A m e b o !!!
Take a clue from Robin thicke n paula relation!
Yeah,the curse of the Amatas finally came on their only hope. It aint his fault,more spiritual than y'all think. Check all d guys and tell me more. Linda,post if u like.
Dis fool wit ur small pe pe
U no reach!
I feel terrible right now,like I lost hope in lasting marriage,they where the perfect example to me. So sad #sigh!
There's no big deal if he starts dating abeg. I was gonna cuss him out a little bit when I started reading that he restricted his wife's career. But once I read his response I couldn't but doff my hat for him...becos not every man who's had to lose such a pretty lady would have admitted their wrong doings. Other men would have called this lady unprintable names just to seem good and to justify the irreconcilable difference. But rather, he took the blame and he was truthful to himself about it. That is commendable. Many should take a cue from this. Shows this Jeta has a liberal orientation. Godspeed u both!
How sad. Wish them well.
Your comment is so on point. I agree with u100%.
How sad. Hope they get back together. Wish them well.
@EBONYLICIOUS, please meet me asap, will shine your congo well. Stupid married shd be contented with your man's warned!
Lindiway when is the part 2 coming out pleaseeeeeee, wish both of them luck in their new path but Miss my freedom or is it youth was stolen please be careful,the grass looks greener on the other part becos it is fertilize with bullshitttt.
The name is Mbong. Not Mbok. Weda them mean the same thing, me no know. But the spellings are different. Mbok=please. Not an exclamation.
and now waiting for Myne she of romance meets life to turn this into a "to marry young or not article LOL
Hmmm jeta amata my only advice to you na to sign pre-nup before u marry again oh! Before u go take match box pack ur things for naija cos d only tin oyinbo know na to collect all wey man don sweat for.
I got married last year at 22, had my first child few months ago. I never liked the idea of trying different "pricks" before or after marriage, tried one before I met hubby but luckily hubby has the sweetest prick (that's what I have chosen to believe). I think there are ways to catch fun even as a married woman. I go out with my friends, colleagues, still go clubbing with hubby, look hot ( but in a responsible way). Whenever I want to feel single, I hang out with my single friends but I know my boundaries. I don't feel am missing out on anything though.
Nicely said.
Selfish selfish man like you! Thinking only about himself.
Beautiful women make lousy lovers, anyway. From another point of view (trying hard not to sound judgemental, here) Mbong wilfully allowed herself to be encapsulated in that marriage by creating a pretentious self-image of a dutiful housewife towards Jeta. While Jeta had an overbearing grip on Mbong, she should take some responsibility for the outcome of the failed marriage, as well. They say, "It takes two to tango."
When she catch diseases a few times and get heart broken and used by randy men, she'll understand the pains of single women.
I completely agree with u. Dear libers pls take out time to watch Tyler perry's 'Y did I get married - d 80-20 rule'.
Wisdom is profitable 2 direct.
It should make a good Nollywood movie. I hope some producer is watching.
If you knew them before they moved to America, you could have advised him against moving there. And who's movie is he directing in America when he had a perfectly good job in Nollywood. You should have advised him that Hollywood is for Onyinbo. He is just waisting his life over there. Mbong appears smarter than him in that respect. She has done two movies already in Nollywood. I don't see what he has done in Hollywood.
Especially in LA.
Lol calm down regarding LA, hubby and I lived there for 3 yrs as newlyweds and we are still young. That's just the surface, they had other issues that caused this breakdown that has been going on for many years.
She should count herself lucky. My mom innocently got married at 15 and was promised education and all. After the first kid she decided to go back to school but my dad stopped her promising to provide all against her will. She ended up having 5 of us, never got the opportunity to go back to school and my dad has also ensured that she has no financial freedom. Sadly, she is a prisoner in her own marriage and submissive to a fault.
The guy must be day dreaming......... He had better talk true, so does he plan to cage his Australian girl friend too? Men sha, maybe he just wanted to try oyinbo out. smh. Titi
PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS part 2. Yes Bona, u are right brothers are always available to give her the happiness she wants, front and behind, from bed to bed, hotel to hotel, ministers to senators, to house of rep memebers, governors, biz moguls and so on... Believe me.. Its all rubbish
abi ohh! It's called envy! Married women want to live a single life and explore while single ladies want to be married and be under a roof with her man.. It's well.. Broken home come plenty for Children of nowadays .. God help us.
God bless u ooooooo.
I tink diz issue is becoming rampant diz dayz now both wiv old n new couples, what we fail 2 undstnd is dat most gurlz get married @ an early age so dem missin deir youth n so on..... Shudnt b a cogent reason 2 end a union. It all boils down to understanding, we all av a desire to go afta dat our treasured drm,rgrdles of bin hookd up so b4 gettin committed plz make sure ur spouse undstands d importance n joy it wud bring 2 d fam if he supportz ur drm juss as uv supportd hiz...""Understanding"" is KEY.#saynotoabrokenhome#saynotodivorce# XIxi
Well said, she forgets that all that glitters is not gold.. Most of these actresses she envy sleep around for a living(big tym runs gurls).Well, I don't blame her sha, it's not easy being married and then not having a career.. Boredom go don kill am especially for US wey family & friends no dey..
Jeta shld have supported her career a bit instead of caging her naa.. Atleast let her model in America where he can see and monitor her, since he is afraid she will start sleeping around like most actresses/celebrities do on movie location in Nigeria.. Chineke God! another broken marriage. Smh for this generation. So many frustration. Hmmmm! It is well..
Well, if it will make them happy, so be it!
But. After the freedom to explore party, adventurous, and she gets all tired, she would start craving to settle down again.
Everything is a phase may not know the value of what you have till you loose it
Best comment so far for me.kudos mk
Agatha is dat u?
I'm at a loss for words...
A Simple Egg Pre-Wash Conditioner
Wat a biutiful piece of writin!Linda I owe u hug...As 4d Amatas,its really a touchin story.Amata has given us d lesson 2b learnt buh I onli wish seperation wsnt d option!
Then we shld give Kudo to Omotolas husband.. That's a real man.Gbam!!!
Ode ni e O°˚˚˚ . Mr end time.
Best comment.
Waoh! Wat a pathetic story, I'm going thru d same mess riit nw,married@20 wit 2kids nw I'm 23,but my hubby doesn't wnt me to pursue my dreams! Only to rely on him 4 everytin! While he keeps numerous galfrnds arnd,dis is jes3yrs of marriaage n I'm begining to gt choked cus d love is no longer dere! Why are men becomin breasts. Once u get settled wit dem! I feel I might give up sumday cus its affecting my health!!
Hmmmmm she just want to be free by the time diffrent men have slept with her then she will realise how empty and used she has become. Talking from experience. All d best girl but u do need wisdom
Idiots judging her, if omotola's husband didn't give her the space to pursue her dreams, will she be the superstar that she is today? She would have been a nobody or divorced long ago. Men, marriage is not bondage or a prison yard, support your woman in achieving her dreams. Getting married at a young age has its advantages n disadvantages. I think 25 is a perfect age for marriage, at that point a woman has discovered her self and who she wants to be. Secondly, being with only one man for a life time is not advisable especially if he can't satisfy you. Every woman deserves to have an orgasm, that's y I am not really in support of the whole virgin talk.
Wow lovely love story,nd an understanding nd mature ending wish them the best,nd may they find wat they both seek were they search
Sad; am always envious of mbong cos i knw d vry first day dey both started datin. Jate meet her at cultural center calabar whr we went for an audition. Anyway i pray they settle their differences n get bck together. Viva should go look for oyibo man n hook up n leave our nigerian guy for us abeg. Drop my case
Never ever choke a lady,woman,girl.I made the same mistake and it really cost me my dear girl.Its really telling on me now.I will advise all men to always free their women.Dont restrict them.Women dont like such men.Free them and when they re tired they ll always come back.
Odiegwu. I met my hubby when I was 17 we dated and got married when I was 20. Had my 1st baby @ 21. I ve 3 lovely kids and I'm 29 now with a wonderful hubby. He's not a 100% socialite buh I'm loving every bit of it. Oh well life is all about choice. whatever u want u do. He stole ur youth and u stole his money and adulthood. #SMH. God have mercy on ur soul and may u get caught whenever u cheat on ur hubby.
God bless U abundantly for this comment. Stole her youth indeed.
100likes plus the Yankee wen she go too. That place the spoil woman.
I hope they don't get divorce.but mbong is truly a queen she is so beautiful.
Y bring ur frd into dis? Re u jealous of her?
Pls pple,missing out of ur youth is not abt sleeping with men!anyways just a few matured mind in her,caged is an contextual word!so is freedom...she must have tot of it well to finally decide...sometimes MEN!marriage is abt enjoying ur freedom with eachoda.I am married and my husband support me and give me reason why he sometimes wnt support my decision and I understand cuz he gives me room in his own decision..jeta was just scared of losing his wife to nollywood cuz he knows wat had done with chicks there..the best way he was battling his fear was caging her..I believe he loved her..he didn't steal her youth ,he just stole her DREAM!the difference btw him n omotola's hubby was that he supported her Dream and trusted his wife!
God bless u for this comment. This was my exact thot. LA is a wrong place for young couple to move to. Y she no seperate when she dey 9ja. All the best to both of them. Stole youthful age my foot. Dem force her marry?
And if she has slept wif nine men nko? How many women have u not fucked..including prostitutes? Those who reside in glass houses shudnt throw stones.
Na wa o, can't u read or what? He started dating d spartacus chick after he seperated frm his wife, btw linda, Mbong N Jeta's seperation is no new gist. Its bin out there 4 sometime now.
Sad story
Make I hear word..marry @ 18,19,20 and even 21 and see if u didnt miss out..u didn't even have time from ur self..becos from parents roof to husband house...and some Men ain't understanding @ all..but he is dating another girl already oo..but he caged 1 babe in his so..
Shut up..
My dear,its typical of the Deltans(urhobo and Isoko) they are damn possessive. Thank God I was also delivered.
According to the story i think this lady want to have another man,in fact i guess she is already doing that bcos it's difficult to see any man to give up on his wife easily just bcos she doesn't enjoy her youth or whatever,well it's up to them
D girl wan xplore but d husband 4allow her act na wat is he afraid of??him de fear mke dem no fuck him wife abi?? Okkkk naaa film makers una weldon biko!!
Shut up...freedom ain't u know what it's like achieving ur is self fufuilment and fulfilment doesn't come from marriage...*
Na small,Be wise!Mbong will regret dis for d rest of her life.That adventure she is looking for is a mirage.Single ladies are praying for husband and u re leaving yours for what?I pity u.
She wasn't the reason for their breakup u dimwit she left him a year ago and he startd dating the new chick some mths bk can't u read and add 2n2
This jeta na badt boy oo...sharpaly,em don move to d next one
Linda mtchewwwww, which one come bi hart break ere. How does it affect my own luv life. Na dem sabi.
@ zainab Tahir, quite a nice comment from you with deep lessons for those willing to learn.
Vry true!, u spoke my mind,
Hmmm odikwa serious! I faced smtin lik ds b4 where I can hide in d toilet for almost lik half a day cos I don't want to get injured and beaten up by my bf. 1 tin I knw clearly is ders a stage a girl gets too and she feels she just want the world by her finger tip,wants to party,fuck around et all and if she's not allowed,smtin lik Jeta&Mbong story will happen. It's just normal.. My bf sees that as he tries gettin more dangerous,so m I gettin worse nd neither taking to his correction. He decided we stay separate for a while. We both tastes different tins and still appreciates each & even bk together. It just happens lik that. She needs to flex hard,party hard and fuck hell out of herself. She shud b freed...
Stole her youth?what does she mean??. I started dating my hubby @ age 16,we got married 10 yrs later @26,we have 3 children,now am 29 and am enjoying every bit of my marriage,am succesful in my carrer and d homefront.its better they talk things out as matured adults.I and my hubby still club and party together. Pls let's stop seeing marriage as a bondage or dream killer,its how u handle it that matters. Divorce is not an option. Wish them d best!
Ebony try and spice up your marriage. My friend and her hubby clubs steady, go on vacay and she rocks em bumshorts well. Instead of wishing 2have another man, try having an affair with your husb. I do that with my husb, he books a hotel room, i meet him up there as his girlfrend, we drink champagne have the best sex and leave there separately, when we meet up at home, we act like we dont know happened. It works
u guys are missing d fun in this....his dating ilythia.....dudes defnitli hapi,....#ThreeSomeTillDawn
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