From TMZ
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have already agreed ... they will keep their assets separate by drawing up a prenup before they tie the knot ... TMZ has learned.
Multiple sources connected with the couple tell us ... both Kanye and Kim are committed to the marriage and they are not signing a prenup because they're worried the relationship might fall apart. But they're both business people and know given their vast wealth it's just the smart thing to do to have a prenup.
Kim especially understands the importance of a prenup because her late father, attorney Robert Kardashian, told her over and over about the necessity of having clear contracts when it came to money.
We're also told ... even though they will keep their assets separate, they will have a fat joint account for living expenses that will probably approach the gross national product of a small country.
As for how much they have ... some reports place Kim's wealth at $40 mil and Kanye's at $90 mil. But we're told Kim's actually worth more than Kanye.
I thaught as much
That's the sensible thing to do, Business before Love, it's a modern world
Very sensible.
Oh well, I don't xpect dier marriage to last 2yrs so wats d biggie?
being reasonable.. end time things sha
-end time group
Lol I lik d little conbfusion there at d last paragraph.It clearly means Kim is richer.I tink d kadarshians r too smart wen it comz to money and as 4kanye a man has gotta be a man.
LOL! I expected this! Smart couple! No one would lose when divorce comes up as usual!
That's just the best thing to do.... So that their divorce proceedings won't take so long...lolz!!
bt I tot love conquers all
im not suprised i thought so too.
Its a whole new world baeeeby..Business all dah way..divorce fit spring up 2moro mawnin na
That's a lie kanye is far more worth than kim forbes and richlist is ur friend look it up
I just love Kanye...... Wise man.
We all need a prenup #inkanye'svoice#
Before....she already knowsnit won't last and she doesn't want a kris humphries repeat cause she knows that with Kanye she go hear am BAAAAAAAAD...
I love dis oyibo lifestyle sha...
Well done Kanye. De Kardashians fear you like hell. 1st time dey are meeting a real man
Could this be love? I give una 5 months they won't last!
Who said love is blind? Hahaha love u both joor kim ur love get magnifier jion am. Hehehe. May ur union last longer than ur mothers.
Kim cannot be worth more than KAnye...unless she is dreaming..
Their biz!
I'm so loving this couple.
Linda, next time just you will be 'MIA', I will understand. I was scared, honestly.
Wise black man
Befor nko. U think say na beans to born 16. And by the way is it just me that thinks Kim suddenly looks much older. I think its the blonde hair. Its like she aged overnight. "Strolling along"
Well,whatever they both wish to do its their bizness. But Kim I luv and adore u,and I wish u a happy married life. Kanye play a gud husband role oooo, and as for Kim,pls u're d woman here,so mk sure u mk it work.
Wise act big ups Kim all dis celeb marriages u never cn tell hw long dey will last
Good..lov dem
Liar wetin you taught pele o mr tinkin and for me i dont why o
married pregnant woman caught in hotel room with another man pics
fuck them both!
Seriously oooo especially all dis white people they get marry with billons today,,,,,tomorrow Devours In 2months ~:-) .abeg its good jare for future purpose
Good for both of 'em atleast if divorce shows its ugly face,it won't get as messy as with her 2nd marriage,wish them luck. Linda if u like dnt paste my comment,e dey ur body cos I no knw wetin I do u these dayz!
Good 4 em
When Crook jam Crook na so e dey be.
Kim and Kanye Kardashian! Dem 4 no do pre-nup na, mtcheeeew!
They're not married yet and they're scared of divorce already...this is y I respect kourtney.
Good ideology
Kanye nice one.
Please i dnt get to understand jack abt this write up 'Keeping the assests apart'. Pls can someone enlighten me and pls do nt cuss me cos i knw and i agree i'm a LEARNER!
Pls enlighten me!
How on earth can Kim worth more than Kanye, lol. Tabloid is beginning to fiddle with our sensibility.
A̶̲̥̅♏ not commenting again, linda hadly post Мy comment. #sad face#
Bifo nko do you want them to make money from Kanye as usual.
Count down to the big stories and business we are watching
Na today?
Lols. When you're married to a Kardashian, you gotta be careful especially about the pre-nup. I don't see their relationship lasting but they sure could surprise us. "Winks"
From sex tape oo. Off 2 go get busy
Kim looks hot
Kim worth more than Kanye? Make I hear.... My man Kanye better be wise tho......
Still waitn for actual news.... ( ˘̶̀ ̯˘̶́)
Its cool, business before love oh
Kim worth mor dan kanye?hun?kanye z a black guy,he can b controlled by pussy,but money 1st!by d way,pornstar kim looooks gorge! *ONYX GODWIN*
Jen do you mean "thought"? #thankmelater
Kanye is scared of losing half his worth to kim afta separation nd kim wants to prove she doesnt luv him 4 money!!!this is gettin interestin day by day wiv d help of linda
If you ain't no punk, holla WE WANT PRENUP! WE WANT PRENUP YEAAA! And yes, Kim is worth more than him.
Issokei o. In the event that love fails, yeah??? lol. Indeed, 'there's so much drama in the industry'. Next already, puleeease!
Atleast kanye is clever enuf to protect his money frm kim and her mum bt he shuld remember that california law states that a pre nuptial agreement expires after 10 yrs
That's the best way it won't hurt when all comes to a head. Good choice kanye else you go sweat tru ur anus wen evry is in shambles!
Mtcheeeeew!!!!!!!!! Fools!
Dry!!!!!!! I hate dis 2!!!!!!!
Wise Move
Crazy world. Wateva tho
Are these people kidding me??? How will Kim worth more than Kanye???? Gawwwwd!
Well this people are beginning to win me over. It might not be your typical Hollywood maRriage! Go figure
But y'all notice how in Hollywood when a woman wears gets engaged, she is always 'caught' by the camera making subtle hand gestures like the first picture, Kim is conveniently pushing some wayward lock outta her face!
Very thoughtful of dem
Very much understandable.
A smart thing to do.
'fat joint account for living expenses that will probably approach the gross national product of a small country.'
No be small tin sha!
kim cant be richer than kanye cos kanye is the one giving her publicity and endorsement.
Kim aint worth more dan kanye west. Kanye west is worth $100mil and yes dey shud have a prenup b4 kim reck d guy.
Lol. Hustlers
Aby but is gonna be easy 4 them to seperate or leave one nd other knowing that they av ntn to loose if they seperate.
Liar, liar pants on fire!!!! Kim isn't worth is highy over esttimated!!!
Kim doesn't worth more than kanye ooo.. Linda
Dats a gud one
That's right,I jst didn't want this guy to marry her cos she cld divorce him later on
Obviously! Dis marriage wey no go pass 2 yrs. Shior! And for the 2 yrs gan its because they'll be trynna proove a point.
Kim worth more than Kanye, buh dats a good thing to do...Business b4 love!
Prenup? Hahaha. No one wants to run @ a loss.
I fink its a gud idea. Marag shld be far from bis
Linda chop life . @ Uk now dubai. I read a beautiful article abt u on one bloger so encouraging n u will dash me dat ur cloth dat u wore to uk. U r asuper star.beauty wt brains n purpose
Think it over again
B4? Dem must to sign! Committed or not committed, we all know dat marriage won't last longer dan 5yrs! N I'm not a hater its d plain truth!
Mhmm. I see where this is headed.
Kanye is wise sha!
~D great anonymous!
Yeah right @kim richer than Kanye :D never in her life wil she be richer than him!
Dats rili sensible
Ta!...who said Kim Ȋ̝̊̅§ worth more than Kanye?...worbish!
Smart gurl + Smart guy= ?
Na u talk am o!
How can an olosho be worth more than a well known rapper!
Gud tin 2 do.
this nigga is acting like a damn fool. Is he tryin 2 rival jay & b's relationship. In Mama G's voice " kanye am sorry 4 u" in osofias' voice " Kanye east or north it will not work"
Hw kan kim b 'worth more??'
Hmmmm.... Even with all these.... If d marriage won't last... It won't last... Enuf of d drama joor... Wish dem well tho.... Years 4rm now will tell!
Halla "we want prenub" ...u can't trust this bi****s, btw kanye is worth more dan her destiny.ps even kanye knows kim wld soon take off (once a farm tool ,always a farm tool)
Well rational. Decision becus u neva can teLl if the marriage wuld last.....I pray it does...
well, some times it is the right thing to do
Brain!!! Daz all
Good FO̶̷̩̥̊͡Я them!!! Beyonce&Jay Z's wannabe #smh#
well, some times it is the right thing to do
Kim don dey old
The better.
Is dis wat d world hs cm 2? Adam n Eve, Romeo n Juliet sure wuld b frowning n turning in dia graves as regards ds "sophisticated distrust" of luv called pre-nup in our today's world. Luv ain't luv anymore, even d spelling's changed. God help us!
Gud plan
Kim worth more than Kanye....I don't believe that...to d prenup, I always expected that...after 2 failed marriages she knows best now
Hahahahahahahahahahah****dimensions of marriage but I must confess,,I love it!!!! Beautiful Kim
Smart gurl
Tired of kim and Kanye's gist abeg.
Today's the El ~ classico... Hala madrid!!!
Because they can't last and they no it .
"As for how much they have ... some reports place Kim's wealth at $40 mil and Kanye's at $90 mil. But we're told Kim's actually worth more than Kanye."
BWAHAHA!!! Nice try, TMZ or should I say, "Nice lie"
That's the best thing to do, because the way am looking at that marriage, it won't last. Kim and kanye-not for long.(cherry blossom)
Hmmmm...I reserve my comment
I love this. Only a woman or man who ve nothing will feel greedy
They're entering the union in preparation for the divorce. Prenups are wothless nowadays. The poorer spouse always challenges and wins new concessions.
Kim worth more than Kanye? She dies three times and wakes up she can never be worth more than him!!! kmt fooling herself.. Even the 40 mil they say shes worth is debatable
i give them 3 months top's
I don't buy d idea
Hmmmmm Business b4 love??? What nonsense!!! M-kat.
Business b4 love dear..we r in d modern woprld no. Wonder men go 4business class ladies lol...
Calm down Linda, Kim is not worth more than. Kanye
kanye,i gbadun your smart move.some guyz are not that smart.They fall in love only to discover the woman is a diamond digger.I go borrow your style yall
Love is not blind for them. All blind lovers wakeup L̳̿Ö̤̣̇☺ː̗̀(=)))ː̖́☺Ö̤̣̇L̳̿.
Hmmm dat's good of u two.
great idea
Kim cannot be worth more than Kanye!!
That's nothing special.my husband nd I have similar arrangement.its better to keep money outta the way of a relationship.makes it sweeter
This alone will tell you that they know what they are doing. Kim alSo had a prenup with Kris Humphries, and the marriage ended after 72days....am Still waiting to know how long this her marriage with Kanye will last
Shey them dey sing YOUNG & BEAUTIfUL? Make them no do prenup nau, Kanye for sweep street after their divorce. Lol
Better for them.
smart kardashians gettin ready to use and dump Mr West jes like dem other brothers...but I trust his black instincts, ain't no way an Iranian can outsmart kanye, I think.....
They r so sexy together!!!!!!!!!!!
Gud,I dnt trust Kim at all
Dey both kn dey won't last already.
Yea I like that,that's business people in love
Pre nuptial agreement! I dunno why Kanye is doing this! Kanye dint think well before rushing to this. Kim will finish this guy. That is why I like P Diddy style- he dint av agreement with anybody because he knew d implications. Well wish u both HML. Linda post this comment. Cos I don't know what u always review!
Wow!! That's a lot of money.. Her fame has finally fetched her fortunes.. That's good for her.. #Chic
Screw them both! A whore and an anti christ!! Annabel cranberry
wish dem gud lock
wish dem gud lock
Yea its the best but wait kim no wear bra oo.Linder make sure u post my comment.
Sure Kim's family's name is an asset on it own *Goodwill* which worth quite a millions.
Thought pls @anon11.40pm. You re welcome. Love from Abuja
Yes ooooooo me support dis...
linda there's no way in this world kim's worth more than kanye or gets anywhere close to it,not even half,,''some sources'' u said?,,let me be d first person to tel u if it aint forbes then its d biggest lie anybody can come up wit since we marked d new millenium in d year 2000
Dats wisdom I lik dat its encouraging
Nah Kanye is worth more than Kim. Linda seems u dont know how much dat guy has?
Yea, Google needs 2 update der records... Kim's richer dan kanye..
For future break up bcos they get bored esaily in their relationships.I know is kim mums idea.
Dey both are two crazy ppl
Kim Kardashian is NOT richer than Kanye West..
But this woman represents everything he rapped about in his 2005 hit song GOLD DIGGER..
Better pre-nup her fat ass cos wen she leaves yo ass she gonn leave with HALF!!! ..*In Kanye's Voice*
thatz the best thing to do
Kim's a rich girl. She's looking so hot.wish her and kanye d best
For all you lazy n not so disciplined people who always shouts body magic!in the outfit above,we can see a little skin and obviously no body magic here except she cut an opening there.it takes pain to keep it together.i know from experience so instead of hating,you better remove your mouth from the starch and banga for bfast and dinner
Kim cn neva worth than KW
So she's worth jst $40m nd wears a diamond ring of $3m..nawa o
I smell divorce without a wedding already... KENYA WASTE and KING KATRASHIAN>
Good for them. No one's gonna be a 'ripoff' to the other.
Kim worth more than Kanye? Na beans
Smart move...d kadshians don't joke wit money @ all...
Kim worth 40mill dols? so y am I being miss goody twoshoes? good girl no pay oh..Kim bad, Kim bad, she don marry 2 times n engaged to d 3rd man now..men re attracted to bad girls..I still dy do miss single n searching ...God day
Kim cannot be worth more than Kayne. Not possible! Her media people have started the hype again...
Linda u can copy! When TMZ said @ d end of their report dat kim was worth more dan Kanye, a reasonable person can read btw d lines that they were referin to her assets,that is her body. U kuma decided to copy n paste, den now do a lie lie analysis. How can she be richer dan Kanye? Shez worth more than him, cos she has assets(her booty)
I think Kim s worth more, she's one smart biz woman that has learnt well from her Mom
Did I say her fragrance s doing well in the market?? she's a fabulous babe!
Post comments na. Abi na the comments u dey give celebs take buy designer bags? Huh?
Cute couple.....
I don't think she's worth more dan kanye
Why would she have more than Kanye
It's thought!!
Thank me later!
Nice move by d couple
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what are you people saying huh?
Then where is d luv,dis one na contract marriage abeg,yeye pple
Way to go mehn...not like all these gold digging guys we have in naija now that are quick to ask the girl how much she has in her account in the name of being submissive...complete BS! Kimye I dey feel una jare!
All is vanity!
Yea its a modern world...
L=)) =D l, L♥√ع and money- two parallel lines. Nice one though. Opyfasco
Ok...buh meanwhile, I find LIB less interestin dese dayz ooo Linda whts up??
Kim caNnot Worth more than Kenya
Ok o. But one child more(south east) then I will agree with u guys..............Ogaoooooo
Ok o. But one child more(south east) then I will agree with u guys..............Ogaoooooo
Kim certainly can't worth more than Kanye
Its not business before love, its just common sense. love wey no dey blind. I like it jarey.
Thank you angel.and cuz ppl wanna marry by fire,den dey free.my sister try am,she broke now and de freak of a man cheating anyhow.plzz everyone hold your pay,no b man suppose take Kia of woman.
Kim can never be richer than kanya
Better to ask than be ignorant like a lot of people.
What this means is that they will sign a contract/agreement before they get married fully defining their business /financial obligations and its accessibility to one another should the need arise for them to separate or in the event of death.
Applelipx,get your facts right.she was very young st her first marriage.her family was richer than the bully,she was and is still richer than the second husband.its alleged that she picked up the guys legal bills.so,how exactly has she benefitted financially from her previous marriages.
Hypocrites.so now you don't believe tmz abi.if tmz wrote something negative about Kim,it would have been true abi.
I c a divorce on d way. N btw kanye is worth mor dan kim joor. Check it out in celebrity net worth. Can't wait for dem to divorce hahahahahahahahaa..dey always do.
I was actually waiting 4 d 1st †̥♥ point dis out....he has already made his intention abt prenup clear in d track "GOLD DIGGER" even b4 kimkanye thing get dis far..so it wasn't abt d Kardashians....its jst Kanye's sense of entrepreneurship
I really lov d idea it shows kim aint interested in his cash
i see kanye going downnnn, d same way lamar no understand him lif again cos he tangle wit d kardarshians! dat family na bad medicine
Kim can NEVER b worth mre dan Kanye pls!!!
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