Dear all, compliments of the day to you.I believe a lot of you must have heard of the recent termination of my job as an OAP (On Air Personality) on 99.3 Nigeria Info Fm. Well, it is true.
I have read on several blogs that I was sacked for being arrogant, rude etc. Even recently that I lacked discipline. If I lacked discipline, I wouldn't be successful in my career. I believe discipline, integrity and honesty goes hand in hand with true success. Ask those who have met and known me and they will tell you that this is what I live for. I am not perfect, I have made mistakes but who is perfect?
prefer to be silent on matters like this but since silence is assumed
to be consent, I will not consent to my hard earned reputation being
dragged to the gutters. I worked too hard for it.
the 2nd of September 2013 while on admission at First Consultant
Medical Centre, Lagos. I received an email while on my sick bed,
announcing my termination. Honestly, I was not angry but a bit shocked. I
had been too sick lately due to my pregnancy and was not at my best but
I expected my company to be supportive of me. Yes, I wanted them to be
supportive of me because I had worked hard over the years to bring them
much glory.
I know that I will see all sorts of
articles and comments to discredit me but I simply ask this of you all.
If you have ever met me and I was unpleasant to you, feel free to vent
but If you don't know the real me and all you have heard are
insinuations, hold your peace.
I love people
and always wish them well. My mentees and honest colleagues will testify
to this.I love progress because I believe the sky is big enough for
all the birds to fly. AIM Consultants. I am not mad at you. I believe
when one door closes, another one opens. I have served you well over the
years, brought you accolades. So please, let me go in peace and
insiders in the Organisation who do not like guts should not use it as
an opportunity to tear me down. I am a good person and YOU
God bless AIM Consultants, I learnt a lot from you and I am grateful. God bless us all!
Matse Uwatse Nnoli
1 – 200 of 294 Newer› Newest»Nicely put..........
eyaahh...oma se o...first!?
eyaaaa chai!
Nicely put.......
Very well said. We wish u well too
God bless u n uR comment.meY u find n Rciv anoda job!!!
hmmmm I comment my reserve,till I hear from the other party.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
so...that your fate...frist to comment...
Thanks for clearing things up.I love your mature response.There will always be better opportunities.Have a safe pregnancy and delivery
na so
shuu.. this is news to me, we have heard ur part of the story but don't know theirs. if u were truly sacked due to ill-health and absence from work.. then too bad for your former employers.. wish u the best and safe delivery sweets
Matse it is welll, keep doin ur tin. Sky remains ur limit.. And I hope u feel better nw.
She's a gr8 OAP n contributed gr8ly 2 d success of Wazobia fm..... Beta things ahead dearie
Na wa oh.,didnt knw matse has bn sacked..but neverthelez,she stil remain my best nigeria info Oap..better tinx ahead sis..signed:-KINGPIN aka linda ikeji missing rib
End time things
Wow 9ce piece of Info Matse. Too bad AIM had 2 treat u d way they did after all u have given 2 wazobia fm and Nigeria Info. U were one of d best there. Better than Ali baba seriiusly n even freeze on cool fm. I believe d Sky is ur limit ma Dear. Jst look forward cos sometin better awaits u. Mz Beckhy
Now, that is d best statement i have seen in a while, putting circumstance in view. SURELY its a promotion. Congrats.
Pregnancy things, my dear God will strengthen and see you through it all AMEN. WISHING YOU A SAFE DELIVERY
Awww I love u more matse.
Haba! i'v met this lady one on one at an event that took place @ Ikeja.
She was the host and she was pleasant to everybody.
Human beings....
S̶̲̥̅ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ sad, I guess leaving wazobia fm didn't pay off.
It is well with u dear.
Dis lady is actually arrogant!!! I don't like d way she talks n sounds wen she talks 2 her callers @al.....plz in ur nxt job, b cul wiv ur callers especially cos 2 an extent, dey make U̶̲̥̅̊ !!!
Matse with a 9ce voiceu gonna go far so put AIM behind u and move forward. Jealousy 4rm some of ur colleagues na him cos dis one
I love you Uwatse. Teeteelahyo
Sad - Sad, but, sh*t happens!
What a news, who doesnt know matse and rude behaviour, i wont be supraise anyways
Wow!!! just short of words.Life is just about understanding our fellow being,and when this is practised there won't be problems.Communication matters a lot in LIFE
She nids nt reply,leave'em to say whateva wth deir mouths!u kno d best ansa for fools?
This is so surprising. I want to believe there's more to this than being arrogant and indscipline. Hmmmm! Matse, I wish well in your future endeavour, you're a good OAP full of creativity. Don't let this affect your pregnancy, I pray the sky will be a stepping ladder to a greater height for you.
Sorry,take heart such is life.Inlife u have to espect some hurdles in acchiving success,God will see u through!!!KUNZS caps
Oh dear, sorry about all the stress Matse... Please ask for your job back in wazobia... people miss you... I miss you!!!
Some level of decorum exhibited on her part,nice.
Like she said,except you have met her in person and she displayed arrogance then you are free to vent your anger but if not...
All the best to her.
My dear move on with your life. Ur bundle of joy God hAs blesses you with is far better. Yea indeed when the door closes smhow the window will open. Our God is faithful just believe.
After working so hard to bring the station to what it is today,it smacks of ingratitude and gross insensitivty to terminate her appointment on her sick bed. That apart,I woudn't know of her attitude at work which is paramount but the Matse I listen to seem every bit a collected and hardworking employee....I feel so bad...that's why I'm considering being my own boss..
And so???
mind them not.......God will make u bigger........still ya number one fan....*linda u beter post dis....if u no want wahala
Nonsense! Can't comprehend jack!
Nice one..........beliv me am down 4 u,,,,,God will see u tru
nice one gal
Awwww sorry love...dis statement brought me 2 tears...a word of advice 2 all "Not all pregenacies are d same" some r difficult, some r easy....n all do change a woman's attitude 4 a fine OAP like Matse....y'll wld hav given her a break at least 4 all she has put in thru out d yrs.
As u sed gurli bliv anoda door will open as I'm also expecting anoda door 2open too. God be with you.
I love dis ur press release.no name calling or abuse of any sort. God will be with you
Well written statement.
In every disappointment, there's a blessing waiting to manifest!
I wish you well Mrs Nnoli and have gestation period.
Was Olumbunmi iyun( Bunmi) of 95.1 nigeriaInfo Abuja sacked too? I miss Bunmi on Let's Talk
That company just lost a GEM.
cool response and matured.
cool response and matured delivery....Kudos
Am not going to judge you
But she was the only presenter who argue with callers on Nigeria info...
But I feel its a style
Oops I forgot
I said I would not judge ..
I wish u all the best
in every rumour there's an atom of truth,sorry dere, dey would have waited for your recovery b4 terminating ur job.
It must be a painful experience to go through. But I love your spirit and I know you will be fine.
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Awww. Thats too bad. Issues Lik this needs to be addressed properly. Am sorry my sister. The lord is Ur strength. He Will surely bless and reward u real good. Oluwa-mena aka Creamy dude.
Matsheeee! No wahala! U said it all......a better road will open for you in no distant time. Pls ask God to forgive u in anyway u would hv erred consciously or unconsciously an d then move on......
Such a hrt earned writing. Shez right anyway ..hold ur peace if u dnt kw her in persn nd she hsnt done anytin to U...My dear ur right when a door closses another one openz ...good health z all I wush u ..once ur in good health God wil provide the rest 4 u.. Stay strong dear.#rosycion*
Its well dearie,you sure will be fine and land another job.
silence, they say , is golden.. but not when people try to discredit you. I love your reply Matse
Oma Udeigbo
Matse I am sorry that you were sacked from Naija info but I think it is true that you are rude and arrogant because immediately I told a colleague of mine that matse was fired even without telling him the reason he said he knew you were going to be sacked soon, because you are arrogant and rude( even to the callers on your show). Take this time out to take care of yourself and your baby and also work on your attitude.Thanks
God knows all dear...rilly when 1 door closes, anoda opens....what a wise write up..she did not go on to say dis or dat..or dis person did dis or dat...let God judge.
i love her hair do
Awwww, I didnt know dat Maste has been sacked oo.....I knew her right from Wazobia FM and she was damn good.........becos of her I became a fan of Nigeria Info....so sad that the company couldnt support her now that she needed them more....and to note that she was on her sick bed when the sack came?.......sad..Maste, you go gal, you will get somewhere better soon
Matse i want u to no that this is not the end of the world, like u said before when one door close another will open. wish u good luck, one love
Matse live ur Best n b healthy 4 ur unborn bby, humans ar neva satisfied, God is ur strength. Wish u all d best in life.
Something should be done to protect women at work place o. We have a right to procreation for God's sake. So, she is ill due to pregnancy and she gets fired! E no do them sef! Now u want to drag her name down too, haba!
Matse, live your life. No mend them! God will open better doors for you in Jesus name, Amen!
eiyaaaa sad one
matse and the sport gang re the only reason i listen to nigeria info d station is wack without those two.
life goes on... i believe she'll go onto greater heights.. Inspiration Fm, where una dey oh..
Does AIM really support their staff? That company is a Slave Ship. That is why Chris Obosi left and formed BEAT .FM that is seriously whooping their ass.
What an intelligent response....
some wld come & rant here wen dey don't know a shit about d whole saga
I wish u well dear in ur new search....
God rewards not Man..
life goes on... i believe she'll go onto greater heights.. Inspiration Fm, where una dey oh..
Matse u have done very well, just know that this is not the end of the world, i have always love ur program,just no that when one door close another will open.may God bless u. one love
matse u are good on ur job,termination is a normal thing in work just pick up urself and carry on.
I stopped listening to her cos she kinda sounds rude to her callers sometimes.
but like she said no one is perfect.
love her thoo
What a mature response. Way to go girl!
Nice one
The Sky is your beginning Matse. FLY FLY FLY FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmmmmm........... What women go through....
If what she has written is anything to go by, den that company should be sued. What insolence? Should she not have a life becos she is working for them? Or is it her fault that pregnancy is not treating her nicely? I smell conspiracy here though but anyhow, move on with ur life sis. Ur name has become a brand of its own and i can assure u d sky will be ur starting point.
These employees sha, very few of dem are human. The rest,isshhhhhh.....
Spoken like a boss lady!I honestly jst had a trance 2days ago nd I was thinking where is Maste??,she deserved better from them.
Awwww!!!!it is well my dear,Better days re still ahead.God will open greater doors 4 u....take care of urself plss,it very important.God bless you.
i actually like ur maturity, another door will open my dear
Matse,I have always enjoyed your programme on the radio. Anyway, when one door is closed anther one will certainly open. What matters now is what God has blessed you with. Wish you all the best jare.
Blah blah blah ...what will all dis change..nofin..somehow u don't need to have personal contact to know someone's character..wish u d best..many of em aop re too arrogant..for d fact u were with a radio station while it grew big doesn't make u d manager
Most fine ladies are arrogant. Am sure some pple are jealous of her. Move on girl.
All I can say is dat I luv d way she styled her hair. Ama try it some time wit my dreads.
Dis is ur own trying period Matse.preggy+sickbed+sack letter? God wil see u 2ru dearie. Dis may be a blessing in disguise, as God may want u 2 av early maternity leave, afta which u go hammer big time.*hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Eeya...I feel for Matse.I really miss her on air esp d way she laughs on alibaba's show(alibaba serious,seriously?seriously.pishauuun).I wish her goodluck in her future endeavours
GBAM........matshe lv loads
Hmmmm..ur husband can carter for u both.wish u well dearie.av alwys lovd u n will continue to.
I had been too sick lately due to my pregnancy. Linda, is she married? anyway, i wish her all d best in life - don't give up, d sky is vastly wide for us all.
Hmmmmm... Weldone Matse for responding and i just want to wish U well in ur next challenge but above all just take care of ur unborn child. Will miss u on air.
So sad she was sacked
But matse has been outsanding as an air personality why sack her in such an unpleasant way??? Naija fm no try atall
How sad, what a way to be treated from your employers. All the best to you Matse, better things are ahead, just keep your head high and focused, with determination you shall never be found treading water in life.
This lovely lady. Please what went wrong? I came to love that station because of two OAPs and one of them happen to be this lady.If because you were heavy which is a blessing to all ladies, then you were fired, the Lord God that am serving will be there for you. You will never lack because you brought joy to some people through the programmes you were presenting. Please email me on asuqhalt@hotmail.com. LIB, thanks for allowing her to air her own side of the story. Tony.
Nice one there Matse, such is life... The only rude and arrogant OAP i've ever come across is Uche Nwokocha of Top Radio... I tried correcting her once via SMS buh d reward i got in return was an insultive message which is still well kept in my archive. I stopped listening to d station since then, not even my fav top sports on top radio.
Ooh. this is serious
Naira Feast
Other media houses would love to have you Matse. Pack your kaya and go to them jare! See asset wey this people lose. Hisssssssss
Sexy mama, beautiful mama *in wizkids voice* :-)
honest when i read this blog i was shocked, i love matse i normally listen to his program on Wazobia FM, before they tranfer her to Naija info. you are one of the Best OAP in Nigeria. Just take Heart Matse dont let this to disturb u.
Talk true... wetin u do when make dem pursue u 4 dere?
Heya!!! God will provide u another better Job
Life goes on babe. Pick yourself up, dust yourself and move on. This isn't the end of your career. Your destiny isn't tied to any individual, corporate or govt body.
Dearir take heart, it's well God will surely vindicate u. Takia of ursef n unborn baby
very convincing... God bless your hustle! Only God knws best.... Just learnt a lot from your statement.
Sometimes even when you are right, you should learn to end conflicts amicably.
Matse my baby who say you lack manners? May God forgive them and God bless you and family
Matse! Wow! I'm just hearing this! I've met her couple of times when I went over to the cool fm studios( cool fm an her sister stations are located in the same building) and she cut across as humble and free-spirited. One several occasions when I was waiting in the reception to be attended to, Matse walked in and greeted everyone. She even helped my gave my former neighbour whose 3yr old was almost raped by a teenager by giving connecting her to Frank Mba when he was still commisioner in Lagos. I haven't heard or read any official press release from AIM consultant, but whatever caused her sack, Matse left great and reputable foot-marks at AIM consultant and potential employers will be more than willing to have her on their team.
You have shown maturity and restraint in your response.Just take of urself and d baby. You've shown ur worth. In a couple of days offers 'll come calling to ur amazement.
No wonder she've been off air 4 smtym now, I even tot she's still on honeymoon. Well Matshe dear I'm ur addict fan n av followed u 4rm wazobia to 99.3 infact u one f d reasons I started listening to radio not all those forming fune jand tins. Pls dear keep being u no 1 can stop a star 4rm shining. Will follow u to which eva station u'll joing. Cheers! DearXtan
Hmmm, matse, God will see u thru dis one.... Just keep aiming and sooner God will lead u2 fulfillment. So disheartening that in this part of the world we see Guts as arrogance and disrespect... Too bad. Well, going forward Matse, I advise u play down a little on ur guts... Cos one cud suffer 4it... As thre are so many mediocres and sycophants around. Wiish u the very best.
Hiakwa!Nawaooo!Only GOD knws d truth anyway bt i ve alwz luv u Matse n still do no matter wt they say!
My dear,God will give u a better job.Take care of yourself and your unborn baby. Its well n For Aim consultant( Coolfm,Wazobia,Nig Info,Coollink,Cholocate Royal,Coolcafe) n Aminu Mosalli/tatiana/madam/Evita n Jihad God will settle u people soon. U can from Lebanon to use n dump nigerians. That was how u terminted my appointment too but I bless God .
Linda is she referring to me? is she crazy or what? Do you know who I am?
Yes! She's d 1 dat made wazobia fm wot it is 2day n mayb lolo too. If its 2ru wot she's saying then 9ja info its not fair oh! She was pregnant and sick now u guys sacked her cos u feel wazobia n 9ja info fm re made now. Matshe jus take care of urself n baby now n leave the rest 2 God #pray without season#
Who cares she dey use dis one find people wey go employam,press staement indeed
God will give you a better job all these one man biz in Nigeria God will help us
eyah, the good Lord will see u thru ur pregnancy, u will deliver safely Matse and after that, a better job will come. God bless u for not cursing them
My sweetheart, don't worry God will give you another Job. That's my believe bcos you very very good on what you were doing. Remember what happen to Charles B of Inspiration FM.Be strong for you unborn baby and your husbby. I love you
Maturely written. She is definitely an intelligent woman. I personally will be praying for you Matse.
Good, nice one! remain focus God will giv u a better job cos you hav got d skills
Why tear her reputation after sack, allow her move on in peace oh, bad belle her career is at stake here, best wwishes dear
Painful tho, but life must go on. You are grate. God bless you and grant you another new and satisfying job likewise all the jobless LIB readers. Amen. Cheers. Engr Emy.
Hmmmm i like Matse sha
God bless you Matse.
Happy belated birthday linda'ashewo'ikeji
I can't believe all of this about Matse. The once I've met her, i see her as a very jovial person. What ever comes ur way Matse, do accept it with fate and move on with ur life. I believe this is another opportunity 4 a better job. It is well.
I don't really know the radio station she works for bcos is just her program I listen to.Dear, When God closes a door somehow he always leave d window open. Wish you luck
Don't wori D̲̅ε̲̣̣̣ǎ̜̣̍®,every dissapointment Ȋ̝̊̅§ a blessin,I soo much blv in that saying cos it works Ƒ̐δя̣̣ •̸Ϟﻉ..I pray it will work Ƒ̐δя̣̣ Ɣ☺ΰ D̲̅ε̲̣̣̣ǎ̜̣̍®.
My dear u own nobody explanation. you see in this life if u are good people must talk if u are bad people must talk. just that i am mssing ur program. more grease to ur elbow. No man can bring u down. God is with you. put in ur best and leave the rest to God. Note this u can't pleased everybody.
Na wa ooooo.
It is well with you o jare.
Go take care of your family o jare. Inspiration FM did same for Chaz B and he got better offer.
Just continue to be good and enjoy your life.
Its Nigeria Info not nigerian info o!
Matse is a very rude girl....too bad she lost her job, but i saw it coming.
she was ALWAYS very rude to people when they called into her show and it serves her right.
Matse, YOU are not a nice person and YOU know it!!!!!!!!!
Well said
If one door Close another one ll open don't mind them God is about to do a great thing I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ Ūя̲̅ life
All the best in her future endeavour. She have to move on and the other party should stop discrediting her. That's a harsh way to repay a sacked staff even if she evidently does something wrong. #smell inside beefing
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Matse don't worry......such is life. When one door closes another one opens. It is just a move aimed at putting you in a better position. I see you being appointed to a government position soon......so without my dear.
Matse don't worry......such is life. When one door closes another one opens. It is just a move aimed at putting you in a better position. I see you being appointed to a government position soon......so without my dear.
Nuff respect Matse. You have DIGNITY?
Babes let them go ahead and castigate you, me know say you too good.. All the best
Nawaooo, dis is very sad; not to worry dear, oluwa is involve in ur matter.
Nuff respect Matse. You have DIGNITY. :-)
Correct babe.
Awwww! Please allow her go in peace oh!
AIM Consultants na una loss o!!!!!!
Her story is very touching, l really do feel for her. l don't really know her dat much but she seems to be a nice person.
Eya! She sounds hurt and betrayed..just reading this piece you can smell humility all over her...She doesn't even come across like an arrogant person..Don't worry Matse,God sees the heart of all men,whatever may've been the reason for you job termination Only God knows,but look@it as a blessing in disguise...God will definitely open bigger doors of success for you IJN,It is well!
My dear u own nobody explanation. you see in this life if u are good people must talk if u are bad people must talk. just that i am mssing ur program. more grease to ur elbow. No man can bring u down. God is with you. put in ur best and leave the rest to God. Note this u can't pleased everybody.
My dear u own nobody explanation. you see in this life if u are good people must talk if u are bad people must talk. just that i am mssing ur program. more grease to ur elbow. No man can bring u down. God is with you. put in ur best and leave the rest to God. Note this u can't pleased everybody.
See woman wey get style. Even her language shows class.
Sorry. ... it happens.
Matse Uwatse the best is definitly coming ur way, if one door closed God is alwys reaady to open anoda one 4 u, i luv d way u anchore program on air most xpecially @wazobia fm. one of d bst OAP we got in naija
Perhaps, there have been unresolved, pending issues b4 this. I can not imagine a reasonable manager sacking his employee for being on admission because she is pregnant.We need more light on this.
Chaiii...ℓ̊ W̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̝̊̅ ̄ι̥ι̥ miss your sweet voice. If †̥ђα̲̅†̥'s actually ђã† they did, †̥ђα̲̅†̥'s too bad of them.just be strong, God is your Strength.
this your message to the public is even rude self ... there is an element of 'you have this element of i do not give a fuck .. you do not flex guts with your boss or your superior , do that to your job ...
Matse tell them. I like your choice of words
are sure you are saying the truth, because management dont sack someone at the first offense.
My dear even if u are an angel, people will still criticize you. Especially those with Diarrheoa of the Mouth. So, move on.
Matshe, When one door closes, another better one opens. What they meant to harm you, God will turn around and use to your advantage because all things work together for those who love God and are called accordinging to his purpose. See it this way, you will have time to take care of yourself, nuture your baby and reinvent yourself, by the time you wean your baby(babies) you will be highly sought after and you will negotiate your terms.This is the work of envious people but they are only helping you discover your destiny. All is well my dear dont even worry yourself you are bigger and better than them. I love your programmes and you are always so respectful and focused, no one can steal your joy except you give them. I ish you the bestin your future endeavors. Mark me they will come crawling back forgive them but dont go back.
The post is good. She did not attempt to blackmail any soul. A lesson for all. Wishing her success in her future dealings.
shit happens, take this as a stepping stone to better things to come.....its not the end of the world..wish you all the best
Pregnancy can do so many things to a woman...maybe one jealous oga orchestrated d sack!
I worked for this group and I can tell you their management are a pathetic set of people who hire and fire people without proper investigation or empathy, they have a high rate of staff turnover.
Staff are treated like zombies and work is stifled. They expect you to be productive and work magic meanwhile they know nothing.
They employ a bunch of Lebanese or Indians to supervise your work, these things breed down your throats and micro manage you with absolutely no clue about your work.
When you voluntarily resign they relate false information to any employer who wishes to hire you in the name of vengeance.
Matse, I knew you to be very hardworking, they don't deserve you.
This group needs to be checked by the body that governs employee rights!!
I can't see an article like dis on this blog and not comment, I've met matshe one on one back then when she was still with wazobia fm, and the way she related and hugged me was like we've been friends for years, she wasn't rude to me @ all. I've said my bit
I don't know u so I don't care. Linda pls talk abt people that we know or are interesting
My dear friend Matse I wish you all the best in Life. Take it in good faith, it is a sign of good things to come. Believe in God.
Na wa ooh, na so dem dey do all these lebanese people. I nor blame dem it is well, dear like u said d sky is big enough nd i wish u quick recovery @ lyndalicious say so
Hmmm! They should have known that women tends to be different when they are pregnant. In my case, I was in and out of hospital when I was pregnant and my boss stood by me. Matse please, take care of your pregnancy, that's the most important thing to you now. Work no dey finish, you can always work elsewhere. Best wishes dear.
I worked for this group and I can tell you their management are a pathetic set of people who hire and fire people without proper investigation or empathy, they have a high rate of staff turnover.
Staff are treated like zombies and work is stifled. They expect you to be productive and work magic meanwhile they know nothing.
They employ a bunch of Lebanese or Indians to supervise your work, these things breed down your throats and micro manage you with absolutely no clue about your work.
When you voluntarily resign they relate false information to any employer who wishes to hire you in the name of vengeance.
Matse, I knew you to be very hardworking, they don't deserve you.
This group needs to be checked by the body that governs employee rights!!
eya sowie god is in control
Firstly matse,you did not directly address what (you thought may have)led to your sack.Secondly,self-glorification is all i could read in your statement,nothing more.Lastly(and most importantly),you cannot please everyone so stop seeking validation from mere mortals like you.If you truly are the nice person you described then let others qualify u as such.moreova,niceness is not a virtue,but me still
Ike you sha.
It's a stepping stone 2 another greater height, be strong n keep ur head high, God will see u through. It doesn't matter what anyone says
God bles u 2 ma dr>>> 1 tin i wnt u 2 no is dat life is just dis way.... pple wil alwyz wnt 2 judge u witout knowin da truth!! jst b strong oky, cos 2mrw is pregnant n wil surely giv birth 2 beauti4ul tin. It is wel
Good person indeed...matse u are rude and arrogant my dear,have had an encounter wif you baby and ur attitude speaks volume."if u lack discipline u won't be successful" u are successful in a place but when ur attitude is noticed no one can deal..my dear take time to re-shapen yourself..because you are at the top doesn't make u to look down on others,
worry not cos better is not gud enough best is yet to come.god knws the best 4 u
I rarely comment on issues like this, but Matse is some1 i met in the course of my job and i was/am glad i met and worked with her. She not only came on time for the event we invited her for? she didnt want to collect our honorarium. While ironing out logistics preceding the event, she was humble and considerate, chipping in her own advice and suggestions. These pple are threatened cos Matse has outgrown the station. No probs, she will get something better.
Please if this is the lady that shuts people up on radio then it serves her damn right.
pls sm1 confirm if she was the one on air the day after the pope made a statement about gay people. Cos whoever the on-air female personality was, the person was damn rude, arrogant, extremely disrespectful, lacks decorum and has no knowledge to qualify for that position.
I am almost certain she is the one. Since she once worked with wazobia or is from cool fm family. I cant be surprised, bunch of rude people in there.
Anyways Radio stations need to start training their staff sha.
Awww... Dis is sad!
Guilty of anything or not, you are very matured, even in distress/anger. The sky is the beginning of your limit. Best wishes and congrats on ur pregnancy
Fyn chick....me lik u. Berra tinz ahead babe
Dat's jex it. Such is lfy my dear abeg move on, wen a door is closed believe mi u, dir is anoder door wide open waiting 4 u to cum in hmmm.
Just take it easy, God will see u thru.
No smoke witout fire.....most @ times her caller do accused her of insolence though....anyway d truth will surely come one ϑαў.....I wish her d vry best in her future endeavor..
No comment.cos I Dnt even knw u.
I think she shd sue AIM for defamation of character. I don't pray to work for a company that doesn't appreciate its workers. AIM is one of them,they've hurt so many pple. Toss u out like a piece of garbage! Matse dear,i hope u get a better place where ur value will be appreciated. Those haters can go fly a kite for all I care. Take care of ur Lil one.
I really dnt know wht 2 make of this whole issue.
Linda. Why is my post misssing? Abeg post my comments nao, abi I offend u before nii?
Hmmm dats all i can say...
Chai, I like Ʊя̲̅ spirit Matse. Its well with u. Be happy because if ₪☺τ̅ anything u are blessed n about to bring someone to life. All the best dear, like u rightly said, when one door closes so many more doors will open. I dnt know n won't even judge u if I knew u cos none of us Ȋ̝̊̅§ perfect. Keep Ʊя̲̅ head high!
I didn't knw this girl before but i love her composure and how she's handling this, many other ladies would flip and starting calling people names, may God give you another better place to work
I didn't knw this girl before but i love her composure and how she's handling this, many other ladies would flip and starting calling people names, may God give you another better place to work
That is the way of the world. One day they praise you the other day they show you their ugly side. Cheer up Matse, those of us who knew you before you became a public figure can attest that popularity did not change your humble nature. Move on. It's the beginning of a new phase in your career.
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