I heard he'd been trying to get her back...and recently succeeded...so does it mean he has changed his mind, or he's just trying to get her to stop putting their business online?
News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
Oh well,I still don't give a Chinese rats' ass!
Lolz, the guy is a real obonzo....
And all Angelo has to offer to the celebrity world is "relationship brouhaha?" This dude gotta get some other form of attention seeking stunts in play!
When would ladies learn???
~D great anonymous!
Fowl brain
Hahahaha.....thats cool oh. make d drama end
He is confused!!!
Well, thiS iS just to get team Beverly off his case. Am very sure that Angelo and Beverly are back together...
God punish u Angelo. Kip playing wit ladies heart anoda man will do it 2 ur daughter.
Na their wahala b dat ooooh!!
Ds is just a publicity stunt jor,so as to calm Bev's fans dt tho he broke up wiv Bev,hez nt wv any1 else so as nt 2 rub it in! Abeg,d guy is a cassanova *can't deal*
Okies...I wish him d best,cos I like d nigga
Eyaaaa. Actually felt it was too early 4 her 2start flauntin pix all over. N wats d big deal anyways?
why is the mouse icon on your page a beer bottle, linda, are you now a drunkard, lol
Their wahala no be my problem i just dey pity beverly after all dos tins
checkout Top Nollywood Actresses And Their Séx Scandals!
Who cares.... Mtcheeew
Meanwhile, Beverly Osu won't let us hear 2words b4 talk abt d ugly Angelo... Hmmm! It is well woo
I don't know ooo but am so happy 4 this his comment, it sure make me feel happy cause no mater what Bev don't deserve that humiliation candice was given her.
I'm sure beverly is happy now.
Who d fuck is dis guy
Who cares?oh yes! Lib readers cares....Jobless people......Oshisko!
What is wrong with this one abeg!! Rubbish and and nonsense. I've just been keeping quiet but his own is getting to much. Irritant of the highest order. Long hissss.
He's just saying this to get Beverly off his back oooh,dis womanizer dat cannot do without a girl,we all knw he is dating candice..Mumu Angelo..Stephy says so!!!
Lindiway enough of this dude already.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Abeg e! He is just trying to save Beverly the humiliation. Acting like he didn't choose Candice over her.
We all know what it is!
Beveri ( in natasha's voice).....Pele!
Abeg e! He is just trying to save Beverly the humiliation. Acting like he didn't choose Candice over her.
We all know what it is!
Beveri ( in natasha's voice).....Pele!
Publicity stunt,attention seeker,Lidiway give dis 2 break,everyday di/f storie's, I think his suffering from indicission,we don notice una pass d winner sef.
Lolzzzzzzz hmmmmmmm so funnny! Italk am dat dis Angelo of a guy no even. Av a say of his own instead of teln d whity gurlfrnd dat is beverly all d way xo she go go camp sit he dey still dey use style dey discharge am. Nawa.oooooBeverly lov continue wit ur relaxation maka aku fiechaa odaro awo.Wink*
Who does this guy think he is???mtcheeeeew....
He's a stupid confused old man.dunno wat dese gurls even see in his chihuahua looking face,mtsheew
He's a confused stupid old man,dunno wat dese gurls see in his chihuahua looking face,mtsheeew!!!
awwwwwww sorry candice learn to take things slowly wat did u expect after accepting a guy who denied u twice nd u quickly started celebrating his return without taking time to understand d situation nd as for beverly i dnt knw what to say to u sha but am not god i cannot judge u and seriously this angelo should define himself for himself oooo confused nigga
Forget all these damage control wey una dey do.....e no dey work.ok,he is not back to candice but he slept with bev n dumped her.....over use her sef,bodily n financially.Tufiakwua,pay for man to come visit me.
Waheva he meant by those words, 4 him pocket abi he think say we b fool? ☀☀◦°˚mtchewww˚◦◦☀☀
Oooh plzzz go fuck urself! Small fame don dy give am wings mtchewww rubbish. I hate guys like dis. Feeling cool huh? Motherfucker
Ur boyfriend cheats on u wt another woman on TV,instead of walking out,u chase him around,only 4 him 2 "dump" u on FB n twitter. hw foolish can some girls be???mtshew
na u sabi
He is High
He does not wanted to hurted
Dis my English sef
Dis Linda is a pro in amebo
Dude is sick..mtchew..
Angelo ds ur long hair de confuse u, truth is u lov Bev more than candice, but bcos SA people wan kill u wit mouth, hence u went bac 2 candice. But now ur feelings battles u, u say u dnt need a relationship? U must marry Candice ds year o, like it or not. Cut dat hair so that ur brain can giv u clarity on what u want, abi na Bassey u want now? Lol, cos me I know u re attracted to Bassey too.
And who gives a shit?
-Blunt Ibo boy-
This guy is not rich nither is he handsome so WTF is wrong with this gals??
Abegiiiiii! He jux didn't want to be insulted anymore, guess sm Nigerians are alredi showing him pepper on social networks! He shud gerraway wit dt his Mop of a hair! Monkey! Wt dt fyn candice saw in him beats me!
Hmmmmmmmmm! I don't he's serious shaaaaaaa!
I guess angelo is confused...buh gud choice though.stay away frm gals ,u too dey break hrt...
abeg Linda forget about this ugly Angelo. you are making him look important. he is useless and ugly
Nobody cares!!!!all of a sudden,angelo is now so relevant dt he should be talked abt?nawa!I hope he is paying u linda!!!I hope he is
Don't u get it?They re playing wt d minds of those who cares to knw abt them.he has to pull some stunts to still be in the pic.
The guy is gay thats the truth. You know he did not touch Bev & was making excuse. The only person he wants to kiss is Bassye
Candice is so thirsty it's embarassing.
Silly he thought Nigeria was going to vote for him by being with Bev. He is with Candice he is trying to hide the truth. I dont believe Candice posted photos without his authority. He wants media attention to try & get jobs in SA. stop covering him Linda.
I wonder what dey see in dis guy;he's ugly!
Oooo eemmm ggeee.....I saw it comin nd hv been waitin 4it.....dats wat candice gets 4 d stupidity she put up by postin dia pics al arnd wen d guy in question dint du same....I pray a gal brks angelos hrt jst lik he's doin nw...flips ma fon nd walks away lafin
Boooooooorrrrrin!!! Wateva atracts dem 2 dis dirty loookin ape,I dunno!*ONYX GODWIN*
Ohhhhhhhhh Linda whatz out biz wit dis guy.
Dis guy is just a confused soul. I think he doesn't knw wat he wants.
linda can you pls remove this mouse you replace with bottle... is just boring
Angelo Ʊ̲̣̣̣̥ ι̥۵♈ƹ Beverly .Ʊ̲̣̣̣̥ Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ confused
Seriously,this angelo is a confused guy and jst wants attention ..
Nawa o...nw who is confusing who?...abegi angelo abi na angela get a lyf jare.
At 37, na wah for dis grandpa ooo, I sure sey na en tattoos dey deceive am
Hian!!! Wonders shall never end.... Pls he shld make up his mind on d lady he wants 2 be wiv abeg! Its quite understanding dat he needs 2 face his career cos like he stated he needs his alone time wiv his family n work. But I feel he's kind of confused! #justsaying#
Hmmmn! Trouble, this man is in love with two women.
What is really wrong with this Angelo of a guy, he is very unstable. Beverly please leave that guy alone, he is not meant for you. The worst thing that can happen to a man is INDECISION. Am telling you Linda this is MID-LIFE CRISIS. *Mtcheeeew*
I sense some chris brown rihanna and karruche tran thingy btw these 3
y'all can stop calling our Beverly names, at least Beverly is not afraid to go for what she wants. this Angelo guy is the problem, he is confused as hell. I pity that Candice o!
I just hope Beverly distance herself from the Tarzan of a guy.
Beverly we love you here in Nigeria. Nigeria loves you. we go give u times 2 the love you dey find for Angelo body. Abeg nor pay ticket money for Angelo again.
N so d story ends #.fini *in french*lol
Too much drama biko!
I thought you said they were back together just yesterday?? :-)
learn how to stop hair breakage
Angelo u lie.U must finish wat u started wit either Candice or Bev...Stop around wit ladies hrt abeg!
Hain!! Aunty Bev nko?
Lol, I wonder wat he Feelz like! This Candice chick should move on already. He is a slack pant
I feel you man. Sometimes,one really needs to be left alone to have a sober reflection,think about the past,present and future to know if you are on track or not;and if not,what to do to fall back on track.
Trust me,everyone needs a moment like this. Even u Aunty Linda.
Linda wetin sef,y u de cary us go here nd dere,which one we won kom believ?u nor say we b adult abi?abeg post my coment o
Who cares? Next story biko
U jez have 2 check out candice's TL twitter,shez so convinced she nd angelo re bk 2geda
He's confused
Well said!.. Good for u, Angelo
Linda watin dey even dey worry u sef, wit ur ugly and bony face. Leave pipo alone and go and find a man
Words elude me...
Hmmmm dis angelo sef.any way wat do girls expect from a playboy lik him....sorry he used u all.Beverly I love u but let dis b a lesson to u dear.pls move on u will get a man dat deserve u no matter how bad pple tink u are after all u are beta than some pple lik afrocandy and cossy.just live ur life swty
Angelo get a life and linda pls I beg u in d name if God stop giving dis guy all dis credit.......bullshit him
Foolish women...with fake ass man
Abegi...make we hear word jare!!!!This guy just wants to manage his small fame....He's just using some people's brain to drink garri cos they are ranting that he left beverly blah blah...He is still with his lovely candice and it's a mutual agreement between them for him to post this to avoid all the hate...Next will be wedding bells for him and candice....#gbam#
This guy is so aimless. Btw, candice is even cheaper than bev. She's just killing herself pasting pictures for every1 to see that she's d 1 with angelo.
A lady who is in charge plays her script/role then sit and watch the story unfold.
Wic kain confused gist be dis kwanu? Mscheeew! NEXT!!!!!
And this piece of trash called news just increased d price of 50kg bag of rice from 10k to 12k. Bravo Linda.**long hiss**
God will purnish dat his stupid mouth,who is he,who cares,waka,nonsense,austracian dog
When girl's go start to dey get sense....this guy now don fuck b osu finish for Nigeria...why in no do all this once before in come...smmmh..all this girls self...just dey waste there time with the wrong set of guys or people....
Hehe d guy bin jusat wan chop last hand 4rm d babe,bt wait o,in candice voice,"d awesome 4some is bk,its AC n CA thing" lol,aw wil she be feelin nw,am sure bev go don go native doctor say if she can't ave angelo den d candice can't.lOl
I wonder why dis babe accepted him back self.I wonder what is so special about this old man Angelo and what he is feeling like!!Girls we need to be strict ,we must learn not to tolerate rubbish from every dick and harry
Hahahahahahahaha!I no talk A̶̲̥̅̊♏,this Angelo na bastard. He's so confused. That Candice no sabi anytin. Why did she start flaunting him anyway? I'll only do that when A̶̲̥̅̊♏ sure the man is my husband
Owk,na dem sabi
#bbm not interested face#
Mich,This yo comment reallllyyy cracked me up. LMAO @ chinese rat's ass buhahaha
Just make up your mind already Angelo!
Am I the only one who thinks that this dude is gay?
And you know this because you are on the bridal train abi?.
They r all confused esp angelo..mtchewww
Angello? Candice? Beverly? Na wa ooo.
Puhlease! You guys must be deluded to think he isnt with this candice girl... he is only being this way for the public eye... they are very much together and was advised to keep it a hush...
I kinda use 2 like ds Angelo dude, buh i neva knda liked his love life. He reminds of Chris brown, they all don't know what they want. Confuse psychos! They need to be asked by T.B Joshua how long they av lived in that body
The fact still remain that this dude thinks he will use Bev to get endorsements in Naija, not knowing that even Bev is stuggling to get one, Ole he wants to come and use her way to upgrade! Bev open ur eyes no luv like mumu again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So even white girls re also foolish like this? Buahahahha three blind fools
See diz dirty rat,dat never wears a shirt,only one stinking singlet...hu d fuck do u tink u are?,neva mess wif a girlz heart..i blame d girlz dat fall for a pevert lyk u,retarded fool
My God,anon 6:11pm is a funny dude..haha...urent serios @ all..#chei# can't stop laughing
Lol@mop of a hair!I can't stop laffing
Where d fuck is melvin...he supposed 2 bi d one gettin ol diz attention,coz he deserves it¬ bev&angelo...nd d yeye candice sef,dat posted pix onlyn,without being sure&ended up humiliated...xo tired of diz story..bunch of idiots,esp angelo-ewu gambia!Bev u‘re own na anoda special case..just tired of ol diz fools.
Luvs bev more ke? Lmao in spanish
Bev/cha cha is ds u
Taaaaaaa....luv gini...he aint confused but playn hz game right so as to avoid naijaz insults..
Sumwhere in kenya,Annabelle z shouting I KNEW,it,I KNEW it.I KNEW it
well..... Angelo is obviously confused, Bev u berra thank God he's outta ur life and start to think of a berra future for urself, the guy sef nor fine reach, e nor get pepper sef naim unu wan kill una sef for am, na wa o
Oyu a na-ara ara kariri akari ugbua. It is the wrong time to stick his pipe in a lap.
I don't get it who is angelo?playing with the hearts of women,linlin stop giving him unecessary publicity. #bini gangster#
first time commenter pls abeg both angelo, bev and candice should pls stop assaulting us with theit pungent lifestyles mcheeeew! Angelo @ 37 u are yet to get a life i pity u foolish old man
Atleast u posted a comment? Ehen dats de concept!
I didn't like bev bcos of hw she was throwing herself at him. Bt nw Wots he feeling like? Two babes hustling d baba wit dada or wot? Mtsssw
What is even wrong with dis Angelo guy?? Who does he think he is, tossing women around anyhw. plz enough of ur yeye tweets.
And 4 u candice, hvnt u got any atom of shame? Angelo has become ur small god. Common behave urself MUMU
Bev face front & move ahead oo if u know watz good 4u.
No you are not! I've been saying that since BBA
LOLZ words of a Player.. I don't wanna be in relationship right now to me it means "wanna get as many P**sy as possible without attachment..
Babes cant learn
Yes, I said n I'm saying it again, he loves Bev more, hence the confusion. He is confused on who he wants, can't u tell? Lol.
angelo did nt knw wat he want,he is scared dat bev is stil young nd might leave him at any tym,he loves bev bt he dnt want 2 admit it,bev i luv ur way nd angelo should go 2 hell
Now that's a funny ass comment. Lol
LMAOOOO, that bitter woamn.
attention seeking things, game playing, if u re an expert in playing game with ladies be reminded that their re better player out there, so be ready for dem. if u dont want to be in a relationship must d whole world know about it?
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