Kendrick Lamar was Kanye's opening act. He performed a nine-song set which included songs off his "good kid, m.a.a.d. city" album. Watch the video of Jesus Walks performance after the cut...
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Kanye should first repent afterall there is no relationship between light and darkness.
Kanye should leave jesus alone, a special place in hell awaits his kind, mscheww
Lolz @white jesus.
mtswww...this is absolute nonsense
END TIME TINZ OH!! Those with a gud I.Q can decipher what this is all bout. Lord Jesus save us oh! And I mean the real Jesus, not Kanye's. Lol.
Smh when did Jesus become something to joke with tho?
Kanye hope u aren't makin a fool out of urself by endangering ur life to death. Hope u aren't makin fun of my dear savour. Be warned. Cheers. Engr Emy.
Anti Christ in disguish
Kanye West is a madman...I've always known dis...look at his wife Kim...so Satanic! He is finished in the business...he will die a shameful dead soon.
Father forgive them for they know not what they do.
may God forgive him...amen
God have mercy plzzzz
His Master 'Satan' did this to Christ more than 2000 years ago...its not new in Christianity...he has cursed himself...wish he wasn't born...Devil will mock him in the end.
Oh myGod how can he used "shit" for such a rudely concert wit JESUS in question??? Someone need to give kanye a real insight of wat he has done!!! God ve mercy end time
nigerians can be so naieve, this is all entertainment , stop being so self-righteous people and grow up with the world, ya'll are the reason nigeria is still the way it is today. kuddos kanye! - reefer
Bravo kayne. I hail oooo, I've made a room reservation in Hell 4 u, wen u get dere tell dem to show u d hot royal suit I booked 4 u, repent ooooo......Asemota Ebi (reporting)
Na devil go punish all them blasphemers!
No wonder kanye's life is so twisted!
Not interested to watch!
@bbm pin its Lord Saviour not savour n to the anonymous its disguise not disguish.....#gbagaun tins all becos of kanye west.smh
YeSus or watever u call ur self.goat na stil goat illuminati don brainwash Dem fake industry.lord av mercy on hez small soul #Mugu Kanye BMULLZ
Hmmmmmn, he shud b careful ooo n repent!!!
Hellllo!! Nbdy knws how jesus really loookS like! Abegi! *ONYX GODWIN*
@annon 12;35 na dt 1 concern u abi ITK incorporated
Hmmmmmn, he shud b careful ooo n repent!!!
God ve mercy on u.
God ve Mercy on u.z
Smh.... may God 4give him
U guys shud stop rantin abt kanye's perfoemance, check ursefs b4 criticisin others.. rubbishhhh***
It's easy for people to take Jesus for granted; you are enjoying His grace and mercy. He should try that with Mohammed and see. Rubbish!!!
Kanye shld try ds shit wit d muslims nd see if dy ll nt bomb is black ass out of context,christains are 2 timid gooosh ds is a slap on our faces jayz can neva do such dumb tin,BT our God is still a merciful God he ll still gv him a chance 2 repent of his sin.
He have no option than to do that cus he knws were he is going at the end.....dnt let this corrupt ur mind pls.Jesus luv u all
Bloody goon, goat, oponu aye, ode pataki, i too know, anonymous shit datz wat u r!
Keep shaking dat big n empty head of urs, it will soon fall off i bet u!
May be kanye west or what ever you call him ,he though what he though!
K WEST .......i know God is a merciful God,he ll ve mercy on u dat is only if u repent ASAP,but if not watch God handle u and then u ll know wasup...... illuminatie bastard
Wot a heart warmin performance!!!! Dis guy is killin it abeg, usin jesus christ 2 make moni. I too luv d concept plz cum and do dis 4 us here in naija
Kanye is a big fool...never knew u retarded dude...kunle kolade
Is it cos we are liberal. Kanye should try using Mohamed for such blasphemy and see jihad!
They know what they do!
Father LORD in haven forgive them.
This has gone too far! Wondering if he's a mental case.
be sure kanye ur mockry will 5in u out
If it was any other religion...
But that is why Jesus Christ is Lord. These are the end time and the roads leading to salvation are very narrow. He that has ears let him hear.
stupid Christians. always think every one else is going to hell.
who ever is not a sinner should cast the first stone!!! all of you commenting jesus, jesus jesus!! how many of you are not sinners?. you guys are judging kanye when majority of you are almost equivalent to him in sin. more over if you actually listen to the the words that were being said apart from saying "shit" i dont think he has done anything wrong, even if he has God will be the one to judge. moreover, when we are in church and they act drama don't people act like jesus.. its the same thing . you nigerians like to make a big deal about issues that don't concern you.
You are fool.
Kanye West is a God
Do we even kw what Jesus look like? He' bringing up what he (we have) has seen in 'My book of bible stories'. He can't ridicule God.
Af died.....ya mad @ hot royal suit bhahahahahahaha.
Kanye is a Fool
Issok kanye is not ur fault n e way i dont need to shout bible says my God is a consuming fire #thasall
Kanye west,Goat na goat,if u lk carry am cross border na stil goat,u ve sold ur soul2d devil,d earlier u realise dt d beta4u.4 d rest of us,including LINDA,ar we. More holy dan kanyewest?we ve al sin&short of his glory.may GOD ve mercy on us al
White Jesus is the lord and savior of Nigerians? Well, how is that lord and savior working for you guys over there? Ha, the ignorance of Africans makes one sick to the stomach. If Africans are not worshipping white Jesus; they are worshipping white Mohammed. And y'all wonder why you can't move forward! It's because you're worshipping the wrong gods. I hate to say it, you guys deserve every bit of what you get. Until you guys find your way back to your ancient roots, only then can you find peace and happiness. Find your way back home children of the sun; find your way back home!
May God forgive him!
Nigerians so gullible,so self Righteous.In the end he bowed to him,so how is that mockery?As if u guys know the mind of Christ.In the sight of God he may be better than many of u that has made a reservation for him in hell.God looks at the heart.Self righteous Nigerians
West leave my sweet jesus alone u α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ jst ά̲ fool u think money will save u ąπϑ ur useless illuminati satan i pity u big tym soon u will loose everytin den u will cry ohhh i thy nooooo ąπϑ u shut up which nigerians can be naieve pls save it there
Blasphemy!!! Total irreverence for God! SMH Kanye!
Reason asshole Kanye W and dickhead Olamide will feel no qualms parodying Jesus Christ most irreverently is because the Christian system is presumably weak...
They can do anything and get away with it...
True, apparently...
They dare not try this with Muslim icons...
fatwa need not be declared before the gunman comes for them for onward dispatch to hell!!!!
Please religious icons like Jesus Christ, Moses, Buddah, Mohammed, etc, for all it is worth, deserve utmost reverence....
They do dat wen they know their songs can't sell to cause controversy abt it n ppl get get interested. ..na them sabi
Kanye! Kanye!! Kanye!!!
God is not mocked o!!
Owo mi o si mbe o!
A Simple Egg Pre-Wash Conditioner
Your comment has really identified you! Continue to grow wt d world ok? It is well! Lobunmi.
Kanye west will soon join micheal in hell...
I can feel nothing but pure darkness around dis act. God Almighty, save these souls!!!
V mercy on him O LORD!
Civilization,d bane of modern man! Kanye shd watch it,onli one cannot b forgivn! I tink he jst did dat
@anon 12 31.I'm not sure you know who Jesus is,you wouldn't have so confidently said "entertainment".we donot use our Saviour for entertainment,he is Holy.so, I can safely say you are the naïve one,you seriously need to meet Jesus.
Jesus don buy first class ticket to hell for u.. make una go bcos u wan influence d generation ... u sabii smoke ibo...common gerrroout heeediot
Anon 12:31 am You must be very stupid for saying its just entertainment. Why doesn't he use the Muslim's prophet and let's see if his condemnation wudn't be on stage immediately.
Is it proper 2 date my ex's bestie afta my ex lft me broken nd his bestie culdnt resist me,beggin me to pls marry him?
Lol @'he will die a shameful dead soon'...LYNEA
If you are not careful, this entertainment and growing up with the world will take you to HELL. Ask for mercy
Oga sufri blow grmmar.na death not dead
@12:31 u r d naieve 1 here NT Nigerians cos I dnt knw aw u wnt dis country to move 4wd if we kip aknowledging shit like dis , dis performnce is as a result to illuminatis demand its pple like u dah cn destroy dis country nbdy z being self righteous mayb u r a Muslim dats y u tlkn like dis @12:35 Mr / miss lecturer pple mke mistkes somtyms in dis spllns nbdy z abov mstke pple like u na I cn imagine aw mny blunder u go don tlk mstknly*longhiss*
My Own Jesus christ son of Mary is in Heaven,Kanye can do watever he likes with whoever,afterall there are many people bearing Jesus in spain and south america .Kanye Didn't mention CHRIST. As a christian don't judge.
~D great anonymous!
He isn't making a mockery of my Lord and Saviour. No way.
That's not my Jesus! That's not my Christ. He's only making a mockery of himself and the big fool satan that's misleading him.
Abi ooo...God have mercy sha
If you don't repent you will likewise perish
kanye is no news
GoD will judge u soon
The same hell awaits everyone.. Get your own life straight first before you condemn Kanye! HYPOCRITES!!!
Shudda listen 2 d lyrics 1st b4 running in2 conclusions n judging. N I tink its hi tym u guys leave God 2do His work of judging coz He alone has d power n ryt 2do so.
By everyone I mean: Liars, Cheaters, Robbers,fornicators,adulteres,rumour mongers,backbiters,etc. All are going to the same place!
The same hell awaits everyone.. Get your own life straight first before you condemn Kanye! HYPOCRITES!!!
Just like Saul who later became Paul,he will soon be a servant to JESUS and will be preaching the Gospel
You guys should be smart here, including you linda. No one of this era know's how jesus looks likes. We don't know if he was black or white, if he had long hair or short. You guys just created an imaginary image and begun to worship "it". People kissing and bowing down to "the imaginary jesus" the white people created??? C'mom!, it spells idol worshipping to me. After this comment pricks your inside, sit down and think about it more! Linda post this comment cause you are sometimes biased to what you want your readers to see!
He can only try dis nonesense wit the christian faith. Would he try to bring a mohammed look alike on stage n live 2 see d next day. Christians should seriously protest dis blatant ridicule n disrespect to d image of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Am not surprise when u worship d devil
Kanye west hummm I pity u
@anon12:31am: Oga, u wld need a chill pill and quit blabbing abt using 'Jesus' for entertainment? He should have used a mohammed lookalike then he would see the immediate repercussion of his silly actions!! Even @ this, he won't go scotfree!
Jesus should not be used for rntertainment. It doesn't take a genius to know that.
like seriously this is not funny kanye is making a mockery of Jesus.this is a sin.he is lucky we have a merciful father
"....be not deceived for God is NOT mocked, whatsoever a man(Kanye) sows that shall he reap... Kanye will be mocked, but mostly co-commenters he needs genuine prayers... They might accept dis in Yankee.. But we don't joke wit the JESUS dats keeping us in Naija!,
There is Only ONE God! Quit applying for His position all ye fools!
Kanye enjoy it while it lasts..the fun..the consequence
Shattap jor! When LMFAO did it you people didnrt talk oh. That his style and if you don't like it, look away
The last time I saw something like diz was d last time I saw Nas. Kanye is bitting more dan he cnt chew. I pray God 2 open his eyes n 4give him
God av mercy on u kanye west
Kenye should stop joking with Jesus, if not ...
this is some crazy ass shit!!! May God forgive Kanye anyways.....who am i to judge??
And u'r one of the worst reasons why Nigeria is like dis t̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇day witout stupid way of writing Nigeria starting wt a small letter n! *KMT*
Foolish fool continue deceiving urself dere wt d entertainment thingy abt wat dat challantant up dere just did....continue making excuses for him!
Wa be ru e ni bode to ba ya! U dnt understand? Ask ur neighbour or make google ur friend! *EyesRolling*
Naija people should take it easy with religion. The Jesus on Kanye's set spoke a message of hope so pay attention to the words....
Na today? We all know he is an Anti-christ.... This also a tip for those playinq his music, foreign things no go kill Nigerians, weather good or bad una go like am so far its not from Naija...take a look @what this idiotic kanye abi west is doinq??? Tommorrw someone will say he loves kanye...
Kanye, try this nonsense with Mohammed, they will pronounce death sentence on you.
U re the biggest fool in the world.u called that Entertainment? I pity ur soul, may God forgive u nd that kanye.
The Devil is using Kanye.
The world has lost its sanity
@ onyx, u r so so on point. My ques? Who knws wat jesus lOoks like? Who captured d image of jesus back then for us to b able to put a face to him? Was there a camera or paparazzi back then? Who even told us jesus is either black or white?These oyinbos just luv to brainwash we blacks. They hate blacks so much that they potrayed jesus as white and devil as black..think guys, think...God kns best.
That's d difference between xtians n moslems. He dare not try this with mohammed. Plus him plus Kim n knorth will be gone.
just 4 entertainment.
Oohh well...dere are so many *jesus*....dat can't be ma saviour Our Lord Jesus Christ....so da mockery is on him!
There are other ways we can entertain ourselves. This is not bout Nigerians being naïve..let's just not drag Jesus into the whole ish abeg.This world is just too sinful
Meeen,why diz kanye never die???
I don't pity kanye cos he is in hell already I just pity his new born cos dis is what he's gonna teach her
Guy U̶̲̥̅̊ are †ђξ biggest bastard I hav ever seen in my life may U̶̲̥̅̊ ãήϑ all U̶̲̥̅̊R̶̲̥̅ family members burn in hell for talking trash
Illuminati Tinz!!!!
Blasphemy! Hypocrite! The wrath of God awaits you.
Not everything is classified as entertainment. You are over tresspassing papa north.
Kanye! Let him dt av ear hear wht d spirit is saying 2 d ******. Ekwensu ji gi akwa gwo oru. I cn see d anti-christ in u.
Nigerians sha!..
when una dey do drama for una church, black Jesus no dey come on stage?.. some of you even dress voice God. well, Kanye west is here talking about Jesus in his song, with a dramatic performance- to pass a message. but you intellectually bankrupt backwarders did not even listen for a sec- just pile on the judgement. as una don defend Jesus now, shebi una go enter heaven?.
Y shud dis tin called Kanye Kardashian joke with such. I just pity him...either entertainment or mockery,m so sorry for him. Soon will he perish...
he has finally lost it.
His mum in Hell dey wait for am! Would he try dis wit prophet Mohammed? Nope! Ugly man wit no brain. His jagajaga jaw go soon crack. Wat a swine! Cursed animal. U dont mess wit ur creator like dat mr Ugly!
Onyx abi wetin dem cal u nd anon 12:31 I knw u guys aint christian,una b juju worshipers so kip ur dirty opinion 2 urselves,
anony.... Dis ur english got me tongue-twisting....lol
And dere are christians in d gathering cheering...what a pity SMH
he knows wat his doing o, only if he repents & forsake his sins..dat father will 4give *forsake* very impo..heavenly race,is individual..
Wht sort of stupid entertainment is that....u better give ur life to Christ before its too late.if u'v already done that u shld knw by nw that every area of our lives as Christians shld be in accordance with the word of God....stop deceiving urself
Dat goat (anonymous12:31 am) dat said kuddos to kanye west....chai I pity you....u such a great fool
This is so annoying.illuminati mission!
Their male is on mission to mock Jesus and make the world see JESUS as unimportant and should not be taken serious.
Their female is on mission to make people believe that there is nothing wrong with nudity and sexual immorality.
Dunno ooo.. Jesus is still Lord sha..
I don't know y some ppl take this seriously,its entertainment. By the way it looks like mockery but not mocking our saviour Jesus Christ. I think what he is trying to do with white Jesus is that you? Is simply mocking the whites who believes Jesus is white but the devil is black,african Americans don't take this lightly these days is another form of racism painting d devil black and Jesus as a white. Man and insultive to d African Americans after all there was no camera man that photographed Jesus in His time. Moreover I remember d story of d African American boy that painted an art work of Jesus depicting Him as a black man, that was his understanding but I think d boy was expelled from school and it caused a lot of problems then. I don't think he is mocking Jesus though but mocking the white who bliv Jesus is white whilst he bliv Jesus is black. Reason it that way please. Signed dark goddess.
I am proud to be a Christian. For one, we are tolerant. If he had dared tried this with the other faith, He would have been...
But know this, Our God is not mocked and will give to everybody according to the works of his hands... Amen
Jesus should not be taken for a joke
He needs Christ... The REAL Christ.
I remember in d video of Jesus walks kanye depicted Jesus as a black man, I believe he is trying to tell the white folks"look I believe Jesus is black and not white as u assume" if u have ever dealt with racism then u will understand its just his little a of combacting /protesting it. I remember as a kid I always asked my mum who is God,how did He come into existence and what does He look like?she explained to d best of her ability, now I hear I am fearfully made in the image and likeness of God, mind u I am black should I choose to view my God and His only begotten son as black I think its personal to me,why should d devil be viewed as black? Does it mean we blacks r d children of the devil? Ask urself what colour do I wanna view Jesus? I think that's what Kanye is doing claiming black supremacy instead of inferior. I bliv kanye loves Jesus and has asked him to walk with him in his Jesus walks lyrics. I love Jesus too the question is do you?my opinion though,I may be wrong. Signed dark goddess
If u are sure that its over bw u and ur ex,Why not.U deserve to be happy.Go ahead and date and even marry his bestie if possible.if u love him that is.Its obvious that he's alwaz loved u and knws ur worth.so giv it a try and God bless u.
Its amazing how shallow minded nigerians are. Lawd!!!!!!!! Wat was wrong with this now? Its just creativity for heavens sake. Listen to d lyrics of d song there's no mockery of any sort in it. All you self acclaimed, over righteous judges of mankind!!! *pukes* ur shallowness is sickening!!!!!!!!
It is indeed shameful,is dat hw god almighty shld b treated wit no regard,no respect,even we muslims dat believe jesus to b prophet of God never treated him wit such regard. Pls think twice
Oh so it hurts? Have you people (Libers) forgotten when you were insulting islam and Allah? May Allah forgive us all.
So it hurts? Y'all have forgotten when you were insulting Islam and Allah. Libers, you guys need help. May Allah forgive us all.
na dbanj's guy be this. Satanists!
i cant sell my soul for money.
no matter how young a person is, you cant predict the time you will die.
the pain you will go through in hell is not worth the temporary wealth one will get on earth after selling the person's soul
U peeps shld face d matter @ hand nd stop making refrence 2 d muslim prophet,dey are 2 different people.
So it actually hurts, you people(libers) have forgotten when you were insulting islam, muslims, Allah. May God forgive us all.
Lord hv mercy.. who am I 2 judge?
May God forgive y'all that is in support of this. U all knw that this man is trying to mock jesus. Lord have mercy
Nigerians can be so hypocritical... .
Kanye proclaims that Jesus walks with him... Nigerians complain. Even with his kneeling and bowing for him. Would you rather he says Satan walks with him?
Jesus came for the sinners and people like Kanye are important to him. His fans sang along that Jesus walks with them thereby acknowledging Jesus Christ. Do you guys know how many souls will repent if Kanye repents and follow Christ.
Linda, I enjoyed the video joor. It's better that watching him rap with bootylicious girls dancing in their briefs.
Yall got a serious case of terrorism in you,nd u call d muslims terrorists?yall re terrorists only dat you aint got d means to exhibit ur blood thirst.I bet most of yall wanna blow up kanye right now,don't u? Nd u was here yesterday preaching abt being liberal wen a book was advertised..SMH for yall washed up mentality nd sucked up asses.
We Nigerians tho!! You should listen properly before you Judge or conclude..
Y'all hataz should shut the f**k up!!!!! this is pure entertainment.. typical nigerians na we carry church for head pass pple wey bring am come our country>>> bunch of pretenders...
Jesus Christ came to earth as a Jew, God made it so. Why portray him as white or black?
Kanye west has done well.now its time to use mohammed.
Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. He is the King of all Nations. He should not be diminished by associating Him with a 'colour'.
I think Kanye West was trying to preach a message in that concert. he said, 'white Jesus is that you? oh shit! i've been looking for you all my life' and the response he got was, 'I've been here all along..... I didn't come to make bad people feel good, I came to give the dead life'. It takes bravery to preach a Jesus message to secular crowd however he chose to do it. Kanye has his issues and it is his personal wahala with God. So before you all start running your mouths, go back and listen to the convo between them and the song that followed. Kerous
This is for ya'all lambasting kanye
Read d lyrics, and b open-minded wen reading it enjoy...
"Jesus Walks"
Yo, We at war
We at war with terrorism, racism, and most of all we at war with ourselves
(Jesus Walks)
God show me the way because the Devil trying to break me down
(Jesus Walks with me) with me, with me, with me [fades]
You know what the Midwest is?
Young & Restless Where restless (Niggas) might snatch your necklace
And next these (Niggas) might jack your Lexus
Somebody tell these (Niggas) who Kanye West is
I walk through the valley of the shadow of death is
Top floor the view alone will leave you breathless
Try to catch it Uhhhh! It's kinda hard hard
Getting choked by the detectives yeah yeah now check the method
They be asking us questions, harass and arrest us
Saying "we eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast"
Huh? Yall eat pieces of shit? What's the basis?
We ain't going nowhere but got suits and cases
A truck full of crap rental car from Avis
My momma used to say only Jesus can save us
Well momma I know I act a fool
But I'll be gone 'til November I got packs to move I Hope
[Hook x2]
(Jesus Walks)
God show me the way because the Devil trying to break me down
(Jesus Walks with me)
The only thing that that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now
(Jesus Walks)
And I don't think there is nothing I can do now to right my wrongs
(Jesus Walks with me)
I want to talk to God but I'm afraid because we ain't spoke in so long
To the hustlers, killers, murderers, drug dealers even the strippers
(Jesus walks with them)
To the victims of Welfare for we living in hell here hell yeah
(Jesus walks with them)
Now hear ye hear ye want to see Thee more clearly
I know he hear me when my feet get weary
Cause we're the almost nearly extinct
We rappers are role models we rap we don't think
I ain't here to argue about his facial features
Or here to convert atheists into believers
I'm just trying to say the way school need teachers
The way Kathie Lee needed Regis that's the way I need Jesus
So here go my single dog radio needs this
They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus That means guns, sex, lies, video tapes
But if I talk about God my record won't get played
Well let this take away from my spins
Which will probably take away from my ends
Then I hope this take away from my sins
And bring the day that I'm dreaming about
Next time I'm in the club everybody screaming out
(Jesus Walks)
God show me the way because the devil trying to break me down
(Jesus Walks)
The only thing that that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now
(Jesus Walks)
And I don't thing there's nothing I can do now to right my wrongs
(Jesus walks with me... fades)
I want to talk to God but I'm afraid because we ain't spoke in so long
Kanye is more of a christian than ya'all wil ever be..!#doctorbobby
This is for ya'all lambasting kanye
Read d lyrics, and b open-minded wen reading it enjoy...
"Jesus Walks"
Yo, We at war
We at war with terrorism, racism, and most of all we at war with ourselves
(Jesus Walks)
God show me the way because the Devil trying to break me down
(Jesus Walks with me) with me, with me, with me [fades]
You know what the Midwest is?
Young & Restless Where restless (Niggas) might snatch your necklace
And next these (Niggas) might jack your Lexus
Somebody tell these (Niggas) who Kanye West is
I walk through the valley of the shadow of death is
Top floor the view alone will leave you breathless
Try to catch it Uhhhh! It's kinda hard hard
Getting choked by the detectives yeah yeah now check the method
They be asking us questions, harass and arrest us
Saying "we eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast"
Huh? Yall eat pieces of shit? What's the basis?
We ain't going nowhere but got suits and cases
A truck full of crap rental car from Avis
My momma used to say only Jesus can save us
Well momma I know I act a fool
But I'll be gone 'til November I got packs to move I Hope
[Hook x2]
(Jesus Walks)
God show me the way because the Devil trying to break me down
(Jesus Walks with me)
The only thing that that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now
(Jesus Walks)
And I don't think there is nothing I can do now to right my wrongs
(Jesus Walks with me)
I want to talk to God but I'm afraid because we ain't spoke in so long
To the hustlers, killers, murderers, drug dealers even the strippers
(Jesus walks with them)
To the victims of Welfare for we living in hell here hell yeah
(Jesus walks with them)
Now hear ye hear ye want to see Thee more clearly
I know he hear me when my feet get weary
Cause we're the almost nearly extinct
We rappers are role models we rap we don't think
I ain't here to argue about his facial features
Or here to convert atheists into believers
I'm just trying to say the way school need teachers
The way Kathie Lee needed Regis that's the way I need Jesus
So here go my single dog radio needs this
They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus That means guns, sex, lies, video tapes
But if I talk about God my record won't get played
Well let this take away from my spins
Which will probably take away from my ends
Then I hope this take away from my sins
And bring the day that I'm dreaming about
Next time I'm in the club everybody screaming out
(Jesus Walks)
God show me the way because the devil trying to break me down
(Jesus Walks)
The only thing that that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now
(Jesus Walks)
And I don't thing there's nothing I can do now to right my wrongs
(Jesus walks with me... fades)
I want to talk to God but I'm afraid because we ain't spoke in so long
Kanye is more of a christian than ya'all wil ever be..!#doctorbobby
so its hurt ...uhn, tank Allah dat it is even a christian dat did dis 2 u guys.....anyway nice job kanye *laugh*
OKAY... We agree there is no image to dipict JESUS... We agree that no one know what he looks like... We agree that the whites depicted JESUS as white and devil as black...But we christains grow up seeing that picture as JESUS and some Christians really believes that he looks like that and JESUS has been there for them when nobody was.. He has been helping them get through trials, temptations and troubles... I AM NOT PERFECT neither is any of us.. But that doesn't give Humans like Kanye the authority to refer to JESUS that way even if you think he doesn't look like that..... We should stop thinking we are smart and educated after all they brought christianity and education to us and now I guess most of them are fed up with their live because they made the wrong choices to ignore JESUS and engage in some sinful act of EVIL just for fame and money... Me I like money ooo but there are more than a billion things I can't do to make money.. I can't riducle someone who loves me let alone someone who loves me like JESUS and he even gave his life for me.. I am a sinner ooo.. I am not holy oooo... BUT FUCK KANYE because this is what he wants and that is what they asked him to do... DEPICT his yesus NOT MY JESUS as a form of ENTERTAINMENT and cause HAVOC between CHRISTIANS... And y'all are letting him win... IGNORE KANYE..HE KNOWS WHERE HE IS ENDING UP ALREADY.. As of you who aren't christains what you believe would always work for you... AS FOR CHRISTIANS FORMING ITK it is not late for you to change... Remember only ONE SIN is not forgivable.. Don't over step your boundry and don't let JESUS comot your name from him book lmao no be tipex him go use ooo... Na HEAVENLY acid them go use remove una page from that book and no going back for you even if you fast and pray till you die.. Let us not let AMERICANS change our ways of thinking..after all they think they are smarter than us so they device a means to manipulate us and change our orientation.. Please fellow CHRISTAINS be careful.. After all I know say kanye don influence many christians say na him be their jesus.. YESUS lmao.. You fit waka ontop water KANYE??, you think say e easy.. And for all of you who thinks this is okay.. Just know that JESUS DIE TO SAVE AND KANYE LIVES TO DESTROY... So choose wisely..DON'T LET HIM GET TO YOU... And CHRISTIANITY IS NOT ABOUT KEEPING AN OPEN MIND... It is about giving your life to JESUS and make heaven when you leave this SINFUL EARTH... REPENT y'ell
Marshall says so.. AKA 50 CENTS distant nephew..
Foolish anonymous,are u not a Nigerian abi u dey foreign dey deceive yasef? Enjoy all the entertainment now cos Dem go soo, deport u n if u never travel Dem go never give u visa.
God is a God of justice and do not need anyone to fight his battles because he alone can do that. For all of you saying christains are weak, do you expect them to go and bomb or crucify Kanye? Our mindset is much more developed than that just as salvation is also personal.
This guy is devilish.....SMH
Mumu people.. D nigaz z dere makn moni, u r here spitn rubbish.. I guez som of u dn't even knw d lyricz of d so called jesus walk of a tin n u r hear crucifyn d inocent raperz.. On dt track he wz pasn a message as a result of wot he wz goin tru n he knw dt z only Jesus dt cud save him.. Ignorance on rampage. Sum of u here na folow folow una b
Ebimor so you think Christians are too timid abi? You need your head examined cos Christianity is a religion of love.....in no way did he say you should go and behead or bomb your enemies or anyway who takes his name in vain.....he will deal with those who insults his name or grieve the holy spirit in his own way....violence has no place in Christianity so let him go ahead and mock himself, God is still God and Jesus Christ is still lord no shaking.....
Marshal ignorance will kill you.....people have seen Jesus and this is authouritative....who nobody has ever seen is God the father so pls don't lie.....Jesus was from Nazareth and we know they are not black....we all know how people from the Middle East look so nobody has deceived anybody...if people paint the devil black that is their headache cos nobody has come out to describe the devil but the bible said he was handsome.....pls stop spreading lies that nobody has seen Jesus......
You idiot talking of creativity and it being a joke as a Muslim only joke wey dem joke with Muhammed picture una just dey throw bomb dey behead Christians all over.......Christians are not violent but we will comment if the name of our lord Jesus Christ is used any how.......let him try that about Muhammed if e no go get bomb for that im yansh....
Abeg oh before begin dey abuse kanye, he didn't do anytin wrong,he brought out som1 dat looks like Jesus and d person said he came to bring back dead pple alive.....follow d lyrics not kanye, and after d guy worked out kanye knelt down in sign of respect for Jesus.. Who didn't mimicking Jesus, even in nursery,primary,secondary school, common Nigerians, jst saying chichi
Okay, so because he is giving the world a glimpse of who he communicates with we can't handle his testimony. Jesus didn't come on stage and say anything that the Bible has not said. So what and who are we mad at? The truth remains. NO ONE CAN JUDGE!!!! No one and if you are judging then what hell are you waking up in? I believe that Kanye is doing what he feels like and he doesn't care about the ones that don't like it. I don't blame him. because half of the people on here will worship satan and other crazy things at a concert but the minute someone who is normal, who curses, talks about sex, and all this says the name JESUS we all get scared and want to say he's playing with God. Well don't you know that JESUS came to save those very people. The least likelys, the one's that don't have it all together. HE came to set those captive free. And I admire his leap of faith and I am glad he shared his testimony with us. Unlike other artist that hide behind the mic and never let the world know who's leading and guiding them. Sometimes it isn't money. Kanye knew that if he put Jesus first cursing and all God will take care of the rest. That's what the GOOD BOOk SAYS!!!!!!
Y is every one saying try it with mohammed look alike?do mohammed have a look alike no or may be na Osama be his look alike.all I kwn iis kanya west is using the name of our lord and God in vain and if he do not chang from it and repent it would consum him.
I'l find u n kill u.....bastard...may allah set ur foolish soul ablaze
World pipo,abeg make una leave d mata 4 God to Judge himself,nd u knw d bible say's, judge nt dat ye nt be judged,bt if wat dat guy did ws mocking my Good Lord,he shall b mocked evn in HELL!
What fresh hell we live in nowadays. I get it the "Don't judge me" message, but this just blasphemy. I'm not a Christian, and I find this offensive.
I always believe there are some topics that celebrities should stay away from; Because no matter what their fans will follow their every move, & ideal. Fans are such patsy, and need to be told what to do, and how to think.
I don't Kanye is a bad guy, but obviously he is losing his sanity. When you start comparing yourself to historical figures and have them appear on your tour; You need to see a doctor, get a diagnoses, and tranquilizers.
My biggest issue with Kanye is that complain about the big corporations, however he wants to business with them. A big contradiction.
I miss the old Kanye, the one with a coherent message; this guy is completely off his rocker.
What is wrong with you people?
If im wrong I pray God will show me my errors but if you actually pay attention to what the sketch is, you might learn a thing or 2. It is like a drama, he is not mocking Jesus.
It is a short sketch of how Kanye west would react if Jesus came now, he was shocked and he said 'shit' and if you paid attn you'll realise that KAnye apologised and said 'He cannot believe he just said shit in front of Jesus'. Pay attn to what the 'Jesus' character says. There is no mockery. Please if one of you can explain where the mockery is, im willin to listen.
Thinking is not a sin people. Think before jumping to conclusions.
All u sick bastards sayin itz creativity...can't u read d writing on d wall...all dz illuminating shits itz now becoming nothing right? This is blasphemy he worships the devil he've said dat indirectly on many occasions,so why use christ,why didn't he dress kim k with d devil's horn and use her to play around cos she certainly look like d devil,,u guys dunno watz goin on really,dz niggiz are jst playing with yr mind nd u falling for it,those who find pleasure too in dz hell awaits u assholes *drops mic* #didi
@Anon 11:07 am thank you very much o,what impetus do you have to insult God's creation as having thick thin skull thereby insulting the God that creating him/her,I think that makes u more of the devil. Dark goddess clearly made her opinion and state"I may be wrong though" did he/she insult any 1 why d insult? Kindly listen to d lyrics of the song and know that kanye has brought more souls to d kingdom of God than u nd u pastor put together nd may get to heaven b4 u if u insult people d way u do. @doctorbobby 11:07am thanks for pasting d lyrics for them to see.
This Blashpemy was hard to watch!!!!BTW,the same model who posed as Jesus for da Vinci also posed as Judas !!! You Hollywood People go wound o
"A pastor once said the shit that we dont eat and complain about while children in Africa are suffering and dieing of hunger" and the congregation only pointed to the "shit" the pastor said forgetting the message in his story... My point is that did u listen to what the white jesus said? did u understand the screen play. Listen and don't judge... only God knows what u do in ur closet.. Get the message and don't hate how he's passing it across
On a Trianglar Platform + Sun Rays(Ra god) == Illuminati !
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