Ariel Castro, 53, was found hanging in his cell around 9:20 p.m. yesterday Tuesday September 3rd at the Correctional Reception Center in Orient, in central Ohio. A spokeswoman for the prison said early today that prison medical staff performed CPR before Castro was transported to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead around 10:50 p.m.

The women he imprisoned for years - from left Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight
Castro was also watched closely in Cuyahoga County Jail in the several weeks after his arrest and before his case was resolved by a guilty plea, with logs noting his activity every 10 minutes. He was taken off county jail suicide watch in early June after authorities determined he was not a suicide risk.
The three women disappeared separately between 2002 and 2004, when they were 14, 16 and 20 years old. They escaped from Castro's Cleveland home May 6, when Amanda Berry, one of the women, broke part of a door and yelled to neighbors for help.
"Help me," she said in a 911 call. "I've been kidnapped, and I've been missing for 10 years and I'm, I'm here, I'm free now."
The two other women were so scared of Castro that they held back initially even as police officers began to swarm the house. But quickly they realized they were free.
"You saved us! You saved us!" another of the captives, Michelle Knight, told an officer as she leaped into his arms.
Castro was arrested that evening. He had also fathered a child with Berry while she was in captivity; that girl was 6 years old when freed. A judge rejected Castro's request to have visiting rights with his daughter.
Elation over the women's rescue soon turned to shock as details emerged about conditions of their captivity. Investigators say they were bound with chains, repeatedly raped and deprived of food and bathroom facilities. Knight told investigators she was beaten and starved several times to force her to miscarry.
Castro was sentenced Aug. 1 to life in prison plus 1,000 years on his guilty plea to 937 counts including kidnapping and rape.
In a rambling statement, he told the judge he was not a monster but a man suffering from a pornography addiction.
"I'm not a monster. I'm sick," Castro said at his sentencing.
Knight was the only one of the three who appeared in court at his sentencing.
"You took 11 years of my life away, and I have got it back," she said in the hushed courtroom. "I spent 11 years in hell. Now your hell is just beginning."
Source: Associated Press
Quelle horreur !!!
When you read about stories like this, you can't help but be startled! The cartoon character Scooby Doo taught us that the real monster are humans. How true! Humans these days are just monsters! Good riddance!!
lord Jesus help, protect and save you people from this type of man in Jesus name!!
WOW!!!Death isn't the easy way out. He's sufferings just started. But i do hope he wasn't murdered sha ooo
Hell indeed, eternal captivity in hell... F***ing maniac..
Hell indeed, eternal captivity in hell... F***ing maniac..
Good for him.
waiting for the master of conspiracy theory to cone give his take on this.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Blood of jesus!!
Wow!!! Why are oyibos this delusional?
Pple are wicked ooo,hell fire tins 4 dat guy!
The devil takes back his own ....
He held 3 poor girls in captive for 10years&he couldn't take the same treatment for a few months? Well, that saves taxpayers a whole lot of dollars. He definitely couldn't wait to get to hell!
What the....??? Na wa ooo! The sick sh*t we hear in the news these days dey fear person oooo! Dis world is definitely coming to an end! God i-beg o!
it a spokeswoman linda! thank me later
She said it right, his hell is just begining
Wicked Man
Holly Lord of Israel.....meeehn this Oyinbo guy is truly a monster nd he should suffer a painful death than he just did.shit!
25% of young male suffer from pornography addiction .... So unfortunate ....iku ya jesin ..olugbenga
Na wa ooooo
Am still shivering,
Good riddance to bad rubbish!!! So becos he's in jail now he can commit suicide? Why didn't he commit it when he still held those innocent women captive! Burn in hell monster!!!#bb smiley angry face#
Wonders shall never end on this earth,abeg he is more than a monster
The guy is demon possessed. How will u hold 3 women captives just bcos of pussy? If pussy hungry u 2 much why u no go carry ashewo pay her money? Carry as much as u like as long as u get the money instead of holding innocent girls. U don meet ur doom at last.
-Blunt Ibo boy-
Suicide in the prison? I suspect foul play.
Like seriosly? Omg!
Holy Jesus
*mouth agape, eyes wide open* so death is beta for d beast than having t spend a lifetime in prison... Wot a world! Wish u died a slow, painful death- an electric chair would hav jus bn fine f ds Castro of a psycho.
Lies! I believe there's more to this story. The media can no longer be trusted.
God bless u 'is snoring Harming your relationship'. Suicide in prison! How? Who gave him the ropes he hanged himself with? Anyway,good riddance to bad rubbish.. Make God punish am. Idiot.
God! He shouldn't hav died! He should hav suffered.I see death as mercy for dis terrible monster.and I luv d in prison plus a thousand years! Wonderful!
I agreed he's nt a monster, but wen porn hold u grip... It changes ur mind to a monster one, n its a mata of time ur outside behaviour matches ur inner mind. SAY NO to PORN
End tym tinz
He was happy to imprison 3 women but the cowars could not take imprisonment himself.
Where's my comment Linda?
Serves him right, stupid monster.
WHAT???? I Drive by that house of horrors a few times a week and i still get jittery and scared. Cant believe he killed himself. This evil man kept those 3 girls chained up and was having sex with them anyhow. Even had a baby with one of them. These girls did not see daylight for 10 whole years! I am still so scared of people like him. Na wa o
this is absolutely bullshit
This is really scary and to think there are many more innocent women and young boys being held captive like those 3 Ohio girls just deeply saddens me. There are crazy monsters walking this earth sha.
In dat case God bless whoever initiated d 'foul play'
Onpeee koto ku sonu. Sun ree ooo
What is really funny is one of those girls may have feelings for him and actually cry about his death. I read about another bastard like him in Europe whom the girl he held captive cried and cried when he died? *bbm surprised smiley* someone held you against your will for decades, did not let you see the light of day, raped you over and over and even beat you up, but you cry when he died? women sha. We can be weak
Hmmm! Most of the crime committed in this world are by men! Imagine a world without men, no crime and lots of happy fat women. SMH! And for those of you who will have my time to counter me, remember a Tiger doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of a Sheep! I'm out!!!
It's interesting how ppl underestimate the effects of pornography...but this man is one of the few cases
An act of wickedness...its so painful that he had to guy no even suffer for he's wicked act
May his soul rot in wicked can humans be? Even d devil himself will b surprised @ wat some human beings can do.
God will judge him now
See ow he looks so innocent... Creepy monster!
Oyibo sabi cld 1 man hold 3women wit out any help 4 10yrz,dos ladies r fools anyway...
The coward held 3 teenagers captive for over 10years&he couldn't take a few months in prison? Well, the one good thing about this, is that Taxpayers' dollars is not wasted on him forever! He couldn't wait to get to hell!!! Adiós.
4 al doz who luv 2 watch pornography dis is a lesson 4 u remember addiction cud get a hold on u ad u cnt escape.
Its a pity,he took his life.the man is mean,i remember reading the story sometime in June when the ladies were discovered and i wept for them,i cant even imagine how he managed to keep them hidden for ten(10) years in a country like America.its only God that actually knew what happened to him in that prison,he should haved lived to know the pain of incarceration,at least feel the pain of what those ladies went through.miss Ikeji welldone for the good job u're doing,may God crown ur effort wt success.HENRIETTA O.
I can't believe dat a human being wt a human hrt could do such a curel thing, may be he do not even hav an iota of conscience! To him if actually he comitted d sucide levelled aganist him dat death would be a better option but dat's a lie b/cos surely hell ȋ̝̊̅§ d best way for having captivited those women 4rm both their luved ones $ 10 yrs ☺f̶̲̥̅̊ their life!
God pliz help us, dis world is comin to an end.
Holy Molly!!!
Well,nw that u hv killed urself,just go and be dancing awilo logo éjé.If u see akpors for hell fire,abeg help me tell am sey make him return my wash wey him steal.
Roast in Hell with Satan!
Linda u forget to add that they re 3 brothers involved in this case and they each av a lady to 1 bastard down...2 to go...awon oloriburuku..
Good! †̥ђα̲̅†̥ saves tax-payers money Fø̲̣̣я̅ his feeding. He must rot i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ hell.
Not even a single crocodile tear shed!!! Good riddance to bad rubbish....... imagine stealing ten years of some ones life!!! na God go judge am! ......oops.....i forgot......... he shuu b facing d judgement ryt now!! hehehehe.....devil go don dey fry hin oyinbo balls....."hell omelet "...tins
Bastard!!!! dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
He wanted to die by his own hands than death sentence passed on him. wicked and smart. He wanted to go to hell from the beginning knowing that it might take years b/4 he is killed thus he Pleaded guilty to all the charges. The devil will welcome him to hell. He will be their chief of demons. Rot in hell castro.
If dis is wat u have to say in a case like dis den u are possesed
Terrible eyes have seen my ears..lord have mercy.Choi!!!
Is it just me or he looks like Daniel Hardman from the series suits??
lol.. so they made it look like a suicide. where did he get d rope?
If u think this isn't happening in Nigeria then u are delusional as well.
He will still face judgment smh
express way to hell
linda plz check the pictures of theses that pass comments , there is someone that is holding a dick . can't you block this personality . don't you cross check the visitors to your blog
Get your facts straight. The two brothers were cleared of any wrong doing.
You must be referring to Girl in the Cellar; The story of Natascha Kampush who was abducted and held captive for 8 years in a basement by Wolgang Priklopil in Austria.
There is actually more to the story than she ever let on.
They went shopping together and even took a sking trip. She may have fallen in love with him at a point. Their relationship might even have been sexual. Although she never admitted to being molested by him.
She was diagonised with stockholm syndrome after her escape.
Sad he committed suicide. He should have lived in solitary confinement for the rest of his life.
He must have used his prison clothes to hang himself. Gives me the creeps when I see him on TV.
Anthony Adibe, your comment leaves you as decidedly myopic.
Good for him.
Sentences 3 women to more than a decade in hell and can't stand 2 years in a cell. Bastard!!! Sick white f*ck
Should i be sad 4 him? No I'm not. Monster!
My thoughts exactly.
Rot in hell. Best news I heard today.
@Anthony Adibe I've nvr seen a bigger fool like u, y call d ladies fools for been held captive?. Ode berra go for deliverance, ewu hausa
May his soul Rice and Beans.yeye man. Rot in Hell monster. Oloriburuku somebody!!
Eshe oh Mr abi Mrs encyclopedia..
Gosh you are sooo dumb and daft.tufiakwa
What if I told you it's a thumb?thank me later ewu gambia.
He can repent o! And still make it but wow! y r human beings like dis? Sha may God Help Us to be safe away from them sha sha
maybe a good riddance to bad rubbish,,but may his soul rest in peace anyway!
well,i tank God say by nw devil go don dey treat his fuck up.
What a bitch. He should have been pounded to death starting with his balls.
How did he know he's sick?? Joncin guy.
U are a sorry product of ur generation.go and read details of the story. Google Is ur best friend. Then tell me how u wd have escaped if u were them. They feared for their life every single day. Ode.idiot
Wow .... God help us and our kids from such Animals.
Its not a dick, its a finger, a thumb, check very well dawned on him he wouldnt b getting any pussy since he claims to b addicted to porno!he then ends his miserable life! Bastard!
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