Yemisi tells TELL: (tells Tell - lol)
Whether Nigerians accept it or not, LGBT rights are recognised human rights. Unless, you can prove that Lesbians, gays, biséxuals and transséxuals are not human beings, well, you have no reason to deny them their fundamental human rights. Unfortunately many Nigerians believe in the concept of sin. First, we must understand that sin is a religious concept. Not every Nigerian is religious. Your religion is also a personal matter, why drag other people into your personal relationship with Jesus, Mohamed or Obatala?
When I am told that homoséxuality is a sin, I just tell them their religion is not my law. The Bible or Quran is not my constitution, so why is that even coming up?

The very first thing we need to understand is that homosexuality, bisexuality, asexuality are all as natural as heterosexuality. Our sexual orientation differs; we are born with an innate ability to be emotionally or sexually attracted or not be sexually or emotionally attracted to same sex or opposite sex. Unfortunately, many African societies do not provide enabling environments to discuss sexual orientation. Sexual orientation does not harm anyone. A person who is attracted to opposite sex does not harm anyone so far it is a consensual adult relationship.
It is absurd when Christian gay bashers gleefully quote Leviticus 18:22 to justify why they want to jail and stone gays. Anyone who wants to quote from Leviticus should at least read the book to make sure they are not guilty of any of the things condemned in the book. Leviticus also says you should not shave, you should not interact with a woman in her menstrual cycle, thou shall not eat shrimps or shell fish, Lev. 11:10,11:6-8 thou shall not touch the skin of a dead pig (therefore touching football without wearing gloves makes you unclean!) So, when Christians throw Leviticus at me, I simply throw Leviticus right back in their face.
My immediate family knows my sexual orientation, my father is late, and my mother is accepting of whom I am and has shown me love and support. To continue to be an important part of my life, you cannot be homophobic, biphobic or transphobic.
My atheism has nothing to do with my biséxuality. Atheism is simply a non-belief in God. My bisexuality is my sexual orientation, no connection. However, I must say, my atheism has helped me to stand up against religious bullies, who use the Bible and the Quran to justify their hate for gays, lesbians, transsexual and bisexuals.
Religion carries a lot of unwarranted weight in Nigeria and Africa generally. This should not be so. In fact, this is one reason the African continent is still very backward. When religion carried so much weight in Europe during middle Ages, it was wrought with wars, jihads, killings and ethnic cleansing.
Many religious Africans now use the ‘holy’ books to justify the oppression of members of their own society. Even when the original owners of the religion inform them that the book has been updated and some parts are no longer applicable, Africans still insist that it is must be applicable because it says so in the book they were given. How pathetic!
1 – 200 of 284 Newer› Newest»Sinners!!!! God help us all. If dem born you well pls go to Gambia and go and preach this crap...
We have heard.
Congrats on ur family truly knowing who u r!
Good for u!
Miss yemisi, whether you like it or not, homosexuality will not survive here.
150+ women already treated with our fibroid flusher
God will forgive you
God will forgive you
Na wa o. ... i pray we don't destroy ourselves as human being
click HERE for more gist
@ilesanmi,kindly tell gay men that just as they were born gay;some men were born straight so they also shd be accepting of this fact and quit hitting on us trying to change our minds. #ItsRepulsive
This woman is insane
splendid..i think they have the right too. but it sure wont work in this country though.
Make she come naija come talk that one....No need to make noise from abroad
Even animals know opposite sex attract..smh. Just goes to show there are still some homo habilis among us.
Eeeeeyah, such a beautiful woman! Am praying 4 u, may God touch u and bring u back to ur senses like Saul turned paul!
4 d 1st time since in my speechless!, overwhelmed!.....all I have 2 say is......God have mercy!
I detest this note. Linda pls post my comment, am first to comment......
End time is truly near
Good that she's out and living life freely. A lot of people do hide behind the bible and dispute hate and the sad part is they say is god well. Many of them probably have hidden bi sexuality there self or family members that are gay but since some africians are so close minded it well take forever for many gay Africans to have a voice or be accepted.... How can you say someone is going to burn in hell when you yourself don't know where your going when you die....I feel so sorry for the gay guys and women that want to come out but can't because of the environment
Allah ba ke sa'a shegeya banza uwake ta asara,out of curiousity abeg na woman give am belle wey she born? Tank God one less woman to fight over man wit
u are lost and i pray u find ur self.......wat a pity!
It's not a fundamental human right. People with no legal knowledge get me pissed when they say rubbish like this with so much confidence kmtt
End time tnz....God help u woman
TBH I totally agree with her. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, believe and sexual orientation as long as its not harming another person.
Hmmm who am I to judge.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
sick woman! how come u av a child sef? u fuck men n women makes u disgusting and totally confused! You just cant decide who to be with! it's the religion dat is still keeping us sane in Africa! You can come to Nigeria n u will be thrown into jail for 14years!!!!!!!!
hell has opened its mouth to dese last days many shall be deceived..
There's a reason gays have higher incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections. There's also a reason they must depend on the opposite sex if they want a change of producing offspring (which they often do). I rest my case. She's running her dirty mouth because she's not here.
Ahhhhhhh HELL awaits this woman! The very deep pit of HELL!!
I jst hope Ʊ surrender ur life to christ b4 its too late madam yemisi ilesanmi,cos no one will buy that ur book in hell!
Hmmmmm . . .
Make naira online
#End time
May God have mercy on her.
لعنةًالله عليكِ
Linda, u just want nigerians to use their bad mouth insult this girl....I am the first to comment??
End of time things...hehehe
First to comment
Sometimes, i tie my two legs together and pretend that I'm a mermaid.
Eheheh..........cnt wait for LIB readers 2 start commenting Oº°˚˚°º .
Nonsense !!!
Preach it Sistah! Self Righteous hypocrites, lyk wat Most of em do behind Closed door is nt Worse dan being Gay or Bisexual.....dey open dia mouf to curse pple lyk dey dnt av d Right to Live dia lyf d way dey want!
Proudly Bisexual, Ya'll can kiss my luscious Behind. Mind u If u Curse me, it wee return to u a thousand Fold *DropsMic*
So,dis kind of pple still exist
Linda I'm a lesbian and its so sad I can't come out in the open to say it for fear of been cursed,condermed or even killed.I can only hide under Annonymous on LIB to say it *crying*
judgement day should come fast.....
God save ur soul, i pray u find Jesus before u die. how can u say there is no God.
She was yapping about Africans as if all Europeans are accepting of gays.
U r a disgrace to humanity.....
That's not true Madam. It's a well established biological fact that sexuality is determined at Puberty, so stop this bull about 'being born gay'. Nobody, I repeat, NOBODY is 'born' gay. At conception, the Double X (i.e.XX)Chromosome determines the gender female, and the XY Chromosome, that the gender is male. While it is medically possible for a male to have an extra X Chromosome, this would only result in some tendency to effeminacy, but to canonize 'born gay' as fact, is fallacious in all ramifications. I'm sorry, but you lot are gonna have to find another reason to mess about with each other. Homosexuality is against ALL natural laws, otherwise, we'd have gay cats, dogs and butterflies! Now listen up Yemisi or whatever you call your gay self, you lot are blatantly sub-normal, you deal with it!
Na wa ooooo,May d lord help us
This one don kolo o. Come naija come yarn this dust. Linda I'm so suspecting u o!
I swear bro...she's a coward 4 sayn dt shit abroad...if dem born her mama well mk she com display dt inscription here in naija.
Sometimes, i like to tie my two legs together and pretend that I'm a mermaid.
The great one
God help u too
If she is dat proud of who she is doin let her come home naija, after so many heartbreaks she tink bisexaul wil help her, idiot
Na there she go talk am,if she mistakely come naija..she will be stone to death
Madam you all have to stay in countries where you all are accepted! You cant force that on Nigerians or Nigeria! I am not saying their are no gays in Nigeria but..
She is a pant.
Nigerians close minded people..weda y'all like it or not they are lot of gays n lesbians in nigeria...DEAL WITH IT...Thank You yemisi for this post and I wil surely buy your book...proudly lesbian..P:S I live in Nigeria
May God almighty have mercy on u,stupid idiot.
A Liberal society like ours may be literally liberal but some things can never stick up well, something like homosexuality! Homosexuals should accept this or do their things secretly and spare us all this drama.
From the human rights' point of view, every being has a right to love who ever they choose to. #no homo!
~D great anonymous!
You can't say that. Homosexual tendencies in animals has been researched extensively. It's common place amongst them.
may God have mercy on u.u can only stay in that exile and be talking that nonsence. I know that u are suffering there by selling ur body.idiot
If ur mother was gay,u won't be born.We are tired of all dis gay thing,pls keep ur sexuality to urself. Vien
Kai menini!! I blame u? If you know u r a true nigrian come back here and preach that ur trash. U think u r liberated, but u r even more mentally enslaved by being in Europe. Na d only thing wey u see learn from oyibo people be dat! U no see how to make aeroplane, computers and other things to benefit mankind, na bisexuality...Ewu can beer!
Hmmmmm, she just spoke the mind of so many. But it still not morally right.
Hmmmmm, she just spoke the mind of so many. But it still not morally right.
Na wa o..."Male stripper" sef no support
Go honey!!
Y all this preaching,if u know that what you are doing is Good,go ahead and enjoy eaten your fellow woman kpomo as for me an very straight,by time someone like me handle u,u will become straight by force.oloshi olonsho.
plz dis woman well so? Linda abeg touch her head check if shes ok...# gays think there have an opinion..olodo buruku
Madam Ilesanmi, u said d bible has bin updated, so d holy book is now a fashion accessory now mere mortals can jus update anyhow. I do really pity ur way of reasoning, most people like you would want or feel that d bible has been updated to fit into ur desires, but sorry d bible remaineth d same yesterday, today n forever. May God touch n save u IJN.... Amen.
Prince charmings gay lover, which one is 'splendid' again?
Be using words in off point context
Let he who is without sin judge!!!
Homosexuality is an abhorable behavior.
Like all abhorable behavior it should not be encouraged. Like any pseudo-psychological problem they need combined therapy.
No amount of Gay propagation (propaganda) will change the fact that it is not a normal behaviour... It is a deviant behavior. If someone is mental/crazy (another deviant behaviour) you treat them...and you accept them. If someone is a gay, you should give them some medical help.
Straight people should try and not discriminate or abuse gay people. It was not like they created themselves this way.
Linda there is nothing pathctic About de nonsense she is talking,she should remine in london oo don't come back 2 nigeria with dat ur bullshit.
If u like talk anyhow from abroad once u enter niaja we must arrest you and 14yrs, stupid woman y didn't u tell a gurl to get u pregnant
Excuse madam yemisi! A mad man will display his madness at a public place would see himself as a right sense man but there is a DEMON(satan) in him controlling him which needs deliverance to be delivered. Likewise, all people of sexual immoralities like (homosexual, bisexual, and other evil sexual activities) sees themselves as a normal right sense humans. Now, tell me what you think about this? Ask yourself! Were you born out of gay anus? Or does any woman have a way to impregnate a woman? This is total foolishness!
Speechless,can some1 help me close my wide open mouth.
Choi baba God pls dnt pick offense hhve mercy
Comment of the day! One choco milo for you
*sexy diva*
I pray u don't die in dis cos hell is wainting for u
I pray u don't die in dis cos hell is wainting for u
u don fuck lesbian b4? e sweet oo lol aucty les luck ur pussy okey no woman to woman 4naija man and woman me and ma grlfrnd
I think the reason most africans continue to preach hate against homosexual is because believe it or not,they are invented a grading system for for a example a politician who stole billion yesterday,would today propose a law to outlaw same sex relationship.and unfortunately would be hailed for his moral uprightness,in the process perpetuating a cycle of hypocrisy i.e I'm going to kill u because ur sins are different from mine.I thinks its high time we realized we have no say as it relates to what happens behind closed doors between two consenting adults.
Come hEre come talk am
We go wayley u
Na ur body go tell u
Ugly mofo
The lady is correct. Religion has left Africa very backwards. The people who gave us the religion don't even believe it or follow it anymore. It is pure superstition. They left us the Bible and Quran and took all of our people and riches. We need to educate ourselves and stop being such religious sheep. Look at Europeans and Arabs do they look like they practice what is in ANY holy book? NO. They just use it to control stupid superstitious people like us. As John Henrike Clark said "we Africans will out Pope, the Pope and Out Mohammad, Mohammad. We need to learn some science, physics and astronomy and come into the modern world. Where in the bible does it mention scale and magnitude of the universe? No where, just this one little planet. Total nonsense.
This sister is right. Just because you are religious doesn't mean others have to be. We need to learn more science, namely, physics, astronomy, genetics, and evolution. Europeans, and others don't believe what is in the holy books. They just use these books as a means to control others. Like John H. Clarke says "We Africans will out Pope the Pope, and out Mohammad, Mohammad. We need to look beyond superstitions and be able to tell them from verifiable facts.
The lady is correct. Religion has left Africa very backwards. The people who gave us the religion don't even believe it or follow it anymore. It is pure superstition. They left us the Bible and Quran and took all of our people and riches. We need to educate ourselves and stop being such religious sheep. Look at Europeans and Arabs do they look like they practice what is in ANY holy book? NO. They just use it to control stupid superstitious people like us. As John Henrike Clark said "we Africans will out Pope, the Pope and Out Mohammad, Mohammad. We need to learn some science, physics and astronomy and come into the modern world. Where in the bible does it mention scale and magnitude of the universe? No where, just this one little planet. Total nonsense.
Yemisi Ilesanmi also has a right to be mad. Bastard! Ask your mother who fathered you. Omo Ale lasan lasan.
When I heard that name I thought it was my ex girlfriend
Why did she allow a man inpregnant her then?
She's a proud lesbian, why didn't she go screw a girl and get pregnant? This woman is mentally sick... I wonder why lesbians make use of Dildos? It's so contradicting!
Let's take for instance, if every woman in the world marries a woman, and every man marries a man, who will then give birth??? Most gay couples adopt kids and its ridiculous.
All you gay people on Lindas blog, am sure y'all are seeing this comment, if you're a so called proud lesbian and faggot, better go get yourself delivered cos your possessed. Sad truth! Its abnormal. The most annoying thing is that these white people make it look like its a normal thing. And most of y'all dumbasses imitate almost everything they do and practice. On judgement day, when you find your ass in hell, remember you were once adviced on LIB. I'm out.
Am always and will always be of the opinion that it's high time this country/continent allowed for some neccessary changes. People have a right to live and live free,practice what they want and express themselves the way they want. Jst becus ur not comfortable with a thin does not mean sumone else is not "ok" with it. We ought to have learnt by now that american is GREAT today becuz it compromised and adjusted some of her rigid rules to accomodate her citizens..if only naija will do dat...there'll be no need for boko haram and the likes of them.
Am not gay..but I strongly believe they have a right to live and live free. Let's all stop usin religion as coverup...I can bet my right arm...more than 95 percent of pple that preach religion don't practice neither do they live true to the tenets of such religion.#whew#
From one lesbian to another....Way to go, girl...I admire your are standing up for us, thousands of us in the shadows....Last thought, homosexuality is natural and has been around since time immemorial and will be around till the end of time. Dats all!!!!
Religion is making you sane in Nigeria? You think you're sane like this? Mumu!
This is not right...Woman,Did you fall from heaven or your mother gave birth to you? Please stop deceiving people.
Can b artficial insemination. And shez actually a bisexual not a lesbian. Das 2 say she fucks both men & women...
Preach it my sister.
All you self-righteous idiots be behaving like you dont do worse things. Most of you are necrophilias and pedophilias. Mtchewm dem go dey pretend as if they no dey masturbate about being gay. 14 years in prison cannot make a gay man straight. Idiots
I think there are way more important things to worry about in this world than someone's sexuality. My question is who cares?
GOD will punish u,bastered woman, shameless dog!
Lol! I tireioooo. Waz fundamental abt it huh? Ryt 4 a guy 2 fuk a guy & a gal 2 fuk a gal?
May God cleanse your soul and deliver you
click HERE for more gist
God created Adam and Eve nt Adam and Steve. U live in Sodom or is it Gomorrah nd ur date of birth is April 1st.
Fool its harmn d society & who mks up d society? PERSONS
#Yawns and continued drinking my garri
@Yemisi: If your Dad was gay and ur Mum was a lesbian, would you have been born? Even your education is a waste!!!
U definitely live in Sodom and Gomorrah nd u r one of those 1st of April was created for.
Ewu gambia. Homophobic legislation in gambia was a
product of colonialism. Many african societies practiced homosexulity before the colonial master came ,e.g. Yan Daudu societies of the
Hausas (Nigeria), Mpho of southern Africa, Congo ,Azande of
present day Zaire,Fang people of
Gabon and so many more.
Google it up. ewu
Pele o
Hmmmph! First of all girl, you have to believe in something greater than what you can see, feel, touch or see. Secondly, I thank God for who you are. I believe the Almighty doesn't make mistakes. Everything will play out in time. Peace and Love!!
dis lady is a satanist and I think she has a mental problem.God help us
I support ur views! Hypocrites all of over.
RIP ma'am you think you're in europe africa has a long way to go before this BS comes up
Do you and let the country do itself o! Be gay all you want! The country just says don't be it here. They have heard ur bi and well....ur choice! The government has said no to gay rights. MaDam its their choice too. You break a law, na gbese u don enter o! So eeh! Since u don't reside in Nigeria and they are very liberal; pls just remain there. Allow Nigerians to keep being myopic. Haven't u noticed we like it like that! "Girls marry girls", we know and we are over it but aunty, "Nigeria has a law against gay marriage, get over it" :D
Meanwhile, check this out y'll
you see when i see suck things i get encouraged that i am going to heaven cos it says somewhere that only 150k or so will b saved. so minus dis woman + i am going up
May God 4give u
Cum back naija nd see wat dey wil do u,bt me support her sha
Nigerians get over it many of u r doing worst then this please make una grow up ......
Funny enuf, fucking a fellow girl is no fun at all , I've tried it b4 nd I ended up despising d gal who made me do it... It was d most irritating experirience of my life.apart 4rm d fact dat it is morrally wrong, it is also disgusting #experience
U use a micPAD or micBERRY? Abi linda's blog be like high table with mic and speakers. Oponu,wan dey form bisexual.....keep it up! Mtsheeeeeew later dem go carry belle,2nd mary.
Wats d essence of saying it out uhn! U getting 100m if u try? #Dumbass
God pls save her soul. Let her Encounter u in a way dat will shock her.
U can b gay,les,bi,trans 4 all I care....babe it's ur life nd u hav a ryt 2 du wat u want wid t but ma probs wid u is 'did u really say deres no God' *smiles* ma dear he's merciful so he's gon' have mercy on u amen
. . . C as dis idiot dey disgrace u
Is better to sin in the hidden cos u kno u r sinning dan to commit sin openly and try to justify it. Woman, Leviticus or no Leviticus, gay is evil. It challenges the foundation of our humanity or let me say our creation. Even animals in our mode don't sex same sex, for bible says dat creation displays the wonders of the Lord, and that by what is made we understand our God. In Romans 18 down, gay is condemned. As for ur atheism, it's only a fool that says there's no God, for even in ur subconciousness u kno there is one. Hw can there be such manifesting evils if there's no God. Where there is good, evil lurk around. Where there is positive, negative is aside.
It isn't only about religion. They should take a good long look at themselves and ask why they've been made distinctly male or female. And why it is physically and medically impossible for people of the same sex to procreate. And her being an atheist has a lot to do with her sexual orientation. Anybody who believes in the supremacy of God won't encourage same sex whatever. Nobody is judging we're just saying if you choose to be a homo or bi sexual. Good for you. Don't force others into accepting what shouldn't be.
This whole sexual orientation thing is just like the ends of a magnet. Like poles simply do not freaking attract
Excuse madam yemisi! A mad man will display his madness at a public place would see himself as a right sense man but there is a DEMON(satan) in him controlling him which needs deliverance to be delivered. Likewise, all people of sexual immoralities like (homosexual, bisexual, and other evil sexual activities) sees themselves as a normal right sense humans. Now, tell me what you think about this? Ask yourself! Were you born out of gay anus? Or does any woman have a way to impregnate a woman? This is total foolishness!
Dis is sad.
u dont believe in the bible..,thats fine but then if u dont want everyone to force u into something you dont believe why are you trying to change evryone else's beliefs.
Look at dis old woman talking about being gay rubbish!!! End of d time has come.
That's not true Madam. It's a well established biological fact that sexuality is determined at Puberty, so stop this bull about 'being born gay'. Nobody, I repeat, NOBODY is 'born' gay. At conception, the Double X (i.e.XX)Chromosome determines the gender female, and the XY Chromosome, that the gender is male. While it is medically possible for a male to have an extra X Chromosome, this would only result in some tendency to effeminacy, but to canonize 'born gay' as fact, is fallacious in all ramifications. I'm sorry, but you lot are gonna have to find another reason to mess about with each other. Homosexuality is against ALL natural laws, otherwise, we'd have gay cats, dogs and butterflies! Now listen up Yemisi or whatever you call your gay self, you lot are blatantly sub-normal, you deal with it!
shes a big and the greatest fool.....she only wants to be noticed and maybe that will help her make a name...mumu
Linda, pls stop posting dis homo nonsense. U re in a way promoting them.
I am not pro gay but I completely disagree with the Nigerian law that criminalizes being gay. Its totally absurd. With all the actual crimes going on in the country we think homosexuality is our problem?!
BISEXUAL | SINGLE MOM | ATHEIST.......all in one..and u expect anyone in these parts to listen to whatever crap u have to say? Ok then
End time..I refuse to be deceived by ny1..God pls help us
Yeye woman
She probably did an "arrangee" marriage to a British citizen, and to stay in the UK, she's now "Bi"
Spouting that cr*p about being about religion. Oya, go to Sokoto and state that nonsense!
To all you gays, hell fire too cold for una. #smh
God v mercy...let ur light shine on ur pple to do things right. Dear Bisexual lady...i cant curse condemn, or jugde u..its not in my power to do so.but let d light of God shine in ur hrt to realise dat der is a God in heaven nd dat der r things dat r not acceptance in d sight of God.
Lovely! Education is the key. Not religion or psychos clutching Bibles more than those who wrote it.
abeg she should keep her nonsense in the UK don't start claiming Nigerian now
Since u av no religion, Yemisi, come to Jesus;He's d way, d truth n d light. He will give u an everlasting life, ur sins he will forgive. He has nt come for d righteous bt for sinners lik u. There is God, He knew u b4 u were born n even now. He lives!
.Mtchewwww...dats arant rubbish ooh abeg abeg abeg gay pple r mentally disturbed nd shuld all relocate 2 psychartric 4 d yemisi idiot ion blame her shebi she's a single mother, izzit a woman dah gav ha belle mtcheww..rubbish she clamin gay nd havin sex with men abi,y is she on d fence naw if she's soo proud 2 b gay y is she not comin out as a full lesbo, wtf is wonder she's a single mother, which man will condone such a fool..pls ooh dnt stay in UK nd be sendin us useless messages shebi u hav right , com 2 9ja nd collect ur rights naw if dey will not beat sense back in2 u..mtcheww pls stop tryin 2 force us 2 accept ur disgustin nd shameless way of life, it will NEVER peole just iritate me
@Anonymous September 9, 2013 at 9:30 PM, Same thing with me o. After reading all these, it scares me more to come out. I have only come out to my sister. I really don't know how to tell my mum, but I have to one day, because I deserve to be happy. I ask why me all the time. But thank God I am leaving this country soon. All the best dear.
this is madness and it is very disgusting gay or lesbian full of shit if ur parent whr one of this will u be in this world stupid people or if ur parent er one on this i think u will still be in a guy,s ass by now mother forker ugly bithch
Well said yemisi,but all we all marry same sex how do we multiply?God wants multiplication the reason he says we should replenish the earth.women are not made to be with women and men r not designed to be with men.God wasn't daft when he created Eve for Adam.
I wish God can punish us according to our sins it wl be vry tough for some ppl. God hv mercy.
Nigerians oh Nigerians, the is one reason we cannot move forward, hating on people based on tribe, religion and now sexual orientation.
Lets stop shoving our personal prejudice and religious beliefs on others throat. if your gay, bi, trans or straight its a choice as far as it doesn't harm your next door neighbour, who cares???
Stop stripping first,and the destruction will reducing by 0.1%
LoL. She de talk coz she no dey naija. Make she cum here cum talk dis nonsense
Lol...ure not proudly bisexual anything....upload ur picture naa,or carry placards around naa,if ure dat Proud
I need a follow lesbian pls
Nutter! you crying cos uve suddenly realized wat uve gotten urself into,abi cos ure dying of guilt,or cos ure nat accepted in naija??
Lol...ure not proudly bisexual anything....upload ur picture naa,or carry placards around naa,if ure dat Proud
Stop stripping first,and the destruction will reducing by 0.1%
The perilous time has come, have oh Lord on ur daughter, Yemisi Jesus will set u free.
Remember the book of Mark Chapter 2 verses 15 to 17 Some teachers of the Law who were Pharisees saw that Jesus was eating with Outcasts and Tax Collectors but Jesus told them that those who are well don't need a doctor but only those who are sick. We should learn to hate sin and not the sinner like what Pope Francis I also explained last Easter. When she feels the presence of the Holy Spirit in her life, believe me she would cry for weeks. Bible or not, it is against the order of nature to have sexual relations with a same sex. Let us just be hopeful that she finds Jesus before it's too late.
What is evn paining me is how ugly she is.
E be lyk say bomb deyy her head.
Repent, Naija get enuff men wey fit straff yu wela.
Aphrodite or wetin u call urself? U are obviously confuse. U must be an hermaphrodite who thinks she has both sexes in one body. No need to curse u cos ure under curse already just like the people of Sodom.
I dnt usually comment but on dis I had to make an exception,I am aware of how many diff. Sort of madness d devil has thrown into dis world includin legalizin of abortion,atheism(wich @ least even though nt everyone were christian bt pple were smart enough to knw dat they was a power above any,and d world jst didn't appear frm nowhere,and they believed in God although they worshiped him in diff ways)women dressin almost naked and sayin 'God only luks @ ur heart'(truth b told no woman wit a righteous heart as dey claim to hav.dresses dat way,watever u wear depicts wat u hav in ur heart),e.t.c. But dis is jst so unbelievable I stil find it had to believe,how can a human b dis twisted,D idiot in ? Is jst plain tool of d devil who has destroyed everytin created by God ova d yrs and now d sacredness of marriage,is being thumped on d ground(women marryin women,men f*ckin a fellow men,lol)and den someone wit brains stil functionin says is normal,and says 'evryman has right to do watever he wants to do'(I wonder if a man who steals to eat does nt hav d ryt to steal and feed himself)almost every madness dat has creeped into d fabric of society has hidden behind d words RIGHT,d main prb is some religious pple refuse to outrightly condemn madness lik dis we say'who am I to judge' or 'God say do nt judge',we say it lik d oda part of d bible wich says we shuld condemn d devil and all of his work does nt exist,we as religious pple are nt perfect but we strife to walk on a holy path,and d least we could do is condemn in totallity wat we knw very well is wrong and against every Godly principle.Hav spoken.said too much already*lips sealed*
Jeeez! The saddest part is u don't believe in God, is only a fool that says there's no God I pray u find christ and salvation someday Amen.
Dear Ms (or Mrs) Yemisi. I know you will read this cuzz u obviously sent ur long story to LInda to pass a msg and you'll like to see d reactions. So read this well.
- Do not deceive urself claiming some people are born to have sexual relations with people of the same sex. Don't u find it odd that humans are d only animals in the animal kingdom that engage in this kind of act?
- u were obviously a christian before, reason ur knowledge on the book of leviticus. U realized u were doing something odd, so u had to find an excuse for it. A way to escape. Hence ur claim to being an atheist. So no need to go into details on the bible. Go down on ur knees and pray. Do what is right. God will always listen.
- We all have consciences no matter how much we try to deny it. We know what is right and what is wrong even when we r just facing it for the first time. Imagine u had a son(maybe he's 15) and u walk in on anoda man giving it to him from behind. UR first reaction will be one of disgust.U won't stand there smiling and tell him "welldone"
- Just think. If ur mum or ur late dad was gay, would u have been born or be where u are today talking about what u r talking about now?
-U look grown enough to think and act responsibly. Pls do that.
To all Libers that might see this as long story, sorry. The msg is for our friend in need. Yemisi
She's brain dead.
Ekwenso things. She don lost *SMH* May God forgive you for being in denial of his existence and sleeping with your fellow sex. Repent before rapture takes place. For the Kingdom of God is coming soon.
She's jus an insane fellow...likes of her wanna make pple do sharia! Yemisi or wateva u call urself...its called sodomy!!! Forget leveticus huh and read wah happened to sodom and Gomorah! Fish brain! Taking western civilisation into slavery...abeg abeg go for deliverance o. When God created human...he made them man and woman not man and man or woman and woman! R u wiser than God???
different strokes for different man has made me cum until I did it with a woman and I squirt like no mans business. unfortunately I dey naija.
linda post my comment o
She just said she's a nonbeliever- thus atheist....there something called free-will... only God judges "I don't" so babe live on * 100% straight*
well...let him without sin cast the first stone.let God be the judge.
Ur reli stupid ooh..I cnt bliv pple r dien evri second nd ur here wastin lyf..smh..mtcheww don't hide naw COME out..I tot u gay idiots r supposed 2 b proud ov ur shameless lifestyle??rubbish *spits*u disgust me
Don't mind hypocrites. Which girl in nigeria has never practised lesbianism before...yeye people. Go to higher institutions even high schools they abound....liars. double faced nigerians
Triple trouble...single mother,atheist and bisexual! This lady is heading towards a volcanic eruption o!!
The best way to win them is to ignore and avoid d fools who are paid to say rubbish like the dum
one on d pic.
The best way to win them is to ignore and avoid d fools who are paid to say rubbish like the dum
one on d pic.
Ok??? Now that you have gotten that out of your system kindly get the f*ck outta here!dumb hoe
Your birth cert is indeed an appology letter. Even tho, no body is perfect, that is y we re all striving to do good,to change our immoral act. Instead, ur going deeper, to d point of no return.... Adieu
Yemisi, please tell these ignorant,bigots that populate Nigeria. Gay people are human beings like you all; whether you like it or not, they are all around you. Your fathers, husabdsn, brothers, fiances, best friends etc, a lot of them are secretly gay but living a double life of deceit and deep depression because of the intolerant and montrous society which you strenously foster while the country dissolves and falls apart around you. I am ashamed to share a country with you all. I am proudly gay, in love with God and with myself. I love my boyfriend and he loves me, but since self - preservation is the first rule of life, we cannot come out openly lest you lawless ignoramuses unleash violence on us, but make no mistake about it, one day, your eyes shall be opened and you shall be released from the bonds of false religion, and you all shall learn to live, learn and let others live ...
Jayke (a proudly gay blessed Naija boy) ..
May God who is evr mercyful,hv mercy on dis woman...Dat same bible she is usein as ha so called bkup,wil surely stand against ha on d last day...
I hate gaymen nt becos of religion but its natural for me to hate dem cos its disgusting which i cannot deny it.i can attack and kill anyone if i see. I condem lesbianism is becos of God, bt i dnt hate lesbian women.
I hate gaymen nt becos of religion but its natural for me to hate dem cos its disgusting which i cannot deny it.i can attack and kill anyone if i see. I condem lesbianism is becos of God, bt i dnt hate lesbian women.
Really? And what kind of life would she be giving to her child? What is wrong is wrong, no two ways about it.
Signs of the end time!
Proudly gay? Pls go to LTV8 or any broadcasting house if truly u are proud
Ewwwwwwwwww!!!!! Gross mehn!...... So a penis is being stuck up your anus erryday????...................Ewwwwwwwwwwww!!!! need to try vagina!.... Blissfull....Its the stuff of Legends.....the real deal...#Team Vagina#
Sad that you have all cover here with venom and hatred spewing from your mouth, what greater expression of love is there than to love one another regardless of differences.
You forget your humanity and act like a pack of wolves. Like rabid dogs looking for flesh to sink your teeth into. You're bad excuses for human beings and the god that you profess your devotion for is either crazy as you are or negligent for allowing for you to speak on his behalf.
The signs of the end time is not that a man or a woman wants to love someone of the same sex, it's that non of you have yet to discover how to live a life of peace and tolerance and acceptance and love like Christ. You've all failed. Busy shouting crucify the guys, like those who crucified your son of God. Believe this, if nothing else, the oppressed will have more sympathy than those who oppress them.
If I were you, i would not get gay married if I don't like it. No one is asking anyone to become gay, they are asking to be left alone to be happy (another word that translates to gay)
Only God has the right to judge so who am i to declare right or wrong.
Obviously not brot up well wit sound morals ! God help her ! Wen we bcm parents, plz let's raise our children right . Thrs a diff btw knowin God n being acquainted wit Him
IRONY is when 'wet pussy' comments saying "may God cleanse ur soul and deliver u"
Tho m bisexual,I hv never in my life had d thot of marryin a woman. I hv always wished to hv my family n can't wait to b married soon I hope ds rights will never b granted in Africa.
Yemisi,its so sad that the devil has cpmpletely taking over your soul,it not so surprising we are already in the end times,I pray you see the light before it gets to late for you.u are heading for destruction.I may for your soul
whenever i hear all of them gay people speaking i just laugh cause they keep contradicting themselves. its really pathetic. how can u say u are born gay. how can u say science proves that every human being has the tendency to be gay.left to me i have no business with any gay person. i would neither bash u nor accept you. i will fill bad for u cause u are simply making a fool for your self. however if u think u want and should be gay pls by all means be gay but. STAY ON YOUR LANE. no one should come up here trying to shove their so called sexuality into peoples faces. u dont see the heterosexuals shoving their heterosexual relationship into peoples faces. also please and please if u want to be gay u do not deserve to have a child. because ur so called science does not allow for people of the same sex to have children so until ur so called science can do dt. keep being gay alone. dont adopt kids or impregnate someone so u can get a child. thats just wrong besudes u cant have it all. u are either gay and childless or straight and u bear children. dont try to steal the blessings of people u claim are against u or whatever. also to those bisexuals all around. u are week greedy people. i can understand if someone comes to give me d gay bants. yes that person has a psychological problem.but u that u are bisexual. what is the reason behind ur own. are u not a wicked greedy week bastard. u cant even control ur self. its anyone u see u wud do. a dog is better than u. yes i said it. A DOG IS BETTER THAN EVERY BISEXUAL HUMAN BEING OUT THERE. dirty individuals that lack self control. *spits in your face*
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