According to Nollywood comic actor, Ugezu J. Ugezu, who posted on his Facebook page, a doctor who treated Chinedu said his death was as a result of complications triggered by slimming tea
Ugezu said..
“Our preliminary investigation, backed with scientific presentations from the last doctor that treated him in Onitsha, shows that Dabebe died from complications triggered by the made in China slimming tea, which he started drinking in July. This tea, medicine or whatever, gradually destroyed all his internal organs and by the time he became too weak and got rushed to the hospital, his body couldn’t respond to treatment; organs were ruined already. The sad news is that Dabebe, that promising young man, is dead.”Are there doctors in house who can tell us how Chinese slimming tea could have destroyed his organs and if there are harmful effects in taking such herbal teas.
Blood of Jesus.i drink Chinese slim tea every night.HELP!
I have warned my sista to lay off that shit. Even all the so called supplements are dangerous
I have warned my sista to lay off that shit. Even all the so called supplements are dangerous
He must have gotten frustrated by those boobs. Mtcheeew rip dude
He does not look fat , so why take slimming tea.
Wow n i drink that thing steady :o
Made in china
Add up prime online hype man and digital music distributor Qidas XIII on BBM 25faf7BB
Thank you Linda for spreading this news, it is good to let people know what this Chinese people are capable of doing, in Nigeria any thing goes. The government is supposed to investigate this, as usual they will say the guy don die, e don die be that, enough is enough! This shit should be investigated!
Oh no!! What a lost rest in peace
Its not that the slimming tea literally killed him......its possible that some harmful contents may have caused issues with his liver or kidney, which r the two organs in charge of neutralizing some of these harmful contents. Acute injury to these organs can sometimes lead to death quite fast...
Well I'm nt a doc bt I used to tk those awhile back..little results and when u stop u add bk what weight you lost and even more. If it killed him? Don't knw, doubt it cuz the chinese drink their tea everyday and as we knw they are the most populous nation so if the tea kills it wld ve killd almst alla dem. He prolly was drinking a fake tea.
RIP dude
God bless you for this post Linda.I just started taking slimming tea yesterday.I am so stopping it cos I can't sout o..lemme manage my size 10.
RIP I just wonder why this man was taking slimming tea. Vanity upon vanity
Rip. Ngozi pls take note n start chopping food now
Believe it or not, i have a friend that died of this same chinese fucking tea. Her liver was damaged. Too much of it kills. Chinese tea kills
Believe it or not, i have a friend that died of this same chinese fucking tea. Her liver was damaged. Too much of it kills. Chinese tea kills
Slimming tea? How revealing! I know a lot of woman are into drinking that a lot, authorities need to look into this issue because a lot more lives would be at stake here. May his soul rest in peace, amen!
Hmmmmm... R I P
There's about one major way to lose weight in my opinion;EXERCISE.
The idea of ingesting all kinds of substances in the quest to burn some fat could actually lead to complications in the human anatomy. He's at peace that dies.
Sad tale!
There's about one major way to lose weight in my opinion;EXERCISE.
The idea of ingesting all kinds of substances in the quest to burn some fat could actually lead to complications in the human anatomy. He's at peace that dies.
Sad tale!
Chai friendly Dabebe...saw him last a month ago even gave him money to buy water to drink...my good friend
I tink ther r toxic substance in d tea, in which d liver is supps to detoxify it before being processed by the body. Excessive intake or long term use of this substance can lead to d destruction of the liver due to d over function of the liver,in such a case d liver can not function properly and in such case the toxic substance will move freely in the body,destroying vital organs such as the kidneys, heart and even the intestines..... Linda ikeji u r welcom
I believe that wd depend on the tea and its chemical constituents, but there is always some form of risk with a lot of this herbal stuffs and one sud be wary of them. Its always best to seek expert opinion and and analysis about any kind of therapy. May his soul rest in peace.
May His soul rest in peace.
I tink ther r toxic substance in d tea, in which d liver is supps to detoxify it before being processed by the body. Excessive intake or long term use of this substance can lead to d destruction of the liver due to d over function of the liver,in such a case d liver can not function properly and in such case the toxic substance will move freely in the body,destroying vital organs such as the kidneys, heart and even the intestines..... Linda ikeji u r welcom
~D great anonymous!
Ope o. Ladies beware !!! Eat less instead
The real baby oku
This is really sad. Surely they is more to the story.
Too much of everything is bad!
Rip chinedu!
Wow this sounds incredible. Natural green tea is okay and for slimming chinese tea. Someone should educate us on it composition.
Learn the secrets to burning fat and eating healthy
Pls Linda, before you generalise and mention chinese tea, you would do your readers a world of good by actually mentioning the actual made in china tea. I bring in slimming tea from the US and it is definitely 100% safe. You are influential and you should realise by now that what you put on your blog can actually affect peoples livelihood.
RIP. who do you blame. Literary,everything in Nigeria now is made in China. Lord have mercy. uche
OMG.jesus abeg can i know d name of d slim tea pls
Who do you blame? Almost everything in Nigeria now is made in China. God have mercy on us. RIP.
There are many kinds of Chinese slimming and weight loss teas. While green tea is
considered safe (although contains caffeine) for long term consumption, slimming and weight loss teas that contain stimulant laxative herbs like Senna, Mallow, Ginseng, Eleuthro Root and Licorice are very dangerous!!
Now, excessive intake of green tea also has some side effects associated with increase in the intake of caffeine which of course Is one of the constituents of green tea. As for slimming teas, senna, mallow, and so on mentioned above have adverse effects like increase in bowel movements, potential dehydration, increase In hunger, and so on.
It Is best to take a look at the ingredients of any weightloss tea and research those ingredients before purchase.
Thank u Mich for mentioning exercise.I used to be on the big side,I was fat that my friends were ashamed of me till one day I decided to start working out.I used to work out like twice daily for about 2months,today I have lost all that weight.the only thing I was taking with the exercise were fruits and vegetables.
I dae tell uu@Rough diamond.linda post ma comment ooo ,it's ma 1st time.
@Prince Charming,I am as scared as fuck! I drink it too
Lipton tea is solely made from raw green tea. Doctors, dietitian and even nutritionist recommend it for burning fat and slimming. You can even take it 2-3 times a day. Very reliable with consistent quality. Let's encourage our own product. As for exercising alone without eating healthy or watch what you do eat. It doesn't work that way but they go hand in hand. Pls post this.
NATURAL GREEN TEA is safe. Not just all green tea. Some green tea are flavoured.Most of these mixed or flavored tea are not safe.
Awwww he has boobs. He shd Av gone for surgery if he cd afford it.what a shame. I'm sure that's one of the reasons why he resorted to drinking stuff. May he rip
Jeezus...ma bro n I tke slimming tea every single day...pls wts d brand of d slimming tea...
na waoh for all these china products. even their tea done they kill sef. God help us. The company shd be sued.
Omg! Jesus help me ooo.this tea is my drinking water every day.God I don't want to die.RIP bros
This is very unfortunate!
Its quite unfortunate.Teas,chinese or whatever source are herbal preparations which contain extracts from roots and leaves of different plants.They could be effective in weight reduction but also harmful to vital organs.And may I add that most of these Chinese slimming products do not go through efficient laboratory testings,just like our local concoctions,they do not have doses,contraindications and warning about adverse effects.My advise to those who want to shed some weight:Exercise,eat healthy(avoid food with fats and high calorie content),sleep well.God bless you all.
Yes those teas are dangerous.
I doubt it's the tea except it was expired. RIP dude
D substance or ingrdient dat killz is called "aspartame"..pple shud lay off slimmin tea,zero callories stuffs,diet coke nd pepsi nnd all ...its killin fast
Bekeme! Bekeme!!! U better stop drinking that rubbish.
Oh jesus I no this guy,we grow up together in onitsha, we attend our lady of fatima BRC then in onitsha. Oh what a lost. Rip nedu and my condonlence to emeka, chioma
I reserve my comment onthe cause of death tell the AUTOPSY report comes out. My professional advise "Anyone who likes to take slimming/supplements.
Liver function n EUC tests is a most do tests before and during slimming tea intake for ur safety, cos it tells u the state of ur liver n kidney and if the pills are harmful to ur body the will brin it ur notice. Some individuals due to the bad state of their organs wen the take simple mixture of herbs the have severe complications because they are not aware of their diseased liver e.g hepatitis,metastases,liver failure,kidney failure n immunocompromised/suppssed. Individual allergy or toxicity tolerance may differ.
Consult a qualified Medical laboratory Scientist to determine your state of health for his/her advise.
Me I just drink bournvita. Isorai
U can't blame d chinese slim tea if its made in onitsha
Hv u also realised dat since whem china goods(esp. Foods and beverages) became prominent in our markets, there are more cases of cancer in nigeria.
If you want to lose weight, start exercising, go on portion control and don't even later than 7pm. Eat healthy, do more veggies and smoothies. Technically,raw Teas don't slim you down. They only tighten your stomach and that alone can harm your intestines.
Yes o....all those chinese slimmin trash en all dia herbz or medicine are deadly,my dad use to bii an addict to all dat nonsense in different typez not until he almst died of a particular type he tuk....fortunately an uncle whu is a medical doctor in U.S waz around an saw hiz "ware house" of chinese suppliment en whole lotz of dia product,he waz terrified en warned nva to take al dat again coz itz dangerous en containz lotz of stuffz dat aint gud 4 human health,he said most of dose stuffz d chinese pipul pack into our country dat dey demselvz dnt take it coz dey knw d health effect of it...Dat waz d end of takin al dat 4 my dad tnx 2 my uncle whu prescribe d rite drugz 4 him,whu knwz wat wud hav happened. Naija pipul too dey accept anithing put 4 mouth as far as itz cumin 4rm outside our country itz bad. RIP yung soul!! Odaz takin it hope yo learnin en seein 2morrow naw most of yo siblinz we accuz village pipul killin u not knwin we ignorantly kill ourselvz.
Ok let me help you guys here. The problem with herbal products (in nigeria especially) is usually contamination with metals, pesticides or delibrate orthodox medicines. Its the build up of these toxic substances that cause organ related damages. Also, Nafdac would list most herbal products. Don't be fooled by the numbers these companies write on the pack of their products. It simply means there are recognised and the herbs they contain meet official standards; Further studies in view. So, beware. And just because one pharmacist-doctor- tells you its safe doesn't mean you shouldn't check with another pharmacist. And nigerians entrust illiterates and quacks with important decisions like "should I take this herbal product, is it good for me since I'm expecting a baby or as I'm diabetic and so on". As if we have nine lives!
Good comment
U reaLly sound like onitsha woman.. Is it dat learning english is forbidden in ur place. Wat is " we grow up together", "we attend ". U need serious help!
@PrinceCharming, "a lot of woman" "a lot lives?" Gbagaun of life! Easy on d arrow
Check ur diet.eat healthy,exercise.thats all. Its laziness that makes ppl drink that stuff
Are we now just realising dis chinease tea av side effects,I keep asking myself dis questions,do dis chinease take dis tea dey ship into Nigeria after manufacturing it? Of cos no,niaja is d dumping grd, I thx God smone popular has died,now d awarness has increased. May his soul rest in peace.(amen).
That's right! Them liver and kidney probably got messed up.we don't ve precise history to give u accurate diagnosis though!
Major Man boobs! #handovereyes
Nigerians always want to take the short cut , there is no other safer way to losing weight than proper nutrition and exercise .
Is d Ugezu guy a doctor? I am surprised no one hs called him out on dis premature and potentially baseless statement. Let d autopsy reveal d cause of death. D last time I checked anything can kill a person if it is abused. Check out
Linda no b lie ooo d tea even kill one white babe for milano, and doctor confirm it dat it was d cust of chinese slimming tea mydear instantly na me I stop to dey drink am ooo cos d babe was very close to my sister.
Linda no b lie ooo d tea even kill one white babe for milano, and doctor confirm it dat it was d cust of chinese slimming tea mydear instantly na me I stop to dey drink am ooo cos d babe was very close to my sister.
Some of these slimming teas work as thorough laxatives which myt put u in d same level as someone who hs diahorrhea/dysentery. Now d liver n kidney aid detoxificatn,excretion n absorption . In 1word, some of d slimming tea jus makes ur body nt hold down anything u ingest. Now weda it leaves d nutrient or washes everything i av no idea bt i dont trust chinko for anything . If a 6mths old babe cn die from 1 day of diahorrhea , hw much more an induced 1 for months which hs been tasking ur organs. Dey r some good wans though. Better still....Hit d gym!
Pls u ppl shud stop tkn ds chinko slimming tea or so.let's learn to appreciate our naija herbal products,dey r vry vry good, try a bottle of 'Fijk flusher'it is vry vry good...
I don't fancy anything made in China,always fake. Bye to slimming tea!
i drink swimming tea 3 times a day( feiyan tea). God help me oh!
size 10, are u kidding an u want to slim down.pls respect yourself.
It is very possible bcos it causes dehydration and a lot of bad things in our internal organs. I learnt this after watching 1000ways to die on dstv
Excessive intake of any edible thing can kill.
You want to lose weight, then STOP eating excessively.
The anorexics know this, how come you don't know.
From a Doctor in the house.
Eh ya RIP...but naija too like short cut, if you want to lose weight cut off those obreke food in naija and hit the gym...simple
its very possible because most of these herbal slimming tea acts as purgative and induces diarrhoea after use. so repeated or persistent passage of loose stools causes one to get dehydrated and eventually go into hypo-volumeic( reduce fluid volume in the body) shock and organ failure and death. so folks be careful of the use.
its very possible because most of these herbal slimming tea acts as purgative and induces diarrhoea after use. so repeated or persistent passage of loose stools causes one to get dehydrated and eventually go into hypo-volumeic( reduce fluid volume in the body) shock and organ failure and death. so folks be careful of the use.
There re no better ways 2 loss weight than EXERCISE n REDUCING ur INTAKE, also avoid late night meals, go on fruits if it's too late 2 eat! The instructions on those harbal tea is nt written in English, so tell me how u will understand d dos n don'ts. Nigerians short cuts re vry dangerous,pls be warned!! D tea runs stomach, purgatives re nt too good.
Am a Biochemist by profession.The liver is a very delicate organ in the body.. It detoxify the body of its toxicity.. Most of the roots they used in manufacturing these so called Chinese Tea are so very harmful,some contains dangerous phytochemicals such as Hydrocannabinol,Mosaic acid,Sinister dissaccharide,Acid soda,E27(Emulsifier), and lots more.They rupture the intestine and makes it susceptible to pathogenic infection.If u doubt my judgement,buy the tea......boil it down till its dark, take a little quantity and put it in a grease free slide.add Carbol fuschin, air dry and and wash in a slow running water..check the slide,u'd see a little sticky content,add acetone and place on top of *100 objective lens microscope, u'd be able the see the Gram positive bacterias that are harmful........ To cut the long story short,it kills.
Now the reigning one is molinga my huby will not allow me to hear word I have toldhimhe will come back one day he won't see it. Am not ready to be a widow God forid.
Anon September 10, 2013 at 3:59 PM; that's quite ignorant. Definitely not aspartame.
Please which ify is dis cos I attended same block rosary with him.please is this Ify okafor?Ebele(nwanyi afia nkpor)
@prince charming 'U knw a lot of woman who take it'how cud u brk my heart with such Gunshot..*crying*
As much as I want to commend your comment, I was lost in trying to comprehend all yoi tried to convey in that message due to your bad english and silly slangs or abbrevations. The comment box is not restrictive in it's number of characters or words, so why won't you just write proper English?
I lost a colleague to this nonsense Chinese herbal tea!
People should please stay away from all these poisons. Diet and exercise are enough for weight management otherwise be happy with how you are.
Its 'women' Mr pc.
May his soul rip.
So it is your livelihood as an importer of Chinese tea that matters, and not people's lives? Anon 3.17? SMT!!
I doubt dis
@ miss Kazeem lipton tea is not "our own" product.
Just so you know.
Instead make una dey drink gin to slim down na tea una go dey drink, ogogoro is d best way to burn fat oooo..gbamm!!!!!!!
RIP Chinedum
Your family will so miss you most especially your brother Emeka.
Emeka Epeagba, my heart goes out for you.
Take heart.
dunt know why linda hates to post ma comments. this fat thing can get really frustrating en we just need to be careful on the things we take into our systems. Handsome dude just got knocked down to death by chinese tea. wish him internal rest
Real pity for him, all he needed looking at him I can tell was to hit the gym, even if it means buy two bags of cement with a bench in his backyard, Pam the weight bro, the fat in his chest will turn to muscle and he will be finer for it, what a cute guy. Michael ph
The report stated ''TOO MUCH''. Chinese slimming herbs are safe, and you get them easily here in London, but just like any medication, you have to stay within the stipulated dose. If they are not safe, the British governemnt wont let them into the country. They have have subjected to rigorous laboratory test, and they confirm to standard. Even a simple drug like Panadol, taken in excess can kill. I read a report some years ago of a lady who committed suicide with an overdose of Panadol.
Maybe in a desperate bid to lose weight, he took too much.
Wat d hell r u writing? Is it a crime to write words in full. Oga ooo
Go for plenty water, fruits, veg and let's not forget exercise and eat less. Cut down on beef and eat chicken instead. It worked for me.
Pls wat of lipton tea?guess no side effect? cs â„“̊ do take it...pls help a sis
Can Someone kindly confirm if this product is SAFE and EFFECTIVE: "LIQUID SOFT-GEL GREEN TEA FAT BURNER" Does anyone know whether it is safe to take it please.
I hear u gr8 enzymes
Chinese green tea is absolutely safe,though most Nigerians import rubbish(which is usually cheap).pple should look out for NAFDAC number before consuming anything.
dabebe is so hilarious,i cant hold back tears cos dis is unbelieveable.pple who hv not had encounter wif him wont know bt d fact remains that chinedu is a great,good man.nna je nke oma,ka chi foo nwannem.
Please please and please ...the so called chinese green tea fat burner is harmful to the body,I reside outside 9ja and use to tek this tea with my brother..I stoppd at a point Cos of the way it digests food so fast...my brother continued using it Cos it burns fat and he was trying to slim down....before we knw it he started loosing strength and was weak we rushed him to hospital by 9pm and 4am he is dead....his friend that he introduced to the same tea died two months after my brothers death,so I advice everyone to please stop teking this so called chinese tea....I still have the pack of the one dat took my bro and his frnd for prove anytime anyday.....the same tea!!!
You guys should stop worrying ur self take tea or not you gonna die someday
the guy looks gay. he carved his eyebrows and used eye pencil
There is no real proof that he was killed by the tea, as a post mortem was not carried out. That being said,some products are harmless on their own,but could be very dangerous when combined with certain foods or medicines. Also,the prolonged use of anything is unsafe. I have had excellent result using a certain Chinese slimming coffee.Just don't use them for too long. Cheers
There is no real proof that he was killed by the tea, as a post mortem was not carried out,or was it? That being said,some products are harmless on their own,but could be very dangerous when combined with certain foods or medicines. Also,the prolonged use of anything is unsafe. I have had excellent result using a certain Chinese slimming coffee.Just don't use them for too long. Cheers
Let us blame those who make fun of fat people. Fat people should shun weight loss products and lose weight naturally unless you are dying of obesity and other methods have failed. Anyway, Chinese teas can damage your organs so see your medical doctor before you drink it.
Look at photo 2: it looks like he had boobs and should have had surgery and medication to stop boobs growing back. He did not need slimming tea because he was not fat.
"Consult a qualified Medical laboratory Scientist to determine your state of health for his/her advise.Ikechukwu(Pathologist)"
ANONYMOUS September 10, 2013 at 4:17 PM - Ikechukwu, please stop misleading the public, a PATHOLOGIST is a SPECIALIST MEDICAL DOCTOR not a lab scientist.
Real Pathologist
Such a fine guy.
What a waste.
Slimming Products
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