Fummi when ur hubby proposed to u, did he propose with two diamond rings? I knw the ans is no. When Anita gets married to Paul she wld have 20 diamond rings. Secondly, u are d monkey. U are just beefing her cos ur husband is not as wealthy as Paul, and I doubt if he wld ever be as wealthy as Paul Okoye.
hmmm congrate to her but come to think of it, two diamond ring for engagement then d day of the wedding they will still put another ring then it will be three. so three rings in one finger.
Congrats Anita but take things easy. You just got two rings which is odd for an engagement and you're showing off, don't forget your future Co-wife got a ring with a car but didn't talk. Take things easy sweetie k. Good luck though.
Paul is stingy oh; peter shows off oh; it's nobody's business. Lola and Anita, those men have been tight before you 2. Do not break it; women are known to break homes, brothers, empires too. Know your place and show respect. He gave you 5 rings or 5 cars, it doesn't matter. Keep your business private because no one really cares; instead they will rejoice and laugh at your down fall. so keep your jealousy level in check and protect your family.
Na current dey reign ooo,no be champion so don't get it twisted,d joy of bin d only glrl with 2 diamond rings from a man shud end 2nyt cos sum geh might flaunt hers 2mao..not beefin thou,congrat
You all are just jealous and honestly its disgusting, pray that God shld bless u with a sweet man like d guy, both the lady with plenty Dia rings and the lady that is ain't feeling it, and 2 rings is Anita and pauls style so Ur opinions does not matter ladies. Anita wishing to be u, u both look grt.
You are right. You are the only girl rejoicing over two engagement rings from one man. It's strange. Most girls I know rejoice first for the confirmation of being engaged, one ring then the actual marriage, wedding band. So does the 2nd engagement ring cancel out the first engagement. Not hating just wondering. Sounds like a false positive to me. It's not a trend that will catch on. If he wanted to show off he could have both you a really big expensive diamond.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 224 of 224Leave her! Let her be talking bruh bruh bruh.... Wetin I go use 2 engagement ring do??? Gimme a car and a ring mehn anytime anyday... Lol :D
Fummi when ur hubby proposed to u, did he propose with two diamond rings? I knw the ans is no. When Anita gets married to Paul she wld have 20 diamond rings.
Secondly, u are d monkey. U are just beefing her cos ur husband is not as wealthy as Paul, and I doubt if he wld ever be as wealthy as Paul Okoye.
Yeye, monkey Fummi.
Hahahaha...Smeagol and lord of the rings oooooooo!
YNO... You are very foolish with your ignoramus self... Fucking cunt! Kwasia papa... I hope you choke. Bitch!
hmmm congrate to her but come to think of it, two diamond ring for engagement then d day of the wedding they will still put another ring then it will be three. so three rings in one finger.
Don't be a hater @ anon 11:31am
I agree wit u, she's ratchet, and the two ring thing, not feeling it booboo! KeepItMovin!
stupidically! one ring is just enough!
Congrats Anita dearie but why the two rings? Anyway, just make sure you keep one for your first son's proposal...just an advise though.
Congrats Anita but take things easy. You just got two rings which is odd for an engagement and you're showing off, don't forget your future Co-wife got a ring with a car but didn't talk. Take things easy sweetie k. Good luck though.
Dafuk is serikode?lmao
Afi keeping an close eye na,warapa jati jati
And he didn't get the size right. Why is the 1st or the 2nd ring doesn't fit properly?
Paul is stingy oh; peter shows off oh; it's nobody's business. Lola and Anita, those men have been tight before you 2. Do not break it; women are known to break homes, brothers, empires too. Know your place and show respect. He gave you 5 rings or 5 cars, it doesn't matter. Keep your business private because no one really cares; instead they will rejoice and laugh at your down fall. so keep your jealousy level in check and protect your family.
Na current dey reign ooo,no be champion so don't get it twisted,d joy of bin d only glrl with 2 diamond rings from a man shud end 2nyt cos sum geh might flaunt hers 2mao..not beefin thou,congrat
You all are just jealous and honestly its disgusting, pray that God shld bless u with a sweet man like d guy, both the lady with plenty Dia rings and the lady that is ain't feeling it, and 2 rings is Anita and pauls style so Ur opinions does not matter ladies. Anita wishing to be u, u both look grt.
You are right. You are the only girl rejoicing over two engagement rings from one man. It's strange. Most girls I know rejoice first for the confirmation of being engaged, one ring then the actual marriage, wedding band. So does the 2nd engagement ring cancel out the first engagement. Not hating just wondering. Sounds like a false positive to me. It's not a trend that will catch on. If he wanted to show off he could have both you a really big expensive diamond.
Aturu gambia
In case 1 lost.... she fit wear the 2nd 1....
Wishing them all the best!
2 rings!one is for d first son,thats anita's stepson and d other is for anita's son
Nice one. Na ur time.
diamond overrated. you can get a diamond ring for €2,000.
Yh.....ur right nd Amen.
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