Still defiant! Miley Cyrus performs in nipple pasties and fishnet dress | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 22 September 2013

Still defiant! Miley Cyrus performs in nipple pasties and fishnet dress

Guess the criticism is not getting to her. Miley stepped out and performed on stage in a see-through fishnet dress at the iHeart Radio Music Festival which took place in Vegas yesterday. More photos from her performance after the cut...



Anonymous said...

Hmmmm dats all I can say

Anonymous said...

Is this a dress or an undress? Besides, she has no boobs and arse. In fact she's boring.


She has grown up. Don't judge her.

Anonymous said...

Khloe looks like she has lost some weight. Poor girl. Stress of dealing with LamLam. Make una leave Miley abeg, her life, her rules! #JayBeyBlu

vgbgterry said...

Yanshless gurl twerking!! #vomits.... Keep it up miley a.k.a GudGalGoneBad! BTW she aint sexy #datsall. #YAGA

Anonymous said...

This child is probably waving but drowning!

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Lady Gaga wannabe! Well, that's her business! In my world Arsenal is topping the league at the moment and that's my business!

Anonymous said...

Fuck Miley Cyrus. Arsenal just scored !!!!!!

elo tasha said...

I think this is the concept and role given to her by her master!!!!.....believe me this girl is no longer herself

SaBREZ said...

she's probably not concerned

Anonymous said...

even her mic looks like D

Jehnypha said...

Lol... She's strong o if i were her i wudda comitted suicide since

pumpkin said...

Omo ale jati jati

Anonymous said...

Crazy girl...>>> truth behind Tuface's fame CLICK HERE.

Anonymous said...

Chineke! Dis babe no hear word! She doesnt even pay attention critics., I wish her well in her latest show of ignorance . Linda if u like post my comment . Miya

Amaka said...


Unknown said...

Miley miley na you biko. Carry dey go. The best advice na the one wey you give yourself.

Kunle said...

This people wont just stop. please rate it 18+ guess the young lady is just having fun

SUNSHINE said...

When you tell a child not to do something.
Thats when the child will do it in full force.
'cause the child would be like 'why are they telling me not to do this?'
She should be left alone to her learn her lessons.

sleek said...

One word. Disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Duh! Like seriously miley is goin craaazzyyy tot lady gaga was worse nw she has a junior sister of

Kunle said...


MzAnon said...

Good girl gone bad!the illuminatis have her already and are programming her. She's a great singer and really doesn't need all these

Anonymous said...

I love this gurl

Anonymous said...

OMohsi jati jati!!!

Anonymous said...

Omo rada rada!!!

Anonymous said...

Miley Miley Miley! What a shame...good girl gone bad

Unknown said...

I lov miley tho but *sad* @Oilessdamerell1

Anonymous said...

Linda u cn b vry biased sumtyms.pls give miley a break..y didn't u mention dat she shed tears while performin'Wrecking ball'.she jst broke up wit liam.she's an entertainer & anytin is accepted on stage said...

Where is the old Miley? - I miss her. Gross!

Unknown said...

Miley miley u have kolo I swear

Anonymous said...

This girl sef! next is and drug overdose! foolish girl.
Guess she's just telling Liam that she cant be bothered.

Anonymous said...

Not surprised!
~D great anonymous!

Berry Miky said...

Miley Virus! Very ugly sight I must say.... *kmt*

Mab said...

Oh Miley I think she knws exactly what she is doin, and dem kardashians, y am I not suprised, anyhw am sure she will overcome d badgirl phase

Anonymous said...

Nawa oh

Cute G said...

SMH.Wasted Beauty!

Anonymous said...

she can do beta dan dat, y not remove d pants completely? Yeye gurl. D'KING... Says So.

Neetejay said...

Ridiculous !!!

Neetejay said...

Ridiculous !!!

Berry Miky said...

Miley Virus!Very ugly sight I must say...*kmt*

eye jay said...

Its actually trending for her if her wrecking ball video would actually be nominated for an award... Wat else can I say *eyes rolling*

Anonymous said...

Wat a wasted life

Anonymous said...

My prayer for her is that God comes to her rescue really quick. Lady gaga and Rihanna can do these things and get away with it because they 've already placed them on the" red book". She is on a fast-moving downward spiral.
Mother Mary,help her.

Anonymous said...

My prayer for her is that God comes to her rescue really quick. Lady gaga and Rihanna can do these things and get away with it because they 've already placed them on the" red book". She is on a fast-moving downward spiral.
Mother Mary,help her.

Sefoh Aisagbonhi said...

This girl no go gree hear word oh

Anonymous said...

God save her soul and mine too,cos i hate her with so mucg hatred.

PAVOUR said...

End time in front of our doors oh.. guys repent sharpaly..hmm

Anonymous said...

.....With her dry nyash !

Unknown said...

N I tot I had a flat ass *smh*

Unknown said...

N I tot I had a flat ass *smh*

Anonymous said...

Get a rest! #ladygagawannabe#

Anonymous said...

Her dad Billy Ray Cyrus must b having a heart attack ryt abt now!
His little Hannah Montana is now a Rihanna-wannabe..
D Kadarshian/Jenners look amazing..
Esp Khloe..
Billie jean

Anonymous said...

Miley has gone gaga, whatever happened to the goldilock hannah montanna innocent young girl. She grew up too fast and bypassed puberty and it's ÅŠ☺ wonder that she hangs out with the katrashians.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm na she sabi

Anonymous said...

D breast no even dey sexy sef,ugly looking nonsense

Anonymous said...

Linda make sure say u post my comment

biola said...

Dis was aw gd gal turn bad(rihanna) startd,,,lol..guess she wana b lik er dou

Marcus said...

Enjoy the nudity when it lasts. Time comes when no man or wowan can work.

Nice skin anyway. Hope it continues glittering till eternity.

Ah! I almost forgot - nobody has ever succeded in his/her attempt to cheat nature.

Anonymous said...

Her ass though... Disgust!!

Anonymous said...

Kim's kid sister is super hot wow.

mallam musa said...

This girl is going mad,don't you have an ARO hospital there

Unknown said...

Definitely not my role model. The wild way this girl don go ehn e no go easy to go back

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

She could have kuku performed NAKED!
yeye girl

Anonymous said...

Ok.......but I lik her hair still,n 4 all u haters no nid insultin cus she's so smillin 2 da bank topin all d billboard

Unknown said...

Our little Hannah Montana is gone.....good girl gone bad

Anonymous said...

Did I just saw kim k wearing "like a virgin" gown? Surely the world is coming to an end

Unknown said...

Gossshhh!!!!! Wots wrong wit dis girl sef??? Alwz lukn so disgusting....

Are u sure she z not an anti-Christ?

Anonymous said...

Lindsay Lohan's rehab centre should prepare for another patient. Even her "don't put me in a sweet little teenage box" rebellion is not original. We saw Britney do it

Anonymous said...

Just a kid

Anonymous said...

Werey girl,madness don enter her blood finish.Anyways,Kardashian sisters,I see u joor,u guys look sweet...Stephy says so!!!

Rough Diamond said...

Its her life! She shld live it d way it pleases her!
Ugly dress btw

Mida said...


Anonymous said...

*plucks cane* oya come here iti.mpataka. today it has bin fr u

Anonymous said...

This girl is still useless sha, with her frying pan ass!!!

Dolly P said...

She is definitely on cheap drugs

Anonymous said...

*plucks cane* oya come here. it has bin fr u; today na today, it has bin fr u. atention whore iti mpataka

Anonymous said...

Is this little girl about to become a porn star..... What's All this madness....

mariam said...

Lmao! See khloe's face self! Miley Miley she will wear shoe and be nakeD! Its pointless

Jumyk said...

Rubbish!! She supposed ‎​N cover her nipples nawww...

brown sugar 19 said...

why do i think shes tryng hard to be like bad girl riri?????

Anonymous said...

work it girl... Liam couldn't handle

Unknown said...

Our dear Hanna montana has gone.... Good girl gone bad!!!

juicyhawtstuff said...

Pretty girl gone bad.

DownUnder said...

This girl is seriously crying out for help yet people are just looking at her.

Anonymous said...

Does she think she's sexy....

Jbankz said...

Like joke,like joke diz gal don de turn anoda fin oooo.c as d K family dress n fine.miley plz control ur drugz nd dnt let t control u

Anonymous said...

If this ass and boobs were any bigger,I swear d world woulda come 2 an abrupt end on her terms.....loool!and the tongue thing tho!!!

Anonymous said...

He he, its not easy

ujudearieomalicha said...

This world don finish. Cheapest way of seeking attention.crazy outfit

Richie Rich said...

na so craze dey start

Richie Rich said...

na so craze dey start

Anonymous said...

i feel sorry for her. She irritates me.

Anonymous said...

I feel sad anytime I set my eyes on beautiful ladies that decide to go nude.

Anonymous said...

I feel like sucking her sexy pussy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dis one, her hell fire na seperate place..... See as she bi....

Mzz Becky Wright said...

I still love yhu Milley...... If you know her dad u will stop blaming her.

Anonymous said...

Go girl!

Anonymous said...

Na so en d̅ey take start.Its her life anyways,so,who cares!

Anonymous said...

She has sold her soul to the devil, if not will she not sing well if she is properly dress? God will have mercy on her and safe her soul from the camp of satan.

Yemmie Oscar said...

I couldn't care less about her aberrant demeanor. She should just drop the "bangerz" already.

Unknown said...

OMG! This is so tacky sha. Plus she has such a weak a$$.

Anonymous said...

Guess everyone remains speechless on d Myley case. Hmmmmm

Anonymous said...


Now this is funny.


Anonymous said...

Her outfits don't even flatter her body
They just make her look like a whole.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm, *Lip sealed*

Anonymous said...

Who is this guy?

Michael said...

I remember some few years back when Jamie Foxx said miley syrus would end up on a stripper pole and he had to apologise for saying that sh* I think everyone owes Jamie foxx an Apology now.

Anonymous said...

Na she go tire.

Anonymous said...

Me no get y oyinbo pple go cover nipple leave breast, we don see all breast na exposed breast...!na d girl sabi ooo, she go still tire.

Anonymous said...

D naked tins no irritate me, gaga do worst nd still doing, na d tongue wey she dey bring out like dog dey vex me

Anonymous said...

GOOD GIRL GONE WHORE!!! *she really needs to keep her tongue in her mouth, with her nasty flat ass...rolling my eyes mtchewwwww* #AttentionSeeker

Anonymous said...

Lepa buruku! With dat her tongue dat can never EVER stay inside her destined-for-cock(S) mouth

Amah said...

Look @ our HANNAH MONTANA now turnd into onli God knows wat!!!hmmmm....lips sealed....

Anonymous said...

Its Obvious Miley's just trying so hard to get attention. And d way d media is goin on and on bout her dressing is really helping.

Anonymous said...

Itz kourtney k!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Gbagaun, abeg, read your comments carefully before posting. Thank you

Anonymous said...

She's trying too hard to be bad bt she still looks lik hannah on d face. Can't understand y her tongue is always out of place.

Anonymous said...

trashy, slut whatever people want to call her she's made a lot of money from it and yeah it sounds bad that she has to be nude to make money but can you blame her being good never really helped anyone in the industry
Love from Miami

Anonymous said...

Gud Gurl Gone babe don join illuminati..dat xplains y she alwayz coverz one eye wit d oda wide open(d pyramid nd d eye) nd dz nasty dressin#i nor won fynd dz comment oo Linda#


how a sweet girl just grew up and became a sour taste! mtcheww!

Anonymous said...

Its her body she can do watever she want..only God can judge ya 4get d haterz»»she said it all

Anonymous said...

The only obvious Tin am seeing is d Kardashians.Miley haff gone Mad.

Anonymous said...

We shouldn't expect her to stop. She is working hard to erase that child actor image. If we have that Disney image of her in our minds, she won't excel as an actor and will then need a 9 to 5 job. It's a struggle for survival.

Anonymous said...

Ur indeed jobless, its ur mum's V dat ur displaying dtz y we dnt nid to judge cyrus it also runs n ur family. Jst as we dnt nid to judge u 4 displayn ur mums V

Anonymous said...

This is an Lindsay Lohan waiting to happened.
May God give us life. She does need help though but people are making money off her idiocy so she is being encouraged. Hopefully, she lives to tell the story

Lizzy said...

All I c is 'shekeleke'.

Up Mancity

Unknown said...

I am so sick and tired of seeing Miley's tongue and body parts As long as they keep entertaining this fool she's going to keep acting a fool... Like a Muppet experimenting with their sexuality. Not sexy at all. she went from being a sweet country girl to trash.

Anonymous said...

oh my God, atimes l felt for he dat is above, has he made a mistake of creatn a man? Pls forgive us our sins, d ones we new n new not. Linda my God will judge u if did not post dis as usual.

Unknown said...

I am so sick and tired of seeing Miley's tongue and body parts As long as they keep entertaining this fool she's going to keep acting a fool... Like a Muppet experimenting with their sexuality. Not sexy at all. she went from being a sweet country girl to trash.

Anonymous said...

Who she dey cut eye for? Actually wetin she dey do no different for Kardashians and BBA wey we dey subscribe for and kids go dey watch.

Anonymous said...

Who she dey cut eye for? Actually wetin she dey do no different for Kardashians and BBA wey we dey subscribe for and kids go dey watch.

Unknown said...

Tell-tale signs that rehab is calling out to her.

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Anonymous said...

U re as pathetic as PC,ur DP shows how miserable ur life is. Go hug a transformer cos u re nt useful to the society. I pity ur generation

vampire lestat said...

A very good way to seek attention.
Ugly body,nothing attractive about her no yansh no boobs just the face lol

Anonymous said...

Flat cow.

Anonymous said...

Mhhh..I'm suprised no body noticed the closed one eye symbol.

Joyan said...

Really trashy.

Anonymous said...

na pikin be dis?? wasted!!!

Unknown said...

Baphomet tinz...

Leo "da" Vince

Unknown said...

Baphomet tinz...

Leo "da" Vince

Anonymous said...

the gross thing about this new miley is that she still has her cute baby face and her body is not that great... so she's not cute and also not sexy... its just weird and awful!

king tee x

Anonymous said...

Stripper chic

Anonymous said...

pls visit if you love fashion. Its awesome!

Dana said...

Can she stop the annoying tongue ish?? Its just making her look very stupid.. Anyways, she's just showing off her own maturity level..

Anonymous said...

Y r u guys hating on the guys.. He's just airing his opinon.. Haters!!!!

Lil micah said...

She an ass hole!

Anonymous said...

Wait dat banana microphone ?? it is a banana she's really gone crazy symbol of lady gaga

Anonymous said...

White trash...she'll live to regret all nyash she get no be booty

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous you are such a moron. Take a closer look at the picture. Your sense of reasoning definitely show how you life is retrogressing who are you to come out and insult someone like that? Fucking lowlife!

Anonymous said...

Nawa â„“̊ must impress

Oluwadamilola said...

Well.....Welcome to the future..

hur said...

please what does she sings?

Unknown said...

Miley n this her tongue ehhh she should slow down ooo

Unknown said...

If truly growing up is all about being naked then, every grown-up should have done same sometime, somewhere and somehow. Hey, fame is not about exposing the flesh and acting all so weird, she needs to be checked before she goes down the drain or is she trying to be Gaga's younger version??? SMH

Anonymous said...

I like her shoes.


She gets you guyz talking about.
....she gets more popular.
...she sells more records.
...thatz d idea!

MY TURN said...

see the Kardashians and Jenners famzing o didn't kris jenner call miley trash the other day on facebook

Anonymous said...

I still don't get why she likes opening her mouth. Not lady-like at all. But what do I expect, when one is going through the transformational years , trying to create an identity without proper guidance...........this is the result.
my opinion is that she detests the image the public has of her as a Disney Princess, hence she is trying so hard to show that she is now grown up. Rihanna has done some......this one is just surprising because its too consecutive....too rapid.
Linda. post this.

loudmouth said...

Lol ,What do we know....... Miley is just evolving I'm sure she'll grow out of this,do u complian bout lilwaynes excessive use of highly sexaul words.

Anonymous said...

Na WA o said...

Anonymous said...

abeg what yansh is this flat girl shaking.. nawa o.. with her big teeth, iono whether to call it rabbit teeth or horror teeth

Anonymous said...

Miley I love uuuuuu, u share the bombbb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk is cheap she probably doesn't even know someone like u is existing..

Unknown said...

i used to like hannah, but now i hate miley

Unknown said...

this girl has 4gotten so soon that she's suppose 2 b a role model 4 children...........i wonder wat happened 2 d sweet n innocent "hanna montana"

Anonymous said...


molebaba said...

Rehab in the corner, b**ch following the footstep of her derailed mentor

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