Liz tells City People
"It happened in a miraculous way which I have been expecting for long, not that I woke up yesterday and decided to change my religion. By birth, I was half Muslim and half Christian. My father was Christian while my mum was Muslim. Growing up I went to church because of my father. I didn't have a choice at the time but I have always had interest in Islam so immediately my father died I switched over to my mum's religion. It is a religion I love so much. Also Aisha is now my official name though Liz is still my name and I will continue to use the name to do movies.
Story teller! Her tale is puerile!
Hmm. Good 4her.
~D great anonymous!
Ur own don finish....
its yr choice,May God be pleased wt you
Half Muslim half Christian odikwa egwu.
uu do not ve any justifiable reason.
it ur choice
If its ur conviction good .. I hope e no be one alhaji or alfa make u switch so that u can be wife number #icantcount
I dont think anyone with common sense will prefer islam to christainity....but its your life ,na u sabi!
Wise choice Aisha! :) I wish you the best.
Let the ignorant ones, the lost ones, the haters and hypocrites spew their hate and venom, that's what they live for! Opposition is bound where positivity is...
Her sure ЪŦ his reason babe
Aisha u,ve taken a bold step, as 4 those critisising u, shame on dem
If she like make she turn to alfa!!!na for her pocket!!!mtcheeeew
There is nothing like "half muslim, half Christain".
Welcome, dear Aisha. May Allah supply all our needs & count us among d good pple on d day of judgement.
What does she mean 'it happened in a miraculous way'? Does she mean it's a miracle that her father died?
wetin be our own. Adetayo
That's your choice.I pray you won't regrate it.Jesus Christ is light.you better come back to him.
I've seen fake people like her. They are many. They wait until when they are quater to... They'll later renounce confess and pray for redemption. Our lord jesus may be a forgiving God, but it is written 'thou ll not temp thy Lord in vain'. Repent before its too late. M.U.A
@her Age....she's soundn like. A baby,U̶̲̥̅̊ gotta grow up so dat U̶̲̥̅̊'d be able 2make nt only decisions bt wise ones.....OJIMSCLAXIC
from fry pan to fire,she never talk true maybe na becos of man she change
And this is miraculous?
How can someone have had the Impact of Christ and feel sth else is beta.Likely she never had a true relationship with him
Obviously u weren't a true christain cos ur heart has never been there
from grace to grass...dat ur cup of tea!
Confusion na wa . Biko get a life and enjoy, have you eaten people?
i and my family will for ever worship the lord,
Proud jew
Hahaha. U ll explain dat to God later. Na ur wahala
Abi one alhaji don promise to make u his 15th wife. So ur fathers death is miraculous
How does dat affects my existence eyes rolling u wouldn't v waited 4 ur Father to die mtcheeeeeee
Stufs like *ur own don finish*LOL..Libers,i comot yansh for una.
from grace to grass...ur own choice sha
Emeka u sound correct may be
from grace to grass...ur own choice sha,walk away
No one dumps God n goes away wt it.........its ur choice
Bloody liar,just tell us you have started seeing one alhaji cos if not why did you not even practise your newly adopted religion for sometime before going for pilgrimage...
funky tales... it always more than they let on.
see mumu... confused lady... na their type muslim(hausa) they kill for north first before christian self... be wise... end time things
She is Free to practice any Religion..Even God didn't force any thing on us so who are you to Judge or question her choice..Anon 3.16 how her own take finish??Are you God or better still you don comot the speck for your own eye to see someone else's Speck..##THINKDIFFERENTLY##
All theses people claiming to be half a religion is just nonsense. You cannot be half a religion. Especially when the two completely contradict each other. You are either one or the other!
ok we don hear na ur headache no carry am reach our side. For more gist blackadonai.blog
Damn u, ur fathers death is a miracle u sound confused go ahead and cover ur face with hijab cos nobody knows u
Funny u
We don see u. U wan more roles from Muslim producers/directors. No wahala.. e no concern us..na ya soul babe.
wot is dat?
you are doomed!
u sure say no b u kill ur papa?
i pity u cos dat alhaji go fall ur hand soon...
What's miraculous here? Your father's death abi..really,we are not interested in knowing why you changed madam,Its your life just get off our faces..
Liz was never a christian.So the issue of conversion is out of the way. There is nothing like half christian.You are either a christian or not a christian. Also nobody is born a christian neonate.However one needs to be born again by acknowleding the sacrificial provision of Jesus and receiving Jesus as Lord and saviour before he can become a christian.A name does not make anyone a christian
Ʊ lack words. Ʊ left a place where Ʊ feel the rawness of the gospel to satisfy your urge. Sorry for Ʊ!
I guess it was more of a business move than the love for the religion, watch this space, the dirty linen will be washed publicly when the alhaji denies the prego....iyawo alhaji part 9
stupidity who gives an f
Wetin concern me M.I wit long jump!!! SUit Ur jari!!!
Na ur choice.Linder plz next
U r indirecting telling us dt u r happy abt ur father's death.i wont insult u ooo bt i pray make u see light 4 dere.a religion dt encourages hatred n killing of other pple dts nt in dere way of worship has nothing 2 write home abt.haters if una lyk mak una insult me bt i don talk d truth n anybody wey no lyk am mak e go hug transformer.i no blame all dese islamic pple,if 4 say abraham no sleep wit hagar,where una wan tak follow comot?islam is a cursed religion!!! Oyah mak all d insults come nw.am ready 4 una.linda post my comment
is dia assurance all xtians are goin to paradise?everyday pastor rapes,
Linda o, i hear say mikiel obi wan marry rita dominic?!
Abeg find out if na true o!
U r welcome Aisha,itz nt everybody that wud be able 2 take such a huge decision,nd pls practice d real islam nd nt oda
Let her be, you all imperfect judgmental critics.
Salaam alaikum sister.
Arrant nonsense! Y u no kuku ma kill ur father since birth. U neva knw wetin dey do u, u go soon talk true wen we hia say ur alhaji husband has dumped u
No comments!
D most painful part is dat d muslims can neva see her as one of em!Its her decision sha
Ur father death is the miracle u have been expecting...ur a suspect! Lord have mercy.
Mtcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! Na she sabi
So inmmature. .. So you can't take a decision and stand by it when your dad was alive as an adult.Now your dad's death was the miracle to switch to Islam. . U don pot b dat o.Jesus still loves u,its never too late to turn back
Christians, the truth is a lot of you would doubt Jesus Christ when he comes back. You waste no time to criticise others but quick to say thou shall not judge when an article is posted about Christians/christianity. May God help us all.
U r a liar,u av seen one Alhaji dat is giving u money in exchange for ur religion.its no crime tho,so y are u lieing..u r excuse is not geniue
That's the voice of a confused woman speaking.
Confused lady, u had better change back if not....
Congratulations Aisha
Who gives a hoot? deadly religion
Abi o. @ least she believes in something
From one slave religion to another. Your ancestors rejected the Abrahamic religions until they were brutally forced to accept them. But today you're accepting, willingly, the religions of your enslavers and oppressors. Ha, your ancestors are rolling in their graves in annoyance to what you guys are doing. You have to come back home children of the sun. Free your minds and extricate yourselves from the Abrahamic religions.
I'm telling u, its either she's in lust with one of the muslim ministers or she shut it!
Rough Diamond is also in line to do the same thing...idiot
@aisha anjorin,now you will understand the real reason behind human existence. spend time to learn about islam and never be bug by whatever pple say. whatever is right is not always popular and attractive and vice versa.
Lol as in! "It happened in a miraculous way" I'm here waiting for the miracle and she says her father died and she switched? Eerrrr... Mmkay :-/
She go soon born boko haram
Its ur choice, U owns nobody explaination. U just want 2 add dat tittle 2 ur name (Alhja) n U like 2 fix d tooth. Gud luck Liz Aisha. Lol
It's just to justify the reason why you are about marrying that alhaji already with three wives.
Na wa o if it was the other way round u will be thanking Jehovah for her... anyway it is her choice and my dear carry on. Linda u sef y will u use the word DUMP, change is more ideal.
Who d fuck is Liz Anjorin?! Nonsense rubbish!
Manipulated? Divorce not granted
Aisha my butt! *longhissssss
How's that your headache..learn from the axiom Live and let live!!! Don't be a religion bigot..why her own finish?she ask u for money to buy Hijab?
U don enter d alahaji way mke u dump christainity go marry 12yrs put 4 ur head..efua ewu okpor...
And she's not under any obligation to give u a reason!
Good for her>>>to every man his own!
@ the Judgement day, the difference will be clear...
because being a christian is an automatic ticket to make heaven! What a bigot...think straight and stop reasoning through the anus
from grace to grass...boko tinz...1 chance
Its ur choice, U owns nobody explaination, u just like d tittle (Alhaja) n U want 2 fix d Golden or silver tooth so dat one Alh will marry U. Gud luck 2 U Liz Aisha. Lol
Its ur choice, U owns nobody explaination. U just want 2 add dat tittle 2 ur name (Alhja) n U like 2 fix d tooth. Gud luck Liz Aisha. Lol
gaaan die not interested
All na lie jare,maybe one alhaji dey pay don dey pay her well,I know say she dey on mission
Mumu ..... Mtcheeeeew
OMG. Who is this confused vegetable? @3:26
Ejike onye nzuzu!
Why the hostility?!Is this what your so called christianity preaches ?.. she's free to practice whatever she wishes! You don't have to put her to the sword because of her decision..thought christians claim to be tolerant...myopic set of humans... Welcome to Islam Aishat
@anonymous, how common is your own foolish "common sense"? idiot
Half Muslim, half Christian...LOL
Its actually someone with common sense that will embrace islam, the religion of peace. I am sure my friend doesn't know anything about islam, u need to seek knowledge, remember the bible says my people perished cos of lack of knowledge. If its terrorism that kept on coming to ur mind, terrorism has no root in islam in fact its totally forbidden meanwhile who are the real terrorists. U remember Adolf hitler?, he was a christian. Rev jones in america that killed almost everybody in his church wasn't a muslim. The massacre of millions palestinian was carried out by christian that wat they called CRUSADE.the first and only country that used atomic bomb in japan was a christian country that america. Slavery was carried out by christians not muslims
U guys shuld leave her alone, let her be, let her choose d religion dat suit her,afterall u are not God how can u b judging ur fellow human being.
Proud jew? Jews that are forsaken many times in the bible by jesus himself
What's is the big she decided to be a Muslim? Her decision is of no importance or relevance.
All of u fools dat re blamin her wats ur own,are u her creator? Its seems u all dnt read ur bible or u just dnt understand d bible coz if u do,y'all wont be sayin all this rubbish.stupid pipu
I would not be surprised to later learn there is a man behind this.
U were nevA a xtian b4, cos d bible says no puts his hand in the plough and looks abck is fit for the kingdom of God. No sane person that knows christ for real will eva dump him, Йą u sabi. Every one for himself on judgement day. Opyfasco
Most of the comments here amused me. It shows clearly how sensitive the issue of religion is in ds country and most interestingly we are the biggest hypocrites ever created by almight God. Religion is a choice and alas! Wats d big deal in someone converting or reverting instead of all the abuses heaping on her. I thought the christians claimed to be tolerant but in all indication they are not, they can't just stand people of other faith. Too bad. Guys go seek knowledge that will help u to appreciate and tolerate other people. Islam is very very rich pls go and learn about it
May God have mercy on u , for publicly denying him
Welcome to light, sister Aisha. Salam alaikum
Taa! @ Linda this isn't much of an explanation, more like a woman just blowing hot air! She should just come out and tell us some rich alhaji has bought her over. At least Janet Jackson had the decency to do that.
Point of correction, nt all hausa's are Muslims...you all need to chill, be judging her like u r any better. how many of you r true Christians, if she's found peace in islam then it's nobody's business but hers.. you all should get a life and stop making statements that can lead you astray.
Life is full of choice in all ur enda4. Das gud 4 her. Buh i wish she should not change 2 traditional religion when her mother die. Lol
Life is full of choice in all ur enda4. Das gud 4 her. Buh i wish she should not change 2 traditional religion when her mother die. Lol
Liaaaarr Oloshi one chief don send am go mecca e don change fast fast money can buy the souls of some ladies
Who be ds fool?
Blind bat
Copy cat. Who dey oppose u?
Abii na u dey oppose, dey show unasef anyhow
I thk God for ur life, may Allah increase u in knowledge and wisdom and accept ur worship.
Well said
Go take rope.
Onye nzuzu
I pray u see the light soon.
Open ur eyes
Y art thou so blind???
Boko haram
I dslyk it wen xtains tok lyk ds.... U dnt always xpect muslims 2 convert 2 christains all d tym.... Well am proud 2 b a muslim nd am glad sum1 as finally find lyt whr it is.... Welkum Aishat
am sure tis bcos of one rich muslim bobo babe never really knw jesus in the first place
am sure tis bcos of one rich muslim bobo babe never really knw jesus in the first place
am sure tis bcos of one rich muslim bobo babe never really knw jesus in the first place
....what is the big deal
.....if she decided to be a Muslim. Her decision is of no importance or relevance.Personal thing.
Gum ur buccal cavity jare...
You were never a Christian!!
Some people love bondage so much that, according to the great French Philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau, you have to literally force them to be free...
And Aristotle said,"Some people are slaves by nature...."
Being true to type.....
Very good of u Amina, make sure u do pray 5times daily sha o
Oloju kokoro.........na you sabi
ISLAM is the only true religion... I can see immature, stupid, and unreasable minds talking rubbish here... Its her choice and its the right choice... Congratulations ALHAJA AISHA... Hmmm nice name.. Lol
Abeg gerrout wats our biz if u decide 2 convert dis is nt news worthy
AND FOR THOSE WHO ARE READING, PEACE B UNTO U(but only IF u do not wang ur tongue @ me).
Sm1 wake me up wen ur type of religion starts taking u to heaven! Opium of d masses!
Attention seeker! Very soon u wil turn 2 a pagan!!
Correct talk
Its been a long time I read a stupid article like yours, written by a foolish fool. Hellfire product idiot
Did I hear Ʊ say "peace in islam" a religion of war.mtshew wicked people.
Why should I waste ♍γ̲̣̣̥ precious time learing about islam when I have ♍γ̲̣̣̥ Bible to study everyday
Its her choice, go with peace my dear
Dictionary and English classes are also there to prove u wrong! Stupid he goat that can't even write a full sentence without gbagauns, go learn English abeg before u come here to disgrace ur household, imbecile
may God forgive u
And ofcos Islam is the only religion dat doesn't support female education, and ur a good example! Mumu dat can't even spell
stupid girl,opportunity to go and become someone's second wife!just wait and see,HUSBAND SNATCHER
stupid girl,opportunity to go and become someone's second wife!just wait and see,HUSBAND SNATCHER
It is well. Thank u father for upholding my faith in you.,I'm 4ver grateful. I'm jt passing by.
so pathetic..brainwashed people think their opinion makes sense..am so disappointed with the way so called Christians are talking here,.it shows that a lot of u are brainwashed..u believe in Christianity...cos that's what is acceptable to you...any other thing doesn't make sense..some peez saying shen is doomed...are you not doomed too..u people that dont even know who they are worshiping...just following like mugu cos..it seems to be the legal and accepted way..and the religion is packaged nicely..wake up and stop racial discrimination among blacks
So whats the big deal abt it... She was never a strong christian like that...She's just somebody that goes to church at the end of the year for cross over night and claim to be a christian......I beg park well
Why is islam always associated with loss o lives?y are they happy with loss of life???so u're happy ur dad died and dat was d miracle u were waiting for to change to islam......kai....u sound heartless and disgusting.
What foolish statement is this,that statement the religion of peace is d greatest joke to me,if u want 2welcme her to your religion good for u but don't come and start saying rubbish about christianity.no need to go far into history right now what is happening,boro haram they are buddists abi.
Y̶̲̥̅̊o̲̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ are right. Its just a pity dt she hs †☺ change frm right †☺ wrong at this end time.
Eyah, the ghels bleaching is very neat. Just continue you will soon join your ancestors. Ok? You may need some plastic surgery to complete it. Bye
Anybody against this woman conversion should try to romance transformer when there is light. Peace be unto you sister Aisha
She lost her religion,she didn't change
Matches light abi bomb light?which one my dear boko haram lighter. Jesus is coming soon,better repent
Its simple,just blow urself up with granade and people around u too,for u shall be blessed with 70 virgins in paradise.I wonder where d virgins dey sef cos dey don finish for 9ja o.isn't it obvious that islam is a joke,d religion actually makes me laugh all the time and that sane pple still believe in them is truly strange. Google youtube stories of 'the truth about islam' and thank me later
Matches light abi bomb light?which one my dear boko haram lighter. Jesus is coming soon,better repent
say no to Islamic religion.
she must be a dumb ass.... Why is she retaining Elizabeth in movies. Obviously, her new found religion lack success..shame....smh
Ah dis guy English fit wake corpse. Hahahahahhahahaha
Christianity wont miss bye!!!
She killed her father with the help of her mom and the alfah that had promised to make her a diamond dealer!! I also heard she will be the 13th wife.
That's the end of ur popularity mydear, na here ur movie, acting story don crash. #think
She never knew Christ. Only a church goer.
Masha Allah,may god guide and protect you against all evils,
OMG,its her choice then why all this malicious response after all she will not be buried with any one of you,you people now showing us Christianity is not religion of tolerance,why the venomous replies.
Hmmmm wat is ur problem abt dis? Change or not is nt a new thing in dis life, we hv seen pastor dat changed to muslim and we hv seen immam dat changed to pastor so i dnt c d reason y u re disturbin ur self on dis simple issue..... Pls b wise.
All na one God naaaa different name abi???? Wateva rocks her boat
y'all need to smoke and chill all this hatin wont get you anywhere ah mean with ol this hatred look where nija is at? nija has bigger problems than a simple woman who converted beside is her life dont judge! smfh fo nigerians they are the worst set of religious and tribal biggotsin the world! thats why nigeria will never progress
U dis ignorant twat...u don't know that Jesus Christ was a Jew abi....ignorance go finish u...linda publish my comment oo
Islam is a religion of peace..u dat ur calling Dem wicked r u not worse....all I see is hypocrisy in ur comment
Did u just say no need to go far into history???.....those (((((BORO))) haram u just said are only covering up wit islam,even the Qur'an says so many tinz against terrorism.....so only fools still tink Boko haram is islamic.....the rational and sensible Nigerians know wat the shii looks like.....but neva say dat kinda bullshit u said earlier again....#Leckzy
Do you know one thing guys you don't fight for God so know what you are all saying ok. And nobody fight for God. Go and ask ur pastor or ur alfa
what happen to people dat fight for him ok
Ehyaaa....I know wat ur problem is,ur pained like DAMN!!!......are ur numerous handbill not calling pple again???....lemme tell u,nobody gave her handbill,she chose the right path and u shud stop criticising her,don't pretend like u don't know her,if u come across her u'll try snapping one or two pix with her....get a life......#Leckzy
Don't tell me ur pained!!!!!.....aww pele,may God console u and help u wipe off ur ignorance....just sit and tink of how to make good use of anytin u hav.....#Leckzy
Lead!!!!.....let's oda retards follow you and u'll se wat ur life will look like @ d end of the rubbish,y are u pple like dis for crying out loud?........#Leckzy
To be legitimately called Alhaja in a social circle, yes she will need to become a muslim. Let see what she will be called in a couple of years. More power to her.
Aishah u look like an angel . Baraka llahu fihi. Keep it up don't mind d haters .
By a mare glance at the comments you can tell how stupid people can be. Aren't there choices in life? And linda I know you are just a blogger but to use the word "DUMPED" here is wrong. No she didn't
Alhamdulillah for you. But please ensure you learn and practice the pristine Islam according to the prophet (SAW). Being a muslim is far more than going for Hajj. Please read the Qur'an and hadiths and get ready for antagonists - enemies of Islam.
If her mama die she'll become a pagan then!
Na she sabi……….Religion is personal
anyway i see she is inside my best restaurant in naija….the food na die
U are welcome to islam the religion of peace
She forsake Jesus hmmmmm den He will forsake her too(am not cursing her o)
They are welcoming her now,wen dy wan start to fight na her head dem go first cut,,religion of peace my left breast ! Mtcheeeeew I wish I can kill all d islam ppl I cm across they irritate me more dan gays sef #didi
Who are ds stupid fanatics?wats ur busnex wit her religion?Does she nt av rit to religion again?so y all ds ego centric malicious statement.radarada.pack we'll bak belle.Peace b unto u sister.N̶̲̥̅̊o̲̣̥w̶̲̥̅̊ u wil experience tru peace.
Who shud one fear the most? Jesus or God?????.......u are daft!!!!...yanyanyanyanyan.....talking rubbish....#Leckzy
Hmmmm IGNORANT pple....I jes pity most of you christians, am veri sure u dnt read ur bible well, most of you dont evn knw anytin abt ur bible or christianity, u jes accepted christianity coz u were born into a christian home, pple have d right to choose dere religion and wot makes u tink Christianity is d right religion? No 1 knws d ryt religion buh evry1 bilivs dey re on d ryt track.Jes becareful of wot u say...frm d comments I read here, I see most of u knw notin abt Christianity or bible.
And some pple saying shes doomed, wot makes u tink u re nt doomed ur sef, some pple talking abt 7 virgins in heaven, jes bcareful of wot u say, dey re all rumours jes too destroy d image of islam.most of u knw notin abt islam, so u av no ryt to judge her.may GOD 4giv us our sins and aisha anjorin may ALLAH reward u.
Is her choice sha...but if u ask me ,i will rather pick JESUS!cause his ways are purely one that leads to God.but muhammad i doubt o boi ooo u need to know how many yansh this man fucked, i find it hard to know which god he serves,certainly not the true God,thats why those who are lusting after flesh convert to islam.only if u are compromising ur christian life is then u hv a prbm if nt hmmm I LOVE U JESUS.
I pity ur life may God 4giv u. Its so clear u xtians ve turned jesus to God. Well God knows best & he is d best judge.
This is to all of you who are saying trash/ judging how you want without making research... Now why do most of you hate muslims, you think we dont worry the say God.. well you wrong,Simply cause we say Allah,which means God in English,means we serve a different God, you all just behave like illiterates,am sorry to say.. But so you know, in any arabic speaking country,if you open the Bible,you will see Allah written so many time.. Allah means God if translated to English, same has the Spanish speaking country, Dois means God if translated to English, Also i believe Nigeria has different tribes,like the yourbas,igbos e.t.c, i believe in all different tribes you have your own way of saying God... the french people say Dieu,which means God.. God in German means Gott... Italians says Doi..Polish says Bog.. And the English people say God so now you want to tell me that all these different countries who all speak different languages, you want to tell me that they dont worship same God because they speak in a total different language.. just so you all know,in the Quran, Jesus(Isa)(PEACE BE UPON HIM)is mentioned,so has all the other prophets mentioned in the Bible,Abraham(Ibrahim),Noah (Nuh),Isaac(Ishaq),David(Dawud),Mose(Musa),John(Yahya),Joseph(Yusuf),Zechariah(Zakariyya),Adam(Adam) e.t.c We Muslims,we love the Christains, so why hate??? God said love your Neighbor.. Why the hate?? Please you all need to enlighten yourself before judging.. You all need to reason before you speak,and stop all these judgment,none of you are more pure or holy than others.. so enough with all the negative comments... Sorry this post is long,but i needed to make things clear here.. Linda please post my comment. Thanks. God Bless us all and Guide us and Forgive us. Ameen
from frying pan to firee. there is no god. dumb niggers
My good freind foget abt wot oda muslims do I bliv b4 nw, de dnt bhav like d@, but pls my bro jus take ur time 2 kno wot d religion preaches u won't critise but rada u ll embrace it, d Religion simply say dere is no oda God worth worshipin xecpt d creator of all d creaturs pls jus research and dnt critise.. Peace be upon u dear
Y'all Better go watch PeaceTv....
P.S @Linda, Dumped? WTF
Anonymous said...
This is to all of you who are saying trash/ judging how you want without making research... Now why do most of you hate muslims, you think we dont worship the say God.. well you wrong,Simply cause we say Allah,which means God in English,means we serve a different God, you all just behave like illiterates,am sorry to say.. But so you know, in any arabic speaking country,if you open the Bible,you will see Allah written so many time.. Allah means God if translated to English, same has the Spanish speaking country, Dois means God if translated to English, Also i believe Nigeria has different tribes,like the yourbas,igbos e.t.c, i believe in all different tribes you have your own way of saying God... the french people say Dieu,which means God.. God in German means Gott... Italians says Doi..Polish says Bog.. And the English people say God so now you want to tell me that all these different countries who all speak different languages, you want to tell me that they dont worship same God because they speak in a total different language.. just so you all know,in the Quran, Jesus(Isa)(PEACE BE UPON HIM)is mentioned,so has all the other prophets mentioned in the Bible,Abraham(Ibrahim),Noah (Nuh),Isaac(Ishaq),David(Dawud),Mose(Musa),John(Yahya),Joseph(Yusuf),Zechariah(Zakariyya),Adam(Adam) e.t.c We Muslims,we love the Christains, so why hate??? God said love your Neighbor.. Why the hate?? Please you all need to enlighten yourself before judging.. You all need to reason before you speak,and stop all these judgment,none of you are more pure or holy than others.. so enough with all the negative comments... Sorry this post is long,but i needed to make things clear here.. Linda please post my comment. Thanks. God Bless us all and Guide us and Forgive us. Ameen
foolish girl....i pity you
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