Pic of the day: IG of Police kisses his new wife on their wedding day | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 16 September 2013

Pic of the day: IG of Police kisses his new wife on their wedding day

Inspector General of Police Mohammed Abubakar married Zarah Bunu in a 3-day wedding carnival that started last week Thursday and ended on Saturday. Seen above kissing Zarah  after tying the knot in Abuja. Is she going through her phone while being kissed? Lol

Kcee performed at the wedding. See the photos after the cut...


Anonymous said...

The makeup on her face is too much abeg!she looks yoruba to me cos its only yoruba girls dat makeup lyk bush people,yoruba girls r just too razz abeg!YNO says so!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmm congra jus passin lili my comment

Anonymous said...

AwWwww, congrats to them! Ms Bee

Anonymous said...

ooops na money dey talk so linda.i no need soothsayer to tell me say na kudi make dis babe marry the man oh.Any way happy married life.

obianuju said...

D make up nba die!!! Dirty is d word.

Sparklingwinks said...


Anonymous said...

@y no u sure know u are a fool for the comment u just posted!! Son of a bitch

Anonymous said...

Linda how much will you pay me to teach you the difference between kissing and pecking?

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous September 16, 2013 at 2:03 PM
Madness dey worry u! Idiot!!

Anonymous said...

Thunder fire ur mouth I no say u no be Igbo,as u dey talk so u be gara or Hausa idiot ....

Anonymous said...

The make up is too much yes,but why are u insulting yoruba girls,I am not yoruba oo but ur insult is uncalled for!!

czar said...

As in eh, IG close eyes in passion...d babe dey dispassionately shine eye tru her phone like she is quickly deleting something

Anonymous said...

U r a retarded frustrated moron for taking out ur frustration on yoruba gals.. Dat u ve had an encounter wiv one doesn't make u stereotype d tribe.. Nitwit! By d way I'm yoruba..

Anonymous said...

U r a retarded frustrated moron for taking out ur frustration on yoruba gals.. Dat u ve had an encounter wiv one doesn't make u stereotype d tribe.. Nitwit! By d way I'm yoruba..

Anonymous said...

He is so in love!

Anonymous said...

hmmm....i think shes tking the pix on her fon actually

Daddy's Girl said...


Unknown said...

Hmmmm nawao,racism alert

Unknown said...

U jes a fag! Wassap with the yoruba issue here?are u tryna say ur culture is better off??? Get a life who ever u are! Plus,the bride look beautiful.who cares if she's making use of her phone sisi linda! Plz post my comment o

Anonymous said...

Dis linda sef...u like trouble! Lol

Unknown said...

Post my comment o

Anonymous said...

Anon 2.03pm, if u truely have respect for ur tribe, u wont insult others. Do u know the amt of reply in form of abuses and curses u will get on ur comment? Let wait and see. Nonetheless, I am pleased to announce to u dat u are ill-mannered.

xtinexxx said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This man is a lover boy o! Hausa man showing PDA??!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:03PM y u taking d thing personal. U didnt ve to quote any tribe. Am not yoruba tho. Just saying.

Unknown said...

Girlssss!!! D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ r kissing U̶̲̥̅̊ ãήϑ U̶̲̥̅̊ are pinging U̶̲̥̅̊R̶̲̥̅ boifriend

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up man!!!! Which stoopid yoruba girls....I guess u jst woke up frm ur coma nt quite long!!! Her name is zarah bunu dumbass fool!!!

Anonymous said...

JoooorRr oooooo!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Linda! No scatter pple hse oo..lol wit dis ur post.

Anonymous said...

Ur father.. Stupid fellow

Chic Benita said...

ok,.. nice kisses :D

Anonymous said...

GOD bless dem HML sir



slimrossy said...

Linda no be kiss bt peck nd maybe she was nt expecting it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are sounding like a fool

Princess Dee said...

Anon 2.03 pm...u don smoke gbana for dat comment.....

Proudly Yoruba

Anonymous said...

u are sick. Only God knws hw ugly u are bcos dis statement of urs can cause problem or triba war.

tfrutti said...

Ee bi like say him mouth dey smell her

SouthernSoul said...

Happy married life....... oga police

Anonymous said...

May God bless their union and may he please grant my heart desires IJN. I need a good hardworking successful husband before december

Anonymous said...

Linda, I guess her bf was pinging her.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaa!! The yoruba girls will skin you alive for that comment lol!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you have a problem with the Yoruba's?? M-kat

judith hanrankis said...

Wow,lovely,where is my dildo let me kiss

Anonymous said...

Linda!! Is dis news??? N dis doesn't look like kiss to me.

Anonymous said...

Which kind of pancake makeup bi dis? She finished almost a container of cake & blush powder on her face. It is like kissing Adamma masquerade.Very razz.

Anonymous said...

Adamma masquerade! Very razz.

judith hanrankis said...

Dumb ass,u r damn stupid for saying that,why are u hating?have u eaten today,mumurity dey worry ur generation,yorubas we r cute and u knw it

Anonymous said...

Un-attentive kissing style. The bride was simply chatting n pinging wit people that matters while d oga on top was simply on his own.

oluwatosin Abefe said...

So!how is disw one news?next pls.

Anonymous said...

wassup with the makeup...wrong powder colour

Anonymous said...

May thunder fire u,ode,idiot person,Linda pls always block racist comment.#loveuurneighdour.

Anonymous said...

Shut up idiot@ anon2:03

Anonymous said...

Stupid tribalistic fool, r we talkin abt culture here. U r definitely one of d problems of Nigeria. Die alrdy ode, Omo irankiran. Mschewwww

Anonymous said...

Updating her status on twiter/facebook etc. Make-up is excess

Anonymous said...

You are mad. What's up with this tribe ish? We are all one be it Yoruba Igbo or Hausa. People like you are the reason Nigeria cannot move forward I am sure none of your mother or sisters are beautiful so just take a sit and just die in short mschew


Anonymous said...

Lyk sewoiusly??? Wetin concern yoruba girl wif dis story,na hausa she be incase u no c her name...mtchew*goes back to surfin d internet*

Anonymous said...

Keep datt Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊r dirty mouth shut,foolish person


Ashmark Olakunle said...

See this one.......Na Ibo people worst for make up..Ask Linda sef, she can't denial it.

Anonymous said...

U dey mad ni cos if u no dey mad u won't utter rubbish words....U no see classy Omo sexy, shey na ur stupid tribe she be.....I just hate wen pipo are tribalistic, dunno wen u all we learn dat we are ONE......

Anonymous said...

Zara ogini? Who did your makeup???? Hian oo

Anonymous said...

@anonymous 2:03pm may thunder roast u 2 death & u must be very stupid 4 dat silly statement,yorubas re d best.oshi radarada

Anonymous said...

Lol... Funny how some people just want to start controversies and hope to get their myopic views trending...

Anonymous said...

U r a fool 4saying dt abt yoruba girls.Is dere any connection btw make-up and tribe?

princess priceless said...

Why being tribalistic? @ annon 2:03

princess priceless said...

Why being tribalistic? @ annon 2:03

Ashmark Olakunle said...

Madness dey worry u! Idiot!!...........Coming from someone that I know...Just guessing

Anonymous said...

Please if you don't know what racism is then keep shut! Or get shot! Ewu mme

SUNSHINE said...

1st anon to comment is an omo ale.
no be kick you dae take wake your papa?
bloody nuisance

Anonymous said...

Lmao! Na only yoruba people dey visit this blog?? Hahah ndi ofe mmanu! Kwenu!! Kwezuonu oooo

Anonymous said...

the truth is always bitter.... They don't only over makeup some of them are too DIRTY and can't even prepare good meal....via 279e2e09

Anonymous said...

the truth is always bitter.... They don't only over makeup some of them are too DIRTY and can't even prepare good meal....

Anonymous said...

God hs hear ur cry already

Unknown said...

High quality and affordable stone coated step tile roofing system @ Batlan ltd call Mike @ 08161505357.

Anonymous said...

Fr d fact dat she got married to a man who is older doesnt make her a gold digger. Most f d g8s beefing nw wld even marry their grand fada wen it is thier turn. Dat man jst change her surname while u r still chasing one small rat arround who is nt even ready fr u xcept fr wht u hv under ur legs. Go ask God fr urs n allow d babe to enjoy her marriage. 9ja babes wit jelosy!!

Anonymous said...

Ure a dumb head, if nt u wont post such comment. Oloshi

Anonymous said...

A leopard never changes its skin.One word Runs girl

Anonymous said...

FYI, her father is alos fully loaded.

Anonymous said...

Y r u being tribalistic.is it ur igbo grls any better??u igbo grls should go n take several seats..

Anonymous said...

Make Up was absolutely gorgeous...the lighting and the flash of the phone ruined it...

Now you lot, run along and get a life...she is living her own and you are commenting...
Little people really do talk about big people....
who is talking about you?

Anonymous said...

For those of you insulting her that she is a gold digger mind you... her father is rich which i knw coz i knw the family personally and for those of you calling her a witch at least she got him which am very sure most of you will jump for that opportunity so make una go jump into red sea.... WAWAYE KAWAI!!!!

Anonymous said...

Of a truth it is pure yoruba girls style.Always dirty but will use make up to cover up.Smelling things.Infact yoruba girls are synonymous odour.

Anonymous said...

Wo!,Him go lick the mascara and the Mary Kay.chai! SMH.To all them tribalistic mofo's.May u rot in hell.Ifeanyi

Anonymous said...

So just because I talked bout yoruba girls,you all want to kill me with insults?u see my problem with yoruba ppl,dey swear a lot and curse a lot,can't I express my own opinion?even in d constitution,there is freedom of speech and expression,to all those who said horrible things to me n wished me dead,it will all go back to u.YNO says so.

Anonymous said...

U're a useless idiot calling kettle black. Where d he'll are u from that u think u can insult Yoruba pple thru here, may God punish ur entire generation for this.

Full blooded yoruba said...

@ anonymous sept 15, 02:03pm, though u wer first to comment but i see u comin last in dis life bcos of ur tribalistic brain. I m so sure u r ibo. i know ur story. U ppl are otherwise termed ''alonilowogba' which means ppl dat twist other peoples wrist in order to forcefully get wot odas hold. Mor reason y fashola has to kip deporting ur flatheads to ur rotten villages. Mor reason y u r being hated by oda tribes. D only ppl u culd insult n go scot-free r d yorubas cos u knw it doesnt cost d hausas 1 second to ruin ur entire tribe.Bunch of ingrates!!!

Anonymous said...

Linda what is the point of delaying your audience comments when RUDE and DIS-RESPECTFUL COMMENTS are not filtered but will rather slip through the net !!!

Perhaps, there is no net (No checks and balances) set up to filtered foul comments!!!!!

Please kindly review your procedure!!

Anonymous said...

Linda, I always thought you censored comments on your blog. Let's not fuel the embers of tribalism here please. We come to your site to take a load off and not to get disgusted by such tribalistic comments.

Anonymous said...

Abi o

Janelicious said...

Linda this is just a peck nothing kissing.

Anonymous said...

Na true oh! Yorubas and make up. Guess they do dat to cover up their dirt... Ewwwww

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:03, why bring tribe into dis? Totally uncalled for. The make-up tho, and I think she is just taking their pics to update on bbm, Facebook and twitter. lol.

Unknown said...

Congratulations to them!

Anonymous said...

Ure a prostitute

Anonymous said...

Ure.a retarded fool

Anonymous said...

What is kc presh doing there ??? And why are her knuckles so dark?? And the man does not look happy, why?? And why is the lady in the guest area eyeing zara? Wait why are these people being celebrated?? Is the nigerian police up to scratch?? And why does zara keep giving such fake smile? Is she already cheating ? Wait why am I even commenting?

JJ said...

Did anyone notice that she was checking her messages on her mobile while lover boy IGP was giving her a peck on the cheek? How rude. People can't do without their mobile phones anymore.

I can see her checking her messages while having sex..lol

Anonymous said...

Stop seeking for attention....ode, is it not ur tribal person dah washed ha private parts in tђe food you buy from her....pigs, besides its nt abt tribe, its abt tђέ bride, and she z preety, the camera quality ddnt capture her face well....dumb nitwit seekin 4 attention....oya chop crown of mumurity, no wonder you are so ugly....u use your dirty mama's ass to think...under bridge product

tђέ sexy 1 said...

Na wa o!....some gals be beefing cos tђέ oga police ddnt notice dem, dun worry, ur boo z coming, u knwhe kant marry everybody, u pepo hav seen pix, now u knw he z fine, u wnt 2 marry....oshii radarada...afrocandy z waitin 4 u pepo...go n act

Anonymous said...

Stop seeking for attention....ode, is it not ur tribal person dah washed ha private parts in tђe food you buy from her....pigs, besides its nt abt tribe, its abt tђέ bride, and she z preety, the camera quality ddnt capture her face well....dumb nitwit seekin 4 attention....oya chop crown of mumurity, no wonder you are so ugly....u use your dirty mama's ass to think...under bridge product

Anonymous said...

I wonder why some idiot set of human being ll open deir rikety and retard mouth to talk to some tribe as if deir generation are nt like monkey. And wht pains me is dat dey ll hide under d influence of anonymous and talk rubbish, u for write una name so dat we'll knw the stupid set of people dat gave birth to u. Olori buruku masanfaaani.yoruba are far more beta dan ur tribe.omo ale randanrandan

Hrm paul ojeih said...

wish dem a happy married life but wetein kci get to sing for them other than limpopo I.G fall him hand o na concert im do way im go dey invite kci way people like tuface, timi dakolo dey there way go sing good love songs for am and im boo it shows dat our I.G na jaiye jaiye man

Anonymous said...

What was on your fathers father faces. Kwashiorkor , hunger and cannibalism. True story

Anonymous said...

Congrats 2 dem

Anonymous said...

Now u knw hw it is when u make fun of other tribes. I do nt support the insult though, it was totally uncalled for.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

you deserve to be skinned alive for cumming here and insult a whole tribe even when the news has nothing to do with Yoruba girls.I'm Igbo but hate it when people stir up tribal conflict when some of us are working so hard to bring peace and stability in the country.

Anonymous said...

Hummnn see tribal war,bt y do pple of oda tribes like to rubbish d yorubas?is it bcos we dnt av our version of boko haram nd militants, bcos seriously d insults getn too much.fortunately we dnt av to respond bcos we are better dan any tribe in dis nation,we are the best read,we are industrialists nt traders,we are born leaders obj example.u guys can go on hating.No tribe in nigeria can beat us.awon baba nla yin tried bt dey failed aw much more.

Anonymous said...

Is dis his first marriage? HML to dem.

Mma ino said...

Blush of life. lol.

Anonymous said...

This is wishing the Police boss a peaceful with his beautiful bride Zahra. Never mind all the negative comments, many girls will love to be in Zahra's shoes(that's married to big man)

Anonymous said...

At anony 2.47pm,no b small adanma,na ADANMOWU Chizzy

Miss Ellen said...

looolz linda.... always sees what other bloggers couldnt see, pressing her phone ni!...LWKMH.

http://www.updatenaija.com said...

I wish them happiness and laghter in their marriage..

Anonymous said...

Her make-up is too harch,"lol!! Is not good at all

Anonymous said...

Nigerians y?I do not see anything wrong with her make up sef...u guys can't just let others be...and to those tribalistic peeps...run along in rhianna's voice...dukky says so

Anonymous said...

Is it DAT with all d money did people have dey can't afford a makeup artist? Or has the girl not heard about dem? Na wa o

Ikenga said...

People should learn not to reply trolls on blogs. The first commenter was just a fool looking for controversy nothing more, and the poorer fool Ashmark Olakunle obliged him and fired a nuclear bomb in the process. Sir, how did you know that the commenter is Igbo? Linda cannot DENIAL (sic) this either. Linda may do better and start demanding for proof of scholarship before posting comments here, just saying.

Anonymous said...

See dem...mad ppl.yoruba too like trouble,..

Anonymous said...

No b lie oh! Yoruba gehs makeup fit paint duplex abi na mansion! Hu z dat braggin wit omosexy? Shey Eniola Badmus no b yoruba 2? Hehehehe....oh....nd dey r dirty aswell nd stink as hell(yoruba gehs)#startcryin

Anonymous said...

She is not a gold digger firstly her name is fatima bunu her dad is the former minster of fct was in london before comin to nigeria

Anonymous said...

No b lie oh! Yoruba gehs makeup fit paint duplex abi na mansion! Hu z dat braggin wit omosexy? Shey Eniola Badmus no b yoruba 2? Hehehehe....oh....nd dey r dirty aswell nd stink as hell(yoruba gehs)#startcryin

Anonymous said...

U ds mumu...so in ur lousy mind,any1 dat insult yoruba z Ibo? Ewu gambia! Wit ur #50 sunglasses. Gaan see clean lukin gehs in d east. B der foolin ursef,jealousy of d highest order!

Anonymous said...

Ndi #50 sunglasses...ur r still commentin? Park well joor awobi!!ode lyk u...

Anonymous said...

Abeg wher dem tek b best? Onuofia!

Anonymous said...

Abeg hu z ds agbero lukin like babalawo? Ask linda wetn? She z 2 busy mkin ha moni dan answerin cretins like u!yoruba pig!!!

Anonymous said...

Abeg wher dem tek b best? Onuofia!

Anonymous said...

U ds mumu...so in ur lousy mind,any1 dat insult yoruba z Ibo? Ewu gambia! Wit ur #50 sunglasses. Gaan see clean lukin gehs in d east. B der foolin ursef,jealousy of d highest order!

pwitie B said...

Ibos ad yorubas kip being at loggerheads wit each oda whil d hausas play d fool rule us ad steal our moni 2 enrich themselves cos der ar in virtually in every sector.my dear pipo shine una eyes

michell_sleekydtoll said...

@anonymous sept16,2:30,I dnt actually blame u cus pple like u is y our country stumbles daily.y pickin on yoruba gals?u re jes too daft n dumb.ur brain rly nids configuration.if u av nothin good to utter,shatap n SWERVE!!

Anonymous said...

So much hate on dis blog Y.N yet Nigerians are said 2 b d happiest. On earth pls show luv,n dats all we nid,hapi married lyf 2 dem.I knw mine is comin soon.I LUV U ALL

Anonymous said...

I guess that shld be d reason why I see more of Igbo guys go for Yoruba girls in marriage. No wonder, igbo girls can't stop hating. Lol... Spinsters too many for Igbo land.

michell_sleekydtoll said...

@anon 2:03,I meant to say.

Unknown said...

U guys have even deviated from the story line that Linda updated......comment on it and leave that fellow,he or she is just tryin to attract attention and y'all fell for it.........lovely couple tho.....I envy them.**kisses**

Anonymous said...

Simplicity is d spice of life ,for that touch of radiance,And for ur bridal and glamor look contact Janey Berry Makeovers 275A66C5

Tgirl Missp said...

All of una no get work,from d first idiot 2 last fool,yoruba,igbo,hausa .waitin bring that gist here?lovely bride meanwhile hml uga police,may God bless ur marriage.

Anonymous said...

Wait Linda y isn't Jamil's picture in any of the pictures u updated

Anonymous said...

As for dos telling Linda how to run 'her blog' pls create yours! In every society dre must be conflict nd definitely peace, all to an extent... If somebody decides to insult some one how is dat her biznes? Did she tell him/her to say dat? People speak deir languages here even wen some people dÑt understand, una no see dat one talk o. To insults celebs is cool but to insult anoda tribe is not? Pack for gutter abeg. we all are different, if he insults u, open ur mouth also nd pour d venom on him, or be a gud Nigerian nd pretend u dint see it. If u r tired of commenting pls stop, make she kuku see road update mine... Dis blog is d best for me, its so REAL!*SOMY*

Anonymous said...

Spinsters??? Upon all the parkaging? Mehn! #crying#

Anonymous said...

As for dos telling Linda how to run 'her blog' pls create yours! In every society dre must be conflict nd definitely peace, all to an extent... If somebody decides to insult some one how is dat her biznes? Did she tell him/her to say dat? People speak deir languages here even wen some people dÑt understand, una no see dat one talk o. To insults celebs is cool but to insult anoda tribe is not? Pack for gutter abeg. we all are different, if he insults u, open ur mouth also nd pour d venom on him, or be a gud Nigerian nd pretend u dint see it. If u r tired of commenting pls stop, make she kuku see road update mine... Dis blog is d best for me, its so REAL!*SOMY*

Anonymous said...

I want to express freely too@ anon tribalistic lowlife!yorubas girls wld always make u feel lk dieing and u wld die bcos we are nigeria and we are not going anywhere!lemme help u get a life!take pistol and goand start shooting d igbo girls dt marry yorubas now!ofemanu ko ofemanu ni....na today una d try hard?aunty gimme cake,bend down select,and now d popular owambe slogan!jealous tribe;I'm very sure uer jst tryin 2 feel among bcos u sound lk al those igbo gurls wit yam hairy legs,yankee sef cnt help ur miserable race.fuckface!fyi I'm yoruba, learned and super duper posh.... Life is nt by muscle.go bck 2 school yallow baby making machines.linda post my comment already

Anonymous said...

Ahh dnt attack Igbo people now..how do you know what tribe the idiots insulting Yoruba people are?

Unknown said...

all these lib readers can make laff eheeen... never a dull moment.looolzz

Wet Pussy said...

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Unknown said...

Linda no block am, thats the fun of being here. Hehehe!

Anonymous said...

Oh pls!!! If u want to know good makeup is use a phone with the flash on, that way u know if the make up is good or not. And remember what you give to the camera is what u get back! Madam big people, now run along and get ur facts right!

Anonymous said...

Some abuja girls (@Helen onokwai) will almost hang themselves now that he's married cos they've been sharing his bed for a while now. Well who knows the knacking may continue. We girls dey enjoy sha!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Y shud linda approve d comment in d first place? Or are u nt a yoruba gal ? Plz any comment dat have irrelevant tins shud nt b approved by youk okay

Anonymous said...

Skinned alive kwa ha! Easy oo! Bloody psychopath!

Anonymous said...

@ anon 9.33
Which 1 is yellow baby making machines?
Same ones that become your beauty queens, Kings n' icons later on in life?

Iv bin silent until u made this nasty comment!
Please run along and buy your latest "Bleaching Cream".
Old dirty Goat From Wild Wild west!


Anonymous said...

@ anon 9.33
Which 1 is yellow baby making machines?
Same ones that become your beauty queens, Kings n' icons later on in life?

Iv bin silent until u made this nasty comment!
Please run along and buy your latest "Bleaching Cream".
Old dirty Goat From Wild Wild west!


Anonymous said...

U're just a nasty piece of Shit! (the constipation type!)
Yes we agree! We loved his bed! He was a Single man! Of cos we will happily service the bed of our not-so-young, hot, WEALTHY, single lover!
Just say u wish u were in our shoes!
U reek of Jealousy!

Unknown said...

Like seriously I wish all the Yoruba people here just kept quiet its not becos we don't have words to say but two wrongs can't make a right.Plus we insult God more and He loves us anyway. I love all Nigerian, I am yoruba and I am proud.Irrespective of how 'I don't know how to make up n how dirty I am'.lol I am still beautiful and Yoruba still reps the most educated and civilized in Nigeria, den if we don't know how to make up...

Anonymous said...

Anon 7;57pm trouble dey sleep u dey wake am...wetin bring igbo come here naa...Fool,uve just shown that wht my dude said is tru...una to dey look fr trouble...Why u call igbo here na...knw say if anyone curse me here cos I write dis...na ur head e dey enter n ur generations...so pray make dey no curse me oooo....idiot

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Am sure dat dz stupid igede guy is suffering from excess butanoic acid in his brain and his brain is also inversely proportional below is height. Shior!!!

Anonymous said...

Ibotic animals lyk u una dey feel important una chest wey be lyk male own na so so hair dey full una chest eyin oloshi gbogbo if nah ibo remain for nigeria I no go marry I swear

Anonymous said...

Ibo wit deir fake lyf yorubas is still d best tribe ever

Anonymous said...


Bassey said...

No mata how much u try to paint yoruba gals bad, i will always go for dem bcos of d ff reasons: her parents dont av to drain my bank account in d name of brideprice, her parents dont sell her @ ridiculous amounts, she doesnt turn my house to her family house, i dont av to feed her 9 sisters n her 8 brothers, her brain isnt filled with hatred n akpu, i dont av to spend my lifetime savings on buyin her shavin sticks for her hairy yamlegs and her beards n moustache, she isnt bossy, she is cultured n understand wot respect means, she isnt muscular,she is so feminine n most importantly, she has a massive backside......need i say mor?.....haters go n die.

Bassey said...

No mata how much u try to paint yoruba gals bad, i will always go for dem bcos of d ff reasons: her parents dont av to drain my bank account in d name of brideprice, her parents dont sell her @ ridiculous amounts, she doesnt turn my house to her family house, i dont av to cater for her 11 sisters n her 8 brothers, her brain isnt filled with hatred n akpu, i dont av to spend my lifetime savings on buyin her shavin sticks for her hairy yamlegs and her beards n moustache, she isnt bossy, she is cultured n understand wot respect means, she isnt muscular,she is so feminine n most importantly, she has a massive backside......need i say mor?.....haters go n die.

Anonymous said...

kisses his new wife on wedding day? and how is that news? what was he supposed to do on his wedding day punch her? f....king blogs, your all just senseless

Anonymous said...

For the records, I AM Yoruba, but I have to agree that most yoruba babes are fake, over bleached (with black patches) tattoo ridden, pretentious, loud make-up wearing, lazy ass bunch...That's why our men prefer Ibo gals (Even if they are hairy, at least they don't bleach), Loool

Anonymous said...

D same way SA & Naija are at Logger heads is dsame way Igbo's & Yoruba's are.
We have various tribes in Naija, & den any negative comment abt d Yoruba's is targeted 2wards d Igbos even wen dere is no proof. WHY?
For all dose insulting Igbos u are not any different 4rm d first person dat commented.
School urselves & stop being baised.
No tribe is superior over d other whether u like it or not, cuz I hv read very trashy & silly comments already. people shld really learn hw 2 talk.


Anonymous said...

Ode! Born leaders like oda tribes dnt av influential men n woman in d society! Examples Nnamdi Azikiwe, Clement Nsong, Aliyu Mai-Bornu 2 mention a few. So run along dummy n get love!

Anonymous said...

The firs comment is rubbish nd nonesence pls always think b4 u comment nd stop bein tribalistic u ar not better off nd u sound frustrated nd jealous

Anonymous said...

i'm hausa and i dislyk dat stupid 1st comment.

Anonymous said...

i'm hausa and i dislyk dat stupid 1st comment.

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