Kayode wrote:
"I bought my mother a home as a 14-year-old boy" Atiku Abubakar @atikuVP Atiku Abubakar saw his comments and responded on Twitter. See Atiku's Tweets after the cut...
News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
"I bought my mother a home as a 14-year-old boy" Atiku Abubakar @atikuVP Atiku Abubakar saw his comments and responded on Twitter. See Atiku's Tweets after the cut...
How did we end up with deluded characters as so called leaders in Nigeria. That former Vice President Atiku would have Nigerians believe he bought a house for his mother as a minor/child is a clear indication that Nigeria's problem is beyond human understanding.)
Fight fight fight fight....
Y is d kayode guy putting close bracket without any open bracket initially. I fink I like Atiku, I tot he will... but he replied moderately
wow.nice 1
You see, that's why have to be careful before attacking people. Even though it was a mud house, it was a house and he can say with pride that he bought it for his mother. We should never underestimate the power of love and what it can push people to do; even when the person is 'just' 14 years old...
Story story, Are you trying to convince us or yourself?
Sounds more like he is trying to convince himself...Constantly tell yourself a lie, it becomes your truth.
Wow.. Good job Atiku. Without reading your tweet I already believed. Young teens should learn from this.
Who gives two effs please??
Wetin concern d kayode man for wetin atiku yarn,na wao
Yeah rite
Atiku all the way. Love me some Atiku
He tried joor ogundamisi shld hush it 4rm mende 1st 2 comment my purple yansh
Gbam! And there you have it! Good response. I hope he has his tail between his legs now. Mchewwwww
Yes... A sane man should know that ATIKU's was blabbing, how can a 14yr old buy a house for his mother? I just can't digest this.
150+ women already treated with our Fibroid flushers
Why is the Kayode guy taking it personal.
Last election we were made believe someone had no shoes.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Kayode Ogundamisi might not want to believe this and I am no fan of Atiku Abubakar BUT in those days, it was very possible to buy a house on very little money precisely because people were not into buying and selling houses in those days. My father told me a story of how he used to send money to his people back home from his allownce when he was at school, so Atiku's story is believable. Kayode Ogundamisi should show a bit more respect!
Alh. Atiku, I am assuming that your holidays were for a full three months in one calendar year and you did not pay any taxes on the money you were paid? Or did you save over two to three years working the same job? A likely story. The chances you guys had then, hmmm? Now a graduate of a Nigerian University cannot even afford a days meal never mind, buying one for his mother as well. So much for the havoc you guys wrecked on the system, amassing wealth for yourselves!
@abubakar,at 10 yrs old,I bought a jet for my dad.he hated cars,so I bought d jet for him.nama shogri!
Lwkmd, u do fear explanation na. It had to be a mud/tatched hut complete with a goat and a chicken plus one bingo.lol
Atiku getting in the news now a lot, smart move, 2015 thingz in mind!
I love dis Atiku man..he jst has a way wit explaining thing evn to a dumb blogger
Well I don't like Atiku, or even the dirty politics that goes on everywhere in Nigeria, but in my Opinion I think Mr. Kayode owes him an apology. We should look at this as an example on hard work and industrious disposition our children should have and not the other way around.
Mumu of lyf whic nice 1...He's a thief!!!
Good clarification. Can kayode d violent former OPC secretary just apologize?
i know most of Nigerians youths are poo and cant think. so this should be your thoughts.
The next question one should ask Atiku is, what went wrong with Nigeria that in the present Nigeria, graduates cannot find a temp job not to talk of teenagers in school getting a temp job.
Secondly, is this not an indication that their generation has failed Nigerians because they did not hand over the opportunities they enjoyed to us nor did they improve on the opportunities they enjoyed, rather they handed absolutely nothing to the present generation.
Kayode Ogundamisi cannot understand what happened how Mr. Atiku could have accomplished such a feat, because the Nigeria of today is so different from the Nigeria of that day, it is a miracle for a 32 year old to accomplish such a task.
even Linda knows this, at your age how many people can do that for their parents.. and I'm disappointed with you Linda, you will be bringing up intellectual arguments on this audience and be adding spice for numskulls to lash on them.
This is food for thought for Ogundamisi, Atiku and their mates.. Have our parents being able to deliver at least, the Nigeria they grew up in??
better digest it now. he did part time job for which he was paid 3pounds per month. he saved up 9pounds to get the house. there's nothing hard there to digest.any right thinking man would always watch his mother's back.
Weldone Atiku! that to me is the only good thing U have done. More of That pls!
A good politician knows the best reply for every yarns
Lies! lies!! lies!!!. If I hear. Which house. He didn't buy any house joor. He wants to use his lies to convience us becos of his 2015 political ambitions. Even when he was a vp, what and what did he do for his community?.
My mom built my grand mother a house when she was a teenager. She said she got a job at a company that later became NITEL. I believe him.
all this one wey atiku dey do na strategy for campaign jor! Also read Juicy E GIST HERE NOW!!!
U r jx a fool, I dnt fink u read d tweets, dats y u r so dumb to comprehend #ode oshi ☀☀◦°˚mtchewww˚◦◦☀☀
Well, it is possible..... But politicians and lies are like husbands and wives.
Who cares if Abubakar is lying or telling the truth. It was like centuries ago. Abubakar is also trying to defend himself, time wasting.
That's was really great from Atiku, it sound so challenging and I wish I could do that too...if I can buy house for my mother before she died, I would be d proudest man alive...it still hurt that I can't buy her a car b4 her passing...Atiku I respect you..
this Kayode is just plain silly. he hadn't even said what type of house before attacking him. Olodo, should just mind his business. He got it all wrong here
Like i said, reading youths comments here shows education in Nigeria is poo. except for exceptional cases like my own.
firstly, the person that said what concerns Kayode with what Atiku said. well, Atiku as a former vp and an aspiring political office holder, everything he says or do is our concern. we need to know the people that may govern us again someday. use your God given brains.
Also, the person that said Kayode sgould ot have attacked Ariku like that, well the attack has provider much explnatrions. we now know the kind of house he bought and how he got the money to buy it.
Finally for the idiot from Mende and the second poo that said he should have his tail between his legs. you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. well, to reply you poos, while Atiku has replied and provided more explanations. you people failed to realsie that that single act by Kayode has provided more information that Atiku would have originally provided. 2. its not a hate contest or fight, people should ask question and express their prejudices, its for the leaders to act and explain. hence, Atiku with courtsy explained himself to Kayode and shed more light on the topic. he has probably won Kayode has a fan now.
the moral of the story is, a leader should learn to have a thick skin, be mature and respond with courtsy even when antagonised. thats what makes you a true leader. i think Atiku has demonstrated rare maturity and politeness.
I did my NYSC in Taraba state, n my SSS students have houses. They gather themselves n build it, land is surplus. So Mr Kayode, make research before u write.
I often find Kayode's comment off key, quite frankly, he does much to contribute to the polity or to society, he just criticizes, without offering solutions.
You see, country done spoil finish na im make today young Nigerians no understand wetin the man dey talk. My father had not gone to UNI when he was able to buy his first car. As young people those days, they could get little jobs to help them hold body. What hope for the young naija boy today? It is sad, really sad indeed.
Kayode Ogundamisi pls do mind your own biz ooo,whether or not he did got his mother house @ dat tender age.
Mumu!! "Yung teens shud learn"?? Weren't u also a teen!!! Y u no buy 4 ur mum?Ode!!*ONYX GODWIN*
Well i somehow like the Way former VP Atiku responded,but i'm always careful with politicians, they have a way of twisting people's minds
Humble background yet ur moda was homeless!
These activists tend to go off sometimes and sometimes you can that they are just bitter And spiteful. But then again we still need them in the society for a balance.
Ogundamisi is hungry!atiku should give him food to eat. That's d storyooooo.
I honestly don't know when some Nigerians will open their brains and think before commenting on issues like this.
What does a 14 year old know about buying a house? Hasn't anybody noticed how these rubbish corrupt leaders come up with all these crazy fabricated stories about their extraordinary suffering as kids and all that nonsense.
Atiku has either told a really appalling lie or has been really really corrupt from childhood
Na wa Ooo for naija,,,I just tire for all dis tins wey all men dey do
I believe Atiku is telling the truth here. When you accuse someone of lying and he could come up with such a defense, then its just ideal to give him a benefit of doubt. Its also important to not that the economy wasn't as bad in his time as it is now.
I don't blame Kayode either. Such stories needs clarifications because it sounds untrue. He should just learn to be courteous when talking to people, regardless their history.
So Kayode what exactly is your point?. I personally don't see anything wrong in what Atiku claims he did at age 14. He has explained how he achieved it , including his mind set at the time, me thinks its commendable. You on the other hand sound , small, bitter and hateful. Please do digest something sugary for your happiness sakes.
why does Atiku kind of remind me of "i had no shoes" #GEJ#
We need a simple straight explanation like this from pastor biodun fatoyinbo.
This kind robust reply........'the guy wan do us,the more u look,the less u see!
Now I see someone introducing some political emotional tactics to win hearts, prolly for some certain agenda! Hmm I see it working here.. Okay ooo we shall see!
Atiku all day everyday. This has inspired me, yes it was a mud home but it was a HOME , that man should go and die hater oshi
Nigerians nd easy brain washing! Chai, its just a pity dat emotions nd sentiments works easily wit us. Atiku dat is not stable in any party nd disloyal to any government suddenly tells us he bought his mother wen he was 14, nd we are applauding him? WTH! we've heard. How is dat going to help dis nation? Dat was how dey reacted wen dey found out dat JONA started wit a poor background, nd dint av shoes, somepeople wre practically shedding tears'oh poor boy' nd now even market women can't talk witot insulting ' d poor boy' Well am going to borrow obasanjo's fav.quote'A DEY LAFF' .. *SOMY*
Nigerians nd easy brain washing! Chai, its just a pity dat emotions nd sentiments works easily wit us. Atiku dat is not stable in any party nd disloyal to any government suddenly tells us he bought his mother a house wen he was 14, nd we are applauding him? WTH! we've heard. How is dat going to help dis nation? Dat was how dey reacted wen dey found out dat JONA started wit a poor background, nd dint av shoes, somepeople wre practically shedding tears'oh poor boy' nd now even market women can't talk witot insulting ' d poor boy' Well am going to borrow obasanjo's fav.quote'A DEY LAFF' .. *SOMY*
Well I will like 2 remind Atiku dt back then we had a better Nigeria b4 him and his colleges raped n looted Nigeria...I believe his story bcuz Ganye is a very remote village (as at 10yrs ago when I had my Junior School at FGC Ganye, even then there were still thatched n mud houses almost everywhere, the palace inclusive) so compared to when he is talking about now, I see no big deal in buying a mud house in a village as remote as Ganye n as a clark bcuz back then, clarks were really respected and paid cuz only few ppl go to school especially in Adamawa State where indigenes get paid heavily just for going to school(ve got classmates as examples) so I think as a clark he had more than enough to buy his mama a thatched n mud house in a very remote village as Ganye....but my doubt comes in response to his age bcuz back then a 14yr old kid should be in primary skl n considering his height at 14 which is also a criteria in admitting kids to skl then, while a clark then must be at least a Grade 1 student...I think he shld plz increase dt age to 17
publicity stunt.nice one
Hahaahahahah, why will you doubt him? Even as jobless as I am now, I can comfortably buy estate in the north. Lol.
Nonsense, your so called Fibroid flusher does not work. It complicates issues. Nafdac will soon come after for fraudulent claims.
At least he had d opportunity 2 get a job @ 14!lucky him...nw even university graduate don't get jobs becos of what he and his colleagues did 2 dis country
Atiku is a learner.... like a child with a new toy.
I bought my parents a home at the age of 20 , train my bros and sis to uni level, they are all graduates with masters degree thanks to me despite the fact that I was the 5 in a family of 8, l raised my family from grass to grace thanks to god and hard work. Today l am 31, happily married with cute kids . Who none go none know say life not easy if you are not born with a silver spoon.
The gullible once will fall for this strategic moves towards 2015 presidential Election. Mr Atiku take several back seats, we are not interested in your 'tales by moonlight' I know your intentions personally! You and your new PDP members are bunch of losers.
U r still waiting for d 'robust' reply?u'l hear it when Jesus comes...stay dia dey wait
Let me introduce Kayode Ogundamisi. He is a member of Afenifere, former student union member, blogger and popular black Rights Activist in the Diaspora eg., London and New York.
He had a journalism stint at the Guardian in Nigeria years ago. He writes for Sahara Reporters and is a newspaper columnist at the moment in Nigeria but he lives in the UK.
Most of all, he did a lot to make sure that crooks like Ibori went to British prison therefore Atiku should not joke with him.
He holds two degrees at Masters level. I don't know if he is on a Phd programme or his marriage status. If he is single, girls grab a sincere very slim dude. Gbam! Atiku is making him more popular but I see that they will later become close friends. Publish my intro ooo.
Atiku Atiku Atiku hmmmmm wat should i say bot this man its almost election again and Turaki of Adamawa is at it again
Atiku during the first tenure of him and baba iyabo regime piratically ran this country baba iyabo was still adjusting to the fact that he was out of jail trying to cope with freedom and had no firm hold of the nations political machinery so the nation was practically ran by Atiku what did he do nothing.
Now he has re-branded i like Atiku as a person he is smooth he has got balls and swag but as a leader hell no Atiku should just stick to his good nature of being a philanthropist he must seat his arse in aso rock to make that change still i like the dude dude is he is pimped out he his a baller unlike the present chap dat is so boring
*presses 'LIKE' button*
U r still waiting for d 'robust' reply?u'l hear it when Jesus comes...stay dia dey wait
Atiku has convincingly defended himself and we've got to believe him.
Personally, I bought my mum a grinding machine while in school and she saved to buy land and started building a house. I hope to complete the house for her by God's grace. Let Kayode not come forth to doubt my story in future cos I'll definitely and proudly say it.
Mumu it was a mud houz. Sure u can't even afford to buy a mud houz in dis ur old age. Digest that.
Who ask you,bragger
Kayode should find out if Akitu said the truth and apologise to him. Don't doubt me like Weird MC. Atiku probably did that.
How come authors who wrote his book did not say it. I better start writing biographies. Hehehe! If Atiku told lies then expect more bashing. He should publish the documents of the £9 mud house that he bought for his sweet mother.
Yes dear I see many of your type training their sibling using prostitution in Lagos.. U girls start as early as 15 and if ur lucky by 20 U don get better chairman as customer .. God Bless all the hustlers joor
Atiku forgot to include in his write up how He was indicted with bribery following an investigation by
the United States Senate Permanent Sub Committee. Useless Selfish Deceitful traitor! Ole jati jati!!!! N.B: Abeg linda post my comment 4 once
Atiku 4 2015!!!!
Yes I call you to get the Fibroid drug,thank God I was smart would have died from the so called tablet you ask me to insert inside my V-j.I will advice you stop posting your fake Fibroid cure nonsense on Linda's blog.Thanks
this is 2015 packaging, Oga Atiku is forming re-branded and composed man, when e reach time for election debate and PDP convention i go see your real packaging
Anon 12:24pm, I feel u die, u re damn intelligent.
Hello o! Atiku u for no reply the mumu. And so what if he bought a house for his mom at age 14, Mr. Analyst at 40 what have you done for ur mom? Atikulikuli as "charity begins at home" so 14 yrs as president u go buy all Nigerians houses too abi? Make I check my vote weda I go fit share am in 2? One for u and one for me. But I choose me o as the devil I know beta pass ur angel tinz O_O lolz. (Sharrap I am talking)
Abeg Atiku shld go n sit his ass down o jare, now he is talking crap of how he bought a house 4 mumsy @14, after u n ur cohorts has finished destroying d country to ds level, evn a university graduate can't buy such a low class house now. Atleast wen u were 14 we d economy of d country was booming, abeg go n sit somewhere u re all d same, mtchewww! U beg n campaign for votes, n @d end of da day u betray d electorates. Its obvious u want to contest 4 presidency come 2015, dats y u re regularly on twitter ds days.
Nigerians r jst two faced timing bitches!
All of a sudden una don forget who atiku really be nothing but a deceiver, and a betrayer!
Atiku all d way my ass!
Mumu ur sss student are they 14 years? If u like if ur child steals and build u house at 14 don't question, wo all of u will rot oin jail.14 cor 30 ni!## pretty Ada
Hmmmmm na wa oh,dis country self mbok linda gimme fresh gist o jare
I think if Kayode was unable to achieve anything at his tender age does not mean others didn't.
May God bless you 4 dis comment I've been wondering if we really understand τ̅Ħ̀ε̅ main point here thank God we still ave sum1 like u who see beyond picture, now the fools will start with setiment judgemental dat he started with nothing! If @ 14 yrs as poor as he claimed he can get a job and now @ 40yrs its impossible! ΨђåƮ W̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̊ƪƪ happen 2 our unborn child? Youth think!!!
Atiku is the man
Jealousy is a disease. Im sure this bitter Mr Kayode hasnt even bought his mum a spoon at this his old age talkless of a home.. Thats why his tiny brain cant comprehend what VP Atiku said, (not even in his wildest dreams).. Small man, small mind. I believe u sir.
Atiku is a humble fellow. He has a gud business in Adamawa that produces bottled water and fruit juice + d Uni as well. Sources revealed that e grew his biz by selling rice and other foodstuffs b4 venturing into politics or other big businesses. His story may be true tho.
I paid rent and fed my mum, younger and elder sister for a whole year at the age of 13 when my mum was seriously ill ....so Mr Atiku stories like that are not new to us in Naija, especially dose that are not born with a silver spoon.....if u head is on ur neck u will do any job to support ur family wen the going gets tough.
So this Atiku man don dey steal since childhood??
Wonders will never end
Selfish deluded man trying to run for Presidency..we see right through you...you bought a house yeah @14..now because you and your cronies ruined the nation probably 75% of adults cannot buy their own homes talk less of their parents..shame on you..impressed NOT!!...
How many 14 year olds could buy houses for their mothers when he was Vice President of Nigeria. He and his colleagues raped Nigeria blind and stole all they could. He has houses in one of the best counties in Maryland U.S.A and has wives like harem. Built a university where only the rich and influential could dare send their kids to. How many teenagers did he send to school free? How many kids are in his university tuition free? What did he do for his state. What are his contributions to Nigeria as a whole. Was his mother the only homeless woman then. Why didnt he learn from that and build houses for homeless widows now that he is super rich. Nigerian are the most gullible sets I have ever encountered. Maybe its the food or the fact that gullibility is passed down from generation to generation. How can someone write such Bullshiit, (excuse me) and you are all dancing kokoma behind him/ What about his indictment in United States. All his boys that he put in choice areas of government who are stealing and robbing to please him. Yet he says he is not a thief, he bought a house for his mother at 14. So? Wake up guys! Wake up!. Nigeria has no leader worthy of emulation. Thats why Nigerian youths will do anything to get rich. A case at hand is the Union Bank I.T mess, and numerous other internet scam and pen robbery. Every leader in Nigeria is a thief, so the Youths have nothing to learn but the art of Robbery. Even grown adults want their own share of the goodies. Everybody is crazily searching for wealth anywhere, everywhere and anyhow even in the churches and mosques. C'me on people. Its time to do a detour from these mobile robbers. P L E A S E!. We need men and women of integrity who can stand the temptations of political offices. People who have the heart of God and the fear of God. Selfless people, tested people, intelligent people, compassionate people. Not this unbaked, uncouth, irresponsible people called leaders. OL
Hmmmmm Atiku ad his games yes wi hv hrd u bot a house 4 ur mom @ 14 its a gud tin bt plss pipo dnt let dis his story chng ur veiw of him its his many ploys 2 bcom relevant again lets b careful his notin bt a chameleon ad a traitor
Oga Atiku,when I was 14,you are the vice president of Nigeria,and that which you did for your mom,was made impossible by your Government.I love my mom too.
Of wat use is dis info comin frm the wrng person
Big Man crack joke,poor man nor laf...i sorry for am,Na hunger go kill am!!!......Kayode pls go hide yor hungry lookin you!!!
Oga Atiku,when I was 14,you are the vice president of Nigeria,and that which you did for your mom,was made impossible by your Government.I love my mom too.
Olodo try attend adult school too...your english get as e be!!!
Dis Atiku man hav turn blogger finish, seeing him on fb,twitter *lol*Nd U bot ur mum a ouse @ 14yrs E ku odun ooo.Since U ve spoil Nigeria naw i don't fink any 14yrs old boy can do dat naw..So ee shey rere ***2015 tinzz*
Don't mind the useless man.All the looting and stealing and over charging going on in Nigerian Customs Service can be directly traced to him.Using people's sweat for gain.God must punish all of you people.You want to rule Nigeria yet tread everyone especially the common man underfoot.Chief T.A Orji as well,over taxing Abia residents especially market people,God will never tire of punishing you and you will not live to enjoy your ill-gotten wealth.Amen!
Big Man crack joke,poor man nor laf...i sorry for am,Na hunger go kill am!!!......Kayode pls go hide yor hungry lookin you!!!
love love love atiku. he's calmness tho.
Liar Atiku your desperation will take you no where. Kayode was right with his post.
I believe! Nobody want to see his/her mother homeless! 12 or 14 if u have the money you'll surely do it!
Atiku should just go and sit somewhere.... If the leaders of old where anything like him and his fellow crooks, will he have had such an opportunity? I hate these dirty old fools that won't be content with the much they have stolen.
When would ignorant and gullible realize that this man(ATIKU) is just whipping up sentiments because he wants to via for the presidency come 2015.What did he do for the people as a vice president for 8yrs.please people think, enough of this sentiments, once beaten twice shy.
Please Sir, do not appear in public without your Cap....
I believe atiku,buying a house in the northern part of nigeria doesn't cost much unlike lagos nd oda south-west-east part of nigeria,and also,one of my plenty in-laws,once told us dat he bought d land wia he built his current house @d rate of 40naira nd it was meant for his mother(may she RIP) so pls all of u shld take several seats o,ATIKU is one of few honest politicians we av!
note the moderate but articulate response...Atiku put d facts before him buh didnt insult anyone. dats maturity even tho am not a fan of the Atiku sef
Atiku stop campaigning and trying to connect with us...ur one of the bad ones. u were able to buy a house at 14 for that price cos the leadership was good. today can u even get a decent meal with 9 pounds. park well joor cos ur one of the contirbutors to the pithole Naija has found itself today.
Anon September 17, 2013 at 12:05 PM; you know him well. Then he gets commentators on his Facebook page abusing one another with all sorts of tribal slurs.
I believe Atiku built the house but probably not at 14, maybe 16. In line with this their politicians/footballers age, he's probably cut his age so all age stories match up.
Its always nice to read the foolish of some peeps,is nigeria problems atikus fault?was nigeria best @ the time he bought the house for his mom?
why dis man tweet all d time?I don't believe any tin dat comes 4rm is mouth.his d not honesty man.a man who can not country jst a party jumping 4rm place to another.hop he brought d so call house wit allumajeri money
Typical Kayode. Always irrational and quick to judge. He's also a well known BIGOT! That said, I don't care about Atiku but have no reason not to believe him
Atiku OLE, 3 pounce for three months, 3 months break for only Atiku,then 3 ponce was a big money, maybe he is so corrupt even from childhood, slealling Ziro's money
Even though I like Atiku's response, I think it shows how bad Nigeria has become. If Atiku's story is anything to go by, it is shameful that a teenager of our days might need to save for a life time before he can buy a house to live in talk less of a house to buy for his parents (no more how small the house is). Many full time workers of our days can't afford to pay annual rent after taking out living expenses from their salary talk less of buying a house. What a shame
Nawaaaa o
who caresssss?????????????????????????????????????????????? Anus fuckers!
who cares???????????????????????? I made my first $5,0000 at the age of 12. so save the story for another day!
I don't believe this story of buying house at the age of 14 unless somebody gave him the money. It is not possible that a teen will earn £3 per month and save all £3 for 3 months without spending a dime even though the office is at his back yard.
if true good,Atiku shud not forget, said cant give sim like Don j and now that he has goten so muc from the govt,is time he begins saraka,give part back to d masses,they defraud in d name of be in afro power
I don't believe this story of buying house at the age of 14 unless somebody gave him the money. It is not possible that a teen will earn £3 per month and save all £3 for 3 months without spending a dime even though the office is at his back yard.
I don't really support Ogundamisi's comment but Atiku should shut up abeg. He and his PDP colleagues contributed in no small measure to the destruction of this country that gave them everything.
He has plans for 2015 so he's cunningly warming himself into the heart of the youths. Of course he knows that they're as dumb as their parents' generation and would buy his deceit hook, line as sinker.
Some bloggers on the medium are so full of sh*t.
Then he tried.
♍Ɣ father was 24yrs when his first car madza was stolen at the national staduim, the next day he conveinently went into anoda to shop to buy a brand new madza. ♍Ɣ mother was 22yrs wen she paid ƒọ̥я jakande flat in mile2 estate.they were in the middle class category. Ii α̲̅♍ 35yrs working tiredlessly all tru the year yet ii don't hv 100thousand in ♍Ɣ savings. So those days things were a bit easy ƒọ̥я our folks but now, it is very challenging. So i'll blame kayode ƒọ̥я not doing proper investigation before condemning atiku. He created more opportunity ƒọ̥я atiku to receive public sympathy!
In a era of arm chair bloggers who have succeeded in creating a generation of critics rather than leaders @atiku is making a difference be it + or -, can say such 4 @kayode who criticise people 4 his breakfast. HRH Igwe Daperjack 1 of Warri York via ipad 20
Your analysis would have made sense if you used your God given brain to proofread
I beg make una help me ask Atiku wether him dey chop cow head every day? This man head just resemble cow head!...Haba!!!..LOL.
Abi olodo ni bobo yi sha?!!! Wats ur understandin of "humble background"?..pls make sure u knw d meanin to things befre tryin to rubbish others.
Pls read Former VP COMMENT ohhhh..working as a clerk for adamu ciroma..no be the same national cake malam adamu ciroma steel money ni....pls stop posting dis shit..leave dem alone,they will all rout in hell
Not interested.....whether true or not looks like the epic story GEJ told abt walking bare footed to school yet he doesn't know how to cater for the masses.....
Nonsense decoy
Broke people always think every other person is like them!They always find it hard to believe the great things other people can/has achieved.
Atiku, who claims he bought a house for his mother at 14 can tell that to the marines.
I wish that was an issue in a court of law for determination as to its veracity. The truth will come out by force.
And when somebody like Atiku talks, it is my nose, not my ears, that I block out.
He's at liberty to make any claim he wishes any way. Nonsense and ingredients.
A political trollop like Atiku, a man of monumental corruptive instinct, a man for whom some dude had to climb a high tower intending to commit suicide just in the bid to draw the attention of a numb Atiku and an aloof world of the politician's disinclination to pay up some debt being owed him by Atiku, a politician that lacks moral conscience and could go any length to render Nigeria ungovernable, a perennial schemer for power, who could imagine up and use any stunt just to become Nigeria's president, is only believable at the greatest risk.
Now I understand why Obasanjo put paid to him and his fucked up ambition while he lasted in office.
Jonathan also defeated him in 2011 like a piece of shit.
Atiku led and drummed up ZONING like a war clarion. It didn't work.
He floated Boko Haram that nearly consumed the country in its wake. It didn't work.
Now he has come with up with the bogus thing christened new PDP, all because of his inveterate presidential ambition. Of course that won't work for its legal vacuity.
We are watching how this power junkie will emerge president in 2015.
We, including Obasanjo and Anenih, are watching!!!
What has he done to ensure that the youths of today's Nigeria not even the teens can get jobs between school and save up money to contribute to the fueling of the family generator.
He should deceive only himself,they have finished this country that gave them everything.
I bought a new ML 600 for my mum yesterday and I am a just 6years.
not a big fan of politics and all its intrigues but i must say that i respect Atiku's stand point an dam impressed that he could still come up with a cool response.
If u ever come out for Presidency, I'll vote for u just bcos of this response.
Observation: if ur mother was homeless where re u living den?re u not staying 2geda? quote "d ouse cost 9 pound & u saved 3 pound" where did u get d rmaining 4 pound to pay up?
Free nd cheap publicity, his slowly winning the hearts of the nigerian youth...#smartmove, just that the last person that did that is the same nigga dats keeping the youths @ home reading LIB erdae instead of reading our books ..., hope we don't fall for fake pity media campaign...;)
Nice , but was he been paid 3pounds at that time as a clerk? Because my father as a superintendent of Police then, was receiving 4 pounds/month as salary. so how come they where paying a student/vac jobber 3 pounds??? that's mean no be today all these system failure start. we work/exist in a country where the driver can earn more than the General Manager just because he is related to the owner of the company or the God father of the organisation.>> GOD HELP US!!!
I really care to know why atiku has suddenly became a twitter fan?? is this some sort of election campaign???- M.U.S
14years old or not I belief if a man set is mind on achieving anything he sure can.
Please Mr Kayode it is still possible now for children to provide for their parents. If not a house, then food or clothing. Nowadays, girls prostitute to pay school fees and train their younger one. Ask them they are gainfully employed. Well from a personal experience my mother built the 1st house in her family after all her relations lost their houses during the civil war. Out of love and pressing responsibilities, she married late because she was the one working and providing for the family. Mr Kayode, sensible people from poor background realise their problems and strive hard to achieve success at a very young age. Please apologize to the man.
You be mumu ode oshiii
Mtscheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. OLD paPa youngy deres definitly nothing for Ɣ☺ΰ in dis country again ntorrrrr..!!! If Ɣ☺ΰ like enter fB badoo skype, ebuddy palmtree BBm papaya even pawpaw Ɣ☺ΰ can't win any heart to vote for Ɣ☺ΰ
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