In his latest interview, Kanye explains why he and his fiancee Kim are more influential than president Barrack Obama and the First Lady, Michelle Obama. Kanye tells Ryan Seacrest;
"There’s no way Kim Kardashian shouldn’t be on the cover of Vogue. She’s like the most intriguing woman right now. She’s got Barbara Walters calling her like everyday.”
“And collectively, we’re the most influential with clothing. No one is looking at what [Barack Obama] is wearing. Michelle Obama cannot Instagram a [bikini] pic like what my girl Instagrammed the other day.”
Attention seekers. Mstcheww.
Shut up Kanye, you're useless...I see you ending up like Bruce Jenner
Dear Kanye, comparing u and ur baby mama with the Obamas is just soooo wrong! dey r way out of ur league! #nuffsaid.
Lmao. lol.. He's indeed right
This dude crayyyy! I feel sorry for em both cos the drama that will ensue when this relationship ends(which it will!) no be here o!
Kanye, ure calling u and ur Porn-Star baby mama more influential dan the Obamas?? OH PLS!!! mschewwww
Dude pls take a chill pill
Yes he has the right to say anytin he wants, as d president too also has d right to say notin he wants, Wen Obama went dising Kanye we didnt hear anytin, Abeg carry on Jare kanye.
Like sincerely? I wont disagree he is right your lover is always great
Thie guy dey talk too much abeg
Smh! Dis dude is lost
See highness for Kanye,Mitchelle cannot instagram a bikni pix cos she is d first lady
West, pls take a back seat and watch CNN.Michelle Obama cannot go nude like ur pikin mama becos she's d 1st lady of USA and Kim is just a TV gal.2 of Dem no be mate.
Oh really! Kanye, dream on in Kim's world.
Bia Kanye!! Will u shut up ur traps****if u say Kim is influential,,dat is acceptable but not you!!! Wat makes u influential huh?? Is it all all dis ur aba luking wears u put on or ur boko haram beards?? I mean,,WAT!! Will u kip quiet nd stop meking such animal noise!! Be kiaful oooooo
thats actual true
Dts y der is freedom of speech mk una leave kanye na vitamin P* dey worry,he can run his mouth all he wants,
He sure should change his meds.....lol...First 2 comment Linda post am oh....hehe
Linda judging from ur blog its true. By the way, how many times do u post any thing about the Obamas. Its all about Kanye, Kim day in day out.
Wetin dey worry this guy sef.
Miss Jade said...
@kanye Ode na by dat one? She is d first lady u know?!
Class redefined!
U miss ur dose 2day i guess?
Yarning opata!
*Sigh* Kanye West and his uncanny ability to praise himself. Pathetic.
This is incredible! Kanye comparing kim with Mitchele Obama, she is the first lady for God's sake , so shde can't run around naked like a common tramp, dts class! Besides if she were to post bikini pictures it will mk more publicity in a minute than u both could in a decade
Kanye is cray cray...michelle does nt expose her booty cos she is a lady unlike ur b*tch...kanye is really stupid...dis his trumpet dat he blows d loudest wen he doesn't even av as much as oda people...he sud better humble himsef nd learn from jay nd b...sha hopin he nd kim dnt break up afta two yrs...mumu kanye
HE must have been high. A Picture speak million words.Couples that hold hands are more influential.
Nonsense! En why is this guy not getting the medicine he so obviously needs...he is loosing it gradually...
mad man Kanye their is something called class and role model that is why Michelle can't do that. your lady is looking for fame or more fame Michelle oboma is fame her self. one of the ladies on earth your so called Kim wish to be.
please Kanye just stfu!!! you're not even as influential as Jayz and Beyonce abeg take several seats jooo
Wat a retard hw on earth will d 1st lady of USA post a pic wit a bikin?? If nt for anytin she has class nd has a lot of pple looking up to her dat alone is enough for her to b classy nd respected nt show off some fake ass job bought 4rm doctor 90210
Just confused!!
I swear Kanye can be so dumb!!!! So wat hapns wen 2mao u guys split afta blabbin too mch on d media? Stop braggin abt a woman,esp d kadarshians.Anytin can hapen!
Kanye nd brag.rantin like always. Nah ashi wk den take knw Kim while u nah brag, use ur lyrics to abuse pple nd wardrobe malfunction. Omo ode. Influential Ko.u c d obama's, u c class, uniqueness, style, dignity unlike u nd kim, porn star, knw for ntin, razz, mum's always in control. Oga, shut ur bukal carvity
Im not saying kanye is right,but to be candid,u guys hype obama's wife too much,do u know if she was a hoe when younger,do u know if she had slept with 200 men?? But now that shes lucky to be the presidents wife,u all concluded that shes decent!! ....kanye abeg,hype ur gal,everyone is influential in one way or the other jare!....
Seriousssssly????? A pornstar n a lousy black super talented rapper more influential dan d president n 1st lady of united states???? Haaaa!! #endtime ooooo!!! Lousy mofo!he's d FFK of hollywoood!terible! Jst toooooo lousy*ONYX GODWIN*
Linda get your fact right or you stop blogging he said kim more infuential than michelle he didn't mention his name or obama
Ihe love na eme....
Kanye go rest us self cos I don't no why u keep dressing like an Ala ba Market traders can u compare ur self n Baby Mama to a more modest couple dat is recognise everywhere in d world after all I got to no ur Baby Mama just last year cos she's of no importance
Can someone pls tell him to close his mouth! Fly go enter oooo lol
If only Kanye knows people are waiting for the expected day of breaking up wit Nne north, bikko make una allow the boi use em time cos it is counting faster than he expects.
Kanye u need Wisdom sha...they re way out of ur *uckin league.And Why should a Respectable ist lady post a bikini pic on instagram?
You see vision?
First time to comment, and maybe my last.. Are guys are just brainless or have less brain to think of the meaning behind the word...? There's no better way to word it.. And you don't have to take it out of context.. I personally don't like kim, but He talked about kim being more influential, not integrity wise. Now, think about this, being influential isn't about integrity, money, not about statutorial position in the world/society.. it's basically about being able to crash or influence the world, either in a good or bad way.. And she pretty much depict the position.. Can Michelle selfie like that? Absolutely no... Kim is on the edge of media... People look at her for news.. Like, she news herself.. Either with her shoes, see through dress, whatsoever.. She breaks the media. Like every of her shit breaks through the glass ceiling of the media, fashion, style, whatsoever.. That's why "NoFilter" was able to trend on worldwide twitter.. Now, not just the picture, but the harsh tag itself. Don't think about the word, think of why he said the word..... We all know he's madly in love and there's no way, with his egocentric indulgence , kanye west will keep saying what he feels is right. But come to think of it, there's no way a kim kardashian shouldn't be on the cover of vogue, period.
Hold up. Kim is influential for an exposed sex tapr with Ray J and Kanye is influential for his famous act of arseholeness. So yes they are influential in their own special way.
I beg Kimye make una carry chair sit down! Mtcheew.
This guys rep is shot to hell, he just grabbing at straws to stay relevant. Of course you won't Michelle in a bikini on Instagram cos she is a true black woman and does to flaunt her goodies on magz to be relevant. She ain't some greek plastic babe.
This Kanye, in his brief window of lucidity should quickly fire whoever is mixing his drugs.
Is it only me dat find dis relationship weird, initially its like kanye didn't really want kim but now he can't stop saying rubbish. Like he is being pushed or blackmailed. Well its only time dat will tell. Wetin be my own sef #justpassingby# linda beta post my comment
True talk shaa!!!
Did u say aba??
Park well jor!
kanye one jeans fit pay ur rent!
Am sure barak and Michelle are having a good laugh. Linda for once I agree with you the fool needs to change his message. Michelle should post bikini pictures? gosh for Kanye sake bi miss his mum she was the cure to his madness.
Bitch please...Kanye shld take his narcisistic self back to the arms of his gay lover. So Michelle shld stoop to d level of postin rauchy pix on instagram tomake her seem influential??? Dude sit your learners ass down nd take notes on self worth.
And u think if she did, u wudnt have known? Have u seen hw politics is run there.
I die. Say ,taa influen fire nee nu ndi. Lele nke a linda kee ije
Rift rafts, promiscuity, uneducated vs class, pedigree and hella degrees
Poor Kanye, he is so inlove but then so immature. He and his girl are entertainers Obama and Michelle are President and First Lady of the most influencial Nation in the world, they are not and will never be on the same level, the name Obama can open iron doors in almost every country in the world, he should compare himself with likes of JayZ and Beyonce.
I luv her dress
Kanye is infected with a disease called "love" let him be, I pray he gets soaked forever, cos that's when its fun, even the tough and mighty fall...... Lmao #kimportion #kimpower...
Well Kanye, that's the difference btw beauty and brains. Ur Kim can never ever be as intelligent as Michelle #takenote#
Kanye is officially mad idiot
Well spoken John Kalu, I'm in ur school of thought! There's no way, haters bow, she has learnt to live beyond her past.
HeLo KaYne WeSt or East,u Cal a Bikini Pix More inFLuenTiaL,I shame 4u,we'll its nt ur fault cos ur jus a mare rapper dat is feelin importnt Wit Kim.LMAO
Lol! You are right girl.
Linda abeg it seems this Kanye guy is hallucinating oo.
Omg!!!!! Kanye west is the worst. Lmaooo. Do u have to says any shit that comeS to your mouth?
The person that asked if we knew if michelle was a hoe bfor getting lucky to marry obama, plz google michelle obama! Evrybody isn't a hoe or promiscuous and actually obama is lucky to hv michelle as wife! And for u sayin Kim is influential than michelle, just hv it in mind that even wid her popularity, there r places kim wld nevr b allowed into and there ar some people who will nevr b seen wid her. Ever asked ursef y Donald Trump turned down her invite to her second wedding? Or y princess kate returned her dress? It's like evryone knowing Tonto Dike for her crazy attitude and yh popularity buh she can nevr b more influential than chimanda Adichie bcos there ar places whr she wldnt b allowed into! If u watch less of E! And more of CNN, probably u wld be wiser in ur comments as regards issues like this! God bless
Who are they influencing???Rubbish!
Pls Linda do us a great favour,make Kanye or Kim to read all dese comments cos it will b useless if dey dnt see what people are saying...Aπϑ kanye ur like nd what is said is called"I have a dream"
i gotta say Kanye has a point :)
Dumb. Just dumb. I wonder what he is smoking these days.
Kanye explained 'Michelle Obama cannot
Instagram a [bikini] pic like what my girl
Instagrammed the other day' thats exactly the influence west talked about.
i like kanye but he's still a jackass, there was no need to compare his dirty ass with the president of the free world
i like kanye but he's still a jackass, there was no need to compare his dirty ass with the president of the free world
I love ur comment.. Kim nor reach aniwhr... Kanye dey crase well... He's on sum green shit!!!
I love your comment so much You were right they are nothing but area boy and girl In nigeria. Linda plese post this comment.
Everybody has his or her own 'class'. Politically, socially and materially we all may not be equal but in the eyes of God the creator, we are all EQUAL.
It seems some people have a problem understanding the word influential which is different from being popular of which they still stand no chance, how unreasonable is it for someone to say that people would make decisions or changes to their lives in light of what kanye and kim say over wat the Obamas say.
You can't compare class with trash. Period!
Haba, bad belle, ar Ʊ God? Ow ar Ʊ so sure it will end? Wish dem good so dat good will also come ur way. Ʊ don't need to hate.
Abi Kanye dey Craze? Obama+Michelle, I see a Classy, influential, Powerful couple! Kanye+Kim, I see a Bitch nd a Beast, irritating nd Annoying bloke nd d Dumb Attention whore! Being rich does nt mk u classy Kimye nd Being iin d News nd Avn a Dumb show does nt make u influential either! Egostical fool
MWAAAAH! For ds comment..my thots exactly.
Best comment here I give it up 2 u
Lyk seriously, looks lyk u took these words straight ryt out of my mind
Kanye is mad that vogue don't want kim whoredashian on their cover bcos riri has 2 Α̲̅πϑ beyonce has 3!! Dξγ̲̣̣̥ are working FO̶̷̩̥̊͡Я their money thru music while she made thru sex tape. Sick dude even jay/bey don't compare themselves with obama/michelle
Them Kardashians r blood sucking witches with dia mother as head witch! Kanye is very stupid puppy dog dangling from a collar
look at this idiot ....you and ur girl have u guys made history..motherfuckers!!!!!!
This guy has really shown the whole world that he is just a small boy with small brain with this statement and the reasons for his statement.
Really? U guys can talk sha!!!! Some girls here r kim k wanna b!!!!!! U guys shld nt jes open ur mouth n talk....... Sometimes u jes ve 2 pass..kim has no talent, yet she makes millions , how much did u make 2day?
Anon7:05 ur comment ws so sensible pipo shud watch more of cnn,bbc ad d likes ad do less of E as 4 dat kanye he is mad.
Wait first wetin dis Chris Jenner dey give her in laws chop after a relationship with her daughters dat turns dem into mumu after wards except kolo lord disic.dis guy has a hidden complex required de presence of Kim to manifest.how can he compare himself and de first family?no basis for comparison.i don't know if he's going nuts bc no day passes without him saying something,just be heard.if he weren't popular before I would say he's looking for cheap popularity.
Anon 6:06 u took d words Outa ma mouth
You talk like a fool with shallow brains. Grow up girl, I know your type like shits like this or u are just a cheat h** like Kim.
It beats my imaginatiOn that Some Pple will actually spend time typing only to insult Kayne? Just read and move On
Kanye is jst a stereotyped media attention seeker,sayin wateva dt comes 2 his head witout tinkin.his comment ws useles.always talkin abt wher kim shld n shldnt b,jst like d hollywood walk of fame ish.I jst tink he's tryin 2 help d kardashians mk more headline tru kim cos dey were almost out of news n dere reality show rating was goin down.he shldnt b blamed I jst tink b4 he talks his tongue is nt always connected 2 his brain #kapish#
When an insecure attention seeker meet a fame whore this becomes the out come. Kimye alwayz want to be trendy.... Am out
So sorry...KAnye didn't change his meds o..He forgot to use it ni...
Diarrhea of d Mouth! A Butterfly calling himself a Bird.
Umehoma plz tellem
@rough diamond, which one "park well joor" come do inside? Adey laugh!
yes influential @ whorerism
Your r right Kanye cos Michelle n hubby have brain.
That just says it all doesn't it. Firstly, Michelle is the FLOTUs and secondly, a high powered Lawyer who would want to compare her to a High school drop-out whose claim to fame is a sex tape and famous for being famous. Kanye, please take two seats.
ODE! He said "COLLECTIVELY" and he also said "IN CLOTHING". That doesn't mean that they are more influential in other things, you dumbass! Stop misinterpreting things.
Exactly, the obama's r highly educated people . These r people who went to Ivy League colleges and graduated unlike u Kanye , college drop out . Please take several seats . Ignorant Bafoon who cares about Instagram and this idiot calls himself a genius . Mtscheew shior
Kanye is comparing his high school diploma girlfriend to a woman with two degrees. Smh
If Jay-Z says Beyonce is more influential than Michelle now, everyone will agree or will actually use their brains to understand the meaning of influential. Several American artists are influential, not only in America but all over the world. We want to look like them, dress like them act like them, etc. How many people does Micheal inspire? Few black American and African women of virtue. A pity a lot of Nigerians don't use their brains anymore...
Foolish rapper with his bend mouth talking shit,,why cant he say that michele cant do a sex tape like his kim,,now i know why ray j hit it first and the whore was mourning..we are talking of positive influence he is talking about vanity,,for me i think Jayz and Beyonce are far ahead of kanye and Kim,,infact what does kim do for a living?
He just loves her regardless. and he wants the world to know. kanye does love kim!!
This kanye is a monkey shaaaa....Obama dey I'm league????
Best comment ever true tlk kims popularity is due to her crazy nd promiscous behaiviour i lov michelle for class nd deligence
Kanye west I used to know was never a talkative
To begin with...those of you that commented on kanye being an ass n all...you people are just wasting your precious time..because we all know who kanye is...so its pointless to comment on his attitude..kanye will always be the guy with the loud mouth..n a street tout..now as kim..whether she's a bitch,a hoe or not that's a problem..must of you on this platform call people names and say all kind of things..let me ask you guys this: Will ur reputation recognize ur character wen dey met in d dark?answer to yourself truthfully..we all that every we see on tv is true..but at the same time..to every lie told,there is an ounce of truth. Kanye n kim..are influential in the entertainment world...while obama and michelle are influential in the political ad economic world..the two are two separate entities..so kanye my advise to you is to know where you belong and don't get confused..or lovesick with stupid..period..n linda better post my comment ooo..bcos you haven't been doing that!!!!
To begin with...those of you that commented on kanye being an ass n all...you people are just wasting your precious time..because we all know who kanye is...so its pointless to comment on his attitude..kanye will always be the guy with the loud mouth..n a street tout..now as for kim..whether she's a bitch,a hoe or not that's her problem..must of you on this platform call people names and say all kind of things..let me ask you guys this: Will ur reputation recognize ur character wen dey met in d dark?answer to yourself truthfully..we all know that not everything we see on tv is true..but at the same time..to every lie told,there is an ounce of truth. Kanye n kim..are influential in the entertainment world...while obama and michelle are influential in the political ad economic world..the two are two separate entities..so kanye my advise to you is to know where you belong and don't get confused..or lovesick with stupid..period..n linda better post my comment ooo..bcos you haven't been doing that!!!!
To teenagers, maybe. In general? STFU.
@Anonymous 3:02 AM. Must everybody go the University to be successful? Bill Gate was a College dropout but he is very successful. Kanye has done well for himself.
He is simply Ooº°˚ ˚°Âºoode! Mumu!
Kanye needs mental hospital
He is actually right if we want to be sincere...
He is actually right o, from what he said Mitchelle cannot post her bikini nude pix on instagram just like the way his baby mama did....
He is actually right if we want to be sincere...
Am sure barak and Michelle are having a good laugh. Linda for once I agree with you the fool needs to change his medications. Michelle should post bikini pictures? gosh for Kanyes' sake i miss his mum she was the cure to his madness.
He is right. He and Kim influences more people in ways that are unnecessary and unimportant. Barack & Michelle influence people on issues that actually matter.
For those who doesn't know the meaning of influential pls check ur dictionary cos some of u dnt get d meaning . Kanye on d oda hand is just jonzing around cos he must b high on cheap drugs.
i understand kanye west weller. his thirst for kim to be the new queen is hard o. nawa of all the people to be influential its ur whore of a baby mama. keep striving kanye keep striving. one day u'll get someone to make a machine that would make us forget ur boos humble beginning. maybe then we would see her as the most influential woman.
Heheheeeee! Comparing Cheese and. Chalk!
Ewu Fernando Po!!
Incredible!!! C story on top anoda person mata. Y u put am for head lik gala. Linda post oooo
Shut d eff up Kanye,had it wiv u,anyways its a matter of class meets trash.y amma wastin words on u.ur downfall dey luk u.
Worst comparison ever. It's class vs trash
God loves everyone and is willing to give everyone a chance. Lets not hate kanye and the kardashians... Hate reduces you. We can choose to ignore and pray that they influence the world positively by changing for the better.
Na wa for dis people sef
Kanye kanye kanye, u just open ur mouth nd let rubbish fly out of it. Really??? Kim nd Michelle??? *goesbacktopickingmynose*
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